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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 104 KB, 1910x810, NilevsNosebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3121123 No.3121123 [Reply] [Original]

Nile Left Nose right

>> No.3121125


>> No.3121126

Nose shouldn't even be considered in the running. Like for anything.

He just serves as an example as to how bad artists get attention. They're fucking annoying.

>> No.3121127

Nile appeals more to the general audience than NoseBro who is more focused on his own imaginative work for himself. It's more preference than better, but in any case, Nile has better rendering skills than NoseBro and even NoseBro would admit to that.

>> No.3121129

How do I become an infamous namefag on the /ic/ artwork and critique? Any tips?

>> No.3121130

What about drawing?

>> No.3121132

I don't see enough of Nile's drawings to know. I've only seen it once. He mostly paints.

>> No.3121160
File: 87 KB, 532x663, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well first you need to enter something into the name field.

>> No.3121164

So is nile better than you, Nose?

>> No.3121173


>> No.3121182

Why is this faggot plastering the entire board with his devintard tier drawings

>> No.3121184
File: 129 KB, 944x643, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not me making the threads, also,
post your work

>> No.3121208

Where can i see more of
nosebros work? is he on las?

>> No.3121212
File: 140 KB, 727x653, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just become my friend, im really lonely.

>> No.3121220

That girl on the left is really wrong.

>> No.3121242

I cant, i must pay for the sins of the intermediate thread and using your name. I apologize to you, the one true, nosebro

>> No.3121247

That's one actually pretty cute Nosey sort of like your Rem.

>> No.3121253
File: 412 KB, 1255x949, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a redline so its out of style, also i don goofed her left arm length

whyd you make em though?

>> No.3121266
File: 11 KB, 167x152, hjkhjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd you have to make this thread lmao

>> No.3121290

nose when are you going to do anything more complete than thirty seconds sketches?

>> No.3121295

i want to be your friend nose. Where can I find you?

>> No.3121309

nosebrah we should draw for eachother. I like your style, it's whimsical.

>> No.3121322

Never. The comfort zone has him.

>> No.3121420

I think it's a Picasso touch.

>> No.3121438

I like both :)

>> No.3121445

>Being proud of so little skill
Oh my.

>> No.3121623

They're both shit but Nile will probably improve eventually.

>> No.3121711
File: 3 KB, 150x32, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3121780

Nile for being my brother of colorblindness

>> No.3121821

that's fine nosebro, just don't stay in your comfort zone for too long.

>> No.3121847

without knowing these fags, im gonna say left looks more appealing

>> No.3121917


>> No.3121931
File: 92 KB, 660x495, 0295f173d291b7526e982b860e1dd553--color-blindness-test-color-vision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boy!

How many of these do you see btw?

>> No.3121940


>> No.3121951

not him but what does this mean, I can't make out the last three.

>> No.3121954

same. i think the last 3 are just junk to throw you off. its to test whether or not you are colorblind

>> No.3121956

The last three are just snakes

>> No.3121961

Like the other anon said it's the easiest way of telling if you're color blind or have any color deficiency, personally I can only see the top right meaning that the rest of them all are just a bunch of dots that represent nothing

>> No.3121964

>last three
Middle one is a 4, others are just waves/snakes

>> No.3121966

So what does the color wheel look like to you?

>> No.3121981

Kinda hard to explain since idk how it's supposed to look lmao, but basically a lot of browns, reds and greens look the same when next to each other,
same with bright greens and yellows, dark blues and purples, and it feels like every color I see has a slight tint of a greenish brown.
It's not like every color I see is vastly different from what normal people see it's just that I don't see the range of hues that you're supposed to

>> No.3121984

It's 45, anon.

>> No.3121985

>tfw it is 45
But I could barely see it
Does this mean I'm losing my vision?!

>> No.3121987

Where are you seeing 5? last three are nothing

3 5 6 12
29 45 74 42
(wave) 4? (wave)

>> No.3121991

First time I'm hearing about the guy on the left, can someone link me the blog/site/whatever?
I'd like to go for a similar aesthetic.

>> No.3121995

>infamous namefag gets more detailed critque than 5 anons combined
guess it's time to become hated

>> No.3121998

my blog is http://nilefar.tumblr.com/, though you won't find much that resembles what's in the OP, but my top 3 influences when it comes to style are yoh yoshinari, this guy http://hekoko.tumblr.com/ and Kai Ikarashi https://twitter.com/kaiikarashi?lang=en

>> No.3122002

Neat stuff. Thanks for the prompt and detailed reply.

>> No.3122012

Not on /ic/ there aren't.

Evidence: This thread and 90% of this board.

>> No.3122018 [DELETED] 

shrineycat is the mod as I can shitpost freely elsewhere except that thread

>> No.3122020

you didn't see anything

>> No.3122029

>You wanted to fight me in gesture posing with this

Ffs lad I can stuck up a pen up my ass and vomit the ink and the outcome would still look better than your whole lifetime of artwork put togther

>> No.3122268

Can we get Mr NoForeHead into the equation?

>> No.3122272

Post your work or shut up

>> No.3122341

didnt see it until you gave the answer.
i heard youre only 19 yet super talented? Are the allegations true?

>> No.3123326

I would unironically become your friend, assuming you are the real Nosebro.

Do you have an Instagram? I recently made one for following artists.

>> No.3123639


>> No.3125491

5 x x 12
70 x 21 42
snake 45 snake
how did i do? am i going to make it?

>> No.3125502

What a weird case of color blindness

>> No.3125525



3 5 6 12
29 45 74 42

>> No.3127178
File: 28 KB, 338x300, Ishihara_test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Normal" people can't see anything in bottom line, second to left. If you see something, you have some Color vision abnormality.
Pic is the same kind of image. Normal people see only random dots. If you see "5", It's likely you have green color vision abnormality.

>> No.3127182

Explain better. To be fair, I could only see it because I know what the numbers look like.

>> No.3127437

I see 10 and 12

>> No.3127552
File: 48 KB, 698x482, ishihara_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Ishihara color test. Check the following site for further information.

>> No.3127563

Could only see the first and last plate lmao

>> No.3127574


3 5 6 12

29 45 74 42

hell yeah great to be a WOMAN who can see COLORS :)

>> No.3127730

Can a blind boi make it ?

>> No.3127733


>> No.3127744

I'll stick to grey scales and inking then.

>> No.3127771


>> No.3127773

Why are women so much better at drawing than men are?

>> No.3127789

>being good at anything
Pick one

>> No.3127818

Nile, clearly

>> No.3127841

nosebro is somehow pretty good at head drawing by freehanding it I'd gotta say

just a few errors but it's not that bad

>> No.3127844


I'm sorry "freehand", wrong word, I mean no refs.

>> No.3127888

They both are garbage

>> No.3127893

no i'm sorry but no, his heads are always drawn in the same angle.

>> No.3127974

heh, I redlined his head in the op and there are more errors than at first glance...

>> No.3127976

you did? when? I can see the mistakes by now (eye angle by 3px, eybrow not forward enough, no philtrum protrusion, hair line recedes a tad too quick) but what did you do?

>> No.3127984


>eyebrow not forward enough

and it fucks up everything else. The eyes are receding at an angle as if it's on another plane. The ear is to low and too back. When I meant "messed everything up" I mean everything on the face area is misaligned because you freehand without construction.

>> No.3127992

the main issue is the face isnt angle the same as the head. Too late now, its like 4 months old.

>> No.3127994
File: 26 KB, 367x500, 1504793324983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 months old

are you saying that you...gotten better?

>> No.3127996

How long do you draw per day? What's your schedule for studying like?

>> No.3128001

like an hour a day on average. some days its 3 hours, some are 10 minutes (1 page)
draw and you shall improve, this is just logic.

>> No.3128002

What's your schedule on shitposting on /ic/ each day? How do you keep yourself motivated to post everday and read all the threads.

>> No.3128004

i dont like drawing, but i like banter, i do maybe 45 minutes of looking at art/shitposting. But its more of a "between overwatch games i refresh the catalog" type of browsing on average. You guys are so fun, if you spent the whole day shitposting id just up my time reading.

>> No.3128005

>draw and you shall improve, this is just logic.
How so? What if it's not true? Is it possible to be false or do you always improve even 0.01% each time?

>> No.3128006

post it for funsies

>> No.3128008

I mean, I don't want to get into a fight about talent and basic intelligence. But line quality and speed should improve even if your understanding does not.

>> No.3128009

No just drawing won't make you improve. Visualization is from memory. Your drawings are a product of your knowledge. If you do not bring new information in, you will not improve.

Learned this the hard way.

>> No.3128012

Information is innate, when i started drawing i would accidentally stumble upon information when i made a bad line by accident.

>> No.3128016

I've had the same experience with introducing new information by thinking about things habitually in ways I never though of. However this lack of conscious information gathering is akin to evolution vs selective breeding. One is much faster (comparatively), and you are more likely to get what you want.

>> No.3128019

i believe that my method will grant me intuitive grasp. I dont want to have to think while drawing, i hate it enough already.

>> No.3128022

>I've had the same experience with introducing new information by thinking about things habitually in ways I never though of.
Mind explaining what you mean?

>> No.3128036
File: 237 KB, 800x564, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See guys I'm working on it.

>> No.3128037

> i would accidentally stumble upon information when i made a bad line by accident.
I know exactly what you're talking about. I did the same thing for almost a year until I got so frustrated with a specific problem I got some reference and analyzed it. Turns out I was just delusional. You will absolutely fail to translate any of your illusions of understanding into perspective.
You're already too invested in proving that your method works, so you'll never change your ways.
You won't make it in two lifetimes.

>> No.3128045

You are still fucking it up. Nosebro pick up a book for God sakes.

>> No.3128052

When I younger - for some reason - I figured that if I just drew a shit ton of faces (whilst making small changed) I'd eventually make better looking faces. As I'd draw and draw eventually I'd sometimes start staring at the forms of my teacher's head autistically as they'd talk. I'd start noticing small details of the head and noticed key landmarks. While the faces did improve, the Gestalt was overall lacking. Certain notes I'd see in reality and notice in drawing tutorials started appearing in my heads, and I was eventually able to easily draw heads without giving much thought. The only problem is that these heads were pretty off, but I didn't quite notice due to my even lower aesthetic perception at the time. Eventually I grew out of it, so when I started drawing heads again, I started noticing how off those looked. Now, normies didn't quite notice at least, but holy shit never again.

Wish I could tell my past self to just copy from other better artist and stick to studies. Having something in particular you want to draw well, and studying that with purpose is what gives real results. I haven't really adopted this approach yet, so I might do like a progress post or something.

>> No.3128054

I get what you mean, but you start to motif in what poses/compositions you are making (not necessarily bad).

Also there is that added annoyance of people underestimating your technical skill because your presentation of it is often rather... lackluster? Idk the word. But then you try imitating a strong style, your work looks "better". The thing is that actual intuitive style (as opposed to style copied from actual artists) tends to have shit that people tend to see as unappealing unless you consciously refine it.

>> No.3128120

thats not me though
you fail to realize the columella can be lower than the nostrils. Also youre on path to fucking it up but good luck nonetheless.

>> No.3128121

when i do make it will you apologize?

>> No.3128127

also about the chin. look at this image.
http://i.imgur.com/qXYdtak.jpg and try to understand why youre wrong

>> No.3128161

Yes, but it's more likely you'd cheat and started doing actual practice just to prove your method works, than you actually getting good that way.
Why are you acting like some edgy teenager trying to rebel against your superiors anyway?