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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 249 KB, 684x1000, IMG_9942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3029991 No.3029991 [Reply] [Original]

How do I achieve a similar latex look when rendering?

>> No.3029997

Lots of spec highlights, reflections, while retaining most of the base colour.

You're looking at the answer to your own question. It's right there. Do a study if you're so eager to know. Dork.

>> No.3030014

When it comes to texture, the only way to learn is to practice it. Look up pictures of latex suits and copy them. As for tips, if you are going for shiny, then make sure your colors are saturated, and that your highlights are bright white. Also experiment with brushes, because the highlights on latex often has this distorted fish eye look to them.

>> No.3030024

get her fucking gumroad/patreon pack on that particular piece and find out. it should contain the full video process

>> No.3030028

'do a study!' should be in the sticky lol

>> No.3030040

why do people always recommend buying things on the internet, is it just the corporations have finally made a generation of perfect consumers, or is it americans or something idk.

you don't need to buy something to work out how to draw latex bodysuits, pls

>> No.3030047

Also know that this picture probably had a 3-D base.

>> No.3030061

>you don't need to buy something to work out how to draw latex bodysuits, pls
No you don't. but it's the easiest and quickest way to the results OP wants. It's the difference between studying for a test and being handed all the answers.

>> No.3030068
File: 7 KB, 389x255, 1315161385994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that face

>> No.3030072

The same reason why it's usually more efficient to take a painting 101 class, or get a mentor, rather than self learn. Learning by yourself means that you will have to stumble through to find answers and make mistakes that a teacher could have answered/corrected in a few minutes.
In this case, buying her video will answer the op's question, and probably questions they didn't even know they had. Because trust, Sakimichan is master at using the tools in her programs efficiently, so that she can render so many pieces at that quality.

>> No.3030078

>Sakimichan is master at using the tools in her programs efficiently, so that she can render so many pieces at that quality
Sakimichan is one of laziest artists currently making buck. Her entire technique relies on finding the quickest possible shortcuts to everything she paints, even at the cost of quality. That's why she never does backgrounds, too much effort.

>> No.3030083
File: 573 KB, 621x672, 1447235267159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you haven't done one latex study.

>> No.3030099


Funny how some random shitter who probably does nothing but anatomy studies and unfinished sketches calls an artist who puts out like 3-5 finished illustrations per week "lazy".

>> No.3030157

bright and tight specular reflections with visable fresnel and saturated diffuse colours

>> No.3030158



holy phuck
everyone on /ic/ is clearly hella jealous bag of nigger dicks

that is literally the most appealing; completed image better than what the best on this board shit out daily

>> No.3030159

Is it lazy if she spent 100s of hours figuring out how to reach max efficiency to pump out a large quantity of pieces that pleases the fanbase that's paying her? They're obviously not frothing at the mouth for lovingly detailed backgrounds in her character portraits

>> No.3030171

but is the face pasted from another art? the contrast looks funny in the new works and all have the same face?

>> No.3030179

This. Someone like you could not hope to create something even half as slick, clean looking and appealing even if he spent 100 hours on it.

>> No.3030188
File: 76 KB, 288x402, 1491054167943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone who does art for a living because they are paid for it for years and have top gear for it can make a eye candy
>Compared to multiple people with different skill levels, with different aspirations in life some without even a tablet
>lmao u guys so jelly of kikemichan xddd

Just a tripfag being retarded, more news at 7

>> No.3030189

>some random shitter who probably does nothing but anatomy studies and unfinished sketches
H-how did you know?

>> No.3030192

that was my reaction too.

>> No.3030194

what do i need to buy to get the kind of resolution that gives me lines this thin and crisp?

>> No.3030197

"How to shade" is probably how you should have formed your question, because it does sound like you don't know.

Specific materials are mostly just about applying a specific gradient, and it's right there in the picture if you wish to steal it.

>> No.3030198

Ten years of time to study and practice drawing.

>> No.3030200

Everything but the face and body looks great, there's something off about the contrast which makes it look like two different scenes, there's no bounced light on the skin either.
Remembering where the (lazy) art of hers was 4 years ago, compared to this level, what are you waiting for? Get to work.

>> No.3030201

>Specific materials are mostly just about applying a specific gradient
Mind explaining this with other materials? This actually sounds right for being so simple.

>> No.3030204

It's resolution when it comes to crispness of lines. So a bigger monitor would be the first step.

>> No.3030213
File: 98 KB, 700x700, sphere_thingy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A picture probably explains it the best

Of course, keep in mind there's more to rendering and shading than just slapping a gradient on something, I didn't include reflections for example as that would probably just confuse. But this is the basics, it will get you about 90% there, but it does rely on your ability to determine how far away a surface is angled from a light source, and that's really the hard part. Once you can do that consistently though, doing different materials shouldn't be difficult.

>> No.3030222

This is what I mean about the crisp lines why is your dot so blurry compared to the original image dot, what do i need to make it crisp all the time?

>> No.3030223

Use hard round instead of the soft round I did.

>> No.3030225

Because he clearly used a soft brush and she used a hard no opacity brush + sharpening filter? How new are you to digital painting that something this basic eludes you?

>> No.3030230

i just started this week

>> No.3030233

Have you been drawing traditionally before?

If not, it might be a bit early to be worrying about colour and materials.

>> No.3030243

Why would he need to do that? This is 2017. You can learn the same shit you learn with charcoal on a computer screen. Tools don't negate fundamentals.

>> No.3030245
File: 250 KB, 704x1920, rendering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3030259

that sort of specular reflections are pretty easy to achieve tbqh
there's a lot harder stuff to do, even in the same painting

>> No.3030284

if he just started digitally and hasn't done anything non-digitally then that mean he just started drawing and this stuff is definitely too advanced for him

and there are plenty of benefits to knowing trad in additional to digital, but that wasn't my point

>> No.3030308

The stuff she did 4 years ago was the same level. She's improved more in quick output than in actual quality. Also the skin being treated differently on this one is definitely a stylistic choice and intentional. I think it works pretty well actually.

>> No.3030389

really instructive anon. ty

>> No.3030391
File: 966 KB, 2400x1403, fresnel-ior_reflection-glossiness-matrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresnel very important, and dont forget to have a solid idea of enviromnent so you know where to put reflections and shadows

>> No.3030445
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this to help illustrate
secondary reflection from light hitting the ground
self reflection makes red more saturated
fresnel make reflections stronger at an angle
reflections help define shape, doesnt need to be super accurate. in op pic most of the reflections are not accurate

>> No.3030447


uncanny valley like a mf'er

also her right leg is placed oddly when you look at her lower back + buttocks

>> No.3030451

>>The stuff she did 4 years ago was the same level.

So you're saying she hasn't improved in 4 years? When was the last time you even looked at her art?

>> No.3030458

What I heard is she has other artists working with her to help with volume , so the body looking pasted on could be because of that. It really does look odd to me too.
People will start seeing it as a style choice eventually, so that shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.3030553

thanks for this. helpful stuff!

>> No.3030557

>fresnel make reflections stronger at an angle
i don't understand this. can you explain it further?

>> No.3030558

Sharpen up your hard edges and learn to blend your soft ones, bro. Those things are very important for defining shape as well.

>> No.3030570


I saw a youtube video on who this artist was. Felt bad for her retarted ass. Even retards need their light in the sun every once in a while. We can't stick 'em in portables ALL the time.

>> No.3030574

Thanks for this, anon. You get one free internets.

>> No.3030659
File: 1.27 MB, 1990x1000, latex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my take on it.

>> No.3030662
File: 410 KB, 1024x683, 7244430616_057a420d10_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for instance if you look at polished marble at an angle you will see reflections a lot clearer than if you are looking perpendicularly at it
definitely, this was just a rough sketch

>> No.3030663


>> No.3030686

>for instance if you look at polished marble at an angle you will see reflections a lot clearer than if you are looking perpendicularly at it
ooooh okay. thanks, man!

>> No.3030689


>> No.3030835
File: 114 KB, 360x360, 1469324774143.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when even based Reiq roasted this dumb cunt


around 4:40

>> No.3030838

Is there a reason there's an aura radiating? Is that a light effect that I don't know?

>> No.3030843

This just proves that people care more about renders than anatomy

>> No.3030844

She's not perfect, great to know. What else is new?

>> No.3030847

its usually not as prominent as that example but yeah light is bouncing off an object and wherever there's a hot spot you'll notice a small glow radiating out

>> No.3030848

>this issue can affect any artist, regardless of skill
>she's a great artist and everything I love her rendering style, beautiful characters

Yeah, what a savage roast.

>> No.3030849
File: 209 KB, 419x551, 1492401919060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not perfect
>Making begginer tier mistakes when you are a ''pro'' and draw for years

>> No.3030852

>He was expecting him to directly talk shit about her, possibly losing customers and burning future bridges
>Don't understanding the fucking basics of network and keeping your public image

brainlets, brainlets everywhere

>> No.3030854

Exactly, you dumbass. You can still make beginner mistakes at any stage in your career.

Look at how Feng fucked the perspective of the mechs here.

>> No.3030857

Reiq is pretty chill I remember when Zeronis was about to go nuclear on her but riot cucked him

>> No.3030859
File: 11 KB, 251x242, 1481488992062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>He was expecting him
He wrote
>"roasted this dumb cunt"
so that created the expectation you shit connoisseur.

>> No.3030861
File: 41 KB, 680x383, 952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you aren't supposed to my nigger

Beginner tier mistakes can easily be avoided by having a strong grap on the fundamentals/base, thats why you don't expect Stephen Curry to miss a easy pass same with Messi, because they are the last level of skill where they all should've already mastered all the basics

>> No.3030863

Reiq literally said "this issue can affect any artist, regardless of skill" and that he himself constantly has to correct himself from making these mistakes. So you ignore literally everything "based" Reiq is saying here yet you somehow praise him for picking Sakimichan as an example to showcase this common mistake people make?

>> No.3030869
File: 414 KB, 480x287, 1484415546939.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you aren't supposed to my nigger
According to who?
>Beginner tier mistakes can easily be avoided by having a strong grap on the fundamentals/base.

That's like saying that you will never trip because you already mastered walking.

>Stephen Curry to miss a easy pass same with Messi

If you actually had experience you would know how easy is to mess up despite experience.

>> No.3030871
File: 146 KB, 757x1134, 1399370797711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Ruanjia making this exact mistake Reiq is talking about in that video. I guess he's a hack too now.

>> No.3030949

>Beginner tier mistakes can easily be avoided by having a strong grap on the fundamentals/base

Literally 100% wrong. You're ignoring outside factors. What if you are incredibly tired/exhausted? What if you're sick? What if you have a headache? What if you're on medication that can tamper with your cognitive ability? What if something happened in your personal life and is distracting you?
Things like this can greatly influence your ability and depending on the severity can make you trip up because you're not performing at your best. It's very easy to make beginner tier mistakes in such common circumstances.
It's incredibly unfair to cast someone as shit because they haven't performed 100% perfectly on every piece. People aren't machines, even masters can make mistakes and underperform, it's part of being human.

>> No.3030973

But reiq is a dumb fuck in that vid because the sakimi pictures he works on are not supposed to be some hyper realistic pieces but rather a blend between over rendering and the style of each character franchise sakimichan tries to make bank on because she is a stupid cunt who cannot into originality, like every ching-chong out there for that matter

>> No.3030975

So these works are bonus/sketches/personal

When you are a professional writer, only the works you tried you hardest should be on display, you shouldn't shit out a homolust fanfic of your 2 favorite characters just because you are feeling tired and lonely

>> No.3030978
File: 518 KB, 1200x833, og snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a tip:

Start zooming in to images. Makes you realize how a technique works much faster. You can clearly see when you zoom in that they used a brush where the paint kind of tapers off to achieve that latex look.

>> No.3031008

I can't even understand what you're trying to say

Sakimichan is doing the same thing she's always done on the net, except people fund her to keep it up, which includes sketches and personal works. She's not contractually obliged to commit always flawless works. Besides which, she does fix later mistakes, like when she accidentally drew that penis head upside down. Making mistakes doesn't mean you are automatically shit. There are lots of reasons these mistakes can happen no matter how good you are.

>> No.3031041

Why is it every time there's a Saki thread people use it as a excuse to start attacking other artists? Not one of you have the balls to attack Saki but you talk shit about everybody else with a smaller following. Even as anons still pussies.

>> No.3031047

That has to be a 3D render at the very least partially

>> No.3031052

But how can you explain Sakimichan being so inconsistent with her work FOR YEARS now? Are you saying that her life is complete darkness and there's no end in sight for her? Is she still holding on to that aborted fetus in a jar somewhere in the back of her house to remind her of how sad her existence is now, and that could be attributed to the flaws in her work? Oh my gosh, how cruel are we to call her out on such things, we have to support her and her work!

Give me a break.

Sakimichan has absolutely no grasp on core drawing skills. She masks those mistakes with over-saturated, overly rendered work just the same way Artgerm does, and Carlos Quintero, and every other self-proclaimed "professional".

>> No.3031053

Post your work

>> No.3031056

Posts yours first. I'll show you mine if you show me yours. *wink*

>> No.3031065

/ic/ isnt for art its for bashing successful artists who either found a niche or are good as selling their talents.

Honestly /ic/ is just I giant hole for crybabies it seems.

>> No.3031068


One of the comments below the video was good. A guy noticed that original designs are like that and you can get away with such anatomy mistakes/exaggerations in your design, especially when like Sakimichan you are drawing fanart and want character to retain its recognizable features.

Problem with things like that is that people rarely consider what is appealing and Sakimichan considers everything appealing first - that's why she is also successful.

>> No.3031070
File: 168 KB, 1366x768, Better than you and Sakimichan COMBINED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, okay. I'll show you the AWESOMENESS that is my work.

BEHOLD! OP Picture REDUX 2.0!! *Glare bounces off the screen*

>> No.3031073

It's because she's mostly self taught, self taught artists experiment a lot because they don't have a specific way of working and understanding rules of fundamentals. she has the eye she just needs to sign up for a pro workshop somehwere and work on it.

She's young too, so having success at an early age people forget in a normal job her skills are actually pretty damn junior, she has fundamentals but she's definitely not what I would call pro level outside of anime fan boy expectations, same with the guy who paints nothing but faces by the way so i'm not picking on sakimichan. Plenty of artists who are e famous who are just as junior as she is.

>> No.3031074

How do I get as good as Sakimichan?

>> No.3031078


Talent? Sakimichan?! HA....HA...HA!

When god created her, he drew her head on too big, over saturated her pale aroogoola skin and swept her talent to more pristine, elegant and well rounded individuals...

Like this Savior of Earth here....>>3031070

We should all be so lucky to have talent like this anon. Rejoice.

>> No.3031082

How young is this broad? She dancing around with tater tots still, or is she legal enough to beat some sense over her head with a frying pan?

Or wok. Your choice. lol

>> No.3031096

You can call her out, when did I say you couldn't? Has nothing got to do with what I said at all. She's not untouchable.
But you said she was shit because she has made beginner mistakes, and according to you anyone who's good would never do that ever in any circumstance. Which is simply untrue, human factors make this scenario very possible no matter your skill level.

>> No.3031100


Draw and paint a fuckton for 10 years, end up doing 3 full illustrations per week + video tutorials.

>> No.3031107

>Carlos Quintero
Reiq? He studied for years and has a solid understanding of anatomy and perspective

Even if he is kind of a one-tick pony, his drawings are pretty decent

>> No.3031114
File: 1.04 MB, 939x1079, 1488986277748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yea, I need to make my own mixtape and hit plat to say Ariana Grande is trash

Or maybe I need to write a NY best seller so I can point why 50 shades of grey is cancer and GoT is overrated flaming garbage

Maybe I also need to get my own following of retarded brainlets to prove communism/socialism is wrong by its core ideia, since I can't say how Karl Marx was a piece of shit both personally and professionaly without having my own achievements first

Fuck off with that brainlet logic you dense retard

>> No.3031120

Am I blind or does everything about the image seem well-rendered, but cut and pasted? Like the face/skin is too blanched and has no environmental red, and the face is doll-like while the body is cartoonish. Feels like parts of two different images. Maybe like an anon said, that the body was ghost-drawn. But even then, just throw an environmental/harmony layer on top and mesh the colors together. It would take like 3 minutes.

There would be a lot more red in the hair and skin, right?

Well, that and the subject matter is tasteless, but that's just me. The face/hair is pretty for what it is, but man the end result is unappealing.

>> No.3031136

A few people already pointed this obvious glaring problem, but everyone decided to ignore it.

>> No.3031138


You are my spirit animal now anon

>> No.3031148

You're unto something! The wole purpose of Sakimichan threads were invitations to talk bad about other artists all along!

>> No.3031171

So we agree she makes core drawing mistakes and masks them, eh? Sweet.

Please, Quintero's crap is sub-par at best. His best works are behind him now, and he's nothing more than a Sameface McGee cookie cutter just like every other soulless, over-commissioned entity out there. No wonder his shit gets hacked and spread all over the internet for free. It's not worth paying for anymore.

>> No.3031249
File: 225 KB, 744x1074, ann_takamaki_persona_5_by_artgerm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How is Artgerm not professional?

>> No.3031269

What establishes him as a professional? A few covers from a magazine? A calendar? Youtube videos? Going to conventions? Teaching a class?

That's not being a professional. That's just some shmuck who got his wife pregnant four times and now has to support his life with sameface commissions that idiot fans drool over—work that he references off camera when he does his stupid Youtube tutorials.

>> No.3031284 [DELETED] 

wow you are being jealous.

A few covers from a magazine? Yes that's being professional

Calendar? Yes

Youtube videos, going to conventions? maybe

Teaching a class? Yes

>> No.3031294

the jealousy here is too ridiculous to be real. must be bait

>> No.3031295

So what if she's lazy? She has 4000+ people backing her.

>> No.3031304

I like how every "how do i 'x'" thread forces the people who have actually been studying to pop out and give constructive advice.

>> No.3031386


Artgerm, is that you...lol

>> No.3031483

What exactly is a "professional" to you, if it isn't an artist who makes a living with his art? Are you mentally challenged?

>> No.3031500

Man, you are so jelly I wasn't even in this thread and it got all gooey in my keyboard, get a grip!

>> No.3031550

wait, that's from a different artist? and it's fan art?

lol and here I was thinking the op had nice character design

>> No.3031566

You know how it goes, cumbum. Those who can't do, teach.

>> No.3031635

>lol and here I was thinking the op had nice character design
I doubt sakimichan has ever made a nice original character design in her life. Strictly makes money off of other people's characters.

>> No.3031641

What, the enlarged skull? That's clearly a design choice. A lot of people enlarge the skull out of personal preference. It's an anime habit.

I think the more obvious error is in the broken gesture. As in the torso. That just looks incorrect and awkward.

>> No.3031663
File: 643 KB, 1462x886, persona5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a character from Persona 5. Shigenori Soejima is a based character designer. Sakimichan isn't good at character design, but I like her art otherwise.

>> No.3031666
File: 233 KB, 648x917, d320d9d7564b494731d849b33e56afa9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3031669

>That's clearly a design choice

Lmao, It so very clearly isn't. But even if it was, why does this exact same beginner mistake Reiq mentions in that video only count as personal preference and design choice for Ruanjia, but not for Sakimichan?

>> No.3031671
File: 373 KB, 684x1000, paintover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i had to guys

>> No.3031677

You overdid it justttt a little, fix it again and it will look better

>> No.3031679

you just made one swipe in liquify

>> No.3031723


Except that this isn't true and lots of professionals who have actually very valuable set of skills is able to cash in additionally on sharing their knowledge with people who want to know it.

Why would then people up their skills? Why would FEA engineers go to conferences or do exams to certify themselves further? Why would people pay thousands of $$$ to go to closed industry meetings?

>> No.3031778
File: 203 KB, 1280x1008, sakimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i.. randomly stumbled on an apparent secret account where sakimichan used to post yaoi art years ago. i felt like telling somebody

>> No.3031784


>> No.3031788


>> No.3031801


>> No.3031849

you're telling me you can't do this pose? (minus the exagerration for appeal, oc)

>> No.3031866


>>Artgerm, is that you...lol

I bet it is.

Sakimichan hangs out here too, that's why these threads keep showing up.

>> No.3031881

>mfw even with all this money they still feel so dead inside they need to shitpost to brag themselves out to other people to feel relevant, sucessful and silence the screams of the void

>> No.3031886

Psychology 101 friend. Yes they do.

>> No.3031892

draw the basic bright red, apply shadows to opposite side of light, draw pieces of white at the reflective side

idk about rendering and if it matters if you just paint what you see in your reference

>> No.3031928

It so very clearly is, because I have the same background influence in manga type art, and I have enlarged skulls ingrained in my design sensibilities as a personal preference too.

It's not an "error", because RJ isn't doing figure studies from life. He's designing. Head proportions are stylized, and style is subjective, it's part of design.

>> No.3031938

Same for Sakimichan. I don't really care what REIQ says, because just like /ic/, he's trying to force a cardinal rule on something that's largely a matter of taste and personal expression.

>> No.3031961

>something that's largely a matter of taste and personal expression.
>a matter of taste and personal expression.

>> No.3031963

10/10 argument.

>> No.3032073

Link to account?

>> No.3032096
File: 993 KB, 1302x918, Yaldabaoth_Concept_Art_P5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame that Soejima's demons suck, or else it would put him up in my top ten designers.

>> No.3032100

The head in that Ruanjia sketch looks unappealing as fuck and looks just plain wrong. I like to give Ruanjia the benefit of a doubt that he is far better at making conscious design choices that this. You are a terrible artist and have a terrible sense for design and appeal. Not a single well drawn anime / manga head with large craniums looks remotely as off as that.

>> No.3032111

This is now a anime artist thread. Post your favorite pivix artist.

>> No.3032114
File: 158 KB, 640x943, Oda-Nobunaga-Kaneko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can it just be any Japanese artist? Because Kaneko is the first to spring to mind.

>> No.3032119

>they still feel so dead inside they need to shitpost
nah that's just /ic/

>> No.3032141
File: 124 KB, 736x736, d28087e8e13eff2403bc70edb41e1641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An illustrator named Serge Birault did a tutorial on it, see attached. He used the effect a lot in his series of Pin Up illustrations he did. You might want to google him, he's a great artist.


>> No.3032145

ew that looks like shit haha

>> No.3032170

>The head in that Ruanjia sketch looks unappealing as fuck and looks just plain wrong.
Subjective, lol.

>I like to give Ruanjia the benefit of a doubt that he is far better at making conscious design choices that this.
You don't like RJ's designs, find someone else to look up to then. It's very cute of you to give him the benefit of the doubt though. I'm sure that helps him get through life.

>You are a terrible artist and have a terrible sense for design and appeal.
Ad hominem is not an argument.

>Not a single well drawn anime / manga head with large craniums looks remotely as off as that.
That's just your opinion, like I keep saying.

>> No.3032205

thanks! i can't see anything added in that last step (retro lighting) -- anyone know what it is?

>> No.3032216

she still does yaoi porn though :/

>> No.3032274

you can't see the white blob behind the tentacle? you have some shitty ass monitor settings do you?

>> No.3032279

oh dang, now I see. and yeah, old ass monitor with a shit screen

>> No.3032322

He's a published artist. You are...?

>> No.3032326

that means so much in this day and age

>> No.3032350

>Something being published means it's good
I don't have to be a pilot to know that if we're losing altitude rapidly the plane is fucked.

>> No.3032458


reminder she draws in opencanvas and then adds effects and shit in photoshop or something afterward

thats how

>> No.3032753

Well anyway, every time one of these threads pop up there's probably going to be shit talk no matter how much she improves because we all see she has potential. I know she can do 50 times better, somebody ojust needs to nudge her in the right direction.

>> No.3032831

You have to realize that most people don't share /ic/'s childish sense of perfectionism. Whether or not she could do better, it would mean spending more time on every piece, meaning less posts per month and I guarantee you the vast majority of her supporters on patreon much rather have her release on her current schedule than post 1 overworked illustration per month to please the autism of /ic/.

>> No.3032841
File: 32 KB, 506x444, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i doing wrong? kinda looks like glass :/

>> No.3033203
File: 250 KB, 1008x444, latex02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The ball is too high-key in value, lacks darker darks,which suggests translucency.
2. The reflections have very sharp edges, like on glass. Look at a balloon, the reflection is more diffused because the surface is not as smooth as glass.
3. The overall impression is reinforced by the shape of the object. It's hard to find a sphere covered in latex unless it's a balloon. Latex that covers an object will not adhere to it ideally in all places, there will be folds present. The lack of such folds throws the viewer off the latex impression.

>> No.3033206


What the hell are you talking about? Spending more time on artwork isn't always what's going to make it better, she's missing basic techniques that would help improve her art ten fold.

Someone pointed out for example earlier bounced light on the face, simple rules, simple shit.

If you can’t see there’s consistently room for improvement in her artworks you’re the one who’s childish.

Fucking know it all millenial brats.

>> No.3033216

Oh, and I forgot to add, the reflections on your ball don't match the lighting situation. The cast shadow suggests the ball is lit from the left, but the reflection of the light source is nowhere to be seen on the ball itself. Why? the reflection of the rectangular light shape seen on the left side of the sphere overlaps the reflection of the white surface the sphere is on which makes no sense either.

>> No.3033288
File: 170 KB, 1280x668, 170622d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in your debt anon. thank you for the pointers and the paintover. i've been banging my head against this (see pic related) without success. i'll do another batch with your notes in mind.

thanks again!

>> No.3035725
File: 684 KB, 1159x1500, 0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suppose you're right. Maybe trash talking isn't the way to go about this. Maybe we should post her flaws and see for ourselves how she has no basic concept of human anatomy.

Because by all accounts, a polished piece of crap is still, just a piece of crap no matter how you color it.

>> No.3035726
File: 259 KB, 1280x989, 0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's absolutely no other way to explain it but to see for ourselves how overrated she is. I mean, look at the placement on that leg.

>> No.3035729
File: 239 KB, 1230x1600, 0031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe know you'll see how not to be like Sakimichan.

>> No.3035732

does she not make enough money to not have to draw porn? kinda pathetic

>> No.3035734

I guess not. She has to whore herself out too just to pay the bills. I feel bad for the people who commissioned these pictures, really.

Don't get me wrong, she's an average artist at best. But nowhere the goddess of art people portray her out to be.

>> No.3035735
File: 316 KB, 900x1300, A0001_pepper_love2016_final_lr_by_artgerm_daf72u5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And can you tell the difference in this picture?

>> No.3035736
File: 164 KB, 800x1156, A0008_chunli_sfv_battle_costume_by_artgerm_d9tr5n2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this one?

>> No.3035737
File: 197 KB, 800x1228, A0009_tifa_lockhart_colorised_by_artgerm_d97zdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or...this one?

>> No.3035738
File: 215 KB, 802x1200, A0011_yuffie_final_color_lr_by_artgerm_d992poh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artgerm suffers the same hack ability when it comes to drawing faces. At least Sakimichan tries to draw something different, but Stanley comes off just as dumb with his work.

It's nice to see that even established "pros" are nothing more than one trick ponies who can stand to really learn their work instead of being touted as gods of art.

Yes, I know those rising to defend their beloved idols whom they worship will crawl out from underneath the rocks and say, "But they're all different! You're just jealous that they made it and you haven't."

>> No.3035742

I don't believe you
She just became a fucking jew that wants to make as much money as possible

>> No.3035749

Yes indeed. She is a jew. A jew who's not immune to drawing porn just to whore herself out.

>> No.3035785

both of you are morons, especially the second fag. Sakimichan has always drawn porn way before patreon, see here >>3031778
She opened a tier for it because she LIKES to do it, not to "pay bills". And those aren't commissions.

>> No.3035789

Still shit drawings, white knight. What's your point?

>> No.3035794

Especially this piece of trash. Is his dick really down by his thighs like Saki-sauce is portraying here?

So you support shit art, is that what you're saying? Sounds like it is.

>> No.3035797

You're the reason why shit art continues to exist in this world. You'd rather jump at the chance to white knight Saki-sauce than see her shit art for what it is: shit art.

>> No.3035800

are you literally retarded? how did you not get the point?
some people here thought she draws porn just for the necessity of money. but she actually draws porn because she enjoys it. that's all i said

>> No.3035802

So, going by your logic, she likes to draw shit porn? That's even worse. Literally.

See, I used the word properly in my reply. :)

>> No.3035804

>but she actually draws porn because she enjoys it
so now she's just a filthy degenerate

>> No.3035807

And no, Saki-sauce isn't going to grant you your animu wishes by white knighting this cause. There's no amount of Sailor Moon power to save that chick from the train wrecks she vomits out every week...just to pay the bills.

>> No.3035808

people jizz inside others, and finger each other's holes, but people who draw porn are degenerate


>> No.3035809

yes because I don't have to see them shitting in each other's mouths, but I have to endure Saki's shit art on here

>> No.3035810


And let's make a broader point, shall we?

Let's examine this picture a bit more, and according to the anon who posted it, Saki-sauce drew this YEARS ago.

What's wrong. Hmm. Can't quite put my finger on it...

>> No.3035811

Why do these threads always miraculously get resurrected when new rewards are out or patreon week is coming to a close?

Getting kind of tired of seeing /ic/ being used as a bulletin board for patreon ads of these same artists over and over again

>> No.3035812

Oh now I see it. Stumpy McGee's all chained up with that thick ol' stump for a right leg there. Ha!

>> No.3035813

Because Wang needs to pay her bills, apparently. Keep on drawing that shite, Yue! We're counting on you!

>> No.3035818

She needs to start living below her needs then. I don't know who keeps making these threads but they get posted like clockwork.

>> No.3035845

She makes literally around a million per year off patreon. She very clearly isn't the one who is making these threads to help pay the bills.

>> No.3035858

post your work fag

>> No.3035871

He's just correcting you for being wrong. I don't see why you have to be so defensive about it. Can't you shit on an artist without having to rely on flat out lies? Sakimichan makes half a million $ a year and she's been drawing porn ever since she started posting her art online. Those are just facts, so when someone tells you you're wrong that she's drawing porn to pay the bills, it's not white knighting, it's just the fucking truth.

>> No.3035878

You can hide threads dumb fuck

>> No.3035960
File: 183 KB, 862x481, 2017-06-25_16-43-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain the circled dark streaks in pic related. it looks like her suit is reflecting the environment except for that area. and that entire side of her suit is facing the light, so it couldn't be a core shadow, right?

>> No.3035962

I don't think anyone said she was making these threads, but that's a good call maybe she's paying someone to make them

>> No.3035972

Wow, look at all these jealous nimrods. Since she goes the route to make oodles of money, she's "whoring" herself out. I guess any business that does that is "whoring" itself too. She runs a business, and the bottom line is to make money. You guys are dumbasses, and it's no wonder why you guys are all probably poorfags. I hate her art, but she knows how to make bank and that gets more respect than some jealous losers bitching about her on a taiwanese frog posting board.
>her art still sucks!
Then, if you're so much better, why aren't you making more than some doctors consistently every year? Oh right, because you guys suck dick and can't market yourselves.

>> No.3035974

looks like its reflecting where the wall and ceiling connects

>> No.3035987

hmm, yeah, maybe. would that corner really be so much darker than everything else in a bright environment?

>> No.3035996

desu I had no idea these internet porn artists made an actual serious buck. always thought they just barely scraped a living

I'll have to research this more

>> No.3036002
File: 139 KB, 712x421, 2017-06-25_17-35-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, i think you were right. it looks like there's black trim around the edges of the ceiling -- that's what threw me off. such a small detail causing such a noticeable effect. crazy

>> No.3038448

This is actually helpful OwO

>> No.3039813

>but that's a good call maybe she's paying someone to make them
Why would she though she's already making bank from her current suckers.

>> No.3039823

literal retard right here. how did you figure out how to use a computer?

>> No.3039834

indeed I don't think the ~20 posters or so that come here are worth paying for any advertisement directed at us

>> No.3039931


Sakimichan is actually extremely consistent, what the hell are you talking about retard. It's her main strength. She's productive and consistent.
Jesus christ this board is so retarded it's not funny any more

>> No.3039955
File: 149 KB, 688x1000, IMG_1955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best artist to study for Latex is Toshiki Yui.

>> No.3039958
File: 184 KB, 689x1000, IMG_1956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is more.
If you want to study actual latex rendering learn it from the masters.
Adam Hughes is also pretty good.

Sakamichi's latex rendering is very cheap.

>> No.3039962

Oh it's one of those Sakamichi threads were anon pist artist that are better than Sakamichi.

>> No.3040957

How old is sakimichan again? I know she's in her 20s but I want to know just how old she is specifically. She removed it on her dA

>> No.3040980

you can google it but its 26 June 18, 1991

>> No.3040989

>>tfw youre older than her and stuck at a shitty dead end desk job

>> No.3041013
File: 152 KB, 540x593, IMG_0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about buying this tutorial since /ic/ hasn't taught me anything

>> No.3041585

There's a lot of her patreon tutorials on cgpeers

>> No.3041616


Buy whatever you want, just don't expect a magic bullet.

And don't expect to go from the above drawing to the below in that ad, it's misleading as fuck.

>> No.3041833

i feel personally alluded and aggravated by that mockery of a description of my chosen work style

is this an /ic/ meme?

>> No.3041855

/ic/ is just a circle-jerk of retards bashing those who make money with art and illustration. The most they will teach you is to google "Loomis"

>> No.3042068

wtf are those eyes

>> No.3042318

This is the artist who was copying wlop when he got big.

>> No.3042361

Study Latex. Paint what you see. There's no secret ingredient.

>> No.3042527
File: 846 KB, 1236x859, __kitagawa_yuusuke_kurusu_akira_morgana_niijima_makoto_okumura_haru_and_others_persona_and_persona_5_drawn_by_soejima_shigenori__8abcf7e06a5142317e57345b1e361dac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the aesthetic of the game it is based on, Persona 5. The predominant color of Persona 5 are white, black and RED. There's definitely an odd clash, and the official art usually mutes the characters' color while enhancing the RED. Personally I think there should be more black.

>> No.3043349

sauce for persona 5 artbook