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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 852 KB, 1200x821, 98adc94dfd4332af978204b06bafc69d-db8ckam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3147033 No.3147033 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Sakimichan? A shining example of an artist making it through diligence and hard work, or a talentless hack who's only interesting features artistically are her pinup style execution of japanese characters in an attempt to cash in on waifufags?

>> No.3147037

A little of both

>> No.3147038

This. you don't just become Sakimichan be being a full talentless hack, look at /ic/ for example.

>> No.3147056

totally a talentless hack her works are bad and good at the same time tho

>> No.3147061

Talent needed:
-doing this back then when only 12yo kids did fanart
-being female
-willingness to do porn (optional)
Unfortunately most people here only fulfill the optional talent requirement.

>> No.3147062

Agreed. She would do great on a magazine cover, but other than that she doesn't really have anything going for her work.

>> No.3147064

I would end my life if I had to draw that, but good for her.

>> No.3147072

He kinda knows his shit but stagnates, hes always drawing some delicate character. The way he does skin texture and facial expressions makes them look like sex dolls.

It doesn't help that he seems to be drawing the clothes ontop of the characters for his patreon stuff. I consider him more like some porn machine than an actual artist.

>> No.3147087

>The way he does skin texture and facial expressions makes them look like sex dolls
This. I don't see who they are as an artist in their work, only that they can draw pretty women and men. Everything looks so polished and perfect like everything they make is made for a portfolio or something.

>> No.3147102

Her art is legit boring

>> No.3147103

kinda does the same shit all the time, but it looks nice and thats all that matters

>> No.3147106

She makes at least $100,000 a month, and not just from patreon. Clearly she's doing everything right.

>> No.3147110

better than Ruan Jia

>> No.3147112

AND she gets to hang out with Artgerm.
That's about as great as it gets.

>> No.3147113
File: 117 KB, 800x726, _img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that she did this when she was 15 is evidence of talent. she's just gotten blinded by money in the past few years, and now only cares about mass production and quantity over quality. she used to spend a month on her older works, as well as used to do mostly originals. now she probably spends 3 days max on each anime/game fanart craze of the week.

>> No.3147115

From a monetary standpoint sure
Not like it's particularly hard to throw all of your standards through the window and cater to a crows of thirsty weeaboos

>> No.3147121

>Not like it's particularly hard
hundreds of artists have tried to copy her and thrown their dignities aside for it. i know a few reputable artists who used to work for good companies that dropped that to follow in her foot stepsl, and yet none are anywhere near her.

>> No.3147125

Obviously you have to factor in the "originality": she did this shit before others, built her sheep fanbase over years and years. It's safe to say nobody can ever reach her at this point, unless she retires completely. Even then her legacy-fanbase will get split harder than the Roman fucking Empire among all the wannabee millionaires.

>> No.3147126

That either means she got lucky or that she drew the right characters at the right time

>> No.3147149

>-doing this back then when only 12yo kids did fanart

Kron started fairly late, like 4 or 5 years ago and he's one of the most successful fanartists himself right now.

>> No.3147151

Sakimichan, like Artgerm, are passé at this point in their "careers". Sure, you'll get defenders to their crown shouting at the top of their lungs, "They have made it, they are successful!", but clearly they're slaves to the masses, much like a real king or queen.

Their abilities have plateau written all over them. What sizeable contribution have their artwork really made aside from the hordes of commissions to disenfranchised people who wish that the original artist would have done justice to those very same characters?

All digital artists at this point have become garbage men and women who take the table scraps from the original artists and contribute bits and pieces of fan art that barely pass as acceptable work through computer-enhanced software.

And really, what are you going to do with 100,000 dollars a month income? Hire an accountant to do your paperwork, pay a mortgage on a house that you can barely afford, and come tax time every year pay at least half of that to taxes owed to the IRS? That sounds like a GLAMOROUS life, all the while peddling adult smut on the side to those who pay the most and still try to come off as an untarnished crystal of hope to aspiring digital artists around the globe.

No, what Sakimichan and Artgerm have with their artwork right now is nothing I want to have anywhere around me. There's only so much lens flare, saturation and layers you can put on a piece before people start to realize that the true nature of the artwork intended is lost.

Imagine having to wake up every day trying to support your money habits and your expensive lifestyle through your artwork. It no longer becomes your artwork, it now becomes your job. A job you once loved, but now, slowly grow to hate, a job that no one respects you for outside of the circle of people who feed you false praise just to keep your talent afloat, now that your entire catalog can be found to download online at any time.

Sakimichan a shining example? Absolutely not.

>> No.3147155

She's the only person in the whole world who makes that kind of money with fanart, so clearly it IS that hard.

>> No.3147160

Just out of curiousity, what sizeable contribution, whatever that means, has your artwork made so far?

>> No.3147171

Can you tell me what made it hard ? What is hard in catering to this particular crowd ? In researching what anime/videogame is popular atm and draw one of its characters for advertisement ?
The reason she's popular is because she was the first one to do it. That doesn't mean it's particularly hard. There's artists out there working much harder than her. I'm not saying that she's not working hard or that she's utter shit, just that she certainly doesn't deserve to be praised in such a way.

>> No.3147174

Ah, a defender to the crown. I've touched a nerve with you by jabbing at the crow on the throne.

I don't draw, nor have I ever attempted to, so, let's get that statement clear and to the point for you. About 90 percent of your comeback replies are gone now, much like Sakimichan's integrity, but, let's continue.

So, according to your statement, the only way an artist can contribute, in any fashion or sense whatsoever, is to be known in the likes of Sakimichan? So you're saying that popularity is more important than tapped into talent, right?

Defend the crown when the crown is made of tin, but the queen who wears it, makes you think it's made of gold.

>> No.3147180

So you automatically assumed I was an artist, and that's where your curiosity killed you much like the cat across the street who peered outside the sidewalls of a parked car, only to run across said street and get killed by the moving semi.

>> No.3147183
File: 68 KB, 599x449, 84178670298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> About 90 percent of your comeback replies are gone now, much like Sakimichan's integrity, but, let's continue.

>> No.3147191

She made it while I'm still studying Loomis, so I got nothing but respect for her.

>> No.3147202

But let me layman that "sizeable contribution" point for you so that you don't have to wander on to Google and search for HOURS on what I mean.

So a few years back at San Diego Comic Con, I ran across Sakimichan's table and the hoard of troglodytes purchasing her work like meth addicts. When I had a chance to see her work on her table, after running the gauntlet a few moments before, I noticed that her work had anatomical mistakes, but the lens flare was conveniently placed over said mistake.

You'd think someone of Saki's, "Handed down from God" talent would remedy this, but she hasn't. And how can I point out what mistakes she has, though I have no artistic background whatsoever?

I can look down at my hand, place it in the aforementioned pose Saki did on her work, and see that its wrong. When I asked Saki about said mistakes, her answer fell deaf to the tens of fans behind me who continued to buy her mistakes, to which Sakimichan just smiled back to me.

She knows her shit is bad, but people will end up buying it anyways. I left the comment alone and went along my merry way, and I never crossed in front of Sakimichan's table again for the rest of the convention.

I instead, saw sizeable contributions from other artists who put work in the commissions they drew in house for fans who really enjoyed their work, unlike Sakimichan who packs her "talent" in a box and sells her work at 400 percent mark up price.

>> No.3147210

Why do you talk like some retarded kid playing dungeons & dragons and why are you shitting up this board with your presence? Do you just randomly pick boards dedicated to hobbies and activities you have nothing to do with?

>> No.3147228

Could I not say the same to you? Why do you talk like some handicapped child defending a crown you know now, is made of tin? Do YOU just randomly spout out from the mouth in a hobby and activity you have no business in?

The sword cuts both ways, I'm sure you see that now.

>> No.3147234

Do you have something to back up these claims that Sakimichan is the be all, end all for all artists to admire like the second coming of Jesus until the end of time, or is your vocabulary as empty as your sketchbook is?

>> No.3147235

Kek, so you were trying to talk to Sakimichan at a convention and the autist you are, your idea of breaking the ice and starting a conversation was pointing out some mistake in one of her prints. So naturally she was awkwardly smiling, not knowing how to deal with this socially awkward neckbeard and everyone around you was pretending you weren't there. Now you have a vendetta against Sakimichan. This is like the pathetic nerd version of a supervillain origin story.

>> No.3147236

I'm sorry, I didn't mean sketchbook, I meant layer. To defend the crown of a digital jester, you have to be one yourself.

>> No.3147237

>implying Sakimichan wasn't looking down on him while thinking

>> No.3147241

If only neckbeards could get paid for nit-picking minor anatomical or proportional errors in work that has otherwise found mass appeal and really take the artists down a notch. Wouldn't it be nice if that every time you noticed something was slightly wrong with a person's art you could get a free fedora for your trouble?


>> No.3147246

One, I don't have a neckbeard. That argument's out. Two, I'm not autistic. I'm able to hold a conversation with someone without having to resort to "kek" as my cool, hoping to be accepted laughter point in my reply back to someone.

Three, surely the vendetta falls upon you. You're the one defending the lost cause, not I.

Your assumptions of me, are not in debate here. Why do you continue to steer this conversation to be about me, when Sakimichan is the one we're trying to hold a conversation over?

I'm afraid you are the one who suffers from the autistic mentality much like a person who falls prey to believe in a god that doesn't exist, but when questioned even a bit, begins to tear down and attack the person who asked the question, to assume their intentions to further villianize my subsequent replies, when you know, the crown is made of tin now, and the queen of all art doesn't exist.

>> No.3147250

Her art feels so fucking generic to me. I didn't even know who she was for a long time even though I had seen some of her art. It just looks like chink shit to me.

>> No.3147254

If only artists could see past themselves that they too, are just as flawed as the people they example to.

>> No.3147256
File: 344 KB, 1300x1053, guangjian-huang-still-life-exercise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It just looks like chink shit to me.
Watch your mouth you paynim dog.

>> No.3147257

Most professional artists often tend to be their own harshest critics. Rest assured, every single error you can point out in Sakimichan's work, she can see as well. If you actually were an artist yourself, you would know that seeing mistakes is not the same as being able to never make them.

>> No.3147260

Is she actually chinese

>> No.3147268

So answer me this, how is your statement true when she's had anatomical mistakes in her work for YEARS now? As an artist, or one who aspires to, wouldn't you make the effort to correct those mistakes in your work?

Sure, any artist can make a mistake. But for years on end? Come on, even you can see the cracks in the facade when we talk about "I am Artist but I am Flawed" theory.

>> No.3147274

She's not a REAL chinese, otherwise she would be a better painter.

>> No.3147291

neither. Because her success has persisted since she started in 2014.

>> No.3147308

Her artwork just seems boring. It has no soul really, just pretty lines, flare and sparkle. Also sex appeal

>> No.3147309

not the same anon, but the answer is she doesn't care and it doesn't matter. it hasn't hindered anything for her. stop trying to nitpick an artist who's managed to become the richest and most popular on the internet, while you're here arguing about her "anatomical mistakes".

>> No.3147315

The richest is certainly true, but most popular is a bit subjective. She is popular in the same way Lays potato chips are popular; everyone may know about her but their are tastier and more interesting brands out there

>> No.3147322

If it's neither, how ?
By finding the superb formula of "showing a picture of a guy, and showing the exact same picture of a guy naked BUT to patrons only" ?
Her art is competent but nothing out of the ordinary. Shes just popular because she did it first, and because she knows how to advertise (@draw the right characters at the right time. Some anime is popular ? lets draw some hot chick from said anime, voila you just made some more thirsty fans).

>> No.3147330

>there's more tastier and interesting brands than Lays
What the actual fuck did anon mean by this?

>> No.3147332

...and you're here defending her, too.

Richest and most popular, but compared to whom? Stanley "Artgerm" Lau? In that scenario, I pick Artgerm to win for both richest and most popular.

>> No.3147339

Such heroic nonsense. Are you as well, a defender of the tin crown along side those incriminating few here, who believe that Sakimichan can do no wrong?

>> No.3147348

Stop trying to defend her like she's Jesus Christ, one of my all time fictional characters alongside Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

>> No.3147372

Sakimichan, like Norman Rockwell and Frank Frazetta, Andy Warhol and Frank Cho, is among many who can be considered frauds of their time, hobbyists who take what little ability they have and turn it into fraudulent imagery, fooling the masses with greater than thou "talent" when in reality, none of them held an ounce of the aforementioned elixir.

Her skill —clearly nonexistent— suffers the long time, Achilles' Heel of all artists who clammer to the top of the mountain for fame and fortune— the irreversible Same Face Syndrome.

Now, you thought her anatomical mistakes were bad? How can any of you tolerate the same facial expressions for over 10 years of her meager existence? She only holds the tin crown of glory partly because she comes from a place where autistic artistry runs amok on the information superhighway— deviantArt.

dA hopefulls FLOCK to her aidand defense because they believe, "She's like us, she started on deviantArt, if she can do it, so can we!"

She's a tactical con-artist, praying on the hopes and dreams of those who follow her around like lost puppies on the cold, bitter streets of reality, bandwagon and all. Of course you'll make the effort to make your voice heard if you come from this cesspool of failures— through no fault of their own.

She's a fraud who preys on flawed hopes and dreams. It's a match made in heaven, to be completely honest. So long as the marriage keeps contained in that sense, by all means, defend the tin crown.

Rejoice. I hope I make you my puppet one day without you EVER noticing it.

>> No.3147377

Dude, it's enough. I know you think you are trolling, but you gotta realize that you have been writing these cringy essays for over 2 hours now. Stop, step back from your monitor and reevaluate your life choices.

>> No.3147390

Cry moar /ic/. Sakimichan will wipe your tears with that "fuck you" money.

>> No.3147399

Frazetta? Rockwell?
fuck off
fatty virgin

>> No.3147416

no, i just agreed that she has flaws. the point is they obviously don't affect her at all. /ic/'s attempt at nitpicking is pathetic and reeks of jealousy (nothing new on this board). apparently calling this shit out means I worship her and think she can do no wrong.

>> No.3147422
File: 283 KB, 739x545, 1505599510048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys if I draw a lot of high quality fanart and sell myself on patreon with some good benefits for each tier, will I become rich too? I need the money badly holy shit please

>> No.3147429

>high quality fanart

>> No.3147442

>>>sell myself on patreon
>>>artists good at marketing

>> No.3147506

And you're here replying to said cringy essays. You're just as deep in the shit as >>3147372

>> No.3147508

Spell check next time.It's more, not moar, you brainless weeb.

>> No.3147509

Both hacks, just like Sakimichan, you childless hack.

>> No.3147519


>> No.3147523

This is the most jealous post ever written by anybody.

>> No.3147526

My mistake got distracted by all that coin sakimichan is flashing that you wish you had.

>> No.3147568
File: 21 KB, 259x259, sakimi_02-259x259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you just assuming xher chosen gender, ciscum? With that chin, xhe can be a man any day xhe wants.

She's a better busine$$woman that all of /ic/ combined, selling both dreams and softporn to the masses. Let's be honest, I would be happy with even a quarter of her success... but I don't have a quarter of her shameless determination:

> "My goal will be to work my way to the top!"
> - Sakimi, 2012, in an interview to ArtSketch.org

People will talk about luck, she's just doing what she openly said she was gonna do - and I dislike her stuff greatly, but why would she care.

>> No.3147584


>> No.3147611

You're the one salivating at the thought of having the kind of money she has dipshit, I just tol your weeb ass to spell check. :)

>> No.3147612

Yes, you will, but it really does have to be HIGH QUALITY like Sakimichan's, and not third-rate doodling like her haters make.

>> No.3147614

ha, ha. I caught your spell check disease. fuck.

>> No.3147617

Give credit to her computer moron, Sakimichan has nothing to do with the artwork she creates.

>> No.3147621

>dA dweebs thinking she's successful

She's a con artist. No credible business would make a business out of selling art. Get real.

>> No.3147626

And she's not even Japanese like these weebs think she is. She's a fucking Canuck with a Ching Chong name— Yue Wang.

[Doorbell rings. Sakimichan answers the door] "Yue Wang?"ha ha.

>> No.3147628

Who is she conning? doesn't she do what her patrons pay her to do?

>> No.3147629

She's a millennial born, computer-do-everything canuck who thinks she's made it to the top.

The top of a pile of shit.

>> No.3147632

Con for those on the outside looking in, patrons who are sitting at the bar drinking piss water being sold as "Craft beer". :)

>> No.3147633

>[Doorbell rings. Sakimichan answers the door] "Yue Wang?"ha ha.
God damn it, why did this get me?

>> No.3147634

Well they're happy with their piss water considering they keep giving her money.

You sure she's a bad artist?

>> No.3147643
File: 126 KB, 1000x823, Flawed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure it isn't?

>> No.3147648

Like what the fuck am I looking at? Is this supposed to be pseudo realistic? Why does """Sakura""" look like that?

>> No.3147649
File: 132 KB, 695x900, Obvious Flaws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, I'm sure you can see the flaws.

>> No.3147660 [DELETED] 

your must be better than Sakimichan. Post your work?

>> No.3147666

>Like what the fuck am I looking at?
you're looking at $34,455.

>> No.3147668

Not that guy, but his skill doesn't erase her errors,no matter what level he got. (and he's probably below her)

>> No.3147670

She's pretty much made it, all the people itt talking about how it's soulless or not "real" art would do it at the drop of a hat if they could make even half of the money she's reeling in. She's decently skilled and is making enough money to do whatever the fuck she wants for the rest of her life, why wouldn't she pander? Right now she has an amazing opportunity to make a crazy amount of cash and she's taking it. Once it's gone then she can focus on "gitting gud" or producing "meaningful art" without ever having to worry about paying the bills ever again. Even if you don't like her art (I'm not a huge fan) I don't get why you wouldn't respect her hustle and success as a fellow artist.
I'm not really a huge fan of her work but doesn't she pump these out like daily? Obviously she's not gonna work at her max skill level at the speed she's working at.

>> No.3147671

$34,455 dollars? Yeah right, her commissions don't go any higher than $600 bucks, and even then, I wouldn't pay $20 bucks for a print of that.

>> No.3147675
File: 130 KB, 695x900, Even More Flaws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is it's max level. It's not getting any better than this. Yikes.

>> No.3147679
File: 134 KB, 600x776, It's Obvious....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this is what dAweebs aspire to be like? That's not just bad art, it's bad everything.

>> No.3147683

Why does she hamfist every interestingly designed character into this weird mix of realism and stylization with the polish and bloom cranked up to eleven?

>> No.3147684

That's what westerners like.

>> No.3147689
File: 1.45 MB, 288x198, 1502002717582.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the weeb.

>> No.3147692

Can you elaborate? I'm pretty sure anyone who knows about the characters she draws would prefer the source material style and not this abomination that tries to package all men as 10/10 with chiseled jawlines and ripped muscles, and women as busty hourglasses with porn star lips.

>> No.3147703

>anyone who knows about the characters she draws would prefer the source material style

Well, then, I suppose all of her patrons are fake fans who just ask her for art of characters whose names they saw while skimming their Real Otaku friends' Twitter pages.

>> No.3147710

Just because she has fans doesn't mean her art is necessarily good. She knows how to make pictures pretty, that's literally it. Her perspective is shit, her proportions are what you would see on a basic issue of ImagineFX and her subject matter panders to her an audience who doesn't give a shit about anything other than seeing their anime waifus and husbandos looking pretty.

>> No.3147721

So you DO believe her fans don't know the source material they're requesting art of.

>> No.3147723
File: 187 KB, 739x1080, travesty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fucking look at this
It makes me want to kms

>> No.3147734

You bet your broke ass I do. Props to a woman who can hold her own. Catch these silvers, peasant.

>> No.3147736

Sakimichan can draw better than 99% of /ic/ and probably 99% of the world so I don't see what's the problem here. She may not have the greatest technical skill, but she has wide variety of skills much more than anyone here can say with their little experience.

>> No.3147739

Honestly, I wish I could make the type of money she makes. Who cares about shilling or pleasing the masses. It puts food on the table. I'm not going to spend hours upon hours grinding Loomis only for it to lead me nowhere

>> No.3147742

Because she's using her skills for nothing but money. I highly doubt she even cares about what she draws anymore, just puts the subject matter in outrageous poses, slaps some skimpy clothes on them and collects bank. It reeks of mass production with no soul.

>> No.3147748

>t puts food on the table. I'm not going to spend hours upon hours grinding Loomis only for it to lead me nowhere
Then you aren't an artist at heart, you're a profiteer

>> No.3147750

Guts with that spicy Vegeta hairline, I dig it.

>> No.3147763

Yeeeah, I'm sure Sakimichan heard that cuck line ALL the way over here on 4chins.

>> No.3147766

So does a regular job, dipshit. Go find one.

>> No.3147891

Why would you do something if it can't provide a stable outcome? Everything that I see on /ic/ is about making it, NGMI, getting gud. The same garbage. Take your head our your was and admit that you just want money. That's all everyone wants. To live off their art.

>> No.3147924

But none of the stuff you care about matters when it comes to being a success?

Shes doing everything right and you're just being a spiteful jealous loser.

>> No.3147925

Find me a job that pays $100,000 @ month retard. I'll wait

>> No.3147926


>make food for money
>you're not really a cook, you're just a profiter

Do you see how retarded you sound?

>> No.3147935

>find me a job

Well there's your first problem. Go out there and find it yourself and stop waiting for handouts

>> No.3147950

I respect her for being so smart. She's a girl that likes anime making art for other girls that like anime. But technically speaking, she's nothing special, I mean... >>3147723. I just wonder what will happen to her when disney finds out there's a girl on internet making 100k per month doing softcore porn of their characters.

Trying to remember the podcast which they talk about her trickying the staff of some con. If I find I'll post here.

>> No.3147959

tricking people how?

>> No.3147964

other than sword perspective, what's wrong with this?

>> No.3147977

Nobody can be this retarded. It's like talking to a Republican. I bet you blame poor people for being poor.

>>Just walk in and talk to the manager. They'll hire you on the spot.

Get with the times grandpa. Either appeal and adapt to modern day culture or get left . That's business 101

>> No.3147979

If this is really your response you're right, you'd never get a 100k job

>> No.3148032

Her ability to render is definitely top notch though

>> No.3148232

Not the guy who linked this but this thing looks pretty bland and too clean, and hes got the "sakimichan face".

I understand how a fan of Berserk wouldn't like this one, compared to the very contrasted and gritty art of Miura.

>> No.3148237

> I just wonder what will happen to her when disney finds out there's a girl on internet making 100k per month doing softcore porn of their characters.

The same thing video game companies do when they find out popular youtubers make hundreds of thousands of $ playing their games.... ask them to do more of it because it's great, free publicity.

>> No.3148463

>She may not have the greatest technical skill
I think it's the opposite. She has the technical skill but her art lacks much feeling or mood, I feel like I'll end up down her path too eventually. I would be a liar if I said her stuff wasn't good though, it just doesn't "wow" me or offer anything interesting to me. It's like she lacks style but knows how to draw really well.

>> No.3148465

His hair/hairline is also out of perspective.

>> No.3148520

this would be a really good piece if the armor / head were accurate.

>> No.3148527

Nothing, because she doesn't do Disney characters on patreon. That's why when she painted Moana a few months ago, she only put the speedpaint on youtube, not patreon/gumroad. She already knows not to fuck with disney.

>> No.3148654

>why would I ever not do something with the expectation of monetary profit out of it?
What is fun for $100.

>> No.3148695


wow.. this is shit

someone needs to delete the original source file before it damages the "Berserk" brand

>> No.3148770

are you stupid? $34k was what she got that term for that piece and about 4 others just like it. and she hasn't done commissions in over 5 years

>> No.3148832
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, NeverDoWhatAnIndianCouldDo4You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was her I would give $2k to 5 different artists to ghost for me, send them sketches, monitor them and add her personnal touch over the end result. Then live off the remaining $24k. There's a risk one the ghost rats her out but it's minimal coz they would lose the $.

>> No.3148834

post yer work

>> No.3148841

>the remaining $24k
ignoring the rest of your shit, let me correct on something. She currently has over 5,400 patrons. which likely makes around $60k biweekly from patreon. that would be $120k per month. not counting her gumroad, storenvy, youtube revenue, or conventions.

>> No.3148913
File: 341 KB, 634x483, 15037230031501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who thinks she's made it to the top.
she has and she can stop drawing tomorrow and live comfortably for the rest of her life

meanwhile you have to work a 9-5 till you're 70 and your rent is due next week... assuming you aren't some NEET leeching off your parents/the govt.

>> No.3148920

>leeching off parents at 70
>until they die at 95

>> No.3148927

>who thinks she's made it to the top
this is a fact. you can't name any digital artist who makes more than her. she's made about $2.5mil in the past 3 years.

>> No.3148972

Damn that was her work? I remember seeing it more than a decade ago. It's nice seeing her progress and style changes

>> No.3149058

Why doesnt 4chan know how to explain things. "Its shit" isnt a critique.

It just shows you have a limited vocabulary and that you're shouting buzzwords to look cool.

>> No.3149067

because 4chan is plagued by edgy teens

>> No.3149072

What could be done to make Sakimichan's art better? And don't mention anatomy bullshit.

>> No.3149081
File: 109 KB, 996x832, spurdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has 500k followers or smthg, she probably doesn't want to get like those artists who are much better than her and much less popular.

If she really wanted to get better, she could ask /ic/ to redline her work.

> Did you just cringe reading that?

>> No.3149152 [DELETED] 

>much better than her and much less popular.
it's not because they're better. sakimichan's popularity is
>25% female AND male lewd (most artists only cater to one)
>25% producing new content 3-5 times a week (how many artists do you know are that active?)
>25% fanservice of the latest train wagon >25% popular semi-realism-anime style that normies are impressed by.

>> No.3149153

>much better than her and much less popular.
it's not because they're better. sakimichan's popularity is
>25% female AND male lewd (most artists only cater to one)
>25% producing new content 3-5 times a week (how many artists do you know are that active?)
>25% fanservice of the latest train wagon
>25% popular semi-realism-anime style that normies are impressed by.

>> No.3149164

I would like her art more if her chroma and hue gamut for skintones wasn't so consistently narrow, shadows are always grey and dull like the OP

skintones are a constant element in her pictures and they're always pretty lazily done. anatomy and subject matter is less important

>> No.3149179

If you're correct, then there's no way she can change anything. It would mean finding extra time to push herself, drawing less to produce more original things, taking the risk that it displeases her patrons, etc. and at the end of the day, no guarantee that it brings her more.
Can't blame her, I would fall for those $hekels too. See >>3148841, she's making 6 figures per month. It isn't an incentive to change anything.

>> No.3149305

Her work doesn't appeal to me but she definitely knows how to quickly make work that appeals to a large audience, and that's really all the skill she needs. She's making more money off her art than I ever will, and I have a begrudging respect for her because of that.

>> No.3149307


>> No.3149816

Artgerm. :)

>> No.3149818

Anatomy. Hoards and hoards of anatomy books. And Loomis.

Because that's how asses are supposed to look like. She carries the dumbAss flag proudly.

>> No.3149848

>One, I don't have a neckbeard. That argument's out. Two, I'm not autistic.

>> No.3152391

>see Sakimichan hit near top of daily ranking for pixiv
What did they mean by this?

>> No.3152394

They mean they should ban non-Asian IPs.

>> No.3152449

fuck you, im trying to make a living with a fanbase that isnt full of oversized kneetestical fetishists.

>> No.3152451

Anon are you fucking with me?
>number one is Kawacy
This is the real question. Is he even nip?

>> No.3152462

how does one unlearn to draw the torso tho

>> No.3152546

I thinks its more a case of "started sooner than the rest".
I dont follow this artists but I remember seeing her/his Patreon profile a long as time ago.

>> No.3152631

she stopped using reference. probably because drawing from imagination is quicker and time is money.

>> No.3152673
File: 72 KB, 788x685, 307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: jealous anons who will kill to make 1/100 of what she makes in a week.

why don't you spend all this time talking shit of her making art and making money off it.

Why not?

because you're worse than her and nobody knows you.

>but she sucks
post art then.
I bet you're worse than her.

>> No.3152674

Post your work

>> No.3152679

/ic/ in a nutshell

>> No.3152709

This is pretty much contradicting since using reference makes you ten times faster

>> No.3152736
File: 452 KB, 591x1377, 90d3cebec5c0e527a6e3fa9aed329820-d89maa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't want to sound like a jelly faggot but I will. Googled some of her tutorials and oh boy, some of them look like a shitty wip.

>> No.3152742

>Googled some of her tutorials and oh boy, some of them look like a shitty wip.
What does that even mean?

>> No.3152756
File: 107 KB, 1024x768, IMG_1471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3152776

thats sad buddy. You'll never be her level, why try to bring her down? Are you jealous? I don't see anyone coming to you for art tutorials.

>> No.3152780

Pandering porn slave: the artist

>> No.3152783

>Googled some of her tutorials
>some of them look like a shitty wip.
that's because they are wip, faggot. that tutorial has to be bought to see the full thing. wtf do you think she's selling if that's all there is to see?

>> No.3152799

It feels like people on /ic/ would improve so much faster if they stopped wasting their time on these types of threads and instead spend it drawing.

>> No.3152812

i am pro
so, i don't care anon-chan

>> No.3153635

Every week with these threads on this deserted board

>> No.3153758

/ic/ is salty because she makes so much money but she really is a shit artist. She's never gonna make anything people remember.

>> No.3154034

This is the worst bait ive ever seen.

>> No.3155430

>And really, what are you going to do with 100,000 dollars a month income?
Bitch I'll be fucking jolly if I get 1.000,
and in heaven if I get 2.000

>> No.3155438

buy half of the bad dragon stock

>> No.3155456
File: 19 KB, 290x284, so-hard-to-be-an-alpha-male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3156646

This is like a tutorial in how to redditpost, what a fucking loser

>> No.3156663

Who even has stupid shit like this saved.

>> No.3156672



>> No.3156733
File: 249 KB, 1082x717, Ahri_GestureBattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to the Anon(s?) who "discretely" bumped it everytime it was left without answers for more than a day,
this 8 days old thread is now entering October. I'm not even complaining, it would've been replaced by a Shad thread or worse.
Since this thread is here to stay, I've a question: has any of you used her tutorials and reproduced her workflow with some success?

>> No.3157765

God her work is so fucking soulless.

>> No.3157772

No, but I hear it's just going from soft to hard anyways and any experienced artist will learn that from the blur your eyes technique. In any case, her art isn't anything difficult or complex to figure out, not saying it's not difficult to do, but it's just realistic anatomy. Much easier than compared to stylistic anatomy. Sakimichan's art is also just like a few painter strokes from becoming a 3D model.

>> No.3160174

Only on /ic/ will you find people so bitter about other artists actually making it by showing effort instead of bitching all day on a shitty image board site that they actually try to say that having MONEY and SUCCESS is a bad thing. Holy fucking shit, even guys like Andrew Dobson are not THIS delusional about the art world.

>> No.3160177

i tried and failed miserably.

i guess the best approach would be try to emulate her style with your own workflow: is almost impossible to adapt to other people's methods

>> No.3160195

yes, I have. her entire patreon content from term 1 to term 40 used to be entirely posted to a pastebin link, i think i went through almost all of it. I learned some really useful techniques and tricks from her. though if anyone uses too many of them, your work will easily end up resembling hers too much, and her style is a way too well-known for people not to notice. But I think all the free info I learned from her helped me advance a shit ton.

>> No.3160197
File: 339 KB, 633x1011, ariel1_by_kl__rc-da6t6p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is almost impossible to adapt to other people's methods
idk, i found this person a while ago and was amazed at how much it looked like a wip she could have made herself.

>> No.3160203

Then why bother? If you aren't going to use a work flow your style will deviate anyway. That's why artists who experiment a lot never remember how they even got their results

>> No.3160208

What were some useful stuff you learn from her?

>> No.3160214

Holy fuck. That completely breaks my brain. I guess I know who to follow for making good business decisions.

>> No.3160219

Patreon is just one of the ways.
Look at this shit >>3153391
You can still get paid well without doing what she does.

>> No.3160230
File: 36 KB, 500x500, large (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I mean like...
The entire world knows who I am and I've made billions but they won't let me have any of it... yet.

my art has inspired an entire movement! It's pretty neat, you know.

I want to go home. Someone needs to tell me what the fuck is going on.

>> No.3160236

to be fair though

I had to die first. The trick is to come back.

>> No.3160238

Can someone send me the discord ?

>> No.3160243
File: 969 KB, 1903x1065, Screen Shot 2017-10-04 at 12.14.20 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly photoshop moves that i didn't know about before. like, if you duplicate your painting layer and set the new one to soft light, and lower that layer's opacity to about 20%, it'll give this really nice soft look to the original. also her use of layer adjustments+masks and a bunch of other shit mostly relating to working photoshop buttons.

as for her painting technique itself, she uses a fuck load of lasso tool + airbrush to paint everything, that's how 99% of her work is made. so i occasionally do that.

>> No.3160253

thanks now I have a new artist to follow

>> No.3160264

I think this one was a lingerie she was trying some new methods on

>> No.3160461

the face also. the right eye is way off

>> No.3160514

>entire patreon content from term 1 to term 40
Do you really need to watch that much to learn how she does things? I watched a video from her youtube channel that showed me her general workflow.

>> No.3160520

all fanarts like that are a total waste of talent and arte

but then thinking of all the waifucucks who pay for this, these people deserve their money, if people are so fucking stupid sheeple to buy the same fucking shit over and over again, then yeah, milk em.

>> No.3160521


>creating fanart is a waste of time
>people want to commission fanart

so which is it genius?

>> No.3160544


all the replies before "s-sh-sh-show your artw-w-work you cunt!"

Why people are so fucking studid I dont get it ,
just because you get a buncha money doesnt mean that you do something great, contributing, or high in value(other than economic value).

I mean some luxury whores get that money too by sucking the dicks of oil sheiks in dubai.
Yet it ain't nothing great to be proud of.

>> No.3160565

then who do you recommend?

>> No.3160608

show your SUCC you cunt

>> No.3160683

anyone with good skills who doesn make ONLY fanarts in the same poses\face\body types.

>> No.3160686

Who does only fanart in the same poses/face/body types? Never ever heard of this. Can you provide examples?

>> No.3160690

Sakimichan ,Artgem , monorirogue(tho hes now doing straight up porn)

Do you even read the thread?

>> No.3160691

Do you even look at Sakimichan, Artgerms and monorirogue's art? It's not ONLY fanart in the same poses/face/body types. That's some weird delusional specifics you made up that no one even does.

>> No.3160695
File: 147 KB, 1074x744, very original_germ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at those and tell me that their eyes nose mouth and overall faces are not the same

its just like if he uses a doll and get it in different colorus and voila! fanart!

>> No.3160696

How about you look at ALL of his artwork together, he even draws guys. Recently All Might.

>> No.3160700


I think what anon is saying is nobody else is allowed to paint fanart but sakimichan and artgerm and by default all fanart is automatically a carboncopy of theirs and obviously of the same pose/face/body type but anything that isn't fan art is completely fresh and original and worth learning from. These are facts people

>> No.3160709

Sameface as fuck. What happens with these artists is they develop an "ideal" beautiful face, and because it sells, never build beyond it. I wonder what she looks like compared to her internalized idea of beauty.

>> No.3160710

>he even draws guys


Srsly their "art" only worth a wank

Fanarts are the cancer of art , but its art for plebs and as we all know plebs dont know or care shit about art. That why fanarts are so popular. And they will persist to be popular.

Honestly it wouldnt be a problem, one would think "yeah, some artist like this cartoon\game\manga so he\she made a fanart of this and this character, thats nice" .
But no, they have to make THOUSANDS of fanarts , that are mostly sexy lolis or overwatch characters in porn or erotic scenes, and i bet yo ass they dont even care about the thing they draw about.

Thats garbage , shit. Even if it looks good. It's still shit ,but in golden coating.

No you bum, I say that those "artists" are not artist...the nearest they can get to artist is scam artist.
They all use the same schemes with tiny differences , aint nothing new.
Have you ever saw them doing something original, that is not from a shitty source of entertainment, but their minds?

>> No.3160713

Kek, what did fanart do to you? Beat you as a child?

>> No.3160717

No? I just joined in the arguing, that's all. Do I seem to be offended?

>> No.3160741

i watched them because i was interested. sometimes she does something new on certain videos while experimenting

>> No.3160851

Sakimichans old work was nice but I found her work flow painfully inefficient, glad she looked into some new ways to get the similar if not even better results

>> No.3160899

That's a polished turd. I get it.

>> No.3160912

Share video pls

>> No.3160926

How can you not see they have different faces? Everyday humans don't have that much more variation

>> No.3160929

yes they do

>> No.3160930

Oh Boy! i Liked, so, you use PS6?

>> No.3160942

>they develop an "ideal" beautiful face, and because it’s ideal and beautiful, never build beyond it

Fixed. Why draw ugly people? You can see all the ugly people you want in real life.

>> No.3160948

artgerm does have sameface. he draws the exact same lips, nose and eyes with just different colors. but it doesn't hinder anything for him, so it's just nitpicking

>> No.3160949

Share the video pls

>> No.3160951

you can find many of her full video processes here http://search.bilibili.com/all?keyword=sakimichan

>> No.3160956

Thanks honey~
Thanks honey~

>> No.3161011

I like this but I hate fairy tale

>> No.3161014


>> No.3161018

shane koyczan