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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 25 KB, 262x207, 7167878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3158528 No.3158528 [Reply] [Original]

How about your patreons?

In my case is slow but it's moving on.

>> No.3158531
File: 31 KB, 600x574, DKmqQbhVwAAG3kd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal by the way is 1K per month.

>> No.3158577

So do you give any cool rewards to people who donate or what

>> No.3158608


Good luck.

Will be hard to make your goal to be honest. Most people who make 1k per month now are doing adult games.

You should learn Renpy.

>> No.3158616

I've thought about doing this. I'm a programmer, dabbled in game dev (Unity/Unreal etc.). Seems like making XXX interactive novels and flash style games are the way to make money these days.

>> No.3158617
File: 5 KB, 154x135, screenshot-www.patreon.com-2017-10-03-00-11-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing much better than I ever expected.

>> No.3158618

>My goal by the way is 1K per month.
good luck with that shit. your avatar is just a shitty head drawing and i can already tell you don't know how the sternomastoid is supposed to look

>> No.3158620

I HAVE ONE QUESTION, ANON. how many followers do you have on each social media page?

>> No.3158630
File: 3 KB, 193x87, screenshot-www.tumblr.com-2017-10-03-00-17-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do NSFW btw. It's probably much easier to get followers and patrons with that.
tumblr is my main hub.
I started my blog in may 2015.

I have 640something twitter followers, and 7,6k something watchers on Hentai Foundry.

>> No.3158634

you have nothing else? deviantart, instagram, facebook?

>> No.3158640

how do you get followers on tumblr and twitter? i've gone unnoticed with barely any followers for the past 2 years. all i know how to do is hashtag #art, #digitalart #artistsontumblr/#artistsontwitter and like 2-3 more depending on the subject. it has mostly zero effect in getting noticed.

>> No.3158650

Nope, I draw explicit stuff most of the time and I can't post that on the sites you mentioned.

Imo it's all about pushing out as much content as possible. If you do fanart and tag it accordingly you can probably get even more exposure. I think your tags are way too generic and art oriented. If you want followers that aren't only artists, you should tag differently, imo.
I got noticed because I did a lot of FF14 oc art and I got featured a few times on Hentai Foundry.

I think these are the most important factors when it comes to exposing your art to a wide audience:
1 - be prolific
2 - draw content that is interesting to a broad audience; fanart is the best for that, but it won't give you a fanbase that is interested in your art, but in the content you create.
3 - consistency in style and quality
4 - be good at art (d00h)

>> No.3158671

can you make much as an artist on patreon without drawing porn?

>> No.3158678

can you show a piece of yours?

>> No.3158680

yes, but you have to be twice as good

>> No.3158683

Ofcourse, just need to offer something people are interested in.

>> No.3158690

Just check my blog (my stuff varies a lot).

>> No.3158708

Do people actually like aliased pencil/chalk brush outlines?
It looks absolutely awful to me at least.

>> No.3158711
File: 516 KB, 1200x1450, akko_bunny_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of want to make one but I have no idea what to do for goals or how to shill it

>> No.3158715

You can start with a tip jar kind of thing.
And as you build a fanbase, you can decide what kind of model you want to do and what rewards you want to offer.

>> No.3158733
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>> No.3158734
File: 1.30 MB, 1794x1794, SK-DF265-02-RS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh...what about this one...

>> No.3159092

How did you achieve consistency?

>> No.3159120

wow, i've never thought about doing this before.
How do you get started?
I've made an account but obviously nobody's there... https://www.patreon.com/toufu

>> No.3159153

I'm still doing that. I think drawing from memory and embracing mistakes is what builds up a style. Being consistent with it tho is a different thing. I like to experiment with different approaches, so I'm not very consistent in my art. But people seem to like this.

>> No.3159158

how does patreon give you dem shekels?
what about taxes and other legalities?

>> No.3159178

Paypal or credit card but Paypal is probably the easiest way to get the money.
What you get in the end is taxable income so you should see a tax advisor.

>> No.3159179

b-but i dont want my lolifurrytrap attached to my name

>> No.3159247
File: 527 KB, 843x960, saku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Patreon of a good friend of mine.

She mostly does cutesy stuff, but she could take any requests SFW and NSFW


Hope you like it

>> No.3159250
File: 248 KB, 337x200, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>totally not shilling my own patreon for shekels, its a friend i promise!!

>> No.3159252

pretty bad art

>> No.3159256

> blatant saturated primaries
Why does >she have the color sense of a male?

>> No.3159260
File: 8 KB, 150x144, 1451293294780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my friend

>> No.3159270

>pathetic shilling
can you be any more pathetic, scrubby?

>> No.3159312

Neat. You ever do anything like a personalized portrait or full-body for top supporters?

>> No.3159333
File: 110 KB, 1189x1200, 58490520_p5_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if this is the direction the thread is going I suppose I'll shill too

Want a girl to draw you lewds?

>> No.3159343
File: 3.90 MB, 1400x929, __original_drawn_by_joel_jurion__49991d2af4821785bbe76678e1464df2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if i can see you do it on stream

>> No.3159349

>a girl

>> No.3159358

oh, yeah, the best way to advertise your stuff is to be pathetic about it.

>> No.3159367
File: 44 KB, 506x900, is this proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Teach me how to shill in a cool way, senpai

>> No.3159372


Trap detected

>> No.3159375

nice shop :')
jokes aside, i bet ou can make nice cash streaming yourself drawing pron
is there any gril artist that does it?

>> No.3159383

Hm, that's a good idea actually

>> No.3159404

1st of all stop using your gender as a mean of making cash. I mean, if you want to be a whore, then go for it, but don't expect other artists to respect you.

>> No.3159412

Not her (xer!?) but,

Why would someone want or need the respect of other broke boi artists? If this board is any indication artists in general are miserable cretins that hate those more successful than them, and that means just about everybody on the planet lmoa

>> No.3159413
File: 43 KB, 541x703, 1468947356923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pass yourself as a sexually repressed and confused girl drawing yuri and lolicon and watch that mad dosh come thundering in. But be careful, you have to be subtle about these repressions don't just throw it out there say something like you're a free roaming and open spirit exploring new curiosities.

>> No.3159414

respect isn't very useful if you're absolutely unknown anyway

>> No.3159416

its porn...no one will care all that much about the quality, porn is the quick way to get money on patreon

>> No.3159431

Haha, it's not as if that's wrong.
Can't draw loli though, it's illegal where I live

>> No.3159438
File: 1.29 MB, 1211x965, SK-DF265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still learning how to use patreon.
>Advices are welcome.

>> No.3159461

you call it whoring out
i call it marketing :`)

>> No.3159473

Wait, will you support me if I make yuri drawings?
I can do that

>> No.3159479

No, because there are tens of thousands of other Asian artists that already do a much better job at drawing and you could easily find them and their high quality high resolution images through booru sites for free.

>> No.3159482

Fair enough, worth the try though
Drop by if you ever want commissions

>> No.3159487

he/she/whatever asked
>Teach me how to shill in a cool way, senpai

and I answered. whoring isn't cool, no matter how you put it.
will he/she/whatever make more money? mos def.

>> No.3159497

How does one deal with this? Please help, im programming some porn games rn, and I want to make a patreon

>> No.3159652
File: 1.32 MB, 501x893, makingkukuri.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mine. Fun to keep up with but sometimes PSD file sizes get out of control as I try to keep as many layers as possible for the "Making" PSDs. Sometimes I forget too and I end up merging and saving layers without thinking.

>> No.3159753

I've always liked your work a ton, and it shocks me how little of a patreon fanbase you've got. It makes me feel like I'll never have a chance

>> No.3159864
File: 3.39 MB, 578x893, makingmimikyu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, to be fair, I don't advertise it too well. Most people don't even know I keep up with it-- part of it is my fault though since I don't keep up with it as much as I should but I'm starting to change that since I feel more comfortable with my time.

And thanks for the kind words, I appreciate them a lot.

>> No.3159907

wtf is that butthole and vag? like did u even try

>> No.3159910

yeah, she was better off with undies

>> No.3159932

Why is her face dark?

>> No.3160115

Ya I got this critique before too but it's a commission and already sent off so can't go back now. I'll keep it in mind for the future.

I wanted to keep her face in the dark to keep it on the creepy side. The glowy magic stuff from the wand was an afterthought and ended up working against my original comp but I slapped the effect on there anyway cause whatever I just wanted to do it.