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File: 742 KB, 1000x1414, IMG_6084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3036960 No.3036960 [Reply] [Original]

>I drew her ID and Passport to show that she is in fact 18 years old. I have to start doing this for every cartoon girl I draw.


>> No.3036962

you know , i use to hate on shad, but i'm actually starting to think he is kinda funny now.

>> No.3036963


>> No.3036966
File: 52 KB, 592x754, 1443958299557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you realize that the shadposter is only posting to make people angry instead of having a genuine interest in the artist you get don't heated anymore everytime you see a thread
no sage

>> No.3036969


Funny in how pathetic he is, maybe.

>> No.3036973

wtf i love shadman now

>> No.3036974

i wish i was as good as shad

>> No.3036985


>> No.3036992
File: 17 KB, 333x500, 1498384185082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3037007

>June 25, 1999
he's still broadcasting what a pedophile he is with this

>> No.3037030


if a guy is interested in a girl with tits, ass and all those femininie features hes not a pedophile, doesnt matter if shes 14

>> No.3037037

oh no, you're retarded

>> No.3037039

pedophile detected.

>> No.3037058

You guys literally exist because we're programmed to want to reproduce with sexually mature females, shut the fuck up.

>> No.3037059
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>> No.3037061

It's ebophile or something at that point

>> No.3037067

hebephile, ephebophile is older, or just degenerates for short

>> No.3037200

This is pretty funny.

>> No.3037241

>being attracted to attractive girls is wrong because she hasn't made enough rotations around the Sun

Reminder that underage marriages were common and legal back in the day. Just because some blokes decided that she has to be 18 it doesn't mean that it's morally wrong.

>20 y/o guy with 18 y/o gf
>"Yeah that's perfectly normal nothing wrong here"

>20 y/o guy with 17 years and 11 months old gf

>> No.3037243


When was the last time you heard a news coverage story about a 17 year old reporting her "pedo" boyfriend? At that age she knows what she is doing.

>> No.3037244

Your butthurt is off the charts!

>> No.3037246

Protection of minors is nothing wrong anon, but I agree with you. That's just how society works, it's useless to debate about it.

>> No.3037253

Try presenting a counterargument for a change.

>> No.3037264
File: 17 KB, 380x285, 1493949927124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instead of having a genuine interest in the artist you get don't heated anymore everytime you see a thread

>> No.3037266

You're a pedophile, that's my counter argument.

>> No.3037336

Not him but that's an accusation, your argument has to support and prove your accusation. Idiot.

>> No.3037337

Difference being Shad doesn't draw 18 y/o girls or 17.99 y/o girls, he draws 10 year olds.

>> No.3037341

>It was normal
>Some bloke decided it was wrong
yh fuck him from protecting kids against rape. What a faggot amirite lads?

>> No.3037358

It's almost like... we evolved and recognised that it didn't fit in our modern society.
Also, nowadays people live longer. Of course shit is going to be a bit different when on average you're only going to live long enough to pop out a child and raise it.

>20 y/o guy with 18 y/o gf
>"Yeah that's perfectly normal nothing wrong here"

>20 y/o guy with 17 years and 11 months old gf

Literally no one says this.

>> No.3037368

Of yourse you're him. Fuck off, pedo.

>> No.3037435

Only in US you are considered pedophile if the girl is older than 14. lol

It is legal do date 14 and older in Brazil, a Japanese guy told me it is legal there too.

>> No.3037438

>Reminder that underage marriages were common and legal back in the day.
For a reason. People were dying left and right back in the early 1900s because of shitty health practices and to overcome the likelihood your family tree doesn't get wiped out, you needed to fuck more, and even, fuck younger, since you weren't even expected to live past your 30s. The more human standards of living improve, the less and less of a reason it will be to fuck more and fuck younger because everything is leveling out. You'll be lucky if the age of adult doesn't hit 21 just to spite you pedos in the near future.

"Barely Legal" is only a coincidence, it's only expected that by that age, you'll be out of school, having a job, going to college for your career, etc. It's still frown upon to fuck a girl like 5 years younger than you, when you should get someone closer to your age and let 18 year olds fuck other 18 year olds, you creepy fuck.

>> No.3037441

So what you are saying is that, except for legal reasons (in USA), there is no problem having sex with a 15 year old girl.

>> No.3037442

>and let 18 year olds fuck other 18 year olds, you creepy fuck.

Are you advocating sex before marriage? You are the reason why this world needs Islam.

>> No.3037458

At the time people weren't living for a long time, yes. Humankind, allkind, wants to keep their species race alive. By any means. Instead of fucking 10 year olds, you'd fuck at least a 14-16 year old because that's the age woman maturity is hitting its prime. So she's "adult" enough to make sure the human race can be breeding more humans. Now that death expectancy isn't anywhere as low as before, there's no reason to go fucking teenagers instead of just fucking adult women. Especially JUST to fuck for fucks sake, instead of the intent to keep human kind growing. There was a reason to fuck teens back then, they weren't just doing it for thrills, unlless you're a pedo.

No I'm not saying that, marriage isn't something you can't do before 18 in the states I believe. So just get married, fuck to your hearts content, then once you want to raise a family, do so. If you're not planning to die anytime soon like before, you don't have to breed more as early.

>> No.3037498

I agree, but the point is that there is nothing wrong with it, except for US law.

But, of course, this kind of behavior is frowned upon here too. But there is nothing wrong with it.

And also, teenagers are annoying as fuck.

>> No.3037501
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>> No.3037503


>> No.3037505

Yeah it varies of course, no wrong there. I guess if I lived somewhere where it wasn't "omg pedo" tier then I may be in that boat too. But

>And also, teenagers are annoying as fuck.
is where my stances are too, fucking hate them, their fucking trash. I can't understand someone wanting to fuck them when they are cunts. Waste of fucking time.

>> No.3037532
File: 27 KB, 938x561, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An internet survey was carried out as part of the documentary "Are All Men Pedophiles?", in which men were shown pictures of females without being informed of their age and asked if they found them sexually desirable or not. Girls about 14 got the highest ratings

you're abnormal if you aren't a hebe.

>> No.3037540
File: 635 KB, 936x710, 1462549569840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm interested.

>> No.3037577

I need to see examples of those pictures for each age.

>> No.3037581

Haha! Le ebin burn
Pithy one liners ftw!!1

>> No.3037582

Most girls start to have sex with 14~15, it makes sense.

>> No.3037615

That raises the question: how old were the participants in the survey?

>> No.3037621
File: 105 KB, 378x504, 105E93BA-7EE9-4A45-BF7F-649A063FEBB2-1487-0000023A807C74D6_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this wasnt pre Instagram phase, because 14 year olds before then did not look like grown women.

>> No.3037643

feels good not being the shadposter, yikes

>> No.3037733
File: 92 KB, 176x175, fb203fb86c03f35414854b3666b8139b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold up

>> No.3037743


This. Obviously if you ask a 20 year old man, he won't prefer the 30 year old girl, except if he's a MILF fetish.

I can't prove it but it's also possible that the sudden fall in attractiveness after 17 is related to going from eating with family every day to junk food and beer with other students.


We would need to know more about the survey. In some countries, women have their period at 8, in other after 16 year old...

>> No.3037913


>> No.3038427
File: 485 KB, 300x225, 1494732125081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3038453
File: 105 KB, 640x640, 1492949149246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you fuck this girl?

If so, according to this thread, you are a pedo, she's 14.

>> No.3038461

it is ok to be attracted to a girl if she is developed like that. The issue arises when you maintain that attraction after finding out her age. Then her age becomes the focus of your lust. thats when you need to get your dick chopped off

>> No.3038471
File: 73 KB, 232x501, 12742080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3038475
File: 97 KB, 600x960, 1491677709365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a number is the only thing that separates you from your natural instincts
All guys, not most, ALL would fuck her, despite her age if they could get away with it.

Here's another example. This girl is over 18, so it's totally fine. Do you really think that some arbitrary number that varies from country to country is what decides what is normal to be attracted to? Like modern fucking laws are gonna override thousands of years of biological programming. Liking kids to s fucked up, cause they're not developed or fertile, liking teens, not so much. It's just done to protect their development, as people mature at different rates.

It's perfectly normal to feel attraction toward teenage girls, just don't act on it in most cases.

>> No.3038483
File: 1.83 MB, 1280x720, 1485937827494.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking anzu, man, even if she's under 300 lbs of makeup she's the hottest "girl" I've ever seen.

>> No.3038492

She's actually a girl senpai.

>> No.3038504
File: 891 KB, 960x1280, 1485989752826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just said "girl" to get around people memeing me with >girl

Others can't meme you if you meme yourself.

>> No.3038510

i wouldn't fuck her she looks way too old
puberty kills beauty

>> No.3038544
File: 169 KB, 927x675, 1b9d3uy9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3038569

He tries too hard, it's obvious he draws little girls taking the dick. Dunno why he continues to deny it.

>> No.3038619

That's funny as shit though

>> No.3038628
File: 24 KB, 425x404, e37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3038685

Yeah, whatever you say child fucker

>> No.3038691
File: 23 KB, 498x496, 17190464_10155581861426494_6630210057855836781_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3038724

So many jealous people ITT

>> No.3038729

Jealous of what, exactly?

>> No.3038732

ITT: Hebes and pedos justifying their sickness.

>> No.3038734

>People calling out Shad on BS/laughing at his pedoness
>LUL all the haterz must b jealous XD

>> No.3038747
File: 128 KB, 600x465, madoka nani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving a shit about the age of a fucking drawing
What kind of an ass-backwards orwellian shithole does he live in?

>> No.3038749

You realize that pedophilia literally means being attracted to prepubescent kids and is not determined by the age of consent, right? If the age of consent was made fucking 40 it wouldn't mean liking 39-year-olds was pedophilia.

>> No.3038924

14+ is not pedo.

>> No.3038945

anything below 18 is pedo shit.


>> No.3038946

Anything below 17 and you're clearly in pedoland.

>> No.3038953
File: 119 KB, 640x839, 1475035875455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Cougars and Roasties justifying their significance.
I mean it's only natural to be attracted to a used up and destroyed female that'll surely provide offspring that is healthy and actually yours and not Tyrone's - there's no way no one would ever naturally prefer a young, pure and fertile female that is within the age of consent and adheres to local, state, and federal law of course :^)

If you find pic related cute you are literally worse than Hitler!

>> No.3038954

she's like 19. hasn't changed a bit.

>> No.3038967
File: 86 KB, 600x733, E7474FF8-BF09-493B-9FBB-809F76623063-2255-000002F2A7FF002C_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but are you trying to say that girls in this current day and age are pure? Literally all freshman girls are whores and fuck everything and anyone and don't tell anyone about it. This is the same for Christian women that pretend to be virgins even though they get porked in the ass. The only pure children are middle school and below now and even then having sex is getting more common for younger and younger generations.

>> No.3038985


What the fuck is a roastie?

>> No.3038988

I didn't know at first either and frankly it's a stupid word but it refers to a woman whose pussy has been bottomed out so many times it looks like a hastily assembled sandwich from Arby's. A used up roast beef pussy is truly a terrifying sight.

>> No.3038993

summer already started huh

>> No.3038995

And that's a bad thing? Girls can't pick and choose what their vagina looks like.

>> No.3038997

>using a vag makes it looks like roast beef
I want the dumbass virgins of /r9k/ to leave

>> No.3039009
File: 165 KB, 500x426, shimakaze3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3039012

They literally think that the labia is prolapsed vagania

>> No.3039025

A vagina with prominent labia.
It's the male equivalent of small dick shaming posts.

>> No.3039039

Is a roastie a natural thing or does it happen when a girl has a lot of sex?

>> No.3039046

what is prominent labia?

>> No.3039048

I'm pretty sure it's natural.
I take pretty big stuff on a regular basis, and in 8 years my barely visible labias haven't grown a mm.

>> No.3039049

>implying being attracted to some old fart who can't outrun his son is attractive
>because being attracted to paintings, cartoons, drawings, etc is natural (you can totally have kids with your waifu)
>literally arguing for pedos
>using pseudoscience to justify your pedo ways
>being this degenerate

>> No.3039051

For real though.
If procreating is so important, it's not just sex that is "needed" for your "animal brain" to be happy, but actual children.
Your brain can't distinguish cartoon characters, or the fact that after fucking girls without getting pregnant? Or what?


>> No.3039052

>biological programming
Ah, yes, because biologically your desire for anime characters or feet makes sense then.
By your logic, just sex wouldn't be enough but the act of making women pregnant, because otherwise it proves you to be impudent.

All this pseudoscience is hilarious, and strange. We can convince ourselves what is "programmed" and ignore logic all in the name of "fake science". You can't pick and choose what bs you want to be real, man.

>> No.3039053

why is this question blatantly ignored. somebody answer him?

>> No.3039054

>biological programming
Ah, yes, because biologically your desire for anime characters or feet makes sense then.
By your logic, just sex wouldn't be enough but the act of making women pregnant, because otherwise it proves you to be impudent.

All this pseudoscience is hilarious, and strange. We can convince ourselves what is "programmed" and ignore logic all in the name of "fake science". You can't pick and choose what bs you want to be real, man.

And gays and asexuals and shit are fake? cmon

>> No.3039056

Ehhh you're making a bad case for males.
Then again, there are countless women being charged for having relations with underage boys.
Interesting how this place degrades women about the dumbest things, but excuses men even if they committ statutory raep.

Ladies- don't be good to boys. Use them.

>> No.3039057

Right? How pathetic are people that this is the shit they sit around arguing about.

Meanwhile they are attracted to cartoon characters and feet and shit.

>> No.3039062

Prominent labia is like the flappy area about the vag being longer or more prominent.
Literally google.
That's where the whole meat curtain meme comes from, but I've known girls who had that naturally and before sex whils others with tons of partners havent.

Comparable to lots of nutsack skin I suppose?

>> No.3039066

real men don't care. a vagina is a vagina, fag.

>> No.3039070

I'm just telling him what it means. Not hating.

>> No.3039072
File: 30 KB, 300x562, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>animu characters and feet

>> No.3039085

If a girl has a loose or gross looking vagina I won't fuck her. Simple as that.

>> No.3039086

yea.. cause you're a dike.

>> No.3039099

the labia isn't really a part of the vagina. The actual vagina opening sits below most of the inner labia. It's just there to provide some lubrication.

The roastie myth is just something perpetuating by virgin boys who have only seen porn vulvas.
Even Ben Franklin says that pussy doesn't age:
>Because in every Animal that walks upright, the Deficiency of the Fluids that fill the Muscles appears first in the highest Part: The Face first grows lank and wrinkled; then the Neck; then the Breast and Arms; the lower Parts continuing to the last as plump as ever: So that covering all above with a Basket, and regarding only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know an old from a young one

I mean, do you lips get bigger every time you eat?

>> No.3039104

>implying that you have the opportunity to choose

>> No.3039107
File: 420 KB, 504x664, 1497581841060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coping this hard

If you really want a young buck to give you attention you could have cosmetic surgery that essentially "re-virginize" your worn out cunt did you know that you filthy roastie?

>> No.3039111

Yall realize up until like 50 years ago, women didn't even get their periods until they were around 16/17?

Our surroundings dictate our tastes more than we think, not some pseudoscience.

>> No.3039113

"do your lips get bigger every time you eat"

Not bad anon. Made me lol.

>> No.3039115

>men think their puny dicks can wear a pussy out that is made to last 12 childbirths

>> No.3039120

>She hasn't met Jammal yet

>> No.3039121

Where the hell are you getting that information

>> No.3039134

I get the joke, he still tries too hard to deny that he draws kiddies getting dicked by big cocks. He's all "don't let others bring you down just because you draw porn" and then bitches out

>> No.3039135


>the labia isn't really a part of the vagina. The actual vagina opening sits below most of the inner labia. It's just there to provide some lubrication.

How does it feel to be a aspie nerd who does not understand colloquial use of words?

>> No.3039143

>ITT one, maybe two tumblrina d/ic/kgirls and a white knight are fucking FUMING at the idea that men are attracted to young, hot, tight-bodied, fertile girls and are resorting to projections and insults to vent their sexual frustration.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the result of a girl who hasn't had good dick in a long, looooooong time.

>> No.3039147

Gays and Asexuals are a mental illness
>but it's genetic, muh gay gene
And so are bipolar and schizophrenia, but those being genetic doesn't magically not make them a mental illness and an abnormality.

As for everything else, no point in arguing with some tumblrina who opted for women's studies over basic biology and psychology. The influence of our genes on our psyches has been well documented. Case in point, gays and asexuals.

>> No.3039149

>hot, tight-bodied, fertile girls
those midget gnomes shadman draw look more like children than teenagers and would die in childbirth if they could even concieve

>> No.3039162

Obviously, Shadman is a degenerate, and a pedo. I was never speaking in his defense, he honestly disgusts me. That said, it's perfectly normal for a man to feel attracted to a developed TEENAGER. Age of consent means fuck all. In my country, it's 14, and I see horny 16 year olds trying to get laid at clubs all the goddamn time. Age of consent is there to protect and aid the development of a child, as people mature at different rates, and sexual experiences can be traumatic when one isn't ready for them. Different cultures have a different benchmark for what they feel is the correct age. 18, imo, is excessive.

But this talk always triggers feminists, as, if they could have it their way, they'd stop men from fucking anyone who's more attractive than they are.

On a personal note, I come across hot 16 y.o.s all the time, and they are hot, and I WOULD fuck them, if they weren't so goddamn immature and annoying. Generally speaking, if I can't hold a conversation with a girl, it's a no go for me. I'm fine with going up a few years and finding a hot 19 year old who's a lot more fun to be around for the night than some brat who wants to prove she's an adult.

>> No.3039360

i'd slip it in her np!

who wouldn't? she's like 20 now. and shes a cutie.

>> No.3039431
File: 43 KB, 620x423, 1395798593430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like snow that would otherwise be undriven and pure if it weren't covered in sludge spray from the cars carrying people actually going somewhere.

like a cherry boy but there's a huge bruise on the cherry that grows with every blog post you make on 4chan.

>> No.3039441

Quit using words you don't understand senpai.

>> No.3039583

Attaching an irrelevant and even incorrect ID on a drawing is silly. That's the joke.

Why are you guys taking the picture and description so seriously?

>> No.3039596

I think Shadman just wants an excuse to draw more traps.

>> No.3039599
File: 890 KB, 1619x1725, 1494953734731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy, if you think labias are what make a pussy look old or gross then good luck fucking any woman.
The ones who have the asian pornstar pussies wouldn't be down to fuck someone from 4chan unless they had a multimillion dollar income.
The fact that you're shitposting about your lack of knowledge of the anatomy of a pussy already proves you didn't and can't make it.

>> No.3039626

And you probably have a spaghetti dick from all the pussy you get, huh?

> worn out cunt
I think you overestimate my abilities

>> No.3039785

he doesn't really deny it though, he knows that it doesnt actually matter, which was the point of the joke with the passport

>> No.3040531

There are clearly small breasts and no bulge.