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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 795 KB, 608x910, hawk_by_sycra-db0dpax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3172148 No.3172148 [Reply] [Original]

How can I get as good as Sycra?

>> No.3172154

if he doesn't try to make things attractive, why does he put tits on them?

>> No.3172188

Why do you want to be as good as this guy in particular?

>> No.3172197


>> No.3172201
File: 1.21 MB, 777x1029, mao_sycrafied_by_sycra-dbq9v78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cmon, you don't want to be this good?

>> No.3172203

why is he style so damn hideous, what a fucking waste of years of grinding fundamentals

isn't art supposed to express something? is this ugly girl the message he wants to leave behind on earth before he dies?

>> No.3172205

He says he wanted a style that looked "cool"

>> No.3172208

muh style

>> No.3172214


>> No.3172219

Goddamn, he's just getting worse and worse, what happened?

>> No.3172228

Sycra is unironically a good artist, its just that his art style is shit because he has shit taste.

>> No.3172231

whats wrong with that?

>> No.3172241

That was feb, its been months

>> No.3172275

Cant believe that his favorite artists is Kim Jung Gi and did not carry any of kims influence in his art

>> No.3172296

For someone who is as good technically that is an ugly ass looking finished piece. His style and his taste are his biggest issues.

He manages to make everything ugly ass hell.

>> No.3172297

He's been drawing for years though, I used to watch his videos before even finding /ic/, and after looking through his portfolio on his home page, I genuinely think I've surpassed him. Not only does his work lack aesthetic, but he also has massive weaknesses in some areas that are strange for someone who's been drawing for so long, particularly when it comes to anatomy. Dude can't draw hands for shit, and sonetimes, his figures can look a bit weird.

>> No.3172307

post work

>> No.3172327
File: 678 KB, 608x910, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3172333

usually when people "fix" someone else's art it's always even shittier and nastier than the original... this is actually an improvement

good job

>> No.3172343

Thank you for making those nipples suckable. However, I think giving females extreme traits isnt a bad thing. In media, males can have extreme traits , but females but always be cute or attractive . (Example - the emotions of inside out). So yeah, as much as I like to look at hawt females at the next guy, maybe Sycra wants the same freedom in drawing females as people are afforded when making ugly af extreme facial features for men.

Good points. I cant debate that actually.

>> No.3172349
File: 100 KB, 342x245, 1392000407565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using Inside Out as a good example of character design

>> No.3172352

Not that guy, but he's saying Inside Out was an example of how character design largely limits female characters to being human-like or attractive while dudes can be literal red blocks.

>> No.3172368

Feminist bullshit. Men and women are different, what looks good exaggerated in male features looks bad on women. And that original image looks terrible.

>> No.3172386

>616k subs
how much does he make from YT?

>> No.3172399

The fucking angry guy is a terrible design though, you can't get any good negative space out of him, exact same problem with the old guy from Up. The fear guy's design on the other hand is all about silhouette and negative space and is a case of them accidently getting something right. Fucking CG can't keep their shit consistent so they just default to those samey doll-like designs because they have no idea what they are doing from a design standpoint.

>> No.3172412

Yeah, I agree, I hate how most of Inside Out looks. 90% of all of Pixar's recent shit just looks soft with hardly any hard edges to offset them. Makes me depressed that Dreamworks flopped and is basically a dead shell of itself because they handled the stylistic transition from 2D and 3D a lot more ineptly.

>that fucking baby Dory from Finding Dory that is literally 90% eyes because Pixar was too lazy to deviate from big eyes = cute formula

>> No.3172424

>Only attractive things can have tits.
WOW. I bet you think you don't have tits yourself, cheetos beard.

>> No.3172441

i'm not gay, so no, i don't find my tits attractive at all. sycra is a guy, straight guys find female sex organs attractive, so it's only obvious that he would draw tits to make female character more attractive. However, he's contradicting himself by drawing angular, blocky body parts and ugly face. The man is probably koo-koo in the head, dabbling in arts does that to you, i guess.

>> No.3172462

Was probably a woman who posted that

I wish women were banned off 4chan

>> No.3172470

>it's only obvious that he would draw tits to make female character more attractive

He would draw tits because women usually have tits whether they are ugly or not. Beautiful women also generally still have tits even after they are 90 years old and wrinkly as a walnut.

>> No.3172488

I cant believe im taking the feminist side of things(i mean i frequent 4chan of all places), but ive formed this opinion because females in a lot of animated shows ive watched suffer from same face syndrome. Anime is the biggest offender. So can you name an animated show which exaggerates features on females that are acceptable?
You explained it so well that I saved your post, thanks

>> No.3172489

>so it's only obvious that he would draw tits to make female character more attractive
>look bois i know how mens brains works

>> No.3172515

naturally, cause i'm a guy.

>> No.3172517

you mean shows that exaggerate the appropriate parts of a womans body that makes it appealing?

first thing that comes to mind IS anime, they seem to have a good grasp on what makes the female body attractive and enhance it. Western shows these days have people too scared to focus on female beauty out of fear of being called sexist so its more toned down here.

same face syndrome just means they draw good looking women. it turns out regardless of what feminists like to think beauty is not subjective, and that demonstrates it.

>> No.3172519

>balding on one half of head
>cancerous mole
>left tit is wider than her whole waist
>giant arm bones
>chin that could open a can of sardines
>neck that looks like putty
>dog nose
>cranium that could open another can of sardines
>nipples look like plastic

0/10 would not fap

>> No.3172521

Can women shut the fuck up about the male brain? Just cause you have a cuck redditor bff that tells you "oh!! not all men are like that" doesn't mean you know how a man's brain works.

You don't draw a nude female and spend 8 hours rendering it and exaggerate its hour-glass figure and add enormous tits on it if you don't find it attractive, retards.

>> No.3172527

'same face' looks same to you cause it's simplified. there may be subtle differences that your tiny brain and untrained eyes can't pick on, but it's there. furthermore, there is always a clear distinction in age difference shown in the face in pretty much every animated show i have seen. going deeper, there is more to character than just the face, you have to look beyond physical appearances to appreciate the character. how a character acts and speaks is arguably more important than their 'same face', you superficial whore.

>> No.3172539


"Appealing" and "attractive" are two different things, champ. Newsflash, an artist can draw whatever they want, regardless of "preference". Sometimes it's out of interest, which doesn't mean "OMG I love tit tats" and sometimes it's just a study, for practice to get more knowledge coverage over a subject matter. You don't draw female tittles because you want to suck on them. You draw them if the subject matter requires them. Need to make anatomy books? Well, guess if a male is tasked to do it they must only want to because "I gets hard from female boobies."

I was going to just ignore your comment earlier because of how ass retarded it is but it's clear people like yourself think you know better about men more than men themselves. You think man can't think outside of primitive thoughts. Grow the fuck up. It's just tits, everyone seen them before, fucked them before, sucked them before, and even if you haven't you should be used to them to the point it doesn't give you a raging boner like a 10 year old's first kiss.

>> No.3172547

so how do you explain that character is naked? there is literally 0 reason for her to be naked, other than to show off her GIANT ass tits and nipples. this wasn't a photo study, so don't treat it like one. everything in this image was intentional.

>> No.3172584

To wizardchan

>> No.3172591

Why should you draw fucking anything? Because you can? Yes. Exactly. Why is the woman naked. Because she can? Yes. Yes she can. Why can't she? Is it because the guy drawing her is a pervert? No. Not objectively. Some draw them for that reason, but others? Research. Studies. Creativity. Curiosity. Opinions. Those are many reasons. I draw naked women many times too, but is it because I'm a guy and I want to jack off to girls? Naturally, sure, but that's not why I draw them naked. Not to fap, but to appreciate. I think the female form is interesting. Fascinating. Cool. Neat. Fun. All of the above. Male anatomy is cool in some ways, but they are different compared to the female form. They are very unique. So I draw them.

It's sad when real world objectivity is subjected to self dereliction. People feel attacked when they aren't the focus of attention, directly. Because I don't understand where does all this projections come from for why a person does what they do.

>> No.3172602

Good points. Cant argue with those. However i must say that a part of the reason why anime girls look so similar are budget restrictions, even though the japanese perfected the female form.
Woah there second anon , no need to get fiesty, im not the rainbow haired feminist who threatened to cut off your dick, feed it to the dog, and enslave the male race.

A show ill mention is SAO. That anime has basically the same face for every character. Only difference is hair and eye color. Id say for the anime industry, the benefit in this is that once you figure out the facial perspectives for one character, youve got em all. There- a good reason for same face is budget restrictions.

Anyway, no reason to bring insults into this, but you have brought a good argument. BUT i must reiterate , im talking about EXTREME facial features. Shows like that arent common. Im talking about on the level of Inside out's male emotions.
And about personality, ofc i find personality important. IDGAF About how attractive or even unattractive a character is. But what I do care about, as an artist, is audience reaction. Seeing the backlash towards Disney movies makes me try to find ways to appeal even to the PC crowd.

>> No.3172684
File: 1.90 MB, 1793x1300, All_cast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Read understanding comics by Scott McCloud, to better understand why people simplify things the way they do.
2. There are plenty of manga and anime that have a variety of attractive females without suffering from the same face syndrome, Shokugeki no Soma being a recent example that comes to mind.
3. Women are pretty because not only is that a defining feature of the entire genre but also a selling point. And not only that, but manga often has ugly women in it too, One Piece has Big Mom for example, as well as a few others, and Soma, again, has a few as well... They're just less memorable for obvious reasons.

>> No.3172685

defining feature of the entire gender*


>> No.3172688

If you just draw something because you can without any purpose or reason behind it, then that's fine, but you shouldn't act surprised when people are confused due to your lack of intent. A good artist who wants to engage his audience and actually tell a story or convey an idea will want to think of these things beyond "she's naked because she can"

And yes, obviously you can just draw naked figures for practice etc without any of that, but the picture in question is a finished illustration Sycra posted online, not some random sketch page.

>> No.3172689

Looks retarded just like Sycra's fans.

>> No.3172691

SAO suffers from sameface because the studio animating it is creatively bankrupt and notorious for being "the McDonalds of anime." A1 Pictures sameface problems stem beyond their female cast and into their male cast as well... across multiple shows... to the point where all the lead protags basically look the same. So SAO is probably the worst example you could cite as it's not indicative of the entire entire medium, but rather the most mainstream and industrial side of it. It'd be like criticizing Marvel for having the same tired storylines and formula, and extrapolating that to the rest of cinema across the world. Or using AAA games as a measuring stick for the entire industry.

In short, read more manga. Anime and it are so closely entwined, and manga is often seen taking more risks and being a creative expression of just one artist. You'll generally see less sameface there. Especially if the artist is skilled.

>> No.3172692

Also, you don't draw exaggerated details on female faces because this detracts from their beauty. If your goal is to draw an attractive female character, adding more details is only gonna make her look older, and in some cases more uncanny.

This is literally character design 101.

>> No.3172811

This is pretty hard to look at, when style goes bad.

>> No.3172818
File: 1.92 MB, 934x1378, elf_concept___take_2_by_sycra-dbdcolg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one looked pretty good

>> No.3172827

His style hurts my eyes

>> No.3172837
File: 937 KB, 1003x669, IMG_20171015_130754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mediocre, like this one.

I think this one showcases his weaknesses the best. If this were some amateur who'd been drawing for a couple years, totally fine, but this dude's been drawing professionally for about a decade now.

Also, his character designs are super bland and full of fat chicks for some reason.

>> No.3172840

On one of the last podcasts he said he finds fat chicks hot because of something in his childhood or something

>> No.3172842

this is what you get when instead of emotion you approach stylisation with an analytic mindset

>> No.3172848

This is both repulsive and humorous to me.

You know, this is a good point. My approach to design is very much "I like this" and I incorporate elements of what I like into my own style, and "I like this too" and I then incorporate that too. I don't think about it, I don't break it down, I just do, and I do cause certain elements of a style trigger an emotional response from me.

Sycra on the other hand, I've seen go on lengthy rants trying to analyze style. Imo, it's not something you should think about. Over thinking things removes the ever important and inexplicable emotional element. It becomes cold and calculated, rather than free-flowing as art should be. That's the problem with Sycra's art, he's got solid technical abilities, but there's no real heart and soul to his work.

>> No.3172878

Except there is nothing analytical about his style. In fact, he is doing the exact opposite of what is the conventional knowledge about appealing shape design.

>> No.3172882

His monthly views aren't high, his monthly earnings are definitely well under 1k from Youtube Ad revenue (probably around 600-800) and that's before taxes.

>> No.3172902

>subtle differences
A different colour hair or different clothes, usually.

>> No.3172906

I doubt he makes any significant money at all from youtube. His videos get 10-30k views on average and he posts like once or twice a month. If that was already enough to make 600 bucks in ad revenue, every halfway popular lets player would be a fucking millionaire.

>> No.3173101
File: 157 KB, 292x385, 91f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3173169

I am actually making a living through Youtube, my estimation is in the right ballpark, I also checked his numbers on Socialblade and guestimated the amount considering video length and type of audience. That said, given his fame it's actually not much money, especially after taxes, but yeah, some Youtubers are making a killing.

>> No.3173223

Social blade says he gets $91 - $1.5K per month, so $600 isnt too unreasonable.

>> No.3173335


Again, Sycra puts out 2 videos a month that get around 15-30k views each. That does not earn you 600 fucking $ with ad revenue. No idea how socialblade gets to those numbers, maybe it takes into account all the videos of a channel and gives you an average estimate, which would highly skew the numbers due to the fact that lots of Sycra's older videos got hundreds of thousands of views and he has been at it for a long time. But at his current output and viewcount, I doubt he makes even 100 bucks a month off of ad revenue. Especially after the adpocalypse where way bigger youtubers than him are struggling.

I mean think about it, most moderately successful, smaller let's play channels usually gets around 15-30k views per video easily on a daily release schedule. That's 30 videos per month at the same vierwcount as Sycra, who puts out 1-2 videos a month. That means they make 15-30 times the money Sycra makes. Do you seriously think the average lower tier lets play channels make between 9000 and 15000$ a month just through ad revenue?

>> No.3173343

>Male anatomy is cool in some ways, but they are different compared to the female form
Yes, you are attracted to one and idealize the other, retard. Men have been drawing attractive women and muscled men since men have learned to draw. We draw mainly the things we like and the things we desire, it's human nature.

There was no need for Sycra to add giant shiny tits to an imaginary female character on top of a ridiculous hourglass figure if he wasn't trying to make her attractive you mongoloid.

>> No.3173364
File: 106 KB, 900x720, 136549724651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? there's many youtube artists better than him, like pic related.

>> No.3173368

The more videos you have the more money you make, senpai, it isn't just about recent videos. DSPgaming makes probably over 500 bucks a month and his videos get like 50-500 views. He just has so many fucking videos that random people watching old stuff of ends up generating money.

Sycra has a lot of videos that are popular and get views regularly.

>> No.3173373

Whos that? Link pls im interested

>> No.3173377

Wait, muscular men isn't attractive now when a man does it? So women actually want fat fuck men, they don't think muscles are hot? Well excuse me princess, guess if I like my women figures with muscles now it's just "idealizing" them as long as they don't have female curves and hips. Wow.

And I'm sorry, if you think Sycra adding angler forms is "sexualizing women" then you need to get off the Internet and realize how the real world thinks about sexy women.

>> No.3173432

Here you go

>> No.3173482 [DELETED] 

what is wrong with you? do you just argue for the sake of arguing?

for the record, i'm a pretty fit guy, but never had a gf. im inclined to believe that women don't particularly care for muscles. it's only 3 things: height, weight, and charisma.

>> No.3173489

what is wrong with you? do you just argue for the sake of arguing?

for the record, i'm a pretty fit guy, but never had a gf. im inclined to believe that women don't particularly care for muscles. it's only 3 things: height, face, and charisma.

>> No.3173504

Money>personality>looks (height, face, muslces included)

Any billionaire in the world can get more of that 10/10 instagram model pussy than normal guys could ever dream of. Just buy her a trip to Dubai and pay for the meals. There is a twitter called "tag your sponsor" in which some guys expose all of those perfect looking instagram models with travel photos, some of them will literally shit on a plate and film it for you if you offer to pay for their trip. Or just get the latest bughatti and drive fucking anywhere.

Anyone with really good personality and confidence who knows a bit of pick up can get laid often (RSD), a lot more so than a tall fairly good looking social retard. Go to /soc/ and see, plenty of attractive, desperate, lonely people.

>> No.3173548

man, realize that everyone wants/needs money. it's not a factor of attraction. if a guy gave me 5mil, i would suck his cock all day. if you get a women for money, expect her to kill you for inheritance or leave you as soon as your bank account goes south. and no one wants a leeching, lazy wife. again, money is not a factor of attraction.
i don't have to go to /soc/ or even /r9k/, i'm their living, breathing embodiment. despite what you may believe, most women DO care about face and they DO care about height. at least until they talk to you, which is why i included charisma.

>> No.3173567

I am sorry, but you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You get ad revenue per clicks on whatever video. He averages 365k views per month, because people are watching his older videos. You have to adjust the socialblade numbers in earnings, I have a good idea doing Youtube for 2 years professionally. You can delude yourself into thinking that your favorite Youtubers are just doing this for free if that makes you feel better, I don't care.

>> No.3173580

They definitely care about muscles, but for women it goes more like:

Status>>>>Money>Charisma>Looks>Muscles>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anything else you could offer

>> No.3173583

i start to wonder if it's exclusive to America, because most women here are spoiled af.

>> No.3173588

I did the pick up thing for a while, it's mostly bullshit but mostly not. I like to call pick up "the purple pill" it gets you halfway there, but you're still living under blue pill fantasy.

What the RSD guys will never tell you is that looks and status do matter a fuckton, you could be the biggest dork ever, but if you're SOMEBODY, you'll be fucking way hotter girls than the dude who grinds out his game 4 nights a week in clubs. All pick up does, is level the playing field a little so guys can bat within their own average a little better. But if you're a 6/10 short Asian dude or whatever, ain't no amount of game gonna help you pull a 9/10 hottie unless she's MASSIVELY intoxicated, desperate, and a megaslut (or American, PU tends to work much better on American girls than Euros I've noticed).

>> No.3173595

I'll disagree in that it is not a factor of attraction, it is. Wealth is almost equivalent to power and that IS attractive.

And I don't know why you are mentioning marriage now, you just mentioned what women "care" about and you not getting laid. Women do care about money and money does get you laid. You don't need to marry if you don't want to, you can fuck 18-21 yr old girls all the way up to your seventies if you are rich, but I guess that's irrelevant.

And yes, women care about height and face and general attractiveness, those are just not THE most important aspects. Maybe if you're on Tinder they are, but meeting random people there's nothing that's gonna help you more than personality (other than money). Seriously, watch Tyler from RSD. Ugly ass, balding, unfit 40 year old manlet who picks up hot chicks all the time. Hell, I have a 65 yr old uncle who is broke and sleeps with 20yr old girls all the time, some of them pretty hot. His biggest assets are his confidence and personality..

>> No.3173597

Nope, it's all women. Though Anglo women are especially fucked in the head thanks to feminism.

The red pill is a hard pill to swallow. This is not to say women are evil or any of that, but you'll certainly never be loved by a woman in the way you want to be loved: unconditionally. Women are far more opportunistic than men. I suggest you read the Rational Male Blog if you really wanna learn how to deal with the opposite sex in order to have more successful interactions with them. PUA is like a good bucket of cold water, but it will never fully get you fully 'there' at the end of the, most gurus just wanna sell you shit, so they'll never feed you the full truth. The only PUA I personally trust is Roosh, cause that dude has been sunk into the earth by the feminazis, and isn't afraid of saying it like it is.

Also for the record, I'd put height in with looks.

>> No.3173608

I do know it matters, it's just that personality is more important. The thing about confidence and personality is that it's one of the hardest things to grind in this life if you grew up being a bit autistic like me and most people on 4chan probably were.

If ugly guys can't pull 9/10 hotties how does Tyler does it? He's balding, ugly and short and there's plenty of footage of him pulling real hotties.

Anyway, the easiest and healthiest way IMO is to meet hot girls is in normal day to day circumstances. Getting involved in activities and groups and what not. That's where your personality can shine the most and girls won't be judging to fuck or not to fuck at a first glance.

>> No.3173634

guess why American women are so spoiled? because YOU go out there chasing tail, working out for them, earning $$$ for them, reading and going to PUA seminars, all for THEM. you spoil them by chasing after them. you are the problem. don't you see that you are a slave?
i'm angry and bitter with women and i'm moving away form this shitty country that encourages men to rise above everyone else just to get some pussy. in this fat country, fit women are minority so they get all the power. literally any other country is better.

>> No.3173649

Tyler does it cause he rubs elbows with high class celebrities, gets invited to private parties, knows all the promoters, owns a multimillion dollar company, wears expensive clothes, and lives in LA.

All of these things matter a fuckton. This isn't his "game" you can't fake it, you have to BE a high status person, which is what Tyler is. If you think he fucks hot girls cause he goes out 5 nights a week, you're mistaken, it's all that other shit.

Second, have SEEN the latina girl who broke his heart? The one that made him all mopey and depressed for a semester cause she left him cause he wouldn't marry her? The one he won't shut up about cause she's the mother of his kids? Look up a photo of her, she's not that hot, she's not a 10/10 megahottie like you'd think for a guy brags as much as him, she's a fairly average latina girl. Tyler has his limits, and those are cause his height and looks.

Julien too. I actually MET Julien in person. He gave a free seminar in my city, and I signed up to meet him. Dude's 6,3, and super jittery, almost like he's on coke. He actually didn't go out to do game when he was here, he just stayed at a pupil's flat the 2 nights. Why? Because game varies from culture to culture, and the language barrier can be too much for average-looking dudes like Julien when it comes to Spanish hotties.

Yeah, you can kinda fuck around in Japan with nip girls, but that's cause they're thirsty for and fetishize white guys over there. I went to Tokyo, I lived it, no game required, girls will approach YOU (if you're not ugly that is).

>> No.3173671


After doing game for quite a while, and becoming great friends with a genuine Chad (6'7, totally jacked, and full of tattoos), I can tell you this. I'm 100% certain most of their infield footage is paid actresses. My m8 pulls girls with no effort, and he has no ""game."" He actually went to the Julien seminar, that's where we met. His words about PUA during the time we tried it "I've never felt more disconnected from the opposite sex than when I tried PU."

PUA in short is mostly a scam. Yes, there is a real red pill to be sought after, but PUA will only feed you half of it, whilst keeping you hooked on false promises. In order to be truly red pilled, as the term was originally coined by Rollo Tomasi, you must first let go of all blue pilled ideals, which is the fantasy that there is true love out there, and that you will find fullfillment in life through women, or getting married.

The healthiest way to meet women is to BECOME somebody. Women want the alpha male, they want men with drive, and status. They are naturally hardwired to pursue that, and that notice it. This isn't something you can fake by practicing game. All game does, is make you believe that you can attract quality women with enough charisma, when the fact of the matter us, that charisma us merely a biproduct of a successful man.

So in short, work on yourself FOR yourself, and find a purpose in life. Disregard bitches, because they are like cats, chasing after them nets you nothing, when you are a high value man, they will come for YOU. And I mean genuinely high value, genuinely alpha. This goes beyond your career and is more in tune with having a purpose. Something to live for, something worth dying for. Women don't respond well toward unconditional affection, what they want is a man who puts them SECOND to his own dreams and ambitions.


>> No.3173681


Because to them, that's an alpha male. This is where the whole "women love assholes" bit comes from. Because the beta puts the woman on a pedestal, the alpha couldn't care less if she stays or goes

The main problem with PUA is that it's still putting women on a pedestal and making them the focus of a man's life. When it shouldn't be that way at all.

Also, yeah, American women are fucked, as are most Anglo girls. Your best bet us to go for a country that is still "sexist" and women know their place, and their role in society. So, LatAm, Japan, China, Eastern Europe, Russia, etc...

>> No.3173687

>what they want is a man who puts them SECOND to his own dreams and ambitions.
except i've met men with no ambitions in their lives, because they're past 45 and working at a warehouse job. and yet they somehow got their wives.

actually going to Russia, where i was born. thanks for reinforcing my resolve.

>> No.3173705

You went on an enormous rant, but if you think I'm idolizing Tyler or RSD or PUA mentality then you got me wrong. I did say the healthiest relationships you can get will probably come from day to day normal activities and not some drunk slut at a disco.

I don't know anything about Julien, but your rant about Tyler's high class is absolutely bullshit. He goes to regular clubs, he doesn't brag about his money when picking up a girl, he does do usually by himself, not with a celebrity by his side. You're literally just piling up a million excuses and on top of that you even make an outrageous claim saying that all of his footage is just actresses. The fact that he had an average looking girlfriend doesn't mean he hasn't fucked hot girls.

I have an uncle who is 65 years old and picks up girls wherever he fucking goes, regardless of language barrier. Fucking seen it my self. He is like 5'7, doesn't wear expensive clothes and has yellow teeth and a normal skinny old guy body. Confidence shows regardless of language barrier.

I don't know what your alpha 6'7 superman friend has to do with anything. His existence doesn't prove anything. Guys who don't have great looks NEED personality (or money).

Also, if you think women "know their place" in JAPAN of all places you're sadly mistaken. The fact that some drunk slut plays nice to you in a gaijin hunter bar doesn't mean shit. In some places of Japan the companies don't even give their checks to men, they give them to their wives, making them in charge of the household money. Also currently women in Japan do better in the workforce and work more than women almost anywhere else in the world. If you want a housewive, Japan is probably not a good idea.

>> No.3173710

Getting a wife and getting a quality girl are two different things.

Anyone can get a girl if they lower their standards enough, but that's gonna wind you up with an uggo, fatty, crazy.

You want quality girls? Become a quality man. Want to attract lots of women in order to find said unicorn, become a quality man. The women who settle for a lesser man are the sloppy seconds of better men... many better men if we go by today's standards.

>> No.3173735

OP here, stfu and discuss how I can be good as sycra.

>> No.3173736

My point is that what matters most to women, above all else is STATUS. This is what the PUAs will never tell you because they're trying to sell you a product and would rather sting you along on empty promises of "if you keep working on your game, someday you'll land that perfect girl and you'll finally be happy in life.

That's a blue pill ideal. Blue pill ideals don't work well with red pill values.

If you want to be in control of your life, and take charge of the women who you're gonna let into your life, then you must fully embrace the red pill. If you'd rather leave it up to chance, the the blue pill is for you. PUA is neither, it's a distraction, and a scam. However, with the way things are now, things are getting lower and lower for blue pilled men, as feminism and the internet have made it so that 90% women, fuck 10% of men. If you're not in that 10% you're not likely to get SHIT. Your grandpa's generation was a different one, you live in a post feminism society, the rules have changed in favor of women. So it's the worst time to be a blue pilled man.

You wanna seek the real truth, seek out Rollo Tomasi and RooshV. Those guys have spelled it all out.

As for Japan, ofc you got sluts and gaijin hunters there. But as someone who's gone out for half a decade, and has fucked roughly 3 dozen girls, I'll tell you this: women in Japan, unlike Anglo women, still know how to be feminine, that was the point I was making. Feminism has RUINED an entire generation of anglo girls, and my country, Spain, isn't far behind it. Places like LatAm, Asia, and Russia have very little tolerance for feminism and liberal values. That's why it's the better place to go if you want a waifu (though I'd still advice against getting married in this day and age, no matter how great she might be).

>> No.3173740

Read the sticky.

Also, to close things off, your best bet at getting a quality girl is to BECOME a quality man. Status is king, I've seen it dozens of times with all these PUA dudes being dancing monkeys for club sluts, only for some Chad to come along, smile, and her to be swept away.

And on top of that, rethink your life m8, how much effort your putting forth into entertaining these bottom of the barrel chicks, just so you can TRY to get in their pants.

I did it for 5 years bro, take it from me, aim for higher things. Bitches ain't worth shit once you're someone.

>> No.3173756

Damn I just watched coneheads he drew it wrong she's supposed to be bald and pinheaded

>> No.3173788

everything is analytical about his style and how he approaches stylisation

>> No.3173804

Sycra is just trying to be different and threw appeal out the window, apparently because then all his drawings would look the same? because max appeal has already been achieved by asian artists. so now it's different for the sake of being different.

>> No.3173828


>> No.3173838

broken arm

>> No.3174462

>you'll never be loved by a woman unconditionally
You'll never be loved by anybody unconditionally, not even your parents, anon

>> No.3174656
File: 453 KB, 797x555, sycra explaining my process.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3174667

Mothers do, that's where the whole dilemma comes from. Men seek out their mothers in their partners, however, women are biologically programmed to only love their children unconditionally. Men are mostly a means to an end for them.

>> No.3174674


>> No.3174680

is he subconsciously expressing his artistic frustrations with the face on the right?

>> No.3174691

Do you know what the word analytical means? How can you analytically approach stylization and come out on the other side with a style that is the epitome of unappealing, having learnt absolutely nothing from analyzing good stylization?

>> No.3174715


>> No.3174810

Well, he did say he really didn't like it when the finished the painting so...

>> No.3174865

Why does he have enough sensibility and taste to understand it looks bad, but not enough to not draw it like this in the first place? I mean, it's not a skill question, it's a conscious stylistic choice that he himself admits looks like ass.

>> No.3174897
File: 78 KB, 1024x576, 1502509212423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-how did he get so much worse?

Is it some sort of art related neurological condition?

>> No.3174939

His skill is still there, he just chooses to go full stylized because he still wants to develop that hideous pointy chin style, because he likes dynamic shapes. If he keeps at it he might get somewhere with his goal, but he also might waste years and get nowhere at all. Also the child was just for a video demonstration of his steps on any art piece, so I assume he didn't give a fuck about making an actually good piece to begin with and spending time on fixing it would've been a waste.

>> No.3175004

>how to draw manga

>> No.3175497

the issue isnt that her "exaggerated traits" look unattractive or something. the issue is that the original drawing looks fucking retarded

>> No.3175570

You can't make a good piece by "fixing" a bad one. A good piece is made at the foundation, if the foundation is shit, all you can end up with is a polished turd. Also, if you are an artist who relies on an audience to watch your video demonstrations and you make a video showing your process, then that should be the one time you should especially give a fuck about making it look good.

>> No.3176960


>> No.3176977


>> No.3177120
File: 21 KB, 648x722, hawkdemake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone draw in your style

>> No.3177156

oh. Oh no. You fucked up really bad.

>> No.3177174

Yev you're getting worse. Holy shit

>> No.3177175

no I just didn't warm up before doing this

>> No.3177210

why are you acting like it's the end of the world over a doodle? wtf?

>> No.3177213

he was never good to begin with?

>> No.3177225
File: 322 KB, 544x1106, sycra senpai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel weird doing this since I'm on sycra's critique patreon and it's usually him redrawing my sketches

>> No.3177536

they're trying to fit in by insulting others knowing they cant back it up with their own art.

>> No.3177538

you are right.

>> No.3177683
File: 42 KB, 600x1114, mytry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a try at this

>> No.3177861

Okay kid. I'll do a blue line tomorrow if I have time in between commissions.

>> No.3178160
File: 721 KB, 608x910, wxuxh39s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3178169
File: 118 KB, 1399x1158, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gave you 30s of my time.

>> No.3178182

>take an upshot 2/3 angle
>"fix it" by turning it into a dead on zero perspective profile view

Take another 30s and reflect on what you just did.

>> No.3178190


>> No.3178206

>shokugai no soma doesn't have same-face syndrome

are you trolling or just fucking blind
they all have exactly the same face shape, nose and proportions
like ooh good job motherfucker you figured out how to draw slightly different types of eyes, everything else looks super similar.

this pissed me off way more than it should have.

>> No.3178247


>> No.3178260

This is correct.
I enjoy watcing his videos, and his pointy chins series was interesting, it shows how he approached style very clearly. He went into it analytic instead of just letting it happen.
It doesnt help that his taste isnt that good.

>> No.3178262

That happens when the taste of the person who does the analysis is not well developed. Watch his pointy chins videos, it shows how he went into that style. It was analytical, but his taste is bad.

>> No.3178342

>GIANT ass tits and nipples
those arent big anon.

>> No.3178344

i think he was just making up an example of how fetishes are developed.

>> No.3178349
File: 100 KB, 722x1105, saori_by_sycra-d51wdzf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think he's gotten worse he just drawing in a style you guys don't like. it's not like he can only draw in his new style now.

>> No.3178558

Sycra strikes me as someone who completely lacks talent and has no sense of aesthetics, but who worked hard enough to gain some level of proficiency.
I mean, his technical skill isn't terrible, but you can alway sense that something is off in his art.

>> No.3178564

Damn, that's pretty bad. The bottom half doesn't connect properly to the top, and the middle section is just a mess. Even the arm is just drawn as two parallel lines.

>> No.3178586

He knows that himself. He often enough mentioned it that he doesnt have the intuition a lot of artist seem to have, so he has to go the hard way.

>> No.3179354

He compares drawing to walking in the dark and doing his best to not trip over. He also said he feels more comfortable writting and that he didn't persued it because he was in fear if not actually being good so he chosed drawing instead.

>> No.3181238
File: 396 KB, 843x1198, artistredraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was fun

>> No.3181240

Sycra literally has a video about this.

>> No.3181278
File: 156 KB, 608x910, Welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, can't help being a pedo faggot

>> No.3181310

Is this a meme or is that actually how you draw all your faces?

>> No.3181315

Yeah, that is the face I like, I might stick with it for a while.

>> No.3181589

Great now we got you and that pointy nose guy.

>> No.3181608

Congratulations, you managed to make it uglier than Sycra's.

>> No.3181623
File: 626 KB, 1024x564, 1508223642927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11 year progress

>> No.3182485
File: 2.29 MB, 2550x3300, sycra_simplified_anatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3182499

but my mom is fat, and i want to vomit when i see fat chicks. i only like sick, unhealthily skinny chicks. see? not everyone is a sick mommyfucker like you

>> No.3182501

what the fuck

>> No.3182600

Is this supposed to be a loli or a shota or something?

>> No.3182630

i like his take on anatomy but the faces and hands in this particular piece are so bad

>> No.3182739

Holy fuck... if it takes 11 years to make that much progress then I guess I should quit now because I'm never going to get anywhere.

>> No.3182744

I find the faces really great there, but yeah, hands

>> No.3182777
File: 141 KB, 1401x909, ss+(2017-10-23+at+04.06.03).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you don't have a stabilished style
kill me now

>> No.3182873
File: 450 KB, 640x1024, 2017 10 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devka bez ruki is done.
I kinda want Sycra to see this thread now. Even tho it's probably gonna upset him, with people shitting all over his newer art and shit.

>> No.3182888

holy fuck im so mad at these bullshit critics

>> No.3182912

It takes years of practice and shit ton of stagnation to get to that level. Don't think of it as yearly progression, you will get to a point where improvement doesn't matter to you and you are content with your style and you draw for the sake of creating a piece of art and not to improve. Sycra admitted himself that he has a hard time drawing out of his style, he is much more talented than he puts on because he is happy with his work. If your goal is to make photo realistic art, then it will take you longer, if you plan to make cartoon characters for your whole life, it will be shorter. Set obtainable goals.

>> No.3182940

I think you missed my point. I don't think the piece on the right looks very good. If that's the best I could do after 11 years of serious practice then I would have to reconsider my life choices. I'm probably just biased though because it's not a style I'm really interested in to begin with.

>> No.3182981

He was a lot better before that. His style he just chose to do is retarded looking

>> No.3183009

My point was, that isn't a reflection of his talent or ability. It is just a style that many people, including myself, think is very ugly.

>> No.3183089

This dude is definitely autistic, pay attention to the little cracks on his voice when he speaks.

>> No.3183191

let me explain to you, just imagine the following:

sycra likes it even if you are being a faggot about it.

is his art.he does it to his taste.

>> No.3183450
File: 186 KB, 600x774, sycraboredom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3183485
File: 195 KB, 517x768, 1508294846787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy kek

>> No.3183624

Except he doesn't like it. He constantly says he thinks his art sucks. So clearly his taste is not in line with his own art.

And yes, being self-critical is important and most good artists are very critical of their own work, but if you outright hate your work like Sycra says he does and you continue to not make any changes, then you're doing something wrong.

>> No.3183627
File: 1.12 MB, 668x1058, agatha_by_sycra-dayevci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think some of Sycra's newer art is genuinely good. His problem in my opinion is that he's still in the process of trying to find his aesthetic, so his pieces are kinda hit-and-miss now.
He should probably relax with his style a bit and stop being too dogmatic with it (as in "I MUST DRAW EVERYTHING SUPER EXXADERATED AND TRIANGULAR OTHERWISE IT IS NO GOOD!"), and instead take more organic approach.

>> No.3183630
File: 99 KB, 826x968, belle_of_the_ball_by_sycra-d9ma4we.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3183632
File: 742 KB, 657x946, eliza_by_sycra-days6eg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3183633
File: 972 KB, 633x907, eyestach_by_sycra-day9wps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3183634
File: 89 KB, 974x821, harry_by_sycra-days406.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3183635
File: 1.03 MB, 900x857, johnny_by_sycra-db1658v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3183641

I really like this one

>> No.3183864
File: 111 KB, 241x301, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was my warm up for the day.

>> No.3183870

Looks like a human version of Freeza.

>> No.3183897

I'm just an ex-high school doodler but I'm shocked he's giving that out as advice on his website. Sure, it is simplified but I'm struggling to find it helpful because his style is hitting me in the face.

>> No.3184218
File: 1.74 MB, 1024x1680, featherhead_by_sycra-dauaaxa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3184250

It's not autism, it's some kind of disassociative personality disorder he has because of his abuse by his muslim parents

>> No.3184270

it's more like, if he doesn't exxagerate then he doesn't have fun.

>> No.3184286
File: 282 KB, 935x1051, my_fucked_up_parents_by_sycra-d9meyyt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3184295

actually really good fix

>> No.3184297

This just makes me angry.

>> No.3184329

>Okay, I gave each character a unique detail
Like it or not, giving characters different eyes is not same face.

>> No.3184416

You're retarded. Sycra does like his style for the most part, when he says his art sucks, he's coming more from a technical standpoint rather than a stylistic one.

>> No.3184482


>> No.3187675


>> No.3189518

I think that guy has been drawing for 10 to 20+ years