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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 921 KB, 1987x1744, IMG_6118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3040649 No.3040649 [Reply] [Original]

Let's all laugh at the current state of Marvel comics.

>> No.3040660

Comics are dumb, they were never good

>> No.3040691

Fucking lord, that's horrible.

>> No.3040709
File: 181 KB, 710x461, JEWS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You think this is laughable?
You are like a little baby.
Watch this.

>> No.3040731

What am I missing here?

>> No.3040741

I got distracted by the yellow circles and didn't notice OH JESUS CHRIST WTF IS UP WITH THE ARMS IN THE FIRST PANEL

>> No.3040749

an anti Jewish hate dude, who was an artist at mahvel. something about not liking Jews or Christians. the letters around kitting point to a specific verse on the quran.

>> No.3040756

This is an art board. >>>/co/

>> No.3040761


The numbers for the Coranic verse were on Colossus t-shirt (not seen here). 212 refers to a date in Indonesia (a muslim protest against a christian governor).

Artist was fired for this. Nobody understands artists. Sad!

>> No.3040763

post new American Gods comics. It's pure art

>> No.3040768

:c Comics are really hard to draw. There are artists who have fantastic portfolio pieces that probably took hours to render but only a small handful of people can draw comics well.
I know I sound like I'm shitting you but seriously, just go try it.
Switching your brain between hundreds of panels would make someone forget to erase something or draw badly.

>> No.3040779
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Yeah it's really funny because the readers or at least the real fans will spot everything and call the artist on every mistake, when the poor guy simply was too focused for hours and his brain didn't register the error.

I can only imagine if you do a full inked/colored page and suddenly realized you messed up something which isn't easy to edit. The horror.

There's also the case of having to work with a horny writer.

>> No.3040786

It's easier for me to laugh at you. Good luck delivering full-color comics with pixel-perfect autistic quality, retard.

>> No.3040832
File: 1.73 MB, 3112x2060, no tools only rules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3040853

Damn, that guy's horny. Hes also got shit taste.

>> No.3040863

Holy shit do these people have any shame?? It's fine to use a reference picture but switch it up jesus

>> No.3040865

There are bound to be mistakes when you're trying to complete 20-something pages in a short time span every month.

It's not hard to see why guys like Land and Dedato resort to blatant tracing when speed is a higher priority than quality.

>> No.3040935

Are you stupid? Do you really think tracing matters in comics?

4 panels page, 20 pages month. That's around 80 pictures in 30 days ready to print. You'd have to at least finish 3 panels per day to do it in a safe margin.

Any of you unemployed fags can make it?

>> No.3040958

But what the fuck is going on with that dialogue?

>> No.3040963

Honestly, I have no idea how they did it before Google Images and Photoshop. They had to be extremely talented, special individuals.

>> No.3040978


>> No.3040984

Shut the fuck up

>> No.3040986

I'm more bothered by the size of the car.

>> No.3040988

Those writer notes are fucking hilarious. The artist did a pretty piss poor job making us drool and showing off a nice ass though. The ass literally disappears in that shit shading.

>> No.3041026
File: 64 KB, 810x485, norman2-Norman-Rockwell-Behind-the-Camera-810x485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with using references?

>> No.3041031

No dude you don't understand. He doesn't reference he fucking traces

>> No.3041033

Functionally speaking there is no difference between referencing and tracing if you're going to be doing a nearly 1:1 copy. The only difference may be that it slows you down a bit and thus is not appropriate for comic production which requires you to bang out pages really fucking fast. The end result is what matters and Land just sucks at making the end result look good.

Some lightning fast artists with assistants can bang out pages really fast without relying on tracing but it's rare. It's something possible when doing stylization and when companies aren't expecting photo-realistic imagery and fully detailed backgrounds in tons of panels. Greg Land USED to draw from scratch but he can't do that anymore because Marvel is demanding more realistic looking characters.

It's important to understand that even in the manga world where tracing/referencing is used less often they still do heavily reference backgrounds. It's not uncommon to run 3D or photos through screentone filters to create backgrounds then draw over them to spice them up a bit more.

>> No.3041041

What about the old Marvel guys: Steve Ditko, Jack Kirby, etc? They turned out plenty of quality work at an even faster pace than today. Were they just tracing everything, and noone caught them because there was no google back then, and nowadays what they ripped off has been lost to time?

>> No.3041060

Wasn't photo-realistic and yes they used references. Difference is the references used back then were photos they took themselves or models they had pose for them. Today's artists are lazy shits who use other people's work to trace from and people on the net with a good eye are ultra sperg autists who will reveal them.

Literally none of these "tracers" would get caught if they just used this shit as reference for their own style or made their own references from scratch. Tracing a photo to make a photorealistic image makes it super obvious. Of course some furries and anime style artists get caught tracing photos too because like I said, lots of OCD autists out there.

>> No.3041096

The point I that a good artist wouldn't make a 1:1 copy you fuckhead. A reference is not supposed to be copied its for you to get a general idea of what you're drawing. Jesus.

>> No.3041151

t. some one who's never read 60s/70s era Marvel

>> No.3041168

Except there's a team to do this. You have someone to sketch, someone to ink and someone to colour, then a typographer etc
It's pure fucking laziness to trace/reference this heavily all the time. There is no excuse.

>> No.3041180

She and Captain Marvel and Moon Girl are the best.

>> No.3041300

As someone who wants to break into the indie scene, I've come to the conclusion that volume of work matters more than overall quality in comics.

Comics are a consumable form of media, and although the "graphic novel" has tried to elevate comics to their full potential, the limitation of them being a serial narrative can't be broken. You can't possibly read a chapter of a book every 6 months and maintain interest.

The show needs to be on every day at the same hour or people will flake out of it. I'm not a fan of manga, but manga have nailed down the pace of comics to a T: broken down into chapters at a very fast pace (Jump is weekly) in a magazine, then collected TPB when it's due. It can't be helped that manga authors use a crapton of shortcuts, paste backgrounds in from xeroxed photos, trace pretty much all that's traceable, and so on. You can't even blame them because impressive art is not the goal: it's all about pushing forward characters and story.

Imagine how irrelevant the quality of the art can be with capeshit where half the fanbase are brand-loyal collectors and the other half are in exclusively for the licensed characters (it's agreed upon that the SJWs they try to pander to don't buy comics).

>> No.3041305
File: 43 KB, 640x480, 17309440_1626951807333388_640407879623226509_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With all the works that weekly mangaka have, i really can't blame them taking shortcut.
Still the pic OP post is just trigger me a little, did the editor seriously didn't saw those mistakes?

>> No.3041307
File: 49 KB, 700x630, spoon_kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aking shortcut.
>Still the pic OP post is just trigger me a little, did the editor seriously didn't saw those mistakes?
You are assuming there's an editor, Anon. There is no editor.

>> No.3041309

Tracing reference photos that aren't yours? Yeah I think that matters, and if an artist can't keep up with the work he's inadequate as shit. And maybe I'm just not retarded, but three panels a day is not a big deal, give me a break. Especially when you have an entire team, that's just pathetic.

>> No.3041314

That's supposed to be some type Brad Pitt version of Wolverine, right? Wolverine usually has crazy arms like that. The dialogue is cringe-tastic.

>> No.3041320

The circles don't even matter when the art is so terrible. Who the hell let this print? Is it a female artist or something?

>> No.3041348

>Artists have to pump out a 20 page comic a month to break even

Yeah no shit it's gonna be a rushjob.

>> No.3041350
File: 1.04 MB, 1042x1483, 007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres just as many manga authors that don't trace or use a lot of shortcuts, likewise there are many that work solo on a monthly magazine. Theres a recent manga that was released on Pixiv that got picked up really quickly by Viz and published, if you want to write a 20-30 page story and put it out as a finished product do that, theres a lot of memorable oneshots that exist.

If you look at what has been popular enough to get an anime adaptation in recent years then most of it has something a least a little unique about it, you could spin that the quality of 4koma is low and lazy or that the artist of Shingeki no Kyojin is bad however thats more an issue of his current skill level than something born from laziness. This upcoming season has Ballroom e Youkoso, Made in Abyss, Tsurezure Children, BnHA, none of which i'd consider to have cut corners to convey their message. If you want to break into the indie scene then give it your all, stop looking for outs to do less work.

>> No.3041375

Trace everything that's traceable? Yeah no.
Just take a look at the fluidity of an action manga verses an action comic. Manga in general has so much more motion than comics, comics look so static and unnatural on a page so much of the time.
Manga artists use references, yes, but they absolutely do not do 1:1 copies like comics seem to, and it shows.

>> No.3041386
File: 1.57 MB, 1988x3056, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.3041390

>I am triggered that someone factually mentioned a practice that takes place in 98% of all manga so I have to disprove it against all reason by bringing up a cherrypicked example, even though none of this was actually the point of the post I'm replying to.
Thanks for proving yet again that weeaboos are idiots

>> No.3041401

Sauce on that pic?

>> No.3041407

You don't notice that Rockwell always does a witty exaggeration of his reference and not a boring copy? His vision of reality is what makes his style recognizable, that's what art should be.

>> No.3041411

Manga is usually one person working under a tight schedule, why wouldn't they use shortcuts?

>> No.3041414

Seriously nigger?

20 pages a month is nothing if you know what you're doing. If his was the Jack Kirby challenge where you have to shit out 18 pages a week then it would be understandable, but this isn't a self imposed challenge, it's a job, and you have enough time to get it done.

If you've practiced enough, organize your workflow and know when to put a new sheet of paper then I GUARANTEE you can make up to 3 pages a day all by yourself. 6 if you work with a team.

Back in the 90's we used to make 2 19-page issues in a span of 2 weeks and spend the rest of the month playing Chrono Trigger and Resident Evil.

>> No.3041417

It isn't "usually" at all. Most weekly releasing manga have 2-5 assistants working alongside the author. Watch the Manben documentaries. And they wouldn't or don't use shortcuts because they don't want or need to? I don't think someone chooses a career path like that with the intention of cutting as many corners as they can, they know whats required before hand and there are some that totally live and breath their craft.

>> No.3041433

That's why it says
>You can't even blame them
>It can't be helped

>> No.3041447

>If you've practiced enough, organize your workflow and know when to put a new sheet of paper then I GUARANTEE you can make up to 3 pages a day all by yourself.
>It's an "/ic/ talks authoritatively on things they have no experience about based on fantasizing, calculations and factoids read on the internet" episode

3 pages of what? talking heads?

>> No.3041452

>3 pages of what? talking heads?
Nope, 3 pages of me wrekin ur moms pussy.

>> No.3041454

Most mangaka and independent comic book artists just like to tell stories. They usually don't particularly enjoy drawing detailed backgrounds and shit. Especially when you do a story set in modern days. There's only so many streets, cars, motorcycles, classrooms, houses, trains etc you can draw from scratch without at least wanting to save some time.

>> No.3041482

Way to dispute the point of my post :^)
If you think tracing is in anyway as 1:1 in manga as it is in comics the you're legitimately retarded.
Backgrounds are a totally different matter, but look at the humans. Look at the image someone posted ITT showing the 1:1 tracing/references. You simply don't see these kinds of static poses in manga like you do in comics where it's widespread.
This is fact, if you can't handle that then that's your problem. Western comic artists are lazy as fuck.

>> No.3041487

How the fuck do people figure this out

>> No.3041490

>lets laugh at the people who have made art their job
what can you do

>> No.3041526

get a load of this cute little newfag

>> No.3041531

>implying this is art

>> No.3041617

You see, I was implicitly arguing that western comic book artists were trying and weren't just shitting low-effort pages out.

But you proved me wrong. Good work.

>> No.3041633

Enough monkeys with enough typewriters...

>> No.3041645

What the FUCK is wrong with the dudes arms in panel 1? Fucking disgusting style, grotesque.

>> No.3041672

>Switching your brain between hundreds of panels would make someone forget to erase something or draw badly.

This so much. People don't realize how fucking intensive comics can be. Comics is half engineering the page, and half actually drawing it.

Kirby and all the Golden/Silver Age artists were a different breed though. We'll never see that kind of work ethic in so many again.

20pgs a month is definitely doable if you're not a slow artist. If you can't do that much, you'll never make it in mainstream comics. Simple as that. Your editors won't give a fuck if you've drawn an arm wrong, but if you miss the print deadline you're gonna get burned. Especially when you work in a team, as you're essentially dicking over the rest of the creative team below you (colorist, letterer, designer, possibly writer if there's rewrites)

>> No.3041687

What's the problem here? No inks? The shitty ground texture? Cliche super hero problem? Niggers?

>> No.3041703

Apex kek, I would love to work with that writer, we would make a good pair

>> No.3041752

If you had to pump out a comic weekly, it would be insane not to assets you reused, especially backgrounds. Work Smarter, not harder. I think a lot of manga artists could benefit from finding ways to speed up the process, but keeping a similar quality.

So many manga artists end up getting sick and stressed because of how intense the job is. Currently, I'm scared that Boku no Hero Academia is going to go end up like Shaman King, where the mangaka just can't deal with the stress anymore and ends the series abruptly.

>> No.3041771

what can you do

>> No.3041788

apparently it's something very well known to muslims in Indonesia

>> No.3041797

>hey chef this isn't a hamburger, it's a turd between two slices of bread
>yeah, well why don't you show me how good a burger you can make

>> No.3041813
File: 2.45 MB, 2292x2700, recommendations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3041815


The real comic book fans like to dissect their comics to find references, hidden messages, foreshadowing... and errors. From there it probably just took one indonesian fan to understand the quote.

It's akin to a christian reading a comic book with a 3:16 painted on a wall.

>> No.3041817

what can you do

>> No.3041828

I'm really sorry to have to break this to you but you're a massive faggot.

>> No.3041872

what can you do

>> No.3041896
File: 114 KB, 500x397, SG3 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>70+ posts
>nobody's posted it yet

Today, I will remind them.

>> No.3041897
File: 487 KB, 1000x1537, 72_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will remind them all.

>> No.3041901

Henderson's art isn't very pretty but it is competent enough, and she gets her work in on time. In fact she's had a longer consistent run on SG than most other artists have had at Marvel recently

Leth's art here however is objectively bad and lazy

>> No.3041902

Biggest disappointment of all time.

>> No.3041918

Why do I even live in this world.

>> No.3041945

Kashiki Takuto: Hakumei & Mikochi
Use the reverse image search in the post's menu.

>> No.3042058

Plenty of japs shit out higher quality drawings in a week.

>> No.3042105

if you have an insatiable lust for cock, reply to this post asking what I can do

>> No.3042155
File: 42 KB, 640x602, 1489868973428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this passionate arguing over my favorite medium

Why don't we have more comic threads on here? I actually come to /ic/ because I love the rare "Show us your comic" threads.

>> No.3042173

rockwell a shit

>> No.3042188

Leth only wrote Hellcat. That pic is from the infamous Nat Allegri (of Bee and Puppycat) fill-in issue.

>> No.3042200

Oh, I always presumed it was Leth doing a guest issue, my bad. Shit either way

I was thinking of setting up a comics general as there was interest in it last time it came up. There does seem to be at least to comics threads here at a time so I think its existence could be justified

>> No.3042223

Do it up, I'd love to see what everyone else is working on and learn some tips from other anons.

>> No.3042238

1) Using & relying on it too much
2) Copyright issues (if you do it too close to the reference)
3) Appears unnatural to a trained eye.

>> No.3042255

I'm interested, do it.
This board really needs a change and I have no one to compare my comics to desu.

>> No.3042429
File: 1012 KB, 1988x3056, 1498655266915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile at DC

>> No.3042436

But many of them die in the process. Seriously, life as a mangaka is terrible. You have like what, a maximum of 3 solid hours of sleep?

>> No.3042459
File: 418 KB, 1900x950, ghost-rider-agents-of-shield-robbie-and-gabe-family-responsibility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider takes the cake on awful.

>> No.3042643

t. manchild

>> No.3042664

Also, he uses his own pictures. I'm surprised He hasn't gotten into legal issues yet.

>> No.3042677

That figure in the center is god-tier though, it's very dynamic despite being a very neutral pose.
I'll pass some antisemitic jokes for good art any day.

>> No.3042779

>what is stylization

Tradd Moore is a great artist. I bet you can't even define why it's awful outside of it not looking 'pretty'

>> No.3042780

>what is stylization
A mistake.

>> No.3042787

Well meme'd

>> No.3042795

Well when it comes to visual art something not being aesthetically pleasing is completely valid reason not to like something. That's the biggest reason that people were angry about Squirrel Girl, we finally get the comic and the art is absolute shit.

>> No.3042808

If they "just wanted to tell a story" they'd be writing books. Why pick the harder path unless they wanted to put in effort? And that doesn't mean they can't use shortcuts, but not to the extent you idiots are spouting.

>> No.3042825

Eiichiro Oda has been pumping out chapter for nearly two decades now, and the only reason he hasn't just given up and ended was because he planned shit out beforehand.

I mean One Piece isn't Shakespearean storytelling by any means, but there's always the feeling that Oda already has the entire story mapped out in his mind unlike complete hacks like Kishimoto and Kubo who just want to draw cool shit and write the story as they go along.

>> No.3042835

are those crossover comics good?

>> No.3042869

Are you capable of anything? at all? Reply without a pic of your work if you're incapable of anything.

>> No.3042874

I'll take that as a yes

>> No.3042877

Oda also seems to be an outlier too. He is an absolute powerhouse. There's a reason he is one of the most respected manga artist out there. I think Oda is just strong in body and mind.A lot of manga artists just can't handle the stress, criticism, workload, editors, or fans like Oda can. One or more of those things will get to a lot of mangaka. And I've commonly seen manga artists express that they feel they're not good enough and that they fear cancellation, which is a normal artist thing.

And In terms of at least Kubo (and probably Kishimoto too), he had to continue his manga despite wanting to end it. That is a huge reason that Bleach went to shit because he was just writing it as he went along at that point.

>> No.3042905


>> No.3042938

the Elmer Fudd batman crossover is one of the best comics of the year .

I shit you not

>> No.3042991

This is probably the best art out of Marvel. The layout bugs me, but I'm not sure why. Only actual flaw I can see is Miles has a really fucked up face.

>> No.3042999

As far as WSJ authors go, Horikoshi is definitely one of the better ones right now, I don't remember Kishimoto reaching his level throughout all of Naruto's publication.

>> No.3043024

Odas mind is stronger than his body even. Those regular breaks each month or so? Enforced on him by his editors so he doesn't fucking hospitalize himself.

>> No.3043025

I'll take that as a yes

>> No.3043046
File: 190 KB, 841x1200, CovZzW-UMAANdz_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I only needed one post for two people to have a shitfest

>> No.3043123

I don't even like manga but Horikoshi is a fantastic artist

>> No.3043146

it's really a bad work.penciler didn't follow the instructions

>> No.3043156

Anyone can make a random sexy shot, but try to make a comic that tells a story with MOTION from different PERSPECTIVES its hard as fuck. And not only that due it in a time frame of 30 days

>> No.3043163

That's why you work with a team to lessen that massive mental burden.

>> No.3043185

Yeah I really like Horikoshi. Love this video of him drawing Deku.

>> No.3043187

could have at least done a canvas flip lel

>> No.3043543


They either work ridiculous hours or have an army of assistants.

>> No.3043548

>You have someone to sketch, someone to ink and someone to colour, then a typographer etc

Pencilling is 90% of the work, in terms of time.

A good inker can ink a page in a few hours. A good colorist can color a couple pages in a few hours. A good letterer can letter several pages within an hour. For a penciller a page a day is on schedule, with the day typically being 12-16 hours.

>> No.3043616

This is going to vary. Some people can pencil very fast without a drop in quality. And like previously discussed, when you have to work fast, you develop techniques, skills, and short cuts, to speed up the process. Weekly manga artists and webtoon artist (I watched a documentary about some webtoon sites making people update twice a week, which is insane.) are a good example of this.

Higashimura Akiko is someone that serializes several manga at once. If Oda is the powerhouse of shonen, she's the powerhouse of shoujo. She's the one that drew that fine art manga /ic/ likes. Here is a great manga documentary with her:

>> No.3043783

something a good editor should have been able to spot out immediately
sadly Marvel doesn't have any editors
at least the art is competent, sometimes deadlines lead to fuck ups
better than shit like Squirrel Girl

>> No.3043785

212 is the area code in that part of the city

>> No.3043787

you don't notice Rockwell mostly because it wasn't easy to find what he referenced

>> No.3044236

The HHNNNNNGGG iron man kills me every time

>> No.3044242
File: 69 KB, 480x520, 1492179231595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comics are only superhero marvel shit

>> No.3044249

This just goes to show that an appealing style is better than something that's well drawn, to normies that is

>> No.3044252

Do it.

>> No.3044259

All comics are dumb and all comics were never good. Better?

>> No.3044328

Kek mangakas do 20 or more pages a week PLUS the story, with much smaller teams that most of the time only fill blacks and put screentones

>> No.3044342


I would read an entire book just about this writer's notes to Jim

>> No.3044355

Stop trying to make this into a pissing contest. Comic production in the US, EU and Japan are vastly different from one another. The Japanese might have faster turnaround but they don't have to bother with colours, and there's usually a handful of assistants to help with BGs and monkey work. Plus they work themselves to death over there, that's not an admirable trait.

Alrighty then. Should we work out what will be in the opening post as we go or beforehand? Might be worth making a pastebin with necessary refs and shit

>> No.3044363
File: 39 KB, 569x506, 1455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw idiots still get roped in to drawing comics like a good slave for only 30k/year
>all because they get to work on "glorious" comics made by the "legendary" Stan Lee

>> No.3044364
File: 209 KB, 285x298, NOISE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, that ground...

>> No.3044373

If they didn't have to live in such an expensive place to do it, that 30k would be nice.

>> No.3044376


maybe if you live in a 3rd world country

>> No.3044391


>> No.3044401


I don't even make 30k in my Yuropoor country but in NY city I could only rent a flat in the sewer and my roomates would be turtles. Jim must really love his job.

> Company makes billion of $ thanks to movies based on stories you put on paper
> Splinter wants to know when you'll pay the rent

>> No.3044402

I live in the city the good old USA. Tons of cities and towns in the US where you can live nicely as single person on 30k.

>> No.3044469

Stay pleb

>> No.3044474

Maybe we should have a small copy paste for every thread with a little Intro and some links for books and other resources

>> No.3044480

No open mouths?

>> No.3044515

I've never been able to understand how people are able to enjoy superhero comics. The art is, even when well drawn, tends to be incredibly boring and completely undynamic. A lot of styles also seem to rely on quasi-realistic expressions, which don't work in comic format and just comes off as bad acting.
The worst part is the writing though. It's just so dull and repetitive, particularly with the recent trend of trying to be somewhat realistic... if you can call their ultra-liberal interpretation of the world realistic.

>> No.3044525

Superhero comics are 100% character driven. People are reading for the characters, not the plot.

>> No.3044537

>The art is, even when well drawn, tends to be incredibly boring and completely undynamic.
wut? superhero comics are known for having dynamic as fuck poses, at least when there is a good artist

>> No.3044597

Wow, you sure showed him. You fucking retard

>> No.3044625

Im not sure that's what anon meant, but I agree with the idea that comics overall aren't very dynamic. Yes, they have some great artistry and some great poses, but as an entire package they're pretty dull in terms of variety. But I think that's more an old school thing, newer comics seem to be pushing the artistic boundaries a little more with more variety throughout the entire comic series. Not shitting on classic comics and not putting newer comics on a pedestal.

>> No.3044632

honestly if you can make sweeping generalisations like that you simply haven't read enough comics, neither new nor old ones most likely

>> No.3044646
File: 599 KB, 1280x903, 1483912833308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop spouting shit about stuff you know nothing about. Just admit you've only read Scott Pilgrim and a handful of Batman stories, it's okay.

>> No.3044812

$30K is perfectly livable out of Jew York, Commiefornia, Floodrida and Texcucks.
Maybe not Seattle, Chicago or Vegas, but anywhere else in WA, IL or NV is fine for $30k.

I worked as a tattoo artist in LVV, renting a piss poor room downtown is a three digit business PER NIGHT, but 20 min away at Spring Valley I got an actual house for $300 montly.

>> No.3044856

Can someone share that shitty rushed ghost Rider page where his head is backwards.

>> No.3044861

just because you can live on it doesn't stop it being shit pay.

>> No.3044870

marvel peaked 1988 - 1992 then went down hill and never looked back.

it's just a disney-liberal mouthpiece now, full of tumblr SJWs and mexicans.

>> No.3044905

If you can live comfortably it's not shit pay. The overpriced cities are literally a scam and you fall right into it like the retard you are.

>> No.3044927

>posts capeshit
>loads of text in captions
you had one job anon

>> No.3044945

What fine art manga?

>> No.3044953

His style is pretty weak in Ghost Rider but the one that replaces him is far worse.

>> No.3044957

I disagree. Not him but his art was the reason why I mainly bought those issues (writing was nothing special)

And then they replaced him, fuck.

>> No.3044959

Yeah, the guy they replaced him was a step down for sure. His style wasn't for me. But the 2nd artist is a goddann visual clusterfuck.

>> No.3044961

Kakukaku Shikajika. It's an autobiography about the author, very inspiring.

>> No.3044997

Cities are only a scam if you are getting a job you could get anywhere else. If you need a job that's in exclusively in the city, the company will pay you enough to live in the city.

>> No.3045018

That's a 40 hour week minimum wage

>> No.3045032

What min wage are you looking at? I make 12.50 an hour full time and my yearly take in is 26k.

>> No.3045048


As of January 1st this year, AZ minimum wage is $10, and by 2020 it's supposed to go up to $12/hr. It will go up in 50 cent increments until 2020. However, that doesn't add up to $30k a year lol. You need to make at least $14.42 to make $30,000 with a 40 hour work week before taxes.

Right now I'm making $12/hr and I fucking wish it was equal to $30,000 a year.

>> No.3045092

It reminds me of johnny test, needless exaggeration and action. If you emphasise everything for no reason, the real action will be bland.

>Why does turning off a lightawitch need to be accompanied by an explosion
>why does the artist see younger brothers as autists who slap their face and shoot lasers out the ass of their action figures
>why despite giving the most "none" dialogue are the protagonists eyebrows so fucking bold and animated

It's not because of style, it's the lacking of a filter

>> No.3045316

It's a double-page spread, the amount of text on the page is less than what would usually be on two normal pages.

Most of it is repetition hitting beats that lead to the final 'HIT IT'. And none of it gets in the way of Bill Sienkiewicz' bold and dynamic artwork. Just look at the way his body curves and dips as he glides through the air, contrasted with the blocky background apartments

It's as good as superhero comic art gets

>> No.3045642
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Anime is a poison

>> No.3045722
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I actually like Tradd Moore's art, honestly. It's really well-stylised and he has a good solid grip on perspective and dynamic action.

The colouring here is doing it no favours whatsoever, try Luther Strode instead to see him at his best.

>> No.3045739

>12-16 hours to just draw a single comic page

what the fuck?

>> No.3045809

Not the guy you're responding to but that's pretty unrealistic. I mean it depends on how busy and involved your drawing is, but speaking from my experience as a professional comic artist I can pencil on average 2.5 pages a day, 3 if one of them is a light one.

Saying that, my pencils can be pretty rough and loose. Most artists pencil a lot tigher than I do, but I prefer to focus on details in the inking stage to save time

>> No.3045813

dude, I make 16k a year dealing with inner city kids who are only at school because they legally can't have any more jail time at their age.

I would GLADLY draw comics constantly for 30k a year.

>> No.3045815

back off of Moon Knight

>> No.3045862
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As someone who grew up loving the X-Men more than anything I hate current Marvel. I understand they don't have Marvel rights to mutants because they sold movie right to make money in the 90's. So, that was their fault and since they don't have movie right they blacklist mutants for games, TV, movies etc. They won't let mutants be in games because they are afraid they give power to FOX.

Also, because they don't have movie right the mutants in the comics have been treated like fucking shit for 4 years. They replaced mutants with Inhumans and no one buys those and everyone hates it, they can't sell Inhuman books. Fuck you Marvel.

>> No.3045865

this isn't /co/ fuck off

>> No.3045866

Lastly; the sales in comics have been tanking worse and worse every month. Because they replace characters with someone new for the sake of pandering and diversity points. But even worse than that, they the writers are the fuckign worst Marvel has EVER had. The stories are ass, they are being cheap and hiring low budget artists like OP and they push politics into comics.

>Marvel Comics Blames Fans For Low Sales Not Themselves

>What we heard was that people didn't want any more diversity. They didn't want female characters out there. That's what we heard, whether we believe that or not. I don't know that that's really true, but that's what we saw in sales. We saw the sales of any character that was diverse, any character that was new, our female characters, anything that was not a core Marvel character, people were turning their nose up against. That was difficult for us because we had a lot of fresh, new, exciting ideas that we were trying to get out and nothing new really worked.

The joke here is Marvel hasn't had any new ideas in years. They use the movies to change characters looks and personalities and they steal ideas and movie plots for the comics.

Fucking lazy fucking hacks.

>> No.3046109

>Sales in comics

You mean sales for Marvel. DC have been absolutely murdering them in the sales charts with most of their current titles.

>> No.3046156

>tfw started reading comics a couple months ago because star wars comics

>> No.3046600

>We saw the sales of any character that was diverse, ..., anything that was not a core Marvel character, people were turning their nose up against.

I've that fucking bright idea, they should make new good characters like Blade and Shang-Chi instead of pushing Woman-Thor, Asian-Hulk and Girl-Stark.

>> No.3046767



>> No.3046770

Fuck off faggot.

/ic/ is for creators
/co/ is for consumerist pigs

>> No.3046776

He was clearly talking about Marvel, anon.

>> No.3047126

legitimatelly makes me sad. why would you ever let it get like this? why is this allowed?
can they not afford a better system? if so then why not cut down on projects but have better quality jobs and outputs?

>> No.3047129

The overall work culture in Japan is terrible (there are some interesting Youtube vids on it). Why overworking is considered the norm though is beyond me.

>> No.3047468

>It's as good as superhero comic art gets
then you just proved his point, congrats

>> No.3047495

He didn't have a 'point' to speak of. Try harder.

>> No.3047503

It just pains me that they have so many good characters and they just throw them away in favor for black/woman anything

>> No.3048807

And you're a fucking faggot.

>> No.3048809

Eat shit commie.

>> No.3049595

Fresh from le pol i see

>> No.3049706

Shigeru Mizuki got 9 hours of sleep and outlived all of his peers. I'm not sure if it's any easier or harder these days though.

>> No.3049796

thats fantastic. who's the artist?

>> No.3049806

Can someone explain the appeal of comics?
Isn't it all just taking a staple hero, like batman, and letting tons of different artists and writers make different shorts for it that are all inconsistent with no real continuity because any artist or writer can just decide they don't like that part of the cannon?
How can you be invested in something like that?

>> No.3049808

It really depends on the magazine publishing it. Shonen Jump is weekly, so artists get a maximum of 3 solid sleep everyday. Then there's the monthly magazines, bi-monthly and even quarterly. You just have to choose carefully.

>> No.3049817


I'm speaking of the mainstream industry standard, which is very tight and detailed pencils. Jim Lee, David Finch, Greg Capullo, etc. A 12 hour day is standard for a style like that.

If you ink yourself like >>3045809 then the actual penciling stage can be much shorter. Chris Samnee doesn't even do proper pencils, he just blows up his thumbnails and inks over them.

>> No.3049833

>Isn't it all just taking a staple hero, like batman, and letting tons of different artists and writers make different shorts for it that are all inconsistent with no real continuity because any artist or writer can just decide they don't like that part of the cannon?

That's not really how it works.

Typically what happens is a writer and one or more artist will be paired to a series and they'll tell a long form story. Barring cancellations or being complete crap it's rare for a creative team's tenure on a book to last less than 12 issues. A popular creative team can stay on a book for years, during which time the series maintains a consistent voice and tight continuity.

In the cases of characters with multiple series, the direction of the franchise is driven by the writer of the flagship book. For example, Dan Slott has been the primary brain behind Spider-Man since 2010 and he's done somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 issues since taking over. Other Spider-Man books follow the continuity he sets. All of these books for a character or franchise are overseen by a group editor, who keeps them from contradicting each other and accepts pitches from writers for new books or runs.

When a run ends it's typically given an ending. While the hero's overall story might not end, new stories created during the run get definitive conclusions and oftentimes the status quo of the character is altered. The end of a run is typically used as a jumping off point for readers who don't want to keep reading the character, and the beginning of the next writer's run is used as a jumping on point.

So while, for example, all of the Thor comic books might not form a cohesive work, there are cohesive works within them and from all eras. And often the most popular works are not from the original creators.

>> No.3049850

You don't have to be from /pol/ to hate commies

>> No.3049917

Bring back Rob liefeld

>> No.3050119

artist also gave an interview where he basically owned up to it

>> No.3050120

rockwell owned everything he copied

>> No.3050218

When's the actual "Comic Creators General"

>> No.3050329
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>> No.3050331
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>> No.3050335

>You have someone to sketch, someone to ink and someone to colour, then a typographer
How can the inker ink if the sketches are not done? How can the colorist color if the inking is not done? etc
Having a team of people doesn't always speed up the process.

>> No.3050350


>I don't have a codename

It's fucking Black Cat you dumb cunt.

>> No.3050495

this was fucking fantastic

not fucking around, fan-fucking-tastic.

>> No.3050509
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I really can't say my opinion because i haven't read a single super-hero comic in my life. I just can't find them cool or attractive at all.

>> No.3050516

I don't really have a problem with this, it's not fucking fine art. Comics really aren't deserving of the work it would take to create everything from scratch, they pump those things out like a fucking factory anyway

>> No.3050866

That stiff ass pose. Jim Lee is overrated and the fact that so many try to copy him is even sadder.

>> No.3050869

He made is references.

>> No.3050881


Well I can sympathize as a fellow artist (I've had one penciling gig, shit is hard and very time consuming) but as a consumer it lowers the value of the comic immensely. It looks awful.

>> No.3053104

Trad Moore is a beast. Even KJG loves his work.


>> No.3054165

>A good colorist can color a couple pages in a few hours
Not at all, coloring is the most stupid slow shit and it's not because it's hard but because its super fucking tedious.

>> No.3054168

>Whaaaaaaaaa people don't buy our comics because they hate women
Meanwhile Harley Queen is the third best selling character in comic books right after Batman and Spider-Man.

Marvel is not only culturally marxist propaganda, it's dishonest as fuck. Then again, you could argue those are synonyms.

>> No.3054232

They used to have filing cabinets that were filled with clippings from magazines. Comic studios used to call it "the morgue" then just lightbox that shit.

>> No.3054237

They usually had filing cabinets with references. Jack Kirby was famous for straight up making up machinery and having a visual shorthand about his work that made it possible for him to churn pages out. Have you seen his early stuff? Its not very good, took him years to get decent.

>> No.3054244

Their job is to illustrate a story for money.

Whatever artistic morals you are expecting them to have are out the window.

>> No.3054648

>tfw i drew like this 12 years ago

Ok maybe not this anatomicaly correct, but female face is definitely spot on on how I used to draw as teenager.

This is just sad.

>> No.3056436

It's actually Shadowcat

>> No.3056528


no rules just tools

>> No.3058083


The most time consuming part of coloring is flatting, and they pay assistants to do that for them.

>> No.3058321

The worst art I saw in marvel comics was from a DeadPool corps issue, I dont have a picture of it or the number of the issue, it was some weird off model 3D stiff shit, jesus it was horrible