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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3013776 No.3013776 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me what makes some paintings so inherently medicore?
The merc_wip valley of medicority, what gives it away?

>> No.3013778

Regurgitating things. Spacemarines. Anime. Blizzard aesthetic. SJW tumblr stuff. A lot of people who create things are very inbred with their ideas. Those who appear creative probably have other interests, which they incorporate into their art.

>> No.3013779

Novelty is inherent to entertainment. Failure to entertain while remaining technically sound is mediocrity.

>> No.3013783

> implying merc_wip is mediocre

>> No.3013787

That guy either has been genetically engineered to grow a giraffe neck, or someone needs to pick up an anatomy book.

>> No.3013792

what about his shoulders and hips?

>> No.3013794

His head has obviously been removed from his body and attached to that silver thing which can fly around like a UFO and attach to various mechs and other vehicles. Don't you stupid fucks know anything about Merc Mechs™?

>> No.3013795
File: 65 KB, 564x798, 3c5f138ec2288976e6478f2eecd8979a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who spend most their time doing studies or reading books on art will end up creating boring or mediocre designs.
And based on the mindset that the majority of ic subscribe to that you need to study before trying your own stuff no good designer will ever come out of ic.

>> No.3013797

its the lighting. the lighting. the lighting.

if you do not have the lighting correct then it will look wrong.

>> No.3013822
File: 157 KB, 1219x837, MyProgress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We're in 2017, medicore is trendy right now. Contraction of medical and core, medicore's manifesto says the movement is trying to heal the souls of /beg/inners through the sheer use of fundamentals alone.
Creativity or innovation is looked down upon, the more cliche the better, as long as the anatomy would fool a doctor.


The Merc was clearly above mediocre if we compare it to the average /ic/ user. People may call it uninspired (very Cliche, has a bloodied knife despite his Big Gun, stands there doing nothing, he just misses a dead bunny's head attached to his belt) but it was a study so the subject shouldn't matter that much.

I think it clicked with some of us for two different reasons,
> First is shitposting
The Merc was used by someone who wasn't the author and claimed it his own after someone told him to post his Work. Top quality shitposting, being re used endlessly since then.

> Second, because we identified with the artist's struggle
In a way this involuntary masterpiece begs the question:
Is this what you try to achieve, do you even remember why you took a pencil long ago?
Is this all there's, I began drawing Space Marines and now I'm a grown up and I'll do that all my life?
I would go as far as to say that it would've been forgotten immediately if it wasn't so good. It's because it's technically ok that it forces us to question ourselves.

I still haven't found the answer to the Merc_wip's Riddle. I'm searching.

>> No.3013833

Any good books on lighting?

>> No.3013838

Merc wip was shit because it looks like something the artist forced himself to do. Its something you cope with when having a job at a medicore shovelware developer.
But drawing poorly lit bland and muddy mercanary men is the new "drawing a basket full of fruit" shit that people did ad nauseum because they assumed their teachers wanted to see exactly that shit when they applied to art school.

>> No.3013859

Color and Light by James Gurney

>> No.3013862

Scott Robertson's Rendering and whatever.

Construction heavy but it gives you what you need to know.

>> No.3013868

I use the exercises for inspiration

>> No.3013921

Being full of memes/ tropes

>> No.3013936


Post your work.

>> No.3013942
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>> No.3013958

I believe this.

>> No.3013962
File: 542 KB, 1500x1348, daniel-chavez-cardinals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha no i'm bad, but here's a guy that's self taught and unless he was lying when i asked him he hasn't really read any fundie books such as loomis, hogarth etc.
He's a lead concept guy over at studio 343 known for making such classics as Halo 4 and 5 and imo he has some of the most interesting designs in the industry.

>> No.3013982

Daniel is truly an exception. He had mad skills even as a teenager and you rarely saw him doing studies.

>> No.3013989
File: 283 KB, 1600x720, doug_chiang_the_phantom_menace_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doug Chiang, also self taught.

>> No.3014004

I love you

>> No.3014019

>Daniel is truly an exception. He had mad skills even as a teenager and you rarely saw him doing studies.
Elaborate on that

>> No.3014040

Not to meme but it's lack of fundamentals

If the drawing is not good including shit like bad pose or ugly / boring composition, it's going to show through hours and hours of rendering

>> No.3014043

self taught =! has not studied

>> No.3014049

Doug learnt most of what he knows while on the job. There was no equivalent of any robertson books at the time, but of course he read a few perspective books.
What im trying to get at though is that the majority of ic is fucking stupid and think everything can be solved by reading a book or have someone guide you through a video lecture.
great example >>3013833

>> No.3014052

Creativity. Or rather, lack of it. All the rendering in the world won't make merc wip not boring.

>> No.3014056

Absolutely but like everyone else he likely had someone mentor him or at least give him advice

Being able to study on books is great, let's not dismiss it just because /ic/ is full of workshop groupies

>> No.3014059


Don't assume that he's a newcomer to rendering, he's likely trying to connect to the dots. It's never stupid to learn or ask questions, it's always smart to utilize every resource to solve your issues.

What's silly is trying to reinvent the wheel.

>> No.3014061

Books are great for things you don't know how to do, duh.

You find inspiration for exciting designs, not all inspiration is art.

>> No.3014068
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If you read my original post mate, I'm saying that the people who study BEFORE creating instead of after or at very least during creating are doomed to create boring looks results.

>> No.3014159

it's generic

>> No.3014167

is this supposed to be good though?

>> No.3014171

It is good.

>> No.3014174


>> No.3014183

>you rarely saw him doing studies

What? Most people don't share their studies on a regular basis. They're not intended for any other audience but yourself anyway. I pretty much nuke everything I do by the time it's done but that doesn't mean I'm not doing it.


>> No.3014188

are we looking at the same art? looks like something out of rorschach test. what makes it good? or is it just the company name behind it that makes it good?

>> No.3014193
File: 218 KB, 900x703, alien_diplomat_bust_in_zbrush_by_crimsongear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an alien. It's supposed to be strange.

Though you would probably prefer a safe and generic design like this. It can't be helped, not everyone has good taste.

>> No.3014196

Whats wrong with it, those are some good books.

Especially the Micheal Hampton book. Its one of my favorites.

>> No.3014200

those designs aren't really that good

post the butterfly people

>> No.3014208

Wow you guys are fucking stupid.

>> No.3014210

i'm sorry you think some folded over paint splashes are good and that the only alternative must be a 3d head downloaded from turbosquid somwhere.

>> No.3014219

it's not bad, it just doesn't say much

it's a big hulking alien with random colorful rock/whatever patterns jutting out of it

post the butterfly people

>> No.3014224
File: 55 KB, 322x232, cumstain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3014707

ah thanks, i did wonder what was the meme with that merc wip
still seems forced but we gotta have our in jokes i guess

>> No.3014710

it has no story

>> No.3014936

I like that you took an extremely bold statement, but I'd have to disagree on the point about people will create boring/mediocre designs if they spend most of their time on studies/reading books on art. Yes, it's true that studies/readings may hinder creativity by presenting extremely rigid form in their teachings and, or, studies. However, personally, I believe that the main point about learning from books and studies is to grasp the understanding that there are more than one way to go about it by studying different sources/readings from different artists, and once in awhile, adding your own style to it after grasping onto the expansive fundamentals of drawing. Therefore, studying and reading different material provides more knowledge of different expression of said drawing fundamentals and perhaps, more. Yes, it may take hours, days, months, or years, but if one is passionate enough to strive for the top, those hours, days, months, and years will be worth the practice. No, I correct myself, it will be worth the knowledge.

>> No.3014956

overcomplication through too much contrast
Lack of unique subect matter or personality
bad composition