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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3017278 No.3017278 [Reply] [Original]

>finally join a game studio in the art department like I always wanted
>honeymoon period lasts 2 weeks
>I fucking hate my job now

I can't believe I actually fell for this meme

>> No.3017280

work is work man

>> No.3017281

What's the problem then? Too much work? An annoying boss?
Once you get a paycheck you'd prolly fall in love again

>> No.3017286

You didn't know what you wanted.

>> No.3017290

Explain why you hate it pls. Maybe you cans till save some of us.

>> No.3017292
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>art director is less skilled than I am and his vision is one I disagree with
>work 60-70 hours a week
>most of it is painting trees, grass, barrels and other mundane shit when I am not painting shit like pic related
>no time to take private contracts and expand my network since no time anymore

probably shift to freelance one day and stick with it, don't think this is for me

>> No.3017304

Fight against your ego senpai, you have made it and only a lack of humility could harm your trajectory now. Listen and understand the art director, you can learn something from everyone.

>> No.3017309

>black rapper bishop
>peasant in torn clothes
>thicc tavern wench
>jewish blacksmith dentist
What the fuck are you making?

>> No.3017312

make good pieces on your own free time, some thing high level till eventually you have a solid portfolio and apply for better companies were your skills would be used better and better work environment ? try

>> No.3017316


it's not actually from the game I am working on, I wouldn't ever post that here especially in a whine thread, just examples of the kind of art seen in many mobile games

>> No.3017318

I'm doing 50 hours a week in a glass factory and every day I had to explain why the things the retards in management (who literally know nothing about glass) ask me to do are impossible.
Now I just say "yeah, sure" and then don't do it because I don't give a fuck.

Give it some time, you'll grow out of expecting people to not be morons or even expecting the pipeline to function or for anyone to even attempt to get their shit together. Then it's just another day at shithole inc.

>> No.3017320

>I wouldn't ever post that here especially in a whine thread
At least you're not a moron.

>> No.3017328

Do you at least get benefits like health insurance?

>> No.3017368

these are so fucking unappealing

>> No.3017386

I would also like to know this, just on curiosity. Always interesting to learn what life looks like in other industries..
>Also this.
That style screams tumblr. It is god fucking awful.
I feel for you OP, sorry you have to do that shit.
If I were in your shoes I'd try to keep my head down, build some time, get my resume out, and go somewhere else.
Your superiors are always gonna be shit, by the way. It's like that everywhere.

>> No.3017389

get better job

i wish i get more money than i do at my current job because i work too many hours for what im paid but im too lazy to update my portfolio ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.3017422
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>> No.3017454

art directors dont need skills. thats why they hire you guys

>> No.3017466

>makes it
>hates it

>> No.3017471

I'll never understand how /ic/ still has issues understanding that maybe people who are ranting on an anonymous board might not want to put their work on it.

>> No.3017472
File: 24 KB, 400x386, 9vklLXJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He fell for the art job meme

>> No.3017568


>> No.3018090

Chin up, its to pay for rent/food, get benefits, make industry contacts, and create a table work history. They arent paying you for quality work/creativity. Keep your resume/portfolio in shape and keep an eye out for a better opportunities.

>> No.3018752


Yeah Well I've been PAINTING BACKGROUNDS in flash for the past two weeks. Do you know how much it sucks to PAINT in FLASH!?

>> No.3018781

You seem a bit ungrateful.

>> No.3018805

This happens all the time. You just have to push through it, and try to at least make one personal piece a week.

>> No.3018827

Yeah, sometimes a period of regret just happens not necessarily because there's anything inherently wrong that's just too much for the person to deal with and find a workaround, but because it's simply enough of a change to disrupt/change the previous daily routine. How your body can react to change is sometimes no joke, even to seemingly innocuous changes.

People who get a new puppy for the first time can get this. Where after a short while they start to regret getting a dog, but if they wait it out for another 2-4 weeks and deal with the puppy without dropping it off at the shelter, they're back to thinking having a dog is the best.

>> No.3018945

>a stupid person
I hope you'll end up killing yourself before you have kids.

>> No.3019088

Stop complaining faggot, the most I get to do is draw little clip art assets for graphic design.

>> No.3019094

What were your expectations before you took the job, and how was reality different from what you imagined?

>> No.3019101

I'd say push trough until you find something better.
60 to 70 hours is a huge amount though, How many things could you be making a week?

>> No.3020438

Thread is useless without knowing how much you make.

>> No.3020600

>did freelance grind for a few years
>barely making rent even when sharing a place with 3 other people, always stressed, no social life, working long days
>get studio job
>never have to work extra hours
>good salary
>in a better city with more opportunity
>other artists here
>feel more fulfilled from work and get praised
>evenings and weekends are completely free
Fuck freelance. The "freedom" that comes with it comes with a heavy price. Studio life is so much nicer.

>> No.3020607

I'm exactly in that freelancing situation, how was your experience getting to work with a studio?

>> No.3020611

ikr, like a literally price in $, and weekends

>> No.3020620

I applied whenever I saw an opening and checked various sites daily that would list the positions at various companies. Usually you don't hear back, but sometimes they will give an art test if they are interested. I passed the art test and did a couple of interviews then was offered the job.

>> No.3020626

>art test
What are those like? Do they just ask you to draw something on site or give you an assignment?

>> No.3020632

After signing an NDA you are given an assignment and a time limit. In my case I think I was given two weeks, but I handed it in after one week.

>> No.3020654
File: 1.03 MB, 1500x1006, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was the asignment PLEASE

>> No.3020668 [DELETED] 

did you not read he signed an NDA? he cannot lawfully tell you that.

>> No.3020671


Not the OP (just some randomer). You can often find art tests on the company websites and on art forums.

Wayback Machine is your friend as well. Young companies (before they made it big) often had art tests on their websites publicly displayed. Find them out and any company that is no longer around.

Polycount also tends to have people posting them and their progress through them.

>> No.3020819

Wait i think i know you , if that's your art, i saw you draw that on twitch?

>> No.3020954

is there a reason theyre making you make the extending eye smaller?

>> No.3020978
File: 457 KB, 592x700, feng jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurr durr be a wage-slave and spend 12 hours a day producing trash
Great advice, faggot

>> No.3020980

Do you know what an NDA is?

>> No.3021252

Is there a name for this? I get it and it ruins my life.

>> No.3021274

Are you the guy that told us about this "good news" in a certain chat server last time? Sad to know that our dream jobs aren't as good as we thought of, but apparently almost no jobs are satisfying nowadays

>> No.3021289

Not OP but those hours can be pretty common in the game industry, though usually when a game is about to be pushed out/crunch time.

>> No.3021292

Just give us an example of what it was like idiot, we don't need to know what it was exactly.

>> No.3021340

>finally get great freelance offers
>sabotage myself because I took on too much work and I'm too lazy to work 12 hours + a day
>end up fucking up two projects

I have no idea why I do this to myself. Something's fucked.

>> No.3021387

dang, where i live that workload is illegal, nothing more than 38 hours a week can be requested by an employer.

>> No.3021397

What chat server?

>> No.3021442
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>Be amateur
>Have zero knowledge of what my job entails
>Get hired as novice
>Bitch about "muh superior vision" on anonymous japanese image board
>why am I not designing the main character ?
>why am I drawing low-key props
>why is it a full time job
>wtf I'm a true artist

You are fucking retarded. You either buckle up and change your dumb ass mentality or you will be fired and never work in the field again.

>> No.3021447

>get a shitton of frelance work doing what I (used to) love
>completely burn out on drawing to the point that thinking about it makes me nauseous

>> No.3021466

Because dumbfucks sometimes do. That, and dumbfucks also make mustard gas on this site by accident and nearly kill themselves because people tell them how to make 'crystals.'

Maybe we're all just hoping that you're a big fuck-up so we can get a nice little laugh at your expense.

>> No.3021471

This, holy shit. It really surprises me how unrealistic /ic/'s expectations are for the art industry.

>> No.3021620

Discord, anything more than this might reveal too much information for OP

>> No.3021632


>> No.3021930
File: 9 KB, 287x244, 1305890151100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he doesn't, stop being a bootlicker. A person is entitled to their opinions especially when they are a skilled individual with taste working for a company that produces mobile shovelware. It's only malcontent that will eventually get him where he really wants to be. Or is a person really suppose to be happy the one thing they liked enough to get good at in a competitive field is being put to use in a shit job where even if he moved up the ladder he'd still be at bottom wrung company? How much lower down is he suppose to go to be allowed 'ingratitude' and if gratitude is what he's suppose to feel at this shit job what is he suppose to feel if he gets his dream job?

How about you eat shit and be grateful for it.

epic projection dude.