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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 16 KB, 250x290, GlennVilppu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3190564 No.3190564 [Reply] [Original]

how are you supposed to feel the form on anime drawings?

>> No.3190579

By not being retarded. Anime style is based on realism. Ive been studying alot of pokemon designs recently and man the designs are amazingly simple and effective. My favorite design is Mega Salamence its just a crescent shape and a oblong body, the tail and thats it. such beauty

>> No.3190580

"feel" in art means intuition. And since a lot of anime is intuition drawing then yes, you have to feel for it. This is why girls are better anime artists than men--women can feel things easier.

>> No.3190582

am I being memed? is this another case of neuroplasticity?

>> No.3190584


No, intuition drawing is an actual thing and not a meme.

>> No.3190587

>girls are better anime artists than men--women can feel things easier.
I'm talking about this part, literally muh feeles

>> No.3190597
File: 36 KB, 564x842, 1505034250784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That also is true. Women can detect smells stronger than men. Women can see more colors than men. Women can feel feelings better than men. It's called "a girls intuition" and "mother knows best" for a reason. Men wait to strike a punch. Watch any fight and you'll see a man think analytically where his first blow will land. Now watch a female fight and immediately a woman will go straight for another womans hair and beat them with a shoe. A woman has the intuition immediately where she will strike because she already thinks in her mind "that bitch has nice hair I'm gonna mess it up".

A man does not scout out another mans hair; he scouts out where his punch will take a critical hit and that is not intuition.

>> No.3190603
File: 460 KB, 2580x1720, alter-gwendolyn-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By buying a lot of anime merch.

>> No.3190632
File: 1.45 MB, 250x140, 3424444.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3190640

sorry im calling bullshit on all of you. men and women are NOT as biologically different as you think, explain to me what makes a woman have a better sense of smell, or see more colors, or what can biologically predispose a woman to have an "intuition" but not critical thinking skills. its all bullshit and y'all will just believe anything you hear

>> No.3190662
File: 795 KB, 1914x1124, facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like you fucklosers don't like to hear about hard facts. You deny plasticity and deny research that can be easily found at your fingertips without me having to do it for you.

This is in no way some kind of "advantage" over men when it comes to drawing anime but they do have it easier to intuitively know whats cute vs the male gaze esque of drawing anime.

>> No.3190673

need more reliable sources on that, any studies?

>> No.3190680


Good God https://www.monell.org/faculty/research_program/sensation_perception

It's right there. Backed by extensive research.

>> No.3190684

It's also why trannies will never be female no matter how much their mental illness says they are. But that's another topic for another time on another board.

>> No.3190686

Stepping beyond art, men and women not only have distinct physical forms, different organs, and other bits, but the human body is a chemical factory. Everything we do has a chemical basis to it, especially in the brain. So, to think that men and women have identical brains, and methods of thinking, when they are based on completely different chemical reactions, especially hormonally, is just naive and ignorant. Men and women who change their hormonal balance, display different patterns of behavior and thinking. This is pure science, and Science is saying, "Pull your ignorant head out of your ass."

>> No.3190713


Eat shit and go to sleep anon. >>3190632

>> No.3190719
File: 136 KB, 696x378, Scientific_racism_irish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not saying they are identical, just that this distinct binary between the two genders just isn't logical. it's literally just based on an old standard of thinking, ie) applying science in a way to support what we already believe. there are men who have more estrogen than some women, and there are woman who have higher testosterone than you. there are people who don't fit into a category of being male or female based on their genitals, and there are people who are non xx/xy . science has been used as a tool for racism and sexism for years, but we are starting to see the truth, that there are less biological differences than we originally thought

>> No.3190721


>lalala I can't hear yoooou

>> No.3190744

>how do I draw anime /ic/?

Stay golden, /ic/.

>> No.3190864

its just regular 4chan antics of semi-bait semi-actual politics that derail threads

>> No.3190869

dont get it what is wrong with your image tho. The negro is pretty precise.

>> No.3190889

Taking people who are non XX/XY and assuming they are a different gender is the equivalent of deciding that a child born with only one leg is not a human being because humans are bipeds. Genetic mutation != new gender, species, race, etc

>> No.3190891

just like anything else you might draw. Visualize the forms and draw through them ,pushing the form back or forward to give the illusion of depth. It's just like drawing anything else only with more comic/cartoon drawings you are using less value showing the lines more and making it less realistic.

>> No.3190898
File: 153 KB, 853x1280, statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a figurine. You can feel these easily.

>> No.3190926

I know you're trolling, but I still want to kill you for spewing such idiocy.

>> No.3190932

Being ridiculously over-emotional is the opposite of having intution, because everything, no matter how shallow, appears deep, emotional and meaningful. This means they're incapable of telling something that's actually meaningful from something that's trivial, which is why so many women come off as extremely superficial.

>> No.3190945

Lmao, piss off you nutjob.

>> No.3190950

How am I supposed to tell the trolls from the shitposters, when both are equally ridiculous?

>> No.3190953

It quickly falls apart when you look at East Africans who have no Maxillary prognathism ( which is why early Europeans who came to Africa thought they were White )

>> No.3190956

How does that make it fall apart? East Africans are a different race than other sub-Saharan Africans, but that doesn't mean the latter category doesn't exist. Most westerns associate black people with West Africans, because that's where most of the slaves came from.

>> No.3190971

by expanding your taste in anime/manga beyond vapid big eyed OMG KAWAII girl designs

>> No.3190978

not one of these threads again...


Learn construction, you can draw anything. Why don't people learn construction instead of finding the short way out? Even if you did got better at "copying" animu, you'll never be able to "master" it without basic construction.

>> No.3190987

just draw everything realistic but add animu eyes and no nose

>> No.3190997

One problem with anime art is that a lot of styles can't exist in a three dimensional space, and the artist often relies on cheap tricks to create an illusion of volume.

>> No.3190999
File: 57 KB, 682x1024, 305586c366a8474b03c52b385713af6a--kofi-siriboe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trolling? East Africans are a part of the Black race. And there are Sub-Saharan Africans like Kofi Siriboe who have no Maxillary prognathism.

>> No.3191000

He must be trolling. Also that whole back and forth has nothing to do with OP's question. Who gives a shit about this stuff anyway? I just want to draw.

>> No.3191002


>> No.3191003
File: 500 KB, 720x540, 1dGXi67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit your bullshit.

>> No.3191004

Why is ic so obsessed with muh animu style, istead of tryibg to find his own? Are people in here so much devoid of imagination?

>> No.3191010

take a look at western art
now look at eastern art
now look at the more erotic forms of both

>> No.3191011

Find his own? Everyone emulates an existing style, whether it's Japanese or western.

>> No.3191019

No, its just that japanese is easier

>> No.3191021

Not easier, just moreautistic-friendly

>> No.3191031
File: 534 KB, 1500x1187, ethnicmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually retarded?
Are you seriously denying that a distinct genetic trait that is almost universal in West and South Africa doesn't exist, because some ethnic groups in Africa don't have it? What the fuck is wrong with you?
There are many different ethnic groups within the current white/black/Asian/etc groups we're using. For example, in Europe, everyone is going to be able to tell the difference between an ethnic Scandinavian and an ethnic Portuguese person, assuming you're not cherry picking outliers. Your argument is as stupid as claiming that blue eyes and fair hair aren't relatively common traits among white people, because they're less common in the Mediterranean countries.

Also, the term "negro" was originally used to describe the Africans from a specific part of Africa, where the more robust, stereotypical black people we know in the west are from. In fact, people in parts of eastern Africa were often not classified as negroes, because of their caucasoid features, and were instead considered Semites. In other words, the term "negroid" specifically referred to black people with the protruding mouth and jaw, and wasn't a catch-all term for all Africans.

>> No.3191104
File: 52 KB, 376x419, 1494977226722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ive been studying alot of pokemon designs recently

>> No.3191110

If women can do all this shit better then men then why are all the most successful artists men hmmm? Patriarchy keeping you down hmmmmm?

>> No.3191116

>then why are all the most successful artists men hmmm
Says who, your anus? Some of the most successful artists are women and visa versa. A lot of your waaebo doujin artists are women themselves.

>> No.3191135

doujin artists aren't successful

>> No.3191138

You cant be for real.

>> No.3191139

>Patriarchy keeping you down hmmmmm?

>> No.3191144


define success for me because last I checked they were pretty damn successful at making you cum

>> No.3191146

Honestly, you have to have a very high IQ to be able to feel the form of anime.

>> No.3192510
File: 116 KB, 475x475, 586_f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon anatomy is shit. You'll never learn anything from studying it (except how NOT to draw).

Look at the foreleg on pic related. It triggers me so fucking much.

>> No.3192849

it's style retard

>> No.3193112

Did you even look at the anatomy, or do I have to redline it for your basic ass?

>> No.3193161

redline it

>> No.3193167

>muh natomy
It's designed to look good idiot, you don't know shit

>> No.3193172
File: 547 KB, 635x640, doritosmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recent generations of pokemon
>designed to look good
Ask me how I know you're underaged and/or autistic

>> No.3193181

The notion that anime is "2d" and "flat" will keep you /a/tards from ever being able to actually draw anime.

>> No.3193188

> leg is literally broken
> "designed to look good"

>> No.3193203

Wrong, go ahead and redline it you krugtards

>> No.3193213

the only good pokemon are the 1st 151 but still decent up to 250, more than that is just clusterfuck shit.

>> No.3193214

Nostalgiafags please go

>> No.3193216

it's called having an eye for good design

>> No.3193217

Sure. What triple a studio do you work at faggot? None? Just self titled? Pathetic.

>> No.3193218

said the guy at his basement

>> No.3193222
File: 680 KB, 1000x1200, sawsbuck-redline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, mongoloids.

True, but the anatomy's always been kinda off. I tried to teach myself art by mimicking the style and ended up running into trouble later on because of how fucked up the anatomy really is (especially legs).

Usually Sugimori just oversimplifies things to the point where you can't distinguish the skeletal structure, but look at this poor fucker's broken leg. You gonna tell me that's just "style"?

t. someone who's been drawing Pokeniggers since the 90s and actually understands basic animal anatomy.

>> No.3193226

Straight up killed the shape design with that red line. Kek. Anatomyfags are dumb as hell.

>> No.3193230

>thinks calf muscle is an extra joint
>thinks an imaginary animal has to have every detail the same as the animal it's based off
so fucking retarded

>> No.3193233

You can't kill something that's already shit to begin with.

Except that's not even where a deer's calf muscle is, or even how calves work on any animal from Earth.

0/10 Try harder.

>> No.3193236

>animal from Earth.

>> No.3193237

>thinks an imaginary animal has to have every detail the same as the animal it's based off

It doesn't need to be exact. It just needs to have the basic form and not look completely and totally fucked up like that example.

>> No.3193240

> Not realizing the obvious fact that most Pokemon are based on Earth animals
> Not realizing that Pokemon live on Earth itself, or at least an Earth-like planet

>> No.3193241

these krugtards are literally NGMI, keep nitpicking about shit you barely understand to make yourselves feel better

>> No.3193251
File: 63 KB, 229x300, nips-can't-anatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Stantler has those retarded dog legs.

>> No.3193252
File: 89 KB, 250x188, 250px-Stantler_anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it looks a lot better in the anime, at least.

>> No.3193253

>based on Earth animals
like a deers and dogs?

>> No.3193313

Explain to me how it's 'good design' to have two entirely different front legs on an animal.

>> No.3193336

I considered the possibility of you trolling but concluded that you're just an idiot and figured you needed to know.

>> No.3193369

This is why girl's drawings might be flat, but they realy make appealing cute expressive faces and great colors.

I notice lots of skilled men drawing lifeless doll faces.

>> No.3193373

>how are you supposed to feel the form on anime drawings?
With your dick