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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 84 KB, 995x802, secretary_sue_by_sycra-db0elk9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3069257 No.3069257 [Reply] [Original]

I know you faggots on /ic/ like to shit talk sycra because he's been drawing for over 10 years and still being bad or whatever, but realistically, for someone training everyday like 4 hours, how long would it take to reach his level. Last time I heard several months, do people really belive this shit?

>> No.3069262

>It's another "How long does it take to get good?" thread

Can't you people just draw for the sake of drawing? You will get good eventually, it depends from person to person how long that takes.

>> No.3069282

That's just BS optimism. Vast majority of artists stay shit.

>> No.3069287

They stay "shit" like how Sycra is still shit, but for most normies, that's already considered a very high skill level. The only people who truly stay shit are those with geniune autism or mild forms of mental retardation.

>> No.3069288

How many Sycra dickride threads are you going to make you insufferable faggot

>> No.3069305


With that attitude, sure.

All I'm saying that if your motivation to draw depends on how long it will take for you to get good, you're in it for the wrong reasons. Drawing is a journey without an ending point so just enjoy it.

>> No.3069309

No, sycra is clearly at industry level and has made cards for magic. The vast majority of artists stay stuck at beg/intermediate tier.

>> No.3069321

Sycra IS at intermediate tier. Whether or not he has done work for MTG doesn't change that.

>> No.3069324

How? Which youtuber is better than sycra then

>> No.3069331

Whaaat. What mtg cards did he make?

>> No.3069335

Just what exactly does intermediate tier mean to you? The work on the alt stylization thread is intermediate tier, sycra is clearly beyond that...

>> No.3069336

What do you mean by "youtuber"? I thought we're talking about artists here. So pretty much any decent artist with a youtube channel? Sinix, Aldoori, Bobby Chiu, Feng Zhu, Scott Robertson, the Tonko House guys, you name it?

>> No.3069340

Scott Robertson, Feng zhu, and bobby chiu are practically super star artists. To say that anyone lower than that is intermediate tier, is plain retarded.

>> No.3069342

Intermediate tier to me is when you have a decent grasp of the fundamentals, yet still make pretty obvious beginner mistakes here and there and your work as a whole just doesn't look all that good.

>The work on the alt stylization thread is intermediate tier, sycra is clearly beyond that...

If we take the average of all the posters there, then sure, Sycra is better than that, but that average leans way more towards beginner than intermediate so that's hardly an argument for Sycra being above intermediate.

>> No.3069345

>To say that anyone lower than that is intermediate tier, is plain retarded.

I didn't say that, you just out of the blue asked me to name youtubers better than Sycra, which was a completely random thing to do.

>> No.3069348
File: 263 KB, 752x1061, lara_croft_tomb_raider_by_reiq-dbbbs4g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What obvious beginner mistakes does sycra make other than having a "bad style" which is completely subjective.

I'd consider reiq to be around the same level as sycra, do you consider him intermediate as well? Or even vetyr? Do you consider her to be intermediate?

>> No.3069351
File: 94 KB, 600x876, kill_la_kill_ryuko_matoi_by_turquoiserabbit-d81y7ao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I consider to be intermediate. There are a lot of anatomy and rendering mistakes but overall there is a okay grasp of clothing, proportion and placement, and a bit of color theory

>> No.3069353
File: 162 KB, 822x971, anime-drawings8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where I'd put /beg/ tier at

>> No.3069355

About tree fiddy

>> No.3069359

No he's not you dunning kruger

>> No.3069368

I wouldn't call Reiq intermediate, because he plateaued a decade ago. He's basically a really bad artists who can't get any better. Skill-wise, though, he's absolutely intermediate.

This is beginner tier.

>> No.3069373

Yeah, I don't think you really understand what beginner, intermediate, advance and master really mean.

Let's take sports for example.

Beginner: Someone who just started, can't make the high school team
Intermediate: Basically high school level jv/varsity and may include collegiate
Advanced: Collegiate level to making a national sports team
Master: Someone who stands out, for example Lebron james, Michael Jordan, Michael Phelps, John bones jones, Mayweather etc

The problem with your classification is that you're making it so that anyone below mastery level is intermediate

Here is how i'll put it.

Beginner artist: Basically artists who post in /beg/ tier
Intermediate: Average level of artists who post in ALT/STYLE in appear in the OP image.
Advanced: Sycra, sinix, Jetty jet, Bobmeatbag, reiq, etc
Mastery: Ruan Jia, Feng Zhu, Scott Robertson, Kim Jung gi, Yoh Yoshinari, Krenz Cushart

>> No.3069378

>Mastery: Ruan Jia

>> No.3069382

He's a master of rendering. When I say "master" I'm referring to an artist who's fairly advanced in all areas but exceptionally excels in a single area.

>> No.3069386

I think your "master" in at least one notch below a true master then. Someone like Da Vinci, Raphael, Rembrandt you know, the canonical masters

And I'd put another level between them, which would include the likes of Leyendecker, Frazetta, Vallejo, not quite masters but clearly in a league above someone like this juan ria guy

>> No.3069389

Sports isn't a good example, because improvement is relatively linear.
Also, you can't put people like Sycra, Reiq and sinix in advanced. For fuck's sake, sinix doesn't even understand how to draw an eye in 3/4 view, and Reiq is just a really bad artist who can't even do proper gestures or make his character show any kind of emotion. I think Sycra suffers from brain damage, because no one should ever draw like him.

Maybe if you added a fifth category in the middle, you'd have an argument.

>> No.3069390

Those are OLD masters. Besides, I don't see Da Vinci being better than KJG.

>> No.3069393

>Reiq can't do proper gesture

You sound retarded for saying that. Do you even know what gesture means?

sinix doesn't even understand how to draw an eye in 3/4 view

He's clearly exaggerating. If you check out his life drawing sketches, you can see he can draw faces normally.

>Sycra suffers from brain damage

I can agree with that. But that doesn't detract from my argument.

>> No.3069399

>Do you even know what gesture means?
Do you? I didn't say gesture drawing, I said gestures.
Gesture drawing trains you to do natural poses, properly balanced characters and to express something with the human body.
Clearly he hasn't applied any of this to use usual art. His poses are extremely basic and stiff, and lack any kind of subtlety or dynamism.

>He's clearly exaggerating.
Exaggerating doesn't mean you're supposed to do something wrong.

>> No.3069403

You're an idiot. I posted that video to accentuate my point. Obviously, you're gonna lose gesture the more detail you add. As for sinix, personally you seem like a dunning Krueger who's unable to differentiate between exaggeration and incorrect facial construction. "oh the face proportions don't exactly match the stuff I learned from Proko beginner head drawing the other day , it must be wrong"

>> No.3069408

>Sycra suffers from brain damage
>Lul I agree

Lol this is funny how about instead of jerking each other off saying someone is bad you provide logic or a photo and break it down why learning from him is bad. It's just basically "I hate Sycra because he sucks" which is not really critique it's just a low level opinion.

>> No.3069410

Also what does anybody think Mark Crilley?

>> No.3069416

>You're an idiot.
Heh, you really shouldn't be the one to talk.

>I posted that video to accentuate my point.
Did you actually watch it? I suggest you do, because unless you're blind, you'll notice that he draws like he belongs in the beginner thread. Judging by that video, he's actually far worse than I thought.

>you seem like a dunning Krueger who's unable to differentiate between exaggeration and incorrect facial construction
I think you might want to google "Dunning Kruger", as you clearly have no idea what that means.
Also, I'm guessing you're a beginner artist, considering you're letting yourself by fooled by "stylization". Stylization actually requires skill and a proper understanding of fundamentals, proportions and composition, which Sycra and sinix completely lack. Their attempts at stylization are deeply flawed, which is why so many people call them out. A stylized, exaggerated eye that's drawn at an angle, still follows the same rules of form and perspective as a normal eye, particularly in styles like Sycra and sinix have, where objects are meant to exist in a three dimensional world, rather than on a flat plane. If they were drawing in deliberately flat styles, like what you see in Gorillaz or that Penny Arcade shit, where lines and shapes take precedent over volume, then their terrible choices might have made more sense.

But yeah, you sound like a complete beginner, based on your fundamental inability to understand of even the most basic aspects of drawing.

>> No.3069419

Irony is Sycra was right and he is on the analytical end compared to the rest. He even said " there is no one style to do everything in, the fundamentals are important and you work your way from there to stretch things out to make it look silly cartoonish or you can focus on advanced level and basically make it look realistic by making it strict"


He also mentions though he does like French artwork due to it's silly nature and how it challenges the normal way of art.

>> No.3069420

what a terrible thread

where is my delete button

>> No.3069422

>Deeply flawed
>Many people call them out

Citation needed.

>> No.3069425

why nobody had mention Marc Brunet? he's my favorite he has worked for blizzard and has knowledge in 3D Art too not just 2D and painting

>> No.3069426

>Stylization is whatever silly shit I decide it is! Every attempt at stylization is equally great!

>> No.3069427

A diplomatic answer.

>> No.3069428

Because (you) are a conman who sells (((tutorials))) and uses your 3D texturing background as a ploy to market yourself that you worked at Blizzard. (YOU) have been publicly shamed on CGP after everyone found out you pirate tutorials from other artists just the same way. I wouldn't be surprised (YOU), Mark, aren't on /ic/ right now.

>> No.3069449

Reiq is a way, WAY better artist than Sycra.

>> No.3069450

>Reiq drawings are /beg/ tier

You're either a troll, or a beginner artist who read a couple art books and thinks he knows everything. How about your demonstrate your immense knowledge by redlining sycra's and sinix's work and pinpointing exactly where it's flawed?

>> No.3069466

Mark crilley is advanced.

>> No.3069474

Zero grasp of anatomy, proportion, lighting, composition, construction is intermediate to you?

>> No.3069516
File: 864 KB, 1754x1147, 20GoodMen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how long would it take to reach his level.

I only need 20 good months.

>> No.3069747

That's not 0 grasp you dumb fuck. Do you retards even know what 0 means?

>> No.3069781
File: 458 KB, 1118x847, 134b6fcb53cae4a562264348a480b2b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is weird. You can learn A LOT early on and then it becomes increasingly harder to improve the better you are.

>> No.3069793

isn't every skill like that

>> No.3069802

no it doesn't become increasingly harder, people just like to rest on laurels when they get moderate success. You learn a lot at start because you have a lot of people telling you it is wrong, then when you are at the top no one tells you to improve so you either push yourself or you stagnate.

It is just a question of taste. True artists like MIchelangelo, Sargent and the like always strived for perfection even when they were alone at the top, pushing themselves all the time.

>> No.3069807

post your work. I'm actually curious. You know so much.

All those artist you mentioned produce art that looked the same since they were younger. Which is exactly what I was talking about.

>> No.3069808

life is weird

>> No.3069855

It's called diminishing returns you fucktard. The better you get, the harder it is to get better.

>> No.3069870

Depends on "better." He may not have been as good as KJG at drawing random dynamic scenes out of his head (not that that was even a thing back then anyway) but he was definitely a better painter.

>> No.3069881

how the FUCK is that 0 grasp of anatomy? you are seriously deluded, post your work fgt

>> No.3070546

sycra certainly isn't a bad artist, and i appreciate his tutorials, but the style he chooses to draw in is absolutely awful

>> No.3070548
File: 865 KB, 572x1088, arnette_by_sycra-db0cmid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his sense of aesthetics is just completely fucked or something

>> No.3070550

KJG is only "better" because he was born hundreds of years later than davinci, and so had access to more reference material, technology, and teachings that accumulated over those hundreds of years. If daVinci had been born at the same time KJG was, he would far outstrip KJG in ability. In fact, if he had been born in modern times, daVinci would easily be the greatest artist in the entire world, bar none.

>> No.3070579

You sound dumb as shit. There is no such thing as an universally "greatest" artist. Maybe he would have been a really great designer if he had lived today. maybe a pretty great painter. But almost certainly not a better pure draftsman than KJG.

>> No.3070594

If he had been born in a different time, he wouldn't have been davinci. Besides, it's asinine to speculate about what could have happened. Maybe if one of those caveman that drew paintings on the wall were born in modern age, they could've been the greatest in the world. So what though? They weren't.

>> No.3070596

he's trying way too hard with style and exaggeration

>> No.3070618

Has sycra ever drawn a picture with multiple figures interacting with each other and the environment around them? Or all they all static pictures of alien women staring directly into the viewers eyes.

>> No.3070646

The thing about sycra's style is I think it would be super fun to just go wild and draw sharp edges and crazy exaggerated angles. Too bad it almost always comes out looking shitty.

>> No.3070667

>OP's goal is being able to draw shit like this

>> No.3070671

Yea it looks dumb but I wouldn't discourage anyone from pushing their exaggeration as far as their comfortable with. A lot of people never go too far out of their comfort zone out of fear, and a lot of people's art looks super bland because of it

>> No.3070710
File: 238 KB, 820x469, 1380024_374222872711065_63837652_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, lots of artists do have a sharp edge, angular styles and make it work really nicely, but you have to balance it out with some curves or softer shapes here and there. I think the biggest issue with Sycra's style is that he insists to use concave shapes everywhere. There are virtually no concave shapes in organic objects in real life, so it looks incredibly unnatural and unappealing when you go crazy with it.

>> No.3070720
File: 274 KB, 1920x777, ruan-jia-5e475b33gw1eqmxf005syj21hc0ll105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why isn't this mastery? this is like gino tier.

>> No.3070723

it looks like a 3d render

a bad one, from early 2000's

>> No.3070736
File: 27 KB, 156x267, 1427895954323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what I consider to be intermediate

>> No.3070747

If it took him 10 years, it would take you around the same amount of time.

>> No.3070752

you need new eyes

>> No.3070763

Ruanjia is clearly a master of color and light and anyone who can't see that is a dunning kruger sufferer who knows nothing about art. The problem here is that dunning kruger goes hand in hand with tradfag elitism, so we have lots of people who flat out refuse to admit a digital artist can be masterful at anything simply because they work digitally.

That said, I wouldn't consider Ruanjia a master either just because he mastered one element of art. He is very close to it though.

>> No.3070771

Is that what real life looks like? All muddy and blurry? Fuck no, that's why it's shit.

>> No.3070779

>looked the same
that is your rotten eyes that say that, not their works. It is like >>3069351 saying that that turd is intermediate.

Tell that to Jung Ji Kim, then. If it is so hard why is he getting exponentially better?

>> No.3070789

Sycra knows how to draw but his style is fugly
you can not be a master artist, have an appealing style, and still have more appeal than Sycra

>> No.3070797

>How long would it take to reach sycra's level
Tracing a photo then adding chromatic aberration in paint.net is something you can do RIGHT NOW anon!

>> No.3070818

Just stop talking, you're genuinely embarassing with your utter lack of knowledge related to even the most well known concepts of realism painting.

>> No.3070823

...How many people here actually draw? Can anyone here draw anything they like, advanced or no? Because I can. Not being able to do so doesn't invalidate your opinion, but it lends it some credence, and is a witness to your sense of what you like.

>> No.3070833

Are you legitimately retarded or something? Just use your fucking brain for a moment. How can someone exponentially improve when they are at a point where they no longer make any obvious mistakes? Anyone with half a working brain understands that the less mistakes you make, the more subtle your improvement becomes. You can only make big improvement for as long as there are big flaws to correct. Anything beyond that is subtle fine-tuning based on your personal taste.

>> No.3071187

It's people like you that makes me call everyone retarded.

If people want me to stop being so mean, perhaps you dumb fucks should be less fucking retarded.

>> No.3071193


find me a fucking photo that looks like sycra's stylistic abortions.

>> No.3071239

>Because I can

>> No.3072534

As long as it fucking takes

>> No.3072596
File: 12 KB, 199x149, jWeD3lJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the only good nugget of advice in the whole board for the day.

Too bad you wasted all that typing on this shit board that consists of nothing but unskilled faggots who bang away at their keyboards all day trying to drag others down.

>> No.3072802

Lmao what a joke, does anyone genuinely like his art? The only reason he has a following has to be because he made tutorial videos. I tried listening to him talk and I lasted 5 minutes, what an insufferable faggot

>> No.3072918
