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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3097461 No.3097461 [Reply] [Original]

I want to draw from imagination, but at the same time I keep hearing these conflicting messages of "if you wanna draw from imagination you got to practice drawing from imagination" and "never draw from imagination, use references as they don't imprint your mind with mistakes in the future" How do I balance these sentiments and go about drawing and learning as quickly as possible?

>> No.3097464

Stop thinking about it and just start drawing

When drawing from imagination, incorporate references to make things look grounded or proportionally correct.

>> No.3097472

Use references as just references. Get a photo of a head but don't copy it exactly (draw your own head).

Also try to draw something via imagination and get it as correct as you can possibly get -> get references -> fix

>> No.3097480

You can't do that without knowing anatomy.

>> No.3097483


Don't listen to these fucking retards. Okay let me try to break it down for you buddy. First of all, drawing from imagination is a very very difficult skill. In order for you to draw from imagination well, you need to have a solid understanding of your fundamentals and be able to draw from reference well. If you can't draw hands well from reference, then your imagination hands aren't gonna be good either. That's that. Second, in order to draw from imagination, you have to practice drawing from imagination. It sounds so obvious but yet it goes over so many peoples head. Incorporating photos isn't going to improve your imagination drawing. If you incorporate photos, you'll always be reliant on photos. When you draw from imagination, you need to put all reference away and just try to figure out shit from your head. Does that mean you should always draw from imagination? No, you should be doing studies of things that you find difficult. For example, if you can draw a figure from imagination but find that you struggle with the hands, instead of using reference, do studies of hands and commit it to memory. And lastly, understanding perspective, construction, anatomy, desu all fundamentals are essential for being able to draw from imagination. If you want to do value paintings from imagination, then you gotta understand value to the point where you don't need to reference it. All sounds very obvious yet it's clearly going over these retards heads.

I'll leave you with this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOK2sDLtu2Q

P.S. Stop asking for advice on this board. Most of these guys are retards who are probably drawing stick figures from imagination. Go find someone good and ask THEM questions.

>> No.3097487

>gives advice
>"by the way, stop asking her for advice, you wont get any"
every time

>> No.3097488

...Which is why you do studies.
That's pretty much what I was advocating, get off your damn high horse.

>> No.3097489

You're all stupid for replying anyway OP is never gonna improve.

>> No.3097490

I believe in OP!

>> No.3097553

>Go find someone good and ask THEM questions.

holy shit, fuck off with this advice already. Why do beginners like you feel like you are entitled to bother good artists at any time with your dumb ass questions?

>> No.3097555

You have to do both.
First you build a visual library and learn fundamentals by using references. Understanding perspective is crucial to be able to draw from memory. For characters you also want to be good at body proportions. But you can't do that from memory if you first don't internalize this stuff. For that you need references.
Once you are good enough, you can start creating your own stuff without needing any references.

>> No.3097558

>That's pretty much what I was advocating
Not the same anon, but no, you weren't.
That anon explained that you FIRST must learn fundamentals in order to be able to use those fundamentals without needing references. You were explaining something completely different.

>> No.3097559
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First of all, I'm not a beginner. I'm fairly advanced. Second, the reason I say you should ask advance artists questions is the same reason why you shouldn't ask overweight fucks for advice on fitness. They don't know what the fuck they are talking about. For an experienced artist like myself, I know when advice is sound however for a beginner, it's very easy for you trolls and legitimately autistic fucks to lead poor beginners astray. Which I why I gave him sound advice and suggested that in the future he talk with a pro.

>> No.3097565

you need to practice both
not one or the other

>> No.3097700

Here's what you do to practice. Find a pose online and then copy it as best you can. Now, draw that same pose from a completely new perspective/angle from your mind. Do this 100x a week for each pose study.

>> No.3100219

ignore all of these post except this one >>3097483

>> No.3100247

The latter applies if you're a beginner, the former applies if you aren't

>> No.3100249

>draw from reference
>apply that knowledge by drawing from imagination
>repeat step one

>> No.3100280

>"never draw from imagination, use references as they don't imprint your mind with mistakes in the future"
Where the hell did you pick up this incredibly stupid idea?

>> No.3100505

>holy shit, fuck off with this advice already. Why do beginners like you feel like you are entitled to bother good artists at any time with your dumb ass questions?
You sound like an insecure pussy little bitch. The worst the artist can do is not reply, most artists are open to answering questions and I guarantee, 100%, that you've never tried yourself on account of being a spineless fuck. >>3097483 is the only good advice in this thread.

>> No.3100818

this, refs are just refs to help build a comp
otherwise what, youre basically just doing still lifes

>> No.3101094

Don't say stuff like this if you haven't read all the posts in a thread, you moron.

>> No.3101476


>> No.3101576

you don't listen to either of them, a real artist learns from all the techniques and uses whatever is appropriate to the specific case

>> No.3101693


1. put on some music you like and start doodling. when a doodle looks like something you can try to make it look more like that thing. Like a doodle looks a little like a branch, you start making it into a tree.

2. you'll notice things like how the heck does a branch work?

3. don't look at refs, but try to think it out. what would look like a branch. try to see it or think it or whatever you can.

4. As time goes you have discovered things you struggle with and have thought a lot about how it works, i.e a branch. or a cloud or shoulders etc.

5. don't just look up refs, but try to really dig in your mind and figure out how they look like.

6. when your not drawing and your out walking, you can't help but study branches to have a sneak peek at the "answer" as to how the hell they work.

7. that's why you need to give it a lot of thought while your drawing, a) to stretch your imagination b) to get interested

8. As you keep doodling, and get better at solving problems i.e how branches work, you'll get better and encounter new problems like how to get objects to work together as a scene, then later composition.

9. If you want to start doodling scenes straight away, do it. There are no rules except trying to not look at refs and rather bend your mind and try to figure it out. After a while, you'll get better. Don't expect to figure problems out first try, just try whatever you want AFTER giving it some serious thought.

>> No.3101736

I drew diligently from imagination when starting out. But my skill honestly didn't increase until I started figure drawing and drawing from/with reference.

>> No.3101738

Not that anon who insulted you, but you gotta tell me how you get those nice juicy strokes.

>> No.3101821


The only insecure pussy is the one getting asspained over advice that THEY ASKED FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Like fuck, you think /ic/ is only a place to go to for fishing compliments. What if a pro artist called you a limp dick faggot? What would you do then? Keep going artist to artist until you like what you hear? No, you grow a pair and take whats constructive and you filter out the one-liner meme responses.

Honestly, if advice gets your panties in such a bunch then dont ask for it. You do nothing good by stirring up e-drama because your feelings got hurt.

>> No.3101830

>drawing from reference gives you knowledge about things
>drawing from imagination is applying that knowledge into practice
It's not hard.

>> No.3102387

You need to practice both. Go to life drawing workshops if you can, or work from photos if not, and also draw characters from imagination for fun. Try to do at least a little of both everyday.

Oh, and study the shit out of anatomy. It's a necessity if you ever want to become really good.

>> No.3102414

>workshop meme

nice try Chad