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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3163259 No.3163259 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about people that went pro really fast like sinix but didn't actually get burned out after.

>> No.3163261

they marketed, people fell for it even you with your red and white nametag

>> No.3163271

I'm talking about the skill level not just getting jobs.

>> No.3163275

If anyone's fast, it's Alex Jessup.
>inb4 m-muh photobash
He still went pro at fucking Sledgehammer Games.

>> No.3163287

Keep em comming

>> No.3163593


>> No.3164006
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>> No.3164052
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John Sweeney.

Was considered unhireable, then he shut himself in his room for 2 months drawing everyday.

When he came out he got a job at Naughty Dog right away. He was also like 21.

>> No.3164062

Post his work pre-hermit mode?

>> No.3164069

>Post his work pre-hermit mode?
I think it has been scrubbed from the internet.

>> No.3164107

Can someone explain why sinix is praised on /ic/ when even Craig Mullins is called shit? It's as if he's made a contract with the devil to be granted immunity on here. It baffles me. Hell, sakimichan draws better figures than sinix.

>> No.3164116

>mfw I'm turning 25 next month
I can already feel the desperation, I'm failing all my classes at college and will drop out this semester, I'm drawing all day. fuck.

>> No.3164141


When I was neet I did tried to do something like that, whit no results whatsoever. Now that I have a job, I think I have to accept I will never know how to draw. I have been trying for the past 15 years and nothing.

>> No.3164150

26 here.
Just drop out already. It's like going to the dentist, it will hurt but you'll be happier afterwards.

Also many people started way in their late 30s, like Wootha.

>> No.3164200
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>post your face when 18 and still have time to become a legend

>> No.3164204

Post /ic/ legends

>> No.3164259


>> No.3164261
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I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.3164270

>Now that I think about it this might be why there are so little actually good artists on this board. Most of people here (perhaps not the folks from the Alt Thread) have a total lack of passion for art which shows in their work being terribly impersonal; so with that in mind it's obvious you shouldn't take advice from them.
He use to suck but his new stuff is decent.

>> No.3164343
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>> No.3164347
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>> No.3164354
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>> No.3164356

Just how did he do it?

>> No.3164358
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>> No.3164360

did he really, or is this a Dave Rapoza type story?

>> No.3164363

Who are these people? I search them up and turn results from 4chan.

>> No.3164365
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>> No.3164368
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They're /ic/ legends, as requested.
That's about it. Other people who might have qualified from the past were Foals (pic related) and Peter Mohrbacher but I have no screencaps. Mercwip guy and Kyle should also qualify.

>> No.3164370

Damn, so /ic/ really was good once upon a time?

>> No.3164374

who dis?

>> No.3164376

Damn, do Upon, tatranca god, Brazil and Lefty-kun have blogs?

>> No.3164379

Other people who posted here sporadically: the Feng academy instructor fed up with Feng (can't remember his name), Dan Luvisi (accidentally posted a wip) and maybe Algenpfelger (I honestly can't remember if he actually posted or he was simply posted about a lot, like he was as posted as Sakimichan threads are now).
Most of these people, at least those who were good, critiqued anonymously 90% of the time. As revealed by the Luvisi incident, which was pretty recent, famous people might still be here. Considering how 4chan managed to worsen its reputation with the normies, nobody would want to be associated with this Nazi site now more than ever.

>> No.3164383
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Shit I actually forgot Catbib.

>> No.3164571
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>That's about it.

>> No.3165132

oshiete onegai!

>> No.3165162
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Spencer Wang

>> No.3165164
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his painting skills 2012

>> No.3165180

Deathelm was a true legend and inspiration.

>> No.3166034
File: 2.36 MB, 2293x2500, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone posted this in the last progress thread

>> No.3166035
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>> No.3166038
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>> No.3166040

What the hell? How is left so good already? Got a blog?

>> No.3166233

I don't really understand why this person continued copying so much and still do as of today although they clearly have skills now.

Mind enlightening me? I'm a pleb.

>> No.3166264

clearly they improved by copying things. why stop now?

>> No.3166393

Sure. It's just weird to me how sometimes they'd stop attempting to draw by imagination.
By I suppose that thing isn't telling the whole story either.

I'm a pleb but for now I'm mixing both studies, copy and imagination and I don't think I should drop any of these especially not imagination.

>> No.3166428
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>> No.3166523

When I try to draw from imagination I spend 90% of the time thinking about what to draw, and most of the time I just give up before putting pen to paper.

Copying shit is a shortcut to just draw and shut off the right side of my brain.

>> No.3167004
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>> No.3167022

man from '11 to '12, good stuff

>> No.3167026

Have you been drawing lately? I've admired your progress ever since I got here. I don't see your stuff in draw threads.

>> No.3167242

>see nudies irl
>use videos as refs (people)
>draw fictional backgrounds everyday until your brain is rewired to imagine

>> No.3167328

i'm attempting inktober again this year. I have a solid plan to see it through

>> No.3167676

You're in luck; if you go a career artist, people literally tell you what to draw.

>> No.3168667
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>> No.3170088

I'm 20, fuck.

>> No.3170121


Do imagination drawing instead of photo study to show real progress.

>> No.3170136

But he was filling out sketchbooks from before he was 16.
Why is he an example of going pro fast?

>> No.3170137

Mostly for that 6 month "burst" of improvement, which is the impresive part.

>> No.3170220

He learned to photobash?

>> No.3170223

Sycra is better than sinix

>> No.3170226

I was internet famous (still am) but I'm so ashamed for my old stuff I completely went radio silent.

>> No.3170233

How the hell is this fast improvement? I'm not saying the art is bad but 2015 and 17 and practically indistinguishable

>> No.3170258

I'm disapointed by the lack of skillposting in this thread, but I'm encouraged because that means It'll stand out more when I make it.

>> No.3170303

I feel like OP threw up the chart just because it's formatted pretty.

>2015 and 17 and practically indistinguishable
2015 inktober was my peak. Afterwards, I stopped drawing regularly, tried to focus on imagination drawings more than studies, and got lost in digital limbo.

I'm basically trapped in maintenance mode now, but I'm pretty much regressing due to a lack of drawing.

>> No.3171762
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>> No.3172041


>> No.3172169

what if the biggest shitposters on this board are actually the lurker pros?

>> No.3174589

We are.

>> No.3174610

Kek searched up for his old art and turns out there was a killer named "the canal killer" John Sweeney and he did fucked up art and poems
No results for his old arts tho

>> No.3174620
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