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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.17 MB, 1440x1440, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3103657 No.3103657 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.


>screenshot the image and post that instead

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

OLD THREAD: >>3101380

>> No.3103658
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Links to many art books including as Keys to Drawing (Dodson), Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (Edwards), Perspective Made Easy (Norling), Color and Light (Gurney), The Vilppu Drawing Manual (Vilppu) and How to Draw (Robertson).

A website dedicated to understanding the basics and process of digital painting, based in Adobe Photoshop. Library of over 200 free videos.

Free pose library to practice drawing the human figure (as well as a portrait library). Draw at your own pace or set a timer for quick gesture drawings.

Croquis Cafe - Timed model poses.

Controversial yet helpful introductory course on the fundamentals of drawing with a focus on understanding the concept of form and thinking in a 3-dimensional mindset while you draw.

>Your local life drawing class
Life drawing is an indispensable tool in your art career. Do not be intimidated based on your skill level - there will always be someone worse than you and someone better than you. Use this opportunity to meet new artists for learning, critique, and growth.

>> No.3103664
File: 344 KB, 756x1008, File_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When can I draw and animate cute animu girls doing cute things

>> No.3103671
File: 96 KB, 1010x561, JPEG_20170817_092823~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a few straight bros jackin off to some straight porn together

>> No.3103673
File: 45 KB, 600x900, nude_xi_by_voivodess_stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and here's the ref

>> No.3103682

You have ok draftsmanship but it's just blatantly mismeasured. Like very basic things like the arm's negative space with the torso and angle of the neck. There are others but it's useless to nitpick (just overlay your drawing over ref) Getting initial measurements correct is important at this stage before you're 70% into something and realize it's off.

If anything I could recommend Dorien Iten's Accuracy series (which is free). It builds on being accurate and finding good relationships between shapes.

>> No.3103699

He wasn't drawing a perfect copy, you idiot.

That's pretty good, though the head angle is bad, and it's out of perspective. Show what you can do without a ref. Also, draw a face.

>> No.3103701

Yeah when I started looking at the two after posting I realized how different they were. The neck, head, everything. I tend to veer off from the original reference.

Should probably stop doing that.

Still on chapter 5/6 on Vilppu's book though so I know that importance of measurement is covered more on chapter 9.

>> No.3103712

this is beyond beg, take this shit to the main drawthread

>> No.3103715

I'm sorry. I only assumed that he did because he posted no explanation to what he was doing. I won't make that mistake again.

>> No.3103736


Start right now. Study, learn and apply that knowledge on your personal work. You'll learn faster this way.

>> No.3103753

just shut the fuck up permanently

>> No.3103765

Okay. I'm sorry.

>> No.3103767

pffft haha just ribbing ya man. i love you you know that. *grabs your ass*

>> No.3103797

Not sure if this is the right thread to ask in, but how the fuck do I use clipping layers in Krita? Inb4 >Krita. My computer shat the floor and I have to work on a macbook air, and although I managed to save my work on a .psd it seems clipping layers don't transfer over nicely.

>> No.3103814
File: 83 KB, 1000x667, 2017-8-17 1ping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to figure out how to draw christmas ornaments and water bottles

>> No.3103826
File: 166 KB, 311x428, adam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3103839
File: 194 KB, 995x1229, 17-Aug-2017 Attempt post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How're the facial features? I still have to work on the forehead and the ears. Feel free to shit on anything else.

Done from imagination.

>> No.3103855


Have you tried google? Youtube? Ask on krita forum?

>> No.3103870

the eyes look bigger than should be. The left eye you have rotated wrong. Study from reference, trying to copy and observe how the features rotate as the face rotate.

>> No.3103873

btw, everything is wrong basically, not just the eye. Stop trying to do from imagination for a while and try to copy real people observing theirs features. sorry for engrishu

>> No.3103875

dont do 1 pixel line work.

>> No.3103948

Hey /beg/, how do you start and finish a piece? I only sketch and sketch but I don't know how to carry on.

Imagine the goal being to build a portfolio.

>> No.3103951

the more I draw the more I hate myself because I'm not improving.

how do I fix this.

>> No.3103960

Take it slow

>> No.3103963

Hey, thanks for the critique.

Which eye? The further eye from the viewer? Or the closer one?

>> No.3103970

why not?

>> No.3103973

can u please share vilppu's book? where can I find it? I've been asking for weeks, it's my favorite style

>> No.3103975
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crit plz

>> No.3103976
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>> No.3103978

well if:
you are doing line art, then improve your lines, they look messy and chicken-scratchy
if you are not, then where is the value? all your drawings seem to have absolutely no value

>> No.3103982

That's fair. I'm so lazy, I've been putting off line control/line confidence exercises and values take a while and I've been working on that for two hours and now I'm tired. Thank you, I'll work on it more later.

>> No.3104033

Angle on the 2nd to the left guys face not quite right. Guy on the far right is a bit pudgey in your drawing compared to the picture. It looks like you were inking this so you can't really make any adjustments.

>> No.3104037
File: 102 KB, 763x1044, rsz_20170818_021935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever drew something that you've never finished because you moved on to drawing something else? I meant to finish this one but I didn't. Oops. But practice is practice right?

I don't remember the reference and can't find it right now. I drew this like a week ago.

>> No.3104038
File: 1.92 MB, 954x1469, 0010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 10

>> No.3104039

it's actually a pencil drawing that's been filtered as fuck so that you can see it. my camera is bad, sorry. thank you for the crits

>> No.3104040
File: 2.21 MB, 1191x1447, 0011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and day 11

>> No.3104055

These are to big. Resize your files.

Both of them aren't angled correctly and the lack of darker pencilwork makes them lose depth. The first one's head is slightly off model and the second one looks middle aged instead of like the photo.

Good observation skill though. Keep up that daily practice.

>> No.3104064
File: 1.23 MB, 3120x4208, IMG_20170502_151036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visited my friend in her art school and she had a model posing for her. I don't know much about anatomy but I sometimes go to figure drawing. Can you critique this? What can I improve, what is bad about it, which sources can help me learn/improve more?

>> No.3104072

thanks for the feedback anon. i keep forgetting that my pages are zoomed in so they're actually bigger than how i save them

>> No.3104082
File: 216 KB, 720x900, Webp.net-resizeimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some critique on the shading?
If you could point out any other blaring issues with it that'd be great too.
>inb4 ears

>> No.3104100

The very worst thing you did is that you cut off the head, which is usually the main point of interest in a drawing. Try to understant what you like about a figure before you start drawing. The foreshortening on the foot doesn't work very well but aside from that it's alright. Do a hundred more. Try composing with multiple figures in the page and you'll learn a lot.

>> No.3104105

Keep at it anon, you chose some of the hardest things to render ever. Water is all about reflections and distortions, but if you're just stylizing it, then it's like whatever. Christmas ornaments are honestly just spheres with a shiny surface. Maybe some decorations here and there. Different textures.

>> No.3104106

At least you got further on it. Thanks for the hard work.

>> No.3104108

It's super dark and I can't really see anything. You want to make your brightest parts really bright to give contrast between light and dark that will make the image POP out to viewers. I think your going for a somber mood but idk.

Yes, it was a mistake to cut off your figures head. I'm pretty sure they have a head when you were drawing in a life drawing class. It's great that you have those resources to use to draw, I've only got whatever images I can Google. Keep it up and have fun with it.

I'm the one who posted this one and I got no feedback. NP, I can start off by saying that since I'm in the habit of drawing super lightly, values don't really come out until after I spent hours trying to get something right. Eyes, mouths, noses, etc. Have to be redrawn again and again to put them in the right places. Does anyone know good ways to practice using the ruler as a measuring stick? I feel my lack of skill in that hampers my time investment and ability.

>> No.3104111

Thanks for the comment. I've actually got to do more huh?

>> No.3104131
File: 345 KB, 756x1000, blah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite the advice in the last thread decided to do one more.
I guess I'll go back and redo keys to drawing now though.

>> No.3104132
File: 389 KB, 685x820, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3104160

realize you are improving even if you can't see immediate results. developing a skill takes time, and even putting in an hour a day to draw and actively improve means you will get better. it might take longer, but it's still happening even if you don't realize it.

>> No.3104164

fuuuuuuuuuck I'm not improving no matter how many faces I draw. I think I'm just gonna draw shit from reference until I improve at drawing in general first

>> No.3104178

You are not a beginner, you should take this to the main thread.

You don't know what you're talking about. The guy was clearly not going for 100% what the ref looked liked. It's just a reference for the general pose. I like what he did with the pose. He gave it his own spin--this is the mark of a good artist. Actually I was watching the Robert Crumb documentary the other day and Crumb was talking about this very thing with his son while they were drawing from photos. Exaggerate it a bit and put your own spin on it.


All of these drawings have in common the most ubiquitous rookie shading mistake. Weak value scale. Push your values. Blackest blacks and whitest whites.

For this one in particular her lips stand out immediately to me. That sharp line work clashes with surrounding soft shading.

>> No.3104186

You seem to be giving pretty legit advice.
Should I >>3104131 just go back to keys before continuing with construction?

>> No.3104188
File: 300 KB, 542x769, 8tKAcJN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I just get good already

>> No.3104196

I'm sorry. Like I said, I wasn't aware of his goal with the drawing. I'll keep my mouth shut from now on.

>> No.3104203

Good comment for the value scales. Will make note of that when trying to finish something but right now I've only got a #2 pencil.

>> No.3104205

Shouldn't you be able to draw anime girls at this level? Just put a cute head on that body and put a sailor uniform on it.

>> No.3104206

That's up to you. If you feel you should then do it. Practice is practice is practice. I suspect it couldn't hurt.

As for this drawing itself, yeah it has some problems.

The first thing that immediately jumps out at me is the fact that you gave the shimmer in her eyes an actual black outline. That would be a big no-no. Basically the whole face seems a little bit skewed like you have more experience drawing faces straight on and it's your proclivity to do so. It's not correctly aligned with the position of her head. The right eye, (from the perspective of the viewer--her left eye) is not in the position it should be either. It looks like she has lazy eye.

Keep on keepin on, lad.

>> No.3104207

Sorry, meant to quote this guy.


>> No.3104208
File: 148 KB, 1080x1349, 20818974_10207661023682327_1825027452279193806_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've semi-recently started to paint. I mostly paint furniture and started to use canvas as well. I can't draw worth a shit, so instead I draw out stencils. Not sure if that technically doesn't make me an artist or not.

>> No.3104211
File: 56 KB, 540x960, 19148924_10207253341930538_680850527938184358_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a bookcase I painted back in January.

>> No.3104218
File: 183 KB, 768x541, incredible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started taking art really seriously last friday... I think I'm making good progress.

>> No.3104219
File: 596 KB, 518x884, KUcxqI8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me trying to draw 3/4 heads again today
Am i fucking up the loomis method hard or do I just need more practice?

>> No.3104220

Check out Proko's videos on facial construction. They simplify it in a way that's easy to take in and... understand in one go.
Hopefully that should help.

>> No.3104222

The proko head one looks just like loomis but I find it more complicated. Does he have other videos on heads?

>> No.3104226

Well it is based based on the loomis method...
If you have the time, I recommend this video. It won't directly tell you how to make heads, but it'll help you figure it out faster and get a better idea of what you're actually trying to accomplish. It's helped me a lot so far anyway.


>> No.3104236
File: 22 KB, 109x93, where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the fuck is his pinky

did he take it off

>> No.3104246

I don't know the image has like 10 pixels

>> No.3104250
File: 1.11 MB, 1205x1606, WetFreckles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice for watercolours??

>> No.3104251

Yeah it's a small image but it's not like you can't see it.

Honestly you've just wasted both our time by pointing it out

>> No.3104252

i thought it was just a bad redline, but this is very good improvement. Choose your lines and clean it up and ill redline it in 12 hours.

>> No.3104253
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>> No.3104254


>> No.3104268

I will try

>> No.3104285
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>> No.3104296
File: 210 KB, 664x964, null_300010751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please help me get better at drawing

>> No.3104297
File: 40 KB, 596x822, Stanley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stanley Blade, age 21, is an interdimensional bounty hunter and cat owner. After losing his childhood friend to the corpo terrorism organization Heroin Cola he swore to avenge him and began his training guided by sensei Ugushugimayama. The last 3 months have been rough on him as security camera drones captured his avatar while he was assasinating the prime minister of Zone 50x2c. As a result he's now on the most wanted list in every quadrant. This illustration captures our hero zone swapping through the 12 dimensional hyperplane. He smirks because he's going for the greatest bounty of all time, the one on his own head.

>> No.3104301
File: 230 KB, 725x811, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did my best to clean it up without ruining anything, though I kinda feel like it lost some of its... charm, I guess.

>> No.3104307

if you post the ref, it'll help with giving you critique.
The ear looks like it's falling off the face. the hairline feels a bit far back. do you understand the anatomy of the torso/shoulders you drew? the form of the body seems weird. The far eye doesn't seem to align with the rest of the face. Your value range is a bit narrow; try adding some darker shadow values where appropriate to help with the form.

>> No.3104310
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>> No.3104324
File: 463 KB, 900x592, redline1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the issues stem from your facial features not being tilted upwards and outwards enough.

>> No.3104351

It's a common issue for beginners to not properly angle forms and try to draw everything as "upright" as possible. Try doing some upside down figure drawings to fuck with your sense of association between the overall picture and individual parts.

>> No.3104356

I might be mistaken but it doesn't look like you're using a constructive approach based on form. So the first thing you should focus on is the simple masses.

>> No.3104403
File: 388 KB, 1000x707, 2017_08_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Value studies.

>> No.3104405

>draw from reference
>accidentally make caricature

I don't know is that good? Does it mean I at least captured the important features?

>> No.3104409

It's prety decent. You seem to have trouble picking a focal point. Keep pure black and pure white for the area of interest and lower the contrast on areas that matter less. Make a choice with the background as well. Either make soft tansitions or frame your composition but don't use messy strokes, it's distracting. Especially when you put a lot of care in the subject.

>> No.3104413

That or you're still stuck in figure drawing. Post example with reference?

>> No.3104417

nah I can't post anything atm. Don't even have a phone. But I'm not sure what you mean "stuck in figure drawing".

>> No.3104419

meant symbol drawing, fuck.

>> No.3104436

>Try drawing from shoulder like the sticky said
>oh would you look at that, I moved the fulcrum all the way up to the top of my arm and now I have like 0 control over my pencil, who would have thought?

How important is this crap? I feel like I don't want to bother with it at all because it practically turns drawing into a gross motor skill instead of a fine motor skill. My shoulder is pretty crap for just about anything.

>but muh scratchy lines

Eh, I don't draw anything that big anyway

>> No.3104439

You're setting yourself up for future mediocrity if you don't learn how to gain some stability while drawing from your shoulder. Smaller drawings can be done with an elbow pivot but shoulder is esential for fluid, long lines that don't look like a 3 year old drew them with a crayon.

Stop being a faggot. Fill pages with lines and curves done with your shoulder while you listen to music or whatever. Do not do small lines with your shoulder, try 4 inches onwards. Anything smaller is possible but it's better with elbow as pivot.

>> No.3104441
File: 25 KB, 335x268, 1487134407455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REEEE I should have a baseline from drawing in high-school!

>> No.3104442

What. Dude it's really not that hard. I did half an hour of shoulder lines and curves for a week and the improvement was evident. Drawing circles and elispes with your shoulder is essential. Don't cripple yourself by not learning better control of your drawing.

>> No.3104444

I think I have Michael J Fox for a shoulder. You might as well tell me to draw with my left hand

>> No.3104445
File: 1.02 MB, 2560x1440, 20170818_113019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bois im havin trouble with perspective (2 point) what am i getting wrong because i cant seem to get the fuckin cubes right.

>> No.3104447

Set up your vanishing points clearly and have parallels converge to it. Your parallels aren't converging on neither the left nor right vanishing point. Nor are the sidewalks.

No disrespect but I don't think you have even a basic understanding for 2 point perspective. Are you guessing or are you following a perspective lesson/video/book?

>> No.3104450

I watched some youtube vids on fundementals but i guess i didnt quite get it.

>> No.3104454


Don't be a pussy. Just try it for a week and the improvement will motivate you to keep doing it. Check lesson 1 of Drawabox or Peter Han's dynamic sketching. It's on youtube.


Drawabox or perspective made easy. Understand the concepts they explain and don't try to draw without understanding what the basic concepts of perspective are and how can you draw them.

>> No.3104455

Think of it like this

>line down center of page
>all contours radiating away from the line in one direction go to one single point at the edge of the page

>> No.3104466

your straight lines are curved. Use a ruler if you have to and keep those vanishing points on the horizon line

>> No.3104474

There's basically just one principle in perspective: parallel lines converge to one point.

>> No.3104480
File: 975 KB, 2560x1440, 20170818_121913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this? I feel like i cheated with the ruler though.

>> No.3104481

What about curved lines and diagonal lines that don't go to the point?

>> No.3104484

It's ok to use a ruler for guidelines, but you should practice drawing straight lines as well. In one stroke, not all sketchy.

>> No.3104488

That's more like it. Can't even imagine how you got the previous result.
You'll be drawing lines from now on to the day you die going down this path, don't sweat it.

>> No.3104494

Symbol drawing maybe it was just freehanded drawabox

>> No.3104495
File: 40 KB, 558x497, 1501824213575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where/what do I need for drawing gore and other visceral effects?

Not surprisingly this isn't really covered in mainstream teaching.
I know I'll need a few things like a basic understanding of biology so I don't end up drawing someone with two livers or something but what else?
Where do I even start with this?

>> No.3104547

>putting the VPs so close together
Gonna fuck up

>> No.3104549

>curved lines
Just like feel them dude...

>diagonal lines that don't go to the point
What diagonal lines don't go to the point? All sets of straight parallel lines have their vanishing points.

>> No.3104561

Get your fundies straight.
Copy a bunch of organs, practicing texture, volume and proportions.
Try to reproduce those organs when they are affected by diseases or cut on an operative table. You can find images from hospitals or from veterinarian clinics.
Also, practice the difference between muscular and fat tissues in the body: you want to give a realistic impression on the dismembering.

Then, decide how autistic you want to be. Cuts in the body can show some parts of the organ that aren't apparent in the surface. If you cut the brain, you'll show different textures and characteristics in it that you have to know really well. Decide if you really want it to be your signature or if you'll settle for something more manageable.

But first and foremost, I repeat it, fundamentals, or you'll just be another fag on deviantart posting shitty fetish pictures.

>> No.3104567

I can't for the life of me understand construction of the eye. I've watched the Proko method and I can't understand how to construct it at any angle.

Does anyone have a resource that explains consturction of the eye? Loomis isn't helping either. I've been at it for almost two horus and I'm thinking I'm ngmi.

>> No.3104570

Please show what you did; it's impossible to say anything without seeing your mistakes.

And making mistakes is perfectly normal, so don't whine.

>> No.3104575


Who da fuck says that? If using a ruler is cheating then using pencil or pen in cheating. You use cut your finger and draw with blood instead.

>> No.3104577

my attitude i5 5tart the line5 by hand. Nothing vvrong vvith u5ing a ruler to keep them 5traight but 5tart the line5 by hand to get a good intuition of vvhere they are going.

(note: my keyboard i5 fucked 5o I ill regularly be making po5t5 like thi5 until the problem i5 fi*ed. I u5e the virtual keyboard enough for formal 5tuff and you fuck5 are ju5t gonna have to deal vvith it)

>> No.3104584

It's just like playing a difficult video game; sometimes you need to take a break when you hit a part you can't beat and come back later. You'll make it, you just need to take it easy.

>> No.3104587

I don't think anyone plays video games like that anymore. What do the kids play nowadays? LoL? Overwatch? PUBG?

>> No.3104588

I was sad, too, when exactly 100% of the population that plays video games as both a hobby and competitive outlet switched to only LoL, OW, and PUBG. I hope we get new games in the future.

>> No.3104590

Perspective is simple when you step back and think about. We all know the tl;dr of perspective is that close = big and far = small. It's the technical part that's a bit annoying.

Any plane that isn't facing directly towards the frame of reference/viewer is going to be angled in some direction. Think of a 3D model and how they're composed of thousands to millions of triangles. Each of those triangles is a plane angled in some direction.

Point perspective only makes sense when we're thinking about sets of parallel lines, so we can't easily apply it to triangles. Think of a square. Imagine one side of the square tilting away from you. When that happens, the two sides that are tilting away are now angled towards the same point, right? That's how point perspective works.

Point perspective is mostly useful when we're dealing with objects made up of large rectangles/squares like the basic exercise of drawing a street corner. However, we can encapsulate objects in "bounding boxes" to get an exact idea of how that object should be foreshortened. Anything in a 3D space can be encapsulated in bounding boxes, and thus point perspective starts to make much more sense.

You won't be directly applying point perspective most of the time when you draw because going back to the 3D model point, something like a human body is basically infinite planes and it's impractical to draw bounding boxes even around each segment of the body. But you should always keep it in mind, think of how an object can be bound and how it should be angled based on those generalized planes.

>> No.3104593

And nobody ever responded to anon ever again

>> No.3104594

Why are 3D models made of triangles and not squares? Shouldn't we use pyramids for everything then?

>> No.3104601

Triangles are the most primitive polygon and all other polygons can be broken down into triangles.

If 3D models were made of squares it would take exponentially more squares to get the same level of detail and so you'd be doing exponentially more calculations.

If you need a square you can just combine two triangles. Faces can share vertices, so you still only need 4 vertices and optimized software will just treat it as one face.

>> No.3104605

>primitive polygon

Get better words

>> No.3104608


>> No.3104634
File: 420 KB, 1000x1000, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3104642

This is going to sound dumb, but how do I actually study art from a book?

I've got the books, and I'm reading them, but what's next? Do I just copy the example pictures in the book, or what?

>> No.3104644

it's not a math book. use them as a reference when you get to an aspect of drawing/painting that you're not entirely confident with

>> No.3104647

What book? You either follow exercises and read about techniques or consult it when you feel like learning about a specific subject.

>> No.3104648

face is not angled properly which fucks up everything

>> No.3104650

Figure drawing for all it's worth

>> No.3104652
File: 103 KB, 600x600, 20905564_113197439345731_6217351832570691584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aye i posted that

anyway i tried doing some artist studies. i avoided them for a long time because they seemed daunting but they were pretty useful. The 3 on the left are Tissot and a Sargent on bottom right (that one was a pain in the neck)

>> No.3104684

I keep using chicken scratch, how do i not?

>> No.3104698

Just keep doing it and when people ask, tell them it's your style.

>> No.3104702

How to into line weight? Like not even the dynamics or theory of it? How do I mechanically control the weight of my pencil lines? I can get two different weights. Often I even depress the pencil too much during construction and get a lot of obvious erasures.

>> No.3104705


>> No.3104721
File: 110 KB, 519x868, figure3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wip. thoughts on this so far?

>> No.3104725

ear is a little wonky and boobs are off but other than that nice

>> No.3104729

good tip, been doing it so far!

>> No.3104734

no gesture
some things are off (collar bone, neck, head, breasts, etc)
its ok though.

>> No.3104745

what does no gesture mean tho?

>> No.3104747

sup sycra

>> No.3104749
File: 87 KB, 722x467, thotsuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3104772

I'll keep working on those things, thanks

>> No.3104773

>Spend an hour drawing an eye on a face
>Realize I can't make the left side eye anywhere near as good
>Scrap the whole image

This is suffering

>> No.3104774

Maybe I just have autism. People constantly talk about poses being stiff and "muh gesture" and I never discern any of it. Seems like one of these subtle normie body-language dealios

>> No.3104775

>hour on one eye

How even?

>> No.3104779
File: 456 KB, 570x322, iris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyes are very complex

>> No.3104781

You're on the way tho

>> No.3104792

its not a social thing. you will literally never be able to make "ok" figures if you dont understand it.

>> No.3104794

I'm asking how does it conflict with reality? You have anatomy and perspective. What does this gesture stuff actually represent?

>> No.3104808
File: 1.03 MB, 500x500, 1418022467242.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exaggeration captures an energy much better than reality.

Almost nothing of the human physique resembles my attached gif, yet from it we can draw a very clear emotion. The same principal applies to gestures, it's about capturing energy that is hard to visualize with an image, with the offset being that a slight distortion from reality to better capture that energy.

>> No.3104818


Gesture is the motion behind a figure. A gesture drawing is like a abstracted map of the weight and flow of a pose.

When you first start drawing you have a hard time capturing the essence of motion and weight, which is why we do gesture drawings to understand how to make poses look natural.

>> No.3104820

Really really stupid question. But when you're drawing like a cube in let's say 2 or 3 points perspective. If you ahve to put the lines and points down first, how do you know what the cube is gonna look like?
Or do you just like do a rough light version of what you wanna see and then fix it with solid perspective?

>> No.3104824

You imagine the cube in your head, and then you roughly map out how you want it to go on paper. Then you start drawing it and correct it if you make a mistake.

If you know what you want the cube to look like then it's even easier to imagine where the vertices are and how it's angled than to start drawing it without guides.

>> No.3104825

What if the character isn't even moving?

>> No.3104832

>just go to life drawing classes for years and git gud

Wow that really helped.

>> No.3104833

There's still weight and flow to a figure, even if they're just standing still. It's harder to capture because it's not emphasized but it's still there.

Good example is that the spine is curved so even when you stand up straight different parts of the body have different orientations in order to balance out weight and maintain the pose.

>> No.3104836

I didn't say that and I'm pretty sure Proko didn't say that either, he even does his gestures from photographs in that video.

Photographs are better for gesture drawings than life drawing classes anyways because models can't hold exaggerated poses for extended periods of time. Gestures are best when they capture a single moment of action that has a lot of force to it.

>> No.3104838


>> No.3104866

Everything goes to shit if it isn't a profile or front view though

>> No.3104869

>not being a natural at more dynamic angles

In all seriousness though, what do you expect? Keep learning.

>> No.3104876

Is drawing with a mouse easier than drawing with a tablet?

>> No.3104877

>never drew seriously before last year
>too scared to draw lewds
>draw every day for a few months
>try drawing lewds
>get so horny by my own art that I can blast a huge load every time

Am I going to hell?

>> No.3104904

I'm God, so I need to see some work to verify whether I should send you to hell or not.

>> No.3104920

Yes that's why most serious artists throw their tablet away

>> No.3104926

>that's why most serious artists throw their tablet away
is this true?

>> No.3104930

>actually believing it
This is why I love /beg/.

>> No.3104931

Yes. Did you also know Loomis castrated himself to focus on art? Unless you don't, you're never going to make it.

>> No.3104932
File: 443 KB, 1000x1000, itried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3104935

Post sample, then we will judge you

>> No.3104938


>> No.3104948

what's the point of buying a tablet just to throw it away

>> No.3104964

Because tablets are memes, mouse is master race of the digital art world

>> No.3104971

Focus mate. You're basically doodling here. Even if you're practicing drawing faces draw the same face at the same angle

>> No.3104975

But I thought you were omniscient dude

>> No.3104977

I'm pretty strong, I can probably crush humanity pretty quickly. But I'm not omniscient. I just want to shitpost on an underwater tapestry association board

>> No.3104980

i really like it. please give me your blog so i can follow your progress. i can feel the talent.

>> No.3104981
File: 212 KB, 1123x728, XenoTrex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the construction of these look correct (specially the Beetle?)

>> No.3105011
File: 210 KB, 669x812, 20170818_011436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know any thing about insects but the mosquito, grasshopper and Beatle look cool. What are you going to do with them?

My attempt at drawing. I know I fudged up the angle and proportions. I Also didn't have room on the paper to draw anything but the face. My hair sucks balls too.

I don't know how people can make something look like they traced it without tracing! I feel like it's a waste of time to try and practice things like value when the angles are off or certain features don't align properly. I don't wanna hide behind "style" when drawing to mimic life.

Yet I want to do animation proffesionally...

>> No.3105012
File: 583 KB, 3000x2547, fig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3105013

You made her a bit cuter than she actually looks, good job.

>> No.3105018
File: 122 KB, 736x981, I+m+posting+this+now+_c8f0f74deb8b530c5645112ecb96a39d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reference image

>> No.3105021

If you say so...

But thanks,really

>> No.3105027
File: 147 KB, 799x822, profile dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly but surely working through Fun With a Pencil, tried to construct a thing from ref.

>> No.3105030
File: 156 KB, 683x1024, profile dude ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaand the reference image.

>> No.3105033
File: 321 KB, 900x1018, fzd_bugs_DT_01a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know how people can make something look like they traced it without tracing! I feel like it's a waste of time to try and practice things like value when the angles are off or certain features don't align properly. I don't wanna hide behind "style" when drawing to mimic life.
>Yet I want to do animation proffesionally...

You need to increase you proficiency at perspective first, starting with values without understanding of form will make you want to quit art more than grinding 100 hours of perspective would.

The best way to start on that would be to go through Vandruff Perspective seminar, named ''The Science of Art'' Available for free on CGpeers or for 12$ Buckaroonies in his website.

>What are you going to do with them?

I'll finish them, add some detail and make a pretty presentation. They are just homework to increase visual library and get more mileage drawing. I am trying to do like pic related.

>> No.3105035
File: 62 KB, 736x520, 187dc7c5af71c5644c23664b9b85a1e9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, wrong pic.

>> No.3105037

I think you made her look cuter actually anon. Good job

>> No.3105039


lol wtf

>> No.3105040

It's me, the ugly witch holding a triangle guy

>> No.3105041

>my attempt at drawing

That's the first thing you ever drew? Reee and so forth

>> No.3105042

I keep hearing "draw with your shoulder, not wrist, like all professionals" but when I check out videos of professional manga artists, only some of them seem to be doing that. The majority seem to be drawing with wrists.



So what gives? Not trolling, a genuine question.

>> No.3105044

Wow its almost like this genre is a race to the bottom or something

>> No.3105045

They're not /beg/ so they know how to control their utensil.

>> No.3105049

Gesture drawings should never be more than 10 minute poses, max. You've obviously never taken a figure drawing class. Gesture isn't something you sweat over for hours - you try to capture the gesture with a few strokes, and teh model is moving often - most of my figure drawing classes started with quick one minute poses for gesture.
Photos CAN be good for reference, if they're good photos and show the whole body. Working live is better because you can change your angle, you can change the lighting, you can always see the whole body, and if more details are needed, you can move closer and see more.
The only real problem is access to models.
And you're wrong about models and posing - the better models we worked with would do poses for hours. We'd tape the platform for the pose, and would work in hour long periods - we'd have anywhere from 1 hour poses, to 6 hours over two classes, or like in figure sculpting, the same pose for 6 weeks.

>> No.3105051

I know how to control a pencil with the approximate leverage of my good old sturdy wrist than all the way up my arm using my shoulder. This is just basc physical mechanics.

>> No.3105052

Which is exactly what this Prokofiev guy said

>> No.3105053

It's to confuse people with autism.

>> No.3105059

I mean, I'd rather draw a vagabond/HxH/BnHA than van gogh to be honest. I guess I was meant for the bottom, thanks.

>> No.3105060

Then draw with your wrist. Nobody is -forcing- you to draw with your shoulder.

>> No.3105061

Should just not worry about wrist or shoulder and just draw. Crazy people.

>> No.3105063
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 20170817_033919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, just being overly critical

Kinda looks like I commented on myself huh?

Thanks again?

Great info. I hope I can remember that.

I think his hat is a bit bigger but I can't see to accurately on my phone. Keep it up.

Wip first 15min

>> No.3105064

please respond

>> No.3105066

Thank you, now I feel justified in my shitty habits :^)

>> No.3105072
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, Thisone13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, why's it sideways? And wrong pic. This is the 15 min one. The other one was later

>> No.3105074

Just starting out is it okay to use a mechanical pencil? I have a bunch of them lying around but I think shading would be difficult

>> No.3105076

you don't need meme art pencils to shade. Hatching is the best method for sketches really.

>> No.3105077

Is it right to left? The left is the latest one? The white hatching barely shows up and the overall Line work is a bit sloppy. The white lines is meant to show a light source right?

>> No.3105078

Shading is always going to be difficult if you haven't practiced it anyways, so do whatever you want and remember to keep on drawing.

>> No.3105081

its just the various layers of it
the white lines on the right arent meant to be light sources
how do i get better lines? i can do it traditionally but i cant finish things with a tablet without wobbling everywhere

>> No.3105082

breast looks a bit weird. Arm is a bit too bendy.

Hard to see what's going on, looks like your posting from your phone. Is it possible to edit the contrast on your phone? I suggest doing that in the future

>> No.3105091
File: 186 KB, 1019x1000, IMG_20170819_020436_139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls no bully

>> No.3105095

You can always zoom super close and slowly build up Line work. If your tablet is something like a surface 3 than it's like your drawing with a ballpoint pen on a ice.

>> No.3105097

how do i draw anime girls

>> No.3105102
File: 419 KB, 1054x614, 20170819_021354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I tried maxing out the contrast and rotated the image clockwise. I hope it comes out better.
This is the latest one, the other ones were to show progress. From 15min to 1 hour to now, 2hour. All the time is spent erasing and re drawing to try and fix things until I finally decided to move on instead of redoing everything over and over again. Should I post ref before or after I finish? I kinda want to do it after.

>> No.3105104

I give up on the rotation thing. I guess I can't figure it out. Don't want to use some online image editing website right now.

>> No.3105106


Actually in the first video, he's drawing with his elbow/shoulder in the beginning. Then he starts adding small details and inking with his wrist, which makes sense.

>> No.3105110


You need to use both, and know when you need to use one or the other. Once you learn this, you will get better.

>> No.3105114
File: 154 KB, 656x960, halfling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, I could use some feedback on this before continuing

>> No.3105115

Post ref later. Looking good anon. Visible hand looks like twinkies though.

>> No.3105118
File: 354 KB, 2000x2000, face study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend 4 hours on drawing one eye
>looks okay
>try to draw the other side as good, always looks off because of my inability to gauge size in reference to other objects despite going off reference
>repeat 3 times
>give up and revert it back.

>> No.3105119

Keep trying, 100 hours on one eye? Imagine how good it'll be then.

>> No.3105120
File: 126 KB, 736x1146, i guess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no reference because i didn't use any (probably my biggest mistake)

i have been drawing nothing but circles and heads for a few days now, but i'm unsure of what i should actually be doing to get better. like, focusing on anatomy? form? perspective? proportion? doing studies of things?

sorry for furry (not really though)

>> No.3105121

i dont know what that means.

>> No.3105126

You need to spread out not focus on one thing only. Spend 5min on the left eye, 5min on the right, 5min on the nose,etc. And return to previous parts over and over again in a cycle. Than instead of having a 3hour detailed eye and nothing else, you have a whole drawing that needs polishing and you'll feel more accomplished. Don't burn out

>> No.3105128


i am >>3105012 how do i get lines like yours?

>> No.3105138

I'm not good enough to say if anything is good or bad but damn that's a neat technique for drawing to get idea of the person's shape. I'll be grabbing that.

>> No.3105139

uhh idk i have a lot of layers underneath with extremely messy/sketchy lines, i just keep making more layers and building it/refining it until it looks good enough to me to do "clean" lines as it were, if you get what i mean?

>> No.3105140

I'll try that, hopefully that helps, thanks.

>> No.3105148

no. my lines are wobbly, your lines are straight? are you using the pen tool?

>> No.3105150

not using pen tool, i guess it's just how much control you have/how steady your arm is? doing lines slowly always makes them really wobbly for me so i tend to try to draw them quite quickly

>> No.3105151

mine were pretty quick
did you have wobbly lines when you first started using a tablet?

>> No.3105157

yeah i think so, i was drawing with my fingers/wrist more than my arm at that time though so trying to draw with moving your arm more might help? it could also be the program or tablet you're using idk

i use krita and a crappy old wacom tablet

>> No.3105177

Hey they've got assignments just plastered for free here. I think these could benefit /beg/ since they're often lost or don't want to read much.

>> No.3105213

There's something really off in the neck-shoulder area, can't really put my finger on it, maybe the neck's too long?

>> No.3105232
File: 113 KB, 616x785, 75352345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really have strougle drawing the neck in this angle.And on my reference the hair covers the neck so i can't properly figuring the shape out.Also I'm not sure how to draw the stomach properly with the arms on front of the stomach.Thanks for any critic and help.

>> No.3105253

And I forgot to say that it's a girl.So the neck should be more feminim and smaller and the breasts are suppose to be a bit smaller.

>> No.3105263

>the brow ridge is half of the cranium, the nose ends 1/3 bottom of the cranium, the mouth is 1/2 between end of nose and chin etc.etc.

>yeah the brow ridge is way above the half point of the cranium, the mouth is 1/3 between the nose and the end of the chin, and the nose actually extends to the bottom of the cranium, the top of the ear ends at the top of the upper right eyelid


>> No.3105270

they're not concrete measurements

faces are not equations

>> No.3105296

need crits >>3105012

>> No.3105304
File: 229 KB, 736x1116, study1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leg study. Am I gonna make it, lads?

>> No.3105305
File: 327 KB, 588x775, yPZTwQ0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like no matter how closely I try to follow the loomis method it still looks like shit

>> No.3105307

you're only going to make it if you can take what you learned here to your original pieces

>> No.3105310

well, look at your leg and see if thats how it looks. much longer distance to the knee and your base is too jelly. Think of showing the weight in the figure.

>> No.3105313

Then how in the hell am I supposed to utilize all that basic construction stuff if they aren't true?

>> No.3105314
File: 114 KB, 719x719, JPEG_20170819_072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3105317

the belly is flat, do more values

>> No.3105318

hes wrong and probably a "its just muh style" underman

>> No.3105320

If he is wrong, care to give me a correct answer to my original autistic question?

>> No.3105322

What I meant to say is that you are getting too hung up on things like these when you can just draw what you SEE for your studies. Most rules like that can be broken when you know what you're doing. I know people whose bottom of their ears droop below their nose and mouths nowhere near the "ideal" zone.

>> No.3105325

it wasnt very clear but i think your measurements must be off. people like all biological things tend to vary a bit but it shouldnt be too drastically different from the standard feature placements.

>> No.3105366

Thanks for the comment

>much longer distance to the knee

What do you mean? Length of the thigh?

>your base is too jelly
I literally don't know what this means, can you clarify?

Also are you talking about all three legs in the image? Do they all have these apparent problems or just one or the other?


>> No.3105375
File: 26 KB, 526x712, jUMEqDmj4X0222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad is it and what should i fix, guys?
I guess it got problems with legs or something

>> No.3105378

proportions vary from person to person

both physically and in technique

>> No.3105386

Avoid the pointy chin. The features are flat.
Do many more of these from reference and imagination. Understand the side plane and make it visible. Then post the result.

>> No.3105409

>I guess it got problems with legs or something
Yes, look at the leg that is bent. It is bent way too high, the joint is unnatural.

The arm next to the breast--the bone is just bending like a tentacle or something. Look at how it's curving.

You should study anatomy from the ground up and piece by piece before trying to make complete lewd drawings.

>> No.3105432
File: 729 KB, 1019x753, pose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried fix a bit, but still something wrong.
Also i used posemaniacs as a guide

>> No.3105435

Can't even spot the change.

>> No.3105444
File: 701 KB, 1079x1043, 20170818_201948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3105461
File: 259 KB, 1000x1000, hows annie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that bad?

>> No.3105470
File: 639 KB, 1019x753, 1503155895245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're treating her right leg as if you're viewing it from the side when you're actually viewing it from the back and it's pointed forward (away from the viewer).

Here's a really ghetto "redline" demonstrating some of the major issues that I made in Paint because I'm too lazy to grab my tablet. Biggest issues are the right leg and the angles in the torso. Posemaniacs is awesome because you can see the muscles, so it helps a lot to look carefully at how they contour to see how things are actually angled in perspective.

>> No.3105471


>> No.3105476
File: 115 KB, 579x1200, bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottle exercise from ktd. What area could use improvement?

>> No.3105477

the neck will be under the jaw slightly

>> No.3105483

With what in particular?

I'm bored so I guess I'll just prattle off every single mistake I see.

>chicken scratch-y sketch (no this isn't ok because it's a sketch, restate lines instead of going back and forth)
>mouth is too big and stretched unnaturally (smile in a mirror, it doesn't naturally stretch beyond the visible teeth)
>also the tips of the bottom teeth should be visible from a roughly top view
>eyes are too high
>her right eye (our left) has a square corner for some reason?
>cheek bones are too high (I think this character is a girl so that's making her look way too masculine)
>size of the head is alright so last two will make facial proportions look better
>fixed cheek bones will also help mouth corners look better (dimples touch the cheekbones)
>nose is ok, brow ridge will shift down with eyes to make it look smaller like it sohuld
>parting of the hair doesn't properly follow contour of the cranium (draw contour line around the top of the skull to see what I mean)
>hair itself is ok, has clear volume

As much criticism as I can muster, some of it is pedantic or nitpicky but all honest.

>> No.3105486


How has no one mentioned she also has a man ass?

>> No.3105488

>I think this character is a girl

I think you're a girl

>> No.3105491

Whoops, a lot of my criticism about the facial structure is invalid then. I don't play pseudo-weeb games so I wasn't sure but I always thought the character was a girl from art I'd seen.

Mouth still need to be fixed because it's uncanny as fuck.

>> No.3105531
File: 41 KB, 483x695, shitshow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno, maybe i should start all over again? this crap making me shit ass

anyways, thx, you helped me, even if i cant fix this bloody cunt because of angery and stupidity

>> No.3105537

yes, you lazy fucker

>> No.3105540

It's a dude, but yeah. I see.

So what critcism should I ignore? And can't I chock up the enlarged mouth to style? If not, then should I just make it smaller and change the teeth?

>> No.3105548

Ignore the parts about the cheekbones and brow ridge if you want him to look more masculine. I'd play around with the corners of the mouth and teeth to see if you can get it to look more natural while keeping the stylized psychopath look.

>> No.3105557

Should I be using a reference for a pose for my shitty anime girls?

>> No.3105592

Start constructing it from scratch, then reference a pose to see where you fucked up. You learn more that way than by copying a pose directly.

>> No.3105607

Oh yeah, I think you're right. The neck is too long

>> No.3105615

You're just inexperienced, don't beat yourself up over it.

Something that can be very helpful but also infuriating is to try drawing figures upside-down to dissociate how you think they should look from how they actually look. It'll feel really uncomfortable but you'll get better at identifying the actual angles and forms.

>> No.3105635
File: 352 KB, 3507x2480, 1503171332540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I fix this posture?

>> No.3105653

doing fun with a pencil.

I can of course break the equal middle parts rule of the ball and plane method to say make the third part longer for a longer face (lower chin) right?

>> No.3105664

First off, stand in front of a mirror and recreate that pose. Feel how awkward and uncomfortable it is for you to stand like that. Then switch to a more natural stance while keeping the same general pose. Use your full length mirror to figure out natural poses.

tldr needs more loomis

>> No.3105666

are you retarded? he gave good criticism

>> No.3105674
File: 818 KB, 1584x1080, study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3105687



>> No.3105691
File: 125 KB, 1098x922, JPEG_20170819_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3105714

Yes, I'm pretty sure Loomis makes a big point about breaking the rules because nothing is perfect etc etc and you should experiment. The thirds proportioning of the face is "ideal" and intended to be used as a general guide rather than an absolute rule.

>> No.3105718

You should be studying anatomy part by part and from the ground up if you want to create Mongolian Etch-A-Sketch girls.

>> No.3105734
File: 2.96 MB, 1440x960, tom josch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the first thing I ever painted in my life; where do I start?

>> No.3105753

try the sticky or resources in the OP that literally tell you what to do if you don't know where to start

>> No.3105755

Blog? Nice work. Mind explaining what you were going for? Looks like it could use some sand unless those are cliffs.

>> No.3105759
File: 95 KB, 576x658, 65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any crits?

>> No.3105762
File: 185 KB, 248x374, krita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just got a wacom. what does /beg/ think of this book?

>> No.3105763
File: 148 KB, 717x909, halfling3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a follow up of this. Any critiques?

I'm wondering about the values and color. She's supposed to be walking through a forest area, so I may have made the values too bright.

>> No.3105768

Thanks anon. I saw a picture of my friends when they went to Crater Lake and thought it looked cool. The big Christmas tree looking thing on the right is the mountain in the middle of the lake. I was just pissing about at first and thought it would be interesting to cleanly break it down into two colours (the mountain was covered in trees and greenery so I decided to use dark green and brown). In hindsight this didn't work so well but I still like the general idea and I'll try my hand at this when I'm better.

The brown in the background is cliffs.

I don't have a blog yet but might make one when I get good. You?

Thanks senpai; will do.

>> No.3105785
File: 213 KB, 1128x787, ayeayeaye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through Proko's face features tutorials.

Doing eyes, I think I understand the construction, the fold of skin above the top lid is confusing at times but it varies so much reference to reference, it's the shading that has me scratching my head at times.

Am I doing something wrong? Can I get some critique here?

>> No.3105790

what book is this from?

>> No.3105794

>can only spend about 5 hours on a study and get bored
How long would it take for me to get gud as this art >>3105171

>> No.3105797

Not bad. But don't bite off more than you can chew. I really wouldn't worry about shading yet. Focus on line drawing. When you become very proficient at line drawing (and I'm not just talking about eyes) then move on to rendering. Make your focus laser tight.

>> No.3105799
File: 163 KB, 1270x1417, 54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some chinese anatomy book. its like a chink bridgman

>> No.3105801

name and pdf?

>> No.3105807

>2 day period
Is there a typo somewhere in there.

>> No.3105814
File: 397 KB, 2539x2835, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry, i can't read mandarin and there is no cover page, just the inside pages. i forgot where i had downloaded this from as well

>> No.3105815

We don't know if it's too light or too dark for the background because you didn't block in the rest of the initial values.

>> No.3105821

What do you mean?

>> No.3105825

Be more careful with the lines and be more confident with them. You're exaggerating some of the curves and de-emphasizing some of them at the same time.
Draw what you see, not what you think- stylization comes later.

The most glaring examples of the mistakes I mentioned are the adam's apple, the exaggerated hump on the nose, the eyebrows, and the line on the forehead disconnects for no reason. He looks like he's jutting his jaw, etc.
I see some sort of attempt of measurement- you have some proportions right - but try harder and take your time with it.

Line weight, width, their connection, etc. implies a lot of information of the form, so you want to treat each line carefully rather than stacking them on and hope it becomes accurate.

>> No.3105832

Brush strokes are very messy - makes her look like she came out of a chimney.
You made it too dark - in the original photo there's more highlights on her face.
No attempt at the shadow of her eyelashes, which takes away from her beauty.
Lips too small.
Nose too small- it doesn't even look like a nose anymore as it looks collapsed in your picture.

Spend more time observing and be more careful with each brush stroke you want to lay down.

>> No.3105844
File: 212 KB, 1064x1068, JPEG_20170819_20-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3105851

I get distracted too easily or stay for hours on bullshit that never comes out close to decent anyway.
I want to git gut and I have about 3-4 hours a day.
I think planning/timer would help me, so what kind of solide routine should i do?
Like spending 1 week on this, 1 week on that, etc...or split the day like 1 hour on basics, 1 hour on study, 1 from imagination?

>> No.3105852

I never draw anything except random forms in space and motorics practice. How do I make it?

>> No.3105861

Jaw structure is turning your ref into a shemale. The jawline is one of the biggest decerning factors for masculinity.

>> No.3105863

Stop thinking about it and just draw. "I lack anatomy" study anatomy. "Anatamy tells me I need construction" study construction. "Grinding is boring"draw what you like. etc.

>> No.3105865

Pretty dope

>> No.3105866


Are you from draw a box? Move onto figure drawing. Check out proko's videos on the bean, robo-bean, mannequization, construction and then figure drawing.

>> No.3105872


Block in the background and foreground. Lighting in the forest will be block by the trees, branches and leaves. You need to roughly set up everything and think about what kind of mood or lighting you want. Do a couple of thumbnail sketch. Don't be shy to use reference.

>> No.3105877

do you happen to know of any good tutorials for how to create a background scenery?

>> No.3105896




>> No.3106024

I rotated it a bit trying to emphasis low-angle shot. What is loomis?

>> No.3106039

Is anyone going to redline this?

>> No.3106131

You're improving at a frightening pace. I guess the real secret to getting good fast is to draw gay bara.