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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.13 MB, 1440x1440, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3125254 No.3125254 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.


>screenshot the image and post that instead

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

OLD THREAD: >>3121935

>> No.3125255
File: 497 KB, 499x281, cymbal drawing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Links to many art books including as Keys to Drawing (Dodson), Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (Edwards), Perspective Made Easy (Norling), Color and Light (Gurney), The Vilppu Drawing Manual (Vilppu) and How to Draw (Robertson).

A website dedicated to understanding the basics and process of digital painting, based in Adobe Photoshop. Library of over 200 free videos.

Free pose library to practice drawing the human figure (as well as a portrait library). Draw at your own pace or set a timer for quick gesture drawings.

Croquis Cafe - Timed model poses.

Controversial yet helpful introductory course on the fundamentals of drawing with a focus on understanding the concept of form and thinking in a 3-dimensional mindset while you draw.

>Your local life drawing class
Life drawing is an indispensable tool in your art career. Do not be intimidated based on your skill level - there will always be someone worse than you and someone better than you. Use this opportunity to meet new artists for learning, critique, and growth.

>> No.3125262
File: 364 KB, 750x1000, 2222222222222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good study

>> No.3125266

Did you learn anything?

>> No.3125269

vary the values of the midtones to make something look more interesting i guess

>> No.3125272
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>> No.3125285
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time 2 sleep........

>> No.3125321
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>want to make it in an art career but have carpal and cubital tunnel
>after years, finally force myself to give up video games entirely until it's cured
>mfw I have no idea what to do all day since I can only cap art practice at 4 hours per day before it starts hurting too much

any suggestions?

>> No.3125347

4 hours is enough to make it.

>> No.3125370

How much research have you done into it?

If you're not doing stuff like sleeping with a wrist brace yet, then this post could have shit that helps ya. http://www.colourcow.com/drawing-carpal-tunnel/

But if you've already seen doctors and you're doing all the right treatment stuff and whatever...
But you sound like you haven't. Also stop using a mouse/typing with that hand.

>> No.3125376

Learn to draw with your offhand.

>> No.3125379

So how good were you at video games and which games was it? I'm guessing at least 5000 hours in, because even people with 4k are still doing fine apparently.

>> No.3125386
File: 249 KB, 1180x1072, ih8mylyf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gettin fuckin tried of being so mediocre.

>> No.3125388


>> No.3125394

Then read the sticky and stop symbol drawing, you absolute cretin.

>> No.3125399

>tumblr noses all around

you sicken me

>> No.3125408

Symbol drawing?
Tumblr noses?

>> No.3125411
File: 677 KB, 651x884, gestures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is drawing people on the street good idea?

>> No.3125422
File: 496 KB, 800x619, 1504387893555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminder that spinning the page if you find the angle uncomfortable is cheating and bad, and you should stop doing it.

Learn to draw lines at any angle with your always in a proper, horizontal position.

>> No.3125428

>not horizon, vertical and diagonal

>> No.3125431

Maybe. I'm to autistic to draw in public. Can't imagine them being any good for gesture drawing tho.

>> No.3125438

Stop squeezing your pencil like a retard.

>> No.3125440

No, it's not cheating and bad. Some people have deadlines, unlike you, and they're not gonna waste their time hammering away at one line.

It IS a good idea to not rely on it too much in practice, though.

>> No.3125453

fucking disgusting

>> No.3125455

No one seems to want to extrapolate. Why is this disgusting?

>> No.3125456
File: 156 KB, 900x1200, RenderedContent-CE9F5F2D-2876-4E74-B6BF-A65C35918909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Been years since I've painted,

Can I have some critique on it

>> No.3125463
File: 211 KB, 807x938, le maxilla man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drew this portrait, would appreciate some feedbacks pls.
Any tips to get clean, consistent gray tone with graphite?

>> No.3125467

if you dont know then you should seriously stop being an artist now, even if you get good technically you will never be able to create anything aesthetic or beautiful.

you arent jewish are you?

>> No.3125471

No I'm not Jewish, what does that even have to do with anything?

Not a very helpful critique if what everyone tells me is that it's "disgusting". Where's the merit in that?

>> No.3125481


the reason why I stopped posting my stuff here.

>> No.3125547

because you're thin skinned?

>> No.3125556

because no one bothered telling me what am I doing wrong, and how to correct it. u know - the whole point of this thread

>> No.3125562

well do you know what a tumblr nose is?

>> No.3125563

learn to draw different head sizes ffs

>> No.3125565

i think its an art choise, so is that why no one seems to want to talk about the method but rather the fuckin nose?

>> No.3125568
File: 461 KB, 2030x1538, sleepwelldoggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i nabbed some images from /p/ and decided to paint them using PS. (mostly of animals)
i tried to do the same thing using /soc/ but i got cancer from browsing for photos of people


>> No.3125569

Ever heard of proportional consistency?

>> No.3125570
File: 91 KB, 1000x1000, seagull2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



i don't know how many i will do

>> No.3125575

lmao ok keep drawing a full grown mans head size on a tiny girl then

>> No.3125580


Nice nitpick. Anything of actual substance?

>> No.3125581


not an expert at anything, but try layering values, start from lightest values (white paper should be lightest value) and then just keep layering all the darker areas
try and use your tools as if you were sculpting, so follow the shape/form of the part you're shading
don't just focus on the shape of the values, try and focus also on the actual anatomy/physical 3d shape also

measure more, glasses are kind of wonky and uneven

>> No.3125585


i like the colours, looks like you're just painting the shapes you see (great as a starting point), maybe consider the actual physical 3d shape of what you're looking at while placing the colours down, again follow the forms! make a wireframe on top before you paint if it helps

>> No.3125588


I'm a lurker. /ic/ is nothing but elitist nitpickers. If you expect anything else but to be shat on for mistakes then maybe it's your fault.

Have a nice day.

>> No.3125591


nice, with more refining it'd be great! potential is there, i even like it in b/w

forehead too high?
candles break some of the perspective

i'm no expert

>> No.3125592


the only people who give actual advice are people with real solutions and advice
the rest spout cliche buzzwords because they know it looks 'off' but don't have the skills to be able to tell you what's actually wrong with it

>> No.3125593

I'm gonna say this first. Read carefully.

Nobody gives two shits about your art choices. They want it to look good. Art is primarily depiction. In the last half century or so the academia has subverted that idea. They've moved people into thinking that art is primarily expression. That is not the case. You draw to depict something. Your skill of depiction can invoke an emotions and thus becomes a method of expression. If you cannot depict something accurately you will not invoke emotions as effectively. If you wish to draw something with sufficient results you must learn how to draw something ACCURATELY. This meaning that drawing noses too long compared to the length of the entire skull and forehead will cause some dissonance.
SO, a tumblr nose refers to a nose that's universally exaggerated and usually colored red to add contrast. Stop this. It doesn't look correct. It looks like you don't know how to draw a fucking nose. You won't know that it doesn't look incorrect if you keep seeing them and thinking that it's normal.
>that's how I want to draw it though
Then don't expect people who don't browse tumblr constantly to appreciate it. An accurately depicted nose will be appreciated by anyone who is human on an instinctive level.
Learn how to create illusions of 3d on a 2d medium. Gather knowledge to understand how a human body is constructed. Figure out what makes a feature attractive, unattractive, masculine, feminine, young and old.

If I had to say anything positive about your work...
You at least understand that women are curvy and men are not. That's a good start. You haven't quite learned the differences in faces at all between the two. You've picked up that clothing folds a bit and has seams though you really need work on it. You've made an effort to learn at some point.

>> No.3125595

Thank you! I'll take that into consideration on my next piece :)

But yeah I did paint this without any pencil work.

>> No.3125601

I really like the colors and the texturing. The dog's eye seems a bit cloudy and dry. The eyeball looks as if it's just sitting inside the fur. Dog's eyes have wet glands around the outside of the eyeball. I think using hard, bright colored high lights would fix both problems. The same could be said about the nose. It looks too dull and dry. Use harder edge, bright highlights to make it looks less dry.
Man, I really like your work.
The seagulls legs look unfinished. The feathers have a really nice texture to them making it looks great. The legs, don't seem to have any texture to them at all. Your colors are quite realistic looking overall. The beak having a hard black line in the middle though.... ruins some of that realistic appearance.
Hell of a lot better than what I'd do. I'm gonna take your idea and draw some animals today as well.

>> No.3125603


i think with more construction practice and a little (tiny) bit of anatomy knowledge that painting would look x10
try and repaint it and repost? i would love to see the improvement

>> No.3125608
File: 201 KB, 1353x930, draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lads how do i get good

>> No.3125609

Draw it again from ref until you can do it purely from memory. Then try to use your imagination and draw it from another angle.

>> No.3125610


oooh that makes so much sense, i was having trouble making it 'glisten' without it looking like it was too bright. to be honest i fluffed the eye and the seagull legs and seagull beak because i just wanted to finish them! i'll touch them up at some point to rectify

thanks man nice critique, the colours are lifted from the reference with added tints because the refs always look gray or not vibrant, my colour picking is really bad/could be better unfortunately

>> No.3125612


What a bunch of fuckin elitist bullshit this is.
>Art isn't primarily expression, it's depiction.

You just completely fucking missed the point of art. What fucking part of art it supposed to be realistic to the core, or appeal to realism? The whole point of drawing this way is not to "INVOKE EMOTIONS" like this is some fucking gallery in the Louvre, like you're some fucking 60 year old hag getting an orgasm over a fucking painting of a chair - you leave that to story, the art is supposed to supplement that, not be inspiring entire of its own. Yes, inspiring art is the ultimate aspiration, but that's not justifying limiting your senses to appeal to depiction rather than imagination. What is this contemporary rhetoric cunt bullshit?

>> No.3125614


>> No.3125616


it looks similar but not quite perfect,

try just drawing the main angle lines, for the left arm slant which lines up with the bottom left tow, same for the back right leg, which should line up almost with the right arm but a little further inside

looks like you just took a glance at the overall not really focusing on if the limbs/planes are facing the right directions

seriously just spend a little more time on it

>> No.3125618
File: 126 KB, 1515x722, draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tihnk i need my medicine

>> No.3125619


hey really? if you buy a tshirt of this print for sure i will right now set up my redbubble yetee and any other tshirt website stuff you can recommend

thanks man!

>> No.3125620

By constructing it with shapes.

>> No.3125622

If I learn proper art fundamentals, will that help out with making my drawings look more life like? People keep telling me I draw symbols instead of what is actually there, I really want to draw cool dynamic characters like in my favorite comics or manga, and I'm getting kind of depressed that I can't pull off what comes to mind. I'm taking some courses online that should hopefully help me out.

>> No.3125623

You git gud by drawing a great deal. Then taking a very detailed critical analysis of your own drawings and better drawings not drawn by you. Take note on what properties the better drawings have that yours do not. Ask for criticisms often.
Most people would tell you to study anatomy which is great advice even if you don't intend on drawing human bodies.

>> No.3125625

>You just completely fucking missed the point of art.
No I didn't. You did.
I explained the point of being realistic to the core. It is to be accurate in depicting something. Just like in fiction writing, you use constants that parallel what we experience in real life to create a believable scenario.
It's nothing contemporary. You're literally, a victim of what I just explained.

>> No.3125628


the best thing i can recommend is learning atleast how basic and minor complex shapes turn in space in any direction and perspective and knowing a little about how light will fall on it and where cast shadows will be

just that bit of knowledge will make it so you can kind of accurately critique your work

basically any frustration is borne out of you being impatient with yourself, i guarantee if you spend a solid amount of time trying to make it realistic or as convincing as possible while keeping in mind that these are 3d shapes and painting/drawing like you were sculpting (add some wireframes, why not) you'll learn more from that process than any online course (maybe..)

>> No.3125629

the left one is actually good

>> No.3125633


maybe once you finish rendering, make a photocopy then draw the wireframe and shapes in the hand

so you are actively learning the form/shapes not just rendering the light

>> No.3125634


I guess I just like using courses and books cause I never was able to learn this stuff in school like most people, the courses I'm following have vidos that show you how to draw and the teacher explains stuff as he does it so I'm learning al ot, but I'll try your advice out as well.

>> No.3125635

Yes it will. Symbol drawing is pretty much what everyone starts out doing. Very rarely do people figure this out on their own. It usually takes someone pointing it out that they're symbol drawing.
Naturally avoiding symbol drawing is usually a sign of advanced intelligence (intelligence being a mental disposition to understand something as thoroughly as possible rather than to know something to a practical extent.) I say this as it should be a bit of knowledge that should humble you. You are not going to just learn how to make great art on your own. Do not expect yourself to improve when you do not try to understand what you are trying to draw.

>> No.3125636


the problem is teaching is theory AND practice, without practice you will be forever learning theory and then you're theory knowledge will overwhelm you to the point where you don't know where to start, and then back to step 1 all over again

try and draw while you watch to practice whatever the video tutor is telling you in real time

>> No.3125637


Well man if you deduced all of that incredibly cryptic elitist nonsense from a red nose then kudos to you. I look forward to seeing your opinionated piece on the next art magazine I buy.

>> No.3125644

I don't think what I wrote was cryptic at all. You probably just didn't try to understand it.
You aren't going to get better by refusing to acknowledge your mistakes. You can ignore my advice but you will discover the same truth on your own if you truly wish to improve.

>> No.3125645
File: 367 KB, 3000x1537, figu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3125646
File: 1.20 MB, 790x820, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im having a lot of trouble with the swords perspective and the colour palette.

>> No.3125648

How is it possible to get this level of accuracy without a grid?

>> No.3125649

if we can see the underside of its guard, then its impaling her

>> No.3125650


Thats what I've been doing, sometimes I have to pause or rewind to totally get it but I feel its good to practice what your watching. Youtube has lots of good how to draw videos I watch occasionally as well. I just need to make more time to practice some more.

>> No.3125654
File: 517 KB, 600x958, 1477720945179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot for the advice, I didn't think about the layering technique. I did try to follow the shapes as I was drawing however but I guess the wonky shading kind of mask it.

>> No.3125657

The left side of the rib cage is poking out too far. it's reallly too large as well. I think what's happened is that you're connecting the shoulder to the ribcage too much. It looks to me like the entire ribcage is sized to match the arms stretching outwards. Study the shoulder anatomy a bit more and learn how it positions when moving versus the ribcage. I think you'll fix the torso problem there when you understand that.

>> No.3125661

The knees are sticking out so you've pulled up the feet and the hand is tiny.
Have you tried using a thicker brush for the early stages?

>> No.3125662

haha i saw that guy on reddit too, keep in mind that guy probably spends 20-40 hours on each piece
academic drawing is doing everything you can to trace without actually tracing. spend an entire 4 hours meticulously measuring and planning a drawing and you'll be just as accurate.
There are loads of photocopiers on youtube that do this and they only get 1k-5k views per video. the sad truth is no one cares if you are a human photocopier. there is much more to art than just being accurate. it is a form of visual communication, and the more interesting ideas you communicate the more enjoyable your art will be

>> No.3125664

fucking hell, how do i learn to notice these things?

>> No.3125665

Before you draw something from life or copy a photo, force your self to sit there and just look at the subject for a good 10 -15 minutes. I think you'll find your work to be much more accurate.

>> No.3125666

Taking breaks so you can snap out of tunnel visions. Maybe flipping the canvas now and then.
Probably just needs a little planning before going into a piece.

>> No.3125668

can i get another opinion on this statement? is this good advice?

>> No.3125677


Build you structure with simple shapes instead of scribbles.

>> No.3125678

Yes it is.

>> No.3125681

Try it. It's only 15mins anyways.

>> No.3125682

Coloring a nose red is considered a "Mistake" now? Really?

>> No.3125684

By getting another opinion primarily. Some tricks to help would be to turn your head or the piece as that will help your brain instinctively point out inconsistencies.

I don't know about this. >>3125665
Honestly I feel like spending too much time looking at something makes you start drawing symbols. I always fuck up drawings if I think about it too much. I do much better just taking a glance of a scene and thing thinking about what I saw rather than staring at it. This forces me to look at my own drawing and think about perspective rather than trying to recreate the shapes.

>> No.3125689

fucking /beg/
literally blind leading the blind
trying to take an image board full of literal complete beginners, many of them autistic or highly insecure and have that be the role of the teacher and the master.

this is fucking shit.

>> No.3125692
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x1506, 2bc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coloring a nose red when it is not red to give it contrast to the rest of the face is a mistake. A person with a flush face will have a red nose but they will also have red cheeks. A tumblr nose isn't simply, a red nose. It is a nose colored red to give it contrast. It is a stylization choice birthed from a crutch. The red itself is not the problem. The problem is coloring a nose or exaggerating it unnecessarily. Not everyone has a huge nose. If you depict everyone like this people will see that you can only draw noses like that.

>> No.3125693

post your work

>> No.3125697

post your work.

>> No.3125699

A human does not need to be an accomplished artist to recognize a problem with a depicted human body.
Stop trying to drag more unnecessary emotions in here if you dislike it. A place of learning should be a neutral environment. Bitching about something rather than objectively criticizing it will only upset yourself and others.

>> No.3125700

This isn't a mentor kind of community, it's more of an old master's community in which everyone shares their knowledge based on what they've seen and done. There's no problem with beginners trying to help each other. That's how it works if there's no superior.

>> No.3125701
File: 3.30 MB, 1663x2119, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal here was to try something cartoony and kinda colorful.
This one is my lastest work and it is probably the best I can do for now.
Any sugestion/critique?
I did this with a fucking mouse, so I guess this doesn't matter.

>> No.3125704


>> No.3125709


focus more on the angles you are using when placing the line down,

some of the mistakes you've made could easily be corrected if you had measured the angle of the line of the ribcage as it goes down.

you've placed the line as a C curving to the right, when actually its more of a smaller C then a straight line for the folding skin, then another C curve to meet her bottom/sole of foot

looks like you're estimating where everything should go, just take a minute and see what lines up with what

for example

the right breast lines up with the knees
middle of bicep where the lowest hanging point is, lines up with the bum
left elbow lines with almost the right breast horizontally

measure using relativity too, not just eyeballing it

>> No.3125719


Take your time and really observe and measure. It'll be slow at first but the more you do the faster you'll get and eventually you will internalize it. At this point things will feel much more natural.

>> No.3125728

I am clearly a beginner tho.

>> No.3125733

i really like this! i'd suggest cleaning up your lines a little more and challenge yourself by adding more versatile colors into your shading.

>> No.3125734

Figure Drawing or how to draw the head and hands, /beg/?

>> No.3125736
File: 101 KB, 700x861, 11-5-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody know how to draw chain mail? gonna give this another shot.

>> No.3125737

Why are there so many people on digital here? Do you just want to draw porn?

>> No.3125739

actually yes.

>> No.3125741

First off turn off your sketch layer. The lines are sloppy get a tablet.

The lighting is lacking cast shadows and the frontal light source is boring and not totally consistent. A much more interesting light source would be something from below.
if your beginner why did you sign it?

>> No.3125744

>anime board
>not want to draw fanart of your waifu
Come on, anon.

>> No.3125745


what are you the drawing police? in all the digital works posted in this thread how much of it is porn?

>> No.3125746

Yeah I actually am the drawing police so stop using your fag tablets and do traditional

>> No.3125747

Thanks! And I signed because why not.

>> No.3125748


post work?

>> No.3125749

Stop with the squiggly lines bs. Start using basic 3d shapes to structure your drawings.

>> No.3125750

What does my skill have to do with anything?

>> No.3125751
File: 202 KB, 714x833, mr.peeny jr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, hate to wave around my digital peen, officer

>> No.3125753

Anon is doing a gestural drawing.

>> No.3125754

pls respond?

>> No.3125760


i don't care about seeing your work, i just wanted to see if you did traditional or digital or what medium you use

if you aren't going to critique/post work and just say shit like 'muh digital fags' why are you in this thread?
shitpost somewhere else

>> No.3125762

You're not drawing what you see, and you're not thinking about the structure of the figure. Think about the spine, rib cage, and pelvis. Think about how they combine together and how flexible they are. Build your figures with these in mind rather than focusing on the outline.

>> No.3125764

The latter

>> No.3125765
File: 70 KB, 600x900, melgibsonbeyblade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have posted my stuff in the past.

I also didn't say muh digital fags. I just asked a question, but yes, digital has low artistic merit.

>> No.3125766


i wish i could help anon, but the only advice i can give is to keep grinding them until you actually understand how to construct a simple body/head/hand from memory so that it looks convincing

maybe draw wireframes to show form to help you internalize how things should look

>> No.3125767

sorry I don't want advice from a digital artist

>> No.3125770


i'd hate to ask for a third time, but post some work?

"stop using your fag tablets"

i love my tablet, i am male my tablet is female so it can't be a fag :(

that's one opinion sure. i did/have done traditional work before i just moved onto digital because it's more fun, are you the fun police too?

>> No.3125771


sure no problem, hopefully you find an answer!

>> No.3125773


>> No.3125775
File: 53 KB, 256x256, 1535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what is the point of superimposing the lines on bad anatomical form?

I don't understand. Complete beginner here.

>> No.3125776


Fundamentals transcend medium.

As someone who prefer traditional I take advice from any good artist. Not taking advice because someone uses a medium you don't understand is retarded.

>> No.3125777

To feel the form. Haven't you heard from villpu? Even Keys to Drawing mentions it.

>> No.3125780


5/10 nice bait i can't believed i even replied 2-3 times already

post work? he asks again for the fourth time

>> No.3125781


>muh feel

>> No.3125782

Im working through fun with a pencil and mostly copying for now. I am starting Figure Drawing soon, therefore have nothing original to post

>> No.3125783


nice good for you, hopefully you improve and stop being a little prick and learn to enjoy any form of creation!

also, i'd hate to ask for the fifth, maybe sixth time, post work? i didn't ask for original work, just anything you have created that you're happy with in it's current form

>> No.3125785
File: 753 KB, 200x86, ntB2KhM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3125786

Post your copied work.

>> No.3125787


haven't studied that stuff yet, still on drawabox lessons

>> No.3125802
File: 112 KB, 1000x827, figu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3125805
File: 193 KB, 1990x796, figu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3125806
File: 77 KB, 480x360, willbegudoneday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go mates, gaze upon the works of Raphael reincarnate.

>> No.3125807
File: 75 KB, 1368x760, figu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having a tough time grinding observation. yet im certain its the next step for me.

>> No.3125821
File: 385 KB, 1663x2002, goblon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3125842

Interesting character design.

>> No.3125845


how do you even draw this without an erection

I can't fight the urge to fap to that image

>> No.3125848



the slant on the body is wrong, compare the negative spaces angle compared to yours
i still feel like you're not looking closely enough, i wish i was good enough to red line it for you, but what i can recommend is overlaying your drawing over the reference and see how much you need to adjust

>> No.3125849


this one is a lot better, but again you need to measure more, notice how her spine is going down at a steeper angle, compared to yours which is more horizontal

>> No.3125851


try some creative imagination work based on what you've learnt so far. just looks like you're good at copying, try and APPLY the methods into a character of your own

>> No.3125856
File: 306 KB, 1990x796, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just to show what i mean by you're not measuring closely enough

>> No.3125861

Use your frontal lobe instead of the dick.

>> No.3125870

What should I learn first? anatomy or gesture?

>> No.3125872


>> No.3125900


why are you namefagging lol

>> No.3125939
File: 1008 KB, 676x889, staz johnson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soo... I'm studying constructional drawing. Making the shapes before the details and all that.

So does that all fall apart for inking an actual serious piece? without the shapes, can you have enough confidence later on to draw without them?

>> No.3125958
File: 40 KB, 742x789, head practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried painting a head.

>> No.3125960
File: 157 KB, 1157x844, cubes023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I draw a straight line?

>> No.3125961

it can't be that hard to find a reference of a sword in someone's back.. right now it's stabbing her

>> No.3125994


why AREN'T you namefagging?
i'll take it off if it pleases you m'lord

>> No.3125997

you're still symbol drawing, and rendering the symbols
but you're getting there. just observe harder and look at the shapes more abstractly.

>> No.3126001

keep at it anon. careful for the eyes tho.

a ruler. or draw a bunch of lines and erase away the strokes you don't want so its even.

yes, but the shapes will help you build confidence and thats going to take a long time depending on your skill level going in

>> No.3126007

So it's fine to rely on tools?

>> No.3126015

tools are there to help you achieve your job.

>> No.3126024
File: 37 KB, 992x558, 1504199058626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>keep fucking up my lines into squiggly messes when at the edge of the sketchbook since I keep bumping into something

this is an actual problem, wat

>> No.3126028
File: 179 KB, 745x822, orc thing .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a rough nightly sketch for rapoza

10 years before I'm ever this good, if I'm lucky

>> No.3126042

How important is finishing your work?

>> No.3126049

To the anon who recommended I use a smudging tool. Thanks, it helped tremendously, I don't know if that's a proper technique though and I just need to get good at using a pencil but I like it.

>> No.3126052
File: 130 KB, 1040x585, 2017-09-05 22.29.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.3126091
File: 91 KB, 792x792, JPEG_20170905_232622-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I hopeless?

>> No.3126098
File: 59 KB, 521x592, 1468857407894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finished a 70 sheet sketchbook
>more than 3/4 done with another 70 sheet sketchbook

I am kinda excited for some reason. I got a 100 sheet sketchbook coming up

>> No.3126106

i really don't care, at least you're in-depth with what you say and aren't using fluff phrases like "this looks off."

>> No.3126136
File: 773 KB, 1440x1800, IMG_20170904_030004_491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crits please? Colored pencils are fun m8s

>> No.3126162
File: 111 KB, 1056x742, How to Plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3126195

It's hard to explain this. but you need to abandon the idea that straight lines need to be perfect. Your audiences' eyes will automatically make adjustments to read lines as straight when they need to. The more you practice stroking out straights manually, the better you will get at it.

A great exercise is to stroke your paper from one end to the other horizontally, vertically and diagonally. Try to keep each following line parallel to its predecessor. Don't forget this little detail though...

Alternate your direction, for example for horizontal use a pattern of left-to-right right-to-left. Change it up to prevent boring your wrist. Your eyes will soon stop focusing on the straightness and take you from initial point to final point. This is a good instinct to have for straights. Curves are similar, only you're not just concerned with positions, you're concerned with initial and final direction.

Cover your page in strokes, keep your wrist loose, and keep your damn elbow off the desk. With patience and determination, you'll be a regular Da Vinci.

>> No.3126204
File: 71 KB, 531x733, bvdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for criticism pls, what you goys think?

>> No.3126207
File: 43 KB, 544x710, bvnbn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for criticism pls ty

>> No.3126250
File: 211 KB, 1000x1000, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive me if its annoying, I wasn't sure if I should post 3 different pictures or all in one.

I know 2 of the characters don't have faces, I am not super worried about that at the moment, boobs are hard and I have a hard time imagining how they rest on the ribcage.

Don't worry too much about the hands and feet, I know I'm hiding them because I haven't done a comprehensive study on them and I am going to work on that. Just based on the bodies, any advice? I need to work on my construction skills but I don't really know where to practice the most.

Also I know the left nipple on the upright girl is placed wrong, I noticed it after I exported it.

>> No.3126258

why do you draw your genitals like that. not only is it incredibly undignified but its also just not erotic.

>> No.3126260
File: 385 KB, 1180x1072, circlesyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Care to show your construction? He said you were symbol drawing because it looks like you just add lines based on what you think things look like rather than what they actually do.

Also do a study on abs because you are very far off, another example of symbol drawing is drawing what you believe something looks like without actually studying the anatomy.

Red: A perfect example, you see this shape on a reference (I'm assuming another artist and not a photo), and you add it it without knowing what it actually represents. I get it is supposed to be where the two halves of the ribcage connect from the front but it looks nothing like that, it is much more narrow in reality. If you were to continue the lines you would notice that they don't end where the bottom of the ribcage ends, and considering that shape is supposed to represent the projection of the ribcage, it would obviously follow its contour.

Blue: Another great example of symbol drawing. What does the line represent? Look at real human references, it is not a perfect curve like on the man and I don't even know whats going on with the black girl. What are those lines actually supposed to represent? they don't connect anywhere and your color work doesn't give any idea why those lines exist. A line is the division of colors and forms and those lines do not do either.

Green: Probably the most obvious example of symbol drawing. You have no idea what that muscle is or how it works. The black girl's head is oriented differently from her neck which is impossible and you added those lines in anyways which makes me think you want to include the shape because you saw it on a reference but you don't actually know what it does. Feel your own and see how they move when you turn your head.

I'm not even going to touch on facial features because the left girl and guy are actually pretty good if you look at it from a stylistic perspective. The other two are incredibly lazy. PRACTICE ANATOMY!

>> No.3126264

>why do you draw your genitals like that

Like what? I would love to take your criticism into consideration except you didn't give one. The Lamia is obviously difficult because the lower half is a snake so I just winged it. I don't care much for sexuality so much as I don't draw clothes on any of my characters, it forces me to draw things I'm not comfortable with. The bottom girl is by far the most sexual one and I got that one from a reference.

Nigga what?

>> No.3126267

you arent jewish are you?

>> No.3126268

No why?

>> No.3126271

why dont you have an understanding of aesthetic and nobility enough to see that the work you posted has a potent lack of it?

>> No.3126272

Nigga do you even know where you are?

>> No.3126276

Not them but I make some of those mistakes in my drawings too and reading this has been really helpful. Thank you kind anon.

>> No.3126296

somebody rip on my art pls :L

>> No.3126299

its shit

>> No.3126302

5.4/10 human photocopiers

>> No.3126320
File: 212 KB, 597x884, SHU_0vJMde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these good?

>> No.3126328

It's not very clear what they're supposed to be doing.

>> No.3126358
File: 44 KB, 432x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even really that bad. These niggas just feel the need to put people down for some reason. I feel your mediocrity struggles, I'm in the same boat. Keep drawing senpai, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.3126448
File: 908 KB, 500x281, 1449bdf464999cce21becb4761c8939789e74abd_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 years
>several books later
>still too far from where I want to get
Doesn't help I'm just competent at best

>> No.3126461

Is there an alternative to Fun With a Pencil that isn't so fucking childish? I'm a complete /beg/ at this shit but I've reread this shit like three times and did the exercises but nothing's coming up.

>> No.3126465

Loomis is not just one book bud.

>> No.3126518
File: 153 KB, 721x653, 5_09_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3126535

Looks like some sort of eldritch abomination

>> No.3126544

What were you trying to draw? Is it some sort of plant, rope? Jelly?

I can't tell.

>> No.3126549
File: 872 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-09-06-22-39-34-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to get gestures. Is this it? Any tips?

>> No.3126553
File: 2.95 MB, 3264x2448, 2017-09-07 00.51.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished this

>> No.3126555

Anon, flip it and its too big

>> No.3126556
File: 1.24 MB, 2448x3264, 2017-09-07 00.51.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, forgot to rotate

>> No.3126561
File: 942 KB, 792x1000, Logan Sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, here it is resized

>> No.3126565

Yeah, but I don't know where the fuck to start within Loomis.

>> No.3126566

How do I get as good as you?

>> No.3126571

I'm not that good but I think the ear is a bit off and also the face is a bit off too. Goodluck, Anon.

>> No.3126574

To me the left arm is a bit longer

>> No.3126583

looks nice and flowy.. if you are starting to grasp this then do it a million times til it's second nature, don't waste it

I'm trying to grasp that my self and failing

>> No.3126591 [DELETED] 
File: 309 KB, 1080x1920, sketch-1503599844929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3126601
File: 722 KB, 1000x661, HOLYFUCKINEEDLOOMIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.3126602

>x is a bit off

Completely useless advice

>> No.3126605

Head- or figure drawing, pick one.

>> No.3126608
File: 77 KB, 851x638, IMG_20170905_212022538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third still life attempt. What do you guys think?

>> No.3126611
File: 119 KB, 732x799, 1482642403844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw 26
>tfw thinking of going anyway

if I get my degree I can move to the US with an h1b visa and get a lot more work... it seems worth it, my parents will pay lol


calm down m8, just get a ruler and compare measurements, you'll get it right the second time, already noticing the difference now is a huge advantage for the 2nd time you draw the face

>> No.3126614

How do you start doing digital shading
Like what brushes to use and what looks the best
I'm currently using the watercolor brush but I just can't seem to get the right shading I'm looking for

>> No.3126616

Pretty cool, but the light looks like it is coming from the right yet there is a shadow behind the jar on the right side. I can't really help much more without seeing reference. Maybe the light is coming from the front and you failed to convey that to me. I feel it is coming from the right side.

>> No.3126620

>h1b visa

Good luck finding work in a 1st world country without a STEM degree

>> No.3126624

This is decent. For future works I'd suggest pushing values, don't fear to go real dark where it's neccesary

>> No.3126638

How do I get as good as you?

>> No.3126640


lol then why did you point it out? is everyone a salty bitch on this board? what the fuck lol

>> No.3126641

Noob here, 'Keys to Drawing' or 'Draw a box'?
Keys to Drawing seems more advanced but I am afraid it will be too hard for a beginner and I will end up ditching it...
Is Draw a box good?

>> No.3126642

Post your work first so we can gauge your level.

>> No.3126644


needs bigger value range, maybe darken the darkest areas more

also practice drawing straight lines of varying length, practice smoothly drawing a circle, looks like feathered lines

potential is there seems like you have a decent understanding of how it should look, but execution is poor

>> No.3126646


>stem degree for an art job

imagine being this blisteringly retarded

what's up with /ic/ lately? so many clueless idiots

>> No.3126647


no, looks better than most first attempts
stop symbol drawing, as in drawing what you think an eye looks like and what lips should look like, try grouping up the different intensities of light (light desribes form better than you can describe forms with line)

>> No.3126649
File: 119 KB, 1452x1484, teenwolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I improve this?

>> No.3126651


the head looks too far away from the base of the neck, looks a little odd but i can't begin to tell you how to fix it unfortunately!
the hand with the dark line indicating the change of plane is too dark, make it a soft transition maybe?

could use some shading on the body and hair to indicate a light source too

the smoke looks a little lazy, maybe look at what smoke looks like then try and imitate

>> No.3126653
File: 56 KB, 736x919, reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have drawn a lot before but I have never really studied seriously.
I have nothing right now I will try drawing pic related

>> No.3126654

Learn to read moron, getting an H1B Visa is almost exclusively for fucking STEM

>The US H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows US companies to employ graduate level workers in specialty occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise in specialized fields such as in IT, finance, accounting, architecture, engineering, mathematics, science, medicine, etc. Any professional level job that usually requires you to have a bachelors degree or higher can come under the H-1B visa for specialty occupations. If you do not have a bachelors degree or higher you may be able to show degree equivalence through work experience and/or other qualifications.

Good luck getting a fucking H1B Visa for god damned illustration. Figures an art major would be retarded though.

>> No.3126656


make sure you're actively thinking about the structure of our hand in physical space, maybe try drawing some wireframes over the hands to indicate the forms wrapping and then shade from there

at the moment the shading is arbitrary and kind of guessing, think 'why is there a shadow there' 'what parts of the back of my hand kind of stick out and cause that shadow

hopefully it helps D:

>> No.3126657

face has too little definition imo, not to mention the features present are misaligned

values there are also too muddy and don't have enough directional lighting to give depth

>> No.3126666


have you even looked at the thumbnail? it looks like the guy has no nose, weird cartoon eyes and cartoon lips and fake hair and a fake flat hand,

you're focusing too much on drawing what you THINK the features of the face should look like,

you need to do some studies on the how different lighting affects the face, and drawing what you SEE not what you think it looks like,

maybe look at some of my posts from earlier, i'm basically repeating the same advice it seems

>> No.3126668

>maybe look at some of my posts from earlier, i'm basically repeating the same advice it seems
/beg/ in a nutshell

>> No.3126669
File: 238 KB, 704x1000, yeezyresize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it ended up coming out a bit better

it's mainly a quick sketch for an art assignment so I'm not /as/ worried, but the seriously fucked structure pissed me off before

at least it can pass for ye now

>> No.3126676
File: 167 KB, 616x877, SHU_qwV51Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i doing it right?

>> No.3126677




>> No.3126684

what are you trying to do?

>> No.3126686


>> No.3126687

look up the proko vids if you have trouble

>> No.3126690

you are making the most common mistake when doing gesture. you blatantly didnt read/watch any guides. fucking kys and read the sticky

>> No.3126691

>that hand

>> No.3126693

>you are making the most common mistake

whats that?

>> No.3126695
File: 133 KB, 321x628, as.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After studying hampton [not even half of the book ;/] i tried to draw from my memory, crits?

>> No.3126696

fucking read the sticky you insufferable faggot. im not going to spoonfeed you information you should be able to find yourself

>> No.3126698

limbs are too short, raised elbow should be above head, thigh too. good work on the local anatomy, gesture and rendering though

>> No.3126699

Hey that's pretty good. Care to post something from before reading Hampton?

>> No.3126703

if you are talking about not sketching first then you are wrong, i do sketch

>> No.3126705

How long did it take you to get through half of his book? I always feel like I'm not ready for it

>> No.3126706

Then don't post, you aren't helpful.

>> No.3126708
File: 107 KB, 332x513, as2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, i guess limbs are like that because i didnt draw enough of them so that i would knew about things that you said

Don't have anything rly (i erase almost everything i draw cos im retarded ><) pic related is what i did before doing more hard studies not just mindlessly going trough the books

>> No.3126709

not him but im at hands chapter and it took me about 2 months cuz i had little break and grind elementar things

>> No.3126715

damn, how long are you drawing?

>> No.3126720 [DELETED] 

get in the oven

>> No.3126728

Well i think im going too fast, but i will read + paint everything again and again till i think i understand it then i will draw from memory to see is it rly true ;d

I was doodling shit as long as i can remember...
i did try to learn 5 years ago but droped it after 2 months ;/
now im a little bit older so i know i need to START FFS

>> No.3126732

>no, looks better than most first attempts

I've been practicing for months tho. I guess I should quit lol

>> No.3126753


depends, how effective is your practice? if you've been practising wrong all this time then it was all for nought

look at what you're trying to draw, look at where the shadows are and where the light hits any surface

for good practice all you need is a couple of things

- self analysis during or after
- actual knowledge of how 3D shapes work and how they work in perspective (even a little knowledge goes a long way)
- an idea of how light and shadows work to an extent
- the ability to wireframe anything you see is helpful, it helps you visualise the complexity of the shape
- an idea of how colour works in different types of lighting

if you have these basic ish skills, you'll stop making silly mistakes OR you'll keep making the mistakes but you'll identify what needs to be fixed quicker

>> No.3126754


also it'd help if people posted the reference as well as the final image..

>> No.3126758

Why does he have vaginas on his chest? The slits will be the same size as the cut. A knife is going to displace just as much fabric as it will flesh.

>> No.3126765

I did that face from imagination tho

>> No.3126772

Useful video on drawing circles


>> No.3126774

It just takes practice. Most people probably aren't crazy enough to draw thousands of circles just trying to make them perfect.

>> No.3126785
File: 56 KB, 746x556, kevin abstract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to draw Kevin Abstract from reference.
How did I do?

>> No.3126790


There is a specialist category for h1b and art professions fall into that category. You also have no idea what percentage of h1bs are offered to this specialist category because you're a NEET loser on 4chan.

Go read more than the first link in google before mouthing off again, you absolute dumb fuck.

>> No.3126794


nice if from imagination, but still consider that i can't see any face structure or underlyingbone structure, the eyes dont seem to have eye sockets

if you studied a little of the skull anatomy and the underlying muscles you'd know how to creat a more realistic face

can you read my critique instead of trying to scapegoat your downfalls?

try fixing it?

>> No.3126797
File: 314 KB, 1100x1600, tilting head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying out the exercises from Loomis's "Drawing the Head and Hands". I'm slightly confused about the planes of the face, namely the lines connected to cheekbones. As far as I've figured, one line from every cheekbone goes to the center of the upper lip, and the other to the respective side of the mouth, is this correct?
Also, can anyone recommend something a little bit more elaborate about drawing the face? I feel I don't get enough understanding from his commentary.

>> No.3126799
File: 51 KB, 869x687, studyface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3126801
File: 151 KB, 2536x2512, NuevoDocumento 2017-09-06_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time drawing seriously. How is it?
I know, mouth is fucked and I cant draw hair for shit.

>> No.3126803

>he thinks a verbatim quote from the fucking official government website isn't enough

If you think we are in NEED of art "specialists" you are a deluded and pathetic person.

I'm gonna ignore you sad and miserable attempt at slandering me. Enjoy being a "starving artist".

>> No.3126807


you can watch stan proko on youtube for a more visual guide in real time

if not i recommend signing up to CGPeers and downloading any anatomy videos and tutorials as possible

>> No.3126814


you haven't really capture the likeness of his face, it looks a lot like adam driver though

you need to measure more closely, and seeing as you're using digital you could you know, maybe overlay your drawing at a lower opacity to see where you've fucked up

for me your drawing is tilting a little more up than the ref, your ref is kind of tilting head down

your ref is also facing the camera more head on, compared to your drawing which looks like it's facing more to his left as if turning away

the chin needs to be lower, look at how the chin lines up with the start of the collar

notice how the ear on your drawing goes from eyebrow to nose tip, whereas on the ref it only goes down to about mid nose level

it's pretty good value wise, maybe push some of the darks a bit more near the eyes and near the mouth

hopefully you learnt alot from the study! looking good

>> No.3126816
File: 596 KB, 1920x1080, crazydoggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on finishing a crazy Doggo

>> No.3126826

Do you only do animals?

>> No.3126835

I want to learn to draw specific stylized shit. Mostly of the /a/ and /v/ variety. Pretty much brand new. So how fucked am I if I only draw the shit I want? Do I just need to stop being a bitch and take the long formal way through or can I just gook grind the things I like till I am half way decent?

>> No.3126836


nope but i got sick of drawing humans, and i found better refs of animals

in fact i'm learning more about brush strokes and painting digitally with animals more than i learn trying to paint skin

>> No.3126841


you can grind whatever style you want by learning half assed and then you'll end up in a rut not being able to diversify and try new styles


you can learn the fundamentals of art and then apply them as you see fit, be that anime and viya or traditional or digital painting whatever

teach a man to fish etc...

>> No.3126842

IamXinum is an english twitch streamer i watch sometimes that learned anime first then anatomy second and has an extremely appealing style. Check his vods.

Draw what you want, but make sure you're always improving and supplementing with real world studies.

>> No.3126849

I find that the whole aspect of drawing reality first and then stylizing is sometimes taken a bit to the extreme.

I would practice reality up until you understand the basic proportions and constructions of every part of a person. But I wouldn't go so far as saying you need to be able to draw convincing portraits to switch.

>> No.3126852
File: 202 KB, 1586x600, 2017_09_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3126854

You're already fucked because you want to learn how to draw instead of just drawing. Before studying, you need to draw and get used to it then start working out your flaws. If you just jump in head first trying to fix all your flaws, you'll just burn out.

>> No.3126860


Creativity wise, yes. That's experience but the technique are not so hard that it'll take 10 years.

>> No.3126865

p. good but I see some flaws here
in general, the dark reflections look a bit too dark, making the surface look way more reflective than it is
the same goes for the highlights, the stems on pears look plastic and the pears themselves are more like bell peppers
on a brushed surface like this, i'd blur the shades way more

>> No.3126866


Anything I'll say can be fix if you spend more time on this. Why so lazy?

>> No.3126868

whats the best drawing program for gnu/linux? i have my wacom setup to play with.

>> No.3126884

Hopefully pears will look better once I add texture.
I see what you mean with the reflections.
I think that it is a combination of lack of time, patience and fear of destroying the piece.
I noticed it too earlier, so this is already a continuation of yesterdays 30 min study (I spend about an hour on this in total).
I guess I will now polish this painting untill the week ends, just to push myself to the other extreme.

>> No.3126886
File: 1.92 MB, 2673x2993, lolisketch1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive ruined the anatomy but like the pose

>> No.3126887
File: 335 KB, 802x898, lolisketch2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3126888
File: 229 KB, 802x898, lolisketch4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3126908


fuck off to the porn thread you pedophile scum

we don't like your kind here

>> No.3126929
File: 6 KB, 223x251, 1504383590061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this might be a dumb question and not totally related to art.. but does freelance work count towards a work visa?

For example it says 12 years of work experience required to get a work visa, how do you acquire that 12 years as a freelance artist? How is that logged...?

>> No.3126935

nah , you get the fuck out fucking redditor

>> No.3126937

Well, it comes down to a portfolio of work. That's how I see all programming freelancers marketing themselves in anyhow. Show off old and new projects and a variety of stuff that captures 12 years of experience. There is no other way, logged hours doesn't mean shit unless there is some reputable third party person they can contact.

>> No.3126960

Thanks, my guy.

>> No.3126962
File: 27 KB, 138x226, hibiki_swole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still struggling with elbows and forearms. Any tips?

>> No.3127000
File: 263 KB, 736x1749, 22e3227d4171afb3c6189b3e41455f4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to know how the muscles work when they bend so just study arms

>> No.3127002
File: 183 KB, 1000x534, bugrhino4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to take the other anon's advice but it still looks wrong. This time instead of screen/multiply I just used the desired colours (very light blueish grey and very dark brownish grey) for the light and shadows with an opacity brush. The light blue-grey still overtakes the base colours too much, in fact it looks TOO blue even though sunlight is usually blue light. Pushing the values makes it worse. In the photo reference you can see that you can still tell the rhino's local colour pretty well, despite it being pretty light.

I wanted there to be some black parts on the creature too, although i'm not sure how to shade black without making it too dark. So I just used a midtone colour for the areas I want black for now.

I really appreciate the other anon that helped me, thankyou, but I still think I need my butt kicked a little bit more

>> No.3127018
File: 212 KB, 689x874, 9asuhf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo feedback welcomed on my wip

>> No.3127027 [DELETED] 

Hey guys. I got a tablet you can draw on - a Galaxy Note 10.1 - a long time ago.

I have this great program for it--for whatever reason despite its obscurity, tools, and the pressure-sensitive brushes and sheer flexibility of this program are wonderful. It's actually a joy to draw with it.

There's one thing, though...the images that I output usually look shitty. They look less smooth and often appear even more...flaky when I upload them to the computer. I make sure to set the output on the right settings and not let the image compress or something, but the issue always seems to prop up.

>does my lower computer resolution ruin it?
>is it a problem with the program? Or is this normal for digital art?
>is it worth practicing on it? Or should I just stick with paper until I can get a real drawing tablet?

>> No.3127034

>this nigga turned kanye into drake

top kek

>> No.3127036

pretty nice senpai but why not darker? more value range

keys to drawing is not advanced, it's a good place to start..

>> No.3127039

I'm guessing he means you're focusing on contour, dunno, your gestures don't look bad to me

>> No.3127044
File: 102 KB, 600x372, 01_grid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I draw a grid every time I draw the figure?

>> No.3127046

No, at least do it a lot for now to internalize it. But you definitely don't want to be doing this everytime.

>> No.3127076
File: 768 KB, 1393x1752, 20170906_194751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more wip
any critiques so fat?

>> No.3127077
File: 47 KB, 427x401, 2SeraL2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3127082
File: 106 KB, 960x640, -P2TZQI_F84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Mind that I'm still pretty shitty.

I can't even into crosshatching with pencil without making it look like the first ark of jojo

>> No.3127086

Should every drawing look perfect when flipped?

>> No.3127087
File: 477 KB, 1099x533, SticksFigure_Stitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get better at figure drawing, but I don't know if there's something specific I should work on, or if I just need to keep at it.

I feel like my proportions are mostly fine, but my perspective is a bit off? I think I did the gesture of the pose pretty well, but I wasn't able to accurately reproduce the rotation of the torso.


>> No.3127090

Looks like you're symbol drawing. Try drawing what you actually see instead. Also, you will probably benefit from reading through Loomis.

>> No.3127091

I've seen some of your stuff around here I think. Never heard of these sites.

>> No.3127094

Gab is like twitter but people can actually see your tweets and not get suspended for wrongthink

vk is russian facebook. except you can upload PDFs and write little articles with the note function, pretty h*cking useful if you want to share art related stuff like tips or articles or whatever.

Just bookmark my profile pages if you dont want to create an account

>> No.3127110
File: 728 KB, 1165x1075, 1504565015676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I was looking for some anatomical reference, if anyone knows about a site or book that contains pictures of focused anatomy, like an arms section with only arms, nose section with only noses, etc.

I'm thinking about focusing on some anatomical structures I'm really bad at and then start drawing full body and portraits again.

>> No.3127163

Check the book thread

>> No.3127721
File: 93 KB, 1235x979, File_000-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tips for digital?

I used to always draw with pen, now that I got an Ipad I feel like I should use it for drawing.

>> No.3127788
File: 576 KB, 1099x629, observetheinclinationoftheangles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, no pentab so only ms paint line work lol.
the head on the ref is straight (untilted); while yours is tilted.

you made her left arm not straight; while ref is straightened. this tendency to do this is mostly caused by the protruding muscle; but you must learn to see the bones (AKA the stick).

for the other arm, the inclination is 90 degrees; while you did something around 70-80 degrees.

also the clothes falling down should be straight is

legs are pretty gud.

door is, well u can see.

good luck and keep practicing!!!!!!!!! look up for the angle inclinations ^_^

>> No.3127806
File: 2.07 MB, 1393x1752, floatinglegsandribcage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fig draw is lacking but the rib cage feels a bit too protruded for me.

not too sure about the following advice (i fucking suck at drawing pelvis area--didn't study that enough) but based on my eyes his/her legs are kind of "floating"? I meant to say that while the anatomy doesn't look wrong (Well it's unfinished), try to aim for a pose that looks "comfy".

again i'm just a fellow beg trying to help so please take my words with a grain of saltz.

>> No.3127808

well is that made on the i-pad?

there isn't much difference from drawing on a onscreen tab and pen and paper imo. I still like pen and paper better 'cause it limits my margin of errors (too lazy to erase :p)

>> No.3127810

there's no point in doing this unless you're going to make a background or other characters. grid are only so useful if you want to be accurate to the max, and most importantly, for industrial design.

really, the basic perspective lines will suffice for figure drawings.

>> No.3127834
File: 400 KB, 1368x760, isuckattheheadXD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i gave it a try. i'm still having a hard time undertstanding how to construct a head in that perspective... having refs with lotsa hair isn't the best.

>> No.3127956


the best advice i have seen/gotten is approach digital as if i were painting

watch some good digital speed paintings to see process and you can kind of figure out best approach

there's a lot of different ways to use digital! go nuts try everything

>> No.3127961


the size and proportions all look ok ish, it looks like you need to figure out how foreshortening works, for example the womans right hand, on our left looks like you tried drawing it pointing downwards, beneath the floor; whereas it should be in parallel to the floor

for foreshortening it's vital to get the shape of the form (arm) right because any small mistake in perspective/foreshort is really obvious

fuck it i'll redline some

>> No.3128010
File: 143 KB, 1368x760, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm definitely no expert man, but this is my take on what the perspective of each forearm should have been

i have no knowledge of anatomy (real basics) but all i'm doing is looking for/feeling the 3D shape as i draw the boxes and cylinders

>> No.3128486

would you guys give me a progress evaluation?

>> No.3128744 [DELETED] 
File: 393 KB, 569x887, jFvVv8A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any kind of trick to placing the eyes and nose well? Or should I just keep trying to draw from reference?

>> No.3129066

that's one CRAZY doggo!

>> No.3129164


just post mayn! or post in progress thread