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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 64 KB, 768x960, 20622041_654811674708475_4835896332935040989_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3149134 No.3149134 [Reply] [Original]

This is Ali Toglukdemir's official™ and original art,say something nice about it

Also "original" art thread

>> No.3149138

Kr0n thread?

>> No.3149140
File: 59 KB, 768x960, 16473608_572614586261518_5451735755442476108_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my crush

>> No.3149149

wait what this isn't ilya? im so confused

>> No.3149154

Ilya copied him

>> No.3149161

Big eye girl portrait artists in nutshell.

>> No.3149166
File: 137 KB, 894x894, 37_07_by_kuvshinov_ilya-db4jhol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... dat guy has less then 400 followers, don't give him exposure. Ignore him.

>> No.3149170

>Ali Toglukdemir
wtf.............. is this another ilya copycat like Guweiz?

>> No.3149181

Who's Guweiz? Another copycat yet? Holy damn

>> No.3149184
File: 59 KB, 1074x373, Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha I typed "Guweiz" in Google to see who you're talking about and got this result. He's good enough to fool Google algorithms.

>> No.3149186

Ilya's artstyle is pretty nice, I like the way he draws short-haired women
I would copy him if I could

>> No.3149187

Kr0n is the real deal

>> No.3149193
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 19380034_272501766558874_8121231352222711808_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

infamous Ilya copycat. got a ton of hate for it, but became very popular nonetheless. his "art" landed him to work on the movie The Ghost in the shell, the live action.

>> No.3149196

Wait a moment, he really worked for THAT movie? THAT one shitty movie?

>> No.3149202
File: 58 KB, 319x551, getimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3149203

And of course he's a chink

>> No.3149215

I remember when he started to copy Ilya, literally a soon as Ilya posted one illustration then Guweiz would post something extremely similar like a couple of days after (same theme, same color management, same style, etc), and then when he started to get hate he pulled out the typical "I don't copy on purpose, I just want to know why their art is so appealing" excuse, literally even his excuse was a copy of Ilya's excuse about his plagiarizing stuff

I wonder if the people who make those articles know anything about his copycat past or they just see a nice picture and go "oh this guy is good let's make an aticle about his special snowflake sameface syndrome art"

>> No.3149222

in the full article, Guweiz mentions that 1. he's good at replicating styles, and 2. that Ilya is his favorite artist.

>> No.3149230

Does he also mention that he used to copy Ilyas concepts as well? I mean, it's one thing to copy an art style but he literally copied even the idea/concept right after Ilya posted it, he also copied other popular artists as Krenz and WLOP and heavily references photos without credit them, actually his "After Practice" illustration is heavily referenced from a photo, it got a DD but he never credited the original picture nor mentioned that he even used a reference (I mean, the photo and his illustration was literally the same except that he changed the mood from snow to rain)

>> No.3149245

practice/portrait doesn't need credit
it is Fair use
stupid moron

>> No.3149264

Well he's a chink, do you expect him to give credit?

>> No.3149474

It's not about legality, it's about you looking like an utter hack to all your followers if you don't disclose it and are found out.

>> No.3149511

Hacks copying hacks copying hacks copying hacks. Welcome to the current digital art world.

>> No.3149525

How many layers of abstraction does it take until you get original art?

>> No.3149530


Guweiz is lying to his fans about how long he already paints (he said he started from 0, and after 2 years he got on his current level)

Ruan Jia says, that those who claim such things, are definitely lying and painting much longer than they are admitting. They want that people think of them as particularly special, and that they a have some specific knowledge and techniques that could make everybody into a decent artist, in a short amount of time. Wouldn't surprise me if he just paints over photos, just like Ilya.

So just based on that fact alone, I don't support that guy.

>> No.3149850

Wait what
2 years? That's a meme.

>> No.3149856

>Wouldn't surprise me if he just paints over photos, just like Ilya.
There shouldn't even be any doubt, he definitely paints over other pictures.

>> No.3149888
File: 297 KB, 1300x869, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he also copied other popular artists as Krenz and WLOP
yeah, but Ilya, Krenz and Wlop all have patreons literally giving out their painting techniques, brushes, steps, and videos. so you can hardly accuse him of copying them like he did something wrong.

the article said he started when he was 16 following kiddie tutorials on youtube. I believe at 18 is when he started getting into serious digital painting, and right now he's 21. so idk what this "2 years" is supposed to stand for, but he's been doing art for 6 years. If you NEET, use heavy reference/copy photos of other people's art, and have all the answers handed to you in the form of patreon tutorials, then it's not that hard to be a good copycat like him in very short amount of time. imo his work still looks like beginner shit when you compare it to his reference, pic related.

>> No.3149920

they don't care about that
they want see a good painting

>> No.3149926

>tfw thought right was a photo
>it's actually a painting too

>> No.3149954

Yet no one gives a shit, their followings are still growing. In the future, they'll find plenty of work, even moreso than the retards here grinding fundies who have zero exposure and churn out finished works at a much slower pace.

Seriously, do you retards even think before you spout these empty rationalizations designed to make yourselves feel better?

>> No.3150009

Right is a painting of Irakli Nadar
another "hack" that /ic/ hates
all you fuck off

>> No.3150085

Maybe I'm blind but his art doesn't look anything like Ilya's to me? His art skill is also clearly superior , so at this point it seems like just another case of accused copycat actually being better than supposed original and the supposed original riding the coat tails of the accused copycat ...

>> No.3150095

he admitted to copying him.

>> No.3150099

So he basically was saying he was superior outright, shitty artists don't make good copycats

>> No.3150158

this is what I thought, I personally don't care if people do photostudies or reference photos. but the way Guweiz usually words his studies makes it look like he want to take all of the credit for it even when he just re-painted a photo

I also thought there was something fishy with this statement, when he made that journal if you went through his gallery his 2 y/o pieces already have some understanding of color, shading and even perspective, it's not like he started from 0

I just don't agree with how he just limited himself to copy even their art style and concepts, you can follow any Patreon artist and use their tutorials to learn yet do your own original thing from it instead of copying everything they do

well, you need to be very careful with those things, remember what happened to Numyumy? she used to trace photos and copy other people's work and lie to her watchers and then people found out and ruined her reputation to the point she had to flew from her account to a new one

I think Ilya could do it much better than him but he became lazy af and just limit himself to do lazy ass monocrhome sketches, and Guweiz's copycat phase was some years ago, he now have some sort of mix between Ilya and Wlop style but if you see his older stuff you'll see how he was such a Kuvshinov-Ilya's wanabe, most of his popularity comes from copying other artists desu

>> No.3150733

you are just bitter because you dont have any talents

>> No.3150743

Aren't you the one who is trying to make yourself feel better here? What work can someone find if they have no skills to offer whatsoever?

>> No.3150758

>copyist gets copied

>> No.3150786

Guweiz was definitely a Kr0n clone early on, but I feel like he's gotten much better now.

>> No.3150918
File: 62 KB, 765x627, kr0n on kr0n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3150919

Is this an article? Where from?

>> No.3150966

A typical response from the retards in the fundie cult here.

>ren't you the one who is trying to make yourself feel better here?
No, because I listed objective facts, whereas both the other guy and you build strawmen to attack.

>their followings are still growing. In the future, they'll find plenty of work
Illya's first artbook was successful, his patreon is growing every month along with his follower count. Objective facts, a market demand for his work means he'll always have employment.

>if they have no skills to offer whatsoever?
The fundietard can't understand that style, color, and appeal are the most important factors today, not how well you can draw a particular muscle when photo references of every sort are readily available. If paintovers were so easy, let's see your successful artbook or blog.

>> No.3150979

>Ruan Jia says,

>everything he says is true and never wrong.....

>> No.3151035
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pt 1

>> No.3151038
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pt 2

>> No.3151039
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pt 3

>> No.3151055

>wakes up at 7am and paints all day
the guy might be a dirty thief but it looks like he's making it

>> No.3151087
File: 559 KB, 1100x337, whodnubettrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who did it better

>> No.3151112

I'd take Ruan Jia's word over some dude who wants to imply he's some sort of Learning God.

>> No.3151116

theyre both boring shit

>> No.3151120

The left is infinitely better. It looks like a Renaissance painting, not like someone who's been using Photoshop for 6 months.

This is hardly stealing though. It's not really a unique idea, and the characters don't look similar, nor is the setting.

>> No.3151122

>The left is infinitely better.
>This is hardly stealing though
congratulations captain obvious, but I don't think "who did it better" was a serious question.

>> No.3151125

Is this a joke? The left is on a fucking higher plane of existence.

>> No.3151126

Okay, Captain Fuccboi

>> No.3151265

Those hands on the right are huge. And those glowy earrings not casting any light on the hair/clothes near it annoy me.

>> No.3151280

Top left and bottom right aren't by Ilya? Holy kek.

>> No.3151347

his story sounds pretty cliche XD
I also feel like he's trying too hard to make people believe he's special just because he's self-taught, like, nah son, there's literally hundreds of self-taught artists out there better than ya but that's just my opinion

>> No.3151376

Left has better texture, more effective usage of values, more indication of plane changes, actual edge variety, better shape design on the hands and better gesture in the hands. Pic on the right looks awkward, like it's her first time holding that instrument.

>> No.3151389

>comparing an artistic God to a guy who started by copying a few years ago
what's the point?

>> No.3151393

>tfw right looks like Akirel in a few years

>> No.3151396

that's because they have no artistic purpose to be there, he just adds them to appeal more to the normies because glowing stuff

idk if you noticed but he add glowing earrings to a lot of his pictures just because reasons, as well as raining, it's like he knows his stuff is boring so he must those details to make them more appealing

>> No.3151428
File: 83 KB, 900x523, aeolian_by_wlop-d9ctyhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because reasons
because Wlop, anon. that's his thing

>> No.3151431
File: 252 KB, 1109x721, landing_by_wlop-d9haefr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another example. wlop likes to add starkly vibrant luminescent things in his work

>> No.3151614

ahh finally, someone noticed

>> No.3151687

wow, yet another thing copied. guweiz seems to just grab things straight from other popular artists and stuff it into his work without any real reason or purpose.

>> No.3151765

What's the lesson to be learned from hacks like these that make a shitton of money over tasteless effort?

>> No.3151766

lol post work

>tasteless effort
stay jelly retard

>> No.3151769
File: 672 KB, 1793x2629, Mo and Daya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly just draw tits for fun, and yes I envy people like the russian who makes 2.5k on patreon just dropping half assed sketches. If I made that amounf of money I'd be set for life.

>> No.3151773

Then the lesson is to stop drawing shit only you like if you want other people's money.

People today want fancy colors and pretty girls, and don't give a shit about how it's made. There are plenty of artists who draw beautiful girls with nice colors, but aren't as noticed because they don't produce as much. If you want to do what they do, start learning how to trace and paint over photos.

>> No.3151800

Anybody would be set for life making that much in Russia.

>> No.3151823

Is it just that the large amount of output lets them out compete other artists on social media, thereby growing their followings and leading to sorts of "cults of peronality" that leads to patreon bux?

>> No.3151864

If I started being bombarded with Pepsi ads is it going to make me switch to coke I still like what I like if anything it'd probably turn me off more, like mormons trying to force the bible down my throat or something

>> No.3151892

Social media is opt-in, no one is bombarded by an artist they don't elect to be. I'm not claiming that successful social media artist aren't good, but that their level of popularity is due to dominating recommendation algorithms dues to the network effect of posting "like bait" more often than others. Even considering you anecdote, losing you as a follower is worth it because they gain 100+ more through the same tactics.

>> No.3151957

Holy fuck, /ic/ needs to do more pro vs pro comparisons. This truly shows just how much Ruan Jia offsets the scale of skill. The right looks fine by itself but when placed next to Ruan Jia, all it can do is pale in comparison. Completely insane. Seriously have an even greater respect for the guy now despite already respecting him.

>> No.3152393

>tfw you now hate wlop and guweiz because of /ic/

>> No.3152505

what did wlop do?

>> No.3152517

Not sure why you hate wlop because of this thread. Litterly just pointing out Guiwez lifting bits from his work. I also checked out his patreon, seems okay but I hate that $x every 2 weeks shit a lot of people are doing to make it seem cheaper.

>> No.3152569

Umm I thought this was a "post traced / stolen art" thread

Stop derailing the thread please

>> No.3152630

what gave you that idea? I thought it was about copycat nobody Ali Toguwhatever copying Ilya, derailing into a more popular copycat of Ilya.

>> No.3152800

I don't understand? If you can't beat them, why not join them?

Sure, anybody doing such a move would be labeled a sellout. But hey, money is money. Maybe making a new account imitating kr0n and use guweiz's marketing scheme and use that "dirty money" in order to attain the end game? It's still fair though! If many of us did it though, normies might see through the sham but at least Kron's long overdue reign will be over! We did it /ic/!

>> No.3152802

Because joining them is just as difficult if not more difficult as beating them. Creating your own style is more prone to success.

>> No.3152822

I can't see how possibly it'll be more difficult, than let's say, going through over all the NGMI list of instructional artbooks. The way I see it, copying Kr0n's aesthetic sense relies heavy on how his girls' head proportions are made, glossy lips, emphasis on the big round eye, either straight short spiky black hair or dark brown messy short hair with rim light, symmetrical square/portraiture framing, the use of atmospheric perspective when he's using portraiture framing, etc. Which most of these are more inspired by fashion photography/art Deco/minimalistic movement, but coupled with young girls as the main subject. Then you got kr0n who already has a good grasp on fundamentals, and voilà!!! (Easier said than done though!)

We can learn and at the same time get $$$ to reach our end game. The marketing part seems like the hardest though. Should provoking some drama be included in that list?

>> No.3154581

I wonder and fear what normies would prefer from these two...

>> No.3154584

The left obviously, weebs would pick the right, but say the left is good but not to their tastes.

>> No.3154593

left looks like gay tryhard shit, right actually looks cool

>> No.3155133

Left looks more unique and expressive. Right is generic weeaboo garbage.

>> No.3155342

I prefer the right on, and I'm not even a weeb.

Of course the left one displays more skill, but there's something about the saturation I don't like, so while I love the blue on the left picture, I prefer the overall colours in the right one.

>> No.3156794

>prepare to be very very jelous, guweiz.

Hahahahahahaha thats some classic chinese journalism there

>> No.3156847

left: feels calmness, scent of soothing cold humid air
right: feels nothing. is guweiz-kun going for sexy girl with half opened eyes maymay???


>> No.3157191


But Ruan Jia is just as shit. Look up his sketchbook video on youtube, when asked for a quick live sketch at the end he drew the shittiest doodle, complete 180° from his usual memed art.

His lines and visualization skills are shit for such a memed artist.

>> No.3157205
File: 75 KB, 889x235, YouKnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ruan Jia is shit shittiest doodle memed art lines and visualization skills are shit memed artist

>> No.3157341

Ruan Jia is a painter. Who gives a fuck if he doesn't practice with lines all that much. Besides, when it comes to making a piece look 3d:
using light & color >>>>>>>>> being a fag dependent on lines

>> No.3157358

Why do you guys jerk it to artists that just draw the same brand of bland nubile anime girls, its basically the hotel room art of anime at this point. Shit taste.

>> No.3157375
File: 27 KB, 527x409, 48d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But Ruan Jia is just as shit.
>Ruan Jia

>> No.3157386

Might be useful when teaching plebs that when I say it's shit, it's shit. Despite their pleb opinion and understanding.

>> No.3157393

>muh taste is superior
*tips fedora

>> No.3157428
File: 56 KB, 500x667, ec3b4ea5263577aa35359b7c782ad586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real pic

>> No.3157443

There's something inherently aesthetically pleasing about even Kr0n's laziest shit that none of his imitators seem to be able to capture. Pretty sure I'll always hate him for spawning so many talentless imitators who all seem to accrue sizeable followings.

>> No.3157453

Looks like a muppet.