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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 510 KB, 1188x1550, MANLEYSP_ftrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3020291 No.3020291 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>3012107

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make anime works in-between their studies, however, all forms of stylization is welcome here. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, you should be having fun! Fun I said!

Fresh off the Mayflower? Then do yourself a flavor and read /ic/s supplementary sticky HERE:
Hitokaku Index
List of active livestreams
>Use twitch #creative
>yoshikadu2011 (youtube, streams daily)
FellowBro's Book Collection
Tutorial & Reference Collection
Japanese Tutorials & Documentary
>http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=59317 (0033)
>デジ絵の文法 playlist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWyIMrWHN30&list=PL6dSbz05yTUL_zym3SiOxOgqq29XvOh48
Figures & Life Drawing Practice

Have any suggestions on helpful resource links? Leave a comment anytime ITT and I will look into it.

>> No.3020378
File: 642 KB, 1430x2213, Mikan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread new drawing.
Can anyone redline this please.
And if you have a suggestion for a better pose especially the legs please do incorporate it.

>> No.3020400 [DELETED] 
File: 735 KB, 717x1012, 2bfinalquarter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3020403
File: 735 KB, 717x1012, 2bfinalquarter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of parts that i'm not thrilled about but only had one night to finish unfortunately

>> No.3020413
File: 76 KB, 462x1920, bk117f342exy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3020418

I really love your work do you have a process of your drawings by any chance?

>> No.3020427
File: 1.31 MB, 578x893, lucinamaking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, i do have a patreon that has all my psds for my recent work if u wanted to take a look

this isn't the self-promotion thread so i'm hesitant to post a link to it but here's the free pack i have on there

pic related is the making of one of my older pics

>> No.3020428

Any tips on how to get as good as you?

>> No.3020434
File: 2.07 MB, 1540x2380, futaba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, just figure out what is the best way for you to learn-- you will make the greatest gains through directed learning. It's faster to get to a destination by just looking up the directions than it is to just start walking around aimlessly and hope that you'll get there eventually. Actively try new things? Don't get overly attached to a process or become to comfortable? Everything should come pretty organically, I feel. If something isn't working in a piece, then don't feel bad scrapping a major part completely. It's something I've been working on recently, being able to let go of my initial stab at a concept. I'm sure you're aware, you have an idea in your head and then you try to put it on the canvas but it isn't how you imagined in your head-- why then should we unnecessarily restrict ourselves to this canvas that wasn't even a pure representation of what we had in our minds to begin with?

So yeah just do stuff idk lol. You'll probably figure it out. My last couple of pictures were all forays into cool lighting scenarios because I was pretty sick of drawing orange, warm light. I wanted some pretty eclectic colors in "dark" areas that I don't see people do very often so my last couple of pictures have all been of that flavor (with varying results), just so I could get better at it.

>> No.3020680


Who is this little whore winking at?

>> No.3020732
File: 7 KB, 228x221, sadfrog 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3020879
File: 583 KB, 975x1400, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's new.

>> No.3020883

I think you've really got something here.

>> No.3020944
File: 258 KB, 1236x1388, Screen Shot 2017-06-13 at 3.44.22 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3021022

Man I love your use of colour. You're an inspiration.

>> No.3021065
File: 1.51 MB, 1636x1272, EPSON011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiru me

>> No.3021077

this is rly good, keep it up

>> No.3021136
File: 213 KB, 454x671, agarhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3021144
File: 309 KB, 618x975, xc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't done lineart in more than half an year but ey.
Digging the values there, looking good.

>> No.3021199
File: 1.25 MB, 800x1345, 808ea81667ca8640b28775a93662b51037665fb5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3021206


>> No.3021222





>> No.3021223

Why are you posting sycra's work?

>> No.3021539

I was gonna say, how can someone have such good rendering skills, yet still be so average at anatomy/posing, but now it makes perfect sense.

>> No.3021546

> still be so average at anatomy/posing,
I think it's below average.

>> No.3021724

Let me guess, he's from Deviantart? It's incredibly common on that site to build up your rendering ability while neglecting construction

>> No.3021756

Stop talking like you're "oh so original", 15 min browsing through twitter and I can see where you're getting the inspiration for color and shading style from.

>> No.3021763


Maybe because he mentioned his inspiration before, shitposter?

>> No.3021764

>can't tell that everyone's being ironic
ya blew it

>> No.3021786
File: 107 KB, 1964x772, Wip2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know i should buy a tablet, it's just really fun to draw with a mouse. Anyway, Crits?

>> No.3021791

Why do you have to be such a dick?

>> No.3021797
File: 64 KB, 960x644, 11866466_10207589208827960_8753681841425415705_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


honey tone down the estrogen this aint tumblr HOLY FUCK CHILL OUT WHY AM I CAPS LOCKKKK

>> No.3021799


Do you project your insecurities in everything you do? Even when posting on an anonymous image board?

>> No.3021803
File: 253 KB, 452x443, sdsdsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what is this (you)samefaggotry niggerina chill

>> No.3021807

So I don't usually come to these threads, just seeing this one and the last. Are these always so shitty?
Is obviously just trying to stir shit up for attention, and everyone replying might as well just build their own hugbox.

>> No.3021808

? I'm the artist and I'm just showing him how absurd he is being by linking him the exact post where I talk about my inspirations. Was there something threatening about my post? I don't know, my bad if it came off that way but art isn't a competition of originality so it's a bit weird for me to think that other people would come away from that post thinking that.

>> No.3021810

It's only shitty when you post here.

>> No.3021821

Because it isn't his work.

Because i concentrated in this image on the rendering part also i adjust my workflow based on the tutorial from Gui Guimarães.
Than just do Redlines or tell me the parts that are wrong, maybe i was just too lazy to do it right like the hands for example.

Like your shitposting

Im not really active on Devianart. All what i do is upload my stuff (which i do on artstation aswell) and close the site.
Also i do practise constructions and use it based on 0033 and krenz.

>> No.3021860

does sycra even work anymore? i haven't seen anything new from him.

>> No.3021909
File: 72 KB, 763x1046, a_girl_and_her_doll_by_sycra-dbbbkwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his latest piece

>> No.3021912

fantastic! but right foot seems weird

>> No.3021913


>> No.3021931

just tell me your fucking blog already

>> No.3022020

he's a lost cause
let him go

>> No.3022072
File: 511 KB, 800x946, Berserker world upload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a boar :D

>> No.3022113
File: 539 KB, 763x1046, chin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3022121

Not a fan of the monochromish color on the chick. I thought Sycra would know better.

>> No.3022165

all those pouches facing the same direction make the torso look kinda flat, maybe have the one on his right face more towards the viewer to hint at the curve of the ribcage. the collar is kind of hard to read, looks sort of blobish. I'm guessing you're trying to use minimal reference, but I'd recommend checking out some photos to get it right. beyond that, try bringing in the index finger and little finger. as a general rule the index finger starts at around the same distance down the hand as the ring finger, but is slightly shorter, and the little finger starts even farther back and is shorter than the index finger.

>> No.3022171

How is it possible for a girl to be that gosh darn pretty? She's perfect in every way.

>> No.3022192


>> No.3022195

Awesome crit,Thanks!

>> No.3022207

What do you guys do during periods where you can't seem to get anything right?
The past few days I've just been loathing every line I put down, and it's because I know I'm garbage compared to artists that I look up to.
I know that no matter how much effort I put into a drawing, it will never match up to what I want it to be.

I've hardly improved the past few years and am starting to believe that I'm not talented enough. I'm worried that I'm wasting my time.

How do I push through this?

>> No.3022208

ignore yourself, the feeling will probably never go away so you just learn to silence it and carry on

>> No.3022210

It never goes away. Every piece goes through an ugly stage where you feel like nothing's working at all. You have to keep going in spite of that. Once you've put more time into it then you can decide whether to shelve the piece or not.

>> No.3022250
File: 189 KB, 654x800, rightorwrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate me//love me
As long as you're talking about me.

>> No.3022251
File: 1004 KB, 1360x1015, 1470791433216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't remember how to stylize things the way I want anymore

>> No.3022252
File: 51 KB, 540x429, 1444257201245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy

>> No.3022296

only if you're a lesbian

>> No.3022342
File: 234 KB, 642x2051, study170615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up big time on the left arm.

>> No.3022387
File: 42 KB, 250x800, imshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So from a beginner this may sound retarded but I gave it my best shot.

It seems like you are trying to force the left arm into view when the angle of the torso would obstruct most of the shoulder and bicep. The only way you would see the elbow is if you turned the character.

>> No.3022391 [DELETED] 

Is this Sycra?

>> No.3022412

Also I should note that it is pretty easy to test this pose in a mirror, just pay attention to the fact that the wider your stance goes, the more perpendicular the wrist is to the forearm. The most parallel you can get it is how I drew it. Sorry if you weren't trying to make the elbow parallel, that is just how it looked to me.

>> No.3022416

Check out my new stuff. Thoughts?

>> No.3022419

awesome bro, how did you get so good?

>> No.3022425

Where is the blog?

>> No.3022427


>> No.3022647
File: 222 KB, 1020x1020, SASUGA_;;;;DDDDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pose was hard

>> No.3022832

Not into homoshit but I like your work. Can you make video tutorials?

>> No.3022883

I'm working on a rendering tutorial right now. Should be done by tomorrow.

>> No.3023030

Awesome, can't wait (-:

>> No.3023137
File: 152 KB, 1000x1000, inkypoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing around with silhouettes lately and decided to carve some of them out with an eraser. I almost exclusively draw with thin lines, so I was surprised to discover that it's much easier to get a sense of form and volume when doing silhouettes or just chunks of black.

>> No.3023156

Really solid, got more?

>> No.3023158 [DELETED] 


>> No.3023161

It's my first attempt, so not really.
I'll probably play around with it a bit more, though.

>> No.3023354

Looks interesting I wanna see more

>> No.3023393
File: 1.21 MB, 1031x1600, frazetta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some comic book artists with a somewhat realistic but appealing style?

>> No.3023422

I love how if anyone posted this on /ic/ under their own name this would get chewed the fuck up for being bad.

>> No.3023452

I used to admire him, not sure if I just grew out of it as I improved greatly myself or if he just went off to the deep end.

>> No.3023471



>> No.3023473
File: 990 KB, 1275x1755, EPSON013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should be pixiv(dot)me(slash)desgardes

>> No.3023476
File: 199 KB, 500x1000, ravn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been in a drawing funk lately. Trying to dig myself out

>> No.3023491

I feel exactly like this too, which is why I pretty much am abstaining from pretty much everything lolis and digital and only doing studies right now, but I just can't seem to figure out if I'm getting better or not at all. It's super depressing.

>> No.3023494

THats sweet

>> No.3023510
File: 171 KB, 1033x1242, LoliCook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at trying to write characteristics and draw around it.

Does this character appeal as a Loli, Impossibly strong, Food lover, and possibly gluttonous?

Is the pose not possible to hint these kind of features?

>> No.3023528


Having her lift some random weight saying "1T" seems a bit on the nose and uncreative. Could have shown both her unnatural strength and her food lover trait by having her lift up some ridiculously huge chunk of meat or bowl of food or something.

>> No.3023529
File: 321 KB, 1000x1000, 6-13-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3023611
File: 164 KB, 474x800, sorting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heartbreak fall

>> No.3023650

>that linework


>> No.3023651
File: 26 KB, 364x343, niya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also should've given her a giant ladle or kitchen mallet or mochi hammer and something to eat.

>> No.3023852
File: 503 KB, 1500x2479, character2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think?

>> No.3023865

cute, but her legs are pointing forward while her torso doesn't

>> No.3023866

I'm not feeling her expression...but everything else is nice. Could use some more details.

>> No.3023869
File: 52 KB, 338x282, 1495895082962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That fucking linework

>> No.3024046
File: 125 KB, 960x960, 19369632_10158812321935317_38572725_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just posted this in a previous thread, but I finished this for Instagram not that long ago. Trying to get back into traditional inking without relying on Copics for tones/shading.

>> No.3024052

Blog? I don't think I've seen your work before.

>> No.3024060
File: 228 KB, 1200x1600, 16_06_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhhnn ~

>> No.3024064

Not falling for that.

>> No.3024066

Don't give advice if you don't understand that the body can be rotated from the hips. Look at sports like tennis, table tennis, boxing, and try it yourself.

>> No.3024106

Dude, it's really my work. You can find me on Instagram at tomdrawsandriffs.

>> No.3024120

I'm not talking about that. No one would be stupid enough to post a sideways photograph of their shitty work with a pile of markers next to it on /ic/. It's every obnoxious artist stereotype rolled into one.

>> No.3024146

The pic was taken sideways because I was in a place with poor lighting and that was the only good angle I could manage without casting an obnoxious shadow on my sketch pad. If you wanted me to scan the work then repost, that's really all you had to say.

As far as the pens are concerned, that's where I just happened to put them. Didn't realize there was a trend that triggered the masses

>> No.3024160

>Didn't realize there was a trend that triggered the masses

you don't have to lie, just don't do it next time if you post to /ic/

>> No.3024164

autism, who cares if there are pens in the photo

>> No.3024167

it just makes clear to others that the photo is aimed at normies

>> No.3024170

I don't care, I'm just saying to avoid as you said "autism".

>> No.3024177
File: 573 KB, 1068x800, New canvas2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to develop some kind of consistent style that agrees with how I like to work. So I suppose I should post it here.

Does anyone have any opinions about it? Any "wtf are you doing dude"?

>> No.3024185

I was just pointing out it looks kinda weird

>> No.3024195

The indication of the hip under the skirt doesn't go together with the direction of the legs. And the leg to the front is angled too steeply away from the character.

>> No.3024233
File: 1.55 MB, 2000x2000, ыфв3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3024378

You're new here, aren't you?

>> No.3024383

welcome to eb games

>> No.3024418

Link Rei(sanbonzakura) and the prism hair person too, please.

>> No.3024423

For a community that bitches as much as /ic/ about the lack of content or positive contributors, you sure are a bunch of fucking assholes to new people, especially ones who actually post their work.
You're projecting a bit too much.

>Just tell the motherfucker the appropriate format, and if they put in the time to reformat, deliver whatever critique you were going to deliver.
Stop shitposting.

>> No.3024451

Where do you people come from? Christ.

>> No.3024573
File: 2.21 MB, 2544x3272, EPSON014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look in the mirror, you see what you see
Be what you be, lonely you know
What you've done, let the sleeper play for fun
And we drink the water, and we drink the wine
We are the animals, we are the swine
Let the keepers keep the time, let the sleepers dream so fine
We read the notes placed in our hands
Forged in the sands, from distant lands
And let your hair grow and let them know
That the dreamers can still shake hands
But we live here now and it smells of death
And the youth is wasting the Earth's last breath
But we can still dream and shake our hands
And sing a song so grime

>> No.3024578

Great work, got a blog?

>> No.3024581


ty :3


>> No.3024594


>> No.3024598

She looks like a kind mother.

>> No.3024670
File: 253 KB, 600x800, moto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3024679
File: 142 KB, 600x800, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like it desu. one thing is your interlocking is consistently off.

>> No.3024728

that looks so much better

seriously unsure why anyone would leave the chin like that

>> No.3024737


>> No.3024801
File: 3.77 MB, 744x963, makingcharlotta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's an old post so it doesn't include some recent stuff, it's not really rei but actually yamakawa who i've been looking at pretty recently

and funny thing about the triangle hair, it actually was something i did of my own accord and something i experimented with in my charlotta picture/clothing folds of previous pictures before I had even become acquainted with kanekiru-- admittedly it was a hack so i wouldn't have to think too hard about the planes of folds. It wasn't until later that i realized the she also does this so i'm actually starting to stray away from rather obvious triangles now since she's taken it to the next level of abstraction. Much further than i ever intended to so anything i would do would definitely just end up looking like a cheap imitation. In any case, we both sent out our guest art for that nier fan book at different times before we knew each other-- I'm surprised we never talked about it before, considering we're both fairly active in the same discord.

Some other influences:

>> No.3024820
File: 135 KB, 601x642, 1497п56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helo noisebrow

>> No.3024822
File: 1 KB, 59x29, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss you my dude! I was ban't but you can always send me pms at pic related

>> No.3024842
File: 155 KB, 899x674, 149уу7п56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u realy think i wana send note to scroob like u kek LUL

>> No.3024844

dont be like that, keep your EYES UP and gaze into my heart as i gave into yours.


>> No.3024846

wow, rude!

>> No.3024853

sore bayb

>> No.3025059

motocompo <3

>> No.3025102

You know kanekiru personally too? That's so cool.

>> No.3025153

The perspective on the right arm is off

>> No.3025164

personally is a strong word don't u think? we just hang out in the same places

yea it doesn't read well at all, first time drawing a harvin/dwarf so i don't think it reads well immediately that that's the case-- probably needs to be bigger

>> No.3025180

did you give her the D yet?

>> No.3025205
File: 337 KB, 1200x1600, 17_06_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3025427

loomis, vilppu, and more vilppu.

>> No.3025435
File: 437 KB, 1800x1400, wangari2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hand feels off

>> No.3025452

>it doesn't read well at all
of course, but you've also put her in an unnatural posing. I'll do a quick redline in a bit.

>> No.3025462
File: 227 KB, 1200x1600, 18_06_17_yukari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I can't be bothered to even correct the mistakes. It's a fucking joke picture. Even then, if you can't critique something specific, then you don't even draw. Anyone with their head out of their ass would have pointed out the uneven, WIIIIDE face for starters, and the screwed up leg perspective which makes them look bent forward.

That being said I'm not at all proud of these last few. The first yaranaika was at least not too fucked up.

I don't do straight on rear views too often, so have a fluff.

>> No.3025467

>Even then, if you can't critique something specific, then you don't even draw.

Don't go that far. Nobody can take you seriously with a meme stamp on the face, so you get a non-serious critique.

>> No.3025472

You know it's true, though.

>> No.3025474


Whatever makes you sleep eternally.

>> No.3025475
File: 24 KB, 320x304, ano_yaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kys xD

>> No.3025476

didn't want to do it even on this board, but here have a (you) anon ;)

>> No.3025512
File: 92 KB, 853x534, redline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the main point is the angle of the biceps and the way the arm bends at the elbow

>> No.3025529

Every time.

>> No.3025530
File: 440 KB, 1130x1600, stealth cow nc c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3025537


>> No.3025562

Thanks a lot, I was having a bad day, sorry for being a little bitch.

>> No.3025577

don't be lazy and draw a real face to the guy

>> No.3025579

not only is the original artist is better than you by roughly 500%, the premise of the critique is barely correct and youve also managed to make it 4x worse. Whats wrong with your drawing? Besides the messyness, complete misunderstanding of jaw, overabundance of unnecessary guidelines, the hand which youve simplified if the oddest way, the bad forshortening for the upper arm the bad position of the deltoid and the FUCKING CHICKEN SCRATCHING AND GENDERSWAPPING. Not much honestly except for that its quite solid.

I'm the last one to complain about any redlines, but this is quite frankly disgraceful

>> No.3025593

Good fucking god you faggots are the worst. Look at what you did. How could you be so fucking stupid to think it looks better?

>> No.3025594

thanks for the criticism but the fact that you don't even see a problem with the original artists drawing is telling of the validity of your own criticisms.

i accept some of what you've said even if some of it is blatantly wrong. Regardless, please continue to contribute to this community through shit talking rather than through art posting.

>> No.3025601

this >>3025594
goes doubly for >>3025593 (you)

please continue to contribute through your shit talking/shit posting.

>> No.3025612

>, the premise of the critique is barely correct

>> No.3025627


>> No.3025694
File: 278 KB, 1513x1512, IMG_0040 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to into weebshit but always feels off

>> No.3025718
File: 422 KB, 675x900, 1440611226206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3025747
File: 202 KB, 492x783, blah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Started browsing and now I feel all discouraged after seeing some of the good shit in here

Any feedback or advice?

>> No.3025748 [DELETED] 

why is he like this

>> No.3025749

well its fucking cute as shit if that means anything to you

>> No.3025768

take the bow's knot off the top of the head and just have the wings poking out. narrow the knot a little, too. it'll level out the overall proportions.

>> No.3025770

stop hiding feet :)
if you are the type of person who fucking unironically saved such a picture and also happens to tell people to go to beg, you should fucking kill yourself.

>> No.3025776

Blog? Love your style!

>> No.3025805
File: 332 KB, 630x1000, a dude s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh my edgy is showing

>> No.3025827

lol give me your blog

>> No.3025835

Not sure if I'm getting memed but alright

>> No.3025839

its just that you draw exactly how i wanted to draw when i had just started. Slightly creepy, evil eyes, slightly edgy. I really like it.

>> No.3025841

im sad to say i hate everything else youve ever drawn though.

>> No.3025867

Can't tell if memeing but in either case don't got one I'm to shit

>> No.3025890
File: 189 KB, 664x606, vvcap 2017-06-18-04-06-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing this for quite some time and I still can't find a nice style of shading for me and I think it's partly not having the right brush but my main problem is thinking in 3D and shading darker colors without using black.

I'm using Clip Studio and tried to learn this shading style but I don't think it has worked for me lately.

Any tips or help?

>> No.3025915

Why don't you try and finish your shading/colouring before posting? Its hard to give you tips on something you hardly started on.

>> No.3026073
File: 935 KB, 671x1000, happy-tomoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what I should be doing with watercolor. I've just been doing simple anime portraits to try and get down some core painting skills before doing more complex images, but... it's not clicking. Not many people do watercolor here (I think), but anyone have advice?

>> No.3026094

Do you seriously think that you made the original any better with your shitty redline? It looks boring and there is no reason for you to genderswap the wip.
The only real problem with the wip is the handle of the sword imo.
You made everything about the picture worse and talk shit about everybody pointing it out including NoseBro.
Maybe you had a legit point somewhere but no one sees it, so dont get mad at others if you fail to get your point across. Because that is your fault for not being good enough.

>> No.3026119

I used this method as a guide when I used to dabble with watercolour.

The red on her shirt steals all the focus by the way, not sure if that's intended.

>> No.3026240
File: 366 KB, 1200x900, 18_06_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making some really terrible work lately, but I'm trying to push through.

No, I'm not gonna trace the M60, but I do need to establish scale and proportion correctly. Those damn things are tall as hell and not as wide as you'd think.

Not feelin' the forms at all right now, so the hands will wait. Will probably need to redo arms entirely when I get back in my senses and my eyes start working.

>> No.3026343
File: 1.56 MB, 1592x1040, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to start shading this piece yet because I really don't know which way to go now, but I can show you parts of my previous pieces (based on the same xa-xa-xa link).
The bigger piece, the blonde goddess girl, is what I want to achieve as an artist. That's Hideki Ishikawa.

You could say "then shade that witch the same way as the others" but I'm really at a wall here since she has mostly black colors and using black is out of the question, I really started doubting my shading now. I suddenly feel like I know nothing.

>> No.3026400


>> No.3026528

I can't help but feel that your art is exceptionally flat. Are you sure you're feeling your forms? Also Baiken's eyepatch is flying off her face, where's the eye under it? Brush up on anatomy.

>> No.3026537

Yeah, I know, I've felt something like that lately and want to improve that, I've not felt my forms lately, I'm really blocked mentally.

>> No.3026561
File: 98 KB, 275x564, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the proportions ok? i feel like the head is maybe too big

>> No.3026589
File: 150 KB, 734x564, goodluckbuddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head is definitely too big, and in my opinion the shoulders are too wide and waist weirdly thin?
i redlined you as a thinly veiled excuse to draw your loli

>> No.3026595

The very thin waist doesn't really fit with the child like proportions of the head. Might possibly want to shrink the head a little bit too.

>> No.3026601

thank you! i didn't notice the other mistakes
and your loli's very cute uwu

>> No.3026605

thanks! fixing that

>> No.3026646
File: 568 KB, 1600x761, 1465706897190836801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like cute girls and tanks. Maybe try a composition of her sitting on top at an angle using the image you posted as reference for size. Just a thought

>> No.3026650

What? But you're not bad at all. You definitely look like someone who's been drawing for a while.

>> No.3026722

how does one get as good as this?

>> No.3026736
File: 31 KB, 600x361, M60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to do all kinds of cute girls doing tank things related stuff, but I chose a very simple and easy composition precisely because it's easy. Once I'm more in the groove, I'll do something a bit more complicated.

>> No.3026739

Jesus Christ, fuck off.

>> No.3026844
File: 370 KB, 1600x1130, beach cow c 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3026848

It took a while for my eyes to adjust to find that shes grabbing onto someones cock and not her own, deformed cock on a pelvis.

>> No.3026858

find a photo of a tank and paint over it like they did

>> No.3026869

I think you could warm up the shading. the cool shadows make the skin look pretty pallid

>> No.3026885 [DELETED] 

wanted to experiment with purple toning, might consider ramping up the saturation in the future. thanks dood

>> No.3026886

who's the character?

>> No.3026887
File: 2.30 MB, 1526x2330, dwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanted to experiment with purple toning, might consider ramping up the saturation in the future. thanks dood

Holstaur from monster girl encyclopedia

>> No.3026897

Anyone have any general advice/tips/ etc for drawing heads/stylizing heads/remembering head and face proportions?

My studies aren't going well and maybe something like this will help shit click so my art will look a little less like ass.

>> No.3026923
File: 264 KB, 1200x1062, bomoseniorsmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone like this?

First thing I've done without any refs.... been more or less a study-machine since i picked up a tablet.

>> No.3026924

If they made a fighting game for just Kirby characters, this guy would fit in as some kinda bonus character.

I don't think this is much of a study though but he's a nice simple character design that's still got some uniqueness and personality to it.

>> No.3026929

thanks senpai. i honestly didnt know what to think of it, but I drew it having fun, and decided to color it in to make it look presentable. still feeling iffy... but i think this is the path to breaking myself in.

>> No.3026942

is it wrong that I want to tickle this cat ear girl?

>> No.3026946

Ok just tell me what the fuck that means already.

I'm not playing the game anymore you stupid fucks.

>> No.3026966

it just means exactly what it means. I want to tickle her and hear her go nyahhhh~ I wanna pet her ears and hear her go kyahhhhhh~

>> No.3026973

Lord almighty

>> No.3027040
File: 1.30 MB, 1774x1196, quick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You definitely need to push the saturation a bit more if you're going to blow out the skin. Just some hints of saturation adjacent to the light can give some better context to the natural color. Also consider bumping the saturation even more between transitions of light and shadow like in your first ref photo. Composition-wise, there's some problems with the lights in the background. If you're going for an intense light source beaming through tree leaves then you need to not use such big soft brushes to convey that. Right now the beams of light are rather uniform and break up the rhythm of the background because of how noisy they are. You also are having some problems with light source direction. Her face is lit as if the light is above and in front of her but her head is casting a shadow as if the light is behind her. The dick is also probably too red and sticks out like a sore thumb in the composition. Here's a quick paint over I did. It's not perfect by any means so just take what you will from it, just some ideas to think about.

>> No.3027042

where the fuck is that hand coming from?

>> No.3027046

I'm operating under the assumption that he knows that there are some anatomical problems and that he is actively working on it. His experimentation was in coloring so I'm treating it as such.

>> No.3027058

I like it!
>If they made a fighting game for just Kirby characters
They're supposedly making one, actually.

>> No.3027128

Really? That's going to be adorable.

Also gonna be annoying and rephrase a request from earlier:
Anyone have any tricks for quickly remembering head proportions while sketching? Especially front views.

>> No.3027135

woops didnt read.

>> No.3027220

oh hey thanks my dude

>> No.3027251
File: 21 KB, 256x256, marzipan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just in the foreground!

>> No.3027260
File: 218 KB, 1200x900, 1497846032535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm experimenting with the OK KO style, the show has bad anatomy so I'm fixing it a bit. I'm going to establish a fan art style so I can do OCs, lewds, commissions, this is the way of things. It'll be like 2011 all over again, man.

>> No.3027263
File: 215 KB, 1200x414, osomatsu san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help I'm retarded, especially with heads. please bully into getting better

>> No.3027370
File: 237 KB, 1024x1024, imokaydaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hm hm

>> No.3027434

If you squint hard enough, the piece on the right is actually more of cel shading than the soft kind you're doing. Just use a harder brush.

>and using black is out of the question
Try using a more saturated shade for the base/non-shadow colour.

>> No.3027497

Giant heads + necks with little bodies

>> No.3027499

manlet lives matter

>> No.3027500


>> No.3027766
File: 49 KB, 484x484, ss+(2017-06-18+at+03.37.21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3027800

I like it. Blog?

>> No.3027803

I would move her right eye down a little bit

>> No.3027879
File: 65 KB, 971x1012, 1497843653855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crit my WIP up, sempai.

>> No.3027965
File: 392 KB, 549x843, poison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This okay to proceed to lineart and details? Or is there anything glaring with the pose/anatomy that I should fix?

>> No.3027994

I would wait just a sec . It looks pretty good but feels unstable to me, maybe some line length variety. Like the back and the front are too similar.

Take some artistic license and make one of them a straight, I recommend the front.

Biggest difference between very skilled and absolute professional is appeal. Anatomy etc. looks fine for an illustration (except her right hand, you should work that out first, use your self as a pic-ref if you need to speed up the process) but now you should concentrate on focus and appeal.

Which is all about contrast. Long vs. short, thick vs thin, detail vs space, curve vs. straight, etc.

One that people often forget is line length variety. All different materials have different line-length patterns, so skin won't have the same pattern as hair, or clothes, etc.

Also the alba/belly bottom seems a little to far left to me, but you could probably make it work anyway.

>> No.3027995

>Casually holding my heavy ass rifle with one hand as I seductively put the other one on my head.

>> No.3028001

*belly button

>> No.3028006

Also if you plan on shading this or coloring it you can include some shadow indications at this point, where you want the terminator line to go etc.

If you're going for JUST line art, or you're coloring it cartoon poster style, then you don't have to. You can indicate those things with line weight in your inking.

>> No.3028015
File: 453 KB, 549x843, IMG_1943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3028018

Okay, just jokingly, I think Poison as a character has thicker thighs/wider hips than that. Also a distinct lack of a bulge...

Oh, this too.

>> No.3028027


Your drawing looks unstable because it is flattened.

Here are some points that will help your drawing.

> Draw the forms 'through' or at least indicate that there is another side with your lines.

>Woman's hips are equal to, or wider than, their shoulders, they flare out and are not narrow like a mans.

Also your leg line doesn't flow into the hips through the hand, I've indicated this.

>The upper shoulder (her right, our left) wobbles a bit, this could be fixed with drawing through.

>Be careful and plot out the center lines as well as you plotted out the horizontal lines. I checked your collarbone lines etc. and those seem to be good, be just as diligent with your center line.

>The elbow falls a little short of where it should be, or it's angled awkwardly perspective-wise.

>The front of her stomach line should probably contrast against the back line and not be so similar to it, that makes the drawing look more 2D.

>Her right hand (our left) is unfinished. Don't leave something unfinished just because it is difficult, use a reference, I assume you have at least one hand - take a shot with a webcam if you have to.

>Something about her breast are slightly off I think it's just where you decided to curve the left breast (our right), the nipple is slightly out of place, not by much. Where I plotted the nipple to be doesn't have to be exactly it, you could have it more outward like you drew it, but it would be slightly lower I believe.


The most important things to fix are: Her hip size. Her front and back line balance. The elbow. Working out her right hand. And contrasting the front stomach line with the back - making them dissimilar.

Those things alone would be enough to push this drawing to the point of being ready for inking.

>> No.3028030

You could have avoided a lot of the structural errors in your drawing if you drew her rib cage and hip cage first. Making sure the one was wider than the other. The placement of the breasts etc. would also come naturally by attaching to the ribcage.

>> No.3028068
File: 81 KB, 600x625, keepitupbuddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for this I honestly feel like the face is pretty decent, but you absolutely lost it with the body. If you're going to draw a top-view, try to stay aware of the top-planes of the body (which I highlighted in green). Also, as for what construction you do have, the pelvis box you drew is WAY too high up, but your contour doesn't follow it at all and seems a bit more correct.
Anyway, keep going! Try to study muscle/bone structure to help with the mannequin structure you've got going here.

>> No.3028100

The breasts are both facing forward as though pushed together but nothing is pushing them.

>> No.3028108

I assumed anon was gonna draw her wearing clothes (and thus a bra) and not sitting at a desk buck naked haha

>> No.3028110

Telling people to study something general like muscle and bone structure is pretty insulting and I see that kind of comment on here all the time. It would be more constructive and memorable if you give them specifics. Or at the very least specify what areas you think they should study. Sorry if this comes off rude, I'm sure you're a fine person but I see these comments all the time and I don't think they are usually helpful, or well received by the person taking the critique.

>> No.3028111

I suppose some bras could do that but usually there is a separation even with a bra

>> No.3028115

A good point! I figured my comment about the pelvis earlier was enough to point out what he needs to study but I should have been more specific.

Looking at >>3027879 specifically, he should start by studying relationship between the ribcage and the pelvis, and learning to draw them together from a variety of angles, because that'll make foreshortened perspective like he's trying to pull off here a lot easier.

>> No.3028117

Thanks for taking my comment well, I didn't mean to come off arrogant and I apologize because it was pompous of me to make that comment the way I did.

>> No.3028121

nah you're totally good! If I'm giving crits I want them to actually help the person I'm critiquing, otherwise we're both wasting our time

>> No.3028122

Also that's fantastic advice I'm glad you did be more specific because I think that's a good idea. It's something that I can use and that other people can use.

>> No.3028123

What the hell is happening? /ic/ being helpful AND nice? I welcome the change.

>tfw never get as many critique and advice on my shit even though I have so much to work on
One day. Good luck to you all, keep it up

>> No.3028127 [DELETED] 

kill yourself

>> No.3028129

I'm glad! It's not advice that's given a lot but I've found that it really helped me personally

Just keep studying and posting my dude! Getting critique on ic can be kind of hit and miss anyway haha. Good luck to you too!

>> No.3028133

teehee i love /pol/ ^_^
its so fun and friendly lol

>> No.3028138

I jinxed it didn't I

>> No.3028139


Thanks man, I really appreciate the thorough critiques. You're a good man, anon.

>> No.3028142

Nah, its 4Chan that's bound to happen. 13 yr olds can't help themselves

>> No.3028146
File: 412 KB, 971x1012, IMG_1947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3028167


Explanation of >>3028146:

So >>3028068 's anatomy is pretty good, but the perspective is still wrong, causing some unnatural twisting.

Always remember the order of importance in art: Appeal (Contrast, composition) is #1, Perspective (if you're using it) is #2, and Knowledge of the subject is #3, in my opinion.

Perspective is always more important than anatomy. That's why cartoons look so good.

Try to work out the largest perspective first, even if you have to contain the entire figure in a box.

There are a lot of tips/tricks to use. Even cartoon perspective is helpful - close things overlap further, are bigger, and further things are smaller, and closer together.

Think of what you're drawing and ask yourself how close it is to your eyes/camera. Is it to the right of your eye? the line probably curves that way, to the left? above? Or below?

Remember all lines are, are edges that you can't see around. That's why planes facing your eye have no lines.

>> No.3028176

hips are too narrow, she's built like a man. I think the problem might be her farther leg. It's too small. The perspective is not that distorted anywhere else on the picture so it reads as off.

Thicken the far leg to be closer to the near one and it will probably fix the issue.

Also be careful to match the perspective of the head, torso, and legs, even if they twist, SHOW the twist.

The face could use a bit of guidelines, the far eye feels like it's too high on the bottom for that perspective.

>> No.3028177

Point to something you want critiqued

>> No.3028185
File: 214 KB, 484x484, IMG_1949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realize that you probably referenced the legs but you have to fix the photo distortions, or maybe you messed up on the far leg - Study the reference and see where you went wrong. Or if you were constructing this without a reference, draw the other side that we can't see. Mostly it is a perspective problem.

>> No.3028186

Seriously, what are you cunts doing on 4chan? /ic/ specifically exists to get away from the dA/tumblr mentality that you kids are so obsessed with. I mean, you have all of the fucking internet to act like the effeminate castratis that you are, yet you choose to come to the one place where the rest of us go to escape. Why? If you want to masturbate each other and slurp cum all day, go somewhere else.

>> No.3028189

Bitch I've been on this website for nearly 10 years, I can't stand any other hugbox mentality. But lots of /ic/ critiques are fucking worthless, it's good to see some change and not the usual "LOOMIS" chant

>> No.3028194

>I've been on this website for nearly 10 years
prove it

>> No.3028195

I gave the dude a crit and someone else was happy with the advice I gave? What is your damage dude, I see nothing wrong with that

>> No.3028197

Sorry little guy. I alllmost replied to you with a ':) you mad bro?' but my castratis kindness kicked in and I thought I'd reply to you like an adult. We're sorry you can't handle kindness, but that should pass once you leave your teens. There is almost no where you can go in this world on the Internet or off the Internet to escape the nasty way people treat each other, it's just more obvious on 4chan. If you wanted to be a true rebel you would join the kind people because they are the true rarities, here and elsewhere. I will pray for you.

>> No.3028200

>What the hell is happening? /ic/ being helpful AND nice?
This is neither helpful or nice. This is sycophantic behaviour. Praising people who are genuinely terrible because you feel bad for them does not help them. Pretending to be nice to someone because you have low self-esteem is not the same as being friendly.
People come here because they want harsh, honest critique. Unforunately, that also comes with a side of trolling and shitposting, but that's still infinitely better than what you assholes are trying to turn this place into.

Don't redline if you're no better than the artist you're trying to help, you goddamn morons.

>> No.3028207

Do you really want to see reaction images from 2008-2009

I don't unerstand why this matters

What the fuck are you even saying? Critique and redlines aren't useful because one artist didn't shit on another?

>> No.3028208

How can you be so dishonest, it's obvious that the critiques are at least as good as the person they are critiquing. Who do you think you were fooling?

>> No.3028210

He isn't even bad at anatomy and posing, he just doesn't do it. Watching his tutorials, his sketches are 1000 times better than anything he produces in his shitty style. All his males look like lanky manlets and all his females are literally made out of bionicle pieces.

I think the dude is talented but he has no idea what looks appealing to anyone outside of himself.

>> No.3028211

>it's a shitters try to redline and the redline is worse than the original thread
why do they do this?

>> No.3028212
File: 93 KB, 600x668, NewIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is your damage dude,
Who even talks like this? How did you even make your way to /ic/?

Ah yes. Passive aggressive cunts, who don't know what actual kindness is. That's exactly what /ic/ needs.
If people go to a place that's known for being harsh and honest, then you're not being kind to them if you act like a servile pussy. People have different mentalities, and /ic/ has up until recently had a very specific userbase who come here to get away from empty, superficial people like you. You're not being nice. You're being a sycophant, and you're only praising people because it makes you feel good.

>> No.3028216

Stop trying to derail something actually productive. Either stop being passive aggressive and start pointing out the flaws in the redlines or fuck off.

>> No.3028220

>Critique and redlines aren't useful because one artist didn't shit on another?
It doesn't have anything to do with shitting on people. It has to do with honesty. If you're constantly apologizing and telling people how fantastic they are with a big fat exclamation mark at the end of every sentence, you're contributing to a culture that doesn't belong on /ic/.

If you can't even tell how bad you are, how are you going to help someone else?

>> No.3028221

You're only shitposting because (you)s make you feel good

Go draw fuckface

>> No.3028223

>People come here because they want harsh, honest critique. Unforunately, that also comes with a side of trolling and shitposting, but that's still infinitely better than what you assholes are trying to turn this place into.

Trolling and posting garbage is not infinitely better than anything. It's the norm here.

Your pretending to be 'cool' just to fit in on 4chan is completely transparent. If you had real guts you'd be like the people you're critisizing in the exchange above, who can give an honest and thorough critique without being mean spirited, or insulting. That is rare, what you're advocating, is not rare, it's not rebellious, it's the norm here.

And all real adults know that no one wants to actually put up with that. And you know it to, you're just trying to 'fit in' here, and it's probably because of your age, but it would be really nice if you joined the rare people and tried to make this a better place instead.

>> No.3028224

I rarely shitpost, and I've probably done more redlines than you've done actual drawings.

>> No.3028226

Maybe if you spent time studying and less time trying to demonstrate your lack of knowledge "redlining" you would be able to see the trash for what it is.

>> No.3028228

Yet you keep fishing for them (you)s

>> No.3028230

Looks like the thread went to shit again without me here.

>> No.3028231

>If you can't even tell how bad you are, how are you going to help someone else?

100% convinced you can't draw as well as the person you're criticising. I've never ran into anyone who says this sort of stuff who can actually draw as well as the person they are taking a crap on.

Why don't you show us how it's done and correct that drawing better than the person your crapping on, then maybe your comment will be worth something.

>> No.3028232

>Don't redline if you're no better than the artist you're trying to help
not them and don't redline but I thought it'd be a cool exercise to do- "you learn by teaching" kind of thing. and then get your ass chewed out by other anons.
dunno how to easily explain that I'm doing it more for practice and my advice should be taken with a grain of salt though

>> No.3028235

You can learn by finding the mistakes in others art and correct it, it's good problem solving practice.

You don't have to answer to the trolls, they aren't worth your time. They're only here for the conversation. And their conversations suck.

>> No.3028239

Are you actually brainwashed enough to believe you're being mature, when you're displaying the exact kind of mentality that is the norm in every art community full of teenage girls?

If harsh criticism is so bad, why would people come here when there are hundreds of other art communities that spew the exact kind of bullshit you're promoting?

Also, the fact that you keep talking about the average culture on 4chan as something rebellious, says more about your age than it does about mine. There's nothing rebellious about wanting to preverse the culture of the board you've been a part of for more than a decade.

>And you know it to, you're just trying to 'fit in' here, and it's probably because of your age
I've probably been posting on /ic/ longer than any other regular posters, and if you want to insult my age, you're doing it wrong. If anything, I'm far too old for this shithole.

>> No.3028245


Go ahead, make a better critique than this:


Draw it up, and write it up.

Can you do it without copying anything that was already said?

Please, show us that you're better.

>> No.3028247

>tfw great redliners like teal left and we now only have retards eager to show off some stupid shit they read off an infographic

>> No.3028251

>100% convinced you can't draw as well as the person you're criticising
Yeah, that's a hallmark of maturity right there. You don't like me, so randomly criticize my ability to draw.

Here a book for you to read:

>> No.3028254

No. I'm not going to be goaded into your stupid little games. I have nothing to prove.

>> No.3028255
File: 1000 KB, 490x367, 1489787412307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hips are wider than shoulders on a woman

>> No.3028261

Who said harsh criticism was bad? Spreading trolling and garbage posting and being insulting and cruel, that's what was spoken against. Not honest criticism.

I'd say the critique you were calling down was pretty harsh/honest.

You know you're not fooling anyone here right? We know you're talking just for the sake of talking. If you actually were here for the art etc. you would have made your own critique, not wasted your time trying to convince people you were superior to them with your words.

>> No.3028263

Draw or give up, no one is convinced by your sophistry.

>> No.3028264

Exactly, you have nothing that you /can/ prove. Your all words. Your tearing other people down to feel better about yourself.

>> No.3028265

Even with, or wider. Y-yeah.

>> No.3028267

>convince people you were superior to them with your words.
See this? This is the problem with you retards. You're blind to your own ego and think this is about you, about someone trying to prove they're better than you, THAT'S why they're here ruining your good vibes. Wrong, the reason people can't stand your shitty redlines is because it's like watching retards smear shit on the walls with other retards in the room you're occupying.

>> No.3028273

I do still want an ass-kicking, but I just want them to know in advance I'm doing it for practice as well, not trying to pass of as a pro.

>tfw even still I don't apply (inverted triangle body type)

>> No.3028275

Criticism should never be paired with apologies and fake encouragement. It just shows how insecure the people giving the criticism are, and if the person receiving this treatment has any kind of self-awareness, it's incredibly condescending to them.

>You know you're not fooling anyone here right?
Maybe you should grow the hell up and stop basing your entire world view on incredibly simplistic stereotypes.
I fucking hate these arguments and usually don't have the stomach to go back to them a day later if the thread is still up, as they eat up both my time and mood. But this needs to be said, so people like you don't destroy the few positive qualities that still remain on this board.

>> No.3028277
File: 1.03 MB, 1200x1800, ttarms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for all the crit and help!
I'll try to apply these changes.
Even though I'm female, I have a hard time drawing hips/boobs that look good.
I'm having a hell of a hard time with this chick from Arms due to her proportions being so extra...if anyone can offer me a redline, I'd love you.

>> No.3028278
File: 15 KB, 186x292, 7e09437adf375b7efe7461881d7186ad4f657497a5d4a11aaa4ed7b2ee72a3da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.if anyone can offer me a redline
oh you

>> No.3028283

If you think that the only correct way of behaving in every situation is sycophanting niceness, then I strongly suggest you go see a psychiatrist. You're not well.

A lot of people react much better to direct and honest dialogue, and there's a huge problem in contemporary society because this is not recognized. /ic/ is one of the only art boards that provides people with this type of environment, and I'll be damned if I let you assholes destroy it.

The shitposting and trolling that goes on here certainly are huge problems, but that's literally impossible to deal with because the mods and janitors aren't doing their jobs. If people are given free reign to actively disrupt the board, there's nothing we can do about it. That doesn't mean the answer is to turn /ic/ into DeviantArt.

>> No.3028288

I know what you're thinking, but that's not it. Redlines help me the best, because then I can see how the pose should actually look that I'm aiming for and I redraw it :)

>> No.3028295

>If people are given free reign to actively disrupt the board, there's nothing we can do about it.
Exactly this, you delicate fucks need to learn how to ignore shit you don't like. You hurt the thread alot fucking more by replying to negative criticism

>> No.3028299

>you delicate fucks need to learn how to ignore shit you don't like.
So, if I look up "projection" in a dictionary, I'll find a picture of you, right?

>> No.3028302


Pretty sure you're all the same guy, but if if you aren't: >>3028277.

Discussion over. The actual artist who was looking for critiques was happy with their critiques.

>> No.3028303

I've just been watching the show, anon. You can take the good advice of this little 3rd party, or keep being a silly little bitch

>> No.3028305


That's what all bullies are troll believe but its not true. As much as you think, or maybe pretend, you like people pushing back at you it will widdle you down.

In the real world just two adults present would have stopped you from talking any further.

>> No.3028306

>The actual artist who was looking for critiques was happy with their critiques.
What does that matter, if the critique is wrong? It would be better if he was unhappy but actually learned something.

>or keep being a silly little bitch
So that's an affirmative on the projection, then.

>> No.3028307

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
There's that ego clouding your reality. You are so fucking delusional and stupid, reevaluate your life and how you got to be this way.

>> No.3028310

No one is stopping you from redlining if you have anything more than a hissyfit to contribute.

>> No.3028311

>Pretty sure you're all the same guy
You might want to learn how to check timestamps, dumbass.

>> No.3028313

There's a difference between real life and the internet. You're always going to have >>3028306's types, that just try to start shit at every chance from a place of anonymity. You're better off learning how to ignore it. Take from the critique what is useful, stop caring about the insults. You'll be better off in the end.

>> No.3028315

Huh? No. I have no idea what's going on with the drama?? I haven't even been reading any posts in this thread other than the crit directed at me from >>3028277 and >>3028277

>> No.3028319

Me redlining his art isn't going to change the problem I'm talking about, you deflecting cunt.

>> No.3028320

So, you're basically a child who thinks anyone who disagrees with you is a shitposters. Well, take a look in the mirror.

>> No.3028323

You are acting like a shitposter. If you weren't such a shit-stirring retard you would have realized that I was actually agreeing with you

>> No.3028324

>you would have realized that I was actually agreeing with you
So you're just shit at communicating then.

>> No.3028325

the hell does my post have to do with it?
I'm not even in that conversation

>> No.3028326

Meant to point back to this one (>>3027965), as it's mine too.

I skimmed some of the conversation. I don't mind if a redline is not 100% perfect. It still helps me because the other person may have seen things that I missed. Or something that I am particularly struggling with may be easy for the redliner, and vise versa.

>> No.3028328

I think the middle one was a mistake.

>> No.3028330

Or, you know, all of them. Only the third one is mine. You really don't know people, do you?

>> No.3028331

You weren't meant to be included in that post.

>> No.3028332

ah. okay then

>> No.3028335

I'm willing to bet you don't either cause everyone is anonymous here

>> No.3028341
File: 93 KB, 490x700, thisisntagameman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make drawer

>> No.3028345

I like the way you do hair
Mind reposting the layer picture you posted some threads ago?

Don't think necks bend that way.

>> No.3028348 [DELETED] 

The best part is I know who I am and I'm better than you. I'm smarter, I work harder, and I have better taste.

At best the only thing you can do is beg me to post my work.

It's going to annoy the fuck out of you. The only thing you have going for you is that you're too fucking dumb to realize where you stand.

Cus that's the best part. I DO know how much better I am than you. I could just prove it to you but we both know you'll just make up some excuse that I'm a photobasher or I trace because you're that delusional. You will tell yourself anything to make yourself feel better.

And that's hilarious.

>> No.3028351

The perspective on the eye and brow is different from the rest of the face

>> No.3028354

Why does the janitor not delete legitimate shitposting like this? Did the hiring team fuck up again?

>> No.3028358

Because of the cut off being equal at the bottom, the arm being overlapped by the breast doesn't mak sense, even if it did make sense in the actual reference.

I like your sense of appeal. The detail vs. space of the hair vs face, making elements black, having contrast for focal points, enclosing your figures, and using the circle.

It's all appealing stuff I like!

I would say the eye doesn't quite fit the bone structure you have there in that realistic face, it hands too low and makes it feel a bit jarring.

If you're going to make a larger eye for appeal I think it can still work but play with the placement. Perhaps it's just the eyebrow being too small or low or something. I'm not sure what, but SOMEthing is off in that area.

Also the chin line is just ever so slightly off from the joining jaw line, you will want those to line up.

Overall not much critique I could say about this, this is a very nice picture. It will look great when you fill in the background with color or value or whatever you're doing. :)

>> No.3028359
File: 52 KB, 171x174, vvcap 2017-06-19-20-01-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, now I noticed I said "black colors" I meant dark colors, I hope I didn't sound too idiotic.

So for a cel shaded style of shading I need a harder brush, I'll see what's at the CSP database, thanks!
I've used this for the for previews I used in my example pic.

Another example of what I want to achieve is Megumi Mizutani's style of shading, it's different from Ishikawa's, actually both styles inspire me a lot.


I'm sure this isn't something I can do with the default tools, the end result seems too specific.

>> No.3028361

have you ever tried to lick your own tongue? It feels super weird.

>> No.3028362

Thanks for the crits. Honestly, I had a hell of a time with everything you said. I just gave up and called it done.

>> No.3028364

well have you?

>> No.3028365

Yah, I've done that before. You get tired of working on it. I had a feeling you were aware of the jaw thing etc. probably everything I said. It's that kind of a piece.

>> No.3028368

Did you just critique your own picture, Jace? That Reddit spacing is exactly the way you usually type, as is your hyperbolic way of writing.

>> No.3028371
File: 168 KB, 490x700, IMG_1951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right this is going to be really subtle but, take the careful look at the neck chin thing. A lot of these fixes are subtle.

>> No.3028372

Maybe we both type similar because we're artists, I dunno. But one is me, and the other one is the other guy.

>> No.3028455

no, I didn't you stupid fucking retard.

>> No.3028482
File: 44 KB, 649x960, 19183982_1504996622854482_55848371_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to draw in the style of pic related
Its literally everything I ever dreamed of but I cant seem to wrap my mind around it

>> No.3028489

It's extremely stylized. I would start by practising things like Fred Flintstone, which do similar things it's actually in perspective despite being very 2 dimensional in design.

>> No.3028491

Learn shape design.

>> No.3028493


>> No.3028501
File: 409 KB, 649x960, IMG_1959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3028514

I literally fucking love you

>> No.3028516

<3 u too, that's why I do it.

>> No.3028518

That was meant for you. I accidentally linked to the other one.

>> No.3028521
File: 500 KB, 776x1125, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_amakusa_hidorozoa__306f0a80c2134e5d89b24928e96cb737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the clothing thou?
Even when I get down the body pretty well the clothing I draw always seems disjointed from the style the body is constructed in

>> No.3028527

Same guy here.

Just build it over top of the body. Constructed the same as you with the body, but over top. You don't even have to be that detailed about the torso and whatever is covered by the clothes, as long as the joint work/connect correctly. Try dressing a basic skeleton.

>> No.3028535
File: 445 KB, 776x1125, IMG_1961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is so much clothing in this example that it buries the underlying skeleton. But it's built up one small piece at a time. I'm sorry but I don't have enough time b4 bed to really do a detailed example of this to show you but hopefully you will get a rough idea.

>> No.3028627

>as I seductively hide my hand

>> No.3028752

I actually like this a lot. Keep it up.

>> No.3028955

new thread ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ >>3028954