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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3167537 No.3167537 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /ic/ full of so many crabs?

>> No.3167544

I think a lot of it has to do with chan/imageboard culture. You're anonymous and you're rude to people on other boards, so why not this one? At least, that's the mindset I assume people have on /ic/.

>> No.3167545

If I cannot win, I must make others fail.

>> No.3167552

But we're not completely anonymous since someone may recognize your work and you would think we would support each other in draftsmanship like the nips do but no /ic/ is a special kind of autism.

>> No.3167553


>> No.3167555

That's just the definition of crab mentality though, it doesn't explain why it's so prevalent in /ic/

>> No.3167557

Yeah, if you don't post your work then you can stay anonymous and trash people

>> No.3167560

On /ic/, everyone is your enemy.

>> No.3167564

It's not, you're just a whiny bitch who can't take the heat.

>> No.3167568
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>> No.3167569

crabs are cute!

>> No.3167589

Please give examples of the crab behavior. How are people dragging others down? What are they saying? Be specific.

>> No.3167590

post your work.

>> No.3167591
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>> No.3167595
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There was this retard who was larping as someone else

>> No.3167596

fucking kek

>> No.3167597
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>neuroplasticity meme

>> No.3167603

If you look at pic name you see they are all the same fucking OP

>> No.3167606
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Fuck forgot to put pic

>> No.3167609
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These are just shitposts in recent memory. Might get 'le spark' or 'le ligameme' threads or something

>> No.3167611
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>> No.3167639


Usually the incessant shitposting. Plenty of people have confessed to giving deliberately misleading advice, and that's not including the standard useless shit-talk, throwaway meme answers and gossip threads about why x artist is actually shit and 'wahh why are they so popular'.

>> No.3167642


Criticizing Nosebro isn't shitposting if you actually substantiate what you're saying. One of those posts you offered (the bottom one in this image >>3167606) was written by me and I wrote it in answer to Nosebro saying he deliberately avoids reference. I was trying to dissuade him from the notion that it was good for him to do that, not shitposting. I wasn't even being impolite about it.

If advising someone that their method is flawed, trying to tell them why, and trying to get them to correct the method is shitposting then /ic/ could do with more shitposters.

>> No.3167659

Suffering from similar issues doesn't make his criticism incorrect.

>> No.3167665
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Because we're all cancerous.

>> No.3167682

speak for yourself

>> No.3167690

I'm speaking for all of us you autistic cunt.

>> No.3167691
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Autism = Triggered

Fuck you for making me waste my time on this shit.

>> No.3167708

they are supposed to be squares anyway. bad rework

>> No.3167714

Fuck off, it's a spiral movement, wojak should spiral as well.
And besides, the sequence is broken on your pic and it needed to be fixed in any case.

>> No.3167715

still speaking for yourself

>> No.3167720

you're wrong cunt

>> No.3167731

As a poster said before, its because people here are mean cuz they hide behind thwir anon status. As a result a lot of people spew poison cuz of their artistic frustrations. However, if you meet someone from ic irl, they would seem like completely normal people

>> No.3167732

Don't think so bitch

>> No.3167735

london? fight me

>> No.3167737

k. London.

>> No.3167738

which station?

>> No.3167740

pick one fag

>> No.3167747

liverpool street, when can you make it?

>> No.3167748


are you guys gonna gesture battle?

>> No.3167750

They're gonna buttsex.

>> No.3167752

Im coming to watch

>> No.3167753

already there

>> No.3167754

im the guy in the naked apron doing jumping jacks

>> No.3167762

Like everything in life, there is no simple answer. It's a combination of things. The anonymity makes people feel as though they can get away with saying shit they wouldn't dare say IRL. The central culture of being a cunt has become so solidified that it's almost celebrated. It's almost a rite of passage to have your art be shit on and for you to shit on others. This results in a very, very bitter environment. It feels like regular posters are more interested in upholding the culture than actually drawing. You'll notice most people who post their work aren't such complete cunts. That leads me to think that anonymous shitters have already not made it and are just trying to drag everyone down to their level of failure. It's all of these things together.

>> No.3167764


> You'll notice most people who post their work aren't such complete cunts.

The thing is there's no way to be sure they don't behave better when something identifies them and act like cunts while fully anonymous.

>> No.3167766


Bullshit. I guarantee you everyone is in on shitposting, good art or not.

>> No.3167769

That's true too. Who knows then? I understand that a huge part of why the culture is the way it is is because places like DeviantArt are notorious for hand-holding and ass-kissing every fuck-awful attempt at drawing, but this place takes it in the completely opposite direction. There's legitimate good, positive criticism around, I just wish there was more of it.

>> No.3167770

Well except for everyone crying about it

>> No.3168129

Ok so he posts his critic an it is obvious that the head being "formless" has little impact on the actual drawing.

Also here 'le form' of his head


It is almost as if at that point it is just a buzzword that isn't constructive at all.

>> No.3168132

Ok your bottom post was constructive sure, but your top ones are obvious shit posts.

>> No.3168134

tfw you're responsible for half the shitposting threads posted on here

>> No.3168358
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Yeah check my band out

>> No.3168368

kawaii as fuck

>> No.3168369

my band is better

>inb4 post your band
no, we don't want to be recognized

>> No.3168375

It's like that anon posting that everyone who doesn't post their work are pro's that don't want to be caught posting on 4chan. Post your crab band.

>> No.3168381

I wish everyone was just nice and would dispel the anonymous poster trope. we could help each other to the top and have a genuinely nice environment where people could flourish.

instead we have this trash where everyone's a downer and all the decent people leave as soon as they can. feelsbadman

>> No.3168407

There's just too much ISFP dunningtards lurking here.

All they ever do is
>critique good artworks *insert "looks off although I'm not gonna do a redline because I haven\'t touched my photoshop since last year"
>always critique on hard/extremely distorted poses saying "the left leg/arm is smaller because I SAYS SO and every arm is pure cylinder so it should look even blah blah"
>"If I can't have it no one will" t. butthurt crabmentality ISFP

Just tell them to KYS themself.

They'll eventually fall into textile/fashion/photography industry.

>> No.3168410


I never understand these posts. Why praise yourself anonymously then be such a coward that you refuse to prove it? Why even make the useless post? It's 100% masturbatory and just makes you look sad.

There's literally no reason to say an unsubstantiated 'I'm better but won't prove it'. It offers nothing of value except for you to jerk yourself off without having to risk anyone critiquing your trash.

>> No.3168416


Yeah for fucks sake man. Crab bands are serious business. Either step up or step the fuck off.

>> No.3168421

wow, I get genuine (you)s even with ironic baiting

now I understand why this board is so such much filled with crabs, too easy to bait


maybe later, let me call them over for a group pic (aka, let me google some crab refs)

>> No.3168423
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I'd originally meant it as a general thing but then I got triggered and basically attacked the poster rather than the concept. I see it too often.

>> No.3168427

How /ic/ crabs
>Terrible people skills - usually badmouth people during conversations and everyone in anonymous imageboards or forums like the terrible ISFP they are due to low Te (cognitive function)
>OCPD and Dunning Kruger sufferers, thinks their art and their self is perfect and art should always be perfect
>lazy as fuck due to dominant Fi (cognitive function)
>Always plans out things ahead but end up fucking it due to tertiary Ni (cognitive function)
>likes camera and photography - will never make it as an artist
>frustrated artist/dancer/singer
>ends up falling down the photograpy+fashion+textile industry because it pays out better for womyn or it's just that they lack originality and imagination. (ISFP personality is actually well suited to those industries so please leave as soon as reading this)
>If it's a 'he' the that 'he' is a faggot/queer (obviously)

>> No.3168428

>believing in literal astrology

>> No.3168439

>he doesn't know cosmic ordering and thousand years of teachings

>> No.3168453

When giving critique it's better to tell what's good too but /ic/ seems to go straight to nitpicking some small detail no average viewer would notice.

>> No.3168456

More important than finding the mistake is explaining why it happened and how to fix it.

>> No.3168496

>it's better to tell what's good
It's not. You only say (or pretend) something is good for protecting feelings before moving over to the mistakes. Good parts needs no correction and therefore no acknowledgement. Bad parts, however, DO.
If you look at professionals in a professional setting critiquing each other for maximum gains there's none of the fucking tiptoeing some people here seem to require.

>/ic/ seems to go straight to nitpicking some small detail no average viewer would notice
Lazy shits without ambition settle for pleasing the plebs. Any mistake pointed out is valuable.

>> No.3168512

>Good parts needs no correction and therefore no acknowledgement

You’re the one who doesn’t need acknowledgement, dipshit. Telling people what they did well helps them know what to repeat in the future.

>> No.3168529

If something works, in all likelyhood they know what they're doing and will keep doing it.

Go back to your deviantart or tumblr hugbox or wherever the hell you came from if you want asspats instead of real critique faggot.

>> No.3168536

>people who don’t know what they’re doing wrong will definitely know what they’re doing right

No, and you’re a retard.

>> No.3168550

You're the fucking retard who thinks praise will get you anywhere.

>> No.3168570

>any amount of positive reinforcement is asspats and blowjobs and nothing else

The crab meme is real.

>> No.3168572

>If something works, in all likelyhood they know what they're doing and will keep doing it.
Artists are the most self critical people there are. They become blind to their own strenghts. You're a dumb crab.

>> No.3168578

Praising people is one of the best methods of driving them to do things better. Especially so when they are low level. When they get better then you can start saying they aren't trying hard enough or whatever more often. That's why in schools and such, initially when you're asked to do something, everyone claps for you even if it was a pretty shit attempt and as you go on they get harsher.
Negative reinforcement is good but you people do virtually only that and mix your anger in as well

>> No.3168588

He's right you know.
This is how a manchild is born.

>> No.3168597
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This board never breaks character

>> No.3168598

Can you give some proof to support your view? Flinging shit at every beginners' attempt isn't a method I've heard used in any art school.

>> No.3168614


Am I gonna have to draw more crabs to get these fuckers to settle down or what?

>> No.3168621

That's the problem, art schools are designed to cater and praise and coddle you for your Shekels they don't want to tell you the truth about how bad someone is and what they can do to improve no they will purposely deceive you and inflate your ego and make you feel funny in the pants for the money creating a self entitled pretentious cunt oblivious to their flaws.

>> No.3168628

I see. You've witnessed in this in many places, then?

>> No.3168632

Humans are psychologically discouraged when they experience negative emotions. The only reason someone works harder after they are given a negative reaction is if they believe they can turn that negative reaction into a positive one through hard work and effort. Ultimately they are driven by seeking a positive reaction they were not given. If they do not believe they can achieve the appropriate product, behaviour or skillset that would net them the positive reaction, they will simply give up.

People don't need positive reinforcement nor to be torn apart, they need to be at an eternally dissatisfied state where they always just need to work a little harder to be rewarded, but never achieve their goal. Like a carrot on a stick. That is the most optimal way.

>> No.3168637

This is the only time I'll spoonfeed you though its a bad idea to do so since all you'll do is reject the information anyway and somehow weave it against me out of spite and the sole purpose to simply disagree.


>> No.3168642

That blog post doesn’t support your argument. It isn’t saying that art schools are bad because they offer positive feedback. It’s saying they’re bad because they are too expensive and the debt is not worth it. Bradley recommends less expensive online instruction, such as CGMA and mentorships. Those sources provide positive feedback as well as concrit. You really have no idea what you’re talking about.

>> No.3168643

Actually, I phrased this badly. Positive feedback IS PART OF CONCRIT, but the term “constructive criticism” has been so poisoned by bitter, resentful fucks who are scared of competition that even I lost track of that.

Positive feedback as well as error correction. There, it’s fixed.

>> No.3168662

>since all you'll do is reject the information anyway
This is the first piece of information you gave me and it indeed doesn't support your view on the harmful effects of positive feedback. Try again, though I can assure you won't find any real results as what you think is right is just a result of parroting a bunch of hardcore /ic/ artists who detest beginner art and think there's a permanent way to fuck up your own art methods somehow.

>> No.3168669

You just keep telling that to yourself, and no I am not giving you any (you)'s

>> No.3168670


Here is the link again. Quote where Bradley says that the problem with art school is that the criticism is too soft. Your argument depends on this, so I’m sure you can do it.

>> No.3168671

There's only two types of posters here
>cynical crabs
>ego-sensitive dunning-krueger

Everyone else just skims for reference and new artists because they think pinterest is the boogeyman. Waiting for the new shill thread so they can be first post.

>> No.3168675


>> No.3168688

First of all, that’s not what I asked for. I asked you to explain how the article you linked supports your argument. You still haven’t done that. Please do that.

Second, this second article doesn’t support your argument either. Williams is lamenting the end of the drawing curriculum at Slade. He isn’t saying their criticism is bad - he’s saying that the curriculum has been removed entirely. Criticism doesn’t happen because drawing doesn’t happen, which is a different problem than the one you’re complaining about.

Or just admit you’re full of shit, that’s also fine.

>> No.3168981
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>thread asking why /ic/ is full of so many crabs
>crabbing ensues

never change, /ic/. never change...

>> No.3169001

the fuck is crabbing? the fuck is going on on this board? just got here btw

>> No.3169005
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>> No.3169010

I have an analogy for you, OP.

You know those young kids who are very optimistic, energetic, and type in a lot of happy slang? You know the ones that use u instead of you, abbreviate everything and type like they don't know the english language, but they're having fun chatting and don't care about language structure? And you know how there are the people who see these people typing like idiots and they feel the need to chew them out and tell them they're typing like idiots and need to use proper language to communicate, because they think these people are embarrassing to look at?

Those are like two types of beginner artist. The first is the type who just want to have a happy fun time drawing, and the second are the type who think having fun is a mistake and lash out because of their personal feelings and likely experiences. Both learning environments are shit, but both are also really cliquey, so communities tend to be all one or all the other.

>> No.3169014
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That's a terrible analogy

>> No.3169018

/ic/ really needs threads IDs.
Would filter down the psychotic and bipolar people that for some reason gravitate towards art but lack the discipline to make it and then become bitter crazy persons and samefag the threads to death.

>> No.3169022


/ic/ is one of the biggest collection of mental cases on 4chan.

From delusions of grandeur caused by a huge inferiority complex to dunning kruger, bipolar disorder. You can see it all very unfiltered here.

>> No.3169024

Or perhaps it is as simple as the majority who inhabit this board are Women.

>> No.3169026
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>> No.3169044
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Nah, dude

>> No.3169072

>Or perhaps it is as simple as the majority who inhabit this board are Women.
Wouldn't surprise me. But I always had the impression it was fat neckbeards who wanted to draw anime real bad but gave up and now want to do mtg style fantasy shit but lack the imagination so it all comes out all brown, muddy and bland looking and yet they harp on about their "superior western style", when in reality a good artist can draw or paint in any given style, it's just a matter preference.

>> No.3169080

Real men don't have time for gay shit like art. You think KJG slays pussy? Fuck no, that's why he's so horny all the time.

Art is for women and betas