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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3216320 No.3216320[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>What is it
Fun little python Llama giver I found on github: https://github.com/KishanBagaria/dAbot

I got about 200 watchers the last time I ran this, but because you can only give llamas once it's a good idea not to run this unless:
a) your art is good. Llama =/= follows if you draw like shit
b) you are willing to get banned -- I got at least one notification for having a suspicious pattern of logins (I stopped using the bot after that) and a quick google shows a bunch of people getting permabanned off dA for botting. The script is also dumb as fuck and will run until it hits the spam filter (risky as fuck), with low delays for the next set of llama sendings (recommended to change the timeout in dAbot.py), with no configurable delay within llama sending (it will literally send about 10 in less than a second - obviously no attempt to make this look humanlike at all)
c) Are willing to put up with the fact that it dies everytime your internet hiccups and the fact that you need to leave your computer on to run this. I recommend putting this on a headless server, I ran this on a seedbox under screen -s

>Instructions for installation
Pip must obviously be installed to run the bot
If you are technological noob install dAbot in C:\Python27\Scripts if using windows and cd to the directory, eg:

cd C:\Python27\Scripts
Before running the commands if you can't be bothered/are too dumb to add python to the path. Newly added members of the group are obviously given llamas first unless you --reversed.

>> No.3216323
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>> No.3216324
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>not Asuka

>> No.3216325

That's pathetic. When will /ic/ learn there is such a thing about followers vs TRUE FANS? The moment you begin to sell yourself you'd be lucky 3% of your following gives a shit about you.

>> No.3216331

I highly doubt that anyone who draws like shit is going to get any watchers anywa, but at least it is more hands off than spamming art into groups.

>> No.3216332

More followers = more chances for real fans = more shares/likes/retumbleets = more exposure = more followers = more chances for real fans = MORE MONEY

>> No.3216333

>more chances for real fans

>> No.3216378

dahub > botting...

>> No.3216513

Can you make a retard-proof step by step instruction on how to make this work op?

>> No.3216820
File: 411 KB, 696x400, 1483768083464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mostly exactly the same as the installation from that Pokemon Go map at the start of the year (or any python script.)

1. Download and install https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2712/
either https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.12/python-2.7.12.amd64.msi
if 64bit or
if 32 bit
You can look at one of those pokemon go guides if you want to fix the env variable https://rocketmap.readthedocs.io/en/stable/basic-install/windows.html
You should have installed pip, well just do this in case.
Visit https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
It's a page full of text
Hit ctrl+s
Go to the Download folder in your computer and double click get-pip.py. Do not touch anything, allow the command window to do its job and disappear.
3. Open https://github.com/KishanBagaria/dAbot
Click Clone or Download: the green button. Hit download zip.
4. Unzip dAbot-master
5. Paste the unzipped folder dAbot-master into C:\Python27\Scripts\
Open command prompt
cd C:\Python27\Scripts
into command prompt and then hit enter. Leave command prompt open
You will now be inside the scripts folder where pip is located and we have made extra sure that pip knows where the dabot installation files are.
7. Now into your command prompt window type
pip install dAbot
and hit enter if that doesn't work type
python -m pip install dAbot
and hit enter

To give llamas:
cd C:\Python27\Scripts
2. then type
dAbot USERNAME PASSWORD llama give -v group_members GROUPNAME
So if your username is Rick and your password is deviantart and you want to give llamas to the group https://animedeviants.deviantart.com/
Then type
dAbot Rick deviantart llama give -v group_members animedeviants
If you want to stop giving llamas and try a new group or something you can either close the cmd window or press ctrl+c and type your new command. Rest of the commands https://github.com/KishanBagaria/dAbot
Enjoy your watchers

>> No.3216908

what do these things even do

>> No.3217136

Llamas are just likes for your profile. It's the fact that to return them people have to view your profile that they have any value whatsoever. Obviously if you have great art, people end up clicking on your page and watching you, which is why this bot works.

>> No.3217137

I have a Spartan llama badge on my account