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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 634 KB, 550x1492, the truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3123712 No.3123712 [Reply] [Original]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.3123714

>abloo bloo bloo!

>> No.3123720

...I mean...they're not wrong.

Poor Dobby

>> No.3123725

He means every artists has these thoughts and that by bringing awareness hopefully toxic people will stop.

>> No.3123726

a garbage comic dedicated to appealing to the crybaby depression meme demographic

gotta hand it to him, he knows how to get views

>> No.3123734

Post work you fucking weeaboo moralfag austist
Fuck you

>> No.3123749

That low self esteem seems like depression. Has he ever try to talk to a professional about it?

>> No.3123807

why the fuck do you guys worry about the mundane shit terrible artists say like who cares let him kill himself

>> No.3123809
File: 1.58 MB, 1250x5136, dobpat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he still earns more than any of you

>> No.3123816

>simple thing like hands

>> No.3123844

I used to think he was indeed depressed but at this point I just believe he's playing it for attention

>> No.3123857

He now earns less then 50$ a month, so no, he's not earning more than me. Just a little more over an average DA commission.

After reading your post, though, I think he has some serious mental issues. He shouldn't attempt making art in that state. He's delusional and falling into worse and worse distrust because he can't get his life together. Probably doesn't even have a good education. I know too many people who were going in the same direction, but in the end no one can help them and it's them that have to do something about it or be an utter failure in life. It's a scary that nowadays being depressed is so common.

I don't think he deserves the mockery, but at the same time he is complacent with his mental illness, so I have no compassion for him.

>> No.3123875

>now earns less then 50$ a month
what the fuck happened


he's honestly not even that bad an artist

>> No.3123888

>that channel
>he's tried to hop onto every fad (though years too late) and has failed miserably, surprising no one.

That poor, poor man.

>> No.3123897

man, his patreon goals are so random and stupid. Really a case study of what not to do when starting a patreon.

>> No.3123899

his whole life is a case study of what not to do as an artist. I recommend the skyrim bullying video on internet harassment, you really get an insight into how flabby his mind/will is. I can't even hate him, he's like Jerry from R&M, although pathetic he's only seeking basic human wants like affection and acceptance.

>> No.3124087
File: 6 KB, 249x242, 1500174735415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have never in my life not drawn because people might not like it, I cannot imagine being so sensitive as to stop doing something I enjoy for a bit of online hatred.

In fact, I think I would love a bit of hate. Makes for great banter comebacks.
Then again, I am not a low Test liberal.

>> No.3124105

I've realized that the common tendency in all the depressed people I know is that they're egocentric, just like this fag who had to insert himself into his comics

>> No.3124158

He's so caught up in what other people think of him that he's utterly reliant on feedback to make himself feel good about what he does. He does not do art for himself, not because he has a drive to do art, but because he desires to be cool and popular.
The flip side is that the constant negative stream he receives is completely his fault. He continues to this day to be an opinionated asshole, a band-wagon jumper, and a generally shallow, stubborn, petty, and all around negative person.
Probably not. He doesn't really listen to people.
As you can see here, it's not about the art. It was about the money. The validation.
>Probably doesn't even have a good education.
He has a BFA from MCAD.

He honestly wouldn't get mocked so much if he would just stop talking shit all the time. It what got him all the negative attention in the first place and he's never stopped.

>> No.3124180
File: 53 KB, 207x185, NGMI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3124188

So how does Dobson actually survive these days if he makes 50 bucks a month on Patreon? He doesn't post on DA anymore either, which was the only place where he had a big audience, so it's safe to assume most of his commission money has dried up as well.

>> No.3124209

Figure he must work a day job, but I can't imagine he does and doesn't complain about it on his twitter, so I have no idea.

>> No.3124212

Ah, yeah he's been mum about that. He mentions working in his patreon video but doesn't say where.

>> No.3124242

In all honestly he really should kill himself.

>> No.3124247

>skyrim bullying video on internet harassment
Where's that, how's it called?

>> No.3124257

He'll yeah I'm the same way. Btw your art fucking sucks fag

>> No.3124259

Your ouevre stinks, you're a hack and a fraud.

>> No.3124261
File: 118 KB, 503x495, Bnnaner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, really? My, I don't suppose you'll be willing to post your work.

>> No.3124266

think I found it:

>> No.3125680

> in 2017

>> No.3125752

>you dont deserve to be where you are
kicked out of deviant art making 60 bucks a month on patreon?

>> No.3125800

>he's honestly not even that bad an artist
i hope you're joking

>> No.3125823

he's got some technical skill left, but for the most part his art sucks

his use of colors makes me sick, he doesn't seem to know much about anatomy or perspective, and I don't really remember anything actually good from him involving light and tone, so that's all 4 basic tenants of graphic art

adding onto that, the bastard way overuses copy and paste and tracing when he doesn't need to. if he were still doing his old schedule where he output a 1-3 comic page every day, it could be excusable, but he doesn't so it's not

>> No.3125829
File: 146 KB, 1400x1246, 1454034571737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>earns less then 50$ a month
>years of attention whoring and being a cow for shits and giggles
>meanwhile someone from Malaysia took less than a year to shill on /pol/ to make close to or even more than what Dobson could.

Feel bad for ol' Dobby. Fug.

>> No.3125877

>Guaranteed 1 page comic per week
>To guarantee something you ought to be doing

>> No.3125894
File: 34 KB, 588x389, yootoob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the comments on his videos are savage

>> No.3125979

damn he went for all of dobby's sore spots

>> No.3127533

the guy taht wrote that needs help too

>> No.3127668

he's got so many options. why doesnt he just git gud and fucking change his content for the better? it's not at all like he's incapable. he just wants to be complimented into doing it instead of shamed into doing it. he cares far too much about what others think. I feel bad for him, but at the same time only he can help himself. He should feel happy about that.

>> No.3127677

>letting other people define him
>not defining himself and letting his work be that reflection
>giving up

>> No.3127692

tipical case of someone with no creativity or love for drawing who never grew out of thinking disney was the coolest thing ever and didnt want to be an artist, he just wanted to be cool and have friends

>> No.3127719

he still unironically is better than half of /ic/

>> No.3127729

Wow, this is honestly really sad.
Why did he ever get popular in the first place is everyone hated his work?
I wish they would leave him alone, he's not a mean or terrible person it seems.

>> No.3127732

>he's not a mean or terrible person it seems.
You haven't seen him at his prime. He's only so broken and timid now because he's been beaten this way by people with sense. He was a narcissistic holier-than-thou pseudointellectual who constantly displayed his ugly passive aggressive nature through his comics (the incessant strawmanning, shitting on his old school "bullies", etc).

Anyone have the deviantart post of how he threw a tantrum at his in-laws because of some utterly inane reason (he's not married anymore)? Or the wall of text rationalizations on why he's better than everyone else?

>> No.3127755

He's probably not a terrible person in the holistic sense i.e. I don't think he's robbed or killed anybody but:

>he's a raging SJW
>he has a bizarre sexual fetish that everyone knows about

and most importantly:

>he is an incredibly thin-skinned "lolcow" who will respond to a paragraph-long slight with a chapter's worth of a "rebuttal".

If you're stupid enough to engage with and feed trolls or lash out at genuine, sincere and otherwise polite critics of your work you have only yourself to blame.

>> No.3127801

considering he had 50000 watchers on DA, he didn't even need to git gud, clearly he had a huge audience before and he could have been one of those prime examples of shitty artists that make tons of money on Patreon. No idea how he managed to piss that kind of popularity away to the point where he now makes 50 bucks a month.

>> No.3127837

>raging SJW

he's not though, he's just pandering
that's a part of what lead to his downfall

>> No.3127869

I don't think he was ever famous as much as he was infamous. He started by posting strawman comics and ranting and raving at people, and it drew him tons of negative attention.
>he's not a mean or terrible person it seems.
He's a pretty terrible person. He's very, very shallow, and incredibly self centered. To say nothing of his passive-aggressive antics and bandwagon jumping.

That said, at this point people harass him just to harass him and it's some weak shit.
He's still got a good amount of the narcissistic holier-than-thou psuedointellectual shit going on.
He's not even genuinely an SJW, he's just doing to in the vain hopes that someone will like him/so he can claim moral superiority.

As for his fetish, that was literally ten years ago. Bringing it up like it has relevance is like me bringing up that time you pissed your bed as a child.
Most of those watchers where not watching him because they liked his art, I think.

>> No.3127896

>He's still got a good amount of the narcissistic holier-than-thou psuedointellectual shit going on.
At this point I think it's deeply ingrained in his personality. He's just a lot more quiet on social media now (and artistically) so we're not exposed to as much of it anymore. Social pressure is a wonderful thing, weeding out undesirable character traits. If anything bullying should be encouraged, you either toughen up or fuck off.

>> No.3128655
File: 425 KB, 389x621, andrew loli snatcher dobson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just don't understand the master of transgressive pop culture fan adaptation

>> No.3128909

Anyone that picks on Dobson is a cyber-bully.

>> No.3129279

You know, people get on him about his inflation fetish but he still fetishizes lesbians like this and it's way way way fuckin' creepier.

>> No.3129585

holy fuck ive only heard horror stories about his skyrim-on-a-mac

>> No.3129631
File: 19 KB, 139x297, 1503002989932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simple things like hands and arms

>> No.3129632

He Is gonna kill himself finally?

>> No.3130590

Both Dobson and this guy need therapy.

>> No.3130591

Finally getting some self-awareness.

>> No.3130595

>fetishizes lesbians
Oh fuck off you fucking cuck
Fucking dykes already fetyshize their sexual preferences as much as one can, just go ahead and see any of those fucked up lgbt parades

Also what single man wouldnt want to hook up with 2 girls, are you a fag on top?

>> No.3130631

I wanna see that shit as much as anyone but I have the fucking decency not to drool over it while pretending to be some fucking paragon of morals

>> No.3130658

Dobson is insecure as fuck, your point?
Finding women hot isnt creepy regardless of who says that, stop being a fucking retard
Even a priest saying he likes women dosnt make him a creep, it makes him a fucking human

>> No.3130705

sounds like your average /ic/ poster

>> No.3130727
File: 77 KB, 750x549, therap_ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You can't even draw simple things, like hands

Honestly he sounds mental even for our regular denizens.

>> No.3131129

Dude. You're the one being retarded. I never said anything was creepy about finding women hot.

It's not that he finds it hot that's creepy, it's HOW he expresses it. Holy shit man, get some fucking social awareness, jesus christ.

>> No.3132687

heard he came to /ic/ too. anyone got any caps or memory?

>> No.3133041

Yeah, he came for one thread and never came back. A lot of the thread was people ragging on him, but he got some good critique and for a brief second there was hope that he would turn around and change his ways.

Obvious that didn't happen.

>> No.3133427

He knows he's shit but doesn't want to practice.

>> No.3133432

Imagine being so shit that the king of Thailand comes to roast you.

>> No.3133699

deleted his deviantart

>> No.3135280

he deleted the youtube vid linked in here aswell.

we can affirm that Dobson is a d/ic/k

Bodson, i've got a special personal message for you.
1. Do the sticky. It is not a meme. You need it. You'll be glad you did it.
2.Stop trying too hard. Relax.
3. Draw daily.
4.Create a new online username. New persona. Start fresh. And focus above all else- on making stuff that's enjoyable to read, every word, every panel. Don't think about popularity.

>> No.3135288

>vid's gone
oh my fuck, dobby get in here, why did you delete the video when it's one of your highest viewed videos?

what are your plans from here on out as an artist?

>> No.3135293

Probably trying to start fresh. Dobson I want you to know I'm lurking DA, pinterest, instagram, and all the various art related social media platforms. I've been laughing at the trash you call art for the past few years, following your trainwreck of a life, so I'm very familiar with your posting/art style. I'm going to watch all the platforms like a hawk and root out your new persona to expose you as the mumbling balloon fetishist you are yet again, CattyN. You can't run you doughy passive aggressive cuck.

>> No.3135300

Why did he delete it now? After years of abuse from /v/, /co/ and other places with 100 times the traffic /ic/ gets, this tiny thread is what pushed him over the edge?

>> No.3135322

lmao fucking gold. Give him a chance though. All people are capable of change. Maybe he'll better his art and comedy from here on out.
I think so. Straw that broke the camel's back or whatever. I hope Dobby's doing this so start from square one- FOR REAL THIS TIME<- and not because he's gonna blow his little blue bear brains out.

>> No.3135330
File: 13 KB, 559x76, shitbear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O shit we been caught

>> No.3135337

yo this guys a pussy, he may make more then me in art wise but come the fuck on....
but i feel bad for the guy in a way but he's been drawing same shit for 10 years with no development in his skills.
i can see why he deserves getting all this hate, maybe he should just quit art :/

>> No.3135338

Im dobsons gf. Can u no life's fuck off?

>> No.3135339


>> No.3135342

>he's browsing /ic/ right now
lmao at least we know he's trying to get better

>> No.3135351


Telling people to stop only makes it worse, mate! I don't mean this threateningly, but as how stuff usually goes.


But is he taking the advice to heart and actually practicing with us? I feel like the only reason people are giving him shit about being on the board is because he's not utilizing it.

>> No.3135353

like nigga just close your eyes lmao just walk away

>> No.3135360

Half of you faggots who are giving him shit are just as mediocre if not worse than dobson. The fact that you give him so much shit for not improving says more about you than him. If you were a successful artist who was actually doing shit, you wouldn't be making shitty threads and actually be drawing. Fuck off

>> No.3135366

I'm actually lurking this thread while thinking about the same scenario happening to me. I'm a big talentless faggot who's way insecure and I think the only difference (besides not having a terrible fetish) is that I never tweeted victim shit. But to think I was such a thin layer of activity away from becoming another Dobson is horrifying.

>> No.3135391

There are quite literally hundreds of thousands of worse artists on the internet than Dobson and no one messes with them on any significant level.Just don't draw politically polarizing or antagonizing comics and don't use Twitter for any non-art related rants and you're 99% good. Then all you need to do is make sure you never write a 1000 word essay on why someone's critique of your art is wrong and you got the last 1% covered.

>> No.3135392


Literally just post art and nothing else on the internet under your artist handle and you should be good.

>> No.3135394

if you have the self awareness to understand that then you will never be dobson. people don't hate him for his art or his twitter, but his essence. whatever made him this way dealt some real damage to his psyche, he's an emotionally stunted fucked up manchild.

>> No.3135558
File: 12 KB, 257x196, spurd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically correct because you use your hands for typing lmao.

>> No.3135642

Nice bait. On the really, really, really off chance that you ARE dobson's GF, the best thing you could do right now is comfort him instead of defending him against online bullies. That's giving the bullies ammunition against both him and yourself. I hope my messages can reach Dobson. he's not a particularly bad guy or anything. just "not good enough for fame" in the eyes of IC. Nonetheless, i believe he should strive to be more.

I'm this anon btw
In case you're curious.

>> No.3135675

Also i'd like to say that i don't know Dobson personally or anything. The only thing i know about him is what i've seen in this thread.

>> No.3135743

I'm back, and i've read up a lot more on Domsen. My opinion of him hasn't changed by a whole lot, neither has my advice.

Dobby. if you're reading this, go through the sticky. Make a new online persona. Experiment with some different styles. And please, please, please accept that you are /beg/ tier. There is no shame in that. I wish you the best.

>> No.3135755
File: 220 KB, 1242x1468, da13fff00cec587f3b831003e9e8cc6260fa92eb909fe95f4c5f9000ca4316db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wishing a fat manchild the best after he said shit like this recently

>> No.3135772
File: 131 KB, 640x900, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, if only Trump would have signed the climate accord and signed billions of taxpayer dollars to "fighting climate change" in developed countries like India and China a couple months ago we wouldn't have hurricanes

These people are creationist-tier superstitious niggers.

>> No.3135789

I'd not seen this. People who deny climate change don't deserve to have their homes destroyed by climate change. I believe people who attempt to misinform others on a large scale that climate change is not a problem or is not real, even THEY do not deserve to have their homes ripped from them. They deserve to be given an education.

I guess I do still wish dobson the best. i mean i certainly don't wish for his home to be destroyed. But i do hope that he starts showing an interest in educating himself. Dobson seems to have a terrible habit of not knowing what he's talking about, and speaking before thinking. I'm sure (I hope at least) that Dobson doesn't really believe what he says in this tweet, and that he's just being really rash and not thinking before talking.

>> No.3135790

I really, genuinely hope Dobson's lurking in this thread. I know he's shut down some people for trying to help him before but i'm being as nice as i possibly can.

>> No.3135791
File: 467 KB, 912x1540, 1390081656710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not a particularly bad guy or anything.
Again, he is. He is a bad person. Not in the "murders people" sense but in the "entitled amoral self-centered narcissistic jackass" sense. He didn't become infamous because of his art, he became infamous because of horseshit like pic related. He is a small, small man with delusions of grandeur and tendency to hold grudges, as seen here >>3135755
I don't wish ill on Dobson, but he can't keep being an asshole like this an NOT expect it back. This man needs to WAKE THE FUCK UP if he wants to stop getting assaulted with shit every time he opens his dumb gob.

>> No.3135803

god dobson, learn to talk stuff out and choose your words carefully. I mean i still don't think this makes him a BAD PERSON but like, i guess he's not a GOOD PERSON. he's just very, very flawed. You make a good point though, he does need to wake up. Like his flaws aren't a deep rooted hate for black people or something. His flaws are things that he could fix in the span of weeks or months, if he simply applied himself. It's like he's waiting for a magic motivation fairy to grant him with the ability to change (that is, if he has even accepted yet as to whether or not his behavior needs to change)

Also to touch on the christmas thing.
-dobby's an idiot for getting bummed about not doing christmas.
-doober's GF is an idiot for getting offended by his bummed christmas drawing. she should have just stayed quiet and tried something new to make him feel welcome, instead of shaming him.
-Dursley's an idiot for not trying to cool the situation down and apologize and explain his feelings in great detail.
-Dolby's an idiot for going behind her back on DA to complain about it. complain about it to your GIRLFRIEND. not to internet strangers.

Those last few things were just my opinion though.

>> No.3135838


Just found this video. Not a bad rundown. I recommend Dobby watch it.

>> No.3135842
File: 1.14 MB, 400x225, 1463731869630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wishing anyone to die a brutal death ever just for an opinion

>> No.3135870

>if he simply applied himself.
His number one flaw is that he doesn't.
>It's like he's waiting for a magic motivation fairy to grant him with the ability to change
No, he doesn't want to change. Despite all of the benefits that would bring, it would also mean taking a good, long, hard, honest look at himself and his ego just can't handle that.

>> No.3135871

depression can make a person self centred. it's probably had an adverse effect on the guy. i'd imagine at this point he just desires a reaction, hence the dumb shit on twitter

if i was a jew and my bf sulked all day from an innocuous comment i made then went to the effort of drawing a political cartoon that implied his religion was better than mine, i'd be pretty peeved. just a a lack of communication.

>> No.3135924
File: 90 KB, 420x493, bill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hillary won in Houston by 160,000+ votes, Obama only won it by 970
>Harris County only 32% white
>Miami and the counties around it voted overwhelmingly Democrat
>Fucking Trump supporters, this is what you get! Karma!

Do you think he realizes that the people getting their homes destroyed are mostly poor black or hispanic Democrat voters? Only looking at the states instead of the counties is what lost them the election in the first place, you'd think people would learn.

>> No.3135937
File: 103 KB, 321x450, 54235l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he really is just like shadman. just the opposite.

>> No.3135951

Who the fuck drew that trend line in the second graph?

>> No.3136079

>this guy actually read his long term comics like alex ze pirate
gotta hand it to him, he really put work into this video. solid

>> No.3136112

>Like his flaws aren't a deep rooted hate for black people or something.
What the fuck? That's not a flaw. That's a necessary character trait in order to be a good person.

>> No.3136267

Well, whoever was wondering why Dobson gets all the shit he gets, this is pretty much the answer. Who fucking mocks victims of a natural disaster for who they voted for in a democratic election?

>> No.3136468
File: 15 KB, 540x145, C4-IpjsVUAAyROK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good to see that andrew dobson is still a terrible fucking person

>> No.3136487

Got banned from his twitter. Not for posting a single word, but a single gif.


>> No.3136503

what gif? remember guys, Dobby himself said he has a one strike rule - ANY negativity and you're out.

how did he ever find a gf

>> No.3136512
File: 889 KB, 352x240, IWIYI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gif related to his statement on him bitching about Inktober.

>> No.3136679

Andrew... for fuck's sake... it's not elitism... it's having regular standards. Most people want a game to run at 60 FPS before getting any fancy lens flares or shaders. Smoothness > Graphical detail.

I say we show Abloo Dobson how easy it is to make a blue bear comic and make it interesting. I'm sure it can't be that hard. Let's start making blue bear comics, in this very thread even. Everyone contributes a panel or two, and we start tweeting it to him.

>> No.3136687

>I bought a terrible computer so you should stop complaining
Wait, what's his beef with inktober?
You first

>> No.3136707

People have made great blue bear comics in the past. There were several by several different artists that were quite good, if anyone has them please post? There was one about pineapples, a series of alter ego blue bear, the others aren't coming to mind.

>> No.3136710
File: 1.09 MB, 1178x1038, %22Medium Snobbery%22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3136714
File: 67 KB, 1118x158, Improvement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3136715



>> No.3136718
File: 149 KB, 1110x430, Doesn&#039;t understand the point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a saying I have heard. In which mediocre people for all of their mediocrity (they are self aware of it on some level) need drama to keep themselves preoccupied from the notion that they are mediocre.

>> No.3136723

Like holy shit, 1 it's not snobbery unless you're using like Old Holland oil paint on a traditional gesso ground on a canvas you stretched yourself or something, it's using the right fucking tool for the job

2 What the holy fuck does that have to do with inktober, you can use a goddamn ballpoint on copy paper you fucking skinflint

Christ Dobson's a fucking moron
He said, even as he already proved not actively working on improving your art will cause you to backslide.
>I'll tell you what your thing is about

>> No.3136739

I thought inktober was just about inking

>colors off
>trad only
>final destination

>> No.3136750
File: 448 KB, 628x954, blue bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3136761

The balance between the kind of criticism you get on Deviantart and Tumblr, where you can draw like a complete faggot and everyone will encourage to still draw like shit, and between /ic/ where no matter how you attempt to approach it you'll be constantly reminded by random anonymous faggots that you're not good enough and that everything you do is wrong (by some generic standard set by this board).

It's hard to draw something, think it's pretty cool, and then post it here to see how everyone picks apart your work and NGMI's you to oblivion, but it's a whole lot better than being forced to mediocrity by not getting any negative feedback, thus not being given enough of a reason to even improve.

The drive behind every artists is to think that "my work is shit - I need to improve", which is why almost all artists share this feeling of perpetual depression, where "you're not good enough".

The catch is to know when you're being criticized out of malice or ignorance, and when you're being criticized out of a genuine knowledge and ability to improve.

Taking criticism is not a cakewalk, in the end.

>> No.3136769

>where you can draw like a complete faggot and everyone will encourage to still draw like shit,
You say that but Dobson got driven out of both of those communities.

>> No.3136772

Well it was less about hit art and more about his attitude. Being a faggot is a universal standard.

>> No.3136775

Agreed. Act like a dick don't be surprised when people return the favour.

Plus he has been given plenty of room to apologize and correct his errors.

>> No.3136836

The way Dobson uses his twitter, it's really no surprise his Patreon is completely dead. Nothing but retweets of anti-Trump shit and Nintendo / video game stuff. I haven't come across even one of his own drawings so far, other than that year old comic he posted in response to inktober.

>> No.3136843

one of these days he's going to kill himself and it's going to be on all of you

>> No.3136849

It's going to be our fault he constantly starts fights and is in general a negative, opinionated asshole?

All he has to do is stop talking. That's it.

>> No.3136890

this guy cares way too much about shit that doesn't impact him and he shouldn't take personally

like being his usual self is fine so long as he picks the 'right' target

>> No.3136899

but why does he even need a target to lash out to. afraid that wasn't well phrased

>> No.3136904

Because he's woefully insecure and wants to drag people down to make himself feel better.

I'm sure he would give some other reason, but that's what it really is.

>> No.3136939

does he even understand the nature of the complaints?
what the fuck does he mean by "special blue lined paper"???
does he mean school-lined paper that's blue??

just use fucking paper that's thick enough to ink yourself, faggot

>> No.3137009

i think he means pre-inked page done in animator's blue pencils, which can easily be removed digitally via photoshop channels

>> No.3137087

I have used them and they are quite handy. It just sounds like more complaining about the tools on Dobson's part. Just him being a whiny bitch.

>> No.3137111

There's paper with bleed lines and measurement markers on the sides in non-photo blue so it doesn't show up when scanned. It's super fucking handy and a bit cheaper than bristol(I got 40 pages for $14, vs 12 bristol pages for a similar price).

>> No.3137206

That's not a trend line. My guess it that it is a measure of something else tying the two plots together that has been left out.

>> No.3138607
File: 93 KB, 1761x435, pandering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know this story

>> No.3138609

Wouldn't blame him. /ic/ had just as high of a standard back then too.

>> No.3138622
File: 18 KB, 320x320, 1484609836808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /ic/ have a hateboner for Dobby again? He seems like a solid dude that isn't afraid to voice his opinions on a matter.

>> No.3138623

This comic is just screams "I'm intimidated by anything but the things I am comfortable with" and it's kinda sad he still has this attitude SEVEN (7) years later and posts about it with as little self-awareness now as he did back then.

>> No.3138625

>why do unnoticed talentless anonymous people have envy for a successful talentless artist who gets to say whatever they want

>> No.3138627

>trying to revive the thread so you can continue to hate dobby
Not bad, but no one in the world would have that opinion of him. Not even someone who likes him.

>> No.3138636
File: 420 KB, 504x664, 1497581841060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to revive the thread so you can continue to hate dobby

Seriously though, it's like you enjoy the anger from his audacity and impudence.

>> No.3138638

>How do I write stories or make art when I can't feel anything myself
Read a book. Watch a movie. Go outside. Turn off your computer. Clean your room. Stop going on Twitter. Do something.

>> No.3138640

You like completely missed the second part of the tweet.

>> No.3138657

Epic ween! XD

>> No.3138665


>> No.3138700

>makes 50 bucks on Patreon
>has no online presence whatsoever anymore
>doesn't even post his art online anymore and if he does, no one cares

Your definition of success is quite strange anon.

>> No.3138860

Part of it is because he parades his opinions around like objective facts, along with a whole big heaping of unwarranted self importance.
I don't even think it's that, he has a BFA and they make you use high end materials if they're worth even a glance. He's probably familiar with better materials, I think he deliberately eschews them because he's got some weird "anti-elitism" idea about the whole thing. He thinks he's edgy and cool by using the cheapest materials, but he's really just hamstringing his already limited ability.
I like how it's a potential loss of a few bucks that inspires such despair from him. Like, probably no one really noticed because people who were gonna back him did so anyways and people who weren't would have found his shit through other means, but he's all fucking existential about it.

He lost hope because he MIGHT have lost a few dollars.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.3138877

The hatred would be more justified if he were actually successful. Instead he's just some annoying guy with a Twitter profile. Let's leave him be.

>> No.3138880

>147 posts trying to figure out what Dobson meant by his comic
it's literally about developing thick skin and filtering out the critique.

>> No.3138886

But it's not, he's never done or believed that.

>> No.3138888

Nice dublos but
This guy's a fag, he deserves it.

>> No.3138889
File: 117 KB, 816x816, 023 - w65IPuj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3138894

dobby is cursed

>> No.3138896

I guess the lesson is
>don't be obnoxious on the internet
>if you really have to, make sure you don't draw your shitty fetish

>> No.3138899
File: 47 KB, 544x499, 1496417083247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This guy's a fag, he deserves it.

>> No.3138901
File: 42 KB, 856x482, image-w856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to defend him but quads don't lie.
I stand corrected.

>> No.3138914

To think we thought he learned to grow some skin when he came here one day.

>> No.3139340

FP does only music and voice work I think. and the art for his music is commissioned

>> No.3139344

thought he was making fun kf both sides here. both snobby pretenious "it's all about the tools" shits and naiive novice "tools? what tools?" shits

>> No.3139360

>doesn't even post his art online anymore and if he does, no one cares
what's he doing these days then?

ngl this is how I feel most days, instead with hating myself rather than other people hating me

depression and artistry do go hand in hand for some reason now that I think about it.

>> No.3139372

I still found it amusing that he ended up on CNN or some shit

>> No.3139376


>> No.3139379

>what's he doing these days then?
Bitching about things on twitter.
>depression and artistry do go hand in hand
Nah that's comedy. I've met more optimistic artists than depressed(at least IRL).

>> No.3139380

You're thinking of Chris-chan aren't you?

>> No.3139507

I don't think you're thinking of the right guy. If you are, link us?
Strong emotion and artistry go hand in hand i believe. you can imbue your art with more than just sad feelings.

>> No.3139526

They're right.

>> No.3140166

i wonder how that varies by type of art. if animation has more or less depressed people/crazies than concept art and so on

>> No.3140188

The point isn't "only lesbians can fetishsize lesbians". The point is how Dobbles will portray the art he does as "empowering" instead of calling it what it is; just liking lesbians a lot.

>> No.3140196


>nobody like you

Thats is my life.

>> No.3140219

it's time to make a change

>> No.3141164


Oh, is Dobson really reading this thread?

Dobson, if you took time to improve your art instead pandering to indentity politics and crying about Trump (and basically living on twitter 24/7), you would be miles better than what you are as of now.

Turn off you goddamn Twitter and go draw for fucks sake.

I'm saying this as someone who also had genuine criticism for your work 7-8 years ago, but alas you blocked me back then. I'm also genuine this time.

Re-evalueate your life choices, but you can only do that if you're not constantly seeking out shit that would upset you. Turn off your internet for once and think about it.

>> No.3141889

What did you say that made him block you?

>> No.3141905

Andrew actually sounds like a pleasant person:


>> No.3141908


Doesn't he work in the industry? Thought he did storyboarding and what not.

>> No.3141921
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>> No.3141924
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>> No.3141931
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>> No.3141936
File: 1.37 MB, 650x3260, 1387954527486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3141937
File: 600 KB, 772x1158, 1395941561612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3141938
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>> No.3141939
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>> No.3141941
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>> No.3141944
File: 586 KB, 1220x2268, 1476374245443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3141946
File: 425 KB, 620x870, 1379621376852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil Tom Preston

>> No.3141947
File: 616 KB, 800x970, 1379545216220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3141953


>> No.3141964
File: 190 KB, 984x812, evil_tom_preston___funnys_by_eviltomp-d6mp0kk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3141965
File: 149 KB, 800x623, so_youre_a_cartoonist___jokes_by_tompreston-d36vj26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3141968
File: 1.03 MB, 850x3044, Dobson_Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3141969

>implying he is being tied down by corporate interests

>> No.3141971

>that nosedive from 2000 to 2001

He never recovered.

>> No.3141987

nice b8, m80
this sums up why he's such an awful artist
shame. his art sucked in '01 but actually improved like around '04-'06

>> No.3141996

these are actually really cute and comfy

>collaborating with talented youtubers

is...is that his OC hugging edward scissorhands?

>> No.3142012
File: 58 KB, 273x448, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such childish drawings. looks like something a girl in middle school would draw after reading a bunch of chris hart books

>> No.3142019

I still don't understand how he fucked this one up so badly, she's not even remotely dark skinned in the original

>> No.3142041

god fucking damnit. everyone give this a read. i almost cried. saving this image. please dobson, for the love of god, read this comic and understand that not everyone who's critical of you wants to hurt you. some of us just wanna see you blossom.

>> No.3142069

>Child Tom Preston still has a beard
fucking kek

>> No.3142087


>> No.3142118
File: 54 KB, 186x281, pol embraces the conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3142345

>that final pun
>that cute bear
love it

>> No.3142426

yep, it is

>> No.3142545

>age 23: I started trying to improve sometimes
>age 26: still trying a bit every now and then
>age 28: I gave up
Did Dobbie go to the art school at 23 by any chance?

>> No.3142573

already into digital art in 2000. not many people can say that. this guy could have been Ruan Jia by now

>> No.3142584

>some of us just wanna see you blossom.

Why? Seriously why is everyone on this thread so autistically obsessed with him?

>> No.3142727

his digital art was ass-backwards from the start
>makes the computer turn his pencil into the lineart
>flats on the same layer as the lineart
>uses photoshop effects like crazy
>shades with gray
>copy-pasting everywhere

>> No.3142916
File: 23 KB, 317x473, c882f28412d4cf41d3d532b82ef1b83f--disney-jasmine-disney-princesses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he might have reffed it from the disney princess line clipart, those are notoriously lighter/brighter than the original movies

>> No.3143044

Kek. This is the first Dobson thread we've had in like a year or so and after 15 days it still hasn't even come close to hit bump limit. Yeah, we sure are obsessed with him.

Dobby is one of the oldest lolcows on the internet and people are just having a nostalgic chuckle.

>> No.3143051


I am PRETTY sure he makes comics for companies i.e. more successful than the losers on this thread. His patreon is a supplement. Other than that he isnt nearly popular enough to justify this level of witch hunt

>> No.3143081

What "witch hunt" are you talking about exactly?

>> No.3143082

Dobby are you lurking?

>> No.3143217

Would be interested in knowing who is hiring him to draw.

>> No.3143222

Pic related for instance.

>> No.3143300
File: 226 KB, 1200x899, 1497905587142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3143329

I chuckled a little when I saw the ipad with a picture of fruits in it. This is fake, right?

>> No.3143336

is he actually 5ft?
also i've never heard of a male with so much non-fetish interest in lesbians.

>> No.3143361

Wait, when?
Holy shit.

>> No.3143366

Seems like he's just being childish instead of evil or genuinely bad. No need to blown this out of proportion, you faggot.

>> No.3143387

It was quite a while ago. He drew the Big Ben IIRC, which he had previously traced.

>> No.3143413


Why does this person choose to be so terrible?
This is well beyond anything reasonable someone could say.

>> No.3143447

Because it's YouTube and that person's intend is probably to be funny. This reads more like a parody or pasta than anything. Not even Dobson could take this serious.

If you really want to hurt him, you have to be a bit more subtle and clever about it. Don't play in his hands by being exactly how he portrays 'haters', this will make it easier for him to brush it off. You have to hit where it hurts. Just select a weakness a time. Additional points for pretending to be interested in him as a mentor, just to innocently ask questions, like if it is normal to improve this slowly or why is it that he can't live from his illustrations after all those years. Also bonus points for making people he trusts talk behind his back, recording it, and sending it to him. Or just be really mean and make fun of him at his booth at conventions.

But who'd go outta his way to kick someone who is already miserable? There is no fun in playing with a broken toy.

>> No.3143465


Posts like this remind me where I am. Think I need a break from /ic/ for a while.

To add though, I still think it's brutal. The hate was more than typical, it was very absolute and to the point, with some measure of effort put into it as well. It's malicious because it seems that the poster was going out of their way to hurt Dobson, not just leaving some random shitpost.

I think when you get to the point where you're actively trying to damage someone with no intention of helping them or anyone you really need to rethink your mentality.

Also I really love bait, yum yum.

>> No.3143467
File: 1.07 MB, 453x350, 1396279776005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3143469
File: 2.61 MB, 509x305, 1448343568062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3143471
File: 3.77 MB, 3523x1243, 1457930609021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3143473
File: 161 KB, 550x1504, 1449857910689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3143475
File: 7 KB, 110x103, citation needed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am PRETTY sure he makes comics for companies

>> No.3143477

It was just after Kazerad got on his case on DA(which has turned out to be kinda ironic since Kazerad took a bunch of money from supporters and fucking vanished, and Prequel hasn't updated in over a fucking year).

>> No.3143485
File: 915 KB, 1080x1920, 1444354185576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Context: Zelda's father, Robin Williams (the actor), had just recently committed suicide

>> No.3143486
File: 46 KB, 530x252, 1460734610838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow-up from Dobson after backlash

>> No.3143489
File: 166 KB, 1063x752, 1485609121009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3143493

Dobson is based and even more based as he redeems himself by apologizing. Nice.

>> No.3143499
File: 297 KB, 922x1382, 1381441917261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3143502
File: 652 KB, 550x1144, 1445224933090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3143504
File: 146 KB, 600x441, 1444411420581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3143505
File: 233 KB, 550x752, 1445225088634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3143516

What is this source of this comic, amazing stuff.

>> No.3143524

i don't know. he's a fellow artist, i guess?

>> No.3143527

The original page is from Scott McCloud's Making Comics

>> No.3143535
File: 1.70 MB, 964x1382, 1798276153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics"

>> No.3143540

Well fuck me, I thought it was the other one.

>> No.3143546

it was the 1 year anniversary of his suicide
doesn't make him any less of an arse, though

>> No.3143550

I presume there's no link then?

>> No.3143796

>I think when you get to the point where you're actively trying to damage someone with no intention of helping them or anyone you really need to rethink your mentality.
fuck off cunt

>> No.3143960

this seems like such a waste of time that could be spent drawing or playing video games

this one's great

>> No.3143995

Did Dobson draw this one?

>> No.3144017


I think same shit as I did now: That he's getting way too involved with drama and internet shit and not focusing on his art.

>> No.3145360

Nigga you literally have no life.

>> No.3145374

>thanks but I really don't want the exposure at all
Then why is he at a con? Isn't the point of having a booth to promote your art and give it exposure?

>> No.3145379

>an artist who actually cares about insults and doesn't read between the lines to see the comments that are actual criticism and takes these to heart and strives for improvement
yeah, he's better off not being an """artist"""

>> No.3145383

>I'm not apologizing because I think what I said was at all inappopriate to say to someone whose father committed suicide, I'm saying it because people were upset.

>> No.3145589

He just wants to make money/show that he gets out of the house more than people think.

If I had to take a guess

>> No.3145741

His patreon video?

>> No.3145879

He never said anything about making comics for companies. He mentioned Youtubers(I wager he meant Brentalfloss) and not being able to make comics for himself, but he has at no point indicated that he's been hired by any company to draw for them. If he had we would all know about it.

>> No.3146920

>die hard liberal has a cripping depression and lacks self steem
really made my neurones fire up

>> No.3147065

You're going to need more than vague weasle words as evidence to justify insulting an entire group of people

>> No.3149501

the author is a fag /thread/

>> No.3149613
File: 100 KB, 667x1000, Kingofthailand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bother bumping a thread 2 days later?
Everyone hates what you did. Thousands of people are talking about your bump right now, mocking you.
There are milions of better threads out there than this one. It is shit.
This thread doesn't deserve to be where it is (first page). Your bump is meaningless.
No Anon likes it (every single person who wrote in this thread for 20 days didn't bother to bump).
This is a worthless and pathetic bump. Don't even bother keeping this shit thread alive, give up.
Why even bother trying? You're going to fail, there's nothing to add.
Your bump is so bad you should just delete your post. This is the worst bump in the entire universe. This is the epitome of a shit bump.
This is a bitter, vile, little bump and there is not a soul on /ic/ that genuinely cherishes you or your bump.

>> No.3149639
File: 603 KB, 1280x720, [AnimeNOW] Plastic Nee-san (BD 1280x720 10-bit x264 AAC) [3A96A3B4].mkv_snapshot_18.05_[2013.04.15_21.32.40].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but bumping this because your anger amuses me.

>> No.3150453

He came here with his Obama Batman picture. People try to chase him off but some more level headed people mentioned how hypocritical it is when it looks like he's willing to accept critique.
Unfortunately no records because the archives only go back to 2013 and older archival sites fucking vanished. There's evidence that he did come here in his journals and sites like EDF and Facepunch. Check around Summer 2012.

>> No.3150462
File: 1.15 MB, 1174x864, 1485610341169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3150464
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>> No.3150465
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>> No.3150471
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>> No.3150476


>> No.3150498


So basically you guys hate him for his liberal views? No surprise here.

>> No.3150503
File: 255 KB, 900x1467, 1475504247861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3150505
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>> No.3150507
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>> No.3150508
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>> No.3150511
File: 238 KB, 919x3728, 1349548227677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3150517

I would hide that faggot too if he posted in such a snide way.

>> No.3150536

I'm pretty left-leaning but even I think he needs to tone it down a notch.

>> No.3150547

you don't have to hate someone for being liberal to hate how they express their politics, or do all liberals wish death unto conservatives and hope hurricanes take out all of entire states just for the chance one of your vacation homes get hit?

>> No.3150548

you'd also be a huge faggot who can't fact check to save his life

>> No.3150551

Dobson gets unjustifiably shit on. I mean his comics are pretty bad but the people that actually bully him online are super fucked up. He just needs to push himself and show that he's interested in improving then maybe people would let up.

>> No.3150553
File: 16 KB, 336x334, IMG_5547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who could be behind this post?

>> No.3150560

boo hoo. he pushed away all the people willing to help him, so all the ones left are the ones who want to hurt him

>> No.3150565

> a bit of online hatred

You mean A LOT of online hatred. To the point people actually made entire web pages devoted to bringing him down

>> No.3150570

please. You're just worried that's going to be you one day.

>> No.3150579

it's good, i love

>> No.3150585

The King of Thailand is big in the deviantArt scene

>> No.3150654

Shut up Dobson, we also hate you because you are fat and a terrible artist.

>> No.3150767

Pot meet kettle

>> No.3150798

Ugh. Everyone has to put on some fake radio presenter voice nowadays. Why can't people just talk normal? This is youtube, not the daily news.

>> No.3150851

>this video is not available
Is this happening to anyone else?

>> No.3150868


>> No.3150893

his FAQ? as in, he wrote that down for people to find himself? and he's mad when someone refers to it?

>I guess you have a point....except you don't
>it's my STYLE
>it's not about the art
>I'm sad and hurt by this how dare you
>I worked hard so it HAS to be good
>I'm an expert
>you just don't get it
>I'm not myself today so don't get upset at what I say
>I will now completely miss the point
ticking every box there, huh?

>> No.3150951

dobby visited the thread and took it all down.

>when people laugh at your video on internet harassment and you feel so harassed by it you take it down

>> No.3150974

Either that or new comments got to him.

Dobby if you do visit, say hello. Can't do you any more harm than what has already been presented.

>> No.3151813

holy shit, he took months to make one commision

>> No.3151830

>he was banned from the busses

>> No.3151935

Where did you buy this paper? I've been look for this kinda paper everywhere but can't find shit.

>> No.3151956

I wish I could report people for being a faggot.

>> No.3152052

Amazon. Just search "manga manuscript paper."

This is what I bought.

>> No.3152064

This seems sad and I want to pity him but he also seems like the guy who's looking for pity. What a fucking nutcase.

>> No.3152416

>his FAQ? as in, he wrote that down for people to find himself? and he's mad when someone refers to it?
Yeah, I was thinking about that image, too. It just seemed baffling to me that he would antagonize one of his friends unprovoked. If I were to guess as to why he attacked that guy, it was probably because he projected a tone onto the "check the FAQ" comment that the author hadn't intended to convey. I mean, while there's nothing inherently negative about that first comment, I would imagine most people would actually have been more polite and said something like, "Hey, why don't you check out the FAQ? I think he mentions somewhere in there why he calls himself that. Have a nice day :)". That's a bit of an exaggeration, but I think you get what I mean. The fact that his immediate interpretation of that first guy's post was so adversely negative, though, just goes to show just how little he thinks of his fans.

>> No.3152476

>>meanwhile someone from Malaysia took less than a year to shill on /pol/ to make close to or even more than what Dobson could.
I need more info on this

>> No.3154783
