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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.50 MB, 2550x1644, Successfulartists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3173179 No.3173179 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there more successful male artists than females? Theres alot of very talented famales but the majority of the successful are males why is that?

>> No.3173183

God damn it Jazza is indeed successful -.-

>> No.3173185

That's just how allah made us. According to the quran, women are 50% of men in terms of intelligence and strength so it makes sense why there aren't as many successful women.

>> No.3173191

Females seem to have better camera.
Also, who are they?

>> No.3173192

successful how? if what you define to be successful includes Jazza and Sakimichan then you can fuck right off.

>> No.3173204

mens brains work differently than womens, i guess that predisposes them to interests like this

>> No.3173205

I think it's out of necessity. As a male you are expected to be able to provide, so you better get really fucking good. Imagine being 30 and making bad drawings - you will be regarded as a manbaby, whereas women can dabble into art more casually while her STEM boyfriend makes the big bucks.

>> No.3173214

Uhh they are successful at making money out of retards

>> No.3173218

Kim Jung Gi,Craig Mullins, Feng Zhu, Jazza

Females are
Bayle Jae, Loish,Karla Ortiz and Sakimichan

>> No.3173225
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>> No.3173291

because men can focus and go deep

>> No.3173293

Because males are used to having to develop skills and expertise. Women are more used to having everything just handed to them, so they get frustrated when they start drawing and realize they're not instantly amazing.

>> No.3173316

I didn't realize /ic/ is populated by girls only.


>> No.3173318

Out of all of the successful male artists, why him lmao.
Loish and Sakimi (her work ethic, not her actual art) are the only respectable female artists in that pic.

>> No.3173340

Men are more likely to get obsessed with what they do, and work for years without expecting, and seeing results even they hate doing it. This can get really destructive for the person, but it what made people do great things

>> No.3173344

>making money means you're successful
then quit art
do business and draw for fun

>> No.3173365
File: 189 KB, 1462x1462, 1478117032968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Jazza is the proof that chad can win at everything
Not even /ic/ can escape the towering pride of Chads.

>> No.3173370
File: 5 KB, 249x225, 1503136489551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chads invaded into NEET's hobby of every corner. Now if you one that has "made it" /ic/ would be eternally btfo'ed.

>> No.3173381

testosterone is 12-17 times higher in men. between this and hypergamy as a biological goal for women and reproduction being a choice that puts primarily female artists out of a serious carrer for 1 or more years.

>> No.3173396

Crab Muffins is god. Karlita Sanchez Villalobos Ortega is my second fav. Don't give a fuck about any of the others.

>> No.3173428

i expected one of them to be Janaschi

>> No.3173446
File: 412 KB, 2048x1367, dxiCDGeLsTY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool thread

>> No.3173459

Majority, Not exceptioms!

>> No.3173470

Who is this chick? Her work is ugly but her face seems pretty.

>> No.3173487

post your work

>> No.3173510

Baileyis considered successful? We are at the wrong timeline

>> No.3173577

well she does have alot of following

>> No.3173718

Her art is fucking crap and hes an ugly pig

>> No.3173730

Did you switch the words "ugly" and "pretty" around?

>> No.3173744

flash me

no. stop being racist.

>> No.3173840

Jazza's lack of skill, basically evens out the ratio of male to female.

>> No.3173842

thanks jazza for Flash tutorials
yet no talent

>> No.3173855

Because people spend more time judging women for their looks than their work Just look at this thread

>> No.3173857

there are a lot of factors that cause this to happen a few include:

>women are harassed more online, so becoming a youtube personality means dealing with rape and death threats.

>most popular media is made with men in mind (male protagonists, male directors, something like 70% of speaking roles go to men in movies) so women are less likely to play a videogame and connect with the characters content etc.

>Sexual harassment is a prevalent problem in most art related industries. Women in comics, film, and videogames have trouble networking and maintaining healthy relationships with colleagues because they have to deal with unwanted seual advances, sexual harassment, and a boys club mentality.

>in general our society encourages men to be more ambitious, earn more, and have more notoriety, while women are encouraged to be pretty, friendly, and nice. The result is that youtube has a lot of channels run by women that are aimed at teaching kids and highschoolers how to draw, and lots of serious channels aimed at teaching serious art students how to make professional quality work. (the key word here was "in general," there are plenty of exceptions if you look for them.)

Tldr: women have to deal with more bs to get become famous successful artists, so fewer do it.

Also why the fuck did you include Bailey Jae but not JAW cooper? She's an artistic beast.

>> No.3173860

so women are weak and need protecting from evil men.

well yeah, but i thought that was sexist to say these days.

>> No.3173861

Animation industry might have a female bias now, as in greater than 50% of field.
Character driven art will likely have more successful women, thing driven art will likely have more successful men.

>> No.3173864


Who is this? Art looks amazing.

>> No.3173877

>successful artists
>Jazza and Baylee Jae

>> No.3173909
File: 443 KB, 1920x1145, ruoxin-zhang-opal-ruoxin-zhang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blehbleh sexual harrassment blehuughhh society encourages men uuuugggggggfff dealing with rape
Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch.
The reason many well-known artists are male is because of where their interests lie. You would be hard pressed to find a female interested in drawing like concept art Feng Zhu, there could be, but very very few. It's not fun for them, so instead most female artists stick to dainty feminine art, pic related. All the female artists in OP, including sakimichan fall into this. They will not try drawing anything that the average female has no interest in. It works sometimes in reverse too, where you can tell a male artist made a painting because the face is ugly. Because the exceptions to these things are few in numbers, usually only a couple of them turn out to be talented enough to be recognized for it.

>> No.3173935

O how dainty and delicate! I think you're confusing just being able to get a job with being successful

>> No.3173950

Because girls aren't into fantasy shit as much as dudes and thats probably a good thing, ever seen the twitter snark and holier'than'thou attitude of female concept artists? Reading down Leesha Hannigans twitter is insufferable.

>> No.3173972
File: 275 KB, 1594x1090, feminine_benis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw grills have a bigger art-dick than you

>> No.3173988

who dis?

>> No.3174024


this isn't about men or women being naturally evil or weak, this is about self perpetuating gender bias baked into most art-related industries that we need to acknowledge and take measures to fix in order for there everyone to be on the same playing field.

You are a very good example of that "women getting harassed" point.

I addressed the fact that more men are interested in these industries with my "most media is made specifically for men" point.

>> No.3174027

This. Unless they have a true love for the art, they will get discoruaged immediately. Futhermore guys have a tendancy to want to master shit. Masters of life (anything basically) are the ones who get laid.

>> No.3174028

i need names.

>> No.3174031

The same reason men are more represented in high business positions, sciences and IT, because men are more likely to be assertive for promotions, more likely to work longer, more likely to take overtime etc.

>> No.3174032

>most media is made specifically for men
then why are there so many goddamn soap operas, chick flicks, and twilight and frozen shit being made? and you want MORE?!

>> No.3174040

Hypergamy actually has nothing to do with this. But i guess you can say the desire or pressure to bear children puts them back.

>> No.3174052


You will find men who are very good at one specific thing, while women are built to be well rounded and multipurpose.

Top dogs tend to be men because women have more distractions/priorities/options in life and more errands to run, while the men who make it to the top tend to be hyperfocused (weaponized autism), single/childless/gay hence more free time and energy, virgins, and usually drawing is the only thing they can do and they're really good at (Renaissance men are truly rare).

When a man is good at something, he's usually good at that one specific thing but not much else. When a woman is good at something, she also tends to be good at many other things but this type of woman is very rare simply due to the time it takes to invest in all those skills. IME.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with generalizations like this. It's only a problem if we don't allow an individual to choose their life.

>> No.3174113

Still makes 77cents on a dollar

>> No.3174124

Colleen Barry, teaches some classes in New York
Karla Ortiz, her pencil drawings are even better than her digital stuff
Cynthia Sheppard, looks like she is moving more into traditional stuff, and it is also looking better than her digital stuff. better color.
Tatyana Latypova, seems young. will probably go far.
Thea Turner, not much work to see but has some good qualities, will probably also be awesome if she keeps pushing forward.
Elena Bespalova, mostly works as a 3D artist I think. But hey look at that she can paint too. Fuck me.
Claire Wendling, draws good.

>> No.3174136

Youre right

>> No.3174143

> Reading down Leesha Hannigans twitter is insufferable.
Holy shit. Sadly I know many artists who act just like that.

>> No.3174151
File: 121 KB, 553x585, 1507790671666-fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ fucking sakes you expediently generalizing and victimizing shrew, I can't believe you. I don't enjoy name calling like this but I want you to realize how you are acting right now. First off, online communications are the same for everyone unless you explicitly raise the issue of your sex. If you don't believe me, read LITERALLY every 4chan thread ever made, and then read the ones that have people say their sex. (Including this one, the guy called you a bitch because you act like one, he didn't know or care what you were.)The furthest people go is banter or frog jokes anyway. And if someone is sending you "internet threats" or insults, either call an authority if there is real danger or do nothing, because otherwise the situation warrants no action. On top of this, you immediately claim that the entire industry is a one sided, dominated fortress like some hero comic, without explaining how you know this half baked claim to be true in the real world. The real world is not so divided, there is in the vast majority of cases, no significant "underdog" presence perpetuated as you say by anything less than ignorant disregard. People live as they like, the ramifications of this on a large scale can hardly be called anything approaching a bias from which you can pinpoint a source. Finally, my personal point, if you're so weak that you'd abandon your hobby/dream/endeavor because of some outside harassment, then you don't deserve it.
Fucking bait thread pulled me in real good tonight.

>> No.3174163
File: 37 KB, 663x579, 1506768558311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Christ fucking sakes you expediently generalizing and victimizing shrew, I can't believe you.

Somebody's angry,

>> No.3174182

>>I don't enjoy name calling like this but I want you to realize how you are acting right now.

yeah quit acting so uppity

>> No.3174183

fuck i was going to write a response but like... the ignorance is just too much for me to wrap my head around
>read LITERALLY every 4chan ever made, theres no sexism

>> No.3174195

>A perfectly straight line of heads
>every guy is the same height
>just barely breaks the shape with the bayonetts but it doesn't even stand up therefore not counting

>> No.3174206

It's hilarious how all the virgins in this thread either can't figure or are in complete denial about the fact that the deck in industry jobs is actually is stacked against women especially past entry level . no one wants to admit it but it's true, guys hire guys, guys want to hang out with guys, guys want to work with other guys on a team and when it comes to leadership guys would definitely prefer to be lead by a guy. Stop acting like it's fuckin rocket science that existing familiarity in comradely breeds pretty much the same thing that created that comradely in the first place. Your talking out of your ass if you actually believe anything different isn't just a token

>> No.3174224


Now that's just untrue! Men are very accepting of women in spaces they consider to be theirs.

Why, look at the inclusion in /v/. It's open to people of all kinds.

>> No.3174236

In fact Id say being a woman is advantageous now. As if guys like sausage parties.

>> No.3174242

While I think that statement is largely inaccurate, there is a bit of truth in it. Female artists tend to be placed into an echo chamber, voluntarily or not, where nobody pushes them to be better. It's simply that. Women are viewed as closer to "cute" than "serious."

>> No.3174246
File: 207 KB, 937x1171, 1507127332839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women don't have to do shit. men have to become wealthy and famous.
I'll let you do the math.

>> No.3174247


>> No.3174250

a woman can be 1/2 as talented as a man and make twice as much, especially with a Patreon up. everyone favors a woman.

>> No.3174251

>well rounded
>good at sucking dick, vag, and anal
all a girl has to do. no shit women aren't forced to develop a skill.

>> No.3174253

>be 1/3 as talented as male classmate
>post pretty face on instagram

>> No.3174254

>women look at bottom 80% of men as "beta garbage"
>start patreon
>literally 4/5th of men throw money at your mediocre bullshit

huge disadvantage to be male in this industry.

>> No.3174255

what a lad

>> No.3174258

still lying about the wage gap

>> No.3174276
File: 27 KB, 527x409, datbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3174282

I'm not even a redpill thinker but yeah, probably. Combine being a woman with doing art = jackpot. All due respect for woman who do that cause they're as passionate as any man.
But desu I'd like to see more female authors to have different points of view.
I don't remember where but I watched and read some shit about the movie industry and women, it's absolutely terrible for them. Maybe illustration and such is less bad but yeah.

>> No.3174284


>> No.3174321


>> No.3174329

sounds more like an excuse to bitch but ok

>> No.3174333

Yes, there is also that as male you really have to prove yourself because thay are many many males like you who want to achieve the same thing. So basicly males are worthless until proven otherwise. And I think that's good because it really push you to improve and work on yourself.

>> No.3174355

Men's spatial intelligence is way higher. This is probably not the only cause for it, but certainly a very relevant one.

>> No.3174429

I guess men are more willing to sacrifice social life and grind 12 hours a Day, i dont know

>> No.3174455


It's easier for women to get a following, and hit some on patreon. If they are at least a bit decent at what they do + decent looks.

Women dominate more and more, so you'll have to be extremely good for a male, to even get some exposure/ get people interest in you.

>> No.3174464
File: 26 KB, 480x479, 1503205045292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who invented rocket?
Who invented electricity?
Who invented airplane?
Who invented rocket?

They are all men.

>> No.3174468

dat thigh gap tho

>> No.3174476

>>in general our society encourages men to be more ambitious, earn more, and have more notoriety, while women are encouraged to be pretty, friendly, and nice. The result is that youtube has a lot of channels run by women that are aimed at teaching kids and highschoolers how to draw, and lots of serious channels aimed at teaching serious art students how to make professional quality work. (the key word here was "in general," there are plenty of exceptions if you look for them.)

this is the only one that's correct. Girls are not bullied into success like men. There's a genetic component to it as well, just like it's no coincidence a woman has never won the World Chess Championship in the last 200 years they had to compete.

>> No.3174505

yea it's the same reason there hasn't been a western bonjwa in Starcraft1, ever.

i'll let you figure out what that reason is.

>> No.3174507

It's about how men masturbate, Men do a motion as if they are placing something. From top to down. This makes them good at things where you're placing things on things, like lines on paper, units on the map or chess pieces on the board.

I don't know what girls do to masturbate, I imagine it has something to do with repeatedly slapping their vagina at a high cadence. Clearly this destructive behavior affects their ability to draw.

It remains clear that more research has to be done on the topic however.

>> No.3174511

nieh, you are crazy

it's the way we pee. Because we can pee while standing, and we have to pee more times per day than we have to defecate, men end up interrupting their schedule for less

>> No.3174514

Women seriously lack creativity

>> No.3174520

>doesn't know these were invented in time periods where women couldn't go to school

>> No.3174525

They could go to school now faggot but 95% of Fortune 500 are men. Accept it women are below men. If womens vagina didnt exist women would have gone extinct millions of years ago

>> No.3174530

The highest paying artist alive month to month is a woman.

Besides Craig Mullins, Loish was the female admiral of the yesteryear and considered highly successful. You go on tumblr today right now and too many people want to be her.

Feng took what he learned and went back to his country to open up a school. He got in at the right place at the right time because there was nothing on the internet for concept art at the time. He did what most chinese do by opening up business and luring in the gullible.

Jazza is a failed animator. I don't know who that other white guy is. Lets not even talk about the human xerox machine.

I'm not a woman sympathizer but even I know your thread is stupid and >>3174507 is stupid.

>> No.3174531

>I don't know who that other white guy is.

wait lol it's craig you know what I never cared to know what his faced looked like up until this post

how awfully strange

>> No.3174538

>If womens vagina didnt exist women would have gone extinct millions of years ago
but then so would you? or would men evolve to shit each other would of their anus?

>> No.3174548

and then people on this board wonder why they don't get good and are never gonna make it.
instead of drawing and getting better at art you participate in pointless threads like these.
you are all fucking pathetic.

>> No.3174665

Post work

>> No.3174671

Times are changing and sexist males going extinct. It's only a matter of time until the last hateful old men on this board are gone too.
My guess is that in 10 years there are going to be more successful female artists than male ones and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.3174688

that didnt stop marie curie from helping discover radiation. if women wanted to they had the opportunity to make such stuff. even now, when women are the majority of uni graduates they still make almost nothing, even accounting for the supposed lack of STEM representation. face it, the majority dont want to try.

>> No.3174695

Good job using Marie Curie as an example considering how despite all schools refused to take her as a teacher an the only reason why she succeeded was her husband being more permissive and her being richer than amny other women. How can other women do it if they are precluded an actual education and even if they manage to get it the academia refuses to integrate them.

Nice thread /v/.

>> No.3174705

kys, then I will post it, pathetic piece of human garbage.

>> No.3174836

What a bunch of fucklords on here. Stop discrediting the accomplishments that women do have under their belts and get back to fucking drawing you absolute children.

>> No.3174860

Sakimi might be succesful but no way she's anywhere near the level of craig mullins or feng, no way!

>> No.3174866
File: 1.56 MB, 1220x574, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not to mention women always draw the same shit, with a few exceptions. How can you compare pic related to any serious work/design by someone like maciej or paul chadeisson or scott robertson.

>> No.3174869
File: 150 KB, 800x1146, Adélaïde_Labille-Guiard_-_Self-Portrait_with_Two_Pupils_-_The_Metropolitan_Museum_of_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>points at Adélaïde Labille-Guiard

>> No.3174873

Don't take the bait

>> No.3174876
File: 61 KB, 355x400, PatBateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole thread is bait

>> No.3174877


>> No.3174878

It's not bait, it's the truth. Very simple.

>> No.3174906

Truth is the new hate speech

>> No.3175046

>has kim jung gi among the pics
>decides to mention mullins and feng

>> No.3175052

You are hilarious nosebro

>> No.3175058

Definitely this. Sometimes being successful requires social suicide, and a lot of guys are austistic as fuck, so they drown themselves in a task. Its the way of our ancestor hunters. You dont come back home until the deer is dead (task is completed)

>> No.3175070

Yup. Also note that you have more male ancestors than female ancestors. (Think about that for a moment). Nature sees you as canoon fodder... so cruel... The inverse of this is that women have more cushioning in life.
--Theres an analogy saying that being a woman is like bowling , but with those safety things on the side. When you succeed (knock over all pins) , you arent as respected as much as a man, who in life has no safety, and must choke on the risk of falling into the gutter of this world at any moment.

>> No.3175096

If only women would only stop adopting their husbands surnames they'd probably have traceable ancestors too

>> No.3175097

There is such a thing as maiden names, bro.

>> No.3175107

SHOOT, that was a huge typo! I MEANT YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE ANCESTORS THAN MALES. This means way more females got to reproduce, and lots of males died alone. Just think back to the harems of old.

>> No.3175109

eggs are expensive and sperm is cheap

>> No.3175116

You ever fill out one of those online forms with a secret question? "What's your moms maiden name" there's a reason it's a secret , nobody fucking knows.

>> No.3175143

That's not right. For every baby a woman has, a man was there too. So in a harem scenario, a man reproduced significantly more often than each of his females. A female doesn't need a male to raise a baby, so basically his entire reproductive purpose is over. Humans are not monogamous animals, so the male's task is to simply make at least one baby in his lifetime to pass on his genes. A female raises the child, so she typically needs to have more caution since she is responsible for two lives. At least these are the biological set-ups. We aren't basic animals needing to survive, so we don't have to follow these "natural guidelines."

>> No.3175145


>> No.3175148

But dude, if one male impregnates a bunch of women, then that is NOT A 1:1 ratio. I agree with you otherwise.

>> No.3175164
File: 23 KB, 640x498, AuMX0IW_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also heres a diagram to illustrate this. For most, this doesnt make sense mathimatically, but you have to take a step back and remember we went always monogamous. In fact, today theres the sterotype of Jerome and his 3 baby mamas. All 3 for him. Thats a 1:3 ratio.

>> No.3175169

>For every baby a woman has, a man was there too
One man can reproduce with several women. I read somewhere that in pre-historic/ancient times only one out of several man ever reproduced.

>> No.3175200

Yeah, only in recent times because of marriage we where able to bridge that gap. Now marriage is worthless as your ass can get divorce raped anytime.
But the point remains, being male means nature sees you as cheap canon fodder (remember anons, sperm is cheap), so life is hard if youre not above average to compensate for that

>> No.3175212

Back to the point made about women taking male surnames, it's already compensated for and even more so with marriage, in addition to their own accomplishments men automatically absorb their children's accomplishment and any accomplishments of the female they married

>> No.3175221

Isn't it weird how we follow the rules like that? We don't have to treat men as fodder. They're not sperm banks. They're human beings, and it's better if we forget the whole hunter/gatherer dynamic and move on.

And then the cycle begins again if he has a son. The daughters are overlooked. At least, historically. The important thing is that females are predisposed to have less pressure to be good. I can say this from my experience as an artist, and only recently have people started giving me shit for my art. It's so relieving. Gives me something to do. Criticism is good for you, but of course, you've gotta live with balance.

>> No.3175229

Oh my god, this is literally me. My STEM spoils me so much, is this really a meme? Are art hoes and STEM folks just destined to be?

>> No.3175254

Considerable point, but I wasnt the anon who mentioned surnames.

Its better we not forget. Thats like saying we should forget history, (which is a bad idea because history repeats itself.)
And similarly, humans are predisposed to certain behaviours. Its best we know our tendancies as to avoid their pitfalls. And one of them is disregarding our fellow man, especially the ones who are seen as below average.

>> No.3175268

But the problem arises when people dwell on traditional over progress in cases where progress is better for everyone. At this point I think what we perceive as natural is actually cultural. We shouldn't forget history, but we should be open to change when needed. I think the male-female relationship needs some alteration.

>> No.3175285

The male-female relationship could use some work, however honestly some things are near impossible to change. Like the adage sperm is cheap, eggs are expensive, are just biological facts, that cannot be culturally changed.
But speaking of progress, what are your thoughts on how we should advance collectivelly?

>> No.3175292

what the fuck is this thread, niggas all this time you spend shitposting could've been spent actually drawing hahahahahaha you bunch of NGMI crabs

>> No.3175293
File: 43 KB, 420x630, david-downton-mad-men-don-draper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender is a very poor indicator for drawing ability. It is a better indicator for lifestyle.

One thing people never think about is that women, at any given point in their sexually marketable window, can effectively opt out of their career/social strata in favor of a life at home raising children. I'm not saying they SHOULD, but the same option just isn't available for the average dude. This moght account for a decreased representation of female workers in almost every field. Thus, there are more guys in most given occupations and ostensibly more of us achieving success in our fields.

>> No.3175297
File: 81 KB, 624x628, 590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole fucking thread.

>> No.3175308

Curious is the trapmakers art

>> No.3175326

having a female brain is an advantage you feel comfortable living literally just because yes but i suppose males have other advantages everything works with balance

>> No.3175440

This argument is a lot of fun because it's now possible to work from home like never before. The women opting out and becoming housewives meme is going to die and you'll be seeing a flood of female artists who have nearly as much time as NEETS on their hands working outsource, while the men are stuck inhouse churning out whatever generic CoD/BF/Halo clone, essentially becoming AAA studio drones.
With the state of the industry as it is, most artists past a certain level end up making more money freelance than they would in a studio. It's only a matter of time before you get overtaken by a horde of middle aged moms.

>> No.3175512

>Le doodle man
>Le back in my time man
>Le nasa stock image collage man
>Le just be yourself bro man
>literally who
>Le autism girl
>is this sakimichan, idk, they all look the same

Also, sakimichan probably earns as much as the 4 males combined, unless Feng has basically no expenses

>> No.3175521

Since this thread has boiled down to shit anyway, as a whole we need to not connect art with gender. If we look at the art alone, our judgement would be clearer. Or sum shit

>> No.3175525

>her face seems pretty
With that Jason Genova lips?

>> No.3175530

Does Sakimichan donate at least 4/5 of her melon dolar profit? If not, she's a rotten gook cunt.

>> No.3175548

Wow, even Yandex couldn't find the original, would you mind sharing the source?

>> No.3175574

I was able to find it, probably because I am elite internet detective-hacker. vk dot com slash album dash 16966189_245639228

But I don't think they put her name anywhere. Fucking Russians trying to keep me from my waifu.

>> No.3175576

Feng is one of 2 people in the entertainment industry who is almost certain to earn more money than Sakimichan. He has his own studio where he uses underpaid artists to produce concept art for triple A games and Hollywood, alongside his highly popular and very expensive school. I'd be very surprised if Feng makes less than half a million $ a year.

>> No.3175582

Nah, not very many women are capable of self-assessment. They are like black people in that way. They think they are perfect just the way they are. Valuable by default. You don't get very far with that attitude.

>> No.3175593
File: 56 KB, 650x330, fallout 3 centaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could Feng become so successful? His works have no personality, his environment and landscape are over designed, his creatures are neither scary or disgusting. Compared to, say, Bethesda's deceased artist Adam, his works are so dull. Michael Kirkbride's concept artworks for Morrowind are a lot more imaginative and distinct as well. Why are those fags still hiring this gook?

>> No.3175597

Blues, jazz, and funk era black musicians were hardworkers.

>> No.3175607

Art is kind of subjective, and a lot of people have shit taste. Would be my guess. Also, Feng got in early when the standards were low.

>> No.3175624

Yeah, judging by the comments, somebody is looking for the name of author over there as well. Thanks for the source.

>> No.3175632

His work doesn't ned to have personality because he is not in charge of giving a project a distinctive look and art direction. He's the guy you hire for all the hard design work that the artsy people with the pretty, painterly styles hate doing. The complex machinery, architecture, weaponry, vehicles etc. Everything that requires perspective grids that make the artsy people curl up in a ball and sob "I just want to make pretty brushstrokes and add lost edges here and there"

>> No.3175636

Idunno man, ask your mom if she thinks she's valuable by default for raising you.
In any case at the least running a household is more work than watching hentai all day and collecting neetbux.

>> No.3175643

So it's a blueprint rather than concept art then.

>> No.3175649

don't talk about my mother you sonofabitch ill fight you

>> No.3175655

Concept art is the blueprint of design

>> No.3175660

I thought concept art requires the artist to be all visionary and shit. If the artist has no original vision, then the final product will be even less visionary.

>> No.3175664

That's what the majority of concept art is supposed to be though. That's also why Feng will always easily find work. Every young, aspiring concept artist wants to be the next Craig Mullins or Jaime Jones, but no one wants to do the boring Scott Robertson shit.

>> No.3175670

The person the concept artist works for is the one providing the vision

>> No.3175674

It's a team effort. Some artists are hired to find and develop the style and art direction of a project, or to experiment with ideas etc and some are hired to do all the menial hard surface stuff that comes after the art direction is decided.

>> No.3176154

>you'll get far with that attitude as long as you don't seek the approval of white males

>> No.3176159
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>> No.3176167

who is that trap in the bottom right?

>> No.3176170

Or the approval of anyone competent at their job.

>> No.3176185

Bosses don't need their employees approval they just need them to get the job done

>> No.3176189


Thank you for making a point other than "muh BIOLOGY"

>> No.3176648

I'm in highschool 12th grade and seen plenty girls that can draw far better than me. But they decide not to study or continue forward with art, I'm generalising here but I think males just have more perseverance.

>> No.3176661

>I'd be very surprised if Feng makes less than half a million $ a year.
Anon, Sakimichan has 5800 patreons.
Her lowest reward tier is $3, going up to $150 per 2 weeks.
She was long over 500k a year before she hid her profit.
Even if the average is $5, she’s pulling 750k a year from patreon alone.
That bitch is rolling in money.

>> No.3176665

Yes, but said bosses are mostly white males whose approval you don't seek apparently.

>> No.3176669

To get the point across, even if every single patreon is giving the bare minimum of $3 to get the lowest reward (which we know isn’t true because all the restricted high tier slots are taken), she is still making 453k a year just on patreon.

>> No.3176682

Yes and Feng is rolling in even more money. His school admission fees are 40 grand per student. He has his own studio where he does high profile client work. Not to mention he is taxed under Singepore law as opposed to Canadian tax laws. If Sakimichan makes 1 million $ a year from Patreon, which is stretching it, she would make around half a million $ a year with taxes and Patreon's own cuts being deducted. Unless Feng fell on hard times and his school is doing way worse than it used to, I just don't see him making less than that annually.

>> No.3176683

>40 grand per student
40k for education on vidya art? Jesus.

>> No.3176686

Have been to Singapore? Do you have any idea how expensive it is? His expenses are guaranteed to be out the ass.

Sakimichan also works outside of patreon, and does major cons regularly. By which I mean she is actually brought there by the organisers, not peddling garbage like the average loser.

>1 mil
>stretching it
That’s less than $7 per patreon.

>> No.3176690

Nigga, she was making 32k per 2 weeks before hiding the profit. That’s 830k a year, and her patreons have increased from 3973 at the time to 5808 presently.

>> No.3176693

To clarify, if her average pledge stayed the same, she would now be making 1215k a year.
And she has been on a constant rise since starting.

>> No.3176701

>Feng is rolling in even more money.
are you stupid? Sakimichan was earning $30k every 2 weeks back when she had 3,000 patrons. she now has over 5,000 patrons and even higher priced tiers. She must be at $30k WEEKLY now. Not even counting gumroad and conventions

>> No.3177484

>said bosses are mostly white males

Must have learned something from those women and blacks who think they're valuable by default.

>> No.3177549

Sadly, the reality is for positions of power the face of the company is probably going to be white males, there's less risk. The studio doesn't need to worry about you leaving to have a baby, suing someone for sexual harassment or pulling the race card for being overlooked at a meeting and you won't scare off the xenophobes when your face is representing the studio in a magazine interview or on their website. Most first world countries are still mostly white and most customers for studio products are white males the people making the products are probably going to represent that

>> No.3177572
File: 1.10 MB, 632x2378, Bk0yJ2JSD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone even want to be in that level of power? It's not like a CEO is going to be drawing anything, and so many Directors end up doing more spreadsheets and management work than actual art. There are exceptions of course, but its often how it goes.

In any case I don't care that there are less good female artists, what rustles my jimmies is that those few who do get to a good level are often diminished and ignored. And not in the same way like we rip on Feng or whoever for their art, but for the fact that they are female.
I have yet to see an artist who is say, gay, whose work gets ripped on because his faggotry prevents him from seeing detail the same way or some other pseudo-scientific factoid read off of an infographic, for example.

>> No.3177611

Tunnel vision. Women are generally incapable of tunnel vision in the same way men are.
Women have a need to try to max out all aspects of their life, which means nothing gets maxed out.
A man simply decides he wants to "git gud" and everything else gets thrown in the garbage.
I've listened to a few successful female artist interviews and they all tell the same story. They became a hermit to get good. No time for anything else. Few women are willing to make that sacrifice.
That's not just art, but pretty much every field.

>> No.3177618


this is the basis for eternal female inferiority. they are evolutionarily rewarded for being sexy, healthy, cute, adventurous, flirtatious and manipulative.

men are rewarded for being hard working, intelligent, long term planning, competitive, ontop of everything physical.

it's no coincidence men are stronger, more rational and more intelligent than women.

>> No.3177623

>it has something to do with repeatedly slapping their vagina at a high cadence. Clearly this destructive behavior affects their ability to draw.
Then explain why I can draw 3x faster than you

>> No.3177652

I wonder if she needs a boyfriend. I could use a sugarmomma.

>> No.3177654 [DELETED] 
File: 502 KB, 1458x1897, 98E9BB6B-9AD2-4D04-830E-0EB78E0EC50C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s easier for males to advance themselves via predation than vice versa

>> No.3177656
File: 36 KB, 599x449, 4ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A man simply decides he wants to "git gud" and everything else gets thrown in the garbage.

>> No.3177658

Time to start fugging hard working uggos to improve the human race and bring about the artistic ubermensch kwisatz haderach. Sakimichan, holla at me gurl.

>> No.3177806

Imagine what a unstoppable force a female who is comfortable being sexy, cute, adventurous and manipulative but could still outdraw every man in the room at three times their pace? That's what you call a boss bitch

>> No.3178068
File: 106 KB, 720x720, 954C838F-1A5E-4244-979E-8719ED0117DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, wh*tey.

>> No.3178070

he obviously makes bank - 2 mil subs on his main channel + more on his volgs, sponsers all the time, twitch streams, personal store + prints and shit. I mean I think his art is nasty but he seems like a cool dude

>> No.3178071

Titles and positions of power in studios open doors, demand respect and create opportunities that drawing porn on patreon never could. If the system is basically rigged so that minorities hit a glass wall it means exceptionally talented minorities will always be overlooked because credit will be given to those who fit the bill. It's as simple as that.

>> No.3178128

Indeed. Nobody wants to do business with Microsoft, AMD, Samsung, Google, Apple, or any other company run by a darkling/vagina/queer. These are all tiny forgettable companies though so I guess they don't count.

>> No.3178132

Why does it need to be either extreme from drawing porn on patreon to being a CEO? Principal artist positions exist, lead artist, senior artist. I'm not talking about some glass ceiling, I'm saying the very very top layer of a studio is a place where most people will be too busy to actually _create_ any art (with the exceptions of those who started their own small studio). Those guys on the very top also end up being the "corporate face", and sure it's likely to be some white guy, but who cares? That guy isn't the one doing any of the actual work. Meanwhile in the rest of the studio artists are pretty much free to get hired on merit if they can hack it, without any corporate worries. What I was referring to in my post was a cultural issue more than anything else. Being concerned with titles and positions of power on that very top level of CEO sounds more like a /biz/ issue than an /ic/ issue.

>> No.3178217

ur the queer nigga

>> No.3178226

I was wondering how fast this thread would slide from female debate to race. Talking about women in the industry gets boring real quick it seems.

>> No.3178238

there is no race debate. chink artists are suprior, that's a well known proven fact

>> No.3178242

you do know minority groups (at least in USA) include women and gays right?

i work at a chinese owned company 95% of the staff is asian, fluent in english highly educated but 99% of the leads over here are white guys

>> No.3178244

Men and women are different. More men are successful because they have ambition to be the best they can be in what they are doing. Very few women have that drive.

>> No.3178251

I think you're projecting anon. The only part of the thread that involved race was when >>3178071
decided to just group everyone together while discussing company culture.

>> No.3178255

Trolling /ic/ with sexism always works, so many women on this board.

>> No.3178312

> 99% of the leads over here are white guys

How to become an art director. Suck at doing actual art.

>> No.3178330

>here is no race debate. chink artists are suprior, that's a well known proven fact

I don't think we both disagree on this. But I'm "suprior" to you and that's all that matters; white, black, yellow, green, blue, orange.

>> No.3178363

second for this

>> No.3178557 [DELETED] 

Nobody has to like the truth.

Aren't you the anon who asked this?
>Why would anyone even want to be in that level of power?
All I did was tell you why, not saying it's relevant for you or most artists though.

>Why does it need to be either extreme from drawing porn on patreon to being a CEO
It doesn't, but I'm pretty sure the successful women artists OP mentioned are patrron artists so they're probably drawing porn aren't they? Are there any successful patreon artists who don't draw porn? Meanwhile Feng Zhu would still be considered more successful even if he made less money than all those artists combined. It's not because of hes a man, it's because he created work most artists respect and has a long track record of working at respectable studios that's all. At the end of the day he's doing art at a high level most artists are interested in, male or female that's why his school is so sought after.

I'm saying it isn't a woman thing it happens to all minority groups and it's just accepted as what it is. Women aren't singled out any differently from other 'minorities'. This thread is just another excuse to act like women are somehow being treated more unfairly than anyone else.

>> No.3178566

Nobody has to like the truth.

Aren't you the anon who asked this?
>Why would anyone even want to be in that level of power?
All I did was tell you why, not saying it's relevant for you or most artists though.

>Why does it need to be either extreme from drawing porn on patreon to being a CEO
It doesn't, but I'm pretty sure the successful women artists OP mentioned are patrron artists so they're probably drawing porn aren't they? Are there any successful patreon artists who don't draw porn? Meanwhile Feng Zhu would still be considered more successful even if he made less money than all those artists combined. It's not because of hes a man, it's because he created work most artists respect and has a long track record of working at respectable studios that's all. At the end of the day he's doing art at a high level most artists are interested in, male or female that's why his school is so sought after.

I'm saying it isn't a woman thing it happens to all minority groups and it's just accepted as what it is. Women aren't singled out any differently from other 'minorities'. This thread is just another excuse to act like women are somehow being targeted.

>> No.3178715

>women artists OP mentioned are patrron artists so they're probably drawing porn
Only Sakimichan does porn out of the OP, and even that was after she was already successful with her fanarts and decided she'd get more money that way. No idea who the Bayle Jae is but both Karla Oritz and Loish are well known in the industry and have shipped titles.

>long track record of working at respectable studios
That's the thing though, Feng is years ahead. He was one of the pioneers of concept art. I'm not disagreeing with you, but it's hardly comparable and it doesn't make the rest less successful.

>This thread is just another excuse to act like women are somehow being targeted.
This thread is literally titled
>Why are there more successful male artists than females?
It's not targeting, it's just being on topic. Race issues may be similar, but they're not relevant to this thread right now.

>> No.3179154

I never specifically mentioned race but some are part of minority groups so I'll leave it at that

>> No.3179181

Women aren't minorities they are half of the population. And in our global economy whites are less than 10% of the population. Females and darkies are running out of excuses.

>> No.3179285

Women are severely underrepresented in "the industry" and that's basically what this whole string of responses has been about

>> No.3179286

Maybe its because women have different interests than entering the industry? Does any industry need to be 50/50 gender representation, 50/50 sexuality ect. ect.? No.
Men are underrepresented in other industry areas (like teaching or nurses). Men and women have different interests, women have as much chances to become successful in a given field that any man has, they just need to work as hard as the men. Which they often do not want to do.

>> No.3179441

Asians man

>> No.3179483

>and when it comes to leadership guys would definitely prefer to be lead by a guy

Everybody prefers to be lead by a guy, even girls themselves and while I would not wish this experience on my worst enemy, anybody who ever had the misfortune of working for a female boss knows exactly why that is.

>> No.3179503

Eh. Mixed bag in my experience. I've had 3 female bosses. One was a redhead milf with big titties who wore tight fitting sweaters and would get all close to me all the time and lean over a lot, making the most of those tits. She knew how to get good work out of me. The second one would buy me pizzas and my favorite cakes and stuff from time to time. Putting that saying into practice - the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Not bad. Third boss was a fat balding cunt. Total bitch. Fourth boss was a really laid back dude. Nice, but of all of them the second boss was the most responsible and hard working.

>> No.3179508

> it's absolutely terrible for them

Have you ever considered that females are much quicker to feel emotionally hurt? That they are also much quicker to make those negative experiences heard and more likely to dramatize them in order to generate sympathy? That kind of behavior in women is not penalized but actually rewarded by fools like you. How do you know it is not equally as hard if not harder for men but you just don't hear about it because men don't whine about it? They just either give up or keep at it both without bitching like a bitch.

It's always the fucking same.

1. Make claim that women are equal without any kind of proof for it
2. Point to disparity in success of women in any given field they don't dominate
3. Claim that society and culture is holding them back from realizing their unproven but surely existing potential

>> No.3179529

Had to look it up, wish I hadn't. What do you mean, he's successful, how? His shit is barely scratching advanced beginner DAtard level. How the fuck? Like, what? Are you serious?

>> No.3179600

>Have you ever considered that females are much quicker to feel emotionally hurt?
That's a huge generalization. Women can be just as stone hearted as men.

>> No.3179601

>Imagine being 30 and making bad drawings - you will be regarded as a manbaby
that seriously hurt my feelings anon

>> No.3179608

Is there a reason the fags from deviant art's forums keep reposting the same shitty topics over here? It's been happening like a year now it's time to stop

>> No.3180882

>Karla Ortiz

>> No.3180899

I want a STEM husband.

>> No.3180909

Why is it great for a milf to press her fat titties on her employees to motivate them, but whenever an older dude rubs his fat daddy dick on someone people break into hysteria?

This is why people don’t want to hire women, they just don’t understand work culture.

>> No.3182503

he's referring to if you lame girls cannot reproduce you're automatically discarded simply used for sex object.

>> No.3182504

Probably because guys take quicker bathroom breaks and don't need to waste time on makeup and other things. Also I don't know about you lads but I can have hours of sex and go back to work. Girls just pass like after.

>> No.3182540

To be fair that is very amateur garbage. Not the kind of amateur garbage that dudes draw but it is unfair to use that low level of skill as an example

>> No.3182550
File: 1.51 MB, 850x2180, 4eff037acd247c0a6017f3e874166644635974956f92aecbfd673e8580fd9e77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can you compare pic related to any serious work/design by someone like maciej or paul chadeisson or scott robertson.
are you literally a low functioning autist? cherry picking a bottom of the barrel youtube "artist" and asking to compare it to Scott Robertson as your argument that women draw like shit. That's like asking to compare this guy to Jana Schirmer.

>> No.3182778

I wonder why.

Hey ladddiieeesssss <3 <3 <#

>> No.3182796
File: 110 KB, 607x1080, 1508590921924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vast majority of western women lack working ethic, and they never dedicate themselves to anything that won't bring them fast profit.

>> No.3182806
File: 251 KB, 736x1005, 62555478309952abdd9f93ffc44b0a4c--yoshitaka-amano-japan-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many women artists have a really unique weird style though?
Or something that's revolutionary to the art industry
Name me at least 3

>> No.3182813

what's so funny about that? Just because most of us here don't do that, doesn't mean there aren't way more men than women who do it.

>> No.3182822

>Isn't it weird how we follow the rules like that?
We don't "follow the rules" like our parents teach us them and we decide to follow them. They are ingrained in us, you unconsciously act on them and this can, in the grand scheme of things, not be changed unless we wait a shitload of generations.

>> No.3182890

Cant believe this shit is still alive

>> No.3183747
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 1508643025074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except this can apply to almost 90% of the people on this board, which are male.

>> No.3183752
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in what fields is this not the case?

>> No.3183759
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So where's your source on this? Your ass doesn't count.

>> No.3183761
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>> No.3183775
File: 149 KB, 488x496, zydK2nV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yoshitaka Amano
>really unique weird style
>revolutionary to the art industry
>really unique weird style
>How many women artists
>really unique weird style