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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 136 KB, 720x720, Vehicles-Ballpoint-Pen-Design-Sketches-by-Scott-Robertson-720x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3066506 No.3066506 [Reply] [Original]

book study thread. download How To Draw by Scott Robertson if you haven't already (or if you have the physical book) and let's do exercises in it/apply chapters to practice drawings, post them here, and critique each other? remember to cite page.

the first ones are easy. Do a few pages of freehand straight lines, freehand curves, and freehand ellipses. If you've already done these from maybe Draw a box, then you can start with whatever comes next in the book.

>> No.3066580
File: 457 KB, 1506x1188, Cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for u

>> No.3066610

Balls are off center

>> No.3066889
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>> No.3066906

Actually one of the balls is lower down then the other and the whole thing becomes off center and thus 10/10

>> No.3066907

where is the dorsal vein

>> No.3067002

if you have to explain it then is not 10/10

>> No.3067059


>> No.3067171

I can tell you right now, this thread is not going to be very successful at all. Very few people have construction skills, only those who take this shit seriously do.

>> No.3067181

>only those who take this shit seriously do
what percent of /ic/ is that?

>> No.3067184
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I can only guess, but out of my on anecdotal experience I'd say it is extremely low. It's rare to see shit like this >>3066580 on /ic/, even rarer to see shit like this >>3066889

Remember that most of /ic/ is here to learn how to draw cute anime girls, they don't understand the importance of solid construction skills.

>> No.3067193

> draw cute anime girls
> solid construction skills
Are they mutually exclusive? Serious question.

>> No.3067200


No, and that's what they fail to understand. They think of FZD style construction exercises full of insects, vehicles and utilitarian objects and convince themselves that has no utility for their goals. Truth it, solid perspective and construction skills is what new comers should be focusing on, and that's what serious art schools will have you do.

I made a thread the other day and I was trying to communicate this exact thing, learning to do construction like Scott Robertson does, is simply learning how to sculpt in 2D. Once you get it, you don't need to spent hours doing hl and vp's anymore, you can just draw a box and sculpt out of it free-hand.
I am not a pro yet, this is just my opinion after all I've observed in 7 months of being in /ic/ and learning how to draw seriously. I began with Perspective and I've seen myself improve a lot in a short period of time.

>> No.3067205

wrong, there's no need for all this shit when drawing simplified anime girls

>> No.3067207

You don't need fzd level perspective to draw cute anime girls

>> No.3067208
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>> No.3067210


I never said you need it, but having such understanding will make you a better artist and you'll work will stand out because you actually know what the fuck you are doing.

I don't need ''FZD level perspective'' to draw cars either, but a car drawn under such knowledge is always going to be more appealing.

>> No.3067212

Vast majority of anime artists don't do this. That guy isn't even jap.

>> No.3067214

they dont do it becasue they are professionals with alot of experience. they figure it out in their heads not on the paper. but there is no way around learning the fundamentals.

>> No.3067217

shit excuses. you'll never be like any anime artist you think is good with this mentality.

>> No.3067219


>no need to learn perspective to draw anime girls

post your work.

>> No.3067220

Ty. Guess I gotta go straight to Robinson to draw anime girls.

>> No.3067222

>I wanna be good, but not THAT good

>> No.3067224

Here are some 2 hour long video of Scott Robertson teaching some of the stuff in the book.




>> No.3067225

That post had literally zero percent of irony.

>> No.3067226

>2 hours
no ty, where'st he summary

>> No.3067229

Clearly you can't read. I said there is no need to learn FZD LEVEL perspective, not you don't need to learn perspective. The vast majority of pro tier anime artists on pixiv aren't capable of drawing industrial design level nor is it necessary. Of course, you retards on ic think oh perspective is important, it must mean that I need to do xyz section drawing in order to draw some lolis.

>> No.3067236


Nice dude, do the hard work no one wants to do and you'll get good faster than anyone here. I promise.

>> No.3067247
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>2 hours to learn basic construction skill is too long

You're going to have a heart attack when you hear some of the Construction drawing projects might take you 20 to 40 hours to finish.

>> No.3067273

post your work then. do >>3067208
without "FZD level of construction". good luck

>> No.3067373

You are a fucking retard.
Did you know most mangaka start off as assistants? Whose only job is doing boring shit the actual artist doesn't want to do because it takes too much time, like line-art and backgrounds. And if you don't have assistants you'll have to do all that work by yourself.
Do you know what's the most essential skill for drawing backgrounds? Fucking perspective.
If you want to be a comic book artist and don't know perspective and construction you are completely fucked. You'll need thousands of references for every object you don't know how to draw and it's going to take a lot more time.
Trying to draw cars, guns, mechas, monsters, or just complex angles you are not used to without that basic knowledge is more masochistic than grinding some stupid boxes.

>> No.3067843
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I don't know anything about perspective, so i made this sketch (with some loose reference) as my starting point to compare after I get through the book

>> No.3067847

The level of autism in your post is just baffling. Are you really this incapable of reading? You don't need industrial design perspective to draw backgrounds you ignoramus dunning Krueger. Let me repeat this again so your little brain can understand. I'm not saying you don't need perspective, I'm saying you don't need the level of perspective that Scott Robertson teaches. Does your retarded ass actually think that every professional artist has a background in industrial design?

>> No.3068024
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>Does your retarded ass actually think that every professional artist has a background in industrial design?

The ones in the industry making top dollar, sure are. Places like Art Center get you started on Perspective first, doing industrial design type shit on everyday object like hair dryers and other shit.

>> No.3068057

Look, breaking down objects into simple forms isn't "industrial design type shit". Majority of animators, comic book artists and illustrators haven't studied scott robertson method. Sure, they understand perspective but that doesn't mean they use xyz section drawings when drawing vehicles. How can you faggots on /ic/ be this dense?

>> No.3068063

Who gives a shit about art center? Most professional artists haven't even been to art school. Also, I'm talking specifically about anime girls not concept art. Yes, you need to understand perspective and the concept of vanishing points and breaking down shit into simple form likes boxes, but you don't need to study perspective to the level of complexity that industrial artists do to draw an anime girl. In fact, doing so would actually detract from your work. There is a reason why most people who study this level of perspective end up with stiff and lifeless work.

>> No.3068074

>Places like Art Center
>a school known for industrial design teaches industrial design
Wow. No way. Of course they teach that shit there, fucking Scott Robertson teaches there. There strongest programs are concept design and industrial design not illustration, comics or animation. No duh they're gonna teach you stuff related to industrial design. Look at peter Hans course, that is the level of perspective you need for basic three dimensional drawing, not some crazy 900 hour video course. I feel like you guys keep peddling more and more perspective into people's faces because it's usually straightforward and easy to do so you pursue that instead of actually drawing and improving at what you want.

>> No.3068079

Thank you, finally someone with brain cells.

>> No.3068082
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I obviously meant XYZ construction drawings of daily objects, which they do make you do. That's how Feng Zhu started out.


No one said you need it to draw shitty loli anime. But, it helps. There's a lot more to Industrial design that construction, there's understanding function, aesthetic appeal and how different camera angles change the perception of the object, which can be used to boost or negate certain aspects of your design.

>There is a reason why most people who study this level of perspective end up with stiff and lifeless work.

What a silly thing to say, that's like those people who think learning how to read and write music will kill your creativity. It's just another tool that allows you to express something accurately, when you need it. You are not bound by it.

>> No.3068091
File: 299 KB, 736x930, 9ddaf997a3245f73d50ce09931c85d4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There strongest programs are concept design and industrial design not illustration, comics or animation.

Hey dude, someone people here are hoping to become concept artists. You know? Not everyone wants to draw anime titties.

>not some crazy 900 hour video course

Talk about hyperbole. The longest Perspective course is just around 80 hours long, and if you sincerely go through it, you'll be in the 99.9th percentile of people who understand perspective.

>I feel like you guys keep peddling more and more perspective into people's faces because it's usually straightforward and easy to do so you pursue that instead of actually drawing and improving at what you want.

That's bullshit, I recommend perspective because I started on it and I've seen more improvement in the 5 months of actually work that I did, than what I see in many who claim to have been drawing for years. I can now visualize shit in my head much easier, and it can only get better.

Looks like to me, people are just lazy or scared of Perspective because they find it tedious and boring, so they'll rather just doodle directionless and end up nowhere.

>> No.3068184

The best way would be to grasp the basics, switch to something more important and than return to Robertson, say, a year after.

>> No.3068189

> Hey dude, someone people here are hoping to become concept artists.
Concept art does not rely heavily on that stuff. It's more like drawing 1000 different sketches of the same character, throwing out 99% of them which are utter trash and combining the strongest points of what was left to make a good one.

>> No.3068206

looks off.

>> No.3068208


Care to point out what, exactly?

>> No.3068210

Blah blah study perspective already, you fat weaboo.

>> No.3068221


You have utterly no motherfucking idea what you are on about. Concept art relies HEAVILY on good fundamentals, at it requires to DESIGN shit yourself.

>> No.3068230

What do you think to draw those sketches of your designs?

Construction that's what, and that also means perspective

>> No.3068262
File: 268 KB, 1501x1200, 1494874065514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so let's say you have good construction skills. What can you work as in the industry? You still have to learn anatomy, architecture and a lot of other things, right?

>> No.3068292

construction aids heavily in all of those things, i feel as though construction is THE fundamental lmao

>> No.3068311

>they figure it out in their heads not on the paper.

That is a bullshit meme you noob. There is a lot of figuring out before a final.

>> No.3068352
File: 440 KB, 1200x1021, SR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went back to How to draw just last week, so heres some stuff I did this and last week.

Chapter 6, pages 86-89 (X-Y-Z sectional drawing, extending the sections and 2-curve combo)

>> No.3068355
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Drew some random furniture with the section drawing method.

>> No.3068360
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And finally pages 90-91(Cutting volumes). I need to jump back a chapter do the ellipse chapter again, the ellipses here really kicked my ass.

>> No.3068421

shit anon, these look GREAT. how did your perspective look before you started the book?

>> No.3068446

nice desu

>> No.3068458
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>> No.3068463

>practicing lines
>on lined paper

>> No.3068473

Middle one is nice but like the other anon said, when doing lines don't used lined paper, make two dots and do your best to try and connect them as straight as you can.

>> No.3068479
File: 196 KB, 659x1000, fahij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons.

I was pretty alright at perspective before starting the book, because I did Olsons course before How to draw.

The cat tree and the forms jammed together are from the last month I did Olson, so that was around when I started HTD(I have been really on and off with the book tho)

The city and furniture are from way back, when I was studying perspective made easy, I think.

>> No.3068481

Reference and observing: done

>> No.3068483

Yes, I don't have the muscles memory to draw a proper straight line, I did those first to get my brain and hand used to drawing as close to straight as possible.

>> No.3068488

How to balance my designs and illustrations with studying? Don't want to lose my visual library.

>> No.3068510

awesome, that's inspiring. i'm about in the city and furniture right now with only Norling under my belt. i better look into Olson

>> No.3068797
File: 588 KB, 2592x1936, IMG_0387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to put cube construction into practice. five hours in, loose concentration fuck up 40% of the image in 10 minutes. fml

>> No.3068806

Who told you have to draw a traight line freehand, in the first place?

Rulers exist for a reason. Use them. If they're good enough for DaVinci, they're good enough for you. Anyone who tells you different is wasting your time, and trying to apply a made up standard and holding you to it - and pulled it straight out of their ass.

>> No.3068820

page 13-15 How To Draw by Scott Robertson told me so.

>> No.3068827


The front of the gun has correct verticals, but the back of it has them tilted. That was the mistake that fucked the construction up. Verticals always stay vertical in 2PP.

>> No.3068839
File: 633 KB, 2592x1936, IMG_0388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gun is in three point perspective. I shouldn't have put the horizon line in the center of the page, as it looks distorted

>> No.3068850


>> No.3068853

Da vinci did not autistically use a ruler to draw every line in his sketchbook now did he, he drew plenty of free hand lines when sketching out his ideas. Drawing a decent short straight line is an easy and desirable goal to attain, not using a ruler to do whole constructions would be fucking stupid.
>>3068827 I didn't set up three point perspective correctly. Learned something new there always thought I could just plop down random vanishing points before.

>> No.3068872

Then his book is full of shit.

>> No.3068913

Did you make perspective grid underlays for each exercise?

>> No.3069027
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>> No.3069289

I need to find paper that is transparent enough to see trough, drawing a new grid everytime would be a real pain.

I can guess VP placements pretty good these days, but if I want to be exact I do use a grid or I tape paper together.

>> No.3069356

nice anon, this looks a lot better

>> No.3069454

Why the fuck would you use 3 point perspective and plot vanishing points for drawing an object? What you should do is visualize a box in 3 point perspective while drawing the gun...

>> No.3069475

>Why the fuck would you use 3 point perspective and plot vanishing points for drawing an object.
- because it's the only way I know to translate flat plan measurements into perspective.
I've only gotten as far as page 30.

>> No.3069928

I quit H2D in the early chapters because it seemed like too much work to transfer such few lines. My perspective understanding is pretty shit right now. Maybe Olson will be the one to help me with it

>90 hours couse

>> No.3071185

Half the blame is on your standards. Watching too much fapanese animes is brainwashing you and clearly taking away from your studies.

>> No.3071270
File: 145 KB, 600x509, 10614-group-3ww-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light table + tracing paper.

>> No.3071283

given that level of construction I'd rather just use a 3d modelling tool

>> No.3071302

>Doing all this shit when 3d modelling programs exist


>> No.3071356

post your art.

i bet it's not even beginner thread level

>> No.3071638

Thanks you for the tip anon, can't believe I never though of a light table.

>> No.3071910

except 3d modelling is just as if not more complex, in some respects at least

>> No.3071914


What would you do if a client asked you to make a quick sketch so he can see what you have in your mind? Gonna take a day to make a 3D model then or learn perspective so you can sketch it in even less than half that time?

>> No.3072296

Should I do this book immediately or read Perspective Made Easy first? What do you think?

>> No.3072336

you can start with how to draw without any pre knowledge

>> No.3072348

Anyone have some good dl links for olson's stuff?

This thread inspired me to tackle perspective once more, but I cannot find anything by him sadly.

>> No.3072454
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curves are kicking my ass

>> No.3072653
File: 185 KB, 612x767, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the axis that you drew on one of the ellipses, can you see why it's completely wrong?

>> No.3072992

Cgpeers has it, you can create an account on the first or second day of the month.

>> No.3073291
File: 210 KB, 1637x924, Peterlilt 280 1963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I spent a good portion of the winter studying Perspective everyday to get there, now I can come up with a design and drawn it accurately in perspective if needed for a client or for myself. I got to this point in less than 5 months of work and I am happy with that.

Now I plan to continue increasing my visual library by doing exercises like that, but all free hand like pic related. The first 100 won't be as accurate as my P51, but I'll allow me to understand real world design much, much quicker.

>> No.3073293

>The first 100 won't be as accurate as my P51, but I'll allow me to understand real world design much, much quicker.
that's inspiring stuff man

>> No.3073298


Thank you, Anon.

>> No.3073765
File: 312 KB, 1300x951, SR-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to refresh my memory a bit, and redo some chapters, so heres pages 34-35. (Mirroring horizontal/vertical/offset planes) I realized that I never tried doing anything with this technique, so I tried mirroring some objects. It works ok, but I did get some distortion.

>> No.3073796

you must be the 1% of /ic/

>> No.3074381

Well, at least being this autistic about perspective, I guess.

>> No.3074387
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Hi there. these are really nice and impressive.
as someone that is also studying the book I have a question.

I am stuck on chapter 2 of the book.

he glosses over the terms quite quickly and has left me confused. especially the idea of the cone of vision and finding vanishing points.

Have you fully grasped and understood the concepts and ideas of chapter 2?

how important are the ideas in chapter 2? can I skip them and still be able to study the rest of the book?

>> No.3074394

Just skip and study the rest of the chapters

>> No.3074414

Hey anon.

Personally, I found HTD really hard to crack in the beginning. maybe it's my level of talent or my intelligence, but It was too hard for me to understand. I found after working through Eric Olson course, that HTD made perfect sense.

I know most people do not have the time to work through a 90 h course, but I would recommend that you check out at least the first couple of videos, where he explains Center of vision, horizontal line, station point and cone of vision. Of course you won't be locating these every time you draw something, but knowing how to look for these concepts and place them, helps out your work quite a bit and I think it would make chapter 2 a lot easier to understand.

Sadly, it takes him very long to get to 2 point perspective, where he explains how to locate your vanishing points. I can try to explain, but I am not sure I can do it any better than Robertson.

>> No.3074663
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>> No.3077141
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Pages 39-41 (mirroring 2d curves)

I was really good at these at one point, but stop doing things and you get rusty real quick.

>> No.3077148
File: 513 KB, 1750x1750, Progress Re1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More Bumps


Nice, what are your goals with art?

>> No.3077209

Thanks anon, liking those vehicles.

I want to work in design side of animation and do my own projects.

>> No.3077223


Stop doing this shit, it's not gonna help you improve retards. Just get a basic understanding of perspective from vandruff and the rest is just mileage, don't listen to these ic turds who never draw claiming you need 500 hours of theoretical perspective to get anywhere

>> No.3077228
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What on Earth are you on about? It is thanks to the theoretical stuff that I have gotten better fast, and I am now doing mileage using that knowledge.
Say, you wouldn't posting your work. Would you?

>> No.3077231
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>Fundies are not gonna help you improve.

>> No.3077240


You realize both of those work examples you linked go beyond what Vandruff teaches? Have you even done Vandruff?

>> No.3077556

Holy shit, I didn't think people actually went through that book.

>> No.3077821


This word fucking triggers me.

>> No.3077837

I post my work here all the time in the alternate stylization thread, and judging from the feedback I get, I think im pretty good >>3077231
I didn't say don't learn your fundies stupid, I'm saying after a certain point theoretical perspective won't help, the rest is just mileage. Someone whos studied theory perspective for 10 hours and did 90 hours of practice is gonna be much better than someone who's studied theory for 90 hours with only 10 hours of practice

>> No.3077845

less than 0.000001% of the work in the alternative stylization thread is actually good. but of course even lesser skilled people will still "blog?" you. don't let it get to your head.

>> No.3077901

I just got Vandruff's lessons and D'Amelio's "Perspective Drawing Handbook", would it be okay to learn from them before diving into Scott stuff?

I feel hyped, but a bit scared because I've never been "that machine guy" who loves tanks and choppers.

>> No.3078098

My question has been answered here, if anyone is interested:

(If anyone wants to add anything about using D'Amelio in parallel, feel free.)

>> No.3078562

I find this method a lot easier than Peter Hans if only because in a way, all the info is right there for you instead of just guessing the foreshortening and what not.

Id love to see an example of someone using this method on a figure but it'll probably look still as hell

>> No.3079049

So... are you good yet? As in, can you draw anything of worth from imagination? What's your goal?

>> No.3079090

That's great, what do you think of this reading order?

01 - Beginners
Bob Dodson - Keys to drawing
Andrew Loomis - Fun with a Pencil

02 - Foundations
Famous Artists Course
Scott Robertson & Thomas Bertling - How to Draw
G.V. Beda - Basics of the Graphic Literacy/Fundamentals of graphic reading and writing (This one seems really interesting. Is there anything equivalent to it in english?)

03 - Perspective
Ernest R. Norling - Perspective Made Easy

04 - Human Anatomy
Joseph Sheppard - Drawing the Living Figure
Uldis Zarins & Sandis Kondrats - Anatomy for Sculptors Understanding the Human Form
Fritz Schider - An Atlas of Anatomy for Artists
Michael Hampton - Figure Drawing: Design and Invention
Burne Hogarth - Dynamic Anatomy: Revised and Expanded
Gottfried Bammes - The Artist's Guide to Human Anatomy
George Bridgman - Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing from Life
Robert Beverly Hale - Drawing Lessons from the Great Masters
Giovanni Civard - Drawing Portraits: Faces and Figures
Burne Hogarth - Dynamic Anatomy: Revised and Expanded

05 - Composition
Itten (Itten is really old stuff, and as far as I remember, it has some wrong stuff about Color Theory, I'm skiping this one)
Is there anything good to put here?

06 - Color Theory
Color Theory: The Mechanics of Color | The Gnomon Workshop
Practical Light and Color | The Gnomon Workshop
Everything on color from Handprint: https://www.handprint.com/HP/WCL/wtech.html
There was a very good site about Color Theory with a interactive Color Wheel and stuff, anyone know which one is it?

07 - Painting/Render
Scott Robertson & Thomas Bertling - How To Render
Hazel Harrison - The Encyclopedia Of Drawing Techniques
Richard Schmid - Alla Prima: Everything I Know About Painting
Richard Schmid & Katie Swatland - Alla Prima II Everything I Know about Painting

>> No.3079092

08 - Light and Shadow
James Gurney - Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter
Susan Sarbach - Capturing Radiant Light & Color in Oils and Pastels

09 - Landscape
Jack Hamm - Drawing Scenery: Landscapes and Seascapes
Giovanni Civardi - Drawing Scenery: Landscapes, Seascapes and Buildings

10 - Animals
Ken Hultgren - The Art of Animal Drawing
Eadweard Muybridge - Animals in Motion
Gottfried Bammes - Complete Guide to Drawing Animals
W. Ellenberger - An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists

11 - Digital painting
Imagine FX
2dartist magazine
Digital Painting Techniques: Masters Collection (All Volumes)
3dtotal.com Speed Painting (All the books in the series)

12 - Memory Drawing
Bert Dodson - Keys to drawing with imagination
Darren R. Rousar - Memory Drawing: Perceptual Training and Recall

>> No.3079485
File: 293 KB, 520x1200, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_vHQflYc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not even close to being good or able to draw from imagination well.

These are from memory and some are made up

Pic is a plant I made up.

Goal is:>>3077209

>> No.3079486

Fuck, forgot to reply.

>> No.3079903


Seems like a lot of unnecessary material in there. I would reduce it to

>Keys To Drawing
>Ernest R.Norling - Perspective Made Easy
>Scott Robertson How to Draw
>>>>Human anatomy
>Michael Hampton Design and Invention
>Fritz Schider - An Atlas of Anatomy for Artists

And this is where I end it, because this is the limit of my experience. Anything beyond, I still need to research.

>> No.3079937
File: 919 KB, 5633x3242, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help. How do I figure out the right **height, and placement on the horizon line** of objects like these in the distance? here i drew a random house and a small narrow island, but their size and placement felt all wrong initally. I tried to duplicate the figure and bring it farther on its own vanishing points in order to see if this way i could figure out the size of the house by placing the figure right next to it (read this from D'Amelio book). is this the right way to figure out size??

I also want the house to be facing in that angle, but because of the placement, the vanishing points are way too close together so i think the house looks too distorted for its depth. The only thing I can think of to change the distortion is to make a new set of vanishing points and place them whereever they meet at the horizon line (second pic in red). by doing that, it brings the house lower down. Is that just how it's supposed to look, or was the depth changed by doing this?

>> No.3079941

look into architectural projection. Essentially if you have measurements for the dimensions of the house plot them from the ground plane. draw a top down view of the scene so you can work out how far away you want the house to be, take the measurement and translate that into the scene. Different objects can have different vanishing points on the same horizon line depending on rotation.

>> No.3079987

you really don't have to do all that just to draw a simple house in perspective.

>> No.3080013

>you really don't have to do all that just to draw a simple house in perspective.
he says he wants to work out the correct height and placement on the horizon line

>> No.3080031

>download How To Draw by Scott Robertson
Anyone have a link? Can't find it

>> No.3080040

How do you guys even do perspective in digital?
I've found that perspective relies heavily on passing lines through several dots, and you can't really do that in photoshop, as you can only choose the starting and ending point of the line

>> No.3080042

pen tool.

>> No.3080045

it's in the sticky

>> No.3080234

I don't see it anywhere m8, just an amazon link

>> No.3080236

twirpx, rutracker or ceegee beers

>> No.3080240


>> No.3080268

>I don't see it anywhere m8
sorry I meant the artbook thread, it's in the third link for beginner essentials.

>> No.3080420

thanks friendos

>> No.3080532

I see, so there is a lot of redundant stuff.

I'm very interested in composition books. I'll update the book reading order later.

>> No.3080565
File: 112 KB, 736x736, 2ff1ba64a9342cc92afcb332e97a3e64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on making how to draw not be "How to want to fucking kill yourself" ?

if not any secret, keys to patience?

>> No.3080914


Coffee, planning ahead, exercise, healthy diet, meditation, accepting you won't git gud fast and focusing on just making sure you get something out of everytime you draw.

>> No.3081118


Found number 2 for ya.

>> No.3081140

are you from lolcow?

anyway drawing doesn't sound like it's for you, so why are you even doing it?

>> No.3081144
File: 2.26 MB, 1188x1754, mirrorcurves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently doing the mirror curves exercise. I figured I'd skip the mirror tilted planes exercise until the next chapter where I learn to make perspective grids (those exercises specifically mentioned using those grids)

>> No.3081698

>person has trouble spending hours doing meticulous calculated drawings using draw through method and geometry heavy perspective calculations, most of which encourage use of protractor/equal spacing divider/french curves

>"Lol u sure drawing is something for you?"
Man this board is full of autists

>> No.3081961

Drawing itself an extremely difficult take to beginner so thing like perspective is even worse.

I fucking hate how when someone says something is hard there is always some idiot coming out of the shadows and telling them "Maybe drawing isn't for you."

>"You mildly dislike this really difficult task in drawing, it must not be for you."

>"You get frustrated while drawing? You must dislike it. No one who is dissatisfied with their work gets frustrated. That's impossible."

>> No.3082035

Does anyone have this book for download?

>> No.3082043

Come on anon, really?


>> No.3082046

Oh man, boy do i feel foolish, i've been jumpin around threads a lot so sorry about that

>> No.3082169

>woman in heels is as tall as the door frame
You might want to set a scale and stick with that for construction.

>> No.3082266
File: 453 KB, 1051x1200, SR-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a bit more mirroring practise using objects.

Good man ,remember to also practice doing this in perspective.

>> No.3084052
File: 2.91 MB, 1731x1200, mirrorcurvepractice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some more plus some in perspective. It was very boring. Are we still supposed to do this by freehand?

>> No.3084156

im pretty sure its okay to use rulers to help set up the grid, but try to develop the ability to draw a straight line freehand

>> No.3085381
File: 441 KB, 1200x1123, SR-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, not a very exiting construction, I agree. Can't hurt to practice doing free hand, but I agree with this anon >>3084156

Pages 42-48 (Mirroring a 2d curve on a tilted surface, mirroring 3d curves in perspective: the 2-curve combo and 1 point perspective grid)

>> No.3085443

Well I have been doing these free hand, and in just started on the grids chapter (using a ruler for those).

>> No.3086992

Yeah that's good, you want to be as accurate as you can when dealing with grid's.

>> No.3087008

This is some next level autism. Not hating on your skill or anything ( I like it) but how long does it take you to plot all those lines?

>> No.3087108

what they are doing is literally mileage you fucking retard

>> No.3087117

not him, but it really doesn't take long
if you can remember what to do it's ez as fug boi

>> No.3087246
File: 184 KB, 650x920, pose-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have this one?

>> No.3087525

maybe drawing just isnt for you ;)

>> No.3087535

Are these actually helping you anon?

>> No.3087670

The one point grid is really easy and fast, so it takes me a couple of minutes. The object it's self depends, those were not too complicated, so they took me around 20 to 30 min. When I turn the object around, it usually takes even less time, because the blueprint is all ready there.

The 2-curve combo is also a really fast construction, like 5 or so.

The 2d curve mirrored on a tilted plane super boring, but not does not take long, as long as you know how to do a tilted plane.

Fo sho.