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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3190653 No.3190653 [Reply] [Original]

Got a confession that's art related or affects your art? Need to get something off your chest and maybe get advice on it?

Post here.

This thread is being made to give advice and keep blogposts contained.

>> No.3190659

99% of art posted on /ic/ that is supposed to be representational or from observation/photos is done without patience or care, and it shows.

People need to spend a lot longer on one drawing and learn how to render values accurately.

>> No.3190693

>75% of the "art" here is simply young teens and adult shut-ins jerking off on paper. Which is why most threads aren't worth responding to, unless you're jerking off on paper yourself.
>5% of the posts are try hards bragging about their tablet or fountain pen
>10% of the posts here are trolls doing the crab bucket because "hurr derrrr"
>5% of the posts here are from seriously broken, depressed, needy motherfuckers who just want to post despair and agony.
>4% of the posters here are actually trying to be artists
>1% are professionals or advanced artists trying to help the 4%.

>> No.3190746

>>319065 how the fuck does anyone come home fucking exhausted from work\school and then spend all their free time grinding away to get better . Seriously after drawing for 30-40 mind straight im already about to fucking collapse

>> No.3190790

Don't force things, amigo.

Practice, but enjoy it.

>> No.3190793

i only come here to tell people they're good and should keep drawing
im a terrible artist and i hate myself. ive been considering suicide for a while now and i don't know if i should go through with it

>> No.3190965
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I hate this board and i dont know why I come here. 75% of the time no one replies to my posts and thats okay I have a friend who is way more help than this board ever will be. Im basically just in it to trigger all the shitter here who help no one. I want everyone here to succeed but you people need to find another way besides this board. No one here wants to help you only bring you down (/beg/ containment thread) and keep you there.

>> No.3190968

I feel the same way. I've developed some kind of stockholm syndrome with this board where I automatically think /ic/ is right and my art is shit but now I'm starting to realize this board is mean af.

>> No.3190988

I found a way to use this board efficiently for my own ego and further my own learning path. I consider myself beg yet I never posted any of my art here despite being here for 1 year. By discoursing with the regulars, I learned way more things in theory than from solely reading instructive books. It's like doing a revision of what I've learned, quite useful really. Although I don't draw, I try to give advice from times to times to begs of a lower than mine and feel good about it. After a month or two I got bored and tried to give critiques and recommendations in /draw/, /book/ and /alt/ thread, and never once somebody rebutted against my critiques, despite myself never posting in any of these threads. I use this mainly as an exercise to reinforce my learning of fundies through "critiques", and it happens like a game to me lying in wait for somebody to point out my "bad" critiques. For all these 6 months nobody noticed so I think that I must've trained my critical eye pretty much. The only time I ever lay down from the board for a few months was engaging with some shitposters about some crappy ic meme. Now I've learned my lesson to not ever engage in such discussions and hide threads.

Anyway, I feel good "helping" people for my own learning path and ego, even though it isn't the best of the interest for you guys. I've learned much doing this and doing this encouraged me to finish 5 art books in 6 months. So I must say that I'm grateful for you all giving this opportunity to me. Because in order to help people, I must be informed about how to do that no? Thanks to that mindset I've now managed to absorb 90% of the art books I've been running through.

>> No.3190991

thats because everyone is expected to be aiming for "digital Michelangelo", not "good enough to hire"

>> No.3190994

>Tfw the client throws more money as a tip
Idk if I should feel good or worry that I may be underpricing...

>> No.3191084

How do I come to terms with not being able to draw

>> No.3191086

I got into art because I wanted to learn to draw ponies and now I feel like it's holding me back creatively.

>> No.3191129

I'm afraid I don't have what it takes to be an artist. Every time I draw for more than 8 hours I burnout for weeks or months.

>> No.3191131

Also, here's the schedule I'm trying to keep. If Dave Rapoza can do it, why I can't?

>> No.3191132
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goddamit I'm an idiot.

>> No.3191176

Just found out the Blizzard Student Contest is restricted to US and Canadian University Students only, I'd been looking forward to it all year. Feel like complete shit.

I guess I could just do a project based on it for my portfolio regardless.

>> No.3191180

I desperatley want to be good at drawing not because it's fun but because I just want to be good. But learning new things and practicing them isn't enjoyable, and I get angry when I draw shit(which is usually all the time) so I never improve.

>> No.3191184

Try to hang in there. Shits hard but life is in a interesting time. Stick around and see it

>> No.3191196

How to i tackle my video game addiction?
I have been taking my studies seriously for 1 1/2 years now. I had a great routine where i did 5 hours a day, 6 days a week for my first year, and i had some great improvements. Lately though, i have been wasting my time with video games again.

I`m in a very fortunate situation where i have the next 2 years fully financed and i have all the time in the world to focus on my studies. Why the fuck wont i do it? Why do i feel the need to 100% final fantasy 12 all of a sudden? That game sucks. Why do i need to play gwent for 4 hours a day now? Why do i watch streamers in my free time? I don`t even have fun doing it anymore, and yet i still get excited for new video game releases every single time, just to get bored with the game after 2 days and force myself to 100% it.

I`ve been thinking about just selling all of my consoles and games, but i can`t bring myself to it. I know that when i would cut video games entierly from my life that i would be able to become so much better in these 2 years, but i need to tackle this problem NOW.

Anyone been in a similar situation? Any advice?

>> No.3191199

By growing up. Video games are a huge waste of time.

>> No.3191203

Why does it have to be 8 hours? Do you have some sort of time limit to become a great artist? Do you need that job at [prestigious game/movie studio] or spot at [prestigious art school]? Is the competition and stress really worth it?
Ever thought going freelance or being independent? What is your end goal?

Find a balance in studying /free time that fits you. The important thing is that you do your hours regulary.

>> No.3191213

You learn things a lot better by articulating it, and there is no better way to articulate it than to teach it to somebody else.

>> No.3191219

Recently I logged into my CGP account and noticed I joined the site in 2014. I looked through all the torrents I downloaded and then the realization hit me that I basically felt like I wasted 4 years of my life trying to get good at art. I frequented /ic/ in 2013 when I decided to drop out of community college for computer science to do art after finding out you can do it for a living (actually, this is a lie I kind of knew I could have done art for a living because I frequented the CA forms when I was a kid..in 2007 but I forgot all about trying to make it as an artist because I wanted to be a mangaka and basically those dreams were crushed because basically you can't so I gave up the dream of being an mangaka pro but I still drew as a hobby until I found /ic/ long run on sentence...).

I had all those torrents. All that material to get good but no direction on how to train. So I wasted all of 2014 on vilppu. Then 2015 I wasted time doing (((requests))) on deviantart but I remember having fun doing it but at the same time I felt like I was getting taken advantage of for free work and basically I sucked. At the same time I remember joining a skype group on /ic/ and I drew more but only to impress my friends ( I consider them friends maybe? Only like one or 2 people...the rest I felt like they hated me whenever I talked and one person basically was trying to set me up to fail after unfriending me.) I noticed at this time I actually got better but I still sucked and my art still felt like a kids high school scribble.

Then in 2016 I tried to draw a lot. I joined las to draw a lot and I really improved. But compared to other people they leapfrog over me 300 miles. I always ask myself how did they do it. How did they train. I want to draw a lot but I don't know how to train myself in a regime.

This year to now I basically stagnated and I'm just the same as I was at the start of the year but with some slightly increased knowledge.

>> No.3191220


It is only now that I have realized how to go about studying and also realizing it will take 10 to 15 years to get to where I want to be. I'm just surprised my autism is strong enough not to have given up. I guess I get that trait from my mom as she seems like a hard worker, still learning. /endmyventing

>> No.3191221

>But compared to other people they leapfrog over me 300 miles. I always ask myself how did they do it

I recommend the book "Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise"
It`s basically 2 guys who studied the best of the best to see what made them great.
Spoiler: It`s 90% about HOW they study. Studying correctly is something you can actively learn.

>> No.3191228

My only motivation for drawing is to create tons of porn for characters I like and drawfag on other boards to make people happy but I feel like those goals are too shallow and weak.

>> No.3191230

Dude, you make people cum. You literally make people feel the best they could possibly feel on a regular basis. How many people can say that about themselves?
And as long as you are having fun, and try to improve, there is absolutely nothing wrong with what you are doing.

>> No.3191242

There's nothing wrong with having drawing porn as your main force of motivation, just stop going to drawthreads, most of the people that browse those threads are leeches that have been at it for years and will never have genuine positive opinions about your work.

>> No.3191243

thanks for the recommendation

>> No.3191284

>You literally make people feel the best they could possibly feel on a regular basis
How wrong are you? Wasting a great talent/skill for fleeting carnal pleasures is an insult to anyone that's ever achieved anything great with drawing.

>> No.3191289


>> No.3191290

i would say 30 mins of your time should be dedicated to improving and learning new skills

any more than that should just be for fun

unless youre working on a project that has a deadline

>> No.3191291

how often does this happen?

>> No.3191307

I'm not student or anything. I'm just a neet and I feel a lot of pressure because I live with my family (7 people). It's been 3 years since I dropped from high school and all my other opitions are gone. If I can make at least a minimum wage with my art I would be pretty satisfied. 8 hours is the minimum I want to draw. But the ultimate goal is 14 hours.

>> No.3191380

>not going for "just a quick sketch before bed, lol :)" beside your fully rendered 10h worth of time spend picture
i hate those with a passion

>> No.3191473

>Have the tendency to suddenly feel nothing but hatred towards my art, leading to me deleting my current art blog and vanishing into thin air
>Finally made a porn blog months ago
>Have fun for a while
>End up running out of ideas
>Only requests I get nowadays seem like they are written by underages, for example "Hi can you draw this lady from the new cartoon getting her boobies banged? thank you"
>Get the urge to delete my blog and vanish into thin air again

What should I do?

>> No.3191474

I do most of my digital art on 3000×5000 pixels and shrink down to roughly 900 x 1000. I didn't realise the whole time that anything around 3000 was considered small in the 2010's.

>> No.3191498

same, desu anything bigger terrifies me

>> No.3191525 [DELETED] 

99% of /ic/ is people doing too much study's and then not applying that knowledge from imagination which means they don't learn anything.

Copying is great but if you aren't looking at that study critically and seeing how it can be transferred to imagination then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.3191533

this is the first time actually
When should i worry?

>> No.3191537

i start drawing porn halfway threw get horny and jerk off dont feel like drawing anymore

>> No.3191545 [DELETED] 

Most people on /ic/ are too caught up with a how to get good quick scheme then they don't put the motivation in.

The other group is people who start becoming jaded about there work and lose all motivation.

Stop trying to be good fast and learn to enjoy the process. Anybody worth there salt probably doesn't like their own work but you need to find enjoyment in drawing otherwise it's pointless to continue.

If that means getting off of /ic/ for a while then so be it. Personally I don't come on /ic/ much since I put tons of pressure on myself as is so I can always see why my art looks shit and how to fix it.

>> No.3191715

Draw seven hours instead anon. Burning out for weeks or months will lose you a lot more time in the long run.

>> No.3191721

>Im basically just in it to trigger all the shitter here who help no one

get off this board and stop shitting it up

>> No.3191740

I was much happier drawing before trying to become popular. Now that I'm actually trying to market myself, all my failures are becoming apparent and I realize that I have no idea what I'm doing. The tiny accomplishments that used to make me excited now just feel meaningless.

I'm going to keep drawing but it makes me feel like shit now. Maybe things will be better a year from now.

>> No.3191910
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>Have shit health
>Myriad of problems, one problem is that I can't digest fat properly
>Have to watch fat content like hawk
>Slip once
>Have something with high fat
>Get fat-filled cysts by eyes
>They cover forehead
>They cover cheeks
>They cover neck

Anyway... Because of one poor choice I can barely see proper line. They're closing up my eyes, and I can't draw for shit. EVERYTHING LOOKS LIKE A SMEAR BRUSH

Medical attention has been taken, but unless I want a completely scarred face I have to live with these things for a while.

>> No.3192312
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>What should I do?
It is useful that you are emotionally invested in art. When it comes to the frustration, I'm curious to know if its perhaps something separate from your skills, in my experience it tends to be your experiences more than the art itself.
Have you noticed that you feel better when improving?

When you notice how the unintentional is a part of life, then you can slowly enjoy the process again. Don't think of how you will be popular one day, consider instead the small accomplishments, they always add up.

>> No.3192335

>Have you noticed that you feel better when improving?

I haven't really given it any thought before, but I think I do end up getting frustrated at my art whenever I'm hit with a wave of self-hatred, which makes me feel critical about everything I do.

I genuinely do feel better whenever I compare my newer works to my old ones, and I notice that I have an easier time drawing certain things that I wasn't good enough to try out back then.

Thank you, Rossanon. Your post has made me think more about my art

>> No.3192583

damn, that really sucks

>> No.3193019

>tfw complaining fills me with motivation

>> No.3193169
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>severe social anxiety
>no friends
>occasionally comment in a few discord groups
>group therapy once a week with slow progress (sometimes can't even manage to do that)
>live off welfare
>Pretty much been like this for 5 years
It hurts.

I tell myself that making it is the only way to get out of this hell, but I'm not even sure anymore.

>> No.3193229

I missed the first few days of NaNoWriMo. Feels bad man. Now I'm behind.

>> No.3193245

Making art is my existence. But, I am going through an incredibly damaging period of depression, the worst I've ever experienced. And this time, I fear that it's forever and really has changed me as a person. It's clinical and nothing caused it, I don't think. I'm just mentally ill. Anyway, this time, it makes it impossible for me to make art. Because I can't feel any emotion now. I have interest in nothing. My soul is gone. So, I'm like a robot now. And when I try to make art, I feel none of the lines I make, I don't know where to put anything, and I have nothing to express or care about in the first place. It's terrible and boring and empty and dead. I've lost it all. I don't know what I can do. I wish I could still make art, but it's just not there anymore. I'm completely broken. I don't know what to do. I want to be killed.

>> No.3193351

I've wanted to be a cartoonist since I was 5 and I been drawing for what seems like most of my life. However, I hate myself for shrugging off the basics when I was in high school and not paying attention more in class because now I have to learn the basics all over again. While I don't know if I'll ever make it in the industry I''m fine just drawing for myself and things I like, and I think if I keep following this path that eventually my work will leave an impact on someone that will hire me.

>> No.3193394

I can't draw dynamic figures. How the fuck am I going to pull off a comic?

>> No.3193402
File: 449 KB, 3311x2436, 1503555269086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I may have posted this before but this image speaks volumes

>> No.3193458

>No arrow to leave failure

>> No.3193484

i can't stop drawing centaurs
i can't stop thinking about centaurs

>> No.3193627

Is there any way to contact you?

I want to talk. Been dealing with the same issues since childhood. I don't know anyone with severe SA.

>> No.3193629

I've set up a temporary email I can send you my discord from
just send a mail to

>> No.3193657

Sent a message from a temp mail
I don't have discord account but might make one eventually, hope we can talk a little

>> No.3193667

Used to be able to draw rather well (for my age) when I was in elementary school. Stopped drawing until I had an art class in high school, during which the teacher was impressed by my ability and let me into the advanced class without having completed any prerequisites. Slacked off and again quit drawing until recently, in my late 20s, and am only now starting to take it seriously and develop my skills. I wish I hadn't wasted 20 years.

>> No.3193685

pretty much me but middle school i guess?(UKanon)
I'm 27 and just picking it back up, feels bad if I think how good I could have been by now.

>> No.3193693

I was reading an art book the other day and it gave me some encouragement to learn that Van Gogh did not take up art (drawing) until he was 27. He died at 37 so his entire output was from a period of only 10 years.

>> No.3193714

>i only come here to tell people they're good and should keep drawing

Well, that's at least one reason why you should stick around.

I've felt suicidal for many years, but this year I almost died from an aneurysm and was given a second chance to live. Something like that might happen to you, but even if it doesn't you shouldn't just throw your life away.

>> No.3193718

that feel when you make a thread asking for help and no one posts anything

>> No.3193740

>spend the last few months unable to draw because my dad is dying
>spend every waking moment taking care of him
>sometimes he asks why I don't draw anymore
>tell him I draw when he's asleep
>he becomes bed bound and stops eating
>tells me he wants to die already
>he dies in his sleep two weeks ago
>start drawing today to cheer myself up and make him proud
>post a drawing on /ic/
>everyone calls it bland shit
I missed you guys.

>> No.3193786


I'm sorry for your loss anon

>> No.3193802

Thanks, man.

>> No.3193804

you should make that story into a short comic

>> No.3193857
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I think I was happier before knowing about /ic/, I would just draw whatever dA-tier stuff I wanted and had fun, but nowadays the pressure makes it hard to even do anything, I'm like paralyzed. Had I not worried about fundies and such and continued drawing I'm sure I'd have become much closer to art in general than I am now. Sure I can spot errors in others' work and have higher standards than I did, but if that means being terrified about the thought of holding a pencil and just wasting my days consuming what other people create instead then I am not sure if it was any worth it to begin with.

>> No.3193865

>Had I not worried about fundies and such and continued drawing I'm sure I'd have become much closer to art in general than I am now

Had you worried about fundies and continued drawing, you’d be even closer to art than that AND you’d be a hell of a lot better.

>> No.3193875

I'm glad to have found ic, I noticed 6 years ago when I've started to stagnate and despite drawing 4 hours per day the flaws are still present and never really gone(when i try really hard as in 10 hours on a drawing i could pass as an intermediate due to polishing turd and maxing my linework and rendering skills but i used "feeling the form" all the times without really understanding construction). ic is a goldmine of ressources, thanks ic. (been drawing seriously aka digitally for more than 12 years already)

I'm in the process of relearning right now and there is nothing else than joy doing this. I love dealing with perspective.

>> No.3193888

>post art
>one or two compliments
>nobody shitposts it
Feels good being middle-of-the-line mediocre

>> No.3193913

I used to really like working on my stuff at night
Just sipping a caffeinated beverage, listening to youtube, half the time not even working just having fun on the internet.

I was wondering why I don't like it anymore.

It probably has to do with the fact that night time is really lonely now. And drawing is not the same, my future is really on the line. And toiling on something like that while trying to ignore the bleakness, with the empty night as a backdrop - can get hard.

>> No.3193915

also today on 'wow i feel stupid':

Just sort of 'got' how to draw curves when drawing from a ref

I was gonna explain how its different or how it came to me but I can't. I just sound like I'm explaining in band-aids.

But I feel a lot better about drawing curves. They don't scare me anymore.

>> No.3194108

Same, but more like 10 years for me, and I don't even have group therapy. I live with my mom and have had a string of laughably unsuccessful relationships with both men and women. I'm also trans and don't even want to leave the house because of dysphoria.

Also I suffered a few strokes this summer and almost lost use of half my body. My cognitive functions are damaged, but I can still draw.

I was happy for a while that I was lucky enough to survive, but things are back to the same again (struggling to survive as a poorfag, feeling lonely 24/7) and I can feel the depression overwhelming me again.

> feel worthless because of my brain damage and pre-existing mental problems
> used to be really popular and successful on dA (selling lots of commissions too) but had my reputation ruined by trolls and had to disappear
> moved to tumblr to start over
> made some friends
> lost friends because of emotional instability
> get harassed and kinkshamed by tumblrina SJWs
> delete blog
> start new blog because tumblr has the best traffic and I'm hopelessly addicted to it
> posting new stuff but no one really notices

I know I shouldn't care what people think, and I should just post what makes me happy. Right now I'm trying to focus on improving, but I can't help but desire praise for my work because it's honestly the only source of attention I have.

>> No.3194121

>don't need to hear /pol/ shit
>listen to jap shitter stream
>my ears hear "turammpu" and go "nahh this shitter isn't talking about US politics
>"rayghan, kurinton"
>get angry and snap my nib
>now I have to reorder nibs

>> No.3194249

Check the inside of your pen. Don't some have extra nibs inside?

>> No.3194490


I actually forgot I had some black nibs stored away. Saved myself there, but black nibs aren't as good as the gray ones.

>> No.3194529

>want an art mentor
>don't have money to pay for that kind of service
>don't want to waste the time of anyone who would be willing to do it for free

>> No.3194719

What kind of art you want to do

>> No.3194736

Not really a confession, just some random thing I need to get off my chest:

> in art school
> whiteboard everywhere in the common area/open studio. Covers a lot of the walls.
> unlimited possibilities, tonnes of space to doodle and draw on
> one autist decides to draw crude porn everywhere
> it's really shitty
> draws the pubes, cum, huge veiny dicks, every fucking detail
> eventually these drawings take up a lot of the whiteboard space. Entire boards are covered in these drawings and it's impossible to miss. Often figures drawn are at 1:2 scale
> whoever is doing this never stops, the intensity of their drawings only increases during the school year

This whole thing still baffles me. How the fuck can someone be so dedicated to making these drawings? Why are they doing this on the public white boards? Why????

>> No.3194746

Perhaps he bombed their review to drum up some business? For some reason none of it makes sense.

>> No.3194840
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Man I understand that feel completely. Having a discord group or whatever can make things less lonely, I know a lot of good people on here have hangout groups which they draw and paint in together, but I still go to bed earlier to escape it a little.

>> No.3194843

The point is to never completely go there

>> No.3194856
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I try keeping this line of thought bottled up since thinking about it will only destroy me, but sometimes I feel like the only reason I'm pursuing art as a career is because I'm not good at anything else and have no potential to grow in any field besides art.
Of course I have my dreams/aspirations as an artist and like to think the love and passion I have for it is genuine, but the thought that I'm here because I don't care about literally anything else is a mentality that rubs me wrong and I feel is probably unhealthy.
I try telling myself I'm doing this cause I love art and want to make my comics, and I really do, but y'know, that first thought stays sitting in the back of my head none the less.

>> No.3194876

I probably won't ever get good enough to be pro, but I've calmed down a little about drawing. I'm having fun again.

>> No.3194921
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>tfw you said you'd submit a comic + illustration for a zine but only submit an illustration
why the fuck are comics so hard

>> No.3194926
File: 562 KB, 1632x918, WP_20161030_20_45_43_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get good at oil painting, so I paint lots of paintings when I have time. So now people are commissioning me to do drawings and I sold a painting. One person comes over to my house and sees my paintings. (I had him help me move my couch into my living room from the garage when I moved in here.) He says he likes all my paintings on the wall and proceeds to take his cell phone and take pictures of them. I had them on display in my living room, but that is rudeness. Anybody have experiences with people like that? A painting I sold.

>> No.3194928
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Sorry wrong pic, this is the finished piece that I sold.
My plan is to avoid inviting him and people like him over to the house. My inspirational works I have hidden away in a closet. When my folks came up I hid one of my 6 feet x 5 feet sized paintings.

>> No.3194930

No one thinks my stuff is cool enough to take pictures of.

>> No.3194932
File: 406 KB, 1632x918, WP_20150826_07_45_01_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is where I was at 2 years ago. This forms the bases for my new studies, and I can look here and see what mistakes I made. This one is called Autumn Park

>> No.3194934

Ur art is pretty gay ngl

>> No.3194940
File: 174 KB, 1554x2172, Yellow_S_fired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A study of Picasso's Woman in Yellow Sweater I painted 5 years ago.

Yes my art is going in different directions. Trying to figure out what sells and paint that.

Trying to get good and that takes practice. So I must paint more studies of the masters so I can quit the 9 to 5 job and sell paintings for a l;iving.

>> No.3194943

Hmm... I don't like this

>> No.3194952
File: 3.89 MB, 2860x2160, WP_20160918_21_07_35_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a big 30 x 40 still life in the style of the old masters.It is a banquet with all the foods I like to eat. Salmon, kale, apples, pears, garlic. Plus there is loads of symbolism in it. The time peace means it is timeless.
What style art do you prefer to have on your wall?

>> No.3194966

I don't hang stuff. I have like 3 art books though, 2 inoue ones and the yoshinari roughs.

>> No.3194974

Storyboarding/panelling just mentally drains me like nothing else. It's such a completely different skill to normal drawing.

>> No.3195036

In the same boat anons. My art teacher in highschool told my parents it would be a shame if I didn't pursue a career in art.

I haven't completed any artistic endeavour for 10 years. It's only the past couple of years I've decided I need to try and pick it back up again because I feel like shit.

I'm rusty but my skills are still there, they're just my 17 year old level which makes me get easily frustrated with myself and want to give up because I've squandered all those years.

Luckily I do design as my career so I get to be creative in my day-to-day life, but it's nowhere near the same feeling as drawing or painting.

>> No.3195090

I want to make comics

>> No.3195149

Anyone else ever think about going into medicine instead of continuing art? I like drawing and learning the structure of stuff, but I feel like I have no desire to create anything new or to be a photocopier. Since I'm moving on to a different career anyway and I'll get a lot of college paid for, it's probably more worth it to just work my way to med school while learning anatomy by drawing and then living through my child as I push them into what I couldn't do. I know most people here say to just go engineering, but I work on radar systems already and I really don't want to keep this up.

>> No.3195152

do NOT go into medicine unless you really really REALLY want to. it's a service and your heart really has to be in it. if you want to learn how to draw anatomy, med school is 100% not the place to do it.

>> No.3195155

>Implying there's time to draw during med school
please kill me

>> No.3195205

I've been procrastinating for a year and this board and art scares me

>> No.3195510
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I have trouble finishing art books, I owned and downloaded Loomis,Hampton,Hogarth,Gurney,etc but I've literally never finished a book. I'll get half way at best and move on to something else.

I've been drawing for a decade and I'm still beginning level because I can't finish anything. I rather draw from imagination but when I realize I need to improve certain skills, I know I need to go back to books but I never follow through.

I just want draw but to improve I have to read and study, so it makes it depressing.

thanks for reading my blog :(

>> No.3195554
File: 30 KB, 306x406, 31BCCC7900000578-3471488-Too_weird_The_28_year_old_s_flipped_eyes_and_lips_make_his_face_-m-34_1456862856014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its okay don;t worry too much on books i saw you think you have ADHD, I have it and understand how it is personally.

My process is that i draw what i like in life and art, like draw what you find appealing and letting it all mash up! forcing yourself to draw what you dont like isnt fun you know?

So imo all you really have to do in art is draw alot of what you like and you will improve and draw what you're happy with! over time too you get much better and improve at the things you don't like too (cause you know how to draw from life and you can draw it anytime).

Just make art fun.

>> No.3195584

Next time you starr an art book, instead of choosing to stop following, choose to finish it. If you choose to quit, acknowledge that you made that choice and acknowledge your responsibility for the consequences.

>> No.3195594
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>> No.3195619

How do I separate my enjoyment of drawing and posting my work from the "community" horseshit?

I was a pre-teen on dA and remember all the prick-waving contests among the popular artists. Now I'm back at drawing in my 20s and have run into drama of my own in /a/'s drawthreads. How do I block the bullshit out and just focus on doing work that people enjoy and I find rewarding?

>> No.3195626

Do your thing and stop giving dramafags attention. Hide their posts

>> No.3195631

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.3195646

just stop communicating and post your stuff with no comments

>> No.3195654
File: 221 KB, 1359x1979, BE5A2456-9711-4B61-A4EA-D7CEEF84CCC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riddle For Yiddles https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh1a7f_seGY

>> No.3195656
File: 161 KB, 1327x1187, A2057884-CCF6-41CF-A1B8-5AB30CC738BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just came

>> No.3195658

I just came

>> No.3195659 [DELETED] 

Make art it’s fucking hormones you dumb fucking fucker!

>> No.3195737
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>19 year old
>busy in yale university on non-art related degree
I've been self teaching fulltime everyday for 5 years and I'm still not as good as her, it hurts.

>> No.3195743

sometimes i want to die

>> No.3195744

Well yeah, she's smart, Asian and rich. She's also the annoying type to post about her life on twitter as well as her art. Always complaining about how she hates school and also talks with her parents. She's obviously been drawing for a long time as a kid, but doesn't believe an art career or her parents don't and so she goes to Yale even though she might not want to. She said wants to switch majors which is something only privileged people can do after all, no poorfag is going to have money for that. She's probably also really good at time management so she has time for work and play unlike some idiots who think being busy is 70% watching and 30% doing.

>> No.3195785

thanks anon I feel a bit better now, I have a completely different life situation from this girl so I shouldn't compare myself to her.

>> No.3195795


thanks guys

>> No.3195798

her 16 years old drawings are better than my whole drawings and I'm a 'professional' I guess I'm not pro anymore

>> No.3195826

you've been demoted to a hobbyist

>> No.3195847

If you're going to compare yourself to anyone, remember that while yes, they are better than you, it mostly comes down to mileage and/or experience.

Don't be too hard on yourself, we'll all get there eventually.

>> No.3196020

almost everything I have drawn the past year has been heavily referenced so I can get validation on Instagram. I'm autistic and have to focus on school or theirs no way I'll graduate. Started working to help single mom, have to get a drivers license, need to buy a car, need to sleep, etc. I just want to be able to draw but not having a high school diploma is actually a death sentence. Might just end up becoming a plumber or some shit and never marry or have kids so I can become a artist when I'm like 45. fuck

>> No.3196021

Get a tiny sketchbook and draw from life (or draw whatever's on your mind) when you get little 5 minute breaks.

If you have enough time to post on 4chan, you have enough time to gitgud. So gitgud.

>> No.3195988

I recently got rid of my comp at home and spread all my art supplies everywhere to get me to draw more. 3 months in so far, I find myself so tired after work that I just draw mindlessly. Like I improved, but I wish I can think more when I draw.

>> No.3196028

that's a good point, people always tend to think you draw in public for attention but I guess that's just something you have to deal with. Thanks!

>> No.3195992

Has anyone met insecure crazy artist in RL? Like I know this cute quiet girl who draws anime. Later only to find she stalks artist that are "her level" and has competitions with them to "defeat them". If the other artist post something nice she spirals in to depression and stops drawing. If they post something bad she looks down on them and spends most of her time shitting on other artist. Is this normal cause I'm back peddling rn

>> No.3196050

>first day of college some years ago
>pray everyday before hand that I meet a goth-bitch gf that draws
>I'm one of the first people in the room just waiting for people to arrive so I can make friends
>look who walks in
>very extravagantly 1800s dressed Goth girl with little/no piercings (can't remember) and white hair
>if you've played Momodora 4, she looks like Choir
>she sits down, whips out a sketch book and starts drawing really skilled furry stuff
>I'm absolutely shocked at this point, its like my exact wish was granted
>anxiety starts slapping me. I want to talk to her but I just can't
>this goes on for about a week.
>afterwards, never see her again
Turns out, she dropped out. I wasn't so much attracted to her looks, that was just the icing on the cake, but instead I really wanted to talk to her about drawing since she was so good. Sucks that I'll probably never have that chance again

>> No.3196056

She was probably insufferable

>> No.3196061

Why grant a wish only to take it away? Do we live only to suffer?

>> No.3196062

I like drawing and grinding but just i dont do it i dont know why? and it happens with everything in my life, i just put it on the side and play games all day with the sensation that a should be doing it

>> No.3196064

Gamers get me every time because they say the exact same things every time.

>> No.3196069

I just want to stop

>> No.3196146
File: 87 KB, 759x448, 1361887728883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 16
>was practicing drawing for 5-10 hours a day; training to become an animator
>decided to quit not because was sick of drawing, but because i wanted to get married more than anything in the world at that point and knew art school would lead to a 10 k salary
>be 19 now
>still single, /beg/-tier, and constantly think back to if i never decided i wanted to get married and not be dirt poor, and stuck to animating figures and anime girls for 10 hours a day, i would be Bahi level by now
>feel when trying to make it as comic artist; spend 90% trying to figure out what to write and draw than draw it; while animators are can have a full days worth of work just animating an arm moving
>i lie in bed at night with depressed and angry thoughts of not being a skilled artist, and how it would be me laughing at all the people who made of fun of me if i pursued animation than writing
>questioning why i enjoy animating more than comic writing; even though i think story telling is more important than art
>think back to the days of animating; where i was so busy grinding hours of work just animating bouncing boobs; that i had no desire to browse 4chan and was productive. Only the fear of being poor and single made me stop
>mfw spending most of the studying for math exam
I still tell myself that the most important thing is providing for my future wife. But it still hurts knowing the potential i had and letting it go. You might be thinking
>anon, why not just go back into animation as a hobby?
Well, when the fuck would i ever get to write a story then? I know comic making is the most efficient and fast way to illustrate a story. Although, ive been impressed by a few vn's like melty blood.

Help me balance out this shit. I wish i was Bahi! I hate my life. I hate not having a cool piece of animation i could show off to all the people whove slighted me. But now i have fucking nothing to be proud of; just commitment to some girl ive never even met yet.

>> No.3196224

I have the once in a lifetime opportunity to work for an AAA vidya company at one of their offices not in the country of origin (so it's like 20 people there). They are persieved to be one of the scum AAA developers. I agree. They haven't made a good game in a decade and all they do is cash in on shitty ips for a quick buck from the normies. I feel like I will either ngmi or take this job and slave away for the vidya jew.
I am also probably not good enough, but that's their problem for giving me the offer r-right

>> No.3196236

im just drawing since 1 year, everything is ok and decent but im failing miserably to take drawing serious as a real job my brain cant do that program maybe i gonna move to packaging and ad design to make more bussiness than drawing

>> No.3196253

>always wanted an art rival
>recently made a friend who draws
>about same skill level as me
>similar subject matter
>mutually look up to eachother as artists
Should I ask him to be my rival? And what do art rivals even do, anyways?

>> No.3196278
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i need to become very good at digital painting within half a year and i'm not sure i can do it in that space of time. i think of all there is to learn and just freeze up with anxiety.

don't phrase it as rivals. just ask if you want to do (sketchdailies on twitter or something) together to mutually grow. like how a lot of people have a gym buddy who stops them from skipping out.

>> No.3196286

>i think of all there is to learn and just freeze up with anxiety.
I know saying this doesn't help much but you need to simply start.
I was amazed by an artist's gesture skills, thought it'd take years for me to catch up to them, recently decided to start small and do a short session of gesture every day and my gestures improved, suddenly their skill seemed achievable. I'm not saying the road for success wouldn't be long, but the more you wait and do nothing is more time wasted. Start soon or you'll be typing the same post next year, or 5 years from now.

>> No.3196345
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Posted some of my work on another board for constructive criticism and I got multiple replies that were all negative and not particularly helpful, shit I was too stupid to see myself. Now looking at my work I just feel like complete shit. I've been doing this for years and I'm still complete and utter garbage. I took a year out from (art/3D-related) college because of my depression, I was falling behind and I wanted to work on my portfolio but I've done fuck all and wasted the last 2-3 months.

I don't feel like working today, I just want to kill myself.

>> No.3196349
File: 43 KB, 306x410, 1503078290847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post a wip asking for feedback and specifics (like the position of the eye for instance)
>no (you)s after waiting 30 min or so
>ok I guess it's alright
>finish piece
>"anon you should work on the position of the eye"

>> No.3196351

I’ve taught drawing fundamentals to game art students at university. 90% of them can’t draw near as good as /ic/ don’t practice between lessons and can’t do anything but talk about playing more games and drinking.
In years of being in universities I’ve seen 2 students carrying anatomy books to study from. They all want to do last of us style and become concept artists. My heart breaks a little each time because I know they won’t make it.

>> No.3196362

Why didn't you help them?

>> No.3196405

No one will want to be your future wife if you're depressed and constantly beating yourself up over things you wish you'd done differently. Maybe take a week to do animation stuff, or a day or two a week, to see if you really do love it that much or if there's some nostalgia filter in there.
Then if it's what you love more, do it. Personally speaking, someone passionate and happy about what they do is much more attractive than the alternative. I understand the money worries and wanting to make your own story, but I know animators on here who make bank, and you could do that and make your own story at the weekends and after work.

>> No.3196430
File: 186 KB, 979x748, Screen Shot 2017-10-21 at 3.18.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is that time of the day again. Just feel as if I will never be able to draw good. I feel like shit, my skills feel like shit. I am climbing a mountain and I can not even comprehend its height.

I am also pissed. So fucking pissed. I don't want to be a disappointment any longer but there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I am naked - sweating in cold ponds. I grovel my feet but my movements have no direction. If I collapse here now and embrace the murky waters beneath, nothing will happen. If I keep trudging forward, nothing would happen either.


>> No.3196461
File: 1.67 MB, 500x501, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also adding on to this

>tfw go to animated porn gifs thread on /gif/
>Can't fucking fap
>Just feel like shit, "why can't I do this" is all I can think as I scroll down through all the art
>Close the thread in shame

>> No.3196478
File: 62 KB, 640x480, [HaroRangers] Gekisou Sentai Carranger - 19 [DVD][60575BF8].mkv_snapshot_11.10_[2017.03.22_09.55.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must have adhd or something because I want to draw but my body doesn't or something. Just what the fuck is wrong wit hme.

>> No.3196504
File: 270 KB, 1017x1162, ding wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed Inktober because too busy to devote time to drawing daily
>brush pens have stayed in a drawer in the dorm all semester
>haven't bought a new sketchbook yet
>majority of drawings are doodles on desks, in the empty spaces of notes and on written tests
Feels really really bad. Having to do school and have real responsibilities is annoying, sometimes. I wish I had the time to just sit down, study and draw like I've felt the urge to lately. And now I might not even have a week off to draw at home, if my uni's football team makes playoffs.

>> No.3196859

Why do you NEED to, Anon?

>> No.3196882
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I got a non-art related job due to family pressure (see: "Anon, you are 22 and if you aren't studying you need to start working!" Nobody believes I'll be able to become an artist I guess) and I start tomorrow.

I'll have to stand and talk to people for 9 hours, 6 days of the week. I don't know how I'll be able to maintain my energy to draw.

Hold me, /ic/.

>> No.3196896


Have only finished three paintings in a year

Wondering if this is just how it's gonna be now. but then I realize maybe that's totally fine, because my new stuff is better and better in huge chunks of improvement ( I guess I am absorbing knowledge more efficiently?either that or dunning Kruger)
I get discouraged from Instagram and feel compelled to advertise myself but I hate it. I hate that shit so much and especially the "leaving pens in the photo" meme.

so. maybe I'll just paint for myself and that's okay. it feels weird though cuz I grew up with the internet and art websites, always a place to feel obligated to post to

it's safe here though

ugh my art table is cluttered in junk... so sad. my mental health is not great. so when I start drawing or painting and the subjects are so....erm...emotional, it feels cliche and I get grossed out by my own work. but, dry studies don't come easy. Anyway, I've been trying to sketch from movies and tv for practice and am working up courage to clean my desk, finish a painting , or at least have fun with the medium

>> No.3196908

is there any way you can go down in time?
see if you can do the absolute minimum amount of work so you can go home and spend the rest on drawing

>> No.3196949
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>Been drawing as a "hobby" since like 10 years old
>Used to fill sketchbooks regularly
>Drew shitty animu but was happy and enjoying it
>Ended up with the same horrible art teacher three years in a row in high school and never built any fundamentals
>Was supposed to go to art school after high school, but never did (kinda glad I didn't desu)
>Took a long break because I was too busy hanging out and getting high
>Get the desire to start drawing again (multiple times), but realize I'm dogshit and get discouraged
>Gravitate towards drawing porn because I wouldn't put my real name it anyway and can justify it looking like shit
>Have a full-time tech job that pays well, but isn't what I want to do my whole life
>Realize that I could have been way better than I am now if I had just stuck with it the whole time and had a little bit better direction in how to git gud

Now I'm almost 27, extremely inconsistent (pic related), and can barely fill up a sketchbook (even though I keep buying them). I know that I just need to suck it up and power through, but I just get hit with this crippling doubt and then go and play vidya or jerk off. I feel like I just need to find an approach to grinding fundamentals that won't bore me, because otherwise I doubt I'll be able to realize any of the cool shit I want to actually do with drawing and illustration.

Anyway, enough pitty-partying. Just needed to take a moment to dump this shit.

>> No.3196961

What if I really love drawing and can get lost into it for hours without being able to stop, but it takes me years to start drawing? Does that mean I really like drawing? Am I trying to avoid it? (maybe cause I suck and in my head I'm like "whatever, this is a waste of time, I'll never be able to make money out of it)
I'm fucking stuck between being unable to work seriously on anything other than art, yet I suck and I'm lazy. Fuck.

>> No.3196964
File: 1.84 MB, 202x360, excuse me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love to draw but I don't draw at all
What did he mean by this?

>> No.3196966

No, I do. Few hours each day. But it's kind of discouraging how much I suck and since I'm old I feel like it's pointless to even try to share anything to the world. I know age shouldn't matter if you work hard, but yeah, fuck extreme depression.

>> No.3196975

Sadly no. Asked the boss and 9 hours is already the minimum. I'm very worried how I'll manage.

>> No.3196980

what brush did you use for the top left drawing? what program? i like it btw

>> No.3196985

They're all done in photoshop. If you're talking about the pixel-looking lines it's done with the pencil tool at 1px.

>> No.3197076

Sometimes when I see some post online that a lot of people liked. I'll think that if I was painting that I will never be satisfied with it in that state. And I fear that I have this side of my that will always overthink stuff, and I'll never have that bold fresh look that some artist have as if they did their piece without fear or worry. Which is something I really want to have. Does anyone feel that sometimes?

>> No.3197079

I would be pretty satisfied if I got a ton of likes. I can only imagine the rush they get after polishing for hours.

>> No.3197081

feel stagnant for the whole of 2017. I started reading fun with a pencil and now I'm about to start reading drawing on the right side of the brain but I think I've been stagnant in art because of few studies and not knowing what I'm aiming for in art before I just sorta drew random characters, fan art and creatures

>> No.3197083

Then continue to draw random characters fan art and creatures but better.

>> No.3197091

Yeah. I'm not saying that their art is bad in the contrary in fact. I don't know I feel that I might overwork work my art.

Also I've been there with a post of one of my pieces that got more than 2K retweeted it's a surreal feeling lots of people sent me DMs encouraging me, and thanking me for doing the art that I though people will hate I felt like making is only a matter of time. I still do, but the post was 4 months a go and nothing I posted got even near that, but I'm trying to break my one recorded it will happen again hopefully. And the funny thing is that piece just came to me naturally and did it without thinking about it that much, and I hadn't expected anyone will like it. I want to be in that state again. Fuck!

>> No.3197216

I really don't like failure.
I can't wrap my head around the idea that people fail intentionally, that they learn from their mistakes or that it's not a hubristically egomaniacal thing to keep on drawing after fucking up basic exercises.
I get the feeling that I become worse by making mistakes, and that feeling doesn't disappear, but only gets joined by the desire to stop in order to "protect" a small number of piddling successes.
I see failure as utter disqualification, and I'm maybe a bit obsessed with "efficiency" or at the very least "effectiveness" - it feels to me as if there's no reason to ever learn to draw if you're going to fuck up and risk torpedoing your own skill with some mistaken fundamental or flaw of muscle memory, and especially not when some sixteen-year-old can do it better on their third week of practice.
I hate the idea of wasted effort, and I can almost hear the mocking voices of my friends, my family and the clerks at the civic center when I fail something as simple as a straight line. I always feel that I have no right to waste my time if I'm not talented, that someone should come by and make sure I regret getting full of myself for the rest of my life.
Other people are more blessed and with more of their life to work with than my 22-year-old ass, and again, it's near-impossible for me to get myself to think that "failure is good" or that you have to accept failure to learn. The only way I see that going is down, down, down, a one-way pit to apathy and irresponsibility that ends up with me knowing and being able to do half of the things I could before, because I stopped ever trying not to fail.

>> No.3197217

I strawman a lot, but to be perfectly honest, it's because things really do feel that way to me and I want to be reminded that other people don't see it that way. I want to be able to give shape to the stories I write, to make it a depiction instead of a description, but I don't want to be disappointing, half-assed or "just good enough". I want to be at the level where I draw a picture and other people see what the picture is supposed to represent, not a lopsided scrawl - but that means that I have lighting, anatomy, proportion, perspective and coloring to master at the very least.
I really do want to succeed. I'm fine with working my ass off. I just want some kind of reassurance, whether it's an anecdote or a logical rebuttal, to make that work feel good. I've been told that that's the most important thing, but I can't enjoy what I create if I'm not creating something beautiful or at least flawless from step 1. Until then, the only thing I see is some sad sack of shit getting full of himself and deciding to try to steal the talented people's deserved glory from them, only making himself and his family miserable because he can't balance university and a part-time job instead.
I feel I have too few hobbies that I'm good at, and that you can take a random person on the street and easily find someone who draws, plays an instrument and sings, all at a professional level, while maintaining a university course, a part-time job, large hard-partying friend circles and a loving family.
And I can't imagine, can't for the fucking life of me wrap my head around the idea that these people fail. I never see their struggles, never see them trying, never see them whining, never see them crying, only see them effortlessly juggle three hobbies, friends, family, job and school at once and still have enough left for a condescending smile for me.
Christ, this is a hard one to solve for you. Sorry.

>> No.3197267
File: 17 KB, 640x773, anon i....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can take a random person on the street and easily find someone who draws, plays an instrument and sings, all at a professional level, while maintaining a university course, a part-time job, large hard-partying friend circles and a loving family.
Anon, I hate to tell you this.... But that random person, it's......

>> No.3197482

Mate, all of my digital drawings where made in <1000 pixels around 7 years ago, then I got a Cintiq and now work on something around 2000-4000 pixels, somtehing bigger sacres me like the other anon says and clogs my computer

>> No.3197591

>tfw beginner struggling to find a balance between construction and gesture

>> No.3197642

My dad who has previously been supportive in my wanting to have a career in art (he's a graphic designer) since I was a kid told me today maybe it's time to reign it in a bit and settle for something realistic and stop thinking I'm going to move abroad and work in the industry because I'm getting too old now. I'm 21. I'm not making any progress in my art at all lately.

Honestly considering suicide more and more. I feel so worthless.

>> No.3197654

>minor inconvenience
>guess I'll just kill myself

Sorry to say but this is pathetic. Do as he says and work on something on the side or prove to him you're getting somewhere to gain his support.
If you're not doing anything he's right for telling you that, he's worried about your future. You can't daydream all day and get successful overnight.

>> No.3197969
File: 333 KB, 740x800, fishin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends and family are all getting engaged, got their own houses and boring but well paying jobs with raises and promotions every couple of years. I'm stuck at home. It feels like the world is turning and people's lives moving forward with it but I'm staying still.

Maybe art was a mistake. Maybe I should have done a proper degree and got a real job and just drawn things for fun and posted them on twitter. There's asians who took that route who are much better and more successful than me and just do art as a hobby.

>> No.3197972

You should think about what kind of suffering they go through as well.

>> No.3197974

>I'm not making any progress in my art at all lately

Work harder.

>> No.3197975

Every time I try to draw after a few minutes I start to shiver uncontrollably, pins and needles run up my limbs and my head begins to hurt. This happens every time I try to gauge relative positions of things in a reference picture. It gets really bad to the point where I have to stop and by then I just get too frustrated to keep going

It's not even a posture problem, I'm kind of afraid it's a psychological issue or even worse, something fucked in my brain.

>> No.3198008

>Maybe I should have put myself in tens of thousands of dollars of debt so I could wake up at 6am every morning to go to a place where I don't want to be for half my waking life.

>> No.3198092

>Watching a movie
>Spot something that helps me understand a part of anatomy
>"I'll just pause for 2 mn and draw it quickly"
>1H and 10 useless doodle characters later

>> No.3198093

If you took a normal path, you'd be like "maybe I shouldn't have waste my life with a normal boring job"
If money is something you love, then yeah maybe take a normal job.
As for getting engaged/love, this has nothing to do with art unless you only stumble on materialistic girls/guys only.
I suck at life but I feel like that's the way things are.

>> No.3198119

thanks anon. one video a day or something. that's not impossible.

i graduate from university then(yeah, i know) and i need to be good at painting to net the jobs they're offering. i know job immediately out of college is a long shot but i want it bad

what are you doing at the minute you can put on a resume, anon? he might be afraid you're going to mooch off him forever and just wants some evidence of forward progression. admitting you feel like you're emotionally stuck in a rut and want to go to therapy might buy you some time if you're not in a position to haul bootstraps

>> No.3198165

fuck this is me lmao. I feel an existential crisis, as if, it's all for nothing, i'll never get good, why try... and my hand just quivers, then I cant CONCENTRATE anymore, then I remember 16 year olds who can already draw like pros and here I am can't draw basic lines.


>> No.3198180

>had an art style that I really hated and thought was unappealing
>been recently shifting slowly into an art style that's more appealing
I think my art in general's been getting more appealing, actually, not just how I'm drawing faces. Things like the way I draw hair and the poses and expressions I choose and my color theory lately have also improved. Now that I'm mostly happy with my style I want to improve the fundamentals which I've been neglecting and become even better.

>> No.3198188

The worst part is that you logically know it's not a contest and that your art wouldn't be worse just because someone can outdo it, but good luck trying to convince your brain.
It barely takes five seconds for it to go straight into "why bother, these prodigies will just draw better art in your place and you'll probably never be good even if you practice with the best resources for years".
Of course, the reason you want to learn to draw is so you can create the stuff you want to see or to show other people, but when you're looking at those scribbles on the pad, it doesn't seem like you'll ever get there and you're getting full of yourself for even daring to try.
The gap between what shows up in the textbooks and what you see on the paper seems too fucking huge for you to ever imagine any progress, and when you make a mistake you dared think you'd kind of fixed before, you get the idea that you've managed in some psychosomatic way to make yourself permanently worse.
And all the time, you forget that the point of an exercise is that you shouldn't be able to do it at first, but it just feels unbelievable when you never see the good artists' first failed exercises.
The gap between 0 and 1 seems incomprehensibly huge, and you always labor under the feeling that you have an obligation to be better than you are and that using your time on "unneeded" or "pointless" things, that is ones you can't do properly yet, is going to make you a worse person and cost you most of your friends.
And even though you know all of this, you can't rewrite your way of thinking to convince yourself that failure can ever be a good thing. You hear it all the time, that you're supposed to fail at first and you'll never get better if you don't, but not only can you not look at your own failures without starting to hate yourself, you also can't mentally connect failure with anything positive and you've never seen a single piece of evidence that someone can go from 0 to 1, ever.

>> No.3198190

Anyone try learning to draw on adderall or something similar.

>> No.3198193

Do it
I hope you die in the process

>> No.3198221

That's mean

>> No.3198224
File: 21 KB, 221x250, 5A225966-5E52-43ED-8957-81E0BD75D29C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t draw for shit

>> No.3198225

I'm only trying to help. Why would you take pills to do something as simple as drawing when you can just remove your distractions and draw normally? You deserve getting fucked up for asking that question in the first place.

>> No.3198231

I've briefly considered drinking while drawing to associate the act with pleasurable feelings before realizing that it would probably be a bad idea

>> No.3198290

Anon, some things are easier for you than they are for others.
This is the definition of talent, and while you might think it helps other people to be told just to draw, people like the guy you replied to will just feel like they're missing something everyone else can do already.
The best way to deal with people like him and >>3198188 is not to say "just do it", because while it's easy for you, it's obviously not for them. Explaining how you do it (and that someone else has been through the same thing) helps, because then at least they'll have somewhere, anywhere, to start from.

>> No.3198299

These people need actual help though, which learning how to draw wont fix.

>> No.3198301

I'm starting to read Hogarth and so many fucking things are starting to click for me, holy shit. How the fuck did I not get any of this when I was reading Loomis?

>> No.3198302

Like what

>> No.3198311

Considering that there are a fuckton of people like that on here, the reasonable assumption is not that they must all be mentally ill, but that it's the usual reaction of a specific type of person to being faced with the diffuseness of learning to draw.
The fundamental reason that they get so freaked isn't a codified mental illness - it's that some people just try to avoid failure at any cost, which is also a very common consequence of strict parenting. A lot of them are polite and understanding when told exactly why other people don't worry about the things they do, and that's almost a straight disqualifier for a lot of mental illnesses.

>> No.3198314

You know the way that mostly everybody constructs the figure by simplify the two main masses of the torso into cubeish shapes? For some reason doing that was hard for me but now that I'm reading Hogarth I totally fucking understand how to do it and why people simplify it like that. Also realized a few things about the way some muscles overlap.

>> No.3198322

People like sakimi chan make me think that your art can be accepted even if it's not technically perfect as long as it's "pretty", almost makes me want to stop dealing with all the fundamentals and just focus on doing aesthetically pleasant art, but I just know it wouldn't be enough for my personal goals.
It's an struggle

>> No.3198331

Define mental illness.

>> No.3198341

aesthetics is the single most important skill when it comes to followers

>> No.3198344

and even jobs to a certain degree

>> No.3198449

(message to myself)
Listen you ugly lazy piece of shit
You will go draw 10 hours and come back here when you are done
I don't care if you are tired or if you feel like shit
You go draw and you come back here
No excuses you fucking loser
You want to be a loser all your life?
Cause if you do not change nobody is going to change for you
NOW GO and report back at me when you're done

>> No.3198545

I'm so sorry for your loss, anon. I really hope you'll be able to keep on drawing

>> No.3198549

I feel you, anon. My dad just died from ALS a couple months ago. It came on so suddenly, and the last time I talked to him he didn't even know who I was. I couldn't even see him in person during his last days though, because he was in another country.

I hope you keep drawing.

>> No.3198560

>Look up to friend's art
>Keep on practicing every day to hopefully reach their level some day
>Compliment their art whenever they post a new piece
>They think their art is absolutely awful, and that I'm only complementing their art because I'm their friend
>"I fucking hate my art, and I wish I had never started to draw, because looking at my art nowadays just makes me sad, and I hate it"
>Don't really know how to reply to that

Feels bad, man

>> No.3198570

tell them to stop being a petty bitch and that you wouldn't compliment them unless you meant it

>> No.3198636

maybe the rest of their life is bad in some way and art is the scapegoat

>> No.3198733
File: 44 KB, 500x375, 1504886128539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to draw but don't want to leave my bed

>> No.3198737

Imagine being this guy

>> No.3198832

I feel like a fucking retard. Ive been doing all of my freehand perspective shapes in oblique perspective for a long ass time.

Now I'm going back and re-teaching myself perspective and feel like i'm absolute /beg/-tier again. kill me.

>> No.3198853

feeling generally overwhelmed and dying under anxiety.

I was never very bright and that remains true to this day.

I'm buried under commissions. I have a failing patreon. No matter how much I study and practice I feel like I never improve because my work consistently looks like shit. I'm not making enough money to be respectable. I live with my girlfriend and sometimes at my mom's house I don't even have a car and barely $500 in savings. I draw every single day until my hands hurt and I can't move my fingers without feeling pain and it's not enough.

>> No.3198854

Art is my only source of income. I've never been good at anything else and i'm afraid of the world. All i do is commissions. I have technically made more than 150 pieces of artwork each one i gave it my all.

>> No.3198858

i've been doing this for 3 years and it's been bearable up until now because its not as profitable as it used to be. I'm making less money now. Somehow i'm just slowly dying off no matter how much i fight it.

>> No.3198912

But I enjoy my job as a graphic designer. I’m still saving up to go to calarts though. I want to up my chances to landing a job on Pixar.

>> No.3198914

>enjoying your job and life

>> No.3198921

I hand intense anxiety disorder to the point I get suicidal if I’m not working under schedule ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So no, I don’t think I enjoy my life, since I basically use work as a coping mechanism to forget I hate myself and that I want to die.

>> No.3199005

I don't know why I want to become an artist.
I don't know what specific field of art I want to be in.
I don't know what I'll do when I get good enough to be considered hire-able.
I don't know if I'm just wasting my life saying that I'll become an artist or if the reality of the matter is that I'm using it to procrastinate being a total neet because I have absolutely no skills in anything else. I passed highschool at 19 on D+'s and have no intentions on going to college because theres nothing in college that interests me.
These weren't thoughts I was forced to deal with when I started getting serious with art, then I ended up taking a month break on the most inspiring month of the year and now I am plagued with fears that I'm just wasting my life.

I'm caught in the trap of playing video games to satisfy my needs for progression but once the spell wears off I feel like shit.
For the first time in 8 years am I actually having thoughts about suicide again and its a tempting offer each time. I tell myself I can change myself but just like everyone else who says that they say it again next week.

>> No.3199012
File: 418 KB, 1600x2145, 1510116898057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I condition myself to enjoy drawing? I used to like doodling when I was a child, but that vanished.

>> No.3199036

So how'd it go, Anon?

>> No.3199039

what games u play

>> No.3199040

Try trade school.

Less time. A better chance for a job. And you won't be in a cubicle all day. And you (probably) won't be pulling 60 hour work weeks either.

>> No.3199041

I think computers and internet are the problem. A lot of video games, too, not all though.

>> No.3199066

>want to start interacting more with people
>decide to reply to every comment
>realize there's nothing to say other than "thanks" to 90% of them

M-maybe I won't do that

>> No.3199071
File: 322 KB, 2143x2555, IMG_3643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate myself.

I had 5 years of pure teenage freedom to get good with drawing, yet I feel into depression and fucked up my social life instead due to my emotions. Now I've barely improved.

I've started from the beg thread, but everything I draw is fucked up. I used to really love drawing anime but now I realise how awful I am at everything.

I'm so confused where to begin, I didn't have foundations last time and just drew. I enjoyed it, I enjoyed drawing and feeling so happy.

Now, I can't draw anime without feeling guilty as fuck, seeing /ic/ bash it makes me feel retarded for even wanting to draw it.

I'm 18 now and there's no time left. I have a major exam coming up next year and all my time will be dedicated to it. Afterwards, I've have to join the working force, till I die.

When I was <12 and used to win mini art competitions and when teachers used to tell my parents I "had immense potential", they would be so happy and send me for ""art classes"".

Now, my parents always criticize my works and tell me it's just "below average", or just frown and say how ugly the piece is. I definitely know it isn't good, but really wish I had some encouragement.

I'm so afraid of even practicing art because my mother (who ironically used to like to draw) loves to nitpick at whatever I'm drawing. Or if I'm drawing (or reading books), they'll be asking why I'm not properly using my time to study.

I don't even know where to begin drawing again. I want to be good and feel happy knowing my work is anatomically correct, yet I still struggle with basic proportions or even perspectives.

I wish I could get back those years to practise again. I wish I could kill myself. Nothing makes me happy anymore. If you've read till here, sorry for this depressing post, I'll leave a cheerful photo instead.

>> No.3199075

frog was the only reason I read your post. it's trash, fuck your art

>> No.3199085

When you realise videogames are shit and they arent even fun

>> No.3199086

While I agree with your point about my art, it's illogical that you can form on opinion without even viewing said drawings. You're a pretty nasty person

>> No.3199087

You're just 18, take it easy and draw whatever you want to draw when you feel like it without pressuring yourself with the bullshits /ic/ loves to parrot.
The problem isn't your art it's your mindset. Stop showing your art to your mom if you don't think you can get any constructive feedback from her.

>> No.3199089

your post is trash, I hope your art is better than your english. fuck your art because you're a whiny angst filled teenager with reddit spacing.

how do paragraphs work?

I don't know.

everything I say is really important, please read everything.


Lmfao dumb narcissistic emo fag

There are a million ways to die, human life is tenuous, your bitch ass can't even accomplish something so simple. You don't really want to die, you're just a retard soft as a fleshlight looking for easy street.

>> No.3199100

Honestly, I think you're actually right. I am awful at getting shit down. And deep down, I don't really want to die, just pissed at myself for failing at this aspect, and vented everything in one wordy blogpost. With all vulgarities aside, thanks for posting this.

>> No.3199101

Thanks anon, a little sidetrack but artists over the age of 25 are really inspiring. They truck on like nobody's business and work tirelessly on their art. I'll try to find back the enjoyment again and truck on like them.

>> No.3199120

i think disney has other things. some kind of animator training program, i remember andrew chesworth(non calarts) was on it.

>> No.3199123
File: 35 KB, 218x154, ic-5768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this fucking autistic and insecure

>> No.3199129

you don't need to imagine

>> No.3199130
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, Mud-Pie-Baby-Boy-Cute-Oatmeal-Straw-Fedora-With-Green-Blue-Yellow-Ribbon-176302-301596148239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3199151

Is recognition really important? I never tell anyone I draw and I've only told my best friends once that I like to do it as a hobby and it's never really been mentioned again or shown/talked about what kind of art I do. I also pretty much hide everything I've finished in a draw and don't display it, upload it or show anyone except once or twice to draw threads.

>> No.3199159

recognition feels good. if you don't want to show your irl friends, you can at least start an online gallery. feedback from places other than /ic/ is good for you.

>> No.3199247

Done :D

>> No.3199255
File: 231 KB, 1280x1920, IMG_20171105_112111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice projection faggot. Maybe if you're a big enough cunt, you'll get enough attention, and won't feel so insignificant anymore.

You need to let go of the past, it's holding you back. Doesn't matter what time you had before or wanting to go back, you can only go forward. You're worrying about wasted time and lost potential when really you're 18. I know people who only got serious and went pro around 25, it's more common than you'd think.

For the other stuff seek practical solutions. If your parents nitpick everything then draw when they've gone to bed, any time drawing will be better than none, especially if you make it a regular daily thing. There's also a lot of people who go to the art industry from working real jobs. It's tiring sure and will take longer, but it's possible and can make you a harder worker who appreciates art more because you've experienced the alternative. Normal work was my biggest push to improve, Algenpfleger too, he's said the fear of having to flip burgers or whatever is what drove him furthest.

Have faith, let go of past worries and regrets so you can make the best of these years ahead instead of making the same mistakes. Try not to pressure yourself too much with guilt etc, and my advice would be think of things like a hobbyist for a while, till after your exam maybe. You don't need to study tons of grind theory, just draw daily and most importantly, find what you like and enjoy making. Even if that's anime. Then after your exam you'll have a clearer view of what work your like to make and can shoot for it more efficiently.

>> No.3199268

I'm beginning to understand why Peter Han says it's best to find a place of your own to draw

>religious parents
>always have something to say
>they complain when I close the door to my room
>do gesture practice with the door closed
>they enter without knocking
>reference of a naked person all over my screen
>act guilty and close by browser quickly

I don't want to draw porn but people that don't draw don't understand that naked people isn't porn

>> No.3199270

Is it haram
Just draw people in bodysuits then

>> No.3199287
File: 52 KB, 553x409, B43B4CE5-0FBA-4E8B-B8EC-3E443DF8D4CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get rare opportunity to work very little, just enough to afford rent and food
>tell myself I’m gonna use this time to make major art gains
>start off my first month of art studies strong
>getting the hang of gestures again
>co-workers start quitting or just slacking-off/calling out
>There’s a rule at work that a checklist of duties needs to be completed before any of us can go home
>Remaining co-workers don’t care, leave me to do a majority of the checklist so I can get home at a decent hour
>Get home exhausted and decide to rest up so I can draw on my days off
>Depression starts to set in
>I fight it but only for a week
>Coworkers continue to take advantage of my work ethic (I’m not great, but they do absolutely nothing in comparison)
>Start coming into work dead tired
>Get yelled at for mistakes I make
>Get yelled at for mistakes coworkers make, and ofc they don’t speak up
>Start going straight to the bar after work
>Spend my days off alone being sad
>No friends and no family nearby
>6 months pass like this
>I haven’t drawn at all

Now I have a full-time job and the energy to draw, but no time for it
I try to make time- but it’s too little too late

>> No.3199289

How do i avoid becoming you? Kek. Literally living a nightmare.

>> No.3199290

NGMI lazy piece of shit

>> No.3199298

I filled up 3 sketchbooks and I'm still garbage tier. When do I git gud. Why is it so hard.

>> No.3199299

You don't git gud, that's a shitposting term. It's a journey. It's hard because it's always getting easier, but you're always raising the stakes. If you just drew a stickman and only want to draw that, it wouldn't even be hard.

>> No.3199302
File: 88 KB, 500x360, tumblr_inline_osjt9lGO2B1rpryux_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3199304

This image is unfortunately too true, but people are weak willed nowadays. Give up without wanting to do more work.

>> No.3199307

>ten thousand on the left
>at least a million on the right

>> No.3199308
File: 19 KB, 347x211, 6DDF5752-3005-4812-AD13-0BD1B22AD256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working to exhaustion
>lazy ngmi xD kys

>> No.3199321

>Start going straight to the bar after work
>Spend my days off alone being sad
>No friends and no family nearby
>6 months pass like this
>I haven’t drawn at all
You don't know exhaustion. Friends and family? Going to a fucking bar? Exhaustion is working the entire day and coming home to counting the hours left in the day for you to draw, every day that you can. There are people who do this and still haven't made it, and your pathetic ass is crying this early on the road. What do you expect is going to happen if you keep going like this?

You already know, no one gives a shit about your life but you. The market only gets more and more competitive as more young people with more resources and time start getting good. The ONLY advantage you have over these people is the realization that you have less time, and what little you have is precious. If you can't even see that you really are NGMI

>> No.3199362

>If you procrastinate once you NGMI

>> No.3199363

The fact you spotted it, paused and tried to practice it is good, but if it takes you that much and you see 0 progress on understanding it you better move to another way of studying that part of anatomy.
Sometimes you will get burnt trying something and you just need to change the way you do it or get on it another time. I hope that helps, i do this.

>> No.3199370

This is true, also counting the times you leave things unfinished or dropped because you notice it was wrong from the start and remade it.
They seem to draw just to have more but they dont work/focus on the things that would boost their skills it can even take baby steps. Some people give up too easily

>> No.3199518
File: 65 KB, 500x382, 959FEDE9-6350-44B3-84D5-BABA13D5C49B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you’re missing the point. This is a confession thread. I wouldn’t “confess” a humble brag, that’s kind of pretentious.

But I see the real issue here. You’re miserable and want someone to feel for you too. Don’t worry anon, I’ll feel for the both of us

>> No.3199523

>Just draw people in bodysuits then
Good idea, but I don't know stock options that have many pictures of models in bodysuits. Do you know any?

The only one I'm familiar with is Senshi stock and drawing the same model gets boring after a while

>> No.3199561

wait until /hr/ has a gymnast/ballet dancer thread and rip all the pictures

>> No.3199563

also, look in senshistocks favourties to find more like her. she favs a lot of bodysuit stock

>> No.3199566


Been struggling with getting art related content produced, particularly videos that focus on art appreciation, not so much critique, and sharing art along with discussions of philosophy and language. I have the whole outline and structure down, as well as where to post the content, but disciplining myself to sit and make it has been a struggle.

>> No.3199568


use models from clothing websites and search on tumblr/deviant art. some characters from anime/manga/videogames use bodysuits so find cosplay or fanart of them to use.

>> No.3199595
File: 1.45 MB, 2480x3507, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a full time salary job as a graphic designer and now I've lost my creative spark. I've just stopped drawing on my own completely and just don't know what happened. Has this happened to anyone else who has actually made it?

>> No.3199750

Bro, graphic designer too.
I come home everyday from my full time graphic design job, but I’m too darn tired to do anything, even play videogames seems taxing, how do I get my energy back?

>> No.3199756
File: 77 KB, 306x266, poo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dragon looks like a fucking bag of jizz

>> No.3199796

I feel shitty when I retweet my art tweets, but it's necessary.

>> No.3199797

I just want to fucking start drawing, even with the sticky I'm confused and I keep procrastinating. Fuck me

>> No.3199806

Yeah, I see people do this like what the fuck? Why are you retweeting an image from months and years ago? Just for exposure? To make sure people remember you're alive but you have no new artwork?

>> No.3199815

Yeah I don't retweet my old stuff. I post the art and retweet it in 12 hours. Sometimes I retweet it twice after posting (every 6 hours) but I leave it after that.

Although I do understand why some people tweet their last year stuff. Especially if the gain more followers since then, and they like that piece. But some people really abuse the self promotion.

>> No.3199825

kek, this is the actual problem though. Have you checked if you have ADHD?

>> No.3199828
File: 606 KB, 540x605, 13882492_1142673789112699_8776348267452742534_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 9 days before I'm suppose to start working on my doujin project for a month to meet my self set deadline, but I've lost a good 70% of the energy and passion I had for the project in the beginning of the year through my daily studies and feelings of inadequacy caused by me barely making any finished art work the last few months.

However I also know I can't start moping either cause if I keep putting off this project like I did in the beginning of the year I'm gonna keep pushing it back and never start making comics and become some internet artist crab, just improving slowly but never actually making a product worth showing others.

Wish I could find a jolt of energy to push me through the next month but discipline and force will have to do for now.

>> No.3199829

Good words, but words don't matter much. Action does, so show us a sneak peak that actually shows you're getting stuff done.

>> No.3199844

No but I think I probably have it after years of forcing down tv,vidya and internet into my brain. What do I do to fix this? Therapy and medication aren't an option.

>> No.3199847

Self-therapy. It's easy to rewire your brain, there's ton of articles on it. Just don't do the things you don't want to do and do the things you want to do.

>> No.3199912

i'm sick guys
all the shitposting has caught up to me
i'm so sorry

>> No.3199936

I understand people who retweet or reblog their own stuff twice, but I don't understand the ones who have to do it five times, and then beg for people to like/retweet/reblog their drawings for some magical validation

>> No.3199941

Pretty sure you’re stealing the compositions from pallette knife painter Leonid Afremov

>> No.3199945


>> No.3200250

are you me?

>> No.3200256

Thank you all, good suggestions

Senshi has a lot of /beg/ art in her profile, but I've managed to find some useful stock pages. Wish /hr/ would upload interesting images; it's filled with waifu generals.

>> No.3200262

/ic/ was more fun 3 years ago

Life was easier when I didn't have people in the way

>> No.3200268

I will draw from 6 PM to 6 AM
will only take 2 hours of pause
I will report here when I'm done
(fuck my life in caps)

>> No.3200272

Don't forget to eat and drink

>> No.3200277

Same person right? Stop with these unrealistic expectations and start slow you goddamn retard. You're only setting yourself up for disappointment.

>> No.3200346

>Into an obscure series or a character with just a handful of fans
>I wonder if there's porn of the series/character
>Look it up
>You have to draw the porn you want to see

>> No.3200369

That's not even bad.
>ultimate art goal is creating fanart of obscure series

>> No.3200372

Tell me you've already got at least one piece done.

>> No.3200373

I haven't read one book.

>> No.3200393

>New town, don't know anybody, can't buy weed (illegal)
>Stop smoking, feel good but can't relax
>Just want to get high and draw like I used to

I just don't enjoy sober drawing as much, I spend too much time thinking about shit where pot helped me stop worrying and just draw. I was smoking too much, I've got an addictive personality, but I miss just fucking turning off at the end of the day and plugging into my music and smashing out some art.

>> No.3200414 [DELETED] 

I didn't get to draw all day today. I don't want to ride the public bus anymore, either. It happened before but it happened again only far worse--an argument between the bus driver and a sheeboon. I went job hunting in the shittier part of the state (apparently) and it was like I was watching youtube videos off /pol/. Now I'm black...but I've now realized how cunningly amazing it was for my parents to pick and choose places where I've grown up.

Never before have I seen what I've seen today. It was straight out of comedy skit. Negores pushing TVs in shopping carts that belong to stores miles away, trannies trannies and more trannies, fags who speak like women, gas stations with signs that say NO EBT, cashiers looking at more way more than usual thinking I'm going to steal something, baby mommas with kids walking behind them like they are ducks. It was horrible. And to think this area was only 20 ish miles away from where I live this whole time.

And the argument....it was one, two, three, 4 nigs screaming loudly back and forth it was like all I could hear was OOOGA BOOGA EEK EEEK I wanted to burst out in laughter but at the same time I wanted to die because I was so ashamed that /pol/ was right all along. And then this trannywhatever was brining up some street lingo that I never heard of before but has to do with sexuality. I was so confused I wanted to just blast my music in my ears but my phone battery was dead.

And all I could do was listen as my braincells die.

>> No.3200606
File: 31 KB, 391x349, 1458681612642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't even want to draw when I'm not high, but when I am it's like I can focus and be happy at the same time

>> No.3200609 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 334x417, 1334040145374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Negores pushing TVs in shopping carts that belong to stores miles away, trannies trannies and more trannies, fags who speak like women, gas stations with signs that say NO EBT, cashiers looking at more way more than usual thinking I'm going to steal something, baby mommas with kids walking behind them like they are ducks. It was horrible
where do you live

>> No.3200613

Probably california

>> No.3200624

>tfw addicted to 4chan still procrastinating on that sticky

>> No.3200644

fuck the sticky

>> No.3200675

I feel so unproductive, every artist I follow is shitting out content left and right, meanwhile I update maybe once a month.

It's not that I don't draw, I draw a lot everyday, but I'm mostly just practicing and not doing any portfolio pieces or fanart.

>> No.3200702

iktf chin up

>> No.3200718
File: 33 KB, 601x670, 11403350_392055774319055_143276845445854855_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw something bad
>Makes me frustrated and feel inadequate so I stop drawing
>Draw something good
>Makes me proud and feel satisfied so I stop drawing

Why was i born like this

>> No.3200726
File: 554 KB, 967x954, 38B059F49FAD4E9986AC8856EC34F436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>render own character design
>someone says that character reminds them of some character of videogame, movie etc. I'm not aware of
>quick google search
>so called character is similar to what I done
>respond back with 'Oh, I cannot unsee lol' to person

>> No.3200731
File: 59 KB, 300x297, 1444500708016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only worked on portraits/figures and learning how to render better and have completely slacked off environments and large-scale perspective. Every time I say I'll work on environments for the next week I do it for a day then go back to portraits/figures. Granted, I've been improving a lot but that perspective shit is going to come back and bite me in my ass tenfold.

>> No.3200764

>Person tells me to never compare their characters to something that already exists, because it'll hurt his confidence
>Same person openly tells people what pre-existing characters their ocs remind him of, and get angry when you tell him to stop it

>> No.3200770

So how'd it go, Anon?

>> No.3200838

what do instead?

>> No.3200839

South Florida

>> No.3200892
File: 1.99 MB, 350x300, cjNtLdM.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been to life drawing for years in one group
>father invites his irritating whore girlfriend who ruined my parents marriage to the sessions without even asking or telling me about it first
guess i'll have to find a new life drawing class

>> No.3200985

Only did 80% of it .. could have done 90% but I will blame it on the fatigue... I would not recommend it thought, it's ok to skip 1-2 hours of sleep but I usually go to bed at midnight so 6 am is insane. Today I feel like complete shit physically, anyway I am going back to draw another 12am to 12pm see you tomorrow anon

>> No.3201210

be careful
"trump" also just means playing cards in japanese, they could have been talking about bill clinton and reagan playing poker in a very non-political way...

>> No.3201215

Well how much did you learn?

Having the discipline to grind that much is great, but you want the most bang for your buck. Take more breaks (if shorter, like four 30 min instead of one 2 hr one at the .very least

>> No.3201243

>you can take a random person on the street and easily find someone who draws, plays an instrument and sings, all at a professional level, while maintaining a university course, a part-time job, large hard-partying friend circles and a loving family.
That's not easy to find at all.
>I get the feeling that I become worse by making mistakes
Why do you feel that way though? Why is it that successful people consistently hold the opposite assumption?
>I can't wrap my head around the idea that people fail intentionally, that they learn from their mistakes or that it's not a hubristically egomaniacal thing to keep on drawing after fucking up basic exercises.
People don't fail intentionally. It's not really failure if it's intentional. How can someone do something right the first time and just keep getting better? I'm asking you honestly, how can someone succeed WITHOUT failure? Failing and continuing is not egomaniacal. There is no alternative. It's like saying you want to live without breathing, and that lots of people can do that. You're making up this idea of perfection which literally does not exist in any person on earth and saying it's common.
>because I stopped ever trying not to fail.
You DON'T stop trying not to fail. It's just that despite what you try, you WILL fail. People say failure is good because 1) it's inevitable, 2) if you're mindful of it then it's an effective learning tool, you might as well be okay with it. That doesn't mean you fail on purpose, you still try your fucking best. Failure is failure because it happens whether or not you expect it. And you can only learn new shit if you don't expect it. How could you learn new shit if you already know exactly what you're doing?
Instead of listening to your own fucked up emotions, or what some d/ic/k like me says, how about this: research learning psychology, get the real fucking facts about how to gain skill and deconstruct your current irrational views with the well-researched truth.

>> No.3201279

>Take lewd requests
>Everyone keeps it simple and nice, "Draw this and that giving blowjobs", "draw these two snowballing with their cum", etc
>A madman arrives into the tumblr chat, says "ok i hear that you take request" and proceeds to ramble off a huge list of "can you draw (x) and (y) doing the sex, but in this drawing (y) has a pussy, maybe even two of them, and he is holding (x) while (x) is fucking him perhaps with one or two cocks, maybe they can be fucking inside a box while you're doing the x-ray view of the box to show the viewers how (x) and (y) are fucking, keep the background simple, they're not wearing shirts or accessories but maybe sex toys are ok and do not put a signature on the drawing"
>Tell them I unfortunately have to turn down their request
>"oh fuck you then"

Why do some people have to be like this

>> No.3201808

Drawing anything and feeling guilt about it looking like a piece of shit is haunting me forever.

I don't know the first thing about studying because I am not confident I can do it nor do I have any sort of privacy, causing extreme discomfort when looking at anything.

Yet, the only thing I would want to draw are simple characters, that have more life in them than I do.

So I grind, I draw boxes, shapes. And nothing seems to do anything. I can tell without a doubt that my lines are better, that I do far less chickenscratching than I used to.

Yet, it makes me feel worse. Because while some of the line control has definitely improved (not by much), all my drawings look as flat and lifeless as day 1.

I don't want something crazy, I don't want super-mega-realism. I just want a few cute characters that are having fun but aren't 100% flat.

>> No.3201876


These threads are for blogposts but keep in mind they should be art related. Some fag posted about his /pol/faggtory and got his shit rightfully deleted.

>> No.3202031

I made it! Sort of.

And it's weird. It's not bad, I'm not going to be all 'success is so hard boo hoo woe is me' because that's not really it. It's just strange.

People turn to me and ask me for advice now. That's weird. I was looked down on maybe six months ago, and now people ask me for advice on 'making it'.

I don't know what to tell them. I just made some dumb one-off side project that gained traction for no particular reason. Like I was just picking at the ground and somehow struck oil and people think it was on purpose. So I'm kind of afraid that I'll fuck up since I don't know where any of this is coming from.

But at the same time that feels selfish. Most artists, quite a few much more talented/hard working than I am, didn't get half as far with three times the effort. So I should just be viewing this as a gift, and if it runs out then it's whatever. It's all gravy in the first place.

People develop this attachment to you. That's very weird. Like they get the sense they've known you their whole life. Of course they don't, and they project themselves onto you, and when they find out you aren't who they imagined to be they feel lied to.

And I guess I feel a certain degree of... I don't know? Survivor's guilt? I'm an okay artist, don't get me wrong, but I know so many great artists who don't get anywhere. But here I am! I'm going to a panel soon. I've never even been to a fucking con. I'm very very nervous about that. I hate strangers, loud noises, and crowds. But I also like performing! So I don't know.

And I realize I've been doing this to artists I've admired too. Like I'll meet comic artists or whatever who say they really like my stuff and I'm like holy shit you're you what the FUCK and also thank you I might cry.

Anyways it's just really strange and I'm not sure if it's a good idea to get used to it. Like I might end up taking it for granted. And I'm not sure how to do any of this stuff as a public figure.

>> No.3202454

don't overthink it, just act like you hoped people who made it would have acted back when you were first starting out