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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3165511 No.3165511 [Reply] [Original]

Boycott beg, it's literally the biggest bucket of crabs on this board that the rest of you faggots keep sending new people to. No one provides any useful advice and will actively try to deter you from learning properly.

>> No.3165513

That's because /beg/ is supposed to be a containment thread or else they would be even more rampant else where. Trust me, it's for the good of everyone else. You can even see how it works in society.

>> No.3165515

/beg/ would be okay if the advice was constructive, 50/50 it's just people calling people garbage without elaborating

>> No.3165516


>> No.3165622
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This, while may be true is not without exception. There is plenty of anons, myself included who see my fellows as brothers in arms.

I post my work. I don't shit on someone else's work. I'm here to learn and get critques. It's an artist's life. It's what I signed up for. It's good to vent. I'm going to go do some art.

>> No.3166180

the real problem is that the sticky is shit and written by nosebro

>> No.3166367
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Agreed. Beginners giving other beginners advice is a recipe for nogains

>> No.3166371


It wasn't entirely written by him, though. If it wasn't for all the contributors you'd still have the same pinned board sticky to read and you'd still say it's shit. The sticky could be written by Feng Zhu and you'll still stay it's shit.

>> No.3166377


>> No.3166401

That's how we get rid of any sort of future competition, dumbass.

>> No.3166402

What would be the best place to get critique for beginners in your opinion?

>> No.3166407

Not him, but it's obviously an art class or a coach. I did a Saturday's 6 week course when I started and I had more gains in those 6 weeks than in the next few months afterwards.

Just posting a random drawing every now and then won't really help you that much. /beg/ and other boards are mostly about motivation and competition.. if you see someone steadily improve it makes you not want to fall behind and draw more.

>> No.3166411

h-how could you!!

>> No.3166422

I don't understand this critique meme. It's usually pretty obvious that there is something wrong with a drawing. The key to getting good is repetition and recognising the flaws and fixing it the next time one draws from reference. Art class isn't going to help with the quantity of the practice, unless it's forced study and I'd be reluctant to learn from people less qualified than Ruan Jia or Krenz for example - when you can hop onto the internet and know everything they want to teach you instantly. We have the internet now, no longer are you scrounging for the only mangy artbook in your whole house.

>> No.3166426

>critique meme
>on the critique board
Fucks sake. In a class a teacher can make you do different exercises in different subjects and watch you draw it in real time, step by step, to see what exactly it is you're doing wrong, where you fucked up.. some guys don't take enough time with the sketch, some don't measure properly.. it's not the same to self-teach. Literally every single great musician had a teacher, when the exercises have all been the same for thousands of years and anyone can "learn by himself". Self-teaching in any discipline is universally known to be harder and slower than having a mentor. And critique is ESSENTIAL for ANY artform you fucking sperg.

>> No.3166435

what would you like to see change

>> No.3166511
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>/beg/gars blaming anyone but themselves for how shit they are
It helps to weed out the shit artists early on. /beg/ does just that.

>> No.3166615

astounds me how much anime is actually trash after noticing how to spot mistakes.

>> No.3166620


This entire fucking board is the land of bucket crabs.

>> No.3166710

Of course it's obvious when something is wrong. The point of critique is to tell them how to fix it. If they knew that, then they wouldn't have made the mistake in the first place. That's not even specific to art, critique is critical for improvement at any tradeskill

>> No.3166726

that's just your kruger letting you know

>> No.3166765

How do I learn to critique?

>> No.3166939
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The General threads on /ic/ are ironically Containment for the good stuff, and the Cancer is outside. /beg/ in that regard is here to save the beginners by isolating them, even if it means keeping them in that crab bucket until they're stronk enough to go in a bigger crab bucket. At least that was the original idea, to breed the next gen' in a crab incubator. I'll admit it doesn't work as well as intented but what can we do? Deleting /beg/ would make more harm than good - we would've to create ten threads per day and the average answer would be "need more Loomis" instead of "go to /beg/".

Writting a Sticky more tricky than it sounds. It'll either be a one-man army effort, with all the problems going with following a single guru's opinion, or a collective effort with a more informed opinion but too many cooks in the kitchen and a hundred redundant books. I'm thinking about a solution to that dilemna but I won't tell more until I've payed my dues, so in a few months.

>> No.3166976
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>> No.3167203

>tfw in that weird limbo between /beg/ and not /beg/
too good to post in /beg/
too shit to post anywhere else
what do i do

>> No.3169040
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Go to /beg/ Dunning Kruger.

>> No.3169078

So you're good and instead of, you know, ACTYALLY HELPING these people, you want to destroy it?...

Bring your expertise and do something about it then! You're being a bit of a partner in crime if you don't...

It's great to point a problem, it's greater to suggest & Try To Create a solution!!

>> No.3169592

Unironically agree with this. Been browsing /ici/ for two years and I still don't understand how can people genuinely believe this thread has done any good. With that said as another said it's a good containment thread.

Like, they keep sort of copying birds and boring paintings over and over again - anyone there ever made it?

>> No.3169611

>Been browsing /ici/ for two years
>anyone there ever made it?

Then you would know these threads started off as a joke and then gradually formed into an actual general. /beg/ threads are nearly 1 years old and those participating in /beg/ since day one is far and few between. Plus you're a beginner for a while. 2 years isn't even impressive; I've been here for 5 years.

>> No.3169614

Beginners are meant to be reading the books that get them to a level where asking for critique is needed.

I never understood those sonichu level fags who ask for critique; how brain dead do you have to be? Critique is for when you know something's wrong, tried to figure our what is wrong and how to make it right, and couldn't do it, or when you actually think something is good; it's not a legitimate way of "just sharing" your shitty art.

I agree, /beg/ is cancer supreme.

>> No.3169617

/beg/gers had rough lives :(

>> No.3169654

Self thought musicians.
Eric Clapton
Jimi Hendrix
David Bowie
Elton John
Kurt Cobain
Louis Armstrong

Some people are naturals some people are not. Some can put hours and hours per day into art, some cannot so they have to learn more effective methods. Yes their is a common process but their are different people.