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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 311 KB, 1280x1809, 247677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3202525 No.3202525 [Reply] [Original]

Colors can carry 90% of a drawing, is this true?

>> No.3202529

If we're talking strictly about a pretty straightforward lineart-to-colors kind of process,

Bad color can turn a great drawing into hot garbage,
but good color can't make a shit drawing look brilliant. (Maybe in rare cases, but I don't know many.)

>> No.3202530

>that right leg

>> No.3202548

I feel like this is mostly true with shit jap art

>> No.3202563

That some sexy spooky skeleton you got there

>> No.3202569

Hope those colors carry this drawing far away from me.

>> No.3202572

colors can carry 100% of a painting, actually
then we call it a 'painting'

>> No.3202575

Depends on how fucked up everything else is. Overall normies are prone to praise anything done in colour much higher even if the base of the drawing, like anatomy, perspective and what not is off as compared to uncoloured drawings.

Also depends on the quality of the colouring.

>> No.3202576
File: 172 KB, 403x303, The TRUTH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3202588

forget that leg shes missing her shoulders!

>> No.3202598

You do realize there is drawing in painting too, right?

>> No.3202604
File: 812 KB, 1575x1121, E989252C-F170-4D55-A8B5-B4ADFC4E33C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>w-will she live doctor?

>> No.3202626

this should be used as evidence for the anime fags that think learning anatomy is pointless

>> No.3202633

Why? There are just as many terrible realism fags who can't into anatomy.

>> No.3202648
File: 2.92 MB, 500x333, 1463268241907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's why it's called painting
Holy shit

>> No.3202679


>> No.3202688

and you do realize thats never shown right so who gives a shit

>> No.3202782

thats the sad part.

painting is so inferior to proper line art. its sad that we don et the see proper art and instead have to look at relative polished turd

>> No.3202831
File: 93 KB, 669x648, poles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not absorbing superior comic art
>not embracing painted comics

>> No.3202852

Colors do a lot of carrying, not a lot but it's there.
With animation, if something looks too fast or some squash and stretch look "too" stretchy, coloring will hide these issues very well (slowing down the image and making the stretch not so stretchy).

Why color does this? Cause use humans are dumb dumb and brain registers funny.

>> No.3202883

I read this post maybe 6 times and I still don't know what point you're trying to make

>> No.3202938



superior comic art is art with great story telling and rythem.
both painted shit and glorious line art can do it. one does it more gloriously and less laborously with more energy, more precisly, and more sustainbly.

>> No.3203458

what a legend

>> No.3203848

how do you set up ps for drawing? i liek to do pencil sketches on paper but ps is being stubborn.

>> No.3204067

You don't know what drawing is

>> No.3204084
File: 30 KB, 450x450, cheeto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3204090

not true i rated it 6/10

>> No.3204097

It's true. So how do I get better at colors because my drawing is shit.

>> No.3204131

Depends what you mean by carry.
Colors are far more beginner friendly, even something as simple as laying base colors down will increase beginners interest in your piece by a large amount.
You could have the best line work in the god damn world but most people won't give a shit until you sparkly nice colors on it.

>> No.3204132

Lazy Nezumi is a necessity.

>> No.3204260 [DELETED] 

Depends what you mean by colors. If we seperate colors from values, then values are 10x as important.

>> No.3204278

Depends what you mean by colours. If we seperate colours from values, then values are 10x as important. A work of visual art is fundamentally composition + values. I'd say colour is 1-5% of a painting, though sometimes it's the most important part (fauvism for example).

>> No.3204281



What can this mean?

>> No.3204315

A french term referring to a mix of apathy and an appreciation of the sweetness of life (honey=miel).

>> No.3205624

OP asked if colors can "carry" 90% of a drawing. I'm saying that that's not true, my point was this: Adding color is only going to be able to enhance what is already established by the drawing. It's not going to magically make your bad drawing "work".

If you feel like your color is carrying 90% of your drawing--get better at drawing.

>> No.3205634

and you dont know anything so.

>> No.3205667

Fucking 5 star post

>> No.3205691
File: 125 KB, 742x1286, c690d8040b8bb58e1169b091f1258ced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the overwhelming weight of her tiddies n ass cause the T8 - L3 sections of her spine to give out after a lewd power struggle for where gravity should pull all dat junk, her comparatively anorexic frame too powerless to resist
>as she lay there paralyzed and dying all she can wheeze is "arigato, raita-san"

Life as a raita girl must be suffering.

>> No.3205705

Post more for my studies

>> No.3205709
File: 512 KB, 1280x1797, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute fuck retarded anatomy that I fap to anyways because I like the brown one. How do japs do it

>> No.3205722

color and value, and many other elements, are separate things

>> No.3205725
File: 93 KB, 500x500, tumblr_oxri6htKd71qbznxho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're such a joker. Wow
>retarded anatomy
proportions, autist

>> No.3205727

What is even the point of this post

>> No.3205733
File: 222 KB, 1000x1486, 7ca31f2cd5fbcb55a004612dec7a04d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean he's not even bad, at his level all he need was sit the fuck down and study anatomy for a week.

>> No.3205732
File: 86 KB, 509x501, omnom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is even the point of this shit thread? "Colors can carry 90% of a drawing" is bullshit that OP took out of his ass. There is nothing to discuss.

>> No.3205736

What's wrong with his anatomy?

>> No.3205737

Your brain is missing

>> No.3205738

It's just a stylistic choice.

>> No.3205741

No. Can you explain why his anatomy is bad?

>> No.3205744
File: 389 KB, 673x510, 1447961441837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these assholes making fun of based Raita

He's made it jelly fags, he got to draw porn AND still got highered by SEGA to design TWO games, Said fuck it went back to doing porn

>> No.3205908

this is edited from a drawing of a centuar you fucking pleb

>> No.3205941


>> No.3205947

Nothing wrong with his anatomy. This faggot here >>3205737 is just trying to sabotage begs from all over by encouraging them to be another cookie cutter proko wanna be.

>> No.3205959

>Nothing wrong with his anatomy

I don't know who's trolling who anymore

>> No.3206776

Why does her left shoulder look so weird? I can see it's kind of incorrect, but i cant figure out what exactly it is and what he was thinking..?