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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 119 KB, 1300x957, portrait-artist-girl-attractive-painter-brush-handheld-34779904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3163349 No.3163349[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want an artist gf

>> No.3163353

It's not as great as you think it is.

>> No.3163360

>when the show happyish gets cancelled prematurely at the same time madmen ends

>> No.3163405

>tfw she spends more time watching youtube artist personalities than she does actually drawing

>> No.3163412

I want a gf

>> No.3163413

He said an artist gf, not an /ic/ gf.

>> No.3163421

I found you're soulmate OP

>> No.3163440

why would you want a leftist whore for a gf?

>> No.3163463

actually I changed my mind
fuck having a gf , i will keep fucking hookers instead
I want a friend who is working hard to get good at drawing but he fails and he fails and he fails and his drawings look like dog shit, and he fails and he fails but he doesnt give up, he sees other people around him getting better while he suck shit, he see people and artists who are not failling, who have it so easy and are natural gifted pricks in no time and effort.. he sees people who have it all and take 1 hour to learn what he needs to learn in 1000 hours... but he doesnt care and he keeps failing and failling and never give up.. he works his ass off doesnt sleep and never give up.. it doesn't matter if he sucks, he has the spirit.

Thats the kind of friend I would want.. fuck I wish I had a friend like me. actually I dont care if I get friends or not. I'm going back to drawing see ya folks!

>> No.3163468

fuck you man that is literally me. but I'm going back to drawing too, and too socially anxious to look back in the thread.

>> No.3163495

No, you don't. I tried, many times - two flakes don't work. As an artist, I need someone more grounded and less flaky. I've found i get along better with writers, or accountant types. Two artists means nothing gets done, except art - and it's always a competition. I know a lot of musicians who say the same - never date another musician.

>> No.3163513
File: 592 KB, 500x231, IMG_1698.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artists tend to find any excuse to slack off. Not good gf material. I would know. I am one.

>> No.3163514


>> No.3163516

i have a friend like this :D

>> No.3163522


>> No.3163555

I have a non artist wife. My sister is an artist and irritates the shit of me. I'd never marry an artist, they are so emotionally needy and require constant validation.

>> No.3163557

Somebody has to pay the bills senpai, and art isn't reliable for that.
Date a lawyer or something. She'll be busy most of the time so you'll have plenty of time to do art. It's hard enough finding a woman who will actually put up with you wanting to be an artist, believe me. Most women, even if they are successful still want a man who is even more successful.

Personally, I'm looking for a chubby chick with low self esteem who won't mind that I'm a lazy good for nothing piece of shit. I'll give her all the love she needs long as I can be me and not a wage cuck.

>> No.3163560

This really. Either she sucks, has shit taste, is into tattoos, or some other shit that ruins it. It's best to have a gf who is into the art but is not too invested in it.

>> No.3163564

I want a /fit/ boyfriend so I can use him as reference

>> No.3163566

a a a are you a grill sandwich?

>> No.3163582


>> No.3163586
File: 59 KB, 531x471, 1469249538421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neck yourself

>> No.3163594

why dont u just date yourself

>> No.3163611
File: 453 KB, 1920x1200, 1506394470030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting someone who competes with you at your most important skill

You are supposed to be the leader in the relationship. If your position as the most competent, driven, passionate one is compromised, your relationship will burn out. Women are like children - you're supposed to be the mature, skilled adult.

>> No.3163714

Nah you don't, because then your magic is ruined. You want a non artist GF who doesn't understand what you do

>> No.3163755

Says the manchild who will inevitably make his sons feel inferior to him

>> No.3163756

i hope you wont find anyone

>> No.3163757

wow look at all this generalizing

>> No.3163758
File: 503 KB, 728x485, 728px-Autistic-Girl-and-Grandma-Read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an autist gf

>> No.3163761

>fell for art girl in highschool
>she goes to a private school
>date for years
>get better and better at art
>she never really improves
>it eats at her from the inside
>start to feel bad because she had potential
>she doesn't get into art school
>I did
>didn't go
>she started to feel like she had no place, no talent as she said no "thing"
>she left me
>haven't talked in year
>I loved her
This fuels my inkwork

>> No.3163763
File: 29 KB, 480x446, IMG_0346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like she was a loser dawg..ROCKIN' AND A ROLLIN' BABY!

>> No.3163767

Hope she switched majors, she was smart as fuck. But I guess she didn't have the heart to make it in art. But on the bright side I got the numbers of two qt art grills

>> No.3163782
File: 42 KB, 540x960, 14980730_1898944590390967_6183124761110276784_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have my ex. An autist artist! Just move to Toronto

>> No.3163785

That's only if you have either a ridiculous ego, are insecure about yourself and your work or you refuse to accept any constructive criticism and view any comments about your work like it's a personal attack and refuse to grow and learn.

As a musician and artist I learned to let that shit go. Except I believe that if you can put your ego aside that there is much to gain when two individuals "push" each other to get better.

>> No.3163855
File: 31 KB, 500x375, kitten makes head explode cuteness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awww... that's cute.

>> No.3163856
File: 8 KB, 299x169, insane #reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about you guys, but all artist females I've known so far have some hard to bare personality traits ... don't say, I didn't warn you.

>> No.3163864

I'm pretty sure the only way I can be in a functional relationship is if she's a practising artist.
Pretty much all civilians I know, even if they are into art, can't understand the time and effort needed to make something, and the extremely long process to git gud.

>> No.3163895

I'd hit it but then again I'm fucking retarded

>> No.3163897

she wears a choker dude...

>> No.3163898

read my post again

>> No.3163939

But there is good insane and bad insane, Sycra's wife seems pretty cool despite her history

>> No.3163943

Gross t b h

>> No.3164237

>tfw the only qt artists you've ever met are the types who went to an art highschool, are complete shit at it, post their "artsy" works in progress on facebook and instagram (which are usually really fucking bad, or just really bad copies of other drawings or photos) and post their selfies twice as often as they post any art-related work
Actually, that doesn't make me mad because I want them for gf material, it makes me mad because they fucking suck and never work to improve themselves, which might say something about their personalities. Fuck that shit. I might be digging a bit too deep into this, though, better get back to drawing myself.

>> No.3164242

uh, no. think about it. one of you will always be jelly of another. you will hate whoever's better than you.

>> No.3164254

this. they're usually extremely liberal (maybe you're into that, I don't know) but that usually results in a nasty brutish foul-mouthed tattoo-covered drug-addicted college dropout. And they never age well

>> No.3164255

>I'll give her all the love she needs
have you even seen a living breathing fat chick? they are disgusting, stinky, can't reach their own ass, fungi grows in creases of their fat, their knees eventually need an operation, because they can't support all that weight, fat guys can't even pee standing up, all fat people have mentality of a child, because they can't resist their urges and they're mental overall.

>> No.3164731
File: 136 KB, 1195x1046, getout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been there, not worth it.
We both graduated the same year and moved in together. I landed some freelance gigs, she ended up working at Michaels because she spent more time bullshitting than making good work for her portfolio. I had romantic ideas that we could draw and paint together, never happened. She would come home and play vidya all evening, then go to bed. Whenever I tried to encourage her she got mad or would shut me out. It started to depress me after a while, so we broke up.

The only benefits of the relationship was that she was great in bed and paid her share of the bills.

>> No.3164762

post your work

>> No.3164765

>esoteric order of dagon

would date.

>> No.3164821
File: 187 KB, 720x1280, PicsArt_09-28-01.46.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's BPD and fucking insane. Have fun getting screeched at and beat on.

>> No.3164827

not him, but i love when girls beat me
it's so cute, they try so hard

>> No.3164829

what am I looking at?

>> No.3164865


I used to tell myself that I don't want to date another artist, and then I realized that doesn't matter because there's more than enough non-artists who are just as batshit crazy. Just date someone who's not completely retarded with no vision in their life, someone who's going to have your back instead of suppressing you.

>> No.3164876

Weaponized Autism and not the good kind. I'm assuming this is a photo of the marks the girl left anon with after an autistic attack.

>> No.3165070

Yes it would be great to have an artist gf similar to my skill level and taste, to work along side and create great things with, and to suck my dick a few times a week.

>> No.3165967

We're miserable as a gf. Don't bother looking for one

>> No.3165976


>> No.3166077

we don't date other artists. my ideal man is someone who's successful in tech (i get along w tech geeks super well, we get each other) and has the $ to let me raise our kids and do my art thing on the side/for myself. art guys usually suck, i wouldn't consider unless he could actually support himself and had non-shitty art

>> No.3166105

>we don't date other artists.
speak for yourself ngmi golddigger.

>> No.3166128
File: 68 KB, 599x449, 1506101268032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do my art thing on the side/for myself

why are you such a plebeian

>> No.3166134


>> No.3166217
File: 66 KB, 526x650, car seat sexual abuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an un/fit/ bf for similar reasons

>> No.3166224

Art females genuinely seem to have a higher chance of being kind of unhinged/unstable/depressed/having weird mental shit going on/poor emotional regulation, from experience. I think that might be true of a lot of artists though.

My animation lecturer had a messy divorce and told us that artists shouldn't marry other artists, his second wife who is a scientist is working out a lot better. I personally think artists need a stabilising influence in a relationship, someone a bit more grounded than themselves.

I think I'll either happily be alone for the rest of my life and just focus on my work, or marry a man/woman who is kind, has similar hobbies (video games, maybe likes animals/animal husbandry) but a different profession (or maybe even the more technical aspects of the industry I want to work in) and is supportive, someone who can help keep me organised and has a much more rigid schedule than I do. I never want children so maybe I'm asking too much.

Artists tend to have egos. I know I do. Two egos competing with eachother generally doesn't play out well. Maybe for some people it can work, maybe you both push eachother to succeed but I know that personally it probably wouldn't work out.

>> No.3166228

I agree with most of your points, and as for your 1st sentence, I can confirm as I went through this.

>> No.3166266

maybe if artists stop looking at their drawing as "art" but "product" instead wouldn't it bring down their ego???

>> No.3166278

>I think that might be true of a lot of artists though.

its just artists. I've met a lot of nice, cool artists but I also dated a male artist who threatened to kill me. Take that as you will.