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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3116385 No.3116385 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ic/ I'm in a bit of a situation, I'll explain but I'm really not sure what to do.

>doing an illustration course at uni (I love debt)
>for a week project we had to collab with a random member in the class
>decided to work with this girl because I admired her style and thought it would work well for what I had in mind
>decided to create a short animated illustrative piece (not full animation but just more of a time lapse of a narrative in images)
>it was a success, the tutors were impressed
>head of our course got in contact with us both the create an animated music video for a band who he was friends with
>seeing this as an opportunity we said yes, though I was a little hesitant because I wasn't an animator and I've barely had any experience in that field, but I was willing to give it a shot
>my job was to create the storyboards, paint the environments and animate the scenes, her job was to paint the characters and produce the line work for objects in the scenes, this was fine as we were set to do what we were best at
>it started off well and content was animated at a steady pace, but slowly my partner started producing content slower and slower especially as we went home for the summer
>this is when the problems started really arising
>the characters where done shoddily compared to what she normally produced, it's ended up with me having to take each character and repaint/reline them then divide them up for animation
>I eventually asked her if they can be done in a better quality, they go up in quality but are just as slow


>> No.3116386


>head of year starts to worry about the project, he begins emailing us constantly
>each time I have to apologize and explain that there's been a slow down due to bullshit reasons, I don't want to place blame on anyone as it was both at our fault
>contact becomes slow with partner and I start to panic because I feel like I'm letting down myself and it's giving bad representation on myself
>partner looses her digital pen, this fucks me up even hard because now I have to paint them and divide them up myself
>this puts more stress on me and adds to the panic
>she apologizes and tells me she feels really bad, but I play it off and say it's fine just produce what you can and get it to me
>no content or contact from her in weeks
>don't want to keep pressing her for work, but I know it's the only way things are gonna get done
>we keep loosing big opportunities my head of tutor has offered because it should of been done by now, and he had some huge connections he wanted pass it along too
>it's feels like a knife in the chest each time
>afraid that if I contact our commissioner (head of year) and explain this to him it'll just look like I'm trying to place the blame on her

Please help me /ic/, this is fucking me up badly and this is my first commission for someone and it's done me so much damage, I don't want to give up but I can't go any further if she doesn't produce anything for me to work with. We're about half way through the thing and it looks averagely awful, I feel like I've blown the biggest shot I'll ever had.

>> No.3116394

tell her it's no big deal if she can't keep up due to personal reasons. Ask her to help you explain so it doesn't look like you're lying. If she's a reasonable person she'll help you.

>> No.3116395

ah it slipped me you can't contact her. Rip. Try explaining it anyway, I don't think they'll think you're lying since this is kinda common.

>> No.3116397

>he thinks he can do several minutes of animation with two people and probably no budget

This is pathetic.

Your "head of course" is a piece of shit and should unironically kill himself, and so should you if you don't drop this "commission" from him, his retarded friends and their shitty band immediately. What did they offer you? Like $500-$1000? Less!? You know people can make that much money on a few illustrations, right? This isn't an "opportunity", start seeing it for what it is.


>> No.3116401

He offered us £50 each, it's 3 minutes long. It was shit pay but we both ran into it thinking more about the outcome of opportunity rather than the pay.

>> No.3116402

Just be honest to the guy. You can't take all of the responsibility onto yourself when you're not the one doing anything wrong in the first place. Stand up for yourself, tell the guy exactly what's going on, and whatever happens, you did the right thing. You can't string him along either just because you're afraid of what might happen.

If he's a nice guy he'll understand, and if he isn't he can go fuck himself anyways. Have a bit of spine.

>> No.3116403

Plus I'm half way through it, I have a thing that if I start anything it has to be finished no matter what or else it drags in my mind.

>> No.3116407

Holly fucking shit, man. What the flipping fuck were you thinking?

>> No.3116415


He's taking you for a fucking ride, Jesus, no wonder the other girl lost interest.

Grow a fucking spine, tell him it's not working out and you're done, give him his 50 bucks back. The only opportunity you'll get from this guy is one where he's fucking you in the ass.

>> No.3116418

I know you, we're on the same course. You're essentially being used as cheap labour since you're a student. He's holding industry connections out of your reach until you get on your knees and do him a favour for a stupidly low price, and your collab partner is completely disinterested and would rather have you do it all, then when it's done she gets to claim that she helped. I hate this fucking trash course, especially the tutors. Pure cancer

>> No.3116431

OP dropping the commission, cheers for the advice guys.

>> No.3116731

Sorry you had to go through that, bud. Try not to be too hard on the girl, I think reality just hit her sooner than it did you. Your tutor or whatever is a total fucking twat though.

>> No.3116739

There's no such conspiracy here. To coin a term (made up by liberal faggots) this is victim blaming. The girl realized by now that she's been working for free for this twat (apart from having to do her actual schoolwork) and is now being avoidant because, even though she knows she's been playing herself, she doesn't have balls like OP and won't be able to confront the twat without OP's leadership and support. OP on the other hand allowed himself to get strung along until the very end. Luckily it's over now in either case. Write it up as a learning experience-you're not alone in getting duped by some disingenuous idea guy

>> No.3117011

I won't we had a conversation and this guy was pretty much correct >>3116739 I'm glad it's over and it's taught me a valuable lesson for the future.

>> No.3117015

>asks you to animate MINUTES when you don't even know how to animate a bouncing ball for 2 seconds
>all for £50

That's one hell of a scam. Jesus christ anon, I can't believe you went through this.

>> No.3117029
File: 37 KB, 600x548, 1402862363259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose it doesn't matter now, but if you guys wish to see what a mess it was here's how far we got.


As you can tell, I am not an animator and I abused the fuck out of tweening.

>> No.3117043

It's pretty good for someone that doesn't know much about animation, staging and anything. Good color choices and interesting style, shows that you actually cared about what you were doing.

This is you right?
You're cute. Totally look like the kind that would fall into that shit. The tutor knew exactly who to pick.

At least you know better now.

>> No.3117046

oh shiz, yeah that's me I'm awful at being on camera and I use my hand gestures when I get nervous.

>> No.3117145
File: 81 KB, 720x881, as within, so without.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your story makes me sad, OP. If you're really interested in learning animation you AND your partner should subscribe to AMB on youtube. 50 euros for even 10 seconds of animation is laughable, you can make that working at a fast food restaurant or bagging groceries for a few hours for fuck's sake. You did the right thing dropping it, it's a shame you had to come this far to realize you were being exploited.

>> No.3117166

If you're not getting paid a couple hundred dollars you shouldn't have said yes.

You get zero opportunity for making a music video for a shitty band.

>> No.3117178
File: 58 KB, 173x278, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commissioner got back to me, now my partner is starting to back off her position from last night because she's doesn't think it's a good idea to piss of the course leader. I said to her in response

That's just it though, if you feel like you have to do something out of worry and fear it's not a good thing. In fact it would just show you what kind of person [commissioner] is, but I simply don't believe he would hold a grudge and if he did well I'll fight fire with fire. Give it a week, at this point I think we're both worried and not sure. But I think after a week our minds will settle and realize it's the smart thing to do.

I'll post the email below he sent to us.

>> No.3117181


Thank you for at last being honest about the situation.

Please keep in mind that the commission was in the same vain as you tackled the video you did for college. When I asked you about it you said it took a couple of days.

It was from this information that I put forward the proposal. When you started taking it into a more complex project I kept asking if it was too much as it was so far removed from your previous work. When you started saying you were programming 'smoke' I was very worried and did again ask. Your reply, as you can see from the email chain was that you were enjoying it and it would only be 'one more week'.

As for the value of the commission I had based this on your college animation and the information of it only taking a couple of days.

The 20 seconds I have been shown, in the new style is of a much higher caliber and of course I would have offered more, even though it was not in the same style as originally asked.

Please remember it was yourselves that suddenly put in 3D elements and again I was asking if this was just too much.

The band loved what you had shown them, and unfortunately they turned down a video shoot over summer as your last communication was still heading towards a positive outcome.

I feel sad that you felt unable to tell the truth about the situation over the past four months and that you did not take on board my early concerns. But again I thank you for telling me now and I appreciate that.

Maybe when you are back we can sit down and talk through the work that has been done and come to some arrangement.

Thank you for informing me, being honest and for the work you have done.

>> No.3117222

Don't fall for his bullshit, he's trying to guilt trip you.
We don't know for sure what happened between you and how you communicated with him but he's putting the blame on you for being unprofessional when he's the one that's doing everything wrong.

It doesn't even matter what he says or had in mind when you two started the project - three minutes of animation can't be done in a week. Three minutes of animation aren't worth what he paid you, 'college animation' or not. It's ridiculous and he knows it. He would've waited a year if he could as long as you kept giving him results. If he actually cared about your struggles he would've offered more pay and help when the project ran into problems. He would've told you when the band wanted to shoot their video, should've asked if the band should 'cancel' the deal. But he didn't. And he didn't offer more pay when you found yourselves working on it for months.

I have one last thing to say because I can relate to what you're going through somewhat. You were trying to make this thing as perfect as possible, weren't you?
From what he's saying you were learning things as you worked, changing styles to something more complex - adding 3D elements when you weren't asked to. I can understand that, you thought you got something big in your hands and didn't want to disappoint. You wanted to show how great you are and what you're capable of, after all this was a big 'opportunity'.
If you don't have time in your hands you can't afford to do that. Being a perfectionist will kill you in this environment, clients don't give a damn about what you're doing behind the scenes. They want to see things done quick. Don't ever get into something you don't know how to finish, ask questions and provide progress information as fast as possible. Communication is key. It's not your fault here, he was asking you to do the impossible. But make sure to keep this shit in mind for the future.

Good luck

>> No.3117257
File: 20 KB, 265x265, you played yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As for the value of the commission I had based this on your college animation and the information of it only taking a couple of days.

Where you live do you know ANYBODY that works ANYWHERE for a "couple of days" and only gets 50 euros for their trouble?

>Maybe when you are back we can sit down and talk through the work that has been done and come to some arrangement.

He's trying to play the victim here and is in damage control mode. If you'd implied that you'd do something like the previous video, which was literally 4 drawings total, going further than that was definitely a mistake on your part, but honestly 50 euros or whatever is dubious even for one still illustration.

Just tell him you're busy with schoolwork and can't do any side projects like that, man, but if nothing else this all tells me that this is at least partially your fault for being way too eager to please, and taking this poor girl along for the ride. I still think the guy's a cunt but in your enthusiasm you not only enabled your own exploitation but you managed to make it worse. You have to be more careful about that sort of thing, man.

People are literally ALWAYS looking to tear a piece out of an artists' ass and they're definitely going to do it when you serve yourself up on a silver platter like that. You're going to that school with intent of working as an artist for pay, are you not? You're paying I can only assume an exorbitant tuition just to attend, right? Just because you haven't graduated yet doesn't mean your work is worthless.

>a couple hundred dollars

I pay that to an artist I'm working with on single, static illustration commissions. Animation on the other hand is the single most labor intensive field in art, even with tweening and all that shit. 100 Euros for each of them for every scene change/drawing would be almost okay as a favor, but dealing in favors at any level is a huge mistake.

>> No.3117282

Holyfuckingshit, that doesn't even come close to being called "payment" for any piece of animation! That's not a commission, it's a rip-off!

>> No.3117334

Also, I might add, what does this say about the faculty at this ART school that he couldn't do something like this for his friends, himself? Hell, as far as you know his friends had fronted him hundreds to do it and he was outsourcing the work to you the entire time. Assuming you never talked to them yourself it's a real possibility.

In fact, if you haven't yet, emailing them yourself wouldn't be a bad idea just as a curiosity, pretend you're looking for feedback or critique or just tell them you're not sure if you want to continue working on their thing and see what they say; just make it known you're their artist and gauge their response...

>"Hey I'm the guy you hired to do your music video and I'm just not sure I'm feeling up to it anymore blah blah blah"

...what if they really thought that they were hiring their buddy and instead he pocketed all their money and dumped the work onto you? Wouldn't that just be great?

In either case, you should just politely decline any further solicitations from him, while perhaps acknowledging the mistakes you yourself had made in your misplaced ambition. Be diplomatic.

One thing is I really hope that you and this girl can move on from this and show the kind of dedication you'd shown this guy's friend's lame band in your own personal projects moving forward, I think you could make a pretty good team if you both continue to improve.

>> No.3117339

I might do, we've never actually spoken to them at all since we started this project. I have no worries about the girl, we're pretty good classmates so we get each other and we can talk things through.

>> No.3117466

Keep us posted. It wouldn't be a bad idea to mention the payment itself i.e.

>I'm sorry guys but I'm kind of in over my head here. I COULD finish it but I'd need a lot more time and money and I'm just not going to put you through that. I overestimated my abilities and underestimated the work load. Again, really sorry. I returned the 50.00 [teacher's name] gave me to do this job, but if it wouldn't be too much trouble I'd like to know what you think of what I've done so far before I bow out.

Any email you send should touch all those bases. You want to solicit them for a response (any kind if response), mention the money, your frustration and apologies with needing to terminate the project, and through all that you need to shroud yourself in plausible deniability. It should look like you're just emailing them directly to express your regret and to get some feedback; don't make it obvious you're literally only emailing them to see if your teacher is an even bigger cunt and fraud than he might already appear. If you play it right they will expose him willingly which is why that miniscule payment needs to be brought up. If they paid him $500-$1000 and you make it known that he then turned around and tried to give you jack shit for it that gives them a good reason to get pissed and blow the whole lid off the thing.

>> No.3117480


...and by not making it obvious you have an ulterior motive in mind you just look like a rightfully curious student instead of an asshole if there wasn't anything particularly sinister (apart from the criminally low pay, of course) going on.

>> No.3117724

Clark? Is that you? Stop posting on /ic/ already. You've already made 2 threads

>> No.3117762

Who are mysterious anon, I'm gonna guess your the Welshman right?

Also apologies to the guy who commented on the video, I can't have anyone at this point compromise anything least till the dust is settled, though afterwards feel free to shit all over it.

>> No.3117769

Its fine. Again. Decent animators make serious money man dont let them scam you. Look for noah bradley and chris oatley dave rapozza and dan warren streams man. You got to stay woke faggot. Be. Mean cynical and full of hate , THEN you will succeed

>> No.3118588

Sounds like you made a mountain out of a mole hill, OP.

You told the guy it took 2 days to make, so he offered you 50 bucks, which is a pittance amount even to minimum-wage workers. You roped the girl along with you and probably gave her a massive workload and convinced yourselves it would be worth it because Shitty Band 9001 might get big someday and people will start grovelling at your feet asking for commissions.

The guy is a dick for only giving you 50 but you accepted his offer. Live and learn

>> No.3118720

Never told him it would take two days nor even a just one month (no time specifics were talked about), like I said we had a collab project and a week was given, I did that successfully and it was a breeze because it was pretty simple. He thought that four frames of animation lasting just under a minute would take the same amount of time for a 3 minute animation music video, this is where I can admit I was in the wrong because I took the offer along with my partner without thinking it through, we jumped at it seeing it as an opportunity.

Also we never received the £50 each, he said he would pay us after it was completed. Another mistake, but it's over now.

>> No.3118731
File: 326 KB, 2048x768, Unknown - Mechanical Object Tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

email the band yet?

>> No.3118734

Not just yet, been busy getting my stuff moved out to my new place, gonna email them soon.

>> No.3118751

Retard alert.

>> No.3119141

>we never received the £50 each, he said he would pay us after it was completed
This guy needs to be fucking fired holy shit

>> No.3119636

I have to agree with this anon here.


After reading the email it seems to me your teacher isn't a bad guy. There's not that much info on your side of the story, mostly it's about your classmate, but it seems to me a classic case of inexperience and poor communication.

I think both sides carry some blame.

Your teacher, as the senior, experienced person, should have (if he didn't) stipulate clearly what was expected, and, after the first delay, have asked you to show what you have so far. And, since it looked like things were going wrong, he should have intervened and suggested some solution to come to a manageable result.

On your side, you could maybe also have been more open. Without putting blame anywhere, you could have said that the work was more than expected and that both of you are struggling. This would motivate him to take a closer look, and find out that your classmate is not pulling her weight.

General tips:

- before you start, make sure both parties have a clear understanding what is expected. It is ALWAYS better to be too precise than to assume something. Thinking "I'm sure they get what I mean, it's obvious." or "I guess they mean they want 'X'." is a sure way of getting into trouble.

- add a reasonable buffer for unexpected problems. There ALWAYS will be. If you think it will take a week, add a day or two. if it takes 3 weeks, make it a month. If you're on time, you have time to revise and polish.

- ALWAYS have an alternative ready should you do something you're not familiar with. Need a smoky background? Before you play with particle effects, get some free video sample of a smoke effect or fake it with by moving images of smoke.

- instead of doing one scene perfectly polished at a time, work in iterations. You will have the entire movie quite quickly, and you can polish stuff as you go along. That way you will also find bottlenecks early, and see opportunities of recycling stuff.

>> No.3119640

Last item:

You're in school. You're a student. You're not expected to get compensated with pro prices. The teacher gave you an opportunity to do something interesting, that seemed pretty easy to do and could lead to more, better paid projects. Sure, the money wasn't that much, but in this case it really was a learning experience.

>> No.3119655

>The teacher gave you an opportunity to do something interesting, that seemed pretty easy to do and could lead to more, better paid projects

>3 minutes of animation
>"not that much"

Holy shit kill yourself my man lmao

>> No.3119698


Have you actually read what OP wrote or given it half a thought?

- The price was determined by an estimate originally provided by OP. The teacher stated he would have been willing to pay more.
- It was a non-professional commission, with the teacher as guide/go-between, and with flexible deadline.
- The quality of the work would have been student level.

Ergo, the price is low, and the value would have in the learning experience and opportunity to make valuable contacts.

Would OP have commanded pro pricing, then

- professionel level work would have been expected.
- communication would need to have been clear and honest.
- estimates would need to have been accurate, and related to that:
- deadlines would need to have been kept (so that the client would not have turned down a video shoot).

>> No.3119711

What are the chances that 3 different anons are classmates? Small world, desu.

>> No.3119742

>The teacher stated he would have been willing to pay more.
And you seriously believe this?
> The quality of the work would have been student level.
Doesn't matter, as head of course he knows 3 minutes of animation is a difficult task to accomplish for students that aren't even in the animation program. Are you telling me £50 for months' worth of work isn't a scam?

He fucking played them. The band cancelling their video shoot is probably another lie.

>> No.3119744

He payed you and should treat this like a business relationship, good for you for understanding your partners strife but she needs to take more accountability just like in any business relationship. Your tutor is being unprofessional as well dont take that guilt trip shit.

>> No.3121300

There were multiple emails of me telling him we were struggling, his suggestions we're more or less a short email or short meeting to get us back on track. It helped us get back to work, but I don't think he understood what we were feeling.

Here is the email we sent him about the project, should have posted it along with the response seen here >>3117181


He never paid us, he said after the project was complete he would give us the money.

>> No.3121763
File: 343 KB, 2200x1221, workforfree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good email. Don't put yourselves in that situation again, don't let him lure you into that "arrangment."

Pic related for future reference.

>> No.3122076

wtf that flowchart says you should never work for a legitamate business and only for friends/mum/charity.

>> No.3122081

Are you dyslexic, my man? It says:

>should I work



>> No.3123636
File: 50 KB, 1319x824, nonono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty fucking furious now, I specifically told her I didn't want to continue because we were getting used and all the other reasons you guys went through (as seen in the email). Now she fell for the guilt trip and has gone back, even though she fully agreed with me all the way up to him responding to us.

I can understand that she may be feeling guilty but now I'm being roped back into it even though I was 100% crystal clear and told her to wait a week or two before doing anything as to stop any rash actions.

>> No.3123792
File: 25 KB, 314x534, PPK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, I hope you've emailed the band by now because if it turns out he's exploiting you in another very literal sense than that will help you put the kibosh on this situation immediately.

With regards to her trying to rope you into this again, just refuse as politely as possible. Show her that Stephen Silver video if you haven't already-try and make her understand that what he's doing is very manipulative, unconsciously (pfft!) or not, given his position at the school. Emphasize how it's simply not enough money and for one thing how you're both way too busy with your actual school work to attend to this goofball's un-graded and (for all intents and purposes) uncompensated side project no matter how simple he purports to think it is.

>> No.3123808

Have emailed them, waiting for a response.

Thanks for the advice, will follow.

>> No.3123851

I thought this was gonna be another frogposter larping but this thread is actually pretty quality

>> No.3123869

Honestly I disagree with the other anon about emailing the band. Let's say he fooled them too, what's next? you're not going to do much with that information. And assuming he's their friend they'll probably ask him what that email was about before responding to you. If you wanted to know you should've asked them by phone. You're just giving him more reasons to lure you back in, as if you're interested in the project.

Let it go already, get this shit out of your life and don't tangle yourself in it anymore. Don't be mad at your partner, losing friendship over something like this is even worse than the pay he offered you. Talk to her once you're calmer

>> No.3123889

50 pounds LUL LUL dude, just tell the comissioner to fuck off, give him the work you did already and just say you arent working on it anymore.
what is your hourly rate right now? 50 fucking cents/hour?

>> No.3123892

>Honestly I disagree with the other anon about emailing the band. Let's say he fooled them too, what's next? you're not going to do much with that information

Confirming it would at least help his partner to stop getting baited (at this point op is probably going to have to email her back and forth a bunch to convince her to stop being stupid, otherwise)-but other than that you're right. I just thought OP might find it interesting as part of this learning experience moreso than anything.

>op goes to art school, accruing some undisclosed amount of debt
>teacher at this school, likely an experienced artist himself whom probably makes between 25 and 30 thousand euros a year waves 50 euros in op and his girlfriend's face as promised payment for 3 FUCKING minutes of animation

Wouldn't you want to know if it was you? Unlike op the teacher knows exactly what he's doing-when op came in here he didn't think anything of the scenario itself and was more irritated at his partner for under-performing than anything else.

This anecdote is an insight into art as a business, why not explore it thoroughly?

>> No.3123906

>This anecdote is an insight into art as a business, why not explore it thoroughly?
Because it fucks up OP and we're supposed to help him get out of this shitty situation.

By emailing the band he's sending mixed signals about his interest in the project, and his trust in his head of course (deserved or not, it's fucking stupid).

>Wouldn't you want to know if it was you?
Maybe I would but this mentality is a bit highschool gossip-tier. He's still studying and has a lot on his mind, probably has many assignments to be done, he doesn't need to think about this thing at all, this is unnecessary stress. The best course of action is to confirm to all parties it's cancelled and move on.

>> No.3123922

I'm afraid it's much worse -

Let's do some math.
An average animation student can do 5 - 7 secs a week. Disney animators can do up to twice as much and you have to do the backgrounds etc, but let's take the best case scenario.
>3 minutes, that's 180/7 seconds = 26 weeks.
>26 * 7 days * 8 work hours = 1450 hours.
>€100 / 1450 = ....

Wait for it...

€0.07 !!!
You're getting payed 7 cents per hour AND you still have to divide it by two because of your lazy ass partner.
You're working for free you motherfucker, that asshole bought one and a half thousand hours of your life, FOR FREE.

Honestly, I don't see a problem with this, because if you let yourself get walked over like this, you deserve it.

>My suggestion -
1. Tell your partner you've had enough, the project is killing you and taking most of your free time for little to no pay, exposure isn't worth jack shit and you want to move on, do personal stuff that actually helps you grow. It's not her fault, both of you simply got lured into a trap.
2. Tell the "head of course" that there's been personal dissension between the two of you and unfortunately you won't be able to finish the project. He can keep the work if he wants to hire an actual freelancer with actual experience in the industry to take it over.
He'll likely act surprised, annoyed or even threaten you, so, politely remind him that you talked to some professionals about the project (not mentioning any names, of course), did the math and came up with those numbers.
He basically took advantage of his authority as your teacher, took advantage of you as a young, misinformed student he was supposed to protect against people like him, and used all this for his personal gain.
If he's stupid enough to give you trouble, remind him and then go straight to the authorities with your story. They'd sooner fire him than risk a lawsuit that you'd definitely win.

Even if you had a contract, it can be nulified based on your lack of experience.

>> No.3123925

Let's not forget he didn't pay them yet, and it's likely he won't want to pay for an unfinished project.

They worked for free from the start.

>> No.3123926

This started out as some boy meets girl anime / webcomic plot and i was all up and ready to feel with OP and root for everything nice.

But Ho Lee Shit 50 Bucks... you idiot, what the fuck were you thinking? Seriously explain what went through your head when you accepted that offer.

Please i want to know - all ridiculing you aside - what made you accept that "pay"?
Were you hoping for a better grade in your courses?
Have you had reasonable ground to believe that this band would give you significant exposure?

>> No.3123941

I think OP could get him fired AND get those stupid €50 if he took it to court, but judging OP from what we know so far, cutting the losses and moving on is all we can hope for.

There is some value in a finished project that ambitious, true, but unless he's maybe 20 - 30 hours from finishing it, I'm 100% positive quitting it the only reasonable thing to do right now.

>> No.3123948

>unless he's maybe 20 - 30 hours from finishing it
No, what the fuck are you saying? OP doesn't need to spend another minute on that. Not a single moment. That worthless 'payment' is the least important thing right now.

>> No.3123957


On what criteria is 5-7 seconds per week based?

What bothers me most about all this hate and anger in this thread towards the teacher is the seeming consensus that OP is grossly underpaid, but coming to this consensus without knowing any important data.

- what is the level of quality of the original video that was made by OP and his classmate, which was the basis of the estimate of the commission?
- why did OP and his classmate agree? Were they so grossly misguided in their estimates? Where they so unbelievably naive that they were completely fooled by the teacher?

Obviously, making a 3 minute Disney level animation, with a large number of cuts, complex animations and backgrounds, etc. is absurd.
On the other hand, if the entire video would have contained many repeated scenes, a minimal amount of animation and simple backgrounds, using colourful graphic effects to fill up time, then it would be possible to fill up 3 minutes within a reasonable time period.

As I've mentioned before, the biggest mistake was poor communication, and poor planning. The teacher should have provided some solid suggestions to complete the video as efficiently as possible. I just do not buy it that the teacher was trying to take advantage of OP.

>> No.3123984

I didn't mean the 50 bucks, fuck that, but having a 3 minute animation in your portfolio before finishing school isn't all that bad.

OP mentioned summer holidays, so it definitely took him several months so far and he also mentioned he's halfway through, so I think the estimate can't be far from the truth.

Tell me, how terrible the animation and how many repeated scenes would have to be there for €50 to be a legitimate offer and not an insult to OP's craft and the animation industry as a whole?
The worst part is that the guy is a pro and he knows all this, he knows how much work it is and he knows how much he'd have to pay to hire a freelancer, but he implied to OP that it's a solid offer.
It's absolutely disgusting.

>> No.3124021

You're right one of the biggest problems here is poor communication and planning. But OP and his partner are inexperienced and the teacher is supposed to know what he's doing, which is why most of us assume he was and still is trying to take advantage of them. They were starstruck.

Some clear red flags
>ridiculous small payment for three minutes of animation (no matter what level of animation that is. It's fairly clear no one expected Disney level of animation from them, but even the simplest animation tests take a lot of time and the teacher is well aware of it).
>offering payment AFTER the project is done
>saying he would have paid more if he knew about their troubles but doesn't actually do that
>withholding connections and opportunities because the project isn't done
>blaming them for creating troubles for the band, but not making effort to avoid that situation in the first place
>thinking all of the above is legit and expected from a professional

>> No.3124176

>Maybe I would but this mentality is a bit highschool gossip-tier.

No arguments there.

>He's still studying and has a lot on his mind, probably has many assignments to be done, he doesn't need to think about this thing at all, this is unnecessary stress.

No arguments here either, however now that he's completely free from the stress of making shitty band 9001's music video sending a one-off email is pretty much completely effortless in comparison.

I'm not denying that moving on is a GREAT option either though, whatever floats OP's boat

>get him fired

I think that's a bit much my man. The teacher is an asshat for sure but he didn't put a gun to either of their heads.

>or, given his position, maybe he kinda did

In either case >>3123906 has a point insofar as that manufacturing yet more drama isn't necessarily desirable either so whatever proceeds should be as terse as possible.

>I didn't mean the 50 bucks, fuck that, but having a 3 minute animation in your portfolio before finishing school isn't all that bad.

Let's not assume like most Idea Guys do, that op and his girlfriend couldn't make their own 3 minute animation if that was their goal from the beginning. They're a couple of bright young kids and they'll do just fine without some teacher or other solicitor directing them to make a Disney movie pro-bono.

>> No.3124238

Dude, bail from that shit. Thats awful.

>> No.3125059

It's not that OP should get him fired, it's that OP COULD get him fired. It's important that that the douchebag teacher realizes this and stops guilt-tripping OP into giving him free shit.

Although, personally I don't think someone like this should be a teacher in the first place, but oh well.