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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.07 MB, 2089x2925, 1508769433301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3184241 No.3184241 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>3179213

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make anime works in-between their studies, however, all forms of stylization is welcome here. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, remember to have fun because I told you to.

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Life Drawing Reference

>> No.3184378
File: 82 KB, 1200x1200, auvisded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ic/ how to not feel like shit. Being melanin enriched and living in Canada is fucking tough.

>> No.3184382
File: 190 KB, 612x597, 3d_kr0nz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

offtopic, illya is running an irl contest to cosplay his stuff on instagram, it's cringefest, worth looking for giggles

this one tho

>> No.3184385

thousands of girls cosplaying your drawings(any of them he could fuck easily) while being rich by making passive incoming from mediocre digital paintings. This is the fucking dream.

>> No.3184386

That's lovely.

>> No.3184389

indeed he's secretly chasing his waifu irl

>> No.3184403

>any of them he could fuck easily
could he really tho? I doubt it...
>inb4 Ilya becomes the Harvey Weinstein of the art world

>> No.3184407

i guess so, he has power, money, and certain fame, besides being a artist and still kinda young. This is what females care about.

>> No.3184429

It's shitty being in canada? bruh killing my dreams.

>> No.3184452

Only if you want to do art/animation as a career in Canada.

>> No.3184473


Insta/Tumblr/Devart pls

you still draw things flat on the face. Lookup planes of the face. And yes even for stylized work you must know this. Simplification comes after learning how thing works in reality.
Also start thinking in simplified forms, everything on the face is a form, not lines.

>> No.3184479

id imagine. having excess melanin in an area where its not necessary must be taxing on a body producing it

>> No.3184485

Nothing wrong with Canada. You just get depressed come winter because of lack of vitamin D. Also from what I've heard from moatdd, animation/art is pretty stale right now I guess.

>> No.3184490

Auv, I heard you left the discord server?

>> No.3184496

glad you left the server because your pen drawings are fucking terrible I would cringe every time you post them thinking to myself this guy cant be serious

>> No.3184499
File: 441 KB, 1400x1900, GoblinPrincess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, it was fun.

>> No.3184502
File: 1.06 MB, 1400x1900, GoblinPrincess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.PNG looks better whoops

>> No.3184506
File: 1.27 MB, 1285x1629, LightTest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to stage some lighting and color, admitedly spent quite some more time than I should have for something I don't know if I'm even going to use. Sort of Phil Hale inspired, except without the insane talent and made by an amateur weeb. Should I go on? worth it or do I try something else?

>> No.3184511

are the gums the focus of the picture?

>> No.3184512

lmao No, they're overly rendered because I spent too much time on them while listening to a podcast, will definitely tone them down later

>> No.3184517

now this is alt style, rest of you shitters need to go back to beg

>> No.3184519

Nice, just don't make the head/hat too short

>> No.3184591

Auv you're alive?

>> No.3184607
File: 664 KB, 1408x1985, Tsuyu Asui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attempting asui today

>> No.3184610

Finish it, man

>> No.3184620

Cute nose and you have a really interesting color palette. That crotch is sort of terrifying, though.It looks like her ass is growing out of her labia.

>> No.3184621

What did you use to learn to draw figures?

>> No.3184624

I practiced gesture and figures from http://senshistock.com/sketch/ over the summer. Still not perfect but its getting easier to me :)

>> No.3184625

Thanks for answering so quick. Did you only study by drawing from observation or did you also use anatomy or any figure drawing books to supplement?

>> No.3184629

yes, observation and I am still studying anatomy now :) I also use artbooks, yes. I am studying a lot of them. I can upload them if you want?

>> No.3184631

That would be so kind of you to if you did, anon. Thank you.

>> No.3184633

ok, it'll take awhile but I'll shoot a (you) when it's done~

>> No.3184637


>> No.3184643

stop me :)

>> No.3184644

hands are really small and the head is long af partly because you made her forehead too long and partly because the mix in style in the eyes.
her right shoulder is anatomically incorrect with that arm hookup going crazy. love the color pallet though.

>> No.3184646

nice dubs

ooh yeah you're right I didn't even notice. Yeah the right arm is bugging me a lot, Its a very weird position so Im confused there. Thanks for the heads up!

>> No.3184648

Looking great, I love the colors, I dont know how you pick them but it's working. There's many things "wrong" I'm still giving a pass because it's working overall, but I have just a minor (yet also major) complaint: her buttcheeks look like it's coming from inside her legs, like some sort of weird pair of lumps that'd be growing in each of the legs' articulations. In particular, the bottom of left buttcheek leg has an awful tangent with a fold on her left leg. Considering all of us perverts are going to look there first, make sure it looks like it's her actual ass being seen through her thighs, shit's important. Also, watch out where that right arm is growing from, since most of us have them attached to our shoulders, not our ribs.
Keep it up!

>> No.3184655

lmao i agree there is much r&d to do still haha, thank you also for the heads up especially for the cheeks, always nice to get some second opinions so I'll keep at it. Also thanks, as far as color palettes go i like to experiment a lot.

If you really wanna experiment a bit you can try making color swatches from images, it can be useful if you're trying to capture a certain mood, here's a tutorial on that! --> https://www.sitepoint.com/make-swatches-from-photos-in-photoshop/

>> No.3184700
File: 810 KB, 1039x929, 1jpOPpK[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not what I wanted, not what I wanted at all

>> No.3184706

back to beg

>> No.3184708

No problem. Thanks for the source anon, that's actually really useful. I needed it literally two days ago, but oh well, I still managed to get around it. I'll get to use it next time.

>> No.3184912
File: 37 KB, 600x537, isleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuk u, ngmi, get talent retard, will post my pen and ink on january

brainlet discord, give me link if u r not pussy

>> No.3184917


here is the link, and for anyone else who may want this as well it is a zip folder with around 55 or so useful artbook pdfs as well as some tutorials and references thrown in. Hopefully you guys find some use out of it as I did :)

>> No.3184927

What did you want?

>> No.3184961
File: 530 KB, 1452x959, wippinki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3184974

LOL dude you're fucking autistic, you're not even on the same level as me, go finish a drawing you fucking hopeless human

>> No.3185000
File: 148 KB, 858x1000, IMG_0455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will when you give me the discord link pussy

>> No.3185018

your fault for leaving in the first place, stay off here.

>> No.3185058
File: 529 KB, 967x894, o,owip2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

progress i made on a sketch i posted in the last thread

>> No.3185068


>> No.3185071

Ganbatte anon-kun!

>> No.3185091

thanks so much dude

>> No.3185118
File: 92 KB, 1630x1000, notfast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3185122

Why do you like poofy hair

>> No.3185124

its cute

>> No.3185132
File: 1.46 MB, 3028x2248, nerobasta l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3185149

p much
Something flat and anime, guess all those studies really did a number to my technique. Insert Proko's kangaroo reference here.

>> No.3185161
File: 23 KB, 500x359, 6c536b2eaad64a014444c497f96e3ce7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boobs are good but please look into wing anatomy.

>> No.3185162

AUV!!!! Are you on any discord right now ?What happen ?Why did you leave?

>> No.3185185

i miss dentist kun

>> No.3185195
File: 291 KB, 1830x1300, nerobasta1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I could have done realistic ones like what you posted. The thing is that it's a fanart and the character have wings like that.

I have big doubts if that was a good choice, but I tried to replicate the original wings, which I honestly have no idea what they're supposed to be based on or how they work.

>> No.3185198
File: 186 KB, 1066x1600, 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3185201


>> No.3185204

>preferring mop wings
>thinking mop wings are a design choice and not just an error/laziness by the original artist

This guy gets it.

>> No.3185205

Don't misunderstand what I said. If anything, I was thinking what I did looked pretty bad and that I should just have gone for the "classic" realistic ones.

>> No.3185211

muh style faggot, now fuck off

>> No.3185217

why the hell is her ass hanging off her body like that

>> No.3185219
File: 147 KB, 1344x1920, fmab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you, my faces are fucked up, changed it completely. Is this better than the last one?

>> No.3185224

But really now, the wings of the goddesses of Nakaba looks so different from how "real ones" looks, I have my doubts about him just having no idea how to make proper wings. I can still rework on those wings and was thinking about drawing that character again, so I wouldn't mind so advice about what to do with the wings.

>> No.3185255

Hi Aspect kun.

>> No.3185262

Damn Aspect is a dick

>> No.3185266
File: 393 KB, 573x752, 2017-10-26_04-54-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of the people here just make me insecure

>> No.3185278

Apparently everyone is a retard in the discord.. Apart from a few whom I won't mention. Anyways when this guy >>3181004, either a 12 year old, or a 50 year old guy with no life in his moms basement is the leader of the group, you know the damage is beyond repair.

It's literally become a place where shitty art of all sorts are accepted, including his shitty ass failed attempts at drawing loli's??? Idek what the fuck they are, but they look like the doodles of an autistic 12 year old. May sound like a rant ,but it's only the truth. Trust me auvunlop? idek what your name is, All I know is that you were the one that kept drawing those weird noses on your drawings.. Yeah.. It's not even worth joining again, unless you want to join a group full of dunning krugers that don't even know what they are talking about half the time.

>> No.3185286

is that server really that retarded now?
I'm glad I left it early

>> No.3185288

Not your personal blog, just because your buttbuddy didn't put out today doesn't mean you should bring your cancer here fuck off.

>> No.3185291

who the fuck drew this?

>> No.3185293
File: 45 KB, 590x392, vUGxlRf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't you?

>> No.3185314

Voluminous "big hair" makes the face and head look smaller, more feminine, which is why a lot of women spend money on blowouts and Texas likes "big hair". Nice thick hair also is a sign of youth and health.

>> No.3185316

It was a bigger waste of time than just jacking off. Faggots told me Vilppu could only visualize gesture because he has a lifetime of gesture. I learned to do visualize the pose of models from memory within a month of leaving.


Whatever, my posts devolved to shitposting there anyways.

>> No.3185320

post work

>> No.3185348
File: 1.44 MB, 3028x2248, nerobasta l 2wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up redrawing the wings (still just the sketch, I'll clean them), definitely feel more satisfied by them, should have done that from the start.

>> No.3185353

Yeah that looks much better

>> No.3185415


Huh, it's pretty good. But the occasional sudden dark lines are throwing me out a bit.

>> No.3185430

oh, my practice was featured. A feel a little more close to making it, be jealous guys.
so cute and nice arm anatomy, it would be almost perfect if you erase that black line under the chin or use other color as red or orange.

>> No.3185440

haha, i know right. This problem was already addressed by >>3184648 though so I'm aware now and have gotten around to fixing it. Thanks though!

>> No.3185442

Auv you're the funniest nigga I've ever met on discord. Do you still have a discord account?

>> No.3185445

>oh, my practice was featured. A feel a little more close to making it, be jealous guys.

means nothing, the original op didn't even make the thread (not like that matters, either)

>> No.3185463 [DELETED] 

wow, dont say to me that this means nothing, captain obvious. why people here are so dumb.

>> No.3185466

wow, dont say to me that means nothing, captain obvious. why some people here are so dumb.

>> No.3185495
File: 325 KB, 729x640, aiQa8Bd[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck this I'm going back to furry art.

>> No.3185498

you seriously need to work on your anatomy. the upper left mans jaw is just.. out of control
youre the definition of putting style over substance. it may impress the weebs in this thread but your work falls apart immediately when you actuall think about the proportions.

>> No.3185527
File: 1.34 MB, 2490x919, yourshitistheworst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DUDE SHUT THE FUCK UP. your shit is literally the worst on the whole fucking server. like i dont understand how you can be this bad, at least everyone, EVERYONE has at least a few finished you literally have none.

>> No.3185531

post your work.

>> No.3185538

well, this is really bad indeed. The guy who made this has some kinda of autism or is really a beg.

>> No.3185545

Everyone starts out bad you retard.

>> No.3185550

then act like a fucking beginner and take advice instead of shoving your shitty beliefs on to everyone on the server, when you don't know shit you fucking worthless egotistical shit stain

>> No.3185564

dont question yev-sans anatomy! dont doubt the boys way.

>> No.3185590

if your sketch is messy you can't see the path you're going dooown

>> No.3185598

>Posting old work

You even edited it all together into a little collage. You have issues man.

Not wrong.

Should take your own advice desu.

>you fucking worthless egotistical shit stain

Calm down dude that guy wasn't even namefagging as me

Ahhh, why am I even replying? I first posted looking for a link to the discord so I can download some refs, but I found the link anyways.

>> No.3185601
File: 1.47 MB, 1164x1475, WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does his left leg/foot immediately look like shit to any of you guys? or is it acceptable enough? if not, how do I fix it? also is the background looking too empty or is it better that way?

(if you saw my previous post then pls no bully the fact that I made almost no progress in 24 hours, Uni sucks)

>> No.3185611

I doubt your shit changed from then, everyone in the server knows how autistic you are.

>> No.3185624
File: 597 KB, 905x1084, sai_2017-10-25_21-06-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique me up!

>> No.3185626

make the short one boobs bigger than the tall one.

>> No.3185627
File: 1.68 MB, 2480x3508, 155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coments or critiques

>> No.3185628

It is. But it's still off even as a style. Don't attach too much, finish it the best you can, and make something else (look at this video, very important to me : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0ufz75UvHs))
Also try to lookup styles of artists/anime you like and understand how they stylize.

Also still looking for blogs asked in >>3184473

>> No.3185638

See, I tried too. But I don't know how to mega milk tits. Any tutorials?

>> No.3185663

We're all gonna make it, auv! You can do it! I believe in you!

>> No.3185666

No, he fucking won't.

>> No.3185680

loving the lighting and colours, i think you'd benefit from a more textured brush for the hair though as it looks out of place.

the horns look a bit flat with the lines you have through them, maybe make it actually look like crevices as opposed to painted on lines?

facial construction is good for a cute look, but you may want to work on necks and bodies in perspective. if you tighten this up i think it would look real nice my friend

>> No.3185682

i agree. we need more support on this board!! narcissistic edgelords everywhere, i know it's 4chan but fuck

>> No.3185697
File: 918 KB, 784x994, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the things I can notice in your drawing that are a little bit off are the perspective and foreshortening of the left leg/foot and the sword, i hope this helps

if you feel like the background its empty you can add particles, rocks and dust of course acting to the dinamic action to make it powerful, you can add velocity and sun spark etc but in my opinion it's something you can put in the end
anyway te esta quedando copado, espero lo termines

>> No.3185701


>> No.3185704

I noticed now that the lines are flating the horns. You are right about the bodie and the hair too. Thank you.

>> No.3185753

how the fuck would you know how angel wings are supposed to look.
Next thing youre going to say is Godzilla needs to follow perfect lizard

>> No.3185765

this so much thank you my nigga

>> No.3185772

You believe >>3185132 looks better than >>3185348?

>> No.3185978

Bless you anon, this was very helpful. Muchísimas gracias negro.

>> No.3186014
File: 842 KB, 1000x750, botthing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What style is this?

>> No.3186042

Washed out

>> No.3186051

do you even know what staying on model is?

>> No.3186163

her breasts are a fine size

>> No.3186175

Have you ever heard of verossimilitude? No, don't answer that, I know you haven't.

>> No.3186294
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, pkmns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any help with this?
There are so many problems. The value structure, the composition are fucked. These would be my primary concern.
Plus there are other mediocre qualities in the drawing/painting themselves.
Anyway I don't really know and would appreciate any help.

dude this is fantastic. love every step you've made with this drawing.

great job fixing the sword, although it would imply to change the inclination plane of the hand holding it.

>> No.3186316

As you said there are many problems with this one
I think the thing that sticks out the most for me is that every character exists in their own world, they're not actually comminicating with each other. It's supposed to be a battle scene, right? It looks like each character is posing for an invisible camera. Make them look at each other, push your gestures. Before you even think of composition think of lines of action, your focal point (moment of near contact between the two pokemon) all charcters should be "pushed" towards it and direct out eye there.

>> No.3186328
File: 495 KB, 739x708, nerobasta col wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3186335

i do love me some bolted ons in a boobpouch

>> No.3186343

you're quite right, the thing is that I did dozens of sketches without arriving to a good composition (part because I couldn't figure out a background).
So I ended doing "generic characters" so that I could move them to compositionally good positions. But it doesn't really work that way.

you have fairly good rendering skills.
How do you achieve these nice transitions for your shadows? Blending? Soft brushes?

>> No.3186345

Nah, she's a goddess, she's just that big.

I mostly use the smudge tool, and a bit of soft brush sometimes for wide areas.

>> No.3186379
File: 239 KB, 944x900, 34C5FAD7-1C91-4DC1-9F21-8E6D3A33F70B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm finally getting noticeable faster

>> No.3186381

How long did this take you?

>> No.3186411 [DELETED] 

1:30 approx.

>> No.3186416


1h40m approx.

>> No.3186418

but at what cost? this isnt quality, its really terrible.
her proportions are off(big head tiny features) very very thin neck

>> No.3186419

Are you the guy who did the Tatsumaki futa comic? Can you post your blog?


>> No.3186427

Yeah. Which one would you prefer? I post the most stuffs on my twitter:

>> No.3186442

How can you spend so many days working on the same thing, I just sit down and draw for 8 hours and if its not done that day I call it finished anyway, but you post fucking wips of the same thing for weeks on end.

>> No.3186443

I'd say your best bet is to start over with the advice that other guy gave you in mind

>> No.3186459

your stuff must look like shit

>> No.3186464

>only draws for 8 hours before calling it finished
Post your work

>> No.3186469
File: 133 KB, 952x952, dragoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing some character design for some very real game that is surely coming out soon

>> No.3186470
File: 122 KB, 952x952, wolf war.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3186471
File: 146 KB, 952x952, skel 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3186475

How do I get as good as you at character designing?

>> No.3186480
File: 595 KB, 1585x1585, skel tot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks! Dont know, I usually use just one or two ideas for a character (like this one is a sailor and he has a big harpoon) and I try to draw it very quickly.

>> No.3186483

What are your inspirations or influences?

>> No.3186487
File: 157 KB, 952x952, marin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very basic. I really like Akira Toriyama and that guy that made the street fighter characters

>> No.3186488
File: 40 KB, 597x691, Screenshot_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel something wrong in the arm but cant say exactly what it is.

>> No.3186492
File: 184 KB, 597x691, this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3186493

the hand is more fucked up than the arm. it's pudgy, like it doesn't have bones underneath.

>> No.3186496

nice meme

>> No.3186536
File: 107 KB, 952x952, war.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3186542
File: 338 KB, 838x1636, Jen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really like how this turned out but I just wanted to deliver it at this point, I feel a bit more confident drawing frills though.
Anything to reflect on from this?
Love all of them but this is my fav, great work anon

>> No.3186545

Got a blog? So cute.

>> No.3186547
File: 138 KB, 952x952, sam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one for today
thanks man

>> No.3186550

Furry ears always look sort of weird. I'd recommend having them sprout out from where human ears are, kind of like how dog ears work? I found a nice tutorial for it but unfortunately I've lost it.

>> No.3186567

yeah your ears suck, it's like they're part of the hair. put some overlapping lines on the base so that it would look like they're coming from under the hair.

>> No.3186597

>that Guts

>> No.3186600

Are you guys forreal? It just takes like 2-4 minutes max for me to draw a fairly ok bust shot, obviously without colour because it's in pencil. But 8 hours??!?? Wtf are you painting 8 Monalisa's lmfao? Or did I just get memed.

>> No.3186601

Was it this one?

>> No.3186604
File: 12 KB, 400x400, suke103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the sizes of the frills and bows and stuff are all over the place and the line thickness, too
I also think her face is too squashed

>> No.3186619

shit art confirmed, bye.

>> No.3186623

Nah, it was an image, but that vid does a pretty good job of explaining it. After seeing shit like this I can't really look at animal ears the same way again.
It is a stylistic choice, but now anything else just looks weird yknow?

>> No.3186636

I totally get you, it's weven worse when they have both animal ears and human ears. Sometimes I feel the anatomically accurate ears might take out a bit of the cuteness, but if done right I find it more appealing. So yeah, I think the other anon should at least try what you mentioned and see what it looks like.

>> No.3186679

not everyone spends a lot of time on drawings anon. I mean look at kronpr1nz he sometimes has 15 second doodles that look amazing.

>> No.3186692

yeah of course a sketch only takes minutes but lineart is incredibly time consuming as is rendering and painting a background. But smurf does like 30 minutes of work a day and then posts a wip?? I don't get it, just fucking finish it already.

>> No.3186717

Smurf is slow haven't you noticed? That's the flaw of his work is how time consuming it is.

>> No.3186734
File: 1.16 MB, 1053x1335, Going full retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I have no fucking idea what I'm doing. I wish I had more experience drawing cool effects. Can someone point me in the right way?

>> No.3186764

i think you'd love mike mignola (hellboy, bprd) and hiziri_pro (on twitter) as well

>> No.3186775

your characters aren't even facing each other; i think that would be the first step towards making it look like they are interacting.

>> No.3186780
File: 1.04 MB, 2560x1440, 20171026_210242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a sucker for a cute face i think im gonna paint it an move on to the next one.

>> No.3186812

How do you get your hatching so straight? Just practice from doing it so much? Or did you do Scott Robertson exercises?

>> No.3186822
File: 315 KB, 753x626, stockf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the torso too short here?

>> No.3186841

No. The legs are too long

>> No.3186863
File: 33 KB, 657x775, lewdloli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3186868
File: 360 KB, 1200x898, lXPyUtX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying to make myself draw something from imagination every day. Hands and feet really jump out in being horrible. Feedback would be appreciated.

>> No.3186871

You should try drawing more organic and round things as opposed to boxes. Or even do more complicated insertions. It all builds back to figures.

>> No.3186873
File: 673 KB, 776x1804, gril.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3186893
File: 318 KB, 753x626, leg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about now?

>> No.3186900
File: 1.22 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20171027_143942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3186926
File: 1.98 MB, 1915x830, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a noob in this topic too anon so this can be more a personal taste than an accurate "loomis" thing but i hope at least helps

well let me start for the action lines and how I think this influence in the " ki, dust, cloud, smoke etc" and the difumination of the body in moving
I think it would look better if you dont add the ki that comes from the other direction ( down from right to left ) or if you want to add one of this, it would be better from his left arm bcuz the actual action line it's going to that direction and scatters the ki
also it's better to keep it simple and thinner to make the eye of the viewer going exactly were it matters (head, expresion, sword, hands and everything on top basically)
keep it thinner and simple or it would be a mess, you already have a lot going through right on the top

then you have the action lines of the body, for this try to follow the previous movement and use it to make the moving/scratch lines, think the velocity and power of the action and from where it's coming, what comes first and daradara (actually you did it well buuut i didn't know if that was the lines from his foots or the rocks from behind

and that makes me go to the rocks, like Trunks, this are acting more to the very first action ( jump/fly ) and they act to that, so the only think it's to follow the general perspective, also you add the motion lines above and below the rocks, but considering the perspective, from where we're looking Trunks he is beneath us, like the rocks, you can see them coming but the top will remain still

AAMMM sorry if you (or everybody) dont understand something, im not good at english and dont want to ckeck and correct in some translator
but como hablas español decime y lo vuelvo a escribir en español ... mañana xD

>> No.3186938
File: 226 KB, 555x733, ffaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3186945

i was suprised he didn't mention those two

>> No.3186946

eyes so far apart it could be a dentist kun drawing

>> No.3186950
File: 69 KB, 331x563, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3186954

looks promising!

>> No.3186958
File: 1.18 MB, 1591x1578, 150902ук9987уу6390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helo anones

>> No.3186961

Thanks, I can't fix the feet right now though as I draw on paper.

>> No.3186963


>> No.3186974
File: 256 KB, 570x396, 1509093483526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3187010
File: 136 KB, 952x952, ash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes , I forgot Mignola. Didn't knew that other guy, he is great!

>> No.3187022

don't bully her

>> No.3187027
File: 22 KB, 398x500, 9a6.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naa, tu inglés está bastante bien dentro de todo, pero aunque seamos fellow argentinians tendríamos que mantener la conversación en inglés para respetar el uso del board. Siempre lo vi como una regla implícita de convivencia en 4chan o algo así (aunque a veces no se siguen ni las reglas globales, para empezar)

Anyways, thanks once again, really, the fact that you took the time to actually paint over and write all of this is just... thank you so much man. I gotta get this done before thursday night and I was getting really stuck in this part of the process. I just realized I might be getting my gesture/action lines a bit mixed up (composition and legs kinda imply he's rising but hair, sword and jacket indicate an action coming towards us), you interpreted it better than I did so I'm going to try to figure that out to see if it needs any changes to make it all flow together and use everything you just told me about rocks and ki to aid it. I might know my Loomis and fundamental theories, but actual composition and objectively appealing aesthetic is the one thing that kills me, and something I appreciate of artists with much simpler and dynamic styles. Thanks again for the lengthy critique, sos lo más.

>> No.3187029

Forgot to mention, do you think the stylistic choice of the white bars is doing any good for the piece? or should I forget about it? it was a fun thing I always wanted to try to make the silhouette pop up, idk if it actually works or not.

>> No.3187033

I know I also recently found him, it makes me wanna draw like that as well but idklol

>> No.3187045

i feel like i messed up the underbite

>> No.3187046
File: 9 KB, 768x768, 001b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh crap, forgot the image

>> No.3187177
File: 1.21 MB, 1498x1102, improvmentshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one year apart

>> No.3187215
File: 106 KB, 1300x974, 28091459-Low-angle-view-of-a-young-man-standing-Stock-Photo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's difficult to tell what you want the angle to be. On one hand, the lower half of the face suggests that he's looking straight, almost downward. On the other hand, the eyes and nose imply that he's looking up. Either way, you'll have to reconsider the construction of the head with respect to what angle you want his head to be facing before getting into the details.

Pic related is how you may consider doing the head if you decide to base the angle on his eyes.

>> No.3187221


>> No.3187235

Nevermind I'm retarded and didn't see >>3186427
Fantastic work dude, one of the few times where I feel actually jelly of another anon's work

>> No.3187239
File: 80 KB, 1030x983, rZtfDon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I start fixing this, how do I make the girl's pose more dynamic? I kinda fucked up the construction and made her pose awkward.

>> No.3187240

Thank you for the feedback anon, I will try to wary up the shapes in the future.

>> No.3187276

Just curious, how long have you been drawing and how old are you? I see on your tumblr you mentioned "school" a few times but I don't know the context for that

>> No.3187284
File: 2.16 MB, 1496x3235, PDQ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm 21 (well, 22 in December more exactly), I'm studying at a 3d school at the moment.

As for drawing, began around 5 years ago in highschool. Just intended that to be a hobby at first but then I ended up getting more serious about it and I didn't really have that interested me anyway.

>> No.3187316
File: 20 KB, 1064x762, 8D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3187339

Decent rendering skills, but that face is really unattractive.

>> No.3187373
File: 184 KB, 410x450, 2017-10-28_05-24-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so bad

>> No.3187383
File: 247 KB, 796x900, 8FF3EB3F-0390-43BE-B9E9-1A373D850369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks captain obvious. I know I suck

Practice, draw with purpose trying to depict form better with each stroke, if the stroke betrays the form erase it.
Also be aware of occlusion shadows I start from there

Nice senpai

>> No.3187393
File: 717 KB, 700x1058, ACatAndADumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been struggling to find a style identity for a while now. I like how this sort of turned out, though. Lots of color testing

This is fucking cool.

>> No.3187394

do u ever finish anything like for real

>> No.3187462

i want to marry and spend all my life savings on you.

>> No.3187487

What other things did they draw?

>> No.3187496

t-thank you very much anon

>> No.3187502

>raisin toes
>hair shape has a bad silhouette
>thick arms
>ear comes out of nowhere

seriously man your style isnt even nice looking. work on your fundies and on your silhouettes.

>> No.3187504


Nice. I like the glowy effects on the eyes and ears.

>> No.3187508

You need some eye drops

>> No.3187533

half assed paintings and drawings with only the eyes being even remotely finished

>> No.3187534


>> No.3187541

Tfw far eye doesn't make sense irl

>> No.3187556

Either eye works in isolation, but...

>> No.3187567

stay mad faggot

>> No.3187584
File: 36 KB, 1123x743, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't like it either. I think the sketch looked better desu

>> No.3187611

very dowman sayman
very deviantart

>> No.3187615
File: 389 KB, 787x813, x11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3187621
File: 471 KB, 600x851, asirpa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3187627

I mean, deviantart itself is an insult because it's deviantart, but everyone uses it and this is going to be an ID. Soo I'm not sure how to interpret your statement? Any crit?

>> No.3187692
File: 601 KB, 1512x2016, 20171028_005108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ball point

>> No.3187700

nice "style" retard. these threads are just a dumping ground for beg tier shitters

>> No.3187703

>beg tier
Post your work.

>> No.3187740

Me first

>> No.3187782
File: 281 KB, 730x602, iDBgdFZ[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gave up halfway through the girl, but I'm pretty content.

>> No.3187791

do the lines on the face distract you too much? the features are well placed and there's a 99% chance this is better than anything you'll draw in this lifetime.

>> No.3187807
File: 1.19 MB, 2700x1900, 2cents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty nice anon.
heres my 2 cents

>> No.3187832
File: 420 KB, 787x768, New Canvas2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lookin for critique i guess?

>> No.3187835

You chose color well and the cat looks awesome!
You seem to be pretty shit drawing humans though. The face is horribly distorted, the glasses look like glued to the face and you actually hide hands like a noob.
How can someone be this good and this bad at the same time.

>> No.3187904

Good manga nice work

>> No.3187933
File: 1.06 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3187969

you must be 18 or older to use 4chan
seriously though get back to tumblr i dont think you really wanna read what people here think about art like this

>> No.3187979
File: 273 KB, 1050x750, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3188014


yo dude I just want critique like real critique like most sites won't even be honest with you and tell you everything's amazing. I have thick skin,tear it apart if you want.

>> No.3188048

You can't even spell it properly, faggot.

>> No.3188070

it's shit, read a book kid

>> No.3188074


if it's so bad just tell me what's actually wrong with it so I can learn from it okay? I'd appreciate it alot thank you.

>> No.3188103

Do you have anything where the entire silhouette isn't blocked by hair, hands/feet are showing, body lines are apparent?

The only thing that can be critiqued upon is the hair and face, which aren't much to write home about.

>> No.3188146

sure i can give you some tips. but i really recommend not staying on 4chan. its like heroin. it might seem cool because everyone here is an edgelord or whatever but its not. its a board full of miserable bastards.
okay with that out of the way,
i can recommend you to try your hardest to look at your drawing from a perspective of another person. really try to figure out if you would like your drawing if you were someone else. thats just step one. its hard to be compltely objective with your own work, but its something you gotta work on.
then, i recommend maybe checking out some books. i know people here consider it a meme, but check out loomis (drawing hands and head) and some other things that clear up basic anatomy a bit. in the artbook thread there should be pdfs of a ton of material to study with.
i know it might sound a bit weird to start with realistic stuff and then work your way to anime/cartoony stuff but it will 100% improve your approach to anatomy and posing.

for this specific drawing, i can agree with the other anon on the hair. it takes up the whole silhouette of the character and has no real shape. its like a big blob of quickly drawn lines.
the facial structure looks strange, maybe try smaller eyes and darker irises. if you want i can try drawing some redlines when i get home.

>> No.3188159

Wasn't aiming to hide hands, that's just the pose I settled on.
Tell me how the face is distorted so I can fix it then, it's no use if you just call my human shit and then don't elaborate lmao. Wasn't really aiming for realism, clearly.

>> No.3188171

actually thank you. this helps a bit more. I'll try looking at Loomis I guess. I hard starting off realistically is really hard but I'll try practicing. it's one of my bigger issues to see exactly what wrong with my work but ik theres something wrong with it. also it would be appreciated if you did the red line thing too? btw i assume no
one's gonna hold back on real critique here since most place i kinda just get a "it's great or there's not much to change its perfect the way it is" it's annoying when you know there's something wrong with your art.

>> No.3188196

Not the guy you were responding to but the thing is, trying to redline would be difficult because you've covered up so much stuff. The hair is covering a large portion of the face, the eyes cover the entire face, the clothing covers her hands up etc etc. You'd have to redraw the entire picture, basically.

Redlines are more for anatomy checks. Here you just.. really can't. Sorry.

>> No.3188214

jesus christ you retards turn this place into a daycare

>> No.3188223
File: 654 KB, 1289x964, anonreds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey i get what your saying. getting and giving critique was easier in times where oekaki boards still worked imho

i did a redline of the body and i did a little paint over of the hair, just for the shape, so its not as huge and poofy without losing the idea of the messy hair entirely. im sure there are others who would do a better job, so i hope my reds show a little what i was saying. didnt know if this is your oc or anything so i hope i didnt take away too much of your design.
its great that youre serious about taking criticism. a lot of guys in their twenties and thirties here behave like little toddlers when anyone criticizes their waifu stuff.

lol idiot

>> No.3188225

who pissed in your breakfast today anon

>> No.3188227

>tries to redline
>doesn't even do the same pose

>> No.3188228

oh one more thing anon, if you really like this more anime/cute style youre going for, take a look at kawayoos work (he has a youtube channel called inahoaota) which shows how much is possible even if you just wanna draw cute girls. finding influences and styles you enjoy will definitely help you with improving, basically giving you a sort of idea where you wanna go. in the end your own style is an amalgamation of your skills in anatomy and your aesthetic influences.

>> No.3188229

are you 12? i changed the pose around a little because i considered some limb placement a little off in the original.

>> No.3188241
File: 1008 KB, 904x904, thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP, probably finish this tonight for inktober today.

>> No.3188244

looks great so far!

>> No.3188250

dude this is really cool I'll look at that guy btw and I really really appreciate you showing me exactly how it could have been better desu. j saved the image btw! And i just wanna get better and I think it takes accepting criticism

>> No.3188261

why is it always the shitters that try to redline?

>> No.3188267

isn't she holding the lighter the wrong way round?

>> No.3188296


>> No.3188349

I shouldn't be using "multiply" and "add" am i?

>> No.3188350

You should.

>> No.3188354
File: 981 KB, 1000x1000, 1509227241796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic. Also sage because I can't seem to delete.

I feel like cheating.

>> No.3188361

it isn't even cheating though, it's just another tool at your disposal to use.

>> No.3188386
File: 3.00 MB, 3028x2248, nerobasta f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, done with it.

> I feel like cheating.

Don't be stupid.

>> No.3188387

>no rules, just tools
Look who's not gonna make it

>> No.3188390

>spending entire day baiting on /ic/ instead of drawing

yeah, you won't make it after all

>> No.3188393

her skin tone is nasty

>> No.3188408

How do you guys deal with inconsistency in art style ?
Let me explain.
I know each artists has it's own style to a certain level and i know that somehow i do too even tho i can't see it.
But i like trying so many things that somehow my work looks like it was made by different people.
And i know that if im going to post art online people won't say : '' Oh , i know this artist , i recognize that style!'' And that's frustrating since i kinda want to build an audience and a fanbase so i can get some money from commisons.
Did some of you went to a phase like this? How did you overcome it?
Im tempted to to make a chart with certain features and shapes that i can use in my style that i find really appealing. But im afraid i won't like the final style after some months. It's more the irrational fear of being bound to a certain thing which in my head equals with ''not trying new things''?
( i really like experimenting and trying new stuff in art so this is where the fear is coming from)

I guess it's the fear of wasting time on a style that i'm not gonna use in the end , time i could spend improving value color and so on.

>> No.3188424

its basically exactly as you said, you'll end up wasting time trying to master different styles that in the end you wont primarily draw in. I went through the same thing with my work but eventually found what works for me and built upon that. It isn't to say that you can't try new things but don't sink all of your time trying to be a jack of all styles and master of none.

>> No.3188431

>done with it
No, please don't just yet. Like the other guy said her skin is pretty crappy. You don't have to do much to fix it though, just have a different hue for the shadows (pink will work). I see you probably went for the yellow vs pink thing but the skin is too gray, the yellow isn't strong enough and the shadows are too desaturated as well, right now she looks pale and sick. If the character's skin looks like that, then it's a really shitty design choice for such a, uhm, "healthy" angel. The color of her face is fine, it's the rest of the skin that's the problem.

>> No.3188433

I think her skin looks fine. If you disagree, then show it by making a quick edit.

>> No.3188446

contrary to the other anons, i like the skin but i dont like the coloring of everything else, or the shape of the wings or the hair or the hair stuff in front of the boobs. i feel like you should practice these textures a bit more.i like the arm that goes back to her hair too, looks pretty good. youre definitely improving imo.

>> No.3188460

well thats like your opinion man

>> No.3188483

I'm not the anon who asked. How old were you when you realised that?

>> No.3188485


I was 18 when I realized that and started focusing on a single style, am 19 now.

>> No.3188492
File: 783 KB, 1000x799, skincolorchange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you are. I wasn't any of the anons that already commented, but I felt the dull skin didn't make sense when everything else was so vibrant.

>> No.3188498

why do you post if you dont want criticism? if you only want people sucking your dick then use deviantart.

>> No.3188500

thats like your opinion too man

>> No.3188510
File: 562 KB, 1042x1042, Jaehee Kang wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something feels really wrong with her face, but I've been staring at this for too long to figure out what. I'm also not sure if her neck is too long or not.

I'll throw in my two cents. When I started, I straight up imitated artists I wanted to be like. By that I mean I copied the entire picture I saw. Then, as I finally started to settle into being above average at art, I received the stellar advice to take specific details you like in someone's style and put it in your own. Since then, I've made conscious decisions on what my default way of drawing things would be.

But still, I also don't like being chained down. I experiment all the time. Pic related is an experiment since I usually don't do digital painting and the style is slightly more realistic than my usual. Eventually, I think you just settle into a style. It's what happens when you draw without thinking.

>> No.3188517

you're an idiot

>> No.3188526


>> No.3188536

is this a girl or a boy

>> No.3188537

that artist really doesnt understand how wings work

>> No.3188544
File: 698 KB, 1042x1042, editt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your face sucks. Git gud.

Jk. The neck isn't too long, but it's too thick.
The face gives me a really weird vibe. I don't like the same of the lips/mouth(though unfortunately I don't have advice), and the head is pretty big on the right too. The entire face itself could be shifted a little as well.

I tried to do some moving around. I'll admit it still looks off, but it was an attempt to show some errors.

>> No.3188548

*shape, not same.

>> No.3188555
File: 280 KB, 1468x2085, 157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

critiques or comments

>> No.3188567
File: 508 KB, 1042x1042, paintoverkpop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey i hope you dont mind me doing a little paintover too. i like your colour choices! i think the main problems are the flattened headshape, the left eye and the mouth/nose proportions. i moved the nose and mouth a little down/left .
someone else could probably do a better job than me, but i felt i could show my input best with a paintover.

>> No.3188613
File: 187 KB, 1600x2000, campbell2_muchatime2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3188622

digital ink

>> No.3188653


please go back to beg.

p cute. sorry i scrolled through the whole damn thread and this is the only remotely good thing i could find. Despite maybe a couple others.

>> No.3188655

>tells a ton of people to go to beg
>praises the hack pops
Is there a funnier joke than this today?

>> No.3188659

shut your fat mouth you will never be able to draw like him even if you wanted to.

>> No.3188664
File: 2.59 MB, 1283x1283, IMG2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3188668

But this is /beg/ for anime

>> No.3188672

>/ic/ - Artwork/Critique
What don't you understand? If you just want to see a gallery with people posting their super nice finished pieces go browse the top 50 of Pixiv or something, fucktard.

>> No.3188675


>> No.3188684

>not sharing a smoke
baka casual dykes

>> No.3188690

>insults people who try to crit and a bunch of random pieces you don't particularly like
>likes the one guy who just barely finished a face

nice bait faggot.

>> No.3188767

It's a girl, but she's supposed to be pretty androgynous. I'm actually going to take this as a good thing.

Both of these are incredibly helpful, thank you. I'll keep both of these in mind. I wasn't very satisfied with the mouth shape most of all, but I'm actually glad to see that there's even more I can change and improve upon. I think another thing I need to work on is changing her expression from a dead one to a lively one. Again, thanks.

>> No.3188768

keep polishing those turds

>> No.3188769

Post your work

>> No.3188815

why are you so mad stinky

>> No.3188831
File: 689 KB, 707x929, nuk tsitned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tuuuuu it's been like almost a month since i ever drew anything i think.. i don't even remember.

>> No.3188848

can you fuck off already please?

>> No.3188886
File: 2.06 MB, 2480x3508, new blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not too used to painting, just never motivated, but found a ton of motivation from looking at Star Academy's work
www artstation com/starlab

How is it?

>> No.3188903

Is this a photo of a paper or something?
Anyway the cuteness is there but she basically has no calves and her feet are too small

>> No.3188904

i cant believe it dentist kun
you drew the anime girl in a slightly different position for once
i am so SO proud of you

>> No.3188908

I think you have a bit of a problem with the headproportions going on here. the eyes just seem really huge and they seem somewhat misaligned. i think you could really push the values in the dark regions of the face more, but i think what bothers me personally most is the white/black shading. i took a look at the artist you linked and they have really nice work and i think i get what youre trying to do with the hair, but the black and white with these sorts of brushstrokes kind of makes it look oily. i like how you drew the irises though, nice colour variation!
the ear also kinda looks like it comes out of her cheek and because of the big eyes it just seems a little tiny. i like how you did the nose btw. you could make the lips a bit more effective with a darker, harder linke for the seperating line maybe.
one more thing i found is that the neck just attaches in a weird way. its a little too thick on the left side i think. if you rendered everything a bit more and added more colour variation (you can do black tones really nicely with a variation of dark reds and blues etc) it would make it look a bit better. if youre the anon i think you are then youre improving a lot, keep it up man

>> No.3188911

Thanks so much, for analysing as much as you did!! This is great feedback :) I'm don't draw ears nearly as much, so thanks for that feedback, I think i've fallen for the Cheek-ear trap many times, and have only noticed just now thanks to you, and I see the problems with the eyes now too. Hair is usually where I'm at my weakest, how can I improve hairs? Is it all in finding the right brush?

>> No.3188914


Thanks so much, for analysing as much as you did!! This is great feedback :) I don't draw ears nearly as much, and I think I've fallen for the Cheek-ear trap many times, and have only noticed just now, thanks to you. I also seethe misaligned eyes now, something I also do often. Hair is usually where I'm at my weakest, so how can I improve my hairs? Is it all in finding the right brush?

I don't know if I'm the same Anon you're thinking of, don't post here often, but Thanks anyway!!! ****

Sorry for drowsy post

>> No.3188928
File: 621 KB, 1001x708, cute puppy study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have it side by side like this when I was drawing

>> No.3188951

Use your own work as reference

>> No.3188961
File: 689 KB, 1338x1403, 149уу7714аа631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3188979

>www artstation com/starlab
good link

>> No.3189132

You know korean? What?

>> No.3189205

glad to read that anon! i find it a little difficult to describe in words, but the thing about hair is that it doesnt tend to be as shiny as it might seem from first impression. the person you linked uses really strong backlighting for the bright hair strands, but the rest of the hair is relatively matte in terms of values. i think if you save up the stronger shiny tones for smaller highlights and use a more matte tone to highlight dark hair for example, itll have a greater effect.
for the shape of the hair, i think its best to start with blocking in the silhouette/shape the hair is supposed to take up and work your way down to thinner lines from there. i hope what im saying makes sense..

>> No.3189207

untalented samefag

>> No.3189363

Thank you! Yes it does, I'll be keeping this all in mind for now on!!

>> No.3189464
File: 116 KB, 1024x1448, purple_hair_girl_by_augcasarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3189465

It's a screen shot. and yeah I agree I was trying to fit the thing into the canvas so i had to keep resizing her.



>> No.3189479


>> No.3189670

Far eye shape is a bit wrong. It should be more shortened

>> No.3189675


>> No.3189786
File: 43 KB, 300x424, jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have this?

>> No.3189919

fuck yeah golden kamuy