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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 12 KB, 301x205, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3032895 No.3032895 [Reply] [Original]

so now that tumblr is dying what other social media should I put my art?

>> No.3032899

>now that tumblr is dying
What did they change?

>> No.3032900

Yeah OP, enlighten us. I'd be pretty happy if they were, ever since the shota/loli ban.

>> No.3032901


>> No.3032907

Wow, it's like I'm really reading a tumblr post. The article I found on my own was much less of an editorial.

>> No.3032908

What does it mean for actual users tho? No more porn on tumblr or something?

>> No.3032923

Not OP, but tumblr has been dying ever since Yahoo forced new people to register with a yahoo email account. They've stopped doing it, then started doing it again, no idea if they since stopped again, but it definitely killed the exponential growth Tumblr had prior to that stupid decision.

>> No.3033071

How can you continue to virtue signal with righteous drawings of hideous faggots on a platform run by a white supremacist patriarchal company that is in cahoots with Orange Hitler?! It's over. It's all over. The fascists won. Fucking white males. etc.

>> No.3033101

is pixiv the one taking it's place in growth? I see it mentioned a lot
do they allow just about anything?

>> No.3033118

>Tumblr’s no longer making my blog public due to porn (meaning you can’t even see it if you’re not logged in after that date). And the same applies for everyone else who does NSFW stuff.

>Also, starting on 7/5/17 anyone viewing your blog on the web will have to be logged in (with safe mode off) to view it

BASED TRUMP, eat if you filthy degenerates
Net Neutrailty was fucking retarded now you sick fucks will have to own up to this shit.

>> No.3033122

Oh, I don't know... Maybe make your own website?

>> No.3033141

what part of social media don't you understand faggot

>> No.3033358

As someone who used to be concerned about it because of the 'rights' aspect of it, I love how everything about net neutrality or privacy always boils down to porn or illegal shit. I don't even care anymore.

>> No.3033395

Seems people are always saying good things about instagram. Something about it's easy to get your stuff seen and recruit an audience, I haven't actually used it. Tumblr has always been terrible, you have to manually navigated back to the source once someone's shared a shared post so even if something does go viral you get fuckall out of it.

>> No.3033397

Instagram is full of kids though.

>> No.3033402

I love Instagram. It's particularly nice for traditional art beacuse you can just take a photo of your work and bam it's online instantly. It's not a professional portfolio but if the function you want from it is to tell people "hey I'm working on this thing right now" there's nothing better than a cell phone app.

I used to to the super obnoxious thing where you put art supplies next to what you're drawing but I haven't seen any difference in viewership, I just post a shot of the drawing now and it wokrs just as well.

>> No.3033406

>own up to this shit.
Own up to what? Drawings?

>> No.3033412

>ever since the shota/loli ban

>> No.3033416

>I used to to the super obnoxious thing where you put art supplies next to what you're drawing but I haven't seen any difference in viewership
well now you have to take a photo of your sketchbook and then color it in digitally so plebs think you're a watercolor or marker genius

>> No.3033418

people actually do this?

>> No.3033426

yeah many artist that have well over 10k or even 100k followers do this shit and you always just see those little beginner artists in the comments going "omg you did that traditionally? :o"

>> No.3033428

Care to post any examples? I probably know what kind of artist you're talking about but I always thought they just copied photos tediously and that's it?

>> No.3033429

>Net Neutrality was fucking retarded

>> No.3033432
File: 100 KB, 540x541, UGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit like this

>> No.3033434

Doesn't look that outstanding to me, but I have never used markers in my life.

>> No.3033440

who ares about quality or skills, it's trending and gets you followers

>> No.3033444
File: 4 KB, 280x220, meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how much money these people make off their craft anyway.

I mean they sure get followers but they can't sell shit or get commissions because they're mediocre artists. In the end all you get is the approval of normies, right?

>> No.3033446
File: 98 KB, 625x918, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she has to put the tool in the shot
Every single time

>> No.3033447

I... anon, I'm not sure what to tell you, other than reminding (you) of the fact that we're posting right now on an anonymous tiddy sharing netspace.

>> No.3033454

You put the supplies you used in the pic do people don't have to ask what you used

>> No.3033455
File: 46 KB, 475x602, 0032u953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not even the fucking tool
this trend was fun when people showed off their copics and watercolor brand but this is just literally retarded, it's just a plain pencil

>> No.3033457

>tfw you end up googling about fake traditional art and end up learning how people will fake speedpaintings and other art scams
>you always thought these artists were human photopiers and thought it wasn't really that impressive assuming they traced the initial drawing

holy shit

>> No.3033458
File: 121 KB, 297x353, 1477357142726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throws a pencil down beside a painting

>> No.3033459

Nah I've seen some guy on Schoolism suggest to do it as a marketing technique as well as holding your drawing tool against the paper because "it gives people the idea of the moment"

>> No.3033461

she's just THAT good

>> No.3033468

i want do this but with a dildo instead.

>> No.3033501

either way if people like it then whatever

>> No.3033509

Honestly apart from finding that practice horrible I feel like people like the simple pictures of my paintings better (as per amount of likes etc.)

>> No.3033556

this pretty much, i don't get why people get so triggered by this. It's seriously necessary when every comment on a pic you get is nothing but "what pencil is that" what marker is that", it's like bitch here damn now quit asking hoe

>> No.3033557


The art world is full of scams.

>> No.3033597

just write it in the description of the picture??

>> No.3033611

I told you people not to draw porn. Now your blog is fucked.
I hope you regret not listening to me.

>> No.3033616

and you are?

>> No.3033618

>pixiv the one taking it's place
lol no

>> No.3033621


>> No.3033635

like this?

>> No.3033649

>It takes almost as much effort, time and risk being a hack as actually doing the thing

>> No.3033657

Yahoo can barely take care of its own main site so it's no surprise they'd be that enormously retarded

>> No.3033665

realistic art is shit anyway.
Should I be amazed that someone can draw a face? If I want to see a fucking realistic face I just go outside

>> No.3033677

I mean technically reailsm is what everything starts from so it's indicative of your skill

Also reproducing celebrities perfectly is probably the ultimate art feat for normies

>> No.3033686

>you already have to be good before you do this

>> No.3033879
File: 81 KB, 600x800, Neptune_Adam_1725_La_County_Museum_California.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister does this, 150k+ followers
she has this "photogenic" pencil when she's taking pictures, it's not the actual one she used but one that looks good on-photo

>> No.3033907

Stop shilling your own vids here ricky, you got memed on before.

>> No.3033986

>150k+ followers
how good is she?

>> No.3034021

>do they allow just about anything?

>> No.3034043

>using tumblr


>> No.3034053
File: 44 KB, 500x627, 76211e0493d430683d176d21e6b6f825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imo not as good as a lot of the other artists in her weightclass but she
>has very good PR and self-promotion skills
>has a mildly popular comic on LINE/Tapastic
>is popular locally among college-age girls (was listed as a regional guest at local CC, I can sometimes see her stickers on girl's laptops at uni)
>has colouring/rendering skills that are FAR better than her anatomy and perspective
>enjoys drawing and it definitely shows in her art
I suppose your follower base is on desuarchive then

>> No.3034132

and fucking tumblr isn't?
fuck, tumblr is the most underage-centric social media site I can even think of, facebook and reddit included

>> No.3034210

>>enjoys drawing and it definitely shows in her art
With all due respect if she enjoyed it she wouldn't resort to cheap tricks to avoid working

>> No.3034259
File: 6 KB, 264x235, 80465874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's not. Mainly because it's under japanese law and you need to censor your genitals.

>> No.3034263

Are you sure about that? I swear I've seen dozens of uncensored dicks on pixiv.

>> No.3034264

Dumblr jerks like to report anything uncensored so that it can be taken down. Some artists have been bullied like that and I think that's really cruel of them.

>> No.3034283

well on her than. especially if it shows through she's enjoying it.

>> No.3034289

Compared to any western site, it is.
technically sexually explicit art isn't even allowed on Deviantart.

>> No.3034299
File: 37 KB, 458x530, 1457267248248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what other social media should I put my art
Mastadon / GNU Social https://mastodon.social/about

Register to any one of the gorillion mastadon servers out there, pick one that has rules you like (eg no need to spoiler NSFW content), and you'll still be able to interact with users from other servers. It's similar to how you can use your gmail account to email outlook addresses.

Use this to help you pick a server https://instances.mastodon.xyz/

>> No.3034329

>Oh noes porn is not allowed anymore!!!! ;(((
>Now we won't be able to masturb- ehrm I mean share our art!!!

>> No.3034332
File: 60 KB, 297x480, 1419881673810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your point, fool? Porn IS art. People fap, men and women. Ya' wanna make laws against shit you don't like? Those laws are gonna come and bite you back in the ass.

>> No.3034334

This was me with internet privacy and tracking. I got a real job and I do normie things now, so I really stopped caring.

>> No.3034377

Instagram: big community, lots of artists, but it's a platform focused squarely on mobile. It also does not allow adult content. Go this route if you're a "legit" artist.

Pixiv: Conceptually, everything is allowed, but genitalia must be censored. Nonexistent social media functions. However-

Pawoo: Pixiv's social networking site. Same rules apply, functions similar to Twitter. Account can be tied to your Pixiv. It's still mostly Japanese users.

Twitter: Old and clunky in many respects, and not as art-focused as Tumblr is. Yet many professionals still use it, particularly Japanese. Personally, I've gotten follows and retweets from a surprising number of professional animators, Western and Eastern, just for being there. So if you want sempai to notice you, this is ironically better than Pixiv.

>> No.3034448

It's colored digitally. Another shitty Instagram trend where people cop-out of fully using traditional media and use mixed trad and digital to color things because then they make no mistakes and is ezpz.

>> No.3034459

What the fuck kind of description is that for instagram? I want to draw anime girls, does that make me legit? Or should I just stick to twitter, pixiv and pawoo?

>> No.3034462

What are the exact rules for adult content regarding instagram? I see lots of artists post life drawing nudes there without any NSFW tag. Is there a risk of getting banned if you post nude figure drawings? What about nude pin up illustrations? Where do they draw the line?

>> No.3034474

There is a large audience for anime there, especially of the kawaii uguu variety.

>> No.3034488

Calm down.

I just mean if you do mainly SFW and fine art, Instagram would be a perfectly decent choice as your primary front-facing social media site. Posting cartoons and anime there is fine. It's just that in my experience, Twitter is better for that sort of material. Also, I don't think Tumblr is going to change much yet, and will remain a good option for fan art.

Look, it really isn't about which site is objectively the best. They're good at different things, and they have different audiences. There's no reason not to use them all, but you'll probably want to invest more time on one of them depending on the work you do and what exactly you want out of your social media experience.

>We know that there are times when people might want to share nude images that are artistic or creative in nature, but for a variety of reasons, we don’t allow nudity on Instagram.

They've gone back and forth on this policy many times, but it's obvious they're not fond of it, and they absolutely do not allow pornographic material. Their wording creates a grey area for art, but why bother trying to suss that out? If you must post things that may be NSFW, do so on sites that explicitly allow it and just link to it from Instagram if you must.

>> No.3034492

>There's no reason not to use them all, but you'll probably want to invest more time on one of them depending on the work you do and what exactly you want out of your social media experience.
Alright then can we get into the specifics for each one? There's almost no way to know without discussion or having tried before. What kind of work caters to each? What kind of experiences do each get you?

>> No.3034504

I've started to realize that the whole way Tumblr is laid out is just kind of shitty. I've been considering just making an Instagram and focusing more on Twitter since interacting with people on there feels natural and not like a fucking chore.

>> No.3034522
File: 322 KB, 640x480, おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第19話「どれみとはづきの大げんか」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).avi_snapshot_08.55_[2017.04.10_16.19.30].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of just getting my own website and hosting my art there while linking them from my twitter or something. It seems like the best option.c

>> No.3034535

Realistic art is god tier when you're drawing stuff that cannot exist in the real world, for example the non-euclidean shit M.C.Escher drew

>> No.3034882

why are genitals censored anyways? it's like we are unaware to what it is and what's happening

>> No.3034917

Porn used to be banned in Japan, then America rewrote the law to just not showing genitals. Now in limbo because politicians are stupid and think changing it will hurt their image or something.

>> No.3034923

This is a godsend. If Verizon is greedy then it means artist and art that turn a buck, or at least try to, will have priority over hollow SJW shit that neither sells anything or contributes to the commerce of ideas (i.e. echo chambers get pushed to the back)

>> No.3035104

Twitter is completely worthless imo

>> No.3035796

what's a good instance for artists? it seems like there aren't many in the one i'm currently in

>> No.3035999

I like tumblr for the aesthetic blogs. Lots of good references for practicing. The search engine is absolute shit tho.

>> No.3036190


>any mention of net neutrality
>shills everywhere

gtfo, keep the thread on topic

>> No.3036263

Kr0n has 1 million followers on instagram

>> No.3037003

that applies to most art being produced today
kys baddie