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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 133 KB, 854x478, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3138965 No.3138965 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread:>>3129043

Post your current erotic drawings and paintings here and provide helpful criticism and advice to others!

Please make sure your posted image is clear, DOWNSIZED TO AROUND 1000 PIXELS WIDE, ROTATED TO THE CORRECT ORIENTATION, and that any unused space is cropped.

Reminder that if you do not want to see degeneracy*, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."

Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered.

>> No.3139495
File: 888 KB, 524x591, 90xc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This didn't turn out how I wanted.

>> No.3139502

The weight of the boobs is really nice.

>> No.3139525

Thanks but I don't think her body's moving enough to make her tits go crazy like that.

>> No.3139710
File: 272 KB, 1000x1000, yoshi anal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what to think of this.

>> No.3139730


I think it's cancer, take that shit to /trash/

>> No.3139734

what if it was a lot better

>> No.3139739 [DELETED] 
File: 616 KB, 1370x1406, braixen again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here I go again

>> No.3139741

no, why the fuck is furry allowed outside of /b/? This isn't a furry board, take that shit to /trash/ or /b/

You too, it's terrible.

>> No.3139765

i think if it was cleaned up a little it would be pretty good for what it is.

>> No.3139766

this one isn't that good though.

>> No.3139776

It's oversized anal beads being crammed into a female yoshi, what the fuck are you gonna do to clean it up? anatomically it's retarded, stylisticly you've fucked it; the colours and shading are all over the place and the fuck is that expression?!

>> No.3139828

You want to rework those hands and feet. They don't look good.

>> No.3139832

I don't think anyone here cares about your personal opinions and beliefs. If you can't rate art without being offended by the subject that is portrayed, then you probably shouldn't post here.
Remember anon, hide, sage and report. No need to comment for no reason.

>> No.3139837


>> No.3139861

>being this new

furry is banned outside /b/

This shouldn't be here.

>> No.3139862

That's dope, but the tits really are moving independently on the force that's pushed from below.
Try animating a flour sack or smth, or even take a real porn gif and observe the wave of energy that's passing through her body - that's what you're trying to capture.

Why you gotta be triggered m8.
All I see is shapes, colors, convex forms, human/animal anatomy. No furry porn.

>> No.3139865

>being this mad
Holy shit dude it's just pixels, move on

>> No.3139866

Sorry dude, I've seen much worse than furry; It's the community I can't stand. No group of artists are worse than furries, we have these rules based on furries being drama magnets not their porn being weird/bad.

I hope you understand.

>> No.3139876

It's pretty much a frame for frame reference of a viper gif at a slightly different angle. I think i just didn't have her pop up high enoug

>> No.3139986

is it worth it to finish a pokemon GO comic I started back when it was popular? I don't even know if anyone cares anymore.

>> No.3140008

just do it dude

>> No.3140043

I know it's banned. Simply don't watch it and move along.
I'm pretty sure you can't critique art. If you were an artist and you could, then you wouldn't be assblasted by such a tame subject matter.

>> No.3140050
File: 164 KB, 700x937, wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

messing around with style and narrative stuff in an attempt at addressing a lack of appeal in my smut. feels like i'm fumbling in the dark when it comes to that stuff.

>> No.3140090

That's very beautiful, anon. Maybe except for that line in her armpit and boring skintone render.
If you want to make it more fappable, just exaggerate the gesture and expression and you're there.

You got a blog or smth? I'd like to see more.

>> No.3140130


>> No.3140151

just fix the spacing, of the females body, and make the male thrust

>> No.3140167

Can't thrust all that hard from that position but I might add a frame where she's higher up and one or two where he shifts his pelvis.

>> No.3140171

and maybe add some bed bounce?

>> No.3140174

That could work I can't do anything until later though.

>> No.3140220

>just exaggerate the gesture and expression and you're there.
problem is, i don't understand what works when it comes to exaggeration. i've started studying how other porn artists handle it and i'm trying to apply it to my work but so far there's always this stiffness that creeps in.

thanks for the note regarding her armpit and the skin tone!

>You got a blog or smth? I'd like to see more.
https://basnip.tumblr.com/ not much in the same vein on there though.

>> No.3140225

lol, already was following you. Didn't know you posted here!

>> No.3140229

This log on only Tumblr thing is starting to piss me off.

>> No.3140266

I know that feel since I am an artist of furs myself, but stay as far away as possible from the regulars that are not artists too. I have an acquaintance who is a fur, he lives like 10 minutes away from me but godamn is he annoying.

>> No.3140331
File: 945 KB, 1466x957, nanii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sum sketches

>> No.3140462
File: 195 KB, 700x610, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In many things I'm not as good as you, but I know that you should always draw the gesture with an idea. It sounds like a meme advice but bear with me -
what does she want, what's her attitude? Maybe she's playful, lightweight, carefree like a bird, like a nymph, like a goddess, like feather, like fire, explosive...
What about him? He's holding her in her arms, he's twitching, burning with desire to ram himself into her right away but he knows he can't, he has to wait with foreplay etc.. (since she's so playful), and I bet every second feels like an hour to him, he's fierce, he's primal, he's like an ape bursting with masculine power, a warrior, a god, a man.

These words are ideas, repeat them while you draw and let them guide your hand, your every move. Repeat them, feel it, imagine what she's like, not just what she looks like, and with practice, those simple ideas will imprint themselves into your work.

I'm with you, brother.
I hope Tumblr revenue drops from a fucking cliff and they take the useless policy away.

>> No.3140468

>Repeat them, feel it, imagine what she's like
So much this

>> No.3140486

That foreshortening on her right arm is real fucked up, construct it with solid cylinders next time.
A good thing is that the rest is drawn so well nobody will give a fuck about her arm.

>> No.3140497

noticed that, do u mind redline?

>> No.3140514

Blog? Your figures are smooth af mannigga

>> No.3140516
File: 910 KB, 1174x1169, Jambuttdun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trap butthole

>> No.3140517
File: 164 KB, 735x684, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly perfect but I'm tired as fuck.
Hopefully someone else will do a better job, good luck anon :)

>> No.3140518

Thank you bro, i'll try to fix it and i'll post here

>> No.3140520

Don't have one, I only hang around /ic/.
But thanks man, I appreciate it.

>> No.3140593

i dont really post that often but i lurk a lot.

thanks for the thoughtful crit and the redline, anon. gotta admit, i never built that kind of internal narrative when drawing. i imagine vague personality traits, but never anything in depth like you describe. it's a neat idea and it comes across in the redline -- her arm and head in particular seem more flirtatious and playful. good stuff.

>> No.3140594
File: 77 KB, 663x567, stupidsexyzim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave up on art and I am just going to draw porn of invader zim and other charecters now

>> No.3140624

Is there an artist /ic/ discord?

>> No.3140636

And I gotta admit that I kinda stole that advice from Steve Huston. But hey, he stole it from the old masters so who cares.
Don't take my drawing as a prime example, but I'm convinced the process is good.

>> No.3140657
File: 85 KB, 460x460, animm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have these rules based on furries being drama magnets

in my experience it's always been the people who make a scene over people posting furry art, never really understood the anger (also whenever i've posted furs nobody seems to bat an eyelash lol)

pleasepleaseplease excuse the shittiness of my animation (i shoulda used a ref) but wanted to quickly illustrated how in positions similar to the one you've animated most of the movement/force comes from the hips of the lower participant an travels up the the body of the person on top

you're work's cute, really like your forms
really really like that your boys are cute too~
have you considered drawing a comic of some sort and/or maybe developing some of your own characters to use through out your work? you'd be surprised how attached people get to other people's characters. established characters can also help a lot with "i should draw something but i don't know what" cause you could just go "i want character A to fuck character B" and then knowing their personalities/being familiar with how to draw them will aid both in what to actually draw them doing and how to quickly and appealingly achieve that

good advice

also tumblr has been hemorrhaging money it's entire existence cause unfortunately much like twitter nobody really knows how to monetize it in a way that can break even with the cost of running the servers let alone produce a profit. they're more or less kept afloat cause the big corps that own them feel the datamining is worth the cost. NSFW only being viewable by logged in accounts and dozens of other unwanted changes are all just desperate attempts to work on it's undesirableness to advertisers and attempt to lower a bit of the overhead

>> No.3140670

>drawing porn
>get a hard on once the details start coming out

I can't be the only one

>> No.3140671

That's great by me. I've always thought Zim was hot, don't ask

>> No.3140672

different anon, but can you show the timing?

>> No.3140683

oh damn, got a blog?

>> No.3140686


>> No.3140697
File: 20 KB, 281x268, timing rough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no probabo
frame 1 on the bottom person is anticipation for thrusting up
frame 2 is where the bottom person's thrust connects with the top person's descent
frame 3 is apex of bottom person's thrust
frame 4 on the top person is overshoot cause they keep traveling upwards a bit after the bottom person's hips descend cause isaac newton said so

everything else i kinda just did what looked right

need to remember to fix photoshop so that it's not a pain in the ass to animate in

>> No.3140703
File: 72 KB, 256x320, __lilia_milcrabe_viper_and_viper_f40__4b0a6f6a0c4d7aa69ea543ad139b8554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That does look better but I can't fix mine so easily since it was drawn on paper. Reference may have been the problem in the viper gif the guy sits there and does all the work with his arms.

>> No.3140723

good to hear. Ive been obsessed with Zim for years, to the point of it being unhealthy.

I don't post much but sure
I never reblog and I dont do any feelsposting or posts about life either, so it wont clutter up your shit.

>> No.3140727

thanks, I'm not active on tumblr at all desu, so it's just so I can follow you and not forget you existed

>> No.3140743

It seems like better advice and critique is given in porn threads as oppose to places that need them like /beg/?

>> No.3140763


>> No.3140778

if someone already knows the basics of music theory i can teach them to play the drums or other instruments i know how to play or at the very least give them direction on how to learn, but i unfortunately lack the skills to teach basic music theory

same goes for art :c

>> No.3140787
File: 281 KB, 580x475, fore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to fix it, not sure if i fixed it tho, but i guess it looks better at least

>> No.3140790

I made the first /beg/ threads years ago and I can say I regret it so fucking much.
The idea was originally to have a small hugbox and containment zone for people to post their basic exercise drawings and such, with some feedback.
Or people asking really basic questions like "I got trouble using my pencil to compare proportions if I do organic things like plants, how do I do it better?"
Basically rapid social encouragement for doing the basics. Think of it like clapping a kid on the back while trying to do his math homework.
It's positive reinforcement and really encouraging.

Instead, it turned into "My 101 course / book is better than yours" and people saying shit like "too stylized to critique". Everyone in the threads are so full of themselves, likely because they think they are advancing at lightning pace.
Hell, everyone is so stuck in their exercises that they never venture out, at the fear of doing 'autistic' drawings, or somehow going off the holy patch of /ic/, never realizing they have to apply what they learn to things wildly outside of what small box of exercises they have to do.

I saw a dude bragging about doing straight lines better than a professional concept artist, on their exercise papers, and feeling like he was better. Nevermind the conceptartist dude is good enough to do it full time. Nope, he did exercises better, therefore he is better as an artist (or, upcoming artist).

People in there are afraid now of drawing what they like, and are obsessed with being 'corect' all the time.
They don't know enough to be correct all the time. Going wild and drawings things you don't know how to are a part of the process.

If a beginner wants to get good, they NEED to find some art community where they are one of the worst people. Feel the atmosphere, sitting next to amazing artists doing things you could only dream of. Roasting marshmellows on a makeshift fire and laughing at stupid shit. Realize art is just a remix and part of life

>> No.3140861


very meaty and good drawing. post blog?

>> No.3140875

How long do you have to be drawing for before you can make stuff like what you guys are always posting here? I ask because I'm still only 3 months in or so and can't imagine being able to pull it off for years

>> No.3140877

Make porn now.
Do studies of porn.

You'll end up with simple drawings but it is porn regardless. Then just keep up with your usual exercises to not stagnate.

>> No.3140882

Great, that's basically been my gameplan so far. It's pretty painful having to look at how awful they usually turn out though. I'll keep at it and hopefully eventually I'll be good enough to post weirdo shit here as well

>> No.3140884


here my friend

>> No.3140889


Hmm, yes, I will definitely follow you. Thanks.

>> No.3140890

Thank you anon

>> No.3140892

>having an irl furry friend

nigga what are you doing

>> No.3140939

nigga he literally came to my classroom after hearing I liked certain character from a videogame and started talking since then, he's a pretty shitty person but I take pity on him since he doesn't seem to have many friends and I don't like seeing people being alone

>> No.3140987

because you know what it feels like?

>> No.3140999
File: 41 KB, 1245x296, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the exact opposite of what was said in the last thread

which one is actually true?????

>> No.3141072

Say, do you keep a blog?

>> No.3141213

That guy thinks studies and porn is mutually exclusive.
Hes probably a beginner himself.
Doing nothing but exercises and studies is a guranteed way to burn out. You can do multiple things

>> No.3141272

I'm not a beginner. I live off my art. and before you ask, I'm not going to post my work.
there's a certain way to approach learning step by step.
if you jump straight into figure drawing without previously learning AT LEAST SOME perspective and get proper line confidence, then you'll simply spend a lot more time trying to figure out how to draw proper humans, let alone porn, which involves interaction between figures.
some of you simply don't understand this concept. skipping learning stages and fundamental study is bad.
I'm not saying you can't do both, but expecting to get sound critique when you show you have no idea what you are doing is also the stupidest thing in the world.

it's like trying to teach calculus to somebody that doesn't know multiplication.

>> No.3141280

>and before you ask, I'm not going to post my work.

>> No.3141360

I couldn't care less. if you beginner scrubbies want to keep doing this the wrong way, just go for it. less competition in the near future.

>> No.3141396
File: 317 KB, 354x359, giphy (31).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3141429

that's why you'll never gonna make it, famalino.

>> No.3141436
File: 278 KB, 1454x989, received_129695651098068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't draw. I photo manipulate. Like how a really good DJ mixes and forms music. I like my stuff, but no one else seems too. I only got a FB page: /thejohnsmithartist

Please let me know if you think it's cool, and any other suggestions. I go very high res, large. This pic is about 1/8 the size on pixels. I go with detail.

>> No.3141438
File: 725 KB, 722x215, theoretically-yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I couldn't care less.
>Keep's needing to prove to himself he is right by constantly trying to convince me

>> No.3141475

>mistakes good advice for something else

>> No.3141477

>kitsch, the pic
grats anon

>> No.3141488
File: 26 KB, 433x380, 1443620252430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the 1950s, Hunter S. Thompson, then working at Time Magazine, used a typewriter to copy down The Great Gatsby, as well as Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms, in order to learn about the writing styles of the authors and feel what writing a great novel was like.
>He transcribed The Great Gatsby. All of it.

If I copy and entire doujin panel by panel, would that help me to learn how to write manga?

>> No.3141489

of course

>> No.3141502
File: 130 KB, 897x746, yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if there's anything wrong with this head since I struggle with this angle. Any input?

>> No.3141505

actually, just bring her legs in more and have the dude lift her for more than an exposure of 3 or 4; maybe add inbetweens. k no more animation crits lol

>> No.3141508

>have you considered drawing a comic of some sort and/or maybe developing some of your own characters to use through out your work? you'd be surprised how attached people get to other people's characters. established characters can also help a lot with "i should draw something but i don't know what" cause you could just go "i want character A to fuck character B" and then knowing their personalities/being familiar with how to draw them will aid both in what to actually draw them doing and how to quickly and appealingly achieve that

id love to do a comic someday. hard to find the time right now though.

i really like the point about building up a familiarity with a character's personality and having that to lean on when drawing. i think that could be a good way to practice the advice anon gave in >>3140462. working towards a deeper understanding of a single character instead of going from blank slate to blank slate when sketching or doing gesture studies -- gotta try that.

>> No.3141531
File: 59 KB, 795x762, yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touched it up and cleaned the line work.

>> No.3141539
File: 1017 KB, 2692x1127, redline_2017.09.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her right eye is a bit too low and her jaw seems a bit too small for an open mout.
Hope this helps.

>> No.3141545

Same anon that did the redline. The right eye position is much better, though I think it protrudes too much out of the skull (same as the eyebrow ridge I guess). You have to take into account the roundness of the skull.

>> No.3141554
File: 430 KB, 800x1200, 2017.09.16-Raffle 35 [25k] NGW - Una-SKETCH-HI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know these aren't very clean and there's some foreshortening issues going on. What I'd like to know is if you consider these fappable material no matter the sketchy unfinished quality they have.


>> No.3141555
File: 673 KB, 1060x1000, 2017.09.16-Raffle 36 [25k] Nysoph - Nyso and Kerwin-SKETCH-LOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as above.

>> No.3141556
File: 405 KB, 920x1040, 2017.09.17-Raffle 38 [25k] Miama - Miama-SKETCH-LOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as above.

>> No.3141557
File: 570 KB, 800x1200, 2017.09.17-Raffle 39 [25k] blueberrycat - Ashe-SKETCH-LOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as above.

>> No.3141560

I know you're pretty mercenary but do you have any characters of your own or do you just take commissions?

>> No.3141564

Just call me whore next time. It's more in tone with the material I draw.
I have a few OCs I want to turn into a comic sometime in the future, but right now I don't have the mental strength to spend my leisure time in front of my talbet, so I try to limit my arting time to what brings food on the table.

>> No.3141570

Show me one.

>> No.3141582

How long did these take?

>> No.3141616

2 hours more or less

>> No.3141617
File: 519 KB, 525x900, Castania-004-Wolf-LOW1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ideas are pretty boring. That's another reason I don't try to make my own stuff (comics and artworks) and have other people deal with stories and settings.

>> No.3141621
File: 410 KB, 1200x1312, SuccComm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much! Here's what I'm working on if you're curious

>> No.3141628

She's cute, I don't like drawing fan art of official characters, see you in a couple of days.

>> No.3141637

>dem tanlines
>dem tiddy
>dem yoga shorts

That's a simple but sexy OC and she has a cool name my nibba. Don't sell yourself short.

>> No.3141722
File: 719 KB, 1413x1314, redline_2017.09.18-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the way you draw faces. In general this has a lot of appeal.
I took the time to redline it just a bit and give you some pointers here and there. Hope this helps.

>> No.3141733

Wew, thank you. Really!
I already rendered in the chair, but adding some depth the the side table should help. I'll adjust everything and then show you the WIP.

>> No.3141767

what brushes do you use for this? i know you have a pack with your CSP brushes but what one you use here >>3141556

>> No.3141796


while I dont agree with most of it, you surely fixed that goddamn arm, is that kind of subtlety I cannot grasp.

>> No.3141831

For these I used mostly a modified standard pencil brush with low opacity (for the lineart and some initial shapes), and then I refined it with a standard hard edge airbrush and hard edged eraser (both set to low density so I could use pressure to handle the values). I think it's more a matter of technique than the brushes. Check the recording of the pic on my picarto. You'll probably get more out of that, than my rambling about brushes.

>> No.3141856

Yeah definitely fappable. How come you're worried about fap appeal?

>> No.3141871

I tried a different approach I don't use normally. I like to get the opinion of people that aren't afraid of telling me when and what about my art sucks. I don't get any of that outside of here, and I am unable to rate the fappability of my stuff, cause I don't find it arousing.

>> No.3141872
File: 554 KB, 1124x1230, SuccComm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yes, thanks for the arm especially. Originally she was sketched without holding something, but still that's no excuse.

>> No.3141874

Great work applying the changes. Also, freaking love that chair rendering. Great work, Anon.

>> No.3141962

Yes, that's how I learned, just copy to learn the style, it helps.

>> No.3142049

Holy shit that chair

>> No.3142112 [DELETED] 
File: 1.33 MB, 2000x2500, halp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys help, also how do you draw nipples?

>> No.3142115
File: 463 KB, 1000x1250, halp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys help, also how do you draw nipples?

>> No.3142132

How does one even use tumblr?
Is it even possible to find nsfw blogs on there or do you have to get links from outside?

>> No.3142153

outside links. You also need to have an account.

>> No.3142156

How do I learn to render awesome chairs senpai

>> No.3142176

Use references and understand lighting. Using a paintbrush-esq tool helps too.
I went off a ref for that.

>> No.3142183

Can I see the ref? Lighting seems a bit inconsistent with your scene. Characters aren't reflected in the metal for example

>> No.3142304
File: 1.61 MB, 1536x2126, 20170918_213854-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3142413
File: 143 KB, 500x610, 123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think?

>> No.3142478

This is some major nitpicking, anon. No one will care if the characters are reflected in it. Anon can totally disregard that and it will still look good. The focus are the characters anyway.

>> No.3142480

The lower half of her body is over referenced compared to the upper half and the cartoony style in general.
I think it really doesn't work.

>> No.3142494

Unfriendly reminder anyone who legitimately wants any kind of content to be banned from /ic/ just because it hurts his feelings, is a fucking retard that should get off the ART AND CRITIQUE board. You are the cancer

>> No.3142496

thanks for the feedback, I get what you mean, the style of the face doesn't match the rest of the body. i didn't use reference though.

>> No.3142530

My bad then. I guess you should just try to go with a more cohesive kind of stylization. Also, make the hands smaller.

>> No.3142533

I agree to an extent. I will still report any kind of explicit underage art.

>> No.3142551


It's a nicely drawn image, but I personally feel on the fappability scale, the angle isn't showing much.

The erotic zones of the breasts aren't shown, which is fine but doesn't count; The butt is at an angle that you don't see much butt and it's also partially blocked and overshadowed by the tail. Feet are fine but I can't comment on that as i'm not into feet.

I think it's drawn very nicely just that nothing erotic jumps to the eye or seemingly emphasized at first glance.

>> No.3142575

I posted 4 pictures and asked about all of them. I wanted to know if the style/technique in general was appealing enough for fap material. The subject matter is something completely different in this case. The image you commented was meant just as a sexy pinup, not really something people would fap to. I appreciate your input nonetheless.

Are probably more in tone with what you are looking for. What about these?

>> No.3142578
File: 124 KB, 690x1284, IMG_0718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently my style doesn't suit lewds. Any of you have constructive criticism on why?

>> No.3142583

I'm afraid it's not about the style. There's tons of artists that use a similar style for lewds.
You lack fundamental knowledge. Perspective and proportions/anatomy in the first place.Get a step back and put some study time into these aspects of your art. Or at least try to focus more on that next time you draw a character. Use references to build a strong visual library. I think it's a bit too soon for you to try drawing from memory.

>> No.3142611

Care to elaborate? What specifically is wrong

>> No.3142616

I'm afraid most of it. I can do a redline, but that will mean redrawing the whole thing.

>> No.3142618
File: 388 KB, 1024x1024, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out more flat style most porn artists seem to use.

>> No.3142640
File: 1.12 MB, 877x1361, 4fafasfqafa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse the shitty scan. Anything look terribly wrong with this sketch?

>> No.3142650

Saying it's just all wrong isn't exactly constructive. What about the anatomy is wrong?

>> No.3142652
File: 404 KB, 672x995, IMG_0777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example

>> No.3142699

Different anon here. Everything is wrong. Go study and draw from reference before drawing from memory.

>> No.3142704
File: 3.46 MB, 2400x3600, redline_2017.09.19-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. As I said, I had to redraw everything.
I hope you'll manage to learn something out of this.

>> No.3142710

Love this. I don't see any glaring mistakes. It's appealing af.

>> No.3142719

You really shouldn't be doing all that work anon. It looks great, are you BBC-Chan? or the new BBC-Chan?

>> No.3142720
File: 151 KB, 422x444, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I have a redline on this back view too, anon-sama?

>> No.3142722

W-who is the new BBC-Chan? I thought I was the only one.

I don't think you need a redline. The back looks pretty cool. Maybe there's a bit too much of the sideboob showing. Try putting the breast more behind her ribcage.

>> No.3142723

That's actually really fantastic and helpful- I'm gonna take a shot using these tips for an older doodle and see if there's improvement. Thank you a lot!

>> No.3142736
File: 270 KB, 564x665, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, I tried to make it look farther from the arm. anything else?

>> No.3142739

I often get bogged down in details, which makes the whole thing stiff in the end as I redraw the basic figure in the sketch phase over and over again, losing the initial shape along the way. How do I avoid this? Is handwaving anatomy correctness in favor of long strokes and curves the only way at my level? I'd "post work" as an example but I physically can't at the moment.

>> No.3142742

I had problems with this as well. Keep an under sketch always visible and constantly flip back and forth to check and see if you are changing the form.

>> No.3142747

dude fix the tits, they look flat as fuck and the whole pose is generally bad too. ur hiding her left arm and theres no sense of balance on the legs

>> No.3142771
File: 272 KB, 564x665, yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3142779
File: 76 KB, 736x981, 871bc0803cdbf141822c657e6c7c0550--victorian-gothic-decor-baroque-decor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once I add lighting to the characters, I'll adjust some reflections. More accurate colors that way.

>> No.3142869
File: 149 KB, 226x300, 1495161952151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c-can you be m-my master, bbc-sama?

>> No.3142874
File: 541 KB, 898x980, Redlines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent stupidly long on this- tabbing between youtube videos and a bunch of anatomy pictures. Is there much improvement?

>> No.3142876

flash me

>> No.3142891
File: 212 KB, 705x866, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my most recent work, i feel something is wrong here. can you help me a bit?

>> No.3142894

Stop redlining.

>> No.3142898

stfu, we need more people like this

>> No.3142902

It was actually really appreciated- I'm the artist of the original and it is super helpful

>> No.3142913

We don't need another shitstorm, we can already see the ferocious dick sucking and the bbc chan internet defense force crawling out of the woodwork when feelings get hurt. You faggots are much too autistic for this and you know it.

>> No.3142915

What's the problem, anon?
If you have a good argument you might convince me. Shoot.

>> No.3142922

Oh, I see. The only reason there ever was a shitstorm was because of the doxx. Tho I'm really not sure why you're so concerned about this.

That wasn't me.

I'm not sure if you need any help, honestly. This face and gesture is very appealing. Only thing that might need some work are the hands and legs imo. Tho right now I can't spend any more time on redlines. Sorry.

>> No.3142930

You're better off going to greener pastures m8 unless you want to be lumped with a bucket of crabs.

>> No.3142945

Why doesn't Kyle post here anymore? Did he take a break from art?

>> No.3142947

There's no place where I can get honest critique about my smut, other than here.
But yeah, I intend to lay low like gabe and kyle do.

>> No.3142949

I have no idea how to fix this damn pose

>> No.3142951
File: 402 KB, 582x520, draw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3142954
File: 3.32 MB, 2400x3600, redline_2017.09.18-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this for someone else yesterday. think it could help you build that head better.

>> No.3142960

Because faggots like you become obsessive little shits and get too close for comfort.

>> No.3142971 [DELETED] 

He posts very little cause jelly trolls keep attacking him.

>> No.3142972

We might need him, but he certainly doesn't need us. It wouldn't be a mutually beneficial relationship.

I don't wanna tell you what to do with your time but c'mon man, you have to put the foot down sometimes.
This response >>3142583 was exactly what anon needed - it was neither rude nor vague.
Why should you do the 'tabbing between youtube videos and a bunch of anatomy pictures' for people who aren't willing to do it themselves? It's THEIR work, ffs.
You have to have respect for your time and understand its value, otherwise others won't have respect for it either.
tl;dr You're very kind, people will take advantage of you if you let them.

>> No.3142974

He posts very little cause jelly trolls keep attacking him.

>> No.3142979

I don't know if Kyle actually posted that.

>> No.3142982


This post >>3142583 and this post >>3142704 are both mine.

This post >>3142874 is not mine. This is anon's attempt at fixing his own art by using my pointers.

This post >>3142954 is mine again.

I know what you mean, but sometimes I like to do redlines and post them here publicly so that other anons can get some benefit out of them.

>> No.3143008

Fair point, but wouldn't it be better to save it for people who are at your level or slightly below it?
If you don't find someone like that, just work on your own art - that seems to be the best investment imho.

>> No.3143012

I don't really understand your train of thought here.
I do these redlines cause I like to help people. And also because I think it's actually good practice. I work on my art all the time.
Also, what's the point in helping people that are at my level, or slightly below it? I can't really help those people, because I'm not good enough to really help them. All I can do in that case is give them a second opinion or something.

>> No.3143027


I'm >>3141872 and I agree with you completely. I sometimes do red lines to help people and fine it good practice. Though, even I need red lines sometimes but that doesn't mean I can't help people.

We just like helping.

>> No.3143048

The help is much appreciated! I'm going to try out a similar style after work. But a new price instead of rehashing something old. Really sincerely I do appreciate the help and effort you guys put in

>> No.3143062

Thanks buddo.

>> No.3143093
File: 1.04 MB, 1293x829, yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3143095

are those actual midgets

>> No.3143100

Redlining someone similar to your skill is better because you can only redline a detail that's off, see how it corresponds to the whole and instantly check if your input fits the style and standard, as opposed to redrawing the entire figure, where you stay in your own way of doing things and don't learn anything.
The recipient (way below your level) will only see the end result, the figure, and assume that simply redrawing that one picture will fix their problem, when the real problem doesn't even have anything to do with that figure - it's the basic inability to communicate form, which is better learnt from an artbook or a course (which are available on ic) than from a redline.

I'm very clumsy at explaining myself tho, so if you disagree I won't argue.

>> No.3143108

It's gnomes from WoW. Commission.

>> No.3143115

The rendering is inconsistent with the figures and the environment they're in.
See 1:43:25

>> No.3143122

Thank you. Now adjusting values.

>> No.3143162

Oh well, I guess you are right. I won't do redlines here anymore. Feels bad being unappreciated, which is usually the only thing that motivates me. I'll just move away from /ic/ for good. This place is way 3 edgy 5 me I guess.

>> No.3143168

Wew. I don't think anyone said you aren't appreciated. Everyone here likes our help and we appreciate theirs. It's your choice, but I guess I didn't expect you to come to that conclusion. I mean, I don't want to sound condescending, but if you are BBC, I didn't realise how weak spirited you were to that kind of stuff.

>> No.3143178

Yo, I don't think that's BBC man.

>> No.3143181

It's as you/they said. I'm wasting my time. I guess being altruistic is BS. It's better that I focus on my own art. I'm glad I helped an anon and I'll still keep doing that (just not here). Each time I come here I realize again and again how destructive and negative people that come here really are. I simply feel bad for mingling among such people. 4chan really isn't the place for me.

tl;dr Yeah, it's not you, it's me.

>> No.3143221 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 756x685, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um...... please r8 m8s

My first ever lude sketch and its this .. Somethings wrong with me

>> No.3143229
File: 99 KB, 500x495, 327c7199cd4464a23d3f05d9094dc596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't stop senpai !

>> No.3143238

Trolls can fuck off. He needs to start drawing more traps and futa.

>> No.3143244

I'm telling you, Kyle's not here man.

>> No.3143281

The tits are flat? You sure you responded to the right post?

>> No.3143321 [DELETED] 


>> No.3143325
File: 1.85 MB, 1400x2000, haruka2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished this

>> No.3143330

>Somethings wrong with me
Yeah you're missing values.

>> No.3143340
File: 778 KB, 1200x674, yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP. Did my best with what I had. I'm on time constraints and this pic is quite overdue.

>> No.3143344

the way you drew the first two heads really destroy the perspective.

>> No.3143348

the art style isnt the problem
the head is drawn in the wrong perspective
and the arms are way too short
the hand is too small
the left ass and leg is too low
the rest is decent, just erase what ever i said what was wrong with it and try to see if you can fix it

>> No.3143350
File: 1.38 MB, 1400x2000, yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you didn't.

>> No.3143352

the face is extremely boring
its ruining the whole thing

>> No.3143353
File: 429 KB, 694x909, yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3143356

atleast you're drawing foreheads now
those deltoids are too spherical, the collar bone is too low and the biceps are too long

>> No.3143358
File: 113 KB, 320x581, junonboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

howd you learn to render/paint like that
i've been struggling pretty hard
pic is mine

>> No.3143359
File: 229 KB, 400x514, Inspection New.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously sketchylines are obvious, mostly just blocking in where I want everything before redoing the linework again.

Unfortunately being decent human beings isn't quite for 4chan, shit sucks.

>> No.3143365
File: 67 KB, 844x681, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If its any consolation shes meant to be undead

>> No.3143388
File: 222 KB, 500x610, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3143408

thanks, i'll work on those next pic, tho i can't guarantee it'll be sammy in that one

>> No.3143551

Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.3143576
File: 367 KB, 1000x1557, Amelia pron2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one in beg ever helps so i guess i'll post this here and see what you guys think.

>> No.3143595

Am i looking at a wiki how pic?

>> No.3143599

the advice in >>3142583 applies here as well. if i were you i'd focus on drawing geometric forms in perspective -- boxes, pyramids, cylinders, that sort of thing, eventually combining them to build up figures. it's boring but it works.

>> No.3143601

gotcha anon. thanks a ton.I'm decent at basic forms already but i do need perspective work, and i need to study muscle groups.

>> No.3143687


ah, good catch. should be more attentive to the gelatinous properties of boobs in the future

>> No.3143706

her neck is way too thick for her head and shoulders
the eyes are too close together
nose is too small
the penis is extremely flat

>> No.3143800
File: 517 KB, 960x800, sarah_avery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done, I think.

>> No.3143822

that rendering made it go from decent to appealing as all fuck, good stuff yo

>> No.3143832
File: 143 KB, 516x970, Pose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully some progress in terms of posing and anatomy? This is just the sketch layer but constructive criticism is fully welcome!

>> No.3143834

Is there like, an equivalent of the sticky for porn? How to come up with arousing poses, etc? Is there a porn loomis?

>> No.3143840

Just keep track of the last last images you fapped to and think about why you fapped to them

>> No.3143918

I'm sorry that the toxic environment that this place breeds. I found your redlines incredibly useful and saved the resources for the future. I'll be absolutely delighted if I see you around again, but if not, I understand entirely. Sorry for the shithole. It's mostly crabs pulling each other down.

>> No.3143937
File: 48 KB, 750x1000, oink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ has porn-generals now?

I recently got back into drawing, surprised I could do all of pic related but not draw faces.

Having a thread to post in will boost the motivation to continue.

>> No.3144003

of course. as soon as someone competent shows up, autismos have to ruin everything because they can't handle having to watch people that are better than them. kys.

>> No.3144066

Fuck those retards and make some sort of blog with redlines of sketches here or drawings that people would send your way. I find your insights useful and cool way to learn by example. Throwing good will at 4chan is like throwing money to the puddle.

>> No.3144084


>> No.3144108

Poses and composition are one of the hardest parts of this game.

>> No.3144219

Contact info?

>> No.3144333

/ic/ has had porn generals for years desu

>> No.3144367
File: 1.62 MB, 1400x2000, sena5 wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything I should fix up before I do the finalize lineart?

>> No.3144373

I would clean up the hands a little bit, you'll thank yourself for it when doing the final line. I would also make her thighs a bit thiccer but that might be taste.

>> No.3144374

yoooo I love your brush

>> No.3144382
File: 343 KB, 579x829, yoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3144395

face is out of perspective compared with her head.

>> No.3144426

anon, you're the hero /ic/ needs

>> No.3144528
File: 535 KB, 751x956, krai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, even if it is a sketch try not chicken scratch it, try to keep your lines flowy and precise, you can go over them again, play around but dont go over the same line 5 6x times in a imprecise way

also try to keep at least a small angle to your head so it wont appear flat,

>> No.3144618
File: 1.23 MB, 1400x2000, Blueline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3144627

your redlines are not very good. please dont try to act like a teacher if you dont add improvement.
did a much better job. please practice your stuff first.

>> No.3144629
File: 609 KB, 660x945, 2017-09-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3144635

Is this a meme now?

>> No.3144636


Not acting like a teacher actually i dont consider my self even near that, if you could please point out it for me what i could do to help in a better way instead of just implying the pointless would be a good start.

>> No.3144651
File: 442 KB, 751x956, yoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried, anon. I like your forms, but each of them are just a bit off/misinterpreted.

>> No.3144653 [DELETED] 

Thank you anon !

>> No.3144675

Thank you, i rushed it a bit so there are stuff i didnt paid enough attention, mostly wanted to point out the fact the lines were too sketchy, im no good on redlining or crit, but tried to help anyway,

>> No.3144681

this isnt me. i feel the need to point it out because this redline isnt good either. the hips are messed up with the legs just sorta sticking out from the body and the body looks like a cucumber with no shape..

>> No.3144690

please dear anon you seem to be very good, redline it for us all

>> No.3144693

>and there's some foreshortening issues going on
are there? can't see anything wrong with foreshortening.

>> No.3144782


>> No.3144830


find a beginners thread, this garbage is offensively bad you make kindergarten kid art look good

>> No.3144852

>you are the reason why good artists leave /IC/

>> No.3144975
File: 395 KB, 589x883, 2try.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, i did another one more carefully based on what you pointed, this might work better now for a redline, what u think anon

>> No.3145023

wew. Much better. Though the head angle still seems awkward. If I were you, I would only have a gradual tilt.

>> No.3145038
File: 1.13 MB, 1353x823, WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3145039


>> No.3145389

I posted in the beginners thread and got no response so I posted here too. Thanks for the very helpful and welcome critique

>> No.3145469

I don't understand why you're getting shat on by other users, I'd say it has potential - mainly because it has that 'appeal'.
Keep posting, pay more attention to joint orientation (dislocated ankles) and no attention to trolls and you should be fine.

It's Krita's basic sketch brush on 100 opacity. I've tried many to simulate that traditional experience and this compares surprisingly well.

I don't know who you are anon, but I hate you

>> No.3145514
File: 700 KB, 726x1200, AndreasCommrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this last night. I'm quite happy with how the colors came out. :D

>> No.3145527

You are polishing turds, anon. Learn how to foreshorten your lineart sketches (learn perspective) and then add all the fancy rendering. Right now this looks like a flat pancake, not a body.

>> No.3145530

Commissioner wanted a top-down view pinup of their character. Perspective wasn't really an option.

>> No.3145539

It's decent work, but I think what anon was trying to say is that you're too caught up in rendering, when really you should be troubleshooting your drawing skills.

>> No.3145547

Probably. I did figure out a new trick while rendering. But aside from lack of perspective, I don't see what's wrong with the overall anatomy of the picture.

>> No.3145549

>Perspective wasn't really an option
What's this supposed to mean?
You think perspective doesn't apply to the drawing you did here? Do you even know what perspective is?
How the hell do you think you will ever be able to draw appealing porn without first learning proper perspective?
Either go a step back and rethink your fundamental knowledge (you don't even know what perspective is, ffs), or keep polishing turds, anon. It's up to you.

>> No.3145550

>aside from lack of perspective, I don't see what's wrong with the overall anatomy of the picture
You answered yourself. Lack of perspective is what's wrong with your picture.
I mean, cmon. I wouldn't care if a non artist person said that and didn't care, cause they don't draw. But being an artist and saying such obtuse things is really ridiculous.

>> No.3145557

>I did figure out a new trick while rendering.
what trick was that?

>> No.3145559
File: 422 KB, 715x697, WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, from now on I will apply perspective to my drawings more properly. Mind you I've already got about 10 pictures already past the sketch day, so I'm not sure if time constraints will let me edit much. Pic related.

>> No.3145560

All this nitpicking from people who probably couldn't draw a turd let alone polish one. Unless there's a 20x hand in the foreground and a -20x foot in the back they don't consider it as having their idea of perspective. POST YOUR WORK and lets see your masterful perspective skills anon.

>> No.3145561

An anon mentioned before that my characters didn't look like they were in the background, that they just looked pasted in. So I learned that by adding similar values in shading and lighting in characters as it is in the background helps a lot.

>> No.3145568

aha. ya that makes sense. thanks!

>> No.3145587

Seeing problems in other people's art and trying to help them see them too is considered a bad thing? I mean, isn't this how critique works? Since when you have to back all you say with your own art? Non artists that have a critical eye can be just as helpful. A fresh perspective (no pun intended) is always a good thing.

Here's my work.

>> No.3145593

Perspective should be second nature. That's why I said you should put more thought into it. You have to learn it to the extent where you don't need to put thought into it. The more you think about technicalities when you make art, the less you can let yourself go and express your true artistic vision. That's the reason why grinding fundamentals is a good thing. Wax on wax off, so that you don't even have to think about this stuff anymore and you can focus only on the artistic part of your work.

>> No.3145594


I couldn't solve that foot of hers at all.

Not like these though?

It's been years since I've been here though.

>> No.3145613

Thanks BBC. I'll be sure to think more about perspective.

>> No.3145635

Is this really bbc? bbc's critiques are always constructive and polite, this >>3145549 seems way out of character.

>> No.3145639

Now that I think about it, yeah. And he usually does a red line too.

>> No.3145686

You'll never know for sure :^)

>> No.3145690

my mom's hairdresser follows me on instagram (don't know how she found me, she was told i did art). i want to post a lewd drawing, but i don't know if i should

>> No.3145698

My old coworkers at a bakery, my hairdresser, and all of my family (extended included), know I draw dick girls for a living.
They're all proud of me.

>> No.3145699


>> No.3145701


>> No.3145710
File: 82 KB, 707x690, IMG_8368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crit me

>> No.3145713

kys pedo

>> No.3145720

Lewdness would increase if you left the gloss on his shaft in the last panel.

>> No.3145728
File: 419 KB, 707x690, WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3145733

>tfw muscular demon girls will never overpower you and forcefully suck on your tiny penis

As if I needed another reason to kill myself today

>> No.3145839
File: 448 KB, 1200x1200, knight_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female knight getting fucked by goblins and dissolving armour. The anatomy is fucked but it's too late to change it now. The left thigh is supposed to look more at an angle, I hope to can savage that with better lighting.

>> No.3145849
File: 384 KB, 1200x1200, WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3145861

Like I said, too late to change shit, just gotta push on and savage what I can, and get good on the next piece.

>> No.3145863

Why not?

>> No.3145868

How about you do some studying instead of pushing out a piece of shit from your anus?

>> No.3145871

Each piece I make is a study. Some of them don't see the light, but I finish them all.

>> No.3145877

You won't get very far if you study everything all at once.

>> No.3145889

I don't, I try to get good on the bit I study with every piece, then move on to a new bit and repeat. Though it might not be the best way, it's a way I find most enjoyable.

>> No.3145912

what's wrong with studying everything at once?

>> No.3145918

It takes more time to process it instead of tackling one thing at a time and understanding much quicker. It'll just slow you down and ends up being overwhelming.

>> No.3145935
File: 257 KB, 722x696, WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reworked the entire thing.

>> No.3145967

i like the use of the 3d background. do you throw them together in a modeling app or something?

>> No.3145979

Lol, that's not a 3D background.

>> No.3145998
File: 1.25 MB, 1416x825, 1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3146011

oh dang. looked like a 3d environment to me. nice work.

>> No.3146243
File: 92 KB, 709x716, IMG_8397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this one?

You're right, you're so right.

Oh my gosh. Thanks for the red, well, white line. I learned a few things about myself just then.

Maybe one day

>> No.3146245

>it's all just an carefully done illusion
So now I see.

>> No.3146253
File: 476 KB, 709x716, 1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3146269

You're a gosh darn lifesaver you know that right?

>> No.3146271

Thanks. I needed that. :>

>> No.3146305
File: 80 KB, 701x702, IMG_8218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this m8?
Besides the off colored arm

>> No.3146371

Actually that one looks nice. The boobs look fake but idk if that's what you were going for.

>> No.3146411
File: 529 KB, 1800x1100, conniebutt_c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this composition ok? I'm not sure if I should even bother adding the stanbot (thing on left).

>> No.3146614
File: 1.43 MB, 1536x1751, 20170921_225715-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3146664

start fucking using references. that's what studies are. if you study your shitty visual library, you won't learn anything. how can you be so fucking dumb?

>> No.3146667

you are actually getting worse and worse.
start drawing simple geometrical bodies in perspective and then move onto studying reference pics. leave invented characters alone if you want to improve.

>> No.3146682
File: 174 KB, 473x883, Pose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the anatomy looking so far?

>> No.3146698

Relax man, no need to be so hostile. I do use photo references, but I'm still an amateur artist, I wouldn't get things right in my first few attempts. Stay positive man.

>> No.3146832

Arms are way too big. Imagine if she had her hands to her sides, they'd look huge.
Also make her eyes bigger and a bit lower.

>> No.3146862

nice thread everyone
let's keep being hepful to each other!

>> No.3146967

ya good thread this go around. g'job everyone

>> No.3147134
File: 426 KB, 701x702, 1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed my mind.

>> No.3147140
File: 426 KB, 701x702, 1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

backwards text fixed.

>> No.3147316
File: 376 KB, 1132x1284, LolaBunny01_v03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love any feedback on this! Draw-overs appreciated!!

>> No.3148053


>> No.3148521

amazing work in here fellas

you're all gonna win it (-:

>> No.3148522

Oh and Gumbo for God sakes learn your anatomy already. You've improved but very barely.

>> No.3148660

ah thanks lad.
Ill take you up on that /hm/ deal


>> No.3148813

n-new t-thread nani-desu-kun?

>> No.3149099
File: 72 KB, 1228x458, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on references as direct as this?

>> No.3149169

whatever works, anon.

>> No.3149236

No one really cares. Great artists pretty much copy references all the time.