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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 189 KB, 496x368, 1496611988239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3204016 No.3204016 [Reply] [Original]

Are straight lines and "line confidence" a meme? Everyone I see on jewtube starts with a scribbly as fuck layer and works from there.

>> No.3204018

Yeah to inexperienced artfags like you. Might as well be blind.

>> No.3204049

With "scribbles", you should be drawing form, not contour. Cleanup/inking is when you do the contour.

>> No.3204062

So scribbling to feel the form is a thing

>> No.3204111

You mean sketching? P sure that's a thing people do.

>> No.3204250

Yeah but just how far can you take it? Is doing pure scribble okay?

>> No.3204343

>Are straight lines and "line confidence" a meme?
yes it is anon
keep doing shitty retarded lineart
i unironically want more millenials to be shitty at lineart so i will have more job

>> No.3204344 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 350x500, 1496148851650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why /ic/ is mega shit. So many of you stupid faggots are concerned about "competition" when you're never going to make it anyways.

>> No.3204345

neither you

>> No.3204347

Learn English Paco. You'll never get a job like that.

>> No.3204360


Doing anything without being conscious about it is NOT OKAY.

Other than that you can do whatever THE FUCK you want to do. Scribbles, straight lines, circles. As long as it works.

>> No.3204406

Since I draw traditionally, I try to be as clean as possible every step of the way. I still do a light underdrawing and ghost around the paper before I make any darker marks.

I don't think it's absolutely necessary but it does make me more efficient. I also do the KJG route sometimes, direct drawing is probably the most fun way to draw despite the difficulty.

>> No.3204420

FEEL the form. There is no wrong way to do gesture ANALYZE it, dont just copy

>inb4 retard
Vilppu says this and also no rules just tools

>> No.3204426

>There is no wrong way to do gesture

Technically a certain technique is good for one thing vs the goals of another technique. So while there isn't a right or wrong way, you wouldn't want to scribble like a flipping retard if you need to aim for accuracy.

>> No.3205163

>There is no wrong way to do gesture
you havent read a single book on this, thats 100% wrong. stop giving advice

>> No.3205190


Try to scribble your way into inking a drawing with long flowing lines, dipshit.

>> No.3205223

Line confidence is important if you're doing lineart.
Things like painting, thumbnailing, a basic sketch, gestures, etc... it doesn't matter.
during the sketchphase it just look like a hot blob of literally shit, because the goal isn't the actually draw the thing in the sketchphase, its to get something down so your mind and eyes can match and project something onto paper. By making that "scribbly" mess they're building a figure that looks good to them.
If you're just doing random scribbles without any form building then its just going to be a bunch of scribbles, but if you're scribble while looking at it to make forms in your head then it helps the later construction of what you actually want to draw.

>> No.3205239


Well, it depends on the style of painting. Painting thin lines with a small brush is not much different than inking.

>> No.3205245

Fair, but the digital painting people are used to here tends to be broader with detailed rendering rather than detailed brushstrokes.
And while its important for rendering, rendering is more based on how long you can ctrl+z before shooting yourself.

>> No.3205431
File: 45 KB, 235x243, vu5tBb9g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you do gesture wrong? Genuinely curious I'm currently trying to up my gesture game.

In my opinion confident lines are not about how they look, it's about your mindset while doing it, you need to think about where you want to put the line before you actually put it, this will just make you a better artist in general, you'll learn more, your shit will look cleaner, it's all win win. Sure scribbling is sometimes good for exploring and for difficult poses and such, but it's just a bad habit, scribbling makes you more prone to not thinking while drawing, and it's hard to start doing clean lines all of a sudden if you always scribble, on the other hand if you always do clean lines, switching to scribbling is a no brainer.
Also nobody ever says "wow i love this guy's sketches! they are so dirty and unconfident!", think about it.

>> No.3205433

>I'm shit
>Here's my opinions!
/ic/ in a nutshell

>> No.3205436


>> No.3205443

Who said I was shit? I just said I wanted to improve. Regardless of how good I might be, I've been doing gestures a long time and I know the pitfalls of scribbling pretty well. Also the pic I posted is not my work btw, it's just fitting.

>inb4 post work

>> No.3205445

Sorry, I can't take anyone who draws on lined paper seriously.

>> No.3205446

There's a few indicators of seeing a newbie post
>I'm trying to
>in my opinion
>your mindset
>bad habit
>obvious misconceptions about what the topic they're talking about is actually about
>posting bad work then saying its not actually their, but appending it with the fact they're not actually going to post their art because they know they're going to get called out on it and want to preemptively avoid embarrassing themselves.

>> No.3205447

>I've been doing gestures a long time
Could have fooled me.

>> No.3205452

Go ahead and point out what's wrong about what I said.

>> No.3205457

Its not necessarily wrong but its not right either, its extremely vague and points out the obvious which shows that you're still a newbie.
>its good sometimes.. but not always.. because if you only do that and never do this other thing you'll other be good at that.
plus anyone who says
>always do clean lines
is fucking retarded.
other such things
>if you're not messy your art will look cleaner
no shit? you're a genius.
>wow i love this guy's sketches! they're so dirty and unconfident
naturally you don't hear someone use words with negative connotations toward something they like. and naturally anyone good is going to have some confidence, but there's a difference between know what you're doing and always having "confident lines" if you look at many amazing artists starting their images they don't start with confident linework, they start with a blob of nonsense that makes sense to them.

but regardless.
why would you even save such a shitty gesture if it wasn't your own? are you just in the habit of saving bad images from the /beg/ thread for shits and giggles?

>> No.3205468

good thing im studying medicine and art is only a hobby

>> No.3205483

My point was that trying to do clean lines is better than giving up and just scribble, not trying to say you should always do clean lines, that is retarded, just being in the habit of trying to do clean and confident lines is more beneficial for you as an artist.

Either way, fair enough, at least now you are actually challenging what I said instead of just dismissing it because of a reaction image.
Look, I'm not a pro, I don't have decades of experience, I'm still trying to figure things out myself, take what I said with a grain of salt, that's it. I said it was my opinion, not facts.

>why save such a shitty gesture

I just thought the words beside it made it relatable.

>> No.3205546

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TJKQI1pDUU ;

>> No.3206248

If it works for you then yes. No rules just tools. Some people scribble in forms because it helps them visualize a gesture in 3D. Some people like using basic shapes to create gesture and build off of that. What is important is that you are able to create contours without scribbles.

>> No.3206256
File: 250 KB, 1441x906, zwoT4MZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also nobody ever says "wow i love this guy's sketches! they are so dirty and unconfident!", think about it.

Yes they fucking do. Seeing an artists process is way more important than studying their finished work. Sketches can be much more appealing than a finished product.

>> No.3206263

>Sketches can be much more appealing than a finished product


>> No.3206537

whoa look at all that chicken scratching

>> No.3206538

Nice chicken scratches

>> No.3206542

>Sketches can be much more appealing than a finished product.

>> No.3206663

I think he means informative instead of appealing, or interesting from the perspective of another artist trying to learn something.

>> No.3206687
File: 20 KB, 541x288, B0A9G6fIQAA7wBW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the sketch it doesn't matter how messy you are as long as you can see where you want your final lines to be. But when you go over it you have to be confident where you're going to place your lines. This is all assuming you're doing a sketch and then a final drawing over it. By confident lines he just means you're sure about what you want your line to look like and don't take too long. Because if you hesitate your lines come out shaky. It''s not a meme.

>> No.3206790

Liking sketches because they show their process is different from liking sketches specifically because they are dirty, which is what I meant.
Show me an artist who does awful chicken scratching and scribbling while managing to make it appealing and I will admit I was wrong.
The sketches you showed are somewhat dirty but nowhere close to what I mean, and they are appealing because they show a good sense of form, not because of the lines.

>> No.3206797

Didn't Edward Hopper had an amazing etchings compared to the paintings he did?

>> No.3209667

Line confidence isn't just about straight lines.

There's nothing wrong with throwing out several exploratory, overlapping lines.

The difference between that and chicken scratch is they're messy lines drawn with confidence, while chickenscratch is an attempt to draw a clean line with hesitation.

There's a big difference between scratching out hairy lines to gradually build the shape and being able to throw the line. That's like casting a fishing line, looking to see what you can get.

>> No.3209981


That's not chickenscratching. You're fired, fuck off back to the airborne.

>> No.3210971

Doing confident lines from the very start is what gave Tumblr its cancerous art style.
Your base sketch should be 100% scribble.

>> No.3213626

I think that was ironic ? OP was talking about scribbly af and first posted sketches are this.

>> No.3213664
File: 411 KB, 2000x1399, 065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken scratch is awful by all means.
not the best example by franquin, but he likes his drawings dirty. Please don't tell me that you meant to challenge people to prove you obvious shit isn't shit

>> No.3213674


shit like this "box" schematic bullshit is a very modern invention and contributed to the dead, bland look of modern comic books. it's nothing, it's completely soulless ….

but do as you please. if you need schematic boxes, spheres and measuring to get anatomy right, maybe you don't have an eye for these things or talent to begin with.

>> No.3213792

You must have been in the "art game" too long. It's very common for people to prefer sketches over finished pieces because sketches generally have more energy.

>> No.3213794

>>3213674 (YOU)
>>3213674 (Thee)

>> No.3213806


>> No.3213818
File: 108 KB, 600x600, cocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not chicken scratch.

>> No.3213834

You example literally proves it's chicken scratch