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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 199 KB, 701x864, las-113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3069073 No.3069073 [Reply] [Original]

>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)
Last thread >>3051511

>> No.3069074
File: 695 KB, 1085x1409, d9GJEKk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The original developer of the site has taken a leave for quite a while, originally due to medical reasons. Progress on the site is almost non-existant at this point. You can try contacting him at @LavaFlake or emailing him at lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>Your streak will go back to 0 and you will have to start again. No other penalties.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>There is no week system anymore, instead new users are given "streaks" based on the number of consecutive days you can submit without getting eliminated. (token losses do not reset your streak)

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.
there. kick rocks.

>> No.3069075
File: 573 KB, 600x1000, X3sJmk6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a list of anons who stream once every blue moon, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.

VSOCK: twitch channel: professorsugoi




Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:


This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:


This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:


Please compliment or give crits to your fellow lassies if you have time to spare, even if it's only one person at a time.
Lassies like to feed on mentions and attentions.


>> No.3069224

boob is
poop upside down

>> No.3069383
File: 8 KB, 250x236, NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godspeed, david

>> No.3069407

Shit dog this thread is dead as fuck man.

>> No.3069413

Can we stop making these threads? I'm going to take the site down soon.

>> No.3069421
File: 17 KB, 760x476, wregtrhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what just happened but I went to download something from here and everything just deleted itself infront of my eyes

>> No.3069424

I wish.

Where the fuck is the REAL Lava? Did he finally kill himself of shame?

>> No.3069522

these threads will exist for 20 more years, I promise.

>> No.3069524

>shriney will be making the threads for 20 years straight

seems legit

>> No.3069540
File: 1.16 MB, 2000x1398, perpective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, here is some work of mine, i'm OK with anatomy but "my perspective is weird".
Advices, please?

>> No.3069546

>Advices, please?
Death by hellfire

>> No.3069554

>at some point, Choobposter will take over as ThreadMaker and continue making threads long after the LAS site closes down purely to shitpost about Choob

>> No.3069555

Could you be more precise in your advice?
Is it a view from above?

>> No.3069565

from ref or from memory?

>> No.3069603

If no one's giving specific advice it's because all of it is unappealing and has beginners mistakes all over the place.
It looks like all you know about art is from how-to-draw-manga books. Learn your fuckin anatomy and expressions, learn your fuckin mass, learn your fuckin lighting basics and fuckin learn how to stop being an ass before you post again.

>> No.3069611
File: 525 KB, 927x1311, 1488335906408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3069631
File: 45 KB, 598x369, 1439231165842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OK with anatomy

>> No.3069673

Its an interesting image, that goes a long way.

>> No.3069719

Hey guys. It hurts to type this, but I can confirm Lava has passed. I'm not going to go into details here. He did request that I thank all of you for participating in his website, and he hoped you'll all keep making art.

>> No.3069727
File: 397 KB, 827x1223, 1468622211010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As shit this bait is, it almost feels like something lava could write to start taking down the site :thinking:

>> No.3069729

Please be bait and not true ;__;

>> No.3069732

Hasn't blogged in two weeks. Doesn't post anywhere anymore. He's gone mates.

>> No.3069735

Is this by pijin? very nice.

>> No.3069737

And Choob has also taken his own life 5 times according to these threads.

>> No.3069738

We'll find out in a month or two. If someone keeps paying to keep the site up then I'll assume he's alive.

>> No.3069744
File: 29 KB, 600x450, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually a lot sooner than that. The domain dies in 10 days unless renewed.

>Registration Date: 2015-08-01
>Expiration Date: 2017-08-01

>> No.3069748


>> No.3069750

Ohhh shiiiiiiiittt. It's ogre then. It's a shame that this is how it'll end.

>> No.3069758

So who is the last artist standing?

>> No.3069763


>> No.3069768

Could be on autorenewal. Anyone know how long it takes for banks to close dead peoples accounts?

Fluff already won.

>> No.3069773

You're mom

>> No.3069776
File: 735 KB, 2000x1398, 1500734968899 edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did my best to make sense of this mess but I think you need a miracle. I suggest you draw something more simple and don't worry about perspective/color just focus on making sense.

>> No.3069778

Unless 13 weak ones drop out because who cares anymore, Fluff wins by default.

>> No.3069795

That dude is good with everything isn't he.

>> No.3069797

He lacks a bit of colour theory but with everything else he's on-point
Perhaps when LAS finishes he could put his work behind a paywall

>> No.3069805

Can someone link his blog again?

Also, I await the shitstorm if the thread really dies on 1/8 >>3069744. What are you guys going to do?

>> No.3069806

*if the site

>> No.3069809

actually get better at art rather than waste time doodling for 30 mins a day then quit because it feels like a chore

>> No.3069857

>tfw drawing a nude woman from a reference
>suddenly it hits me that I really want to know what a girl feels like
>realize that I'm an autist who can't talk to people and is learning to draw to make up for it

Help me guys, how do I surpress my nature so I can keep drawing?
The thirst for human flesh is really distracting sometimes.

>> No.3069860

update on DED?

>> No.3069864

DED is ded.

>> No.3069865

how old is this character?
oh god i hope this isn't ref...

>> No.3069867

which one

>> No.3069923

jerk off

>> No.3069961


isnt lava a girl?

>> No.3069978
File: 126 KB, 376x852, 1469239245715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh shit, but yeah it could be auto renewed.

And i guess you can't access /las/ from the IP side?

>> No.3069982

Lava hasn't communicated with the community in ages and hasn't updated anything

Why would he want to renew it?

>> No.3069993
File: 57 KB, 714x574, 1484848671731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he still believes in the ability of each and one of us to become the Last Artists Standing.

>> No.3070095


>> No.3070103
File: 9 KB, 367x238, untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to snag submissions from your favorites incase site dies

>> No.3070112

>tfw not on the list
I had hoped when I started a year and a half ago that I'd git gud enough for people to like some aspect of my work. Unfortunately that's not the case, been stagnating for like the past 7 months ;_;

>> No.3070113


>> No.3070165

>And i guess you can't access /las/ from the IP side?
Nope ->
Probably just didn't set up default vhost.

>> No.3070208

i feel like there is a chance lava will come to the threads on 08/01 to laugh at us

>> No.3070255

In the case that LAS's domain dies on 8/1, I petition to let the threads die. It already is a depressing sight and it seems Shriney is also thinking the same thing. I don't think that it would be bad to no longer have a LAS thread should the site pass since there would just be autistic choobposts in here and no actual site to post to. I still am working on the site, and in the case that this does happen I have saved all frontend visuals of LAS so if you guys prefer the nostalgic visuals I can put them up. My site will by no means be in the same shape or done by 8/1, but my first priority rn is to set up the application with profiles first, then challenges in mind, then submissions, and so on. Shriney I would like to motion to leave this as the last thread should the site go down by 8/1. Anyone with or against me please share your thoughts.

>> No.3070270

the threads died a long time ago, no one knows what to even post anymore

>> No.3070286

Starting a new LAS alternative where users have to submit 10 hours of work daily.

codename F.E.N.G.

>> No.3070296

There's like 50 people making a new las yet only 1 delivered before shutting it down.

>> No.3070325

That was me..

>> No.3070345

>draw for hours and hours
>carefully construct everything
>carefully measure proportions and meticulously lay down every line
>work looks so bad that I think I'm regressing
>draw for like 10 minutes
>don't even think about what I'm drawing
>no measuring, didn't even use construction lines
>just drew
>my work looks like Loomis himself drew it
What gives? Pls explain.

>> No.3070363

Your anxiety over drawing and perfectionism was inhibiting you from actually getting into it and drawing to the best of your ability. It's why you see a lot of people talking about drawing while being buzzed or sleep deprived and how they seem to 'get it' more than usual.

>> No.3070383 [DELETED] 
File: 358 KB, 1704x2272, 1498245972912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao why are you posting as me, i already know im garbage, i ain't even done with it

its from ref, thought it was a weird picture so wanted to give it a go

>> No.3070399


that looks terrible.

>> No.3070451

child porn is against the rule

>> No.3070478

Can somebody just make a super basic site where all it does it track users uploading daily

Things like badges, achievements and comments system aren't first priority

>> No.3070481

To be honest, I could do it but I don't have a lot of free time.
And if I made one I would want to give the user the ability to upload directly too but that would make storage a bit of a problem unless I compress each and every picture to some super nasty jpeg.
Like I said, I'm busy, I have a demanding job and little money and barely time to draw already and projects like these take time.

>> No.3070593

No! forget all the fancy accessories!
Just a site that tracks the amount of days a user has consecutively submitted a link and other users can view the lifetime links posted of each user
That is the backbone of las

>> No.3070608

Nicnac how are you DOIIIING

>> No.3070625

he posted just ^

>> No.3070633

Why would you need LAS?
It's dead. Keep drawing on your own, there's no need for another dead site. What do you gain from it other than a meaningless number?

I'd care more if a new site would let us communicate/get eliminated, then participating would mean something

>> No.3070702

We need las because we don't possess the ability to draw everyday on our own

This isn't a pathetic thing, it helps people draw everyday and git gud
It's a means to an end

>> No.3070704

lava is that you?

>> No.3070708

I quit LAS a while ago and I draw every day. You can do it too, you don't need the website after you gained the habit

>> No.3070721

I'm a lazy depressed sack of shit that will inevitably succumb to idle distractions if I don't have some sort of external accountability. I'm in a massive slump right now and probably wouldn't have drawn if I didn't need to post work every day

>> No.3070726

rough life ;_;

>> No.3070742
File: 93 KB, 400x400, Thief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choob has selfishly taken his own life, Details to come.

>> No.3070832

I'm interested in making a new las website too.
But to avoid the current situation I think that the best we can do is host source publicly and give several people adminastration rights.
I have a lot of time, but I'm not really experience with web related stuff (mostly gamedev), so someone even to hunt for bugs would be helpful.
The host is already running (just an empty page for now) and I have a github repository, so anybody can contribute and fix the code.

>> No.3070844

I'm good.

>> No.3070917

well then, I guess that's a start

also, I don't actually think lava would let the domain drop, it's so cheap and easy to autorenew domain names, not to mention he'll lose his precious blog and all that shit besides LAS

>> No.3070928

Yeah, but the website would eventually start to loose interest because of stagnation and there is no way I can download source code or edit lavaflake's website.
For now I will start with just uploading links and counting days, then I'll start adding challenge system and if more people join we can make something even bigger than original las (since everything is open source now).

>> No.3070982

Throwaway email if anyone is interested:

>> No.3070988
File: 56 KB, 574x630, 1454460927439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the site does die on 01/08, there's always DED, would just have to boot the server and buy a new domain since doom.moe died a little under a month ago.

>> No.3070995
File: 131 KB, 1920x1080, you-can-do-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, aside from all the bad stuff, I really feel like each and everyone of you is going to make it!

>> No.3071143

never gonna give you up

>> No.3071196

3 In-the-works websites now, joy. Now its Last Website Standing if anything

>> No.3071536

Last webdev standing.

>> No.3071969

Submitting images is working:
Test it with whatever you have and report bugs/suggestions.
If nothing bad happens, tomorrow your streak will be displayed.
Also tomorrow I will add tags functionality, so you will be able to filter nsfw and tag for challenges.

>> No.3071977
File: 1.97 MB, 540x304, 1498392880023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you use the overhand grip while using a tablet?

I use the normal grip but when i draw big lines my hand gets tired easy

>> No.3071980

Not me though. I stopped being part of /las/ ages ago but still come in the threads for some reason

>> No.3072196

Same here, I dropped out almost a year ago.

>> No.3072200


Same. I only come in here to post my fav meme.

>> No.3072210


>> No.3072225

you're a good person, hope people will actually use your site

>> No.3072265


>> No.3072279
File: 65 KB, 598x192, 1497143984054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3072288

I needed this today, and not for drawing. ty lasso

>> No.3072298

You used to be happy. What happened, anon?

>> No.3072303

I came to the realization that I had become obsolete, but now I have some motivation to try and find a way to become unique and looking back on the times when I was happy I can see my mistakes and also my successes which reminded me that there's more to life.

>> No.3072602
File: 1.30 MB, 640x360, asssdf234adf3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls be happy.

>> No.3072603

Pic unrelated.

>> No.3072608
File: 55 KB, 769x428, reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3072611

Is LAS kill?
It seems like a lot of people are gone now since I've checked into the general thread.

>> No.3072613

Pretty much yeah. Still get around 40ish daily submissions but the threads are pretty much dead.

Also the JoJo challenge just finished. What did you guys think? To those who participated, how was it? To everyone else, which ones do you like? I think naf and bandit did the best job, I like bandits colors and triply style and I think bad did a good job of making a cool consistent piece. Everyone else did good too. Except for the fucks who didn't submit ;)

>> No.3072687




>> No.3072690

I liked the lot of them. Nafs and Bandits were neat for all the reasons you posted. Tekky's had a cool pose. Rorgs was pretty spooky. Agemos concepts seemed to be going somewhere, so I wanted to see more. Dramateens was cool, Humanbeans was depressing Whizzards was pretty sweet, but all those powers damn. And The Worst is, well, the worst.

>> No.3072692

How can we get it back up? There used to be 100+ admissions a day, and now it's only ~40! What can we do to revive it and bring it back to its glory days?

>> No.3072693

Let it die; Start from the ground up, pick up the pieces and do it right the second time.

>> No.3072696

For Lava to fix all the bugs on the website, work on the redesigning of the website and features he planned to and that everyone has been asking for, and regularly communicate with his community.

Otherwise, in the state he left it in, it was entirely natural that LAS would die within a year or so rather than a decade.

>> No.3072698

It needs to carry on for about maybe 6, 7 or so years, which is the length of time it will take me to grow the balls to make social media accounts

>> No.3072701

As an outsider, I've personally never participated because it always feels too late.

A fresh restart where everyone's on the same level sounds nice, with whatever >>3072696 said.

>> No.3072702

A-Are you me?

>> No.3072730

That's why they replaced the week system with the streak system.

>> No.3072735

How hard is it to make one's own website? I might just end up learning how, and make one myself.

>> No.3072833

Dont, three are up right now

>> No.3072921

Choob you aren't allowed to post art in my new site, just a heads up.

>> No.3072962

Dubya doesn't even get any (You)s anymore. Kek, how the mighty have fallen. I'm down to use your site tho if lava's goes down. Do you have the time/commitment to manage the site this time around? God knows anyone would be better than lava as long as they keep the site up.

>> No.3072973

what is the key to improving?

I've been drawing for so long, and am told all the time that I never improve.

So whats the mental key for that? What is the mental mindset or way of thinking to improve?

>> No.3072979

You ever read Keys to Drawing? Might help. Might be a waste of time.

>> No.3072986

I'm gonna read it then.

If i'm going to burn for all eternity with no artistic gratification, I might as well try and break through in any way I can.

>> No.3072987

las2.esy.es is tested and should work properly, count and display your streak.
You can start posting your daily drawings there and on www.lavaflake.com/draw/ at the same time.
Right now it is just a minimal version of las, but I'll gradually add new features (right now on the list there are tags and timer, there will be also some kind of minimal chat for challenges and updates).
If you want to help: install "github desktop", install "wampserver", clone the repository and run it, if you succed you will be able to make some easier work like stylizing or cleaning the website code.

>> No.3073010

fug I was a day late and now there's people with a higher streak than me D:

>> No.3073017
File: 46 KB, 1200x1000, 1468859754606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I always have time for you anon

Sorry to say, but this is absolute beginner tier, have you made a website before? You're open to SQL injection, XSS attack and a handful of other dumb shit. Everyone should disable javascript in their browser if they want to use this site.

>> No.3073034

Let's use 4chan

>> No.3073037

>this is absolute beginner tier, have you made a website before? You're open to SQL injection, XSS attack and a handful of other dumb shit.
webdev anon... had a rough life

>> No.3073039
File: 43 KB, 600x267, rfgerb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant I just use a .piczo site?

>> No.3073053

Yeah, I forgot about it the first time, but now it is fixed.
Feel free to test it with whatever you have I can always reload the database.

>> No.3073069
File: 9 KB, 1234x252, las2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof that the website blocks these attacks.

I admit that I'm new to webdev, I haven't done anything big like a forum before, but on the other hand the website isn't that hard to program, it could be even accomplished with some simple script on discord.

>> No.3073079

Bretty cool.
It's nice to see the whole artwork. To my mind those miniaturse should be, well, more miniature, it's a pity we can only look at 3 at a time.
Good luck and thank for your work.

>> No.3073086

I'm planning to display them the same way pinterest does, in columns, but I'll probably reduce the size to half or one third of what it is now.
I don't like that the current las displays only thumbnails inside thick frames and you can't even see what the drawing is even about.
It should look and work more like a gallery in my opinion.

>> No.3073108

Just focus on getting the site to work smoothly for it's core purposes for now, once we have that we'll be able to migrate over and start rebuilding las into what it always should have been

What are everyones most desired thing you want to see in las that never came with the og site?

For me it's a comment/critique system

>> No.3073113

>comment/critique system
Just that. I'll rejoin LAS the moment this happens.

>> No.3073120

Fuck, how many LAS websites are going to exist?

>> No.3073121

I know only about lavaflake's and mine.
I don't know why someone keeps saying that there are 3 in the development.

>> No.3073123

me two

>> No.3073124

LavaFlake - ded
DED - ded
runnerman - learning to program
nicnac - in highschool
some random guy that posted once - ???
and there's this guy >>3072987

any other ones?

>> No.3073136
File: 34 KB, 322x547, Omu-(You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3073184
File: 25 KB, 490x310, 1442128371381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3073186
File: 148 KB, 1200x1200, DAiHuzSWAAAH5_H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3073190

Self indulgent how?

>> No.3073302
File: 206 KB, 579x993, datAccuracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3073334

Draw what you like, I'd say

>> No.3073371

>try draw
>do it for a bit, get distracted and next thing i know an hour has passed
>repeat until day finishes
>feel like shit for not practicing enough

>> No.3073389

Distracted by what?

>> No.3073392

Install a blacklist for your browser, activate it when you want to work.

>> No.3073473

Good advice. Number 4 especially. I think too many people get hung up trying to get something right the first time, then feel massively discouraged when it comes out wrong. It's actually easier for me to just draw something kind of shitty, then from there it's easy for me to recognize the flaws and correct them.

>> No.3073475

>Lava, autism incarnate, ACTUALLY gave up
fucking lmao
There's no hope for any of us I guess

>> No.3073546
File: 12 KB, 1237x204, lava.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3073551

Why is "lava" her nickname ?

>> No.3073564

every time

>> No.3073567

Lava confirmed D E D

>> No.3073663

Stellar effort, everyone except for myself
Well done. I find all of the submissions comforting. If I had disposable income I'd buy a simple photocopy of all of them

>> No.3073687

I can't give any advice, as I'm still too much a noob but here to bring some comments and some positivity, hopefully, please don't take it the wrong way, I only want to help.

FinlayHeathi, are those heads from imagination? I've seen your progress over the past few months and you seem to be improving, keep it up!

CRT, cute girl, unbreakable? Does that mean her hymen is unbreakable too?

Lokki, creepy creatures, good work! Did you just pull them from your imagination or did you you use some super secret design technique?

BadAtAnatomy, your anatomy doesn't look too bad aside from the foot but the tits are distracting enough to get away with it. Would fap to.

Mathias, your bodies seem a bit flat but your faces look pretty great.

Cath, cute flower, ever thought about animating it, you already have the keyframes.

Rorg, character looks a bit stiff and anatomy seems a bit wonky, but the lighting is pretty nice.

WinterNebs, your image is a bit crowded which makes it a little overwhelming to look at, but from what I see you seem to be doing alright when it comes to cute girls.

Beanhead, wow you're doing amazing work, please never stop!
Just kidding, I have no business commenting on my own work.

And to everyone else, sorry if I didn't mention you, but I liked all the submissions.
Except for JerryBreem, please step it up Jerry.

Oh and please, KEEP DRAWING EVERY DAY, whether LAS goes up or down, draw all day, every day!

>> No.3073697
File: 1.04 MB, 480x270, hero.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And to everyone else fuck you

>> No.3073720

Anon, please understand, I'm very tired, I don't have the energy to come up with something to say for everyone.
Maybe you can be so kind and give the remaining lassies some kind words instead of crying.

>> No.3073734
File: 326 KB, 730x633, The end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your art is so shit anon has to come up with excuses not to look at it

>> No.3073738

Jeez what a hassle, I'm never going to comment on people's submission again.

>> No.3073760

another critkeeper bites the dust ;)

>> No.3073838

Thanks for writing something like this, anon! Your feedback is hellishly appreciated - I'd reason that a lot of lassies are starving for just this.
Have a good day and keep drawing daily.

>> No.3073884

I'm reimplenting a lot of what I did for DED in a fresh new edgy skin, mostly just for shits and giggles, but playing with some thing I've been interested in lately like hot swapping stylesheets and just in general practicing my UX / design. If it goes live here or not is kinda up to you guys if you want DED back or not. When I get things in place a few weeks from now I'll most likely be trying to release it elsewhere either way, las or no. Projects on same github as old one if anyone want progress. I'll probably have back everything DED had in under a week from now. Fiddled with it for a few hours tonight and got the taste for it, everything goes faster after a year of doing this exact thing 8 hours a day.

I've been looking at the streak system I wrote, and I think this time around I'm rewriting it to work on a 24-hour cycle for each person, meaning when you submit you have 24 hours to submit again, instead of the midnight reset las does. With this users could choose also choose a 48 hour cycle instead, so draw every other day - I think it's a good change anyways, any contrary opinions?

>> No.3073892

>any contrary opinions?
I prefer having one set deadline as a group instead of every user having a unique deadline. It's just more fun if everyone has to submit by the same time imo and it'll skew what constitutes as a "day." It's nice being able to check everyone's submissions after the deadline is up and I don't think that'd be possible if everyone is submitting at different times, I.E. someone submitted the next days work while another person submitted today's work.

>> No.3074187
File: 463 KB, 532x546, 7a3f0ab5579d8a486b1b1f8a38d4de6a8ff2f7b18fdb75f2471435e05e35577a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I wasn't on this list

I didn't submit anything but im still so angry rn

>> No.3074284

I suppose, but it would spread out submissions through the day, meaning it's less deserted until right up to the deadline. I've realized a bigger problem with it tho, that people will constantly forget their deadline because it changes every day, so rip that idea.

>> No.3074341

Thank you

>> No.3074348
File: 21 KB, 530x476, 1368201798090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, we always need these comments

>> No.3074391
File: 309 KB, 800x939, Gaia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I improve my rendering? I feel like I never progress.

>> No.3074416

Start listening and applying advices that people give you. For now you are just bargaining or saying "I'll do it on my next drawing"

>> No.3074427 [DELETED] 
File: 299 KB, 448x256, 1298745461435.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying, really, It's hard to get rid of bad habits :(

>> No.3074431
File: 299 KB, 448x256, 1298745461435.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying, really, It's hard to get rid of habits, even when they are bad.

>> No.3074447

I'm trying, really, it's bad to get rid of hard habits, even when they are hard.

>> No.3074453
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1200, 1466039110126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying, really...

It's habits, to get rid of bad hard.

>> No.3074454
File: 296 KB, 495x371, tumblr_m1nn9pZaVV1rrb9iko1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saving the drawings of my favorite lassers one by one
>find an extension called Image Downloader on the Chrome web store
>I just have to use it on the profile of each lasser and it downloads all his work with a few clicks

>> No.3074455

I'm really bad at trying, even when my h***** gets hard.

>> No.3074457

Shit I'm trying man, really dog, it's hard to get rid of habits, even when they are fucking bad.

>> No.3074471

Naf is a good choice.

>> No.3074472

My list of followed users is long, don't worry, I've always checked what artist are cool.

>> No.3074480
File: 66 KB, 1365x639, nicnac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3074486

Now you're just making it difficult for people who care. This is how to drive people away 101.

People have legitimate reasons, people have things to do, just keep that in mind.

>> No.3074495

I think it's rare to find a whole gallery that's worth saving

>> No.3074504

>favorite lassers
a-am i one of them?

>> No.3074506

g-good thing I deleted everything haha

>> No.3074526

Yes Pihori! You're one of them!

>> No.3074581

Can we add an honourary page to Lava as the founder of las 3 generations ago
I wanna build a statue of him and put it outside my house

>> No.3074614

fucking goof for not posting here. who do you expect to read this? your cock suckers on tumbrl? what about us degenerates who care?

>> No.3074648

a picture of a dead crippled half-empty toothpaste tube lemur

>> No.3074652

New challenge idea, draw the person named Lava.

>> No.3074679

We did that for the "Get Well!" challenge, unless you mean him in real life.

Lava HAD tons of footage of himself online cause he used to regularly do draw streams with a webcam to a small audience on twitch, unfortunately either twitch (cause it tends to automatically do this) or himself deleted them all, cause all the videos are gone <Twitch Website Link>/lavaflake/videos/all
Eitherway, if you didn't see them when the videos were still up, he just looks like a regular guy.

>> No.3074753

Can you offer some advice, Pibori?
How do you practice heads and torsos?

>> No.3074767
File: 49 KB, 464x266, 1331737283668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my faces are shit, how do I learn to draw faces

>> No.3074784

My name is Dhananjay and i a from India .Actually i want to start my career as a web developer.. and i am very passionate about it. My dream is to be a pro web dev. my age is 16 years.
i have already learnt about html basics and html5

>> No.3074785
File: 64 KB, 1004x1098, resolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

--Dipshit's advice--
From my experience you give yourself a really clear guideline, as clear as you can, of every shape with which to place on a face, and use the basic facial structure construction, Asaro or otherwise planular, implement these features on top and you have your face. You can transfer features to skew them towards or away from profile
Studying a couple of faces from photos real quick beforehand can give you an intuitive confidence in how to give personality and character to the face, but I've found this does fade.
Because you're minimising a vast visual field into a small object it becomes more about shape design than anything else

>> No.3074792

Wrong forum, this is for art.

>> No.3074825

Indeed. Also people won't be able to get first post with that system

>> No.3074886

he's auditioning to make the new LAS

>> No.3074887

I wish I knew. I've been drawing nothing but faces for like the past year and my faces still look like shit.

>> No.3074899

Piss off

>> No.3074912

Post your Face.

>> No.3074930

Already better than 95% of ic.

>> No.3074943

Webbeva, Cath, Ggggb, Ayyyyyyy lmao.

>> No.3075269

Anyone every played Watch Dogs 2? I can't remember the name of the autistic character, but I remember thinking something about him seemed very familiar. Then it hit me when I was driving home today. That characters talks the exact same way that Lava types in his blogs.
I believe Lava legitimately has autism.

>> No.3075310

I think I know who you are talking about, the one white dude who wears green and cant hold a convo but is pretty niffty at hacking right?

>> No.3075337
File: 72 KB, 2208x1242, 2zjtGxF[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How're you holding up lassies? We're over half way done with the year already. Hows your progress going? Happy with it? How did you fuck it up?

I know I fucked up and barely improved this whole year, mostly cause I fiddled around and drew from imagination instead of doing studies or reading books.

>> No.3075358

Im in the same boat as you. I spent a good 3 months doing anatomy studies but now Im just doing doodles or drawings of characters I like.

>> No.3075362

I'm pretty bummed. I took the thought of dropping art more seriously than I ever thought before this year. Took some (art and gen.) classes at my local college, and the structure of assignments and classes were the only things keeping me going in art. But now I'm on break and I just want to die.

Also, I feel you. I can't be assed to do finished pieces, even studies, though.

Hope you can push yourself and incorporate more studies into imaginative. Imaginative drawing is really important.

>> No.3075523

Doing fine.
I have the energy and motivation to keep going at it every day even though I have plenty days where I'm unsatisfied with my abilities.
Since I'm doing drawing on the side, I do often feel like I'll never reach the level I aspire to as I don't have the time for it, I can't draw for eight hours a day, on weekdays I can barely manage one hour a day.
That bums me out the most as I feel like I can become truly great if I put in enough hours, hours I simply don't have because I need to work.

Anyway, for the future, I must get out of my comfort zone so I plan to do finished works instead of endless sketching. I have nothing to show to people except stacks of paper and sketchbooks full of practice and I don't want to hide this hobby all the time either.

>> No.3075592


I still need to learn and apply perspective more.

>> No.3075601

Barely any studies, so no progress. I hate myself

>> No.3075626

I've been doing mindless, bare-minimum studies/sketches since April. No improvement, my creativity is shot. Even if it weren't, I don't have the time to take on a decent project, so I'm just noodling away...

>> No.3075641

progress has been very good, developed a good understanding of anatomy. was able to start thinking about objects as a series of shapes. learnt how to create digital artwork and then a couple different methods for rendering. now im working hard at tackling colour theory.

>> No.3075655

I take an egg and draw a face on it, then you have a simple and effecient model. It works with torso too since a rib cage is shaped like an egg.

>> No.3075903

Naf, it's been like two years. It's time. Reveal your secrets. How the fuck did you get so good? How did you approach studying? What was your schedule like? Please bless us mere mortals with some knowledge bruh.

>> No.3075905

git gud

>> No.3075937
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2013-11-14-15h00m20s245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3075938

shh, shh, no lava, only dead lasses

>> No.3075939

It's halfway through the year and ive only fallen off the wagon 2 or 3 times for a few weeks at a time

HUGE improvement from last year where i sat on ass for 6 months straight

>> No.3076056


>> No.3076062

How the fook do I git gud?

>> No.3076096

>I do the work
>it's shit
>I stop and get back to comfort zone

>> No.3076956
File: 313 KB, 850x1264, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else?

>> No.3076965

According to what most of people requested I added comments to the site.
Click on the thumbnail and you'll see image subpage with comments.

>> No.3077520

Is there a limit to how long a comment can be? I was nice enough to write an informative crit but the full comment doesn't display. ;^)

>> No.3077569

rip UBF

>> No.3077619
File: 235 KB, 640x640, 1491195561739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rest in pieces

Also are everybody in the topic hell also dead? Is it just skeletons now?

>> No.3077624

I'm semi alive and kicking
just had a change in work schedule that's kind o unfortunate

>> No.3077704

It's time. Nearing 600 days since LAS started. For everyone participating that sees this, how do you feel about your progress so far? Do you feel LAS has affected your life in any significant or insignificant way? Anything you would have done differently so far in what you drew/studied/etc. while in LAS?

>> No.3077706

>week 1 got eliminated an no one cares
This is just sad. Does anyone have the weak Juan picture? I'll start updating it if no one else cares anymore.

Holy shit though. Did not expect ubf to go, didn't even know they lost a token. What happened ubf? Do you still post in the threads? Any ways, you've improved a lot and I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Keep drawing weird furshit and keep on raking in that autistic dough.

>> No.3077710

I never saved it. Im sure someone around here will post it.

>> No.3077712

20 years. Under any incarnation....

>> No.3077769
File: 37 KB, 680x516, top ten saddest anime deaths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you feel about your progress so far?
what is this "progress"?

>> No.3077771

I know that feel

>> No.3077982

Shieeet, RIP UBF
Somebody tell Choob in Discord to upload the picture

>> No.3078016

LAS is so dead ;_;

>> No.3078022 [DELETED] 
File: 927 KB, 1600x925, 11 Remain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dug through the archives and found the pic. I guess I'll do it for now.

11 Weak Juans remain. Bondage Fairy lasted for 560 days.

I know right, It's gonna be real sad when the final few get eliminated and no one will even be around to give a shit. There used to be huge shit storms whenever anyone got eliminated, esp. a week 1. We're nearing the end and it was supposed to be so fucking glorious yet all that's left is the hollowed remains of a once vibrant community. Shit sucks. I hope all the remaining week 1s at least git gud so they'll have something for their troubles.

>> No.3078023
File: 927 KB, 1600x925, 12 Remain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dug through the archives and found the pic. I guess I'll do it for now.

12 Weak Juans remain. Bondage Fairy lasted for 560 days.


I know right, It's gonna be real sad when the final few get eliminated and no one will even be around to give a shit. There used to be huge shit storms whenever anyone got eliminated, esp. a week 1. We're nearing the end and it was supposed to be so fucking glorious yet all that's left is the hollowed remains of a once vibrant community. Shit sucks. I hope all the remaining week 1s at least git gud so they'll have something for their troubles.

>> No.3078028

we used to be so many ;_;

>> No.3078066

I updated the comment size and changed the form to prevent you from typing too long text.
I don't really know how many characters should be allowed and I can't set is for example as 1,000,000,000 because someone smart would start spamming these long comments and fill the entire memory.
You can add comments one after another, so this is always an option.

>> No.3078070

>tfw dropped out because of a mistake literally days before this collage was made
I miss LAS. Good times.

>> No.3078073

Also what should I focus on now?
Looks, tagging system or some kind of blog for posting challenges?
I don't want to waste my time on something that nobody needs anyways.

>> No.3078077

It's coming along nicely, challenges and looks should probably come next imo. Also we should try to get more people to start using it but I don't know how we could go about doing that.

>> No.3078082

5000 characters should be alright, it's double 4chan's max char limit iirc (which can sometimes clip really long posts) so ought to cover everything

>> No.3078102
File: 1.04 MB, 1024x752, in_the_end_it_doesnt_even_matter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I guess somebody should make a new map about new people in the topic challenge who joined after this but does it matter anymore?

>> No.3078109
File: 27 KB, 229x229, ctp1804-star-smile-stickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh someone won this?

LAS has no badgers, but here are some gold stars

>> No.3078182

Can you revert chronological order?
Like, having the last image posted on the first position. Same for the raw data, it's not necessary, but if someone look at it in 2022, it will look like the site died in 2017.
Did you plan something for a landing page?
Godspeed anon.

>> No.3078205

raphael said once a lot of times a drawing will turn out better when one doesn't know what one is doing.

>> No.3078206

citation is from when Ben Stahl was on bob ross.

>> No.3078249

I haven't uploaded in 4 days but my streak is still perfect..hmm

>> No.3078250

Yes! But you know you failed. Sorry lad, shame on you.

>> No.3078264

old bug, been around since last year

>> No.3078545

What went wrong? We were all supposed to make it...

>> No.3078637
File: 3.04 MB, 2340x1320, 424754645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

webbeva here.
Week 2.
I literally have nothing to show for it.
I joined this hoping to finally get better at art and achieve something that would make me geniunley happy in my life. Then I started procrastinating and treating this whole thing as a chore instead of an opportunity to make something of myself. My story is a tale of warning: just because you draw every day doesn't mean you get better. Actually give effort. The only thing I've gained from this experience is confirmation that I'm a lazy faggot who constantly makes excuses and would rather dream of getting just a little better rather than putting in the work, because "it's soooooo haaaard, I don't wannaaaa' righ' nooooow!" I officially recognize my worthlessness.

I'm going to kill myself before 30.

>> No.3078643
File: 1.10 MB, 1648x1176, 43t6453387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the other hand, people like
-and others have shown progress and made great stuff.
I'd be able to provide more examples but site is still crap and can't see my followed people in a list.

I.E. Some people have gotten better, some haven't, one needs to be a hero and end it.

>> No.3078666
File: 297 KB, 661x499, real men cry alone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some haven't

>> No.3078669
File: 734 KB, 220x220, 1467766881650.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3078674
File: 39 KB, 575x556, 1493067167963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looking for attention

>> No.3078683

>one needs to be a hero and end it
jerry... jerry had a rough life

>> No.3078694

>The only thing I've gained from this experience is confirmation that I'm a lazy faggot who constantly makes excuses and would rather dream of getting just a little better rather than putting in the work

okay cunt so you've learned you're human, cunt. dumb cunt. all the artists who have made it were human too. there's obviously a path to take that overcomes our base instincts with minimal effort. it's about getting smarter, cunt.

>> No.3078713

>just because you draw every day doesn't mean you get better. Actually give effort
Yeah. Drawing every day is just the start, drawing every day + effort to improve is the tough part. Comfort zoning won't do you any good, and drawing what you know 100% of the time is procrastination in itself.

>> No.3078757

phooey, I'll just trace whatever I cant draw.

>> No.3078761


>> No.3078929
File: 328 KB, 960x540, las-28-7-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3078982

>Bondage fairy didn't even say goodbye
What gives? You'd think that people who posted here for a year and a half would at lead to have the courtesy to say goodbye.

>> No.3079070

Youre not that hero cause youre gonna make it, youre gonna break through that wall, and beat your laziness. You're gonna prove to your laziness that your dick is 9 inches and you're laziness is only 7.3'' and therefore cannot please women. You're gonna fuck your laziness' girlfriend right in front of him while he apologizes. NTR your laziness right now.

>> No.3079082

Week1 here and I feel kinda similar to you man. I've improved from when I started but not as much as I wanted and as time moves forward it just gets harder and harder to keep pushing. When I started I could dismiss my shittyness by saying "I've only been drawing for a few months I'm supposed to be shit" but now I'm more than a year in and I still suck massive balls where as other people in las or the progress threads make a crazy amount of improvement in a year. The longer I draw the more I feel like I'm not cut out for it.

>> No.3079294

"Be a hero" means suicide

>> No.3079302

what dark fucking times do we live in where you actually have to spell it out on here

>> No.3079339

thats why I said he isnt one

>> No.3079415

"an hero" isn't something you are, it's something you do. It's a verb friendo.

>> No.3079418

this is how it ends, the users just quit without a word, a quiet death, RIP

>> No.3079427

What program did Lava make the site in?

>> No.3079443


>> No.3079545

She posted in this thread you idiot

>> No.3079552

where? She didn't post anywhere you donkey brained retard.

>> No.3079652


>> No.3079686

>Can you revert chronological order?
>Like, having the last image posted on the first position. Same for the raw data, it's not necessary, but if someone look at it in 2022, it will look like the site died in 2017.
>Did you plan something for a landing page?
It isn't my priority since the only way you can get to the page is from this thread and there is already a stcky in here.

Also I added timer and divided gallery into subpages, so that people with slower internet connection don't have to wait too long.
Link: las2.esy.es

>> No.3079695

You work fast. Good job.

>> No.3079795

I know that. Look, Im just tryna tell the guy not to sudoku

>> No.3079967

Is everyone switching over to LAS2? As much as I'd love a more frequently-updated LAS, I don't know if I feel comfortable leaving Lava.

I still want to believe he's okay. Had anyone hunted down his name and found out if he's okay?

>> No.3080080

At an average of 2-4 submissions a day, I doubt it.

>> No.3080124

they'll only move when LAS' plug is pulled

>> No.3080150

and the ones that aren't in LAS anymore? probably the same

>> No.3080165

Some people are probably just waiting for the site to get developed enough, and then are waiting for some starting pistol shot to start posting there.

When DED came it was released it was much further developed with nice screenshots posted ITT to advertize itself, like a ribbon cutting, and there were a lot more people to usher in a "move" (rather, using both sites instead of 1), but now the threads are so dead and talk is so sluggish, we get like, what, 1 post an hour on average? Maybe less?

Give las2 a nicer interface that uses up the full page rather than the top left, like LAS or DED, and global navigation bar or something, proper registration and profile viewing and all that jazz. Then give it a proper release to the thread with a nice preview webm or screenshot. I think some more people will move instead of the 4 or so that have so far.

>> No.3080170

and a prominent leaderboard sort of like what DED was trying to do, since it'll be an entirely streaks system, no weeks

>> No.3080185

What reason is there not to advertise las2 (once it's pretty) to the internet outside 4chan?

>> No.3080199

Is be sort of reluctant to do that. On the one hand, I don't know that we'd find many more other people with the mindsets we have here, trying to draw and get better. New people might be normies and could just turn it into a big hugbox rather than a constructive and productive site.

On the other hand, it'd be nice to inject some new blood into the program, and some good /ic/ work ethic could rub off on them, and some optimism and non-shitposting anons could begin browsing the board and shift the troll anon-constructive anon ratio a little. Plus, I know it's a real struggle for people to find a good drawing site that isn't a hugbox or an /ic/ cesspit.

>> No.3080200

the same reason anons here didn't want LAS to be advertized outside of 4chan maybe, fear of reddit and normalfags, can't be fear of tumblr since a massive chunk of /ic/ uses it

>> No.3080208
File: 11 KB, 426x391, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for looking into it.
So my first thought was just to make a backup site in case the original goes down, so it was just supposed to have all the functionality of the original.
Now I don't know which direction I should go with this.
>Give las2 a nicer interface that uses up the full page rather than the top left, like LAS or DED, and global navigation bar or something, proper registration and profile viewing and all that jazz.
Of course I could make the website look nicer, add all the async stuff, bars etc., but it would mean for me stopping the work on functionality.
I just need to find a proper balance with this I guess.
I'm sure DED worked on his project longer than I did and he has more experience than me (I'm learning a lot of stuff as I go), so he could do more polishing.
I didn't want to make a really nice looking website with dead links and empty styling boxes everywhere, because it would only cause frustration in my opinion.
>Then give it a proper release to the thread with a nice preview webm or screenshot.
The thing is that my english isn't that good and I'm just scared of posting new threads and dealing with a lot of attention.
But I'll certainly start posting gifs and screenshots and I'll be holding a competition once the tags are functional.
Right now we're using this board for communication, so either normies would need to post here or I'd need to make a forum/chat on domain which would drain views from 4chan (and the forum wouldn't be very lively as well).

>> No.3080218

>posting new threads
Don't have to do that, when it's reached the stage where most of the site's main features work (profile pages, submission page, leaderboard streaks preview and page, announcements for user deaths and whatever in some form) and it looks good enough announce in these threads like DED did, no need for new threads.

Then, whoever is the current Threadmaker may add it to the OP, and it'll gradually become incorporated into the LAS threads. Eventually, once the website reaches a far enough stage and overtakes LAS original in usercount, or LAS' plug is pulled, or Lava announces he had brain cancer all along or whatever, even the thread title could be changed to LAS 2.0 (or is it 3.0? cause we had DED, but that didn't really pan out... I dunno) then hey presto, LAS2 take overs the reigns of the original LAS.

>> No.3080221

Though, it's good that you've got the critiques system up already (even if it's not being used much cause there are only around 4 people on the site), that's probably the most hotly requested LAS feature, besides badgers which were mostly a meme (but would nice to have too on a wishlist).

>> No.3080257

Also I have a question.
Do you think that registration is neccesary?
I can display user page basing only on his submissions and comments by just filtering, so this is not a problem.
If there are any impersonations I can add flagging and vote-banning images and if this fails - tripcodes.
It is just a great responsibility for me to hold these (a lot of smaller websites use google+ or facebook instead), because a lot of people would foolishly use their email or facebook passwords.

>> No.3080267
File: 354 KB, 397x577, captcha has gone too far.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an art submission site where tripcodes are the username and password
I dunno, could be wild and interesting

fuck new google captchas

>> No.3080300

DED was around 1.5 - 2 weeks of work prior to release iirc and then continious tweaking for the 3 weeks or whatever it was it stayed up

>> No.3080336

i like the fact that we don't need an account to use the site, but there should be a way to crackdown on shitposting when it occurs.

>> No.3080540

>It is just a great responsibility for me to hold these (a lot of smaller websites use google+ or facebook instead), because a lot of people would foolishly use their email or facebook passwords.
You never save passwords... Literally nobody saves passwords except for complete idiots. You just save a hash of the password, there's no responsibility here..

>> No.3080574


>> No.3080580

So... I just logged on to las and saw that my streak was rest. I'm still around, and I've been posting every day, but I guess I didn't check to see if it actually properly went through. Dunno if my file size was too big, or the imgur link hadn't loaded yet or whatever, but there you go, but like every other time it was an accident

Las has been an absolutely huge part of helping me get to where I am today, and I've met some pretty cool people who I'm sure I'll be friends with for a long time. I'm going to keep drawing every day, but the only reason I was continuing to submit was because I liked my high streak number.

I'm not interested in starting back at one, but I'll keep on checking out people's pictures and chatting in the threads. Good luck lassies! Never give up!

>> No.3080582

bye bye ubf I gonna miss you :(

>> No.3080589

good luck

>> No.3080600

Glad you're still here, UBF, if we haven't talked in a long time! Congrats on your art improvement, by the way!

>> No.3080827

I'm not his beg, I know about hashing.
I wouldn't bring up tripcodes if I didn't know how this works.
But I was thinking that if there are no accounts nobody will even be interested in hacking into website's database since there are only links and text here.
And I couldn't distribute complete backup file if there is any private data.
>You just save a hash of the password,
No you save hash of the password with salt.
And I guess that even this is already an old solution and somebody already debunked it and found a better one, or will do in few months.
>there's no responsibility here..
I wouldn't say so, as I said before it is always easier to administrate a site with only user posted data.
Right now there are no problems with impersonations or shitposting so I prefer to focus on other stuff.

>> No.3080880

We'll miss you, UBF :(

>> No.3080928

speak for yourself

>> No.3080996

> somebody already debunked it and found a better one, or will do in few months.
??? The only big and used hash functions that have been "debunked" is md5 and sha-1. Nobody can crack sha-256 right now and it's not happening "in a few months". But do what you like with your site I'm not a part of it anyways so I don't really care if it's shit, just seeing you spout dumb shit.

>> No.3081130

Please get along, LAS needs a functioning site

Work together, help each other

>> No.3081145
File: 224 KB, 373x327, 1374473701834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3081297

Link to Lava's blog?

>> No.3081322

What ends up happening to people like Choob?

>> No.3081342


LAS will die drowning in choobposts.

>> No.3081359

shit dog

>> No.3081382
File: 18 KB, 509x411, e88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's gotta' be SOMETHING we can do to stop this general from going into a death spiral. We need to stimey the depression and low morale until our saviour Lava comes back and updates the site.

>> No.3081404
File: 15 KB, 1447x536, im a f-ggot at computers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made a mistake, here. I added .png to the end of my submission, but now it's doing this. What did I do wrong?

>> No.3081418

Pain and misery last forever. We will have to keep dragging ourselves through it and hope that Lava comes back.

>> No.3081524
File: 33 KB, 633x624, 893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>until our saviour Lava comes back and updates the site

>> No.3081543

>We need to stimey the depression and low morale until our saviour Lava comes back and updates the site.
any day now. Any day now........

But honestly, last time Lava started posting after an extend absence it only lasted like a week and he barely got any (You)s. I imagine that people will just start ignoring him if he comes back again and then he'll leave once more. The momentum that the site once had is gone now. No one gives a shit, before we used to have streams and people would post about LAS in other threads getting more people to join up. That's all gone at this point so even if Lava were to start updating the site there'd be no momentum to push the community further.

>> No.3081546

The pooch has been thoroughly screwed.

>> No.3081656


>> No.3081780
File: 137 KB, 349x352, Sodaro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The end is near

Can you feel it too?

>> No.3081783

>Registration Expiration Date: 2018-08-01
Looks like LAS will keep dying its slow death for a while yet

>> No.3081806

Lava was testing our faith

>> No.3081952

Awww shit whose ready for round 3? Here's to another year with the lassies

>> No.3081968
File: 392 KB, 500x375, O9uGDUh[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's to another year with the lassies

>> No.3082176
File: 75 KB, 480x410, 1452516120018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's to another year with the lassies

>> No.3082246
File: 470 KB, 924x889, 1488764031931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good shit.

Thanks Lava.

>> No.3082268
File: 41 KB, 640x640, 3-min-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mew thread >>3082264