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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3180015 No.3180015 [Reply] [Original]

seems like no matter what i do, my imagination drawing still sucks and doesnt really improve.

dont wanna hear any "eyes improve faster than hands" bullshit. doesnt seem like my hands improve at all

i have all the books. recently started to try and draw every single diagram in each book. done a lot of gesture drawing. went to some life drawing sessions. copied from reference images. copied from anime/manga. tried taking out blocks of time to just sketch from imagination. i can draw decently well from reference, but my imagination drawings always looks the same... mediocre anime eyes, shitty looking boobs, terrible anime faces, weird blob creatures... only shit my mind can conjure up, it seems.

what the fuck do i do. what exercises should i do. ive read and done exercises and i still cant draw a sexy anime chick from scratch. what the hell man.

>> No.3180016

post work

>> No.3180017

You should put in more effort into your imagination drawings like you do for everything else.

>> No.3180018

i really dont know how.

i feel like doing studies would be putting effort into imagination work, because im trying to just get BETTER, so that i can actually draw from imagination. but it doesnt seem to work.

also, when i draw, i cant think of shit. hard for me to visualize i guess

>> No.3180024

Post your reference and imagination drawings.

Getting good at drawing from imagination is much much harder than drawing from reference. It takes a very very long time of constantly adds its and bits of visual information. Instead of trying to draw an entire anime girl figure from imagination start with the head. Learn to draw it from imagination in basic views front back side then you can try 3/4 and 2/3. Rotating the head and learning perspective/anatomy is an absolute must. After that try drawing hands/torsos/feet from imagination and also do gestures from imagination as well.

>> No.3180034
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You should be trying to figure stuff out, seeing what you like and what you don't like.
Just start drawing. You don't need to think of an idea. Not every sketch is going to turn out well.

>> No.3180041
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OP here. here are two reference drawings ive done recently

>> No.3180043


>> No.3180044
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here are imagination drawings ive done recently

dont say "bait" or anything. the female torso in the middle is one of the only things i can kind of draw from imagination. the one on the far right is a fluke... dont know how i did that. the rest are more representative of what i can consistently draw.

actually, the guy on the far left is better than what i can usually do, as i normally cant even get to a full pose. and he looks like shit.

>> No.3180062

>i have all the books
well, have you tried reading them?
try thinking of 3D forms instead of shapes, grind boxes, check the correct proportions, etc. At that level you won't get very far by just winging it

>> No.3180075

yeah dude, i have read them. copied pictures from them, tried to really reflect on the diagrams in the books, recalling them to memory, pacing around my house thinking about them...

idk. its like i cant remember any of the things that ive seen or read when i actually try to draw something original. i just default to the same garbage looking anime eyes and random lines and shit that i usually draw when i do imagination stuff.

>> No.3180088

Zin Lim guy here, ok now you want to draw from the imagination right. First have a picture in your head.

Now instead of directly going into 100% drawing mode, draw like mini thumbnails of how the pic in your brain is going to look like, like quick doodles or stickmen just like a little no technique thing just to get your idea on paper (almost like preschool drawing from imagination, no technique needed here).

I hope you're still following me ok so once that's done, select the little doodle that looks best and that roughly corresponds with the image into your mind.

Now here is where the technique loomis and vilpuu and all that stuff comes to mind.

Now take your quick doodle sketch, and start using boxes and spheres ( mini 3d mannequins ) to layout your thumbnail in 3d, once you've got that composition right and it looks similar to your thumbnail you are 2/3 of the way through. Understanding of Perspective plays a huge role here.

Now is the anatomy bit and where all your art books come into play, start transforming your shapes like the cylinders into arms etc.

Now last step place in shading. Ill link some resources you can use, but if I also place zin lim in the mix don't accuse me of shilling.

Hope this helps


>> No.3180100

Have you tried learning some anatomy like how the bones work and how the muscles attach to them?

>> No.3180101

oh god, ive spent so much time on anatomy. i have prokos anatomy courses, have books on muscles and anatomy, drawn diagrams, etc. i have a decent understanding of most anatomy except arms + legs

actually, this kinda helped. it helped to draw in basic 3d shapes of what i want to draw first, and them add detail. seems stupid, cause a lot of drawing courses/books etc seem to allude to this, but i guess i just thought i would study drawing techniques, but then just be able to whip out a pencil and draw whatever, without changing my METHOD. thanks.

still not amazing though :P

>> No.3180102

Read hampton

>> No.3180105

does it teach you how to draw figures FROM IMAGINATION consistently well? if it goes into that then i will buy that shit right now

seems like its geared towards comics... thats good, as ive been trying to learn to draw manga

>> No.3180106

Ill reply with some resources that you can read later, with art books it's more about practicing and remembering the methods but some are just too lazy to pickup the book. That's why I'm here to help

Kind regards
TheZinLim shiller

>> No.3180107

If you know how to draw a simplified ribcage in 3D space and know how everything else attaches you should be able to draw it from imagination.

>> No.3180111

Look no book can teach you how to draw from imagination, what you have to do is like just have a rough idea, plot it down on paper in mini non detailed no shits given thumbnails. And choose the best thumbnail, and with your knowledge of perspective lay it down with 3d shapes etc. Then add anatomy

TLDR imagination guide

Step 1 Idea
Step 2 mini no technique or shits given thumbnails
Step 3 choose best thumbnail
Step 4 draw thumbnail into shapes
(also decide lightsource and shade shapes where light is coming)
Step 5 add anatomy (your art books come into play here and the methods you've memorised) loomis vipuu Robertson etc
Step 6 you should be semi good

>> No.3180115
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>> No.3180117
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>> No.3180119

They forgot the shitty no fucks given to technique mini doodly thumbnails

>> No.3180120

>Phone posting

>> No.3180128

Imagination Resource Guide
Hw to draw from imagination
Loomis will help

Basic figure drawing guide (memorise this
Imagine FX magazine June 2016 pg 64-67

Imagine fx presents how to dra bla bla
Drawing the legs etc pg 38- 37

Anatomy bits
Memorise this especially (ignore the head though, its shit) (they call it the formulaic drawing method)
Surgeon's manual

For the Head for memory ( it skips, but after the skip just draw it like it is, not to hard)

And for the comic lovers out there this should help too

Kind Regards
ZinLim Shiller

Hope this helps you guys.

>> No.3180132

Follow my guide, its not that hard. Just gotta doodle and have fun around before you get into the final drawing. You can't just get into the final drawing, it's a step by step process anon. But you do require a lot of knowledge with perspective, and how to depict anatomy correctly and don't forget the shading and light source. This is why some concept artists make a 3d model in zbrush, use a light source and paint over it.

>> No.3180135


For the imagine fx magazine where the link didn't work

>> No.3180177

If you can draw from reference, what you need to do is...
Draw your shitty imagination drawing.
Then afterward go through and FIX everything in it, using all the reference you need.
Whether that's photos, other art you like, or whatever. Afterward you'll have a better drawing.

During this process, by comparing your art to references, you'll see where you screwed up and exactly how you screwed up. You'll see your problems and learn how to fix them by actually fixing them.
The corrections will stick in your memory a lot better than just copying reference on its own.
Instead of just trying to generally "get better" by copying reference in isolation, and hoping you'll be able to remember the important information when you draw from imagination, this is studying ONLY the most important information: where you screw up. It's a direct targeting of the things that hold back your imagination drawing from your vision.
After doing this a while, you'll recognize patterns of mistakes in your imagination drawing, you'll be experienced in fixing those specific problems, so you'll become better and better at simply avoiding those problems in the first place. Because you've actually fixed your mistakes so many times, you'll be able to apply the "fix" first thing instead of making the mistake. That is to say, you'll just be better at drawing.

All the while experiment with gesture, construction techniques, thumbnails, whatever. Try different processes out, have fun experimenting and exploring.

>> No.3180243

makes sense. thank you.

i said it in a post above. ive been studying all this shit -- i guess i just havent figured out how to actually USE all of it. thank you

>> No.3180249

how long are you talking about here? A few months? A year? 2 years? 3 years?

>> No.3180470

You're still beg-tier, anon.

>> No.3180702

2 - 2.5 years or so. not including time when I was younger where I would draw, copying anime/cartoons, doodling etc

>> No.3180802

It's odd seeing someone glorified whos time in the "games industry" was mostly spent at an online casino games company while the bulk of their portfolio is nothing more than photostudies relying on zedigs colour jitter brush.

>> No.3180944
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I know OP's feel all to well. I know it all too well.
I used to be like him, doing the exact same thing as well. Buddy of mine had to wake me from the curse in order for me to actually progress.

Jumping right into fundamentals/studies was a mistake. You gotta learn how to fuck up a lot, so that way these studies can help you fix it. You can't prepare yourself for something you haven't done yet. You need to spend a good month just doing lots of cringe work. Make some of the shittest art you can, make it look as cringe as possible. Find your weaknesses. Then, this is where studies help you the most.

Attempt your character at least 500 times with minimum references (or none at all). Keep fucking up and ask yourself stuff "does the rib cage look right? How would the rib cage look in this pose?" and "how would X artists draw the rib cage in this situation?" so on, and so on. But you need to fuck up a lot. Fail as much as you can because the sooner you fail, the faster you can improve.

These books you're reading are only trying to fix your mistakes. But if you're not making enough mistakes, then the books do nothing for you. Like I mention, you can't "prepare" for any of this. You have to fuck up. A great teacher doesn't give you new techniques, but rather, how to make your weakness your strength. Then in return, the techniques offered by the teacher (or book) are hopes to make your journey "easier" (keyword EASIER, not easy).

Fail more. Fail faster. Draw a lot of cringe, OP.
I guarantee you, if you practice your waifu like this for a month straight and attempt her at least 600 times with the knowledge and info you have now, you will see improvements. But you need to accept the embarrassing fact that your shit will look like cringe for 599 drawings.

If you can't get over that fact, smoke weed.
If getting stone is too much for you, purchase some CBD.
If you can't afford either, slap yourself in the fact and stop being a bitch. Don't worry, I too was a bitch.

>> No.3180953

>smoking weed
enjoy being a retard