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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3059954 No.3059954 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I feel like shit whenever I pick up a pencil?

>> No.3059958

everything is going to be fine, just keep doing it, if you give up youll never surpass that feeling. Assuming you are shit at drawing.

>> No.3059994

Have a couple hobbies you juggle. I play video games, draw, paint, garden, listen to music, cook, bunch of shit. If you sit around feeling bad about drawing you'll stay in that funk. Gotta keep shit fresh. And usually when I'm out doing something else, I'm inspired to draw and can't wait to get at it. Hope this helps.

>> No.3060004

Because for most people being bad at something is an unpleasant and stressful experience, and art takes years to get good at.

You need the mindset of loving the process of learning, or your first few years will be constant misery.

>> No.3060025


Exactly what >>3060004 described, our brains are wired to protect us from harmful things and to make us search for security. If there's 2 ways to do something and they both bring the same results, won't we choose the easiest way and call it the reasonable choice?

It's easier to understand it if you think about how non-physical addictions work. You play a game for 1000 hours not because it's the best thing in the world, but because it's easy to launch when you come back from work, easy to play when you're tired, and you're rewarded all the time in the game, the more you play the more the game, the more you need to play to get your daily minidose of satisfaction. Before you know it, you're addicted to it.

Well, drawing is the reverse. The satisfaction is long-term, it's hard, and you need a conscious effort to stay focused and learn new things everyday. It's easy to prove, by the way. Think of something you used to draw as a kid, something very fucking easy and which you liked to doodle at school. Got it? Good, draw that right now. Why is there no anxiety? Because it doesn't trigger your brain, it recognizes it as a good thing.

>> No.3060082
File: 52 KB, 725x400, KidsDontDrawThisAtSchool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For (You), OP.

>> No.3060242
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>> No.3060430

for some reason I always think of skateboarders with this concept.

there was a skatepark near my house and I'd sometimes watch skaters fail literally all day trying a single trick over and over and over again. they'd come back the next day,

but that's the type of mindset...they didn't seem to really "mind" fucking up over and over they just repeated until it happened

>> No.3060864

Maybe the difference is that skateboarders see the good skateboarders practicing and fucking up over and over so they aren't self conscious about it, they just accept that this is how skateboarding is done. Artists though are more antisocial and only let people see their successes. So when an artist practices they expect to do what they have seen other artists do, they expect to only create good work. They don't expect to fuck up because they haven't seen the artists they respect fucking up.

>> No.3060885

This is why I like youtubers who show their old art/sketchbooks. Even if they still aren't masters its nice to see they were once as bad as me.

>> No.3060926
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>start doing sketches and upload everything, even deeply experimental horrible creations
>lose followers
>ask around
>>people will judge you on your worst piece
>realize the problem is systemic and not local to artists or their preferences

>> No.3060930

because you're a complete fucking pussy?

>> No.3060932

Remember Proko fucking up on livestream where he made the kangaroo? Remember how anons reacted? That's what happens when an artist fucks up in public.