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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.06 MB, 978x550, Screen Shot 2017-08-23 at 17.30.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3110275 No.3110275 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good technique to try?

>> No.3110306


>> No.3110311

Yes, being a successful artist is a good technique to try.

>> No.3110314

Getting 49k on patreon is a good technique to try

>> No.3110326

me in 5 years

>> No.3110342

The real question is if it's gay to masturbate to this.

>> No.3110347

This reminds me of that image of a fat girl/guy serving as the ref to a hot anime waifu pic. I wish I could find it again.

>> No.3110348

I remember that too, it was something like, all you got to do is capture the mood you want from your references. Amazing stuff, takes a lot of skill to do that though.

>> No.3110350

its just using reference in a nutshell

but he's doing it in a painfully gimicky way

>> No.3110358

dont know why, but i hiccuped and threw up in my mouth reading this.

carry on gents.

>> No.3110375
File: 553 KB, 1571x938, 1499551195092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definately not it but I thought this was really cool

>> No.3110389

Using reference in a creative way is always great.

Love it.

>> No.3110391

I wonder what kind of expression this is.

>> No.3110408

"When you fart and feel something wet"

>> No.3110414


>> No.3110489

Jesus christ this guy is so creepy and terrifyng. Like in a clown-way of terrifying.

>> No.3110542
File: 1.11 MB, 900x668, Screen Shot 2017-08-23 at 20.38.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some disturbing aspects to it...

>> No.3110548

>being this drowned in pussy for drawing anime chicks

He's literally living my dream.

>> No.3110552


>> No.3110563

What's disturbing about it? he has a sense of humor and great relationship with his family.

>> No.3110565

>great relationship with his family.

>> No.3110584

He didn't mind asking his mother to cosplay and pose for a youtube video, she was ok with that and willing to help

I don't see how that's a bad relationship.

>> No.3110636

I'd actually like to see him paint something from scratch rather than photo manipulation.

>> No.3110643

Wait, who is this? link to channel or give a name?

>> No.3110650


>> No.3110653


Getting some pretty heavy oedipal undertones from his videos. Yep, it's weirding me out. If he is gay though it makes more sense.

>> No.3110655


>> No.3110659

thanks, reminds me of knkl

wow you weren't kidding
i'm jelly af

>> No.3110809

If you aren't jerking it to Ross then something is wrong with you.

>> No.3110864

I've consider doing this, but setting the tripod, lights, the timer, and then going through 100s of blurry pictures in camera raw seems like too much work.

design doll/daz produce much better references with much less hassle

>> No.3110868

He uses himself as reference, and he still fucks up the face that badly.

>> No.3110880

also, it would be fun if someone comes in and finds me posing erotically dressed as a transvestite.

>> No.3110926

when you're friends get their food at a restaurant and they don't bring yours

>> No.3111175

Draw over face please.

>> No.3111192
File: 674 KB, 1485x700, 1474112011716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat chance. He's one of of stealthy plagiarists.

>> No.3111193

Meant to say "one of those"

>> No.3111198

where is the line between referencing and plagiarism? this looks like fair use of references for armor and pose.

>> No.3111218

He straight up copy and pasted the arm on the right to a point where even the words/markings match up. Apparently he got called out by the original artist, but then that comment somehow disappeared.

He probably also did something similar with the armor, ass, and arm in the middle pic.

>> No.3111234

Well now that you mention it, I know this Ross guy loves to paint over pictures/photobash, it's the one reason I can't stand him. He even made it his thing on youtube, like in OP's picture. but honestly if he did, he probably painted over 95% of it, so it wouldn't really matter. definitely not enough for the "original artist" to have much to say.

>> No.3111308

Yea, I think the backpack is probably from something else, too (probably someone else's work), considering it looks so different from the rest of the "artwork" , not to mention tacticool stuff isn't what he's good at.

That leaves...... what? the head and the background?

>> No.3111481

jeez what a fucking hack, who knew.

>> No.3112181


Painting over and tracing are good tests to see if you really understand the lighting and form or if you just think you do.


>> No.3112187


>> No.3112195

>posed erotically dressed in women's clothes
>tfw forgot to use it for drawing

>> No.3112197


How can these cunts live with themselves.

>> No.3112199

>yfw /ic/ will never be this good

>> No.3112239

>does the sketch before the video
You can fool some of the people all of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

>> No.3112249

>if he's gay

>> No.3112272

HAHAHAHA holy shit

>> No.3112275

who gives a shit about the sketch? tracing references for a basic pose or doing paintovers is nothing new, it's the end product that matters. and his end product is worth $30k+ a month (on the SIDE), while you losers draw boxes and think you're better than someone who's a better artist than you'll ever be in your life.

>> No.3112276

>tracing references for a basic pose or doing paintovers is nothing new, it's the end product that matters.
Oh hey, it's a tracer.

>> No.3112279

no rules, only tools. stay worthless

>> No.3112293

>and his end product is worth $30k+ a month

Where did you get those numbers? He's hiding his patreon earnings but somehow I doubt he's making 3 times the money Ilya makes with roughly the same amount of patrons.

>> No.3112298

Ross and his ilk are bullshitting you, anon. You will never be like them, people will never defend you like you are defending these hacks. The moment someone finds out YOU are using these "tools", you will be thrown under the bus and everyone will consider you to be nothing but a cheating, lying thief. The tools you use will define your "career" and reputation, so be very aware of that if you really think it's worth it following the example of the pyramid-scheme tutorial and patreon artists.

>> No.3112304

This. You're just one "expose" blog away from your whole reputation and everything you worked for being destroyed overnight, and having to start over with a different name. not to mention if you ever find work (doubt it with your tactics), how fucking fast you'll be dropped if they find out.

>> No.3112313


This video is annoying as fuck.

>> No.3112315

most real artists are hired for companies that don't give a shit for that kind of teenage drama.

the end product is everything, the process is immaterial

>> No.3112316

keep up your delusion and excuse to not get good. NGMI.

>> No.3112320


She is NOT NAKED, what a scam, I just wanted to see an asian milf.

>> No.3112331

they actually care if their artists are stealing work or not because there is this thing called " law " and they don't want their asses sued you know.

>> No.3112341

tell me u meming bby

>> No.3112351

>Hiding his patreon earnings
Oh that's new. It was right around that number last I checked a month ago.

>> No.3112357

what's the point of being in the shot when you draw
isn't the drawing supposed to be the focus, not your dumb retard face
fucking narcisshits

>> No.3112364

really? sakimichan needed about 3,000 patrons to get that much. what the fuck are his prices?

>> No.3112370

Mega cheap. Thats the secret to Patreon. He has a 1,3 and 5 tier.

>> No.3112375

then there's no way he's making $30,000 with just 1,114 patrons.

>> No.3112380

It's per illustration+vid iirc.

>> No.3115322
File: 36 KB, 321x322, 1455128164569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist use themselves as a reference all the time, I mean if you have an idea of a pose and can't quite work it out just do the pose yourself and take a picture. Once you know how to draw you can completely turn that reference of yourself into anything, even a cute anime girl.