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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3091447 No.3091447 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best kept secret in the art industry?

>> No.3091449

whites are keeping minorities down

>> No.3091451

Loomis is a meme.

>> No.3091454

Just Fucking Draw.

>> No.3091458

That art has been hijacked by commies and Jews.

>> No.3091463

Studying art is just like studying everything else.

>> No.3091464

It's surprising how few know this.

>> No.3091534

>modern art was a CIA weapon
>no it was a money laundering scheme
>no, it was the Commies
>n-no, it was the Jews!

Just make up your mind people

>> No.3091538

Probably the statistics on art schools.
>10% of arts graduates are
working artists
>16% of working artists are
arts graduates

>> No.3091539

It's about who you are/know, rather then what you can do

>> No.3091595

it was all of those things.

>> No.3091660

David and venus de milo were furries, but trough the years their fur couldnt pass the test of time, also they were black, because vice told me that.Wich also makes me black because I am Italian and greek.Makes you wonder.

>> No.3091663

Im also black. Though my skin color is white I was born in the middle east - sand nigger country. Its ok for me to say nigger coz I am one.

>> No.3091670

I dont think there are too many secrets, at least not that I'm privy to.

I did learn in an interview that large modern art purchases are often made for money laundering purposes. You can buy/move/sell anonymously so its ideal. Its widespread enough that some prominent conceptual artist have openly complained that their art just gets put in a crate somewhere but most tolerate it since it means they get crazy prices. No one knows how widespread it is and its very hard to track but its serious enough that countries like Switzerland have passed laws to combat it.

>> No.3091672

this isn't true. if your interview story is true, which it isn't, your fictional interviewer is in error. all genuine paintings come with a detailed transaction history, they are not anonymous.

this is a myth which comes from people being confused about how what seems like terrible art objects command such high prices. and it's true that the answer is 'sneaky financial stuff' but just not money laundering (usually).

except in the notable case of beugereau paintings in the 80s

>> No.3091676
File: 89 KB, 942x440, Prince Avalanche OLD MAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^This. Dave Rapoza proved that you can git gud and "make it" into the art industry by sheer hard work and discipline. He did what most people don't do-He worked hard and he worked smart...In other words, he was able to structure his time efficiency and min/max his art gains like a god. Even Kim Jung Gi started out somewhere and he had to draw from reference for decades until he could draw freely like he does now. All this Drawabox and Loomis worship won't work for everybody, it's just a tool like anything else, and it's up to you to figure out what works and what doesn't. Fucking just draw, have basic fucking critical thinking skills, and figure that shit out!

>> No.3091680

evertime i've seen that image it was paired with a philosophical/inspirational post. this needs to become a meme ,i'll call him the sage advice guy

>> No.3091684

You draw largely with your eyes, not your hand.
Your hand just draws ideas, not images.
You can't draw from imagination unless you have experiences to draw from. (ie doing poses to feel the motion, climbing mountains to feel the chill, helping others to experience the emotions they feel and translate it all to you canvas.)

Just kidding! Just draw anime and post on social media.

>> No.3091687

you sound like a white guy to me

>> No.3091704

>t. lazy fuck looking for the ultimate recipe to become KGJ in a day

>> No.3091735


It's better to be reliable than amazing.

An amazing artist who can't keep deadlines is useless.

Shortcuts are necessary and encouraged. Photobashing is fine.Using 3D models when needed is fine. Tracing is great. Reusing assets is better!

Being a purist is a one way trip to the poorhouse. If you wanna make it, you gotta think like a hack.

Oh and concept art doesn't exist to look pretty, idiots.

>> No.3091737

You do realize Rapoza learned alot from Loomis and would always talk about and study Loomis on his Crimson daggers stream? loomis is a meme is a meme

>> No.3091742

That just sounds like bitterness. Not that im judging you, its tough not to be in this way of life sometimes.

It might be true that there are artists who use bullshit like photobashing and get high profile work but there are others who are what you might consider "purists" and they get work as well. The ones who do good work also often become the most prominent.

Also, consider this secret of the art industry: life is devoid of meaning and that fact that we die at all means it'll all be just a dream anyway.

There's no point in doing anything except what you want to. Doing bullshit might sometimes earn you a lot of money but then you'll spend most of your life doing bullshit, its a high tradeoff.

>> No.3091743

>when unclogging one's tube, one must always stroke back to front, back to front. always back to front.
>keep some tissue handy to dab the tip.

>> No.3091744

>Doing bullshit might sometimes earn you a lot of money but then you'll spend most of your life doing bullshit, its a high tradeoff.
No it's not, you get a lot of money, you know, the stuff that lets you truly do what you want.

>> No.3091745

>implying that those aren't all the same thing

>> No.3091746

That the industry is a business and being a skilled artist is completely irrelevant.

>> No.3091753


Who's bitter?

I'm doing what I want, and you know what?

It's a heck of a lot better than working in retail. When I was working retail, I had even LESS time to focus on my art, and the pay was crap, and I was a nervous wreck. I'll use any dirty trick I need to stay out of Target, capisce?

What I'm trying to get the AMATEURS on this board to realize, is that ART IS A BUSINESS! Particularly entertainment art. You morons are so busy criticizing the professionals for doing things the "wrong way" that you don't even stop to wonder why they do things that way.

But professionals don't worry about that. They do what needs to be done to get the job finished. That's not bitterness, that's REALITY.

You know what happens to professionals that refuse to accept the realities of the business? They become the John Kricsfalusis of the world. Bitter old men who can't complete a 6 minute cartoon in 5 years with 130,000 dollars, but shout at all the other creators that "They're not doing it the right way!"

>> No.3091754

Sure yea, that's how people often rationalize the pursuit of money. It makes sense.

But often to acquire a ton of money, you have to put a lot of work and time towards that end. That's usually unavoidable unless your very lucky. If you want to be a photobashing dickhead you will have to do a lot of it, and keep doing it, on crazy deadlines and just pumping it out while suffering the shame of knowing your spending huge chunks of your time making garbage.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to gain wealth, but large amounts often take large chunks of your time, often most of it. Time is a precious commodity perhaps more so then money.

>> No.3091756


>Time is a precious commodity perhaps more so then money.

And you will have a lot less time for art working at the Dairy Queen than you will with an actual paying art job.

>> No.3091762

None of that has to do with Loomis.

>> No.3091918

martial arts are really similar to arts. The same principles and filosophy apply.
But if you fail at art you don't get your shit beaten

>> No.3091965

Sauce ?

>> No.3091967
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>> No.3092004

That talent is real and most people simply will never reach a professional level.
(even being bad at doing art, you can make money with it)

This secret is used to make people delusional like this guy >>3091676

There was a lot of people who studied like Dave Rapoza and are not on his level, because... Well, hes talented. Dan Warren did the same type of training, at almost the same time. Still, people look just at Dave and think everybody can be a little Rapoozle if they "work hard".

Also, Dave studied a lot of hours everyday, I'll agree with that, but even so he evolved super fast. You can't expect to reach his level doing the same thing he has done, people are different and THAT is the biggest lie in the industry.

>> No.3092005
File: 83 KB, 911x880, ThinkWorkCreateSell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have the discipline, intelligence and social skills you WILL make it.

>> No.3092013

>social skills

>> No.3092156
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>tfw i dont have any of those

>> No.3092222

shame you weren't. if you can't market yourself/get your work out there it doesn't matter how good you are.

>> No.3092450

LOL. Keep selling that snake oil, kid.

>> No.3092544

Success in art is 10-20% luck 50-60% marketing and maybe 20-30% skill.

So all you ic autists can grind 16 hours a day for years and still amount to nothing if you can't shill

>> No.3092572

your only paths are ArtStation and Tumblr.

You will never get work unless you 3D/photobash/master perspective

You will never be popular unless you have style/appeal.

Just be blue collar and work odd jobs, then be a bachelor forever. Most people worth having around like to spend money and do shit like travel on vacation.

Accept that the kid who wanted to do so-and-so is naive and retarded, and restructure your goals and expectations.

Art is literally the one thing that makes me happy I could not imagine doing it for money unless i'm exclusively being paid to do exactly what i want like a director.

I'd rather fix peoples shit as a wagie and live in an apartment with a shit car, than be forced to hate drawing because i spend 16 hours drawing retarded shit like fan-comissioned work or "RELISTIC??" for 18 hours. At least then I can forge relationships with people who are actually decent.

At least then I'm not being castrated and censored by social justice/ political correctness bullshit.
Every fucking liberal type is too mamby-pamby for actually difficult shit like working on an oil rig, so i don't have to deal with those types of people.

All we have is the occasional female hire, but even then it's just polite conservative types who are just there to feed their kids. Not these "activists."
You don't cruise through life and work at a factory, you end up at Google or some other SJW diversity job. Even the minorites are alright.

>> No.3092599

Something that inherently will not be posted in this thread. Ask better questions.

>> No.3092613


It's not that hard to make a living if you leave your personal standards at the door. There's good money in fetish porn.

>> No.3092628

Are you drunk?

>> No.3092634

i worked on andromeda and it bombed.

yes i am drunkk

>> No.3092637

>liberal type is too mamby-pamby for actually difficult shit like working on an oil rig, so i don't have to deal with those types of people.

Where does this sterotype come from? I mean the artists I knew who were successful and talented were incredibly self-disciplined in a way that I still aspire to reached. The dyed hair triggered sjw phenomena wasn't even a thing in art school and/or those people tended to be slackers/fuckups and dropped out or failed.

>> No.3092638
File: 964 KB, 1504x2400, couple_walk03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tracing actually improves your drawing skill.
When I started drawing, I traced everything in three tutorial books in a month and my skill drastically got better. This is the training that is actually employed in Japanese animator schools for "inbetweeners".

>> No.3092641

the sjw types are also college professors employers and industry leads

>> No.3092642
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>> No.3092651
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KJG is blind

>> No.3092655

What's an inbetweener?

>> No.3092659


>> No.3092684

Everyone uses reference material. Art is not this magical thing that happens out of imagination. The only thing imaginative about art, is how you use that reference material.

>> No.3092688

Never gonna make it.

>> No.3092691

Neither are you. Welcome to /ic/. :)

>> No.3092996

salesmanship > connections > skill

>> No.3093029


I'll try this along with observational stuff, gotta go practice.

>> No.3093045

Not sure if its a secret but 90% of art education material (books, videos, tutorials even schools) are a scam that don't really teach you the actual fundamentals, no wonder that majority of artists are incapable of producing good work the education market is flooded with garbage that is only made so the artist can earn some money off naive beginners thinking there are shortcuts or easy ways of learning all the fundamentals.

>> No.3093117
File: 80 KB, 977x655, trace_and_recreate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This training doesn't end here. Each time you trace something, you must copy it on a piece of blank paper. You can look at the reference freely. Use outline, skeleton, rough sketch, etc. But don't use chicken scratch. Use eraser and redraw lines every time you missed. The purpose is to memorize the shape of the reference. Like you learn new letters. The basics of sketching is "Look, Hold, Draw". This training improves your "Hold" ability. They say what's important is not drawing but looking. The true meaning of this saying is that your drawing ability depends on your "holding" ability.

>> No.3093267


Oh Bwah so you worked on a bad game. Cry me a river.

The last two shows I worked on didn't even make it to production.

>> No.3093306

Damn, for all that construction it still looks worse than a Nosebro drawing

>> No.3094255

you look worse than a nosebro drawing.

>> No.3094640

Really I mean, the art teachers I've met tended to be super classical while open to many things. One guy would often get into heated debates with the weebs in my class over anime/Japanese art being well "art".

The SJW didn't seem really be in art school because the really hardcore feminist types would just be offended by everything, especially the shock artists. That being said a lot of people had dyed hair so take from that what you want.

>> No.3094648
File: 212 KB, 800x1136, 1486365857083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when do you draw pictures in mathematics?

>> No.3094651

This, and also:

To make money off of art you don't actually have to be good, you just have to make something an audience likes and will pay money for.

Now, being good can certainly help, but it's not the be all end all of popularity.

>> No.3094652

>he never did geometry in space

>> No.3094663

you can reference all you want but you won't be able to draw well from imagination without decent skills in construction and composition

>> No.3094668


>> No.3094670

you have one group of people.
the group then divides into people that want to sell out and those that don't.
the sellouts establish the 'reality' of the market and indoctrinate the next generation.
the non-sellouts live outside the system and thus accumulate criticism of the mainstream which denies their right to exist in addition to marginalizing any opinion they wish to share.

>> No.3095214


Most of the "non-sellouts" also never produce anything of note because they're obsessed with *how* things are done, rather than doing them.So all they do is sit around and criticize those who actually go out and DO SOMETHING!

Even the greats have to occasionally take a paycheck job.

Oh and one other thing, my development as an artist was much more stunted BEFORE I "sold out", because wasting your life in a soul-crushing retail job does not encourage you to develop your artistic abilities. It drains your energy and willpower.

Nowadays I may spend a lot of time working on someone else's vision, but at least I'm developing my skillset. Nothing makes you a better artist than having to learn to work under a deadline.

>> No.3095375

Nosebro just shut the fuck up. You're not funny, you're not even good at art, and you talk shit like you know everything when you haven't improved at all in two years. Go become an hero.

>> No.3095379

I never said construction and composition aren't necessary to learn, stupid. Read my post again and you'd figure out that I was saying that there is no one formula that will work for everybody. Not everyone can use Loomis to get good, and even the ones that do will eventually have to figure out some things on their own. What I'm saying is to figure out what works for you and stick with it, instead of being a fucking sheep and listening to every dunning kruger d/ic/k who thinks they know everything because they know basic construction. Just look at Nosebro for prime example of this.

>> No.3095664

my money's on CIA but i have no doubt there are others who benefited in the same way

>> No.3095736

the cia thing is the only verified one. they 'invested' in non-figurative american art because realist movements are naturally left wing as you're painting workers and poor people and that sort of thing (ashcan school for example.)

i've also heard that it was used as a way to promote american culture, because before like ww2 american art was considered to be quite provincial on the whole, and there's nothing like money to make rich people reconsider the cultural merit of something.

>> No.3095849

can he look at you for a prime example of being so bad you cant even post work?

>> No.3095881

SCAD student here. Certain departments really lowered the bar further than you'd think. An Illustration BFA there essentially only requires money and time at this point. SJW types build up in a couple of fields but in particular the fashion department. Typically about a third of the clubs are dedicated breeding grounds, especially the faggot and friends club which might as well have been a privilege bank. And the school coddles that group and doesn't sponsor or even approve of conservative groups. It also outlawed frats. Thankfully, SCAD has a 45% dropout rate, or it did when I went there.

>> No.3096135

Can't we look at you being so bad that you shouldn't post work? Stop being on this board and go draw.

>> No.3096138

How to keep yourself from starving as a post graduate

>> No.3096220

>You know what happens to professionals that refuse to accept the realities of the business? They become the John Kricsfalusis of the world. Bitter old men who can't complete a 6 minute cartoon in 5 years with 130,000 dollars, but shout at all the other creators that "They're not doing it the right way!"
I don't know about the dude other than I see pic/gifs from his cartoons regularly on 4chan and when people talk about it, it's clear that those shows are loved. I just watched this unfinished clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk7bn3qBgSM and I really enjoyed it. I checked wiki's page and it would seem that it has reached completion after all this time.
>However, on August 6, 2017, the Kickstarter has been updated finally announcing the film's completion.[80]T
I think you're making a fair point but it will never change the fact that something good takes time, if you take shortcuts you'll make more money short term and maybe even long term but take too many shortcuts and nothing you do will ever really matter to anyone. Never take shortcuts and you might never reach your goal though

>> No.3096221
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How does it feel that no mater what you do you will never break through to being a well renounced artist?

How does it feel that modern art is littleraly a means of money laundering & seriptious money transfer? That the only way you will ever get rich from this is if by the grace of God a rich person will have to sponsor/promote your work to auction it. That by doing so will have to be a QT bottom at the gat art circles.
Even if you do break through you will barely only be considered for initation into the brotherhood that controls this world.

How does it feel? Also calling dubs 33 degrees.

>> No.3096228

smartest post itt

>> No.3096247

The meme is recommending Loomis for everything.

Fun With a Pencil is invaluable if you're just starting out because it explains construction, proportion, and perspective in layman's terms. Once you understand those three concepts you can start drawing and improving right away, while integrating more and more exercises and techniques into your work.

>> No.3096745


>it's clear that those shows are loved.

And John K. has been riding that wave of goodwill for 25 years. Meanwhile he's flushed every opportunity that came his way down the toilet.

And 5 years is FAR too long for six minutes of animation. In the 40s studios pumped out cartoons of equal or better quality by the hundreds.

And part of that is because they had guys breathing down their necks to get the work done. Without that, a lot of artists sink into a morass of non-productivity.

>> No.3096802

some of the best art quotes I've ever found were actually bruce lee's thoughts on the tao of martial arts.