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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 12 KB, 242x160, man-artist-art-concept-61195715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3044817 No.3044817 [Reply] [Original]

How do you motivate yourself to draw every day?

>> No.3044820

By avoiding shit that is lower hanging fruit for enjoyment.

Why would anyone draw when they can be spoon fed satisfaction with tv, mmorpgs etc.

Limit or cut out the unproductive shit you are addicted to and you'll find it a lot more enjoyable

>> No.3044821
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You do it for her. She's waiting for you, go draw her.

>> No.3044832

Have stuffs you wants to draw.

Seriously, I have hundreds to not say thousands of shit I wants to draw, I'll never run out and I sure don't get bored. And since I wants them to be as good as possible I study and improve on the way to have what I wants.

>> No.3044835

See, I find things I want to draw. Then I draw them and I don't like them and I feel bad and don't want to draw.

>> No.3044844
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Focus on discipline. Motivation is solely powered by emotion and emotion will run out while persistence doesn't (it's in the name). Have a goal, commit to drawing every day for a month and you'll realize that it's going to feel weird where you have a day when you don't draw. It's that itching feeling that you know you want to do something but aren't.

If even that doesn't help then art shouldn't be something you pursue because you won't get anything out of it.

>> No.3044847

whatching anime and having sex

>> No.3044848

I'm going to be homeless soon and it's the perfect situation I need to motivate myself to draw.

>> No.3044931

I don't

>> No.3045107

That feel when can't draw everyday because manual labor and my hands are in pain after work

>> No.3045123

Having the mindset that no one else will draw it so its up to you to do it.

>> No.3045134

Have money

>> No.3045135

get rid of computer, internet and phone and all other distractions, and your productivity will increase by a million

>> No.3045137

Actually, this isn't too far from the truth, so long as you don't go getting drunk and high everyday

>> No.3045140

Unfortunately you all suck and have generic shit work to apply this mindset.

>> No.3045148

I look up to my favorite artists to hopefully one day be good as them. I try not to think in the present but in the future.

>> No.3045150

I'm a NEET living on savings that will last 4 or 5 years.
If I don't become pro in that time I'll be dead.
I'd rather be dead than get a normie job.

>> No.3045158

At first draw things you like, then exercises, then something you like.
This through the day.

>> No.3045167


Just start. The rest will be easy. And remove distractions

>> No.3045169

I lift after drawing and eventually they both just become another exercise to me. When my feet hurt then I KNOW it's time to draw and there always a few ideas which have been percolating.

>> No.3045171

I have an active imagination and read/watch/play a lot of things all the time so I never run out of things that I want to try drawing. Fundamentals are really frustrating though.

>> No.3045172
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Art and drugs are the only things that make me happy.

I'd rather make art than be a useless drug addict.

>> No.3045174
File: 104 KB, 601x510, bush1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think it as motivation i just try to make it a routine
every day is a chance to improve and to sketch or paint more so i wanna progress more faster which is why i do a lot of shit

also dont feel jealous or compete do art for you.
i were recently sketching feet in angles and tried out colouring skin and metal

>> No.3045178

I can't imagine drugs helping you with art though.

Look for Pinterest tutorials. I use blue lead for my .7mm and regular lead for the .5mm. They work well together.

>> No.3045188

You don't get motivated. You let your imagination flow while having paper nearby. Maybe read a book or watch something. Let your mind flow. Draw things that interest you greatly. Sometimes though in order to get good you may have to grind and that will require a lot of motivation. In that case look at people you look up to.

>> No.3045193

I used to be like this. A year or two into and I started running out of ideas or I started forgetting the ideas that I had. Don't realize that you will always have ideas and rely more on your surroundings and shit like that. Try drawing less from imagination which is kind of a shity thing to say, but draw more from reality or your surroundings and make it into your own "Style".
I know that sounds like some Tumblr bullshit but trust me on it. I mean you could also go full realistic drawing from reality but there's no reason really to unless you're trying to improve your art. Think Kim Jung GI.

>> No.3045194

I'm sex depraved so I have a big urge to draw lewds.

>> No.3045211

>I can't imagine drugs helping you with art though.

You're right, the opposite is true. As soon as I get high I don't care about anything else but getting high. Art is another addiction, its just way less destructive.

This desu, sometimes you'll need to motivate yourself but most of the time drawing should be something that excites you. If you don't feel the inspiration to draw and create then its probably not for you.

>> No.3045236

Sorry but anyone that has to force themselves to do it just isnt goibg to make it. Drawing for me is like a leisure activity, i like it as much as playing games. Often ill have a gaming session then draw the things i experienced in the game after from memory. Use it as a source of inspiration yknow, this keeps it interesting for me better than aimlessly doodling

>> No.3045324

You have to get past that. Let go. You'll get better.

>> No.3045372

it seems like this would only apply if you actually can draw to begin with. My mind explodes with ideas but I can't actually draw any of them, which is frustrating.

>> No.3045404

Have a goal, and compare with other people. Put yourself in environment where you can climb, Share your work in that environment. All these will motivate you to do daily stuff, and you'll start to lose interest on video games, and other stuff.

Create a pressure by posting on social media, so you can have followers. This, in my opinion one of the best way to really push yourself. If you don't share your work because you're not confident, or you're not getting enough attention so why bother, then you're not fit for a professional roll, and you'll be hobbyist. So keep that in mind.

Another thing is doing daily art for a while will completely shatter your old life you'll have ups, and downs, you'll get more confident and positive outlook, but you'll also have extremely dark days. Be prepared, and to be afraid. Also don't stay home for more than a month (Don't cut your social life too much, or it will come and bite you in the ass later)

You need the right personality to acquire the skills you'll need to be professional artist. And doing art for at least a couple of hours every day for more than 3 months will really test your personality.

Good luck, and sorry if my advice was all over the place

>> No.3045407

Also don't draw from your imagination if you're starting to learn or you'll just doodle like the other guy said. So, draw what you see on a reference, even if it sucked. continue drawing even though you hate the result is one of those things that test your personalty. It'll get easier with time, but until then my advice is to continue at it

>> No.3045414

the reality is that actual artists figured out early in their life that they actually enjoy drawing

non-artists need to leave

>> No.3046186

trolling and sjw tears drawing sexy girls

>> No.3046193
File: 92 KB, 416x310, lennydinosuar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only reason you dont have motivation is because you're too scared of failing. just draw bad, get it out of the way, and keep drawing things you're not good at, draw little thumbnails til you're interested in a certain composition then draw a larger version of it. Art is literally creating your idea then going through the problem solving process until you are satisfied or it is deemed finished. Repeat all other days of the week.

>> No.3046198

I like to draw, qt animu girls so I draw qt animu girls every day

>> No.3046206

me too pretty much, why does op even want to draw

>> No.3046212

dude try smoking weed, not even joking.

>> No.3046219

This, actually. Being high really puts into perspective how fickle inspiration is - that motivation you thought was so elusive and ungraspable is inside you the whole time and just needs to be unlocked - sure, perhaps via drugs but also through any other methods. You really see how its all in your head, and much of it just relearning to loosen up again and get out of your own damn way. See again as a child (weed makes you an idiot) and what drew you to art in the firs place.

>> No.3046234

Because its fun. That's literally all the motivation you need

>> No.3046530

its fun dude there is a lot more difficult things to do everyday

>> No.3046645

I'm addicted to 4chan and reading advice on /ic/ even though I haven't drawn in a month. I'm scared to draw and I choose to waste time on here. Someone help me.

>> No.3046657

Iiterally just draw. Go draw something right now, it doesn't have to be elaborate, just make a quick doodle

>> No.3046662

the result will be disappointment and self-loathing

>> No.3046675
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>> No.3046676

Sadly I don't but when I become a real boy I will draw for at least 25 hours a day. Never give up!

>> No.3048020

You're confusing motivation with inspiration, moron. There's no point In drawing if you have no reason to do so, which is what OPs question boils down to, having a reason to work.

>> No.3048024

My own self hatred, Everytime I draw something I say to myself you can do better you piece of shit

>> No.3048045

I know the feeling. Going back to fundamentals really helps me get a little confidence back.
Like really basic shit. straight lines, ellipses, boxes in perspective, observation, etc.

>> No.3048402

I lie to myself. Every morning when I wake up I say “I'm gonna make it!”. But I’m lying. And I don’t know how much longer I can do it.

>> No.3048490


>> No.3048597

Try and go out for a walk at least once a day, or even take up running. Getting out of a closed space and moving your body is a great way to jumpstart your brain.

>> No.3048599

Enjoy drawing, also head over to /i and fill out some requests for people, it'll help jog your creative juices and build up a few fans to help motivate you even more.

>> No.3048740

I draw whenever I feel like, so I don't have to constant thinking about it. Unironically this has made me draw almost everyday.

>> No.3048741

It's fun anon-kun

>> No.3048756

Negative reinforcement. If I don't draw every day I'll get kicked out of art school.

>> No.3048768

I don't. I just draw.

>> No.3048772

Seriously? That sounds retarded

>> No.3048818

I literally draw myself lamenting how much I hate drawing and getting upset over devoting my life to a useless skill

>> No.3048822

But /ic/ is too enjoyable, how could I cut this out of my life?

>> No.3048831

Whoa drugs are amazing when you put it like that.

>> No.3048937

The best kind of motivation is having something to lose. There is a psychological study backing that up somewhere. Anyway, my skill gains since I started school a year ago have been fucking ridiculous, and as tough as the curriculum has been, I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.3049020
File: 97 KB, 231x256, katt head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art of creation is not an useless skill.

MY problem with motivation, is that i wate too much time on this site, instead of drawing.

>> No.3049378

Depression, somehow it makes me want to express through art...

>> No.3049473

By trying to think of the gay porn and cool ass shit I could potentially draw in the future one day.

Doesn't really help much though

>> No.3049516

it's useless as long as I'm still stuck living on my parents' dime

>> No.3049521

If you think it's that useless, you should just give up and do something worthwhile to yourself. Unlike you, we actually find it very useful.

>> No.3049527

I don't understand why people even start doing drawing if they don't like it
Senpai you gave it up at 14 for a reason, what makes you think it'll start being fun when you git gud

>> No.3049531

You realize being good at school was useless and that being good at drawing is actually a better idea.

>> No.3049539

Medication is for efficiency! Going through a psychologist then physician was one of the better choices I've made in my life.

>> No.3049581
File: 135 KB, 1000x1502, 1498625102459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's waiting for you anon
>she's gonna take you to a better place
>where you will find happiness and motivation
>follow her, anon

>> No.3049637

It's fun. I do it as a hobby. I'd literally just drop it if it became boring. I have a few goals for animations, but I'd far off.

>> No.3049689

Wanna stay bad? Don't draw.

>> No.3049845

As long as you actually do it.
I've been there.

>> No.3050101
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 1408003622816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I joined LAS.