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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3067720 No.3067720 [Reply] [Original]

>feel like shit

>> No.3067732

>le relatable comics

>> No.3067738

Two objects in the scene and the retard fucks up the perspective on both. What a day to be alive.

>> No.3067743

redline it pls

>> No.3067783

same here. what draw?

>> No.3067809

Have some good feels anon.

>make a helpful post on ic and get thanked
>10 y/o sis asks for drawing help and gets excited when i show her you can draw anything with construction
>try something new and don't hate it
>sketchbooks on clearance for $4 at local office store and they're not shit
>buying new pens and another customer enthudiastically suggests one I haven't tried before and it turns out to be sick
>left sketchbook unattended at parents house and they like my stuff even though its mostly naked girls

Feels great senpai

>> No.3067872

How wrong can you be?
Almost everyone who makes it does it because its easy

>> No.3068058

My wife finally said my art wasn't complete trash today. I'm feeling great.

>> No.3068073

The weekend is coming.
I'll have time to draw and read mangos.

>> No.3068265

I'm very happy for you!

>> No.3068267

Damn proud of you anons

>> No.3068269

Where can I get a qt imouto and a comfy life like yours, anon?

>> No.3068369

we should have threads were we fight over who had a better art day

it forces you to think of the good thinks and don't about the bad ones, which in turn bump your motivation when sitting down to draw

>> No.3068985
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>> No.3069330
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>10 y/o sis asks for drawing help and gets excited when i show her you can draw anything with construction
this is too pure for /ic/

>> No.3069338

>no comfortable position to draw without feeling like I'm having anal sex with a chainsaw.
>try to set up easel so I can paint standing up.
>easel falls apart and my painting face plants the carpet.
That's how my day went.

>> No.3069350

What's your wife's son opinion on your art?

>> No.3069362

Wow, do you put as much effort into your art as you do your shitposts?

>> No.3069453
File: 93 KB, 1372x728, IMG_20170722_082332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this posted on my twitter feed.
No good or bad feels, just rage.

You need life drawing to get good
You need to draw everyday to get good
You need to get likes to get noticed
You need to market yourself better than anyone else
You need to create good shit otherwise you'll lose followers
You need to learn Photoshop/illustrator otherwise you're a dated artist

If you aren't feeling bad about any one of these, then you probably are either 1) pursuing art as a hobby 2) not passionate about art.
If you arent so self critical in order to get the best out of your work, someone more passionate and dedicated will replace you.

People need to stop spreading this shit around. It's fucking babby propaganda that encourages lethargy which is the total opposite of this field in the first place.

>> No.3069468


> 1) pursuing art as a hobby
What's wrong with that? Having a hobby is a good thing. You only need to apply discipline if you want to become a professional.

>2) not passionate about art.
There's a thin line between passion and obsession my friend. Be careful to not thread over it.

>> No.3069477

Fuck off

>> No.3069481

>what is wrong with that?
I didn't say it wasn't worth pursuing as a hobby. I'm saying there's more leniency because it's not your main source of income.

>passion vs obsession
If you aren't drawing as much as the person next to you, why do you expect to get the same job as them? You get out what you put in. And if you aren't willing to go the extra mile, then why bother in the first place? People are always going the extra mile, so if you don't because "you don't feel like it" then fine. Just don't come back crying because you've spent 8 years not having the job you want because "I only have to put in what I'm comfortable with"

If you want to get good at something. You must put everything you have into it. Otherwise you're just wasting your own time.

>> No.3069484

Sorry did I hit a nerve?

>> No.3069494


>Otherwise you're just wasting your own time.
Drawing for fun is a waste of time? Its pretty obvious if you want to get good at anything, putting in extra hours is mandatory. But what I think that tweet was trying to say is that if you want to have a good time drawing, you shouldn't worry about getting good. The same with listening to music while drawing, it is okay to have a good time when you do something.
If you want to be a professional chef, you're going to have to take a specific path. But it's okay to just have a good time in the kitchen and make a creative meal once in a while. Not every meal has to be "gourmet gordon ramsey" if you're not trying to become a chef.

>If you aren't drawing as much as the person next to you, why do you expect to get the same job as them

I have a question that relates to this.
Do you think some people just have a natural limitation to how good they can become at something?
Or is the only thing limiting you becoming good, is yourself and time?

>> No.3069515

It's very refreshing to see someone get excited and having fun about learning something new rather than frustrated about not getting better fast enough. Too bad ic isn't full of ten year olds.

More positive feels because I feel like spreading the love tonight.

>Signed up for local art store's newsletter and got a 10% off voucher
>Art gallery is hosting free figure drawing session next week and I'm gonna make some irl art friends
>Got a PM on a niche community forum about the one time I posted art encouraging me to continue to post because they really liked my work
>tried painting with soy sauce (lol). The result was bad but if was pretty fun to use a silly material
>found a pocket-sized toned sketchbook online for $4 and I'm excited for it to arrive so I can try it
>Tried making my own charcoal sticks out of barbeque skewers and it almost sorta worked.

Unrelated to art but I'm very excited about getting a freelance job (academic writing) that pays $250 a day. Assuming I don't fuck it up big time it's gonna pay for the first year of my uni + serious upgrade for my computer (so I can actually do digital art) + hook me up with a sick network for freelance work in the future. Like holy shit guys my life just got infinitely better.

>> No.3069517

>if you want to have a good time drawing, you shouldn't worry about getting good

So getting good in as a hobby or a professional shouldn't be a good time?

>But it's okay to just have a good time in the kitchen and make a creative meal once in a while. Not every meal has to be "gourmet gordon ramsey" if you're not trying to become a chef.
You're right I agree. But there's a difference between cooking for income and cooking for yourself.

>Do you think some people just have a natural limitation to how good they can become at something?
In a world with infinite time, resources, and no diseases, there is no limit to what humans can achieve.
However in our world, with limited resources, time, and rampant disease, we only get about 60-80 years to pursue a couple things we enjoy. Also, to actually answer your question, I believe that people can be born with things that hinder them to perform adequetly ("natural hinderance"). However I believe that with enough passion and drive, one can push through their own weaknesses and thrive. I for one have AS, CTS, and other dumb diseases, yet I have a day job, I do art, I'm going to art school, and getting to where I want to be.
>Or is the only thing limiting you becoming good, is yourself and time?
Genetics can be a bitch sometimes and cause major problems with careers and lives. Other than that being a "natural" limiter, yes the other hinderance is self dedication and time.

>> No.3069527

>abandon an old alias
>occasionally get messages of people who miss me
>occasionally get mean comments, too
I wish everyone would just hurry up and forget me.

>> No.3069532
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>abandon an old alias for months
>get no messages

Kind of nice but lonely at the same time

>> No.3069539

>tfw not even popular enough to get hate mail