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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3060702 No.3060702 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw fell for art school meme
>spend weeks doing shitty arts and crafts projects (like a paper mache animal)
>draw a bunch of life models when I could be using 3D models at home for the same effect
>everything still looks like shit
>still don't know how to draw
Should I drop out? This is ridiculous, I feel like I learn more from tutorials on /ic/

>> No.3060730

sounds like a free art school
of course its going to be shit, what did you expect? people debate about whether the most expensive ones are even worth it

>> No.3060775

Get your shit together and use those years in art school. I know that (pic related) feel. I'm sick atm, dragging myself to work an it takes every inch of dedication to wake up early and draw.
Just do it, start today with a doable amount of work. You're young, healthy and in education. Do something with it, for it will only get harder once you're out of school.

>> No.3060822

It's up to you what you want things to be. Sure it might be shit, but look at what they can offer that you wont get at home. It might be space and time. Or a place where you can discuss and throw around ideas with like minded (you can not do this at /ic/).
Teachers with more knowledge than they teach (If they are working artists themselves it means that they have some kind of knowledge that you want, so milk that shit like a starving baby).

And for the record. Because this triggers the shit out of me. 3D models is shit compared to live models. Practising gestures by looking at a screen will never give you the same knowledge as practising by looking at a real object.

>> No.3060840

yes, drop out before you waste any more time and money
the meme was NOT to go to art school

>> No.3060914
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>> No.3061259

Thank you.

>> No.3061266

>control your actions despite your emotions
I don't know mate.

>> No.3061411

it's all on the teacher, op. trying out a summer class only made me appreciate online resources a lot more.

>> No.3061596

I had to admit I needed some psychologist action/therapy when I hit a wall trying my best with that.

>> No.3062204

>that picture
That pretty much summed up how I end up trying to hang myself.
Pro tip: suspension hanging (when your feet touch the ground a bit) is much less painful than full drop, but it only works if you never trained your neck muscles.

>> No.3062228

>>draw a bunch of life models when I could be using 3D models at home for the same effect
no you fuckin couldnt, there's no substitute for real life drawing.

>I feel like I learn more from tutorials on /ic/
do you actually do work at home, tho? i've seen a ton of people drop out out of art school, and they just stay at home and don't improve because they have no consistent work ethic, and don't get jobs cause they can't network
. like, do you even know about any of the art shit happening in your city?

this is wholesome, thank you

>> No.3062987

How would you know anything about that, you didn't even die.

>> No.3063330

If you think drawing from a screen or 3D model is the same as drawing a real person you're really lost. You just can't replace observational drawing. It takes a lot of practice . I'm sure you have developed technique to this point so combine that skill with observation and you'll get a lot further. If you went to art school to draw better super heros maybe it's not the place for you though

>> No.3063333
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>> No.3063337

Drop out before you lose even more cash, kick/cut yourself for making such a stupid decision, then either go to school for something marketable while still improving at art on the side or if you're deadset on it find an art school that's not a meme

>> No.3063350
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>tfw go to school for something unrelated to art so I can pay for going to school for something unrelated to art so I can afford to have more free time for art
>tfw spend all my current free time on video games anyways

>> No.3063357

god bless you

>> No.3063430

Thank you based anon.

>> No.3063692

also, since you didn't die, did you get out of the death spiral? are you better now? how to get out pls tell