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File: 69 KB, 736x1029, tfw im fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3056734 No.3056734 [Reply] [Original]

I was always wondered - how many of you are fat?
How it affects your art? Or may be you fat because all you do is sitting and drawing?

I mean...how can you be fit if you drawing in non stop? I work as freelance artist and cant have any time for weight loss.
1) drawing 6-8 hours a day is a norm for me. Usually im getting very upset if i didnt finish 1 drawing during a day or two. So i always spending a lot of day-time for it.
2) I have my own ideas besides job so i [always] sitting here and drawing.

Im fat. I do some exercises that take me 10-20 minutes. But thats not enough to lose weight.
It's just...when im asking myself what to do - to finish a picture or work out i obviously will choose a picture.

Im confused. I see some artists better than me and they are quite normal by body shape. How they manage to do that?

>> No.3056742

Maybe they don't eat as much or dedicate some more time into their fitness on a separate day or simply schedule things better. If you're sitting around all day you don't need much food anyways.

>> No.3056745

As your art gets better so does your confidence then you an start working on self improvement

>> No.3056746

starving artist here, sorry OP

>> No.3056747

>As your art gets better so does your confidence
how many years you in drawing? You sound very new.

>> No.3056749

A lose a lot of weight when drawing prolifically because I'm more focused on the art than I am eating. It's the reverse when i'm gaming because eating shit enhances the chilled out experience.

How the hell does one "not have time for weight loss"? Eating food takes more time than not eating food, wtf. You don't have to do any exercise to lose weight. I sat on my arse and lost 12kg by not eating shit and staying at 1200kcal.

>> No.3056751

>I sat on my arse and lost 12kg by not eating shit and staying at 1200kcal.
you dont understand how that works obviously
>durr hur i lost weight just by sitting and not eating xDDD

>> No.3056754
File: 35 KB, 212x212, 14972152784310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't have to do any exercise to lose weight

>> No.3056758

He's right. It's a calories in < calories out thing.

Exercising does speed up the process however.

>> No.3056759

That is how you lose 'weight'. You can sit and do nothing all day as long as you don't eat much, you will lose weight. However you'll also lose muscle mass due to not exercising and what's most likely not a good macro split.

>> No.3056760

But this is okay since you don't need care about the muscle since you just want to lose weight

>> No.3056763

Sure, if you're only interested in weight loss, then you can lose weight by that method. I'd advocate for exercise with a controlled diet so you instead lose body fat. But that's up to the person.

>> No.3056764

>you dont understand how that works obviously
Obviously I do if I successfully lost the weight, fatty. Energy in, energy out. General energy lost throughout the day (yes, you lose energy even when you're not doing strenuous exercise) is greater than the energy consumed through food due to adjusting calorie intake to fit a sedentary lifestyle (plus gender, height and weight). go read the /fit/ sticky for some light reading.

Or go back to blaming your weight loss issues on "I gots no time for exercise!!!". Throw that one in the pile with "thyroid issues" and "PCOS" and other shit people use as an excuse that's still resolvable.

This is true also, depends on goals, if you want to lose weight AND be lean it's another story than CI<CO.

>> No.3056766

Maintaining muscle uses calories and therefore speeds the process, so no.

You should care about it. It's why men have a greater metabolism than women.

>> No.3056767

>I do some exercises that take me 10-20 minutes. But thats not enough to lose weight.

If you don't overeat, that's way more than enough. Provided you train in an efficient way of course and don't just do curls and situps or something. Do a simple calisthenics full body routine with dropsets and you'll burn a lot of calories in those 10-20 minutes.

>> No.3056782

>He's right.
he is not
>You can sit and do nothing all day as long as you don't eat much, you will lose weigh
no. Stop being a faggot.
Sop spreading lies. I wont discuss this further, dumbass.

>> No.3056788
File: 71 KB, 320x465, 55e8caad4e50fc051b37ca62a2dbec0a83313e571330c7c820fb51887c5e4613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are absolutely retarded man, you can and will lose weight just be existing and not eating much. Eating below you Total Daily Energy Expendure (TDEE) will lead to weight loss if you are at a sedentary level.

The issue lies in people under-estimating their caloric intake, while over-estimating their burnt calories when people try to "diet". If you strictly eat at 1200cal as a 6'0 person of overweight size, you will lose weight.

>> No.3056791

you do know that's exactly how people starve themselves and look like skeletons right? they don't eat anything at all, and if they dare to eat an entire apple a day, they compensate it with walking around their room.
they don't even have the energy to excersize yet they constantly lose weight.

>> No.3056801

kek, this butthurt response is actually ten times better than the "you're right, i'm a fatty" response that I was expecting.

>> No.3056807

no, lifting is my favorite hobby, even before drawing.

visit /fit/. overweight and uncomfortable is no way to live

>> No.3056816

> drawing 6-8 hours a day

nigga i work a part time job and still manage to draw 6 hours a day and still have time to get fit
step it up fatty

>> No.3056817

You are seriously clueless. Just stop eating so much.

>> No.3056822
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>> No.3056864
File: 104 KB, 795x960, 14952578363050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont be so mad just because im a better artist than you.
>nigga i work a part time job and still manage to draw 6 hours a day
Same butthurt. if you work hard at art and still have a part time job then you are shitty artist.
>Just stop eating so much.
Retard. Im eating like 1 time a day because i dont have time for eating because im drawing a lot.
I said 6-8 hours just out random. I can sit literally the whole day from monrning till 1-2:00AM.
Fuck off with your retarded couch knowleges.

>> No.3056866

Why do fat people always think they are some kind of metahuman who is defying the laws of physics that apply to the common man, but not to them?

>"Hurr durr I have no idea why I'm fat, I swear I only eat like half an apple a day"

>> No.3056868
File: 186 KB, 898x1180, 1499212006984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop eating like shit and you'll lose weight. Shit isn't difficult to figure out. You're fat cause you eat crap all the time. Have some self control you gluttony fuck.

>> No.3056870

I'm slightly chubby but I already started to go to the gym again.
It also gives you a great opportunity to look at people's bodies, and be in touch with yours, and that helps with figure drawing.

>> No.3056881


Fairly average, a little on the skinny side honestly

In college and too poor to be fat yet

>> No.3057175

> I wont discuss this further, dumbass.
Ten embrace your piggy fatty body, and that it will never change.

Weight loss is not rocket science. Put anyone on a calorie reduced diet, with moderate exercise, and they WILL lose weight. Maybe 1 out of 200 will have a legit medical issue that keeps them from losing.

One of the few things in life we truly own are our bodies. If you wreck yours with shit food and no exercise, blame yourself, not anything else? You can't find an hour a day to exercise? BULLSHIT. That's just an excuse. You don't want to TRY to lose weight, your fat ass wants sympathy and a magic bullet cure for your inability to put the fucking fork down.

If you walk one hour a day, and cut all sugar from your diet, and restrict carbs, especially chips and bread, you will lose weight.

It's your choice. Anything else is excuses, and is on you. Fatty or fit. Make a choice. You draw 6-8 hours a day? then you have at LEAST 15 hours left over, and you can't fit an hour of exercise in? Bullshit. You're fucking lying.

Get off your fat ass, and change your diet. Or just stay there, fat and miserable, with nothing but excuses.

>> No.3057179

>I can sit literally the whole day from monrning till 1-2:00AM
There's the problem. Sitting on your ass all day.

BTW - I'm a professional, published artist and designer. I'm in shape, because I make enough money I don't have to draw all day and night. If you're drawing that much, you're either really fucking slow, or you don't make much money. My freelance alone paid for a $2500 Cintiq. I also have a full time career job that pays 90k a year. Yet, I have time to exercise, and have a life.

All you have is excuses.

>> No.3057190

If you eat the normal amount of calories you wouldn't be fat. It's your own fault that you're a fatty, except for people with legitimate diseases but even that can be mitigated.

>> No.3057332
File: 74 KB, 813x577, 1481329463403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Eat twice a day: one big meal, one regular-sized snack (like two sandwiches or pizza slices, dunno);
- Have water bottles around you all the time to sip from;
- Buy some neutral, light starch/vanilla biscuits and eat 2~3 of them every 3 hours;

That way you avoid the issue of having an empty stomach, but also control your urge to be a disgusting endless pit for junk food. Water will fill for the most time, cookies are just to satiate the body thinking it needs to eat.

I am the opposite of you, really, a complete skeleton even though I am 100% sedentary. I try to eat as much as I can on regular intervals because I can go 18 hours straight without eating anything and the following day my whole intestines are burning from all the acidity that builds up from it. Almost went to the hospital the other day, so I'm trying this cookie-every-3-hours approach. Because eating twice a day is more than enough as long as providing me with vital energy goes.

>> No.3057372
File: 37 KB, 287x337, 1485932628297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grab a buttload of fruits and vegetables
>Juice it
>Drink it, pulp, fiber, and all
>Not eat solid food until dinner time

so hungry

>> No.3057675

You're probably a borderline type 2 diabetic. It makes you fat really easily. I eat a ketogenic diet and walk 30 minutes a day. It's ridiculously easy and fits very well with an artist's lifestyle. My daily walk is when I like to think about my work. I am not distracted throughout the day by hunger because I no longer feel much hunger.

>> No.3057681
File: 40 KB, 261x260, 1445875608774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The laws of thermodynamics, you double nigger.

>> No.3057682

>cant have any time for weight loss.

Eat fewer calories than you burn and you'll lose weight. You don't need to make time for it.

>> No.3057713

i'm fat, only because i eat too much though, i'm not like a digital guy so i don't sit on my computer much, i spend at least an hour or so walking per day, so i don't know if i'm actually unhealthy even, about 210, 5'11 if you're wondering how fat (very)

>> No.3057726

Work a part time active job like painting houses or waiting tables.

Don't drink any alcohol and cut back on high fat foods.

>> No.3057729
File: 521 KB, 1000x802, 1439271772720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It's doesn't matter what i eat, i will always be skinny.
>mfw i will always be a skeleton

>> No.3057746

I don't work out hardly ever and I'm not fat at all. Start counting your calories and begin that by looking at all of the empty cans of 140cal Mountain Dew strewn about your room. Also have some self control you fuck. Your hunger is an illusion. Spend no more than $10 on food a day and as long as you're not spending that all on snack cakes your body will start to burn the fat off of your ass for energy; you'll look like a human being in a year or so

>> No.3057747

Why didn't you stop at 180s.

>> No.3057748

walking doesnt do shit bro

>> No.3057756

same here . i never gain weight no matter what. super skinny.

>> No.3057762

You should exercise regardless because it's good for you, but you certainly don't need to exercise to lose weight. You're not going to get the same results, though. You'll lose weight but you'll lose it differently. It's the difference between healthy skinny and creepy skinny if that makes any sense.

>> No.3057929


>> No.3057940


>Drink loads of water
>Cut out all snacks
>Cut all sugary drinks
>Eat twice a day regularly
>Eat fruits and vegetables

It's that easy, not exercise required. I can't stress enough how much calories are in sugary snacks and drinks.

>b-but I like drinking soda and alcohol
>b-but I like ketchup and sauce
>b-but I like chocolate

Stop it you fat fuck it's literally loaded with 10x daily recommended sugar

>> No.3058358


hey anon! as a skinny artist, here are my recs:

-find the time to exercise. 10-15 minutes a day is not a lot of time at all but it's a good place to start. when you get up in the morning, first thing, do some pushups and sit-ups. don't forget to stretch. /fit/ can tell you all about low-strain exercising, or talk to a doctor/physical therapist. the important thing is that you make it part of your routine so that it becomes habitual. set reminders on your phones/computer, have someone that lives with you stay on your ass about doing it, do whatever it takes but make it part of every single day.

-eat right. drink lots of water. NO SODA, BEER, OR EMPTY CALORIES. make everything that goes into your mouth have a purpose. balance your meals. again, /fit/ can probably help you out to find a diet that is right for you. me personally, I'm a vegan, but that is a lot of fucking work and it's not for everyone. an easier way to go would be
>breakfast: fruit
>lunch: salad with croutons or a bread roll
>dinner: chicken breast, vegetables, maybe some rice or potatoes but don't pile your plate with it

-stick to your diet, stick to your routine. don't give up until it becomes a part of your daily life. remember, this isn't a temporary solution--it's a new way of life.

-some people have larger frames than others. that is OK. you might lose some weight but never be able to get past a certain point. it's more important to focus on living a healthy life.

-and now, here is my personal routine, so that you have some idea of how to fit it into art schedule:
>wake up at 8:30am.
>stretch, foam roller, sit-ups, push-ups
>shower, eat breakfast--two pieces of toast, tea
>work 2-3 hours, usually break for coffee
>eat lunch, usually leftovers
>work 2-3 hours
>walk to grocery store
>dinner: vegan shit. I eat a lot of stir-fries: tofu, vegetables, and rice.
>fit in more work before bed, or socialize. get 6-8 hours of sleep. repeat

>> No.3058944


6'1'' - 80kg 15% bf. I could be better, but I am not obese.

>> No.3058946

An hour of cardio on my bike every day is all that's keeping me sane and motivated right now

Cycling + podcasts seriously help so much with stress/motivation/mood/self image

>> No.3058962

>it's that easy
it's never easy. all starts with the will. you're god awful at helping

>> No.3058965

>Art gets better
>Get confidence
Hahah. Hah. Sadly not quite. I mean, yeah, somewhat. You see artists who definitely know a little bit less than you might, but for the most part, the more you learn the more you realize you haven't yet learned. That is, if you're consistently looking for ways to improve.

>> No.3059015
File: 8 KB, 236x236, 1492775268033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exercise has nothing to do with it. I dropped around 60 pounds just from cutting all carbs/sugar and sitting on my ass.
However I gained it all back due to anxiety.
>Art is looking shitty.
>Feel stressed and angsty.
>Burn myself up and lose all energy.
>Need stimulants to keep myself awake.
>Stuff self with sugar, caffeine and carbs.
>Get hyperactive for like 2 hours and work like a madman.
>Crash and fall asleep.

>Later commission is finally done.
>Treat myself with junk food as a reward.

It's killing me and I don't know how to stop this pattern.
I keep telling myself that maybe one day I'll be good enough, so I won't feel stressed and over eat. But I'm not sure any artist alive feels good enough.

Or I could cut all stimulants cold turkey, but then the cravings return and I get more angsty and desperate.

The last option is to stop being so self deprecating and be optimistic. I'm the opposite of Dunning Kruger. I feel like everything I do is garbage and fake. I only feel safe when my work is sarcastic and metaironic.

Hanging on 4chan and /ic/ certainly doesn't help. No matter how good I get, someone here is always going to shit on my work (not even Ruan Jia and Kim Jung Gi are not exempt from /ic/'s wrath). Yet on practice my subconscious program is that some day I'll get so good that I won't get criticism. It sounds really stupid now that I have written it.

The opposite happens. The more popular I get the more hate comments I see. Like with a blockbuster movie, the more money it makes the more people try to prove that it doesn't deserves the success.

Art is not an open heart surgery. Nobody dies if I screw up. Therefore being naively optimistic will be more productive on the long run. The most productive artists I know tend to be very positive and not cynical. I guess I'll have to find a way to quit /ic/ for my own health.

>> No.3059430

>I dont know how to stop this pattern
Literally just don't eat that garbage you turbo autist.
Have some self control, like when you go to the store, just don't buy that crap.
Learn to make food that doesn't taste like shit if its not covered in sugar.
Reward yourself for hard work with something thats not an extra large pizza and a 2-liter of Mountian Dew, like reading a book, going out with friends, playing a game, seeing a movie.

General cynicism is really common, especially with great artists, its one of the things that drives them to improve on their flaws. You will never escape criticism because there will always be room to improve and that's not a bad thing, its something you should be pursuing.

Just make sure what you do has purpose and its not just random garbage you shit out because you think it would look good.

>> No.3059433

Find a goal for transportation and make sure you don't rely on a vehicle. Bike is what I use, It takes me to place close enough and provides me with the exercise I need to maintain a healthy life style.

>> No.3059598

>Literally just don't eat that garbage you turbo autist.

>> No.3059718


They just don't each much, even without exercise.

Abandon soda, beer, chips, fast food, and all that sugary shit because your body takes longer to metabolize them since they contain complex sugar like sucrose and fructose. Fruits still contain sugar, but it's good sugar (glucose) that your body can easily break down.

Exercise won't help at all if you're chugging down soda, ice cream, or chips afterwards.


I don't blame you. Whenever I feel negative and pissy, I just jump everywhere in a row while playing violent action movie scenes from my cell phone. It's stupid, but at least I burn calories along with my anger.

>> No.3059777

I have a similar issue too. I stopped being a lazy neet and moved out and got a job at a fast food place. I get a free meal a day, and it’s hard to stick low cal for multiple reasons. No salads during breakfast, wanting to eat a big free meal so I don’t need to spend money or be hungry at home, getting tired of the very few options that are okay, etc. I walk to work and am on my feet all day. I lift occasionally relatively heavy stuff almost every day for restocking (about 40lbs). But Ive gained 20lbs in just a few months.
I keep trying to cut out soda. I almost never drink it outside of work and almost exclusively drink water at home. 50/50 chance of drinking it on shift. One or two cups just doesn’t seem like a lot at the time, though I know it adds up.

I have the time to work out, especially because I don’t spend as much time as I should on my art. But it’s frustrating that I’m fatter now that I’m 10x more active.

>> No.3059798

Dietary fat doesn't make you fat. Research nutrition before giving nutritional advice.

>> No.3059805

Are you fatter, or is that new weight muscle?

I don't go by the scale, I stopped that years ago - your weight can fluctuate during the day as much as 10 lbs (5 is more normal), and the scale can't tell if it's flab, or muscle. It's VERY common, when starting out, to get discouraged because your weight doesn't move, or goes up - but it's muscle weight.
Stop looking at the scale, and start measuring, and paying attention to how your clothes fit.
There is no reason why you can't drink water at work.

>> No.3059829

It’s at least partially fat, my pants have gotten tighter. Yeah, there’s no reason why not. It’s just hard to resist when water gets boring fast.
I just need to bite the bullet and work out but I don’t want my free time to go down more.

>> No.3059865

>I was always wondered - how many of you are niggers?
>How it affects your art? Or maybe all you do is stealing and dugs?

>> No.3059879

>i'm fat, only because i eat too much though
lmao how else do you get fat?

>i don't know if i'm actually unhealthy
yes you are, that's why you're fat.

>> No.3062405

Stop focusing on how good is your art but how much you are improving. You should be embracing criticism instead of fearing them.

>> No.3062411

Stop stuffing your face. Being thin =/= being fit and strong, it's mainly about how much energy you put into your body vs how much goes out

>> No.3063917

>spend no more than 10 dollars on food a day
Wtf? You eat through 300 dollars of food a month????
bitch some of us are poor an have .05 cent ramen for lunch. My three person family eats 300-400 dollars worth of food a month.

>> No.3063923

yes, but I'm starting to loose some of it.