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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 226 KB, 722x912, 1457861175126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3146374 No.3146374 [Reply] [Original]


The reason why faggots on here like nosebro never improve is because all they do is make quick sketches because they are afraid of taking their work to a finish level which in turn exposes their weaknesses

>> No.3146377

No, NoseBro knows best that the base needs to be good before going to the painting stage and finishing. People just can't see that and think it's a sketch and why he never finishes. They produce trash products because they neglect the base.

>> No.3146391

how bad do you have to be to forgot the eye lashes, ear canal, nostrils and a neck on simple portraits?

>> No.3146392

You're missing the point. I'm not saying he should paint his sketches, I'm saying he should actually take his sketches to a finished level. You like actually drawing a fucking hand, actually indicating proper anatomy and drawing proper cloth and proper looking poses. If all you ever do is make shitty sloppy sketches then that's all you'll ever be good at doing

>> No.3146434


I'm curious, are you the same guy who sucks Nosebro's dick every thread or has /ic/ just completely lost its fucking mind?

>> No.3146437

same fag?

>> No.3146510

Yeah. He never takes the time to step back from a sketch he is working on and look for specific mistakes to correct.

His observation drawing is terrible too. He can't take a few seconds to examine the negative space or the overall shape of the subject.

He could really benefit from being more thoughtful in his drawing process and LEARNING HOW TO CELL SHADE YOU FAGGOT

>> No.3146530

How bad is it that i have the exact opposite of this? I try to finish almost everything and only have a few sketches, all the stuff i have finished are mainly studies and side projects for fun and the sketches that i have are more studies that failed big time

>> No.3146537

wow you took the time to color in a generic anime character. fucking wowwww. soooo fucking goooood.

>> No.3146559
File: 89 KB, 942x440, SageAdviceGuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're better off. Maybe add in a quick 30 min-1 hour warm up before you start a finished piece. Do line drills and perspective practice, but continue finishing pieces as it will show you exactly what your weaknesses are that you need to study. You shouldn't just study aimlessly, you have to have a plan and you cannot rush them and be sloppy either. In the navy, we have a saying that's drilled into our heads that sums this up pretty nicely.
Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.

>> No.3146574

I have the same problem as nose (mostly sketching, not many finished pieces).
How do I come up with long term painting projects? What else should I do?

>> No.3146577
File: 245 KB, 830x550, che-guevara-contrapapel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you like drawing? Do you have a dream goal of an animated series or a skill level you want to achieve? If so, research stuff about that field and find out what the professionals do. Copy the finished works that you find good after finding the guys who draw like you do. Stand on the shoulders of giants and learn from everyone.

>> No.3146583


>> No.3146595

im on purpose not using negative space since that doesnt teach you the actual thing. Also, surprisingly, its spelt cel-shade.

>> No.3146601

sticky, loomis. come back when you can draw

>> No.3146602

This must be bait.

>> No.3146603
File: 2.74 MB, 300x252, bait boyz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3146611

im 100% serious, its really easy to use negative space to draw from reference. That's why i dont do it. its better for me to be able to understand the thing itself and draw a rough but unfaithful representation.

>> No.3146636

if you constantly imagine your subject in a box as it's part of him, learning the negative space it's just as helpful as learning the positive space of the subject

just saying

>> No.3146647

If he were to finish something it would build greater awareness for what he's lacking and motivate improvements with more direction.

>> No.3146648

what if my end goal for ''finished works'' is one-run-thru ala kjg?

>> No.3147860

I like to do quick sketches beacuse it takes low effort and i get a lot of compliments from normies, which makes me feel good

>> No.3147864

he is right about eyelashes, at least.

>> No.3147869

it's obviously not cel-shaded, but really poorly painted.

>> No.3147870

my goal is Sakimichan.

>> No.3147908
File: 313 KB, 704x448, 1506043679409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. I just meant that he should learn how to do simple cel shading first.
He focuses on line art. I don't know why he would jump right into painting without trying to find a way to work with his lines.

I mean, his work could look like this instead of OP

>> No.3147937
File: 196 KB, 634x716, wlop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know why he would jump right into painting without trying to find a way to work with his lines.
TBF wlop also draws really messy lines, but his paintings are beautiful

>> No.3147960

That's because he's a painter.
He doesn't waste his time making lineart and he understands painting principles.

>> No.3148170

thanks, youre 7 months late though

>> No.3148173

Just how does wlop do it? How do I make beautiful paintings like he does?

>> No.3148184

I've been trying to tell you this for three months!

>> No.3148202

7 months? you drew that 18 months ago and barely made any progress since you mentally disabled fuck.

>> No.3148258

im not listening to you lmao
thank you for correcting me. I checked and this is may 2016. your nosebro trivia is on point. I was sure it was from after i started photoshop which is why i placed it at the beginning so much off

>> No.3148268

You posted this image on march 2016 on 4chan you lying scumbag. I like how you try to hide how much you stagnated by acting like you drew this much later than you actually did. I bet you lie about how much you practice too, you untalented fuck.

>> No.3148270

i picked the info from my tumblr. Im not fighting your timeline, i made a mistake on which program it thought was being used for the piece, hence had the wrong possible timescale.

>> No.3148281

Nice attempt to save face. Then again, if your face is anywhere as grotesque looking as your drawings, I wouldn't bother saving it.

>> No.3148285

How old are you and when did you start drawing? This is unrelated to any previous discussion and I'm not anyone you've spoken with before, I'm just curious.

>> No.3148289

been drawin for almost 4 years, started at 17, born 1996

>> No.3148295
File: 2.15 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20170921_235141055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Since I was born in the same year as you and have yet to start taking drawing seriously, I'm going to make it my arbitrary goal try to git gudder than you ASAP. Hope you don't mind.

>> No.3148297

join the server im in so i can keep track!
https://discord.gg/nVS9e (exp1d)

>> No.3148318

ty. I'm OrangeJuice.

>> No.3148340

You should take sketches to a finished level only if they are good sketches.

You are talking as if sketching and producing finalized work are somehow mutually exclusive.

Do people who only sketch and do nothing else even fucking exist what the fuck?

>> No.3150420

Poor taste but understandable. I would recommend studying Sakimichan and other artists that do the realistic anime style.

>> No.3150432

You just described nosebro.

>> No.3150500

I don't know if its the best way to do it, but what i do is make a sketch then block in colors for skin/hair etc. Then i try to find things that are off that aren't readily apparent if it was just a sketch. Then i resketch or adjust parts of the sketch with transform or liquify, then paint it a bit more. Rinse repeat until i can't see anything that looks wrong. Sometimes i may have to resketch a particular area or part 10 times before i'm satisfied. I don't try to get the sketch perfect right away because i know my eyes will gloss over problems until it's more painted in. I may even get nearly all the way finished painting something and only then notice something off which i'll then resketch again and try to adjust what i already have painted. It's time consuming but i feel like it hardcodes the "artists eye" to see things in an objective way.

>> No.3150540

i hate the faces on the vid you posted so much
the figures are not so bad but still, those faces make me cringe

>> No.3150544

There's something about this HC Bitch that makes me really fucking angry.

>> No.3150691

It's the tumblr style homosex.