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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 492 KB, 1919x1078, guangyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3144853 No.3144853 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck are these chinese artists soo god damn good?

>> No.3144858

It's a secret, so don't tell anyone else, but they trained their observational drawing skills to the utmost they can so they can copy anything and everything which allows them to recreate it as best as they can

>> No.3144878
File: 363 KB, 1000x1284, a62502504e594a488519037e2be1fa01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guang, actually. he seems to work harder. this is also his, oil on canvas.

>> No.3144889

Asian IQ
Squinty eyes

Racial traits matter.

>> No.3144890

What's their reason for making things look metallic?

>> No.3144905

Close match, but I'll side with Jia.

>> No.3144911

this nigga doesnt know what the surface of a real canvas looks like baka

>> No.3144917

Wei Feng

>> No.3144922
File: 1.78 MB, 1405x1077, asasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah with that signature shit anatomy they all have.

>> No.3144937

One of my favorite things about /ic/ is seeing some retard totally embarrass themselves by posting their awful & unnecessary red lines.

>> No.3144944

Post your work

>> No.3144945

If you know Chinese there are schools in China that can teach you how to draw like this. You won't be as good as them tho

>> No.3144949
File: 234 KB, 500x622, 1344379001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruanjia has done oils too. Also RJ works 11 hours a day, he's hardly lazy. He manages to work freelance a ton and still have time to do massive personal pieces.

>> No.3144950

Chinese have the same schools as ours, meaning the same academic drawing focused ones, maybe they spend more time on drawing but the idea is the same.

>> No.3144964

I came here to post this, also you could polish a turd to make it look "good" but it is still a turd.

>> No.3144971

no, the schools there are not like in the US, i guarantee it. they give a more classical approach, whereas in US it's "do whatever you look, be a special snowflake" and originality overthrows quality.
i'm talking about their general education schools, higher ed is even more so.

>> No.3144973

This looks like anime

>> No.3144983

Since the design is a snake like creature it could be a conscious decision to elongate the anatomy. Inexperienced artists like yourself and 99.9% of /ic/ are afraid to exaggerate anatomy that's why your art always tends to look stiff and boring

>> No.3144985

anon, that's nowhere as good as GJH.

>> No.3144989

I am not talking about trash "art schools", I am talking about atelier like schools. We got them, they got them, there is not much of a difference. Even if they have more classic schools, it doesn't matter that much, because you can still learn here.

>> No.3144995
File: 757 KB, 1000x763, september-18-2017-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because their color theory is shit. they've bastardized the idea of complimentary colors for this idea of "atmosphere" that makes all their work blend together. No color harmony, using colors more as a means of achieving value. Everything looks diseased and decaying. Takes the visually symbolic of work like Jenny Saville and makes it literal. All of these Chinese artists that work like this are trash and paint for effect instead of for the pursuit of something beautiful.

>> No.3144996

Never gonna make it

>> No.3145000

So what does something painted for the pursuit of something beautiful look like?

>> No.3145003

You're regressing
the way you put these little """""""artistic""""""" strokes in everything you paint is ruining your paintings.
learn to blend colors

>> No.3145015
File: 404 KB, 701x900, better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

light and dark, complimentary colors. battles between opposites both represented as equals.

I tried to fix that guys oil painting but there's only so much you can do. The composition is so melodramatic and affectatious that it's not going to be a good painting no matter what I do.

Hard to have complimentary colors when the entire thing is a big mushy, patchy mess.

Do not idolize these guys, this is not the future of art.

>> No.3145030

Chinese have no souls and it reflects in their paintings

>> No.3145037

oh god i think i puked a lil from that paint over

>> No.3145040

this is not a good painting

hello, mr. dunning-kruger

>> No.3145042

Good art is hard to look at sometimes. Sorry to ruin your day

>> No.3145043

Your pursuit of being different has made you retarded, leading to threads like this where you praise bad artists cause it's at least better than the world of shit art we currently live in. Kings of piles of dirt

>> No.3145045

lol have some self-awareness

>> No.3145046

never chance /ic/

>> No.3145048

and they still learn fundamentals at a much younger age in grades 1-12
also, didn't tom preston go to cal arts?
also, the quality of art education is reflected in the video game industry. western game artists just don't compare.

>> No.3145049

no wait, I changed my mind, please do chance, please stop this shit

>> No.3145050

You're fucking retarded. You need only refer to a contortionist and then there goes your every complaint about >muh broken spine. Also, >>3144983. Human spines can move unlike horse spines you fucking dip.

Also, the only thing I'd say is wrong is that odd bit between the clavicle and the deltoid.

>> No.3145051

i can't wait for the day you will shoot yourself in the head

>> No.3145053

well your art has to be good first of all, and it seems to be lacking in that department.

>> No.3145058 [DELETED] 

Just the kind of idiotic retort I expected

>> No.3145076

Kim Jung Gi

>> No.3145082

I would criticise you but it's clear you have a great understanding of form and line, to the point where I'm not sure what to think, you might actually be right.

>> No.3145103

His overpaint has just as many errors as the original. At least he noticed something was wrong, I guess.

>> No.3145104

What did he got wrong? Looks like a good redline to me.

>> No.3145105

>yfw you realize that thing isn't even a human

>> No.3145108
File: 688 KB, 680x680, 1485992951737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black shadows

>> No.3145109

He didn't even fix the most obvious mistake in the head. He's just nitpicking the exaggerated anatomy.

>> No.3145117
File: 48 KB, 174x217, 1498236326509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breasts dangle severely in anyone with breast volume if you have actually ever looked at an actual woman or a cadaver.

>> No.3145120

fuck you, this bait triggered me way too hard

>> No.3145123

Looking at it again I'm kinda confused now. Is this supposed to be a fix or highlight the errors?

>> No.3145125

I'm not sure, why don't you show us?

>> No.3145135

Contortionists can't grow additional vertebrae.

>> No.3145158
File: 1.06 MB, 1550x1054, 1408093847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally like having little bits of stark color dabs mixed in to give a painting a more vibrant and cohesive feel.

Comparing Ruan Jia to Jaime Jones, for example: Ruan Jia injects little flashes of contrasting color to his pieces. He'll add desaturated colors to balance high saturated elements, he'll compliment pink hair with green strokes in the strands that aren't clearly noticeable zoomed out, but add a noticeable depth. All of his pieces are like that. Vibrant and dull, in a pretty harmony.

Then you have Jaime Jones, who I adore(for his brush strokes, moreso than color). He'll pick really effective colors to convey a mood, and he knows color harmony and color relationships. However, his work looks a bit flatter because there's no variation within the color. What you see is what you get.

It's like, if you paint a face and pick the prettiest, most effective color for the skin tone and shadow, but forget to add the color zones for flavor, the piece will lack impact.

>> No.3145161

What are color zones for flavor?

>> No.3145198
File: 3.98 MB, 1352x1120, AnatomyStudies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys I wasn't trying to fix it, I was trying to point out what i see is wrong with it. But I'm no expert I just wanted to talk to someone.

>> No.3145231

bruh u keep putting the tits way too high up

>> No.3145266
File: 2.31 MB, 1275x1795, Andro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reds in the cheek and tip of the nose and a bit around the eyes, desaturated greens around the jaw and chin, etc.

>> No.3145270

>tip of the nose

She looks like a alcoholic with a cold. Calm down with the tumblr nose mate

>> No.3145283

probly shouldnt use ur drawing as an example

>> No.3145327

You realize it's a snake woman right?

>> No.3145342

Probably a good point, but it was meant to illustrate the point of adding variety in the colors. And to that extent, I think it serves its purpose.

Why not?

>> No.3145346

i hadnt seen guang yi until this thread.... i like him a lot more than ruan jia now.

>> No.3145351
File: 989 KB, 1920x1080, 632bafadgy1fcvxk849foj21hc0u04qr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guang yi is the school he teaches at (i think)
Guangjian Huang is his name
I personally like Ruan more but HGJ is still in my top 5 favorites

>> No.3145355

There was this artist who painted like those metallic chinks but was American and his women had natural breasts. Anyone knows? I forgot to save his name.

>> No.3145394

Is this all it takes to impress you? Hyperrealistic rendering? That's all you care about? You're not real artist.

>> No.3145396

That's not hyperrealism.

>> No.3145420

it's obviously not as complete, so it's not worth doing a comparison here

>> No.3145434

>Guangjian Huang is his name
It's his nickname surely. It means yellow lightsaber.

>> No.3145458

XD Lol so much on this concept my sides

>> No.3145466

stupid chink army , fire flaming arrows at her wings,

>> No.3145531

is this all you see in that painting? Hyperrealistic rendering? You can't see the playful use of edges, the value structure, the masterful use of greys and neutrals etc? You're not real artist.

>> No.3145604

And this is why slavishly learning loomis is not a good idea.
You're basically drawing from loomis and not from reality at that point.

>> No.3145644

brian wyd

>> No.3145656
File: 65 KB, 600x450, 1478850842445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you're so gay you use male landmarks on female breasts even though the artists himself is gay but he knows female anatomy better than you
Whew lad.

>> No.3145707
File: 604 KB, 754x884, tumblr_n5rwiolDKK1ryleeco1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3145715

Every time I try this I end up with a face that looks... exactly like that. Fuck my life I can't into subtlety.

>> No.3145719

if you are digital do it on another layer and then pull the opacity down until you can barely see it

>> No.3145811

How much of the blue is suppsed to come from the beard stubbles? Is it a male only thing then?

>> No.3145899
File: 1.98 MB, 190x190, hehehehe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts overdone garbage instead of pure lineart to judge an artist's skill
Weeb posters fucking leave already

>> No.3145956
File: 173 KB, 1600x835, Matrix_028Pyxurz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Really depends on their skin tone (will show far more on a pale person), how thick and dense you want their stubble to be despite it being shaved and their beard must be very dark.

>> No.3145963


To be fair The Matrix has a ridiculously strong green tint in the scenes from inside the simulation.

>> No.3145970

It did, but my pic was mostly to illustrate what the blue color zone actually is and showing how much you actually see of it.

>> No.3146010

Chinese Middle Class is growing, it's almost the same size as Europe and United States together. They probably have a lot more better artists than those two.

>> No.3146017

But OP wasn't asking if there's MORE better artists, he's asking why the current artists are as good as they are.

>> No.3146051
File: 16 KB, 236x284, 789456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pure lineart
>to judge skills

>> No.3146083

>Squinty eyes
Made me laugh

>> No.3146093

hope this is bait or you are one fucking stupid newfag that watched too much kim jung gi

>> No.3146098

Impressionism and impasto oil painting use simple strokes as a way to simplify complexity. Rendering and blending is the easy way out, you literally copy what you see. Pleb art, truly.

>> No.3146136

Since europens were literally the last people to acquire arrows it's probably not a chink army

>> No.3146153

Appreciating deliberate brushstrokes comes with time.

>> No.3146194


Oh shit, so that's why they have so good values? They are practically born to always see the big form. Fucking asian cheats

>> No.3146267

>Rendering and blending is the easy way out, you literally copy what you see.

look at all of these hacks, just copying what they see.

>> No.3146275
File: 450 KB, 1920x1440, helen-hsu-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you have a good point about what that profile or swath of colors does for a piece of art. They often are very dark pieces and sometimes they are entirely missing details in the background.

However I would also say in their favor that because they are working with digital art that what they are creating shouldn't be evaluated in the same way. They have very tiny nuanced details about their art that make the whole amazing. I don't personally believe you have to have bright or contrasting color all the time. It is just like a black and white drawing. If your subject matter is well outlined and complex then you can afford have that blended atmospheric quality that their pieces have without ruining the focal point of the artwork.

>> No.3146431
File: 607 KB, 494x632, Screen Shot 2017-09-22 at 03.42.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looked through both their artstations, I gotta say Ruan Jia, by quite a way. Guang Yi's anatomy is broken on all his females, not just the snake ones.

Why do they have to put such basic-bitch anime faces on all their pictures though : (