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3149885 No.3149885 [Reply] [Original]

Do you listen to music while drawing?
If you do, what kind of music?

People say that listening to music while working acts as disruption and that you shouldn't do that. Is this true?

>> No.3149984

Different strokes for different folks. I think it's the same as studying, music without words like classical and a good chunk of OSTs (think Hanz Zimmer, Jeremy Soule, Howard Shore, etc.) are better for staying focused because they lack words that can be distracting while you're thinking or reading.

Personally I listen to whatever I feel like at the time; the aforementioned classical, OSTs (Video game soundtracks are really intense and help me with that "I got to get shit done" feeling), pop, rock, metal, Irish folk music (idk why, I just like it), whatever I'm in the mood for.

Otherwise, if I'm doing mindless stuff that feels like a grind I'll listen to podcasts or twitch VODs, helps keep my focused instead of mentally dozing off.

>> No.3149989

a lot of power, folk and progressive, symphonic metal man good taste everywhere

>> No.3149990

I can't draw without music. I go mad.

>> No.3149997

share some of those intense vidya osts, please

>> No.3150016

you should try Binding of Isaac, Rebirth, Afterbirth and Antibirth OST's, they're bretty good

>> No.3150032
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I like to listen instrumental stuff like Bonobo, Lorn, Catching Flies, Trentemoller, Emancipator, etc.

It's not like words distract me though.It's just my personal preference. I also like to listen podcasts while drawing.

I have always thought that the whole "music disrupts your work " is for those old folks that didn't have any multi-tasking skills.

>> No.3150040

>drawing with music

>> No.3150044

Always JP Jazz or JP Jazz fusion. Sometimes light piano stuff if I'm drawing early in the morning with a coffee or something


>> No.3150047

wikihow artists have gotten better, nice

>> No.3150097

No but I listen to Jordan Peterson conferences. Does that work?

>> No.3150109

if you have a video on the side that needs actual though to it when watching, you're not getting anything out of it and it might have effect on your drawing.

>> No.3150144

Earlier I said I listened to loud breakcore while drawing.
Well, I stopped, and while the other sounds are still bothersome they're actually less distracting than the music used to be.
By now I almost regret having any music on my computer. It's not a music device, everything I do on a computer is better done in silence.

>> No.3150157

This is the greatest pic of all time. Can I save it?

>> No.3150171

Recently Coil - what a cool group
This album is also perfect for drawing

>> No.3150177


>> No.3150195

The first one is really relaxing!
Thanks, anon.
If you have more music like that, please share.

>> No.3150210
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I don't have any of the specific track names, sorry, but the ones I had in my mind were from the Elder Scrolls games, Halo, Final Fantasy (most boss's themes are good shit), Shadow of the Colossus, Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros,Kingdom hearts, etc.

Fighter games, FPSs, RPG/JRPGs, Action, and the occasional puzzle game are good places to look if you want to make a playlist.

>> No.3150221
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>> No.3150252
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>> No.3150270
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i just listen to old Bombcasts

music's too distracting most of the time. If someone wants to sit for a portrait I'll listen to music they want, but if I could I'd just listen to bombcasts too...

I drew this while listening to the entirety of The Pinkprint by Nicki Minaj because she didn't like any of my music

>> No.3150278

new tab : youtube : yuzo koshiro

>> No.3150307

Shinobi 3 Return of the ninja master.... my favorite one .

>> No.3150308

Usually I listen to stuff with lyrics when I'm doing some more automatic things, like rendering or detailing.

When I actually (try) to draw from imagination or really practice my go to stuff is Furi soundtrack and similar stuff, I accidentally conditioned myself to instantly think about drawing when hearing these.

Also can't draw without hearing something, I get way too distracted by anything.

>> No.3150310

you should check this out to , for a while i thought he made the shinobi 3 ost.

>> No.3150321

Movie OSTs
Mad max Fury Road is great
Atomic Blonde OST
Berserk 97 OST ( and the 3 Movies OST , also amazing )
Jhon Wick OST has some good songs
Ghost In the Shell OST ( both the new movie and anime ost )
etc etc ...you get the idea
Also a lot of my personally picked music

>> No.3150326
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And also all JoJo osts

>> No.3150334

Don't you ever listen to like... music? By musicians?

>> No.3150341

I could listend to that 1 hour version of Lorns Acid Rain no problem , its amazing

>> No.3150345

Loomis you heretics:

>> No.3150347

yes and if you actually looked at these OSTs its not just instrumentals , GiTs and Atomic Blonde and Jhon Wick OST is a SONG playlist , these movies have bunch of song following the same theme so Its easier to jsut play OST instead of searching songs one by one , also what makes songs better than just pure instrumentals ? For me instrumental can be better for drawing than songs most times

>> No.3150351

what the fuck is going on in this image

>> No.3150356


Feng Zhu challenging KJG to a gesture battle... Didn't go so well

>> No.3150359

The best stuff I've made was in silence, non-music tracks are good too like eight hours of hearing a river running and birds singing in a forest on youtube.

>> No.3150364

Mostly instrumental stuff. I've been listening to a lot of "lo-fi hip hop" lately since it's easy to find and I don't have to keep switching playlists. It's breddy chill.

>> No.3150375

Depends on what I'm drawing/what mood I'm trying to convey. I feel like music shines in the sketching phase when you need that energy/gesture.



Battles/ giants/ fights:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OlcJzin3LE (highly recommend this one)
https://youtu.be/8WblP-uRQ_U (no low energy types allowed)

Paranormal/ Odd/ tacky:


>> No.3150398
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Mostly a ton of instrumentals, piano covers and France Musique.


>> No.3150399

Podcasts, J-pop, and K-pop for mindless rendering; silence, synth pop instrumentals, jazz fusions, or instrumental hip hop/lofi for more intensive drawing.

>> No.3150401

Theres a 2hr pink floyd album on youtube. I listen to it in order to gauge 2hrs of study time

>> No.3150613

I listen to anything without words. Mainly OSTs and classical but recently I've noticed that I actually do better when I work in silence. I've started to listen but at a very low volume.

>> No.3150671

Killer Instinct

>> No.3150681
File: 44 KB, 564x694, 065b85727715c24ef2a5158daaed81bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Susumu Hirasawa. A.k.a, the composer for the original Berserk anime.

>> No.3150683

he cute

>> No.3150685

Lo Fi Hip Hop and Jazz

>> No.3150715

I love everything he has done, even his really early stuff from Mandrake is god tier.


>> No.3150787

fantastic taste.

>> No.3150809

Same here, I'm tired of looking for new music all the time, lofi is effortless to find and doesn't distract much when drawing

>> No.3150826

I love absolutely everything about this image.

>> No.3150831

Wtf is a 'gesture battle'?

>> No.3150999


>> No.3151018
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I fight between 2 artists as they duke it out with quick sketches. Feng was just too slow for KJG.

>> No.3151022
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To be honest, why would you challenge a autistic savant that's known from conjuring everything from thin air?

>> No.3151026


He has to prove the honor of his school somehow. What better way to do it than defeat a literal God?

>> No.3151033

I've read music without vocals or just background music or white noise can help you stay focused. I have pretty bad adhd and staying focused/studying is agony, since I started listening to downtempo I've gotten a lot of studying done and it hasn't been all that bad.

I get a lot of creative ideas when I listen to my favorite songs but during the process of drawing I more so mindlessly doodle than focus on the drawing, so it can be distracting as well as inspirational.

I'd suggest downtempo, lofi, classical, ambient.

>> No.3151063

It didn't happen it's a fanfic /ic/ like to imagine so they can masturbate on Feng imaginary "defeat"

>> No.3151082

Right now, this is helping a lot.

Music is the best and the worst thing I've ever found to help me draw.

>> No.3151160

Thank you! He's a big inspiration for me in general.

>> No.3151161

Dark Souls 1 OST

>> No.3151513

It's not fanfic, it's folklore.
Big difference.

>> No.3151534
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[drawing intensifies]

>> No.3153227

Personally, I feel that music with words become distracting. So I just listen to instrumentals.

>> No.3153230


>> No.3153272

Depending on my mood sometimes I've been listening to Blank Banshee, Shinjuku Mad, and Muzak while I work a lot lately. Sometimes when I get in the flow though and it isn't too loud around me I'll turn off the music for a bit.

>> No.3153284

Once I started working in silence I quit listening to music altogether... rarely I listen to a specific song one or twice and then back to silence.

>> No.3153288
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I Like a lot of new-agey orchestral stuff like Kenji Kawai and Ennio Morricone's soundtracks. Something about the tone and repetition makes them perfect to focus on drawing, and to think in general. And usually I have a hard time starting without music, but once an album finishes I can carry on in complete silence.


>> No.3153446

Videogame -> Vagrant story. Ff7. Ff8. Chrono trigger. Chrono cross

Tv/movie -> Game of thrones season 6. Evil dead 1. Blade runner. Alien 1. Thx1138. Jacobs ladder. Nightmare on elm street 1. Eternal sunshine.

>> No.3153449
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Stuff I've been listening to a lot lately.

>Cinematic Orchestra - Motion

>Seefeel - Quique

>Warp Records - Artificial Intelligence II

>Ghost in the Shell Megatech Body Co. LTD.

Weather Report - Black Market

>> No.3153453

Every time there's KJG drawing something, the image is different. He does have his favorite themes but shit's never the same. How is it even possible to get that good

>> No.3153469 [DELETED] 

The gay kind.

>> No.3153471

lol fuck you

>> No.3153477

This may seem a little weird but for me, i listen to Miss May I, Bullet For My Valentine, Slipknot, BMTH or all kind of heavy metal music, it's not disruption me at all, it actually really did make me energetic and help me to concentrate on my work, any other kind of music just make me sleepy.

>> No.3154955

>Jordan Peterson
>actual thought
of course not

>> No.3154982

it's usually the mvc 2 ost or sonic for me






sometimes some 90s music




>> No.3155045

Free jazz

>> No.3155076

nice shop

>> No.3155098

>that grammar
Feng, go to sleep already.

>> No.3155145
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playlists r my art

>> No.3155151

It originates from here >>/ic/thread/S2637332#p2637663

>> No.3155309
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I used to, but I don't anymore.

Music has become one of the worst narcotics in our society, most people are completely addicted to it, and it is bound to take away some much needed concentration.

I was involved with music for about 12 years, I played all kinds of guitar and piano as well, but now, I'm almost past the binds of music, and I'm only glad I woke up in time to take a much better, much superior activity: painting and drawing.

Remember this: YOU DON'T NEED MUSIC. You're addicted if you can't go one hour drawing without listening to music. People say classical music is good for studying, it doesn't take a toddler to know that's bull; it's noise, noise is bad, and if you can't concentrate at all without said noise, that's because you've been conditioned to the noise.

Fight it. Win.

>> No.3155341

Serbian nationalist music, of course, what else?

>> No.3156545


>> No.3156554

>Different strokes for different folks.

It's a fact, anon.
Music does cause a distraction.

>> No.3156596

you sound like a mega autist holy shit

>> No.3156607


Some people in here really need to get laid

>> No.3156613
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Post work.

>> No.3156616

Not sure if intense but

>> No.3156624

While I’m outing myself as weeb scum, I admit I like some of yuki kajiura‘s music, which I found through animu. .hack, mai hime, noir, tsubasa, fate, etc.

>> No.3156627

ehh, i listen to indie pop/rock stuff and chiptunes mainly, sometimes vidya osts... but i think it depends on what you enjoy

most of the times i don't realize that the songs were already over and i was drawing in silence for quite a while

usually listens to Foals, The Cads, Satellite Stories, Last Dinosaurs, Everything Everything, Indigo la End
also this, can't find on yt https://open.spotify.com/album/6ubkREYaFIeKvBK5lMgr7C

>> No.3156637

Remember this: YOU DON'T NEED TO BREATH. You're addicted if you can't go one hour drawing without breathing. People say classical breathing is good for studying, it doesn't take a toddler to know that's bull; it's oxygen, oxygen is bad, and if you can't live at all without said oxygen, that's because you've been conditioned to the oxygen.

>> No.3156653

Notice how everyone avoid the question?
That's because they are in denial. Easiest way to find out if it true is have people who listen to music link to a portfolio and then ask are they where they want to be. You will discover two correlations:

1. The more music is used to distract or "calm" themselves while working the more likely they take prescription meds.

2. The more vocal they are about their tastes the less productive they are on a garner scale. The most staunch proponent of music will have the slowest and smallest gains.

Try it. No one will post to disprove these facts. Because they literally can't

>> No.3156748

Why all progfags think that they music taste it's better?

>> No.3158510

This but unironically.