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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3030060 No.3030060 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think some people just lack a fundamental unlearnable thing in their nature or being that just makes then unable to draw no matter how much effort they put in?

>> No.3030063
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Anyone can do anything if they work for it. Unless you have donkey brains.

>> No.3030065

Maybe, but you'll never know until you try.

>> No.3030066

>Do they exist?
Sure, I think so. But the real question is

>Do they make up a significant amount of the population?
I don't think they do, it's more akin to having a rare disability or something imo. Like I think anyone can learn how to do anything provided that they're sufficiently motivated,can put in the proper effort and have the right resources. The genetics and talent all kicks in after that and maybe it'll help you become truly exceptional because you have an aptitude for it but even those without a natural aptitude can still learn things to a high degree. There are very few people who are incapable of learning things, some may have a tougher time than others but they can still learn.

>> No.3030071

its all about the work ethic and attitude

>> No.3030077

Not everyone can get the motivation required to succeed.
So yes, I belive some people lack it.

>> No.3030082

I disagree

>> No.3030117

Unless you have an actual learning disability, it's impossible to not improve. What people actually lack is direction and feedback, so they don't know what to improve or are doing the wrong things in hopes to improve. Anyone with an instructor behind them pointing out flaws will force someone to improve unless they blatantly disregard or forget their instructions.

>> No.3030122

try working your absolute ass off for 3 years and answer that question yourself.

>> No.3030135

I think it's like with everything else.

Like how most obese people who don't diet are just lazy blobs. However you can't expect a obese person with severe schizophrenia to wilfully go on a diet.

>> No.3030147


Sure, why not?

Think of savants who have a sub 70 IQ but somehow manage to be world-class masters at one specific talent

Knowing that, shouldn't it be reasonable to entertain the idea that some individuals may have a subdued effect in their biology that makes them fundamentally retarded at art but normal in most other areas?

>> No.3030180

Unless you are clinically retarded you can do anything you set yourself to do, people are just fucking lazy.

>> No.3030215

I know a guy that has a degree so its not like he's retarded, but he used to discuss Loomis and other artbooks with me but his art still looks like elementary school tier. Baffles me everytime I see new work.

>> No.3030234
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I don't think everyone can reach the same level of skill, but most people aren't even doing anything to get better. And no, drawing alone doesn't help you improve. If you draw the same standing cute anime girl from the front everyday you're learning NOTHING.

Anyway, I think the most limiting factor is that drawing isn't just a technical skill, it also requires imagination which in my mind you cannot teach. Every shit-for-brains can learn to be a great technical artist who can draw photorealistic drawings of people when he's copying from a photo.

>> No.3030254



also good luck on them dubs

>> No.3030261


>> No.3030339

If they're actually, literally retarded. Like have a genuine diagnosable mental deficiency / learning disability.

Any normal person capable of learning can learn art. Some more slowly than others, but anyone can.

>> No.3030415


>> No.3030440

I don't have to 'think', this is literally basic biology.