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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 413 KB, 600x600, thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3008998 No.3008998 [Reply] [Original]

QTDDTOT: Questions that don't deserve their own thread.

>> No.3009004
File: 856 KB, 917x1400, 61142396_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love drawing and I've always used a No. 2 pencil and paper. However, I want to start drawing with a more serious kit.

Is there a "drawing kit" of the essential tools someone can recommend me? Preferably from Amazon.

>> No.3009012

When some one say NGMI is in an offensive manner?
Or in which sense they use it?

>> No.3009014

Yeah, they're saying you're being a scrub bitch with a scrub attitude that's gonna lead you to stagnate. Whether that's ego or laziness or whatever.

>> No.3009020

Steal printer paper, use pencil.

One step above is something like
Any pencil

>> No.3009025

its a meme and you lost to the troll by asking this question. NGMI.

>> No.3009030

I mean, I lost for asking what they mean by "Nutritive Greasy melted Ice cream?

>> No.3009034

How do i fix this? sai isnt detecting the pressure from my pen

>> No.3009044
File: 4 KB, 484x34, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.Make sure sai isn't the problem (brush itself, engine)
.Services restart
.Wacom uninstall reinstall make sure you've got the right x64 version

You can try to see if it works at any step.

>im not wacom
Kill yourself.

>> No.3009051


>> No.3009177

What about pencils of different shadings?

>> No.3009186

tutorial for lineart in clip studio please,

>> No.3009197

dude you fucking suck you said it yourself. Worse case scenario just make sure you get a pencil that goes dark enough, the rest really doesnt matter. i produce stuff to the upper limit of my ability with office pens, and my only big gripe is i have to do everything between values 0 and 5 but it doesnt matter that much.

You can look at your H and B's or even mechanicals, just take anything you like, its preference.

>> No.3009201
File: 84 KB, 806x800, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but if you want to really be meme'd you can always check what was recommend by the sticky.

>> No.3009203
File: 38 KB, 450x495, 1451354390800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i produce stuff to the upper limit of my ability with office pens

The upper limit of your ability? Is it any better than the half-assed doodles you post on here?

>> No.3009206

post your work my dude!

>> No.3009207

How do I feel the form?

>> No.3009208

think of it as drawing by mass addition, or by following the infinite contour lines. If not, just go to vilppus channel or ask your mom. What a dumb question.

>> No.3009212

The subtleties about digital art look absolutely fucking disgusting to me for some reason. overlapping brush strokes, lack of texture, obtuse gradients, and the nearly non-existent color ramping; these are some of the problems I think I am identifying with my very minimal expertise on this subject. I don't even say this with some kind of pretension that traditional art is the only true art or crap like that, but it just looks like many of the digital pieces I see strike me to be very ugly.
I have noticed that less reliance on digitization of colors ends up looking better in some many digital pieces (as in all the colors in the piece were handpicked beforehand, with little to no use of gradients or the like).

Am I the only one who thinks this? and are there steps or techniques I could take to make my art look more traditional despite being on a digital medium?

>> No.3009780
File: 13 KB, 142x250, 1494804277403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude you fucking suck
>I produce stuff to the upper limit of my ability with office pens

Holy shit my sides.

>> No.3009836

post your work :^)

>> No.3009881


>> No.3009895

Is there a discord group?

>> No.3009896

He has no finished work on there, it's just eyes and crap. His other work is just tired out wannabe realism busts that looks so stiff and belongs in the trash

>> No.3009907

5 of em in the sticky.

>> No.3009910


Oh, NoseBro. Is that your dismissal to everything?
Art skill at this point doesn't matter when you're a dunning kruger with a god-complex who gets his dick hard by claiming you "don't use references."

Maybe you'd gain the right to ask for someone's artwork if you actually fucking tried to improve.


Here, anon. You really won't expect much from a blog full of unfinished sketches and subhuman heads / expressions.


>> No.3009925

>gain the right to ask for someone's artwork
is that how you rationalize being deathly afraid to share your work?

>> No.3009929

I don't see any discord links, man.

>> No.3009946
File: 64 KB, 789x639, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3009955

Can someone explain the whole "Moleskine" meme to me?
Why do people need to list that with every drawing?

>> No.3009958
File: 4 KB, 200x252, 1494471432832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3009983

Marketing, "everyone uses it, so I want one too", that kind of stuff. Moleskine is quite the brand. It's also a bit more expensive sketchbook you can get.

>> No.3010012

Is there still a sale on clip studio? Can't find it anymore so I assume I missed it

>> No.3010029
File: 13 KB, 350x247, 1409601032831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll take that as a no.

>> No.3010037

Should I mess around with brush opacity and flow while painting?

>> No.3010040

Ended two days ago, wait a few weeks. It goes on sale all the time

>> No.3010073

ill take that as a " i actually suck too much to post"

>> No.3010080
File: 270 KB, 800x544, message.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i make my lines cleaner like some other art i see?

>> No.3010081
File: 90 KB, 404x316, 74e67033765086.Y3JvcCw2MzgzLDQ5OTYsMTQ2NSwzODkz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this art i mean

>> No.3010105
File: 111 KB, 640x960, comics-van-gogh-art-future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you know if you are bad, or your art is just Missunderstood?

>> No.3010110

you have to kys to find out

>> No.3010113

Kick your Sunday?

>> No.3010116
File: 370 KB, 3200x1800, angry-gordon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Take it however you like, I already know you're too stubborn to accept the reality you've been doing the same half-assed doodles for like two fucking years and even if I was KJG it wouldn't get your head out of your ass.

>> No.3010117

Post your art and we'll tell you

>> No.3010122
File: 1005 KB, 826x1600, 4bbbc0a5d0043825e7e8417809f8a4a8[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kick your sundae*

>> No.3010125


Also prove me wrong and post an actual finished piece instead of a sheet of half baked faces and awkward poses.

I want to like you, Nosebro, but you never put your money where your mouth is. You 'post your work' but it's the same old crap that probably took you 30 minutes (at least I hope so). You show next to no fucking effort, but spend so much time trying to give advice.

>> No.3010137

Cross-posting from the other thread...

"Amateur/Starting artist here, decided to transition into digital. I've got some questions.

-Photoshop or SAI? I've got access to both but I wonder which will make my transition less (painful) and will help me the most at it.

-Do you guys have any recommended coloring tutorials? It looks so complicated to work with layers and such.

-Any good starting tips?

Sorry if this isn't the correct thread to ask these questions and thanks."

>> No.3010194
File: 28 KB, 420x307, 267735AA-12A4-4ED4-AF3C-B32A14B76911-434-000000B2610BD135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll spare everyone from another "how long 2 git gud" thread by containing my post here.

i've recently turned 26 and feel that time is catching. i have maybe two years at most to fully dedicate to studies before it's time to find a real job, depending on how my plans for school go. ideally, my goal would be to paint at the level of pic related before i'm 35. what realistic expectations can i set for myself? my current skill level is so low i would call myself an absolute beginner.

>> No.3010200

If you're an absolute beginner and want to get to that level there is a long road ahead of you. I think you could do it in 9 years, with a lot of work. You're 26 but don't have a real job?

>> No.3010204
File: 51 KB, 400x400, Animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /ic/ think of my animation?

>> No.3010232

years of severe depression + disability have impeded advancements in life. it's only this year that i've tried setting a path to graphic design as a stepping stone for a career in art. my parents can only support me for so long.

>> No.3010236

meant to quote >>3010200

>> No.3010237

The spinning box is quite nice.

The two objects don't really seem to influence each other?

The ball I find a bit weird. At the start of the animation it looks like it's like a water balloon, very stretchy. Then it fall down, but it looks like the ball already anticipates hitting the ground and starts to flatten in the air. After it flattens and gets back to ball shape, it jumps up a little. With it looking like it's very stretchy, it would suggest to me that the flattening would have taken most of it's energy. After the jump it gets back to a perfect ball shape. Again with the state it started in, it would feel to me like it wouldn't really have that perfect ball shape when resting on the ground. The animation feels unnatural to me.

>> No.3010298

Thanks. I see what you mean. I also started noticing that the timing for the "Squash" of the ball and box is off. The ball retains it's shape faster than the box. I feel like it would look better if they both deformed and snapped back at the same time.

>> No.3010335

No, there's no official kit. Buy what you use and like. Try some different values of lead, instead of HB, and maybe upgrade your paper to bristol.

I don't understand the incessant need for hand holding here. Once I knew art supply stores existed, I've been buying my own stuff for years, if you're even half an artist, you should be well aquainted with any in your area.

Art is about exploration, go explore some art supplies, instead of asking for silly "official" kits, which don't exist. What, we get a license in art, and get issued drawing kits? GO BUY SOME PENCILS.

>> No.3010342
File: 147 KB, 736x1021, Alan Lee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pencils don't always have to "go dark", that's a beginner belief. Harder grades of lead will have a higher value for it's darkest value possible, and that can be used for effect in subtle drawings, where you don't want the full 0-100 range of grey.

You should have at least 2b, 1b, HB, F, 1H and 2H lead/pencils, and be familiar and comfortable with all of them, and have a good idea of when and where to use them all.

Attached is a piece by Alan Lee, who is using several weights of lead - 1 or 2h for the dress, 1b or F for the shadows.

If you don't know who Alan Lee is, find out. He's one of the best draftsman in pencil in the fantasy market, and most of the Lord of the Rings movies are based on his work.

>> No.3010346

It's meme of sorts. I've kept several drawing books in my backpack for years, never know when the urge to draw will strike. I keep a small one by my phone at work, and doodle on phone calls, especially conference calls.

>> No.3010348

Yes. They're both crucial for blending.

>> No.3010350

Or common sense. I have an entire career of art I could post, but nothing attached to my name will EVER be posted on 4chan.

And, "show your work" is the refuge of neckbeards who refuse to admit they're wrong. It's dick measuring at it's worst, and childish.

>> No.3010352

What's your aim? If you want to do cartooning/anime type stuff, SAI, it was made for that market. More realistic stuff? Both are fine.

Coloring can be done in any number of ways. Some people use layers. Some paint on one layer. Try all techniques and see which one you like. YouTube has thousands of tutorials.

>> No.3010355

It's possible, if you're dedicated to art over a decade. There's no way to know, if you have any talent for it, if you pick up new stuff easily, or anything like that. A lot of the masters started the more important phases of their careers after 10 years of complete dedication to it, some didn't start their important phases until closer to the last half of their careers. Everyone's path is different.

Also, what are your goals? Illustration? Game design? Working as a painter, full time?

It's impossible to set expectations at the very beginning. You have to try, before gauging your talent and passion and confidence.

It's like putting someone who's never skiied at the top of a mountain, and they ask "Will I be able to win races in 10 years?"

>> No.3010460
File: 287 KB, 386x500, noesbro with his gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is nosebro a troll, shit at art, or both? he seems to critique people way to much, when his art is bottom tier shit.

>> No.3010475

He's in denial about how bad his work really is, so he's 100% serious about the critiques he gives

>> No.3010530

>there are no lines in nature
what does this mean

>> No.3010547

Who said that? That's horseshit.

>> No.3010551

I have the same question. I'm new on this board but I keep seeing the NoseBro shitter comparing him self to other people that are 100 times better than him, and calling people who are his level shit. I've also learned he's been drawing for 3 years, I've been drawing for 5 months, if in 31 months I draw like NoseBro I'll never draw again.

>> No.3010554

it's true you plebeian

what you see is only shapes of color. lines are implied between them but they don't actually exist

>> No.3010572

Everyone, at every art-school ever? It's common sense. There are no lines in nature, there are illusion of lines.

>> No.3010581

First time getting high?

BTW, it's "plebian". Pay more attention in English class, dummy.

Now, that's enough (you)'s for you.

>> No.3010582

Do any of you lovely faggots know any sfw Tumblr blogs that post pictures of men?
I follow a nifty seifuku blog but any male equivalent that I tried to find has been gay porn.

>> No.3010583

What are you talking about? Ants make lines. Ducks make lines. A caterpillar is a line. And snakes and worms. The vasculature on an arm or a leaf is lines. There's tons of lines everywhere

>> No.3010589

Filter and hide all namefags. How new are you?

>> No.3010591

Nonsense. Shadows create straight lines. Multiple plants have straight lines in their leaves. Crystals grow in straight lines, and even have 90 degree angles. The horizon line. Bamboo grows straight. Rays of light. Streaming water, from a height. Strands of a spider web. Needles on a cactus.

The whole "no straight lines in nature" is late night dorm room debate bullshit.

>> No.3010593

art to me is a hobby to sink my time into and achieve something i've wanted as a child. i've decided what to devote my life to after going through a crisis the last time i tried college. professional goals would be whatever opportunities come up along the way.

>> No.3010601

every single example you said is a shape of color against another shape of color having a border. the limit between said shapes of colors may imply a line but it doesn't exist

>> No.3010603

hiding comments online, lul what are you too pussy to handle criticism?

>> No.3010610

Nice try nose fag. Your criticism is more garbage-spewed-from-the-mouth than it is helpful. There's plenty others here that know more and aren't bitter faggots

>> No.3010616

If it looks like a line, why is that not a line then?
Your reasoning sounds kinda retarded bro

>> No.3010617

Don't you get the point, though? It's not that everything is curvy, it's that LINES are symbols we use to represent how we see things. Let's use the bamboo example. You look at the bamboo and you see mostly 2 parallels line and circular shapes on the top and the bottom, a cylinder. But you know those are not lines, cause it's a fucking object, not a picture, you can turn it around and that "line" is gone, it will be replaced by a new one. It's not that it disappeared, it's the angle at which you see it that gives you the impression that line actually exists, it's an edge, not a line.

This is why the whole concept of drawing from life even exists. You learn not to draw lines like in a photography cause there are none, you create edges with contrast.

>The whole "no straight lines in nature" is late night dorm room debate bullshit.
You literally never took an art class, yet you are trying to disprove something that is universally accepted, using flawed arguments on a chinese cartoon imageboard. Fucking google it, nigger.

>> No.3010634

Dude, i have a degree in art, and I've been working professionally as an illustrator for 25 years. Don't lecture me, kid, you have NO idea who you're talking to.

Your bullshit, psuedo-intellectual nonsense is something I laughed at in art school, long before you were born. It was poseur bullshit then, and it is now.

>> No.3010636

>everyone in the world is wrong except me cause I can't grasp a simple concept
>what the fuck is an illusion, the way I see it is the way it is
>herp derp u all pseudo-intellectuals

>> No.3010667

I have no idea how to make CSP work right.
No matter how I try to adjust brushes they always feel like shit compared to the ones I made in Sai.
Even though I made a short cut for a new layer, every time I press it brings up a pop up about it that I have to mainly click through the options voiding the entire point of a fucking keyboard shortcut and I can't find anyway to save my preferences for the layer.
Also the "Start CLIP STUDIO" button just doesn't work and I can't find any one else who has this problem.
Can anyone help me out with these problems, especially the last two?

>> No.3010690
File: 186 KB, 638x878, EPSON005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is shadman guilty of something and what can i learn from the situation??

>> No.3010719

eventually my rendering skill will be high enough that within my lack of willingness to put more time into work ill have decent products. Last time i finished something was when i did my transition from cel shaded to painted a year and a half ago

>> No.3010734

>You learn not to draw lines like in a photography

lol what

>> No.3010743
File: 41 KB, 185x104, Tumblr_mmo7gmW0Cu1s452pko1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move one to draw in photoshop ,i am already used to make line in whitout stabilization but i still using magic wand method like the one that i usually use in SAI, soo idlike to ask some question
>how to learning value , and maybe some book or something?
>do you coloring greyscale with brush or just using selection tool to coloring?
>do you work the grayscale in several layer?
>do grayscale is a spoiled method?
>if yes , what the best method ?

>> No.3011121
File: 115 KB, 1024x680, 33693536115_e2369dc216_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a way that I can mass download reference from New Master's Academy?
I wanna keep these references for when my subscription wears off but it's gonna take an eternity downloading them manually.

>> No.3011131


Do you english? I didn't understand half of those questions

>> No.3011133

The DownThemAll add-on for firefox works well enough.

>> No.3011213

i live in freakin third world asia country
the thing is
>How do i practice grayscale? grind many reference?

>> No.3011220

Grayscale is good method once you understand how different layer types affect your values. Though I would only recommend you use greyscale if you're a very meticulous person who likes to plan out what they're doing in advance. If you're more of a go with the flow type of painter then you should just go straight to color. Whichever method you choose doesn't really matter as long as your forms and values are correct.

>> No.3011223

You should review the fundamentals of lighting and then do form or figure or buildino or whatever studies paying keen attention to how the lighting behaves around the form as you paint it. Look at something and ask why is this like that.

>> No.3011224

Can digital art look like a real painting does? I've seen people claiming that there's no difference but all the digital art posted here has that distinctive gloomy feel to it, is that just an stylistic choice or does all of them end up looking like that regardless of the artist style?

>> No.3011277

Have you ever looked at traditional art on your digital screen? Did it look like a real painting? It should because its a photograph of a real painting, but digitized... So within the limits of digital media and disregarding artist skill level, you CAN make digital art look like a photo of a real painting- which could just as well be interpreted as a real painting.

>> No.3011364


Any particular style of traditional painting you're thinking of?

>> No.3011366

But can a real painting look like digital?

>> No.3011370
File: 65 KB, 411x412, 1495057908513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadman is guilty of being a godawful artist. He drew porn of his own mother. What kind of shit-sucking, yocto-penised, rectally prolapsed, FSoG reading piece of garbage do you have to be to sink THAT low?

>> No.3011374

Not really is just that the digital ones always have those brushes that out them as digital like this one >3008937
I don't know much about how it works but is it doable with the tools that a digital artist has? It must be different to convert something to create from scratch but I do understand that it must be possible in theory

>> No.3011377

sorry this is meant to >>3011277 too

>> No.3011381

And I linked that wrong, I should kill myself now

>> No.3011400

what are some good inking pens irl and at a good price? I have faber castell but idk if I need to get better or i'm not getting line weight because they aren't the right ones to use

>> No.3011402

Micron, of course.

>> No.3011405

What is the best website to have a portfolio on? All I have is instagram and deviant art but D art is too cringy for me to want to link people to it

>> No.3011407

Faber castel .001 tip

>> No.3011427

and what would be a good size for a sketchbook?

>> No.3011440

Depends. Whatever is most comfortable for what you want to draw. I have an A6 sketchbook for in my pocket when I'm out and about. An A5 sketchbook for when I'm outside and I want to get more serious practice in. An A4 sketchbook at home for practice behind the PC. An A3 sketchbook to take to figure drawing classes.

>> No.3011443

I mean the pen size

>> No.3011448

I usually pick a size that fits the paper. I would just buy a couple sizes, try them out and see which one you're most comfortable with. Pens aren't too expensive.

>> No.3011477


What's a good resource for drawing and shading with fine point pens?

>> No.3011480


Show a pic/webm of what it does and we could probably answer.

>> No.3011527


If you can't even finish a fucking drawing perhaps reconsider how qualified you are to be giving advice and telling people they graduated from the beginner thread when you're still pretty much a beginner.

And your rendering skills won't go anywhere if you never fucking render anything.

And no, nobody needs to post their work to tell you that.

>> No.3011704

I'm considering signing up for online courses for some critique and actual guidance. I've looked into sites like CGMA, Watt's Atelier online, and smART school. Does anyone here have any experience with these programs and if so do you recommend them?

>inb4 just read the sticky lol
I've tried teaching myself, and I'm tired of being mediocre. I want to learn from a professional how to draw like a goddamn professional

>> No.3011986

Is character design the most contested field of concept art?

Is vehicle design nearly as competitive? Machine/mech stuff?
Is that a viable thing to pursue? I imagine it is but I want to know if anyone knows more than google tells me.

>> No.3012282

After installing the latest windows 10 creators update the performance of the zoom tool in clip studio is suddenly REALLY choppy where as before it was perfectly smooth. What the fuck is this? Everything else seems fine, but I'm sure there will be more performance issues uncovered. Fucking microcock

>> No.3012436

Anon, all artists are self taught, even the ones that go to school. The only way to get better at art is by practicing it yourself, teachers are only their to teach you what you need to practice.

Answer this: How long have you been trying to learn on your own? and, How many hours a day do you practice on your own? If the answer to the first is less than a couple years then you lack persistence, if the answer to the second is less than a few hours then you lack focus. If that's the case then a school will not help you!

>> No.3012483

>teachers are only their to teach you what you need to practice.

Not him, but that's exactly why they're useful.
A good teacher will tell you what you're doing wrong and put you on track to fix it. It just cuts out a lot of the uncertainty that accompanies self-teaching, and makes sure you're not enforcing bad habits out of ignorance.
Nobody thinks getting a teacher magically means you don't need to practice on your own.

>> No.3012484

How do you fagets make stable lines on digital media?

>> No.3013076
File: 84 KB, 1785x1280, img00333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going back to loomis again because i feel i lack fundamentals and moved on from it too quick, but im not picking up anything from the book about drawing figures in perspective/with foreshortening/from different views. i want to learn the basics of how to draw a person from low or high view, doing any pose, foreshortening limbs, etc. besides loomis, are there any guides that can teach me how to draw in different perspectives/foreshorten? something simple for my simple brain, but something effective and that isnt just a gimmick for one pose.

>> No.3013321

Anyone know any good art podcasts/vlogs/alternative content outside of tutorials or speed draws? Only one I know of is the Doodle Doods series on Game Grumps (yes I fucking know I have shit taste, you don't need to tell me)

>> No.3013604

Different person here but, shading with pens involves the same basic techniques as shading with a pencil. Go look up "hatching", "stippling", and "crosshatching". If you want to draw with a pen, draw with a light pencil (but also soft and easily erased) and ink it (trace it). Wait for the ink to dry and erase.

Earlier in the thread there was a post about the different pencil ranges from 2H to 2B (can go up to 8B) the Hs are harder and lighter in color, I find them maybe a little too hard with my grip as they could leave indentations in the paper. B-8B is too dark and will most likely not erase. A good pencil to use for sketching is maybe an HB, F or your standard pencil.

Buy a good eraser. different erasers have different strengths. You want to research them to see if they either are too hard and tear the paper, or are too soft and break apart or not erase at all. I've found that a pentel plastic eraser does a pretty okay job, but my favorite one is a sliding faber castel one because it's distinct enough that I won't lose it. I also was pretty partial to faber castel's dust free eraser because it could remove quite a bit of pencil and get into tight corners, but it tends to crumble.
For pens, starting out you can pick up some Pigma sakura microns in a set for pretty cheap. The nibs go down to a .2 mm nib, but don't have a lot of in between sizes. They also split after a while and the cheap price is good when you want to replace them. Pigma sensei's "manga" pens aren't that great and I personally didn't like prismacolor's pens (lack of small sizes for fine details). Be weary when mixing these because not every black is the same. Some pens also have a rainbow sheen to them such as sharpies. As a safe measure, you might want to get the kinds of ink that are not water soluble.
The only other tip for inking with pens to to vary your line width to give the picture some variety and visual interest. Line thickness can be used as a method to express shadows.

>> No.3013605

why am i excited to study and learn but feel resistance when putting the pencil to paper?

>> No.3013609

Also, when inking, use long stokes and try not to stop along the way. The pen will leave either a trail (stroke that becomes smaller and smaller because you've lifted off the paper) or a circle at the end of your stroke (because you've held the pen in one spot too long and the ink is spreading through the paper's fibers) and you need to be weary of that.
Use your whole arm to ink in fluid motions and don't rub the pen back and forth on the paper, that's how you break your nib and leave little little splotches on the corners of your lines from the ink spreading.

Have a test sheet of paper of choice with the pen you want to use and test any pens you've bought to see if they bleed. You can also do this on the back of your hand for a more extreme result.

>> No.3014509

Is talent real?

>> No.3014511
File: 12 KB, 237x229, gdrGE6R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you spend weeks working on a large detailed piece and nearly finish it, but realise your construction is wrong, do you finish it, or cast it aside and start working on the next piece where you can focus on improving your construction?

>> No.3014515

You start the piece over from scratch, correcting the problem, getting back to where you were quickly because you've already figured some other shit out, and it looks better because it is more decisive since you already know where you are going.

>> No.3014518

This >>3014515
It'll be worth it in the end.

>> No.3014527
File: 1.59 MB, 1720x1236, eart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a fucking drawing?

>> No.3014537

Thank you, senpais. I put so much time into it that I didn't want to have to do it all over again, but I'm more certain now that I should put the time in to improve.

>> No.3014538

It could be, who knows. Murata definitely has the skill to pull it off, it could be some 3D too. He could have had someone else do it.

>> No.3014540

probably a mix of things. looks photobashery ish.

>> No.3014544

I find it insane how it looks so round even by just looking at the center. Makes me fucking wet, I don't know how I could ever make something like that.

Also the "roads" captcha is about to give me cancer.

>> No.3014613

So, I'm from /tg/ and I didn't really know where else to ask this. I've been trying to find advice and information on sculpting female torsos, but usually I just end up finding "Draw the rest of the owl" type shit and work-out videos.

I know this board has more of an emphasis on drawing or painting, but like I said, I'm kinda' out of ideas.

>> No.3014666

Why do artists tend to get depressed so often?

>> No.3014667

Because they're fucking poor.

>> No.3014668

because satan keeps pestering us

>> No.3014673

Are there skilled artists here who completely ignored the sticky entirely?

>> No.3014674

No. That's why you have to read the sticky.

>> No.3014841
File: 107 KB, 618x394, bleh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way of working on an idea from your imagination? I find that I have a lot of drawing ideas but I can't draw them on paper the way I want to usually.

>> No.3014863


it depends on your workflow and goals really, but in my experience imagination drawing is especially a place where you want to be able to get good at quick gestures/thumbnails.

You can knock out 5-10 iterations on concepts / poses etc in 30 minutes and then refine a favorite

Once you've got a good concept don't be stubbornly averse to using refs to help refine the idea.

>> No.3014878


There are probably skilled artists here who were skilled before they even saw the fucking sticky.

The sticky is useful for a bit of direction but certainly not a requirement.

I think probably most skilled artists who came to /ic/ as a beginner have at least looked at the sticky, though. Most people with the drive to git gud capitalize on resources that help them get there, which says less about the sticky being the magic ticket and more about artists with a drive making use of the materials available to them.

Also Nosebro has presumably read the sticky and look where that got him.

>> No.3014925

I'll try working on more iterations then, thank you.

>> No.3015033

>Also Nosebro has presumably read the sticky and look where that got him.
and promptly ignored it ya.
i like this enough that this is official content despite being a mockup.

>> No.3015040

I need to make a portfolio to apply for a university, but I'm so scared of being rejected, I've procrastinated for months, only drawing unusable garbage. There's five days left, can I still make it?

>> No.3015041

no lol

>unironically going to art school

>> No.3015043

the thing I'm studying now allows me no time to draw, so going to art school is more of an excuse. Can't go the neet route

>> No.3015045

>im a retard

just take the scenic route doing a 3 year program in 6 and you can have 20 hours extra for drawing every week.

>> No.3015049

not sure if that's actually a thing in Germany. The place I go to doesn't offer such an option.

>> No.3015063

get a normal program and drop half your classes every semester. there you go ;)

>> No.3015381

I want to do Illustrations on paper (pen + marker), what kind of paper am I looking for? Would appreciate any help.

>> No.3015441

What advantage does a screen tablet give over a regular tablet?

>> No.3015444

I want to go to a life drawing session, but I'm still underage and the models are nude. Am I allowed y/n

>> No.3015465

You're not allowed in this website.

>> No.3015489

At what point should I switch to digital? I want to get into digital painting and I'm learning to draw right now. Should I wait until I can draw good first?

>> No.3015513

Wait until you have a good line control. Switching to digital when you are still chicken-scratching will slow down your learning speed, you'll get so used to Ctrl+Z that you wont stop using it and will never improve

>> No.3015519

I posted this in /beg/ as well but it's ambiguous enough to justify asking here: What defines the difference between a good and bad reference picture?

>> No.3015548
File: 923 KB, 640x360, 1454995999823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how often do the more experienced artists drop by to help in /beg/?

how do you know if you're ready for the draw thread?

>> No.3015584
File: 130 KB, 1026x574, reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you draw these, which one do you think will get the best drawing?
there's your answer

>> No.3015593

Got an LG tablet got nothing and it has a stylus so Ima use it as a drawing tablet. What program should I put on it and where do I get said program? Sticky is blank about this but seems to suggest photoshop.

>> No.3015602

>how often do the more experienced artists drop by to help in /beg/?
>how do you know if you're ready for the draw thread?

>> No.3015607

shill thread shill thread where are you?

>> No.3015637

ibis paint x is a fantastic one. Also make sure you get a nice stylus. I posted in another thread that I liked the disc stylus used in this video:

This is also the ibis paint youtube channel so you can see all the features.

>> No.3015766

Thank you! How will I know when my line control is good enough?

>> No.3015771
File: 1.17 MB, 1156x1000, sample-406f6b085c6a30c1bbcdb8c781a5ff8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of brush is that? How can I make my line art look like this?

>> No.3015774

edit "spacing" on your brush. as well as that dual thing function. There's tutorials on how to edit a normal hard round to have a more traditional, organic look.

you fucking loser.

>> No.3015779
File: 52 KB, 400x400, Nice Anatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you draw a simple line without lifting your pen multiple times? pic related, chicken scratching, its what you will want to avoid

>> No.3015780

>How can I make my line art look like this?
Be Japanese.

>> No.3015836

thanks <3

>> No.3015837

Depends. I've heard of underaged people going to nude figure drawing. It's best to ask the host first, so they can ask the model if they would be okay with a kid staring at them. And perhaps the host wants to ask your parents what they think of it. I think it really depends on if the model is okay with exposing themselves to a minor.

>> No.3015843

With marker, probably smooth paper. I like to go with around 120 to 160 gsm if I won't be using anything wet.

>> No.3015863

Thanks, gonna check it out

>> No.3015930
File: 194 KB, 444x597, Screen Shot 2017-02-10 at 22.58.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been using a Intuos S for a few years, and only used small tablets. Been thinking of upgrading, but not sure if a Intuos L would too big of a difference, or if a Intuos M would be enough.

>> No.3015946

You need to check with the studio hosting the class. Different places have different age limits.

>> No.3016183

How do I get an imagination?

>> No.3016186

I buy into the hard work = creativity theory.

Wanna be a writer? Write every day. Wanna be an artist? Create something every day. If you sit around doing exercises hoping some day ideas will just jump into your head from heaven you are NGMI.

You gotta constantly express your self through a certain medium if you want to be able to come up with ideas for it. Doodle every single day of your life. Doing Loomis all day wont exactly boost your creativity.

>> No.3016244

How to I stop making hard-surace objects from looking so sterile and more interesting? Organics I can understand fairly well and there seems to be a lot of wiggle room. Hard surface stuff looks so out of place when I paint it, it's ridiculous.

>> No.3016535
File: 404 KB, 2560x1440, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First time around /ic/, read the sticky links and looked around the catalogue, but couldn't find: is there a good torrent/mega with the books mentioned in the resources that I can use to pirate them?

pic unrelated.

>> No.3016542

cgpeers, buying the books is better though

>> No.3016545

Read books, look at art, go outside, that stuff gives me ideas
Nothing is original, feel free to take inspiration from anything

>> No.3016546



Ah. I have a cppersia account, but I lost my cgpeers one due to inactivity. I guess I'll have to wait for invites to open.

>> No.3016555

there is also plenty on piratebay or something like library genesis

>> No.3016556

M is just the right size, a lot of people say L is too large for them. I can only recommend M, super happy with the size.

>> No.3016562

why does it hurt to live

>> No.3016564

art is suffering

>> No.3016585

Look at site like Pinterest from time to time, it helps

>> No.3016707

Anyone know about the Cintiq Companion? I want something to take with me to and from art school.

>> No.3016948

Why is it so much easier to notice something slightly off about a face compared to bigger errors somewhere else on the body?

>> No.3016983
File: 157 KB, 945x1293, 6Bpencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap charcoal pencil recommendations?

>> No.3016995
File: 77 KB, 540x652, tumblr_nzofwtpLtV1qdemtho3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for inspiration, do any anons know of female artist that draw sexy/nsfw art? Mariel is one of my favorites.

>> No.3017017

Hamashima Shigeo has drawn porn for a bunch of eroge. You can actually buy them if you like her art style.

>> No.3017027
File: 55 KB, 512x384, 9-003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any experience in trying to recreate this sort of low quality look? Are there any filters that help get the job done?

>> No.3017045
File: 85 KB, 656x960, 19113703_1897989823775504_2308944299151245759_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does pic related done by sakimichan and most of her drawings in the past months for that matter look like the work of potential ghost artists she could've hired?

I have an jelly issue that i struggle to get over it, maybe some of you can shed some light better since i'm biased towards it.
There are some hints here and there that she doesn't even draw anymore and everything is done by a team of chinks behind the curtains, based on the speed of these drawings being put out and sudden raise in quality over the garbage that she put out last year around this time.

>> No.3017053
File: 280 KB, 534x700, hdstdy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any tips for more appealing brushwork/rendering or what seems to work for you? I try to follow the general guidelines (large brushes first, use soft edge brushes sparingly, follow the form with your brush) but I always hate how it ends up looking

>> No.3017057

wow man you DO sound jelly as fuck
look at her speedpaint videos if you wanna see how quickly she works (its actually really fast, so im not surprised she manages to put out so much work) i dont care for her either way, but she does her job and she does it well. i dont understand why people have to get so angry over another weeb artist actually getting lucky with their work. her being successful doesnt stop you from being successful.

>> No.3017064

And newfags always seem to be ignorant of how long she had spent being popular on DA before patreon even existed. No one's going to say she's the best artist or that her work is even that memorable, but she was business savvy enough to hit on what a certain audience wanted and capitalized accordingly.

>> No.3017094

What's a good way of resolving burn-out.

>Done nothing but studies
>Try to resolve to do just finished work for a while
>Completely blank/Anything I try is shit within the first 30 seconds
>Feel like I won't improve unless I study more
>Feel like studying hasn't resulted in meaningful gains

>> No.3017097

Study from observation and drawing from imagination are two distinct skills you have to build up, even if they feed into each other. Is it such a surprise that if you don't work a muscle it's just going to stay as it is?

>> No.3017103

>i see you lookin at me, gimmie yo ass nigga

>> No.3017159

What's wrong with using the airbrush tool?
I see people talk negatively about it sometimes. I think makes things so much easier.

>> No.3017161

I think it*

>> No.3017173

Because beginners often abuse it and it ends up making everything look textured like smooth and hard plastic unintentionally

>> No.3017185

When you overuse the airbrush tool, you end up with a painting with poorly defined edges.
As long as you use a hard brush along with it, and you make sure to define edged, it's fine.

>> No.3017816
File: 170 KB, 720x540, bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you draw backgrounds/enviroments?

>> No.3017905
File: 908 KB, 881x1397, entrance_right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the grainy effect in this image achieved?

>> No.3017930

texture filters.

>> No.3017952

Sorry for the very ignorant question, but let's say I just want to draw anime-like stuff. I would be fine with not drawing realistic portraits and things like that.
Is the sticky guide still a valid path to follow? Right side of the brain, Loomis, will they be the foundation anyways?

>> No.3017990

paint on watercolor paper

>> No.3018042

What makes a drawing cute?

>> No.3018075
File: 204 KB, 600x252, 1467974587931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3018088

yep they're a good foundation anyway, loomis is especially useful for animu

>> No.3018101
File: 421 KB, 974x1715, magical girl base.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is going to be a very weird question, but what are your opinions on comics that are purely in a chibi style? I've been coming up with a good plot idea and drawing out a lot of characters for my story but I don't see many chibi comics so I'm not sure if they are very popular?

pic above is related, a 5 minute sketch

>> No.3018275

you still have to know basic anatomy. there is now way around it.

>> No.3018278


>> No.3018286

Just started with Keys to Drawing, I have a little problem, in the excercises there are some time estimates as to how long it should take you to complete the drawing but for example with the green pepper one (1-c) it says 40 minutes but I spend like 20, I make sure to draw with care to detail but I still do too little time

>> No.3018293

I've been drawing mostly studying references and a bit of life, then looking at a bit of anatomy and doing figure drawing. I'm getting a lot better at copying things and making them look at least sort of realistic.. but I have a problem, I completely suck at drawing without reference. I mean, I guess I know the theory of constructing a head, but I can't "see it". They don't even look human, it's really frustrating. Should I grind Loomis until I can actually get it right? Is it more important or just as important as knowing how to replicate? I saw that Proko video and I've been fucking panicking. I don't wanna end up like him.

>> No.3018309

celica from fire emblem

>> No.3018312

Having the same issues, something that seems to be working so far is breaking down the figure into parts like drawing just the arm, leg, torso etc. And I would practice drawing gesture and mannequins.

Not saying for you do the same, but just break things down to a digestible level for you're self seems to work as you aren't focusing on the entire figure or head all at once.

>> No.3018316

link to video, and why does it make you panic?

>> No.3018320

What are values?

>> No.3018322 [DELETED] 

I think this is the video he was talking about.

>> No.3018323


Look at this shit. This is a guy I thought of as a pro, someone that draws hundreds of times better than me. I don't wanna spend years and years mastering the craft of drawing and then not be able do anything half decent from imagination. We got cameras for that.

The thing is my main problem when drawing from imagination is locating things. I can draw "only an eye", and make it look half decent, only a nose, only a mouse.. it's constructing it, make it look all as part of the same face, giving it perspective.. those are my issues right now. I mean, I expect to be bad since I'm a beginner, but not as bad as I am right now, or compared to my studies.

>> No.3018567

Any tips to for practicing stippling?

>> No.3018569

I know that, I just want to know if it's a popular enough of a thing to risk putting so much time and effort into it.

>> No.3018596
File: 307 KB, 640x640, 1496712130020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good book on anatomy to study a bit everyday?

I have experience with figure drawing and proportions, but I keep forgetting the more specific muscle groups and fucking up proportions in more dynamic poses.

I'm copying Bridgman's Constructive Anatomy, but I feel that I'm missing a chunk of knowledge to be able to integrate what he's teaching into my work.

>> No.3018633
File: 13 KB, 600x650, 1466133803832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did vienna of fine arts reject hitler because hitler was a graffiti artist?

>> No.3018735

How do I hatch something without having it look hairy?

>> No.3018742

I work retail part time and struggle when it comes to finding time to practice. Majority of the time I just practice for about 1 hour at home and doodle/ sketch at work with a small blank pocket book when ever I'm on break or have nothing better to do. Does anyone have some advice when it comes to managing your practice time in conjunction to a non stable work schedule?

>> No.3018754

Try getting up a little earlier (just a little for like the first few days, 15-30 min.) and do practice before you have to go to work.

>> No.3018757

Will do. Thanks!

>> No.3018763

that type of comic and an actual story dont really mesh together i dont think
youd usually see chibi stuff on a 4koma with some kind of joke/punchline on each page like a newspaper comic

>> No.3018846
File: 662 KB, 1816x1356, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YA'LL WHERE CAN I FIND HYUNG TAE KIMS ARTWORKS IN HD, ive been looking everywhere wtf

>> No.3018848


>> No.3018855


>> No.3018953

I want to draw in loose gestural way, will using clean line work go against that? Maybe I'm just bad, but it feels like it stiffens it

>> No.3019364
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x1920, 1497212054651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I achieve great lineart and rendering like this?

>> No.3019381

Lots of drawing milage
Lots of practice with edge control

>> No.3019408

I don't care if there's a penis. That is a thick girl ass, and I'm gonna fap to it

>> No.3019409

How do you achieve edge control?

>> No.3019411

You practice jerking off and stopping just before you cum.

>> No.3019414

do i have to use my own porn or can i use others'?

>> No.3019417

I don't think it's gay if it's thick

>> No.3019425

Seconding this question

>> No.3019429
File: 38 KB, 374x499, 51t3mG6LCXL._SX372_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Michael Hampton's book, it helped me a lot.

>> No.3019438

Adding to this, I tried this book out. It was neat, but it had too much reading in my opinion

>> No.3019439
File: 227 KB, 1198x1600, 50fba1bcee6fe261c16df58b2d141228[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic

>> No.3019442

>how often do the more experienced artists drop by to help in /beg/?
Pretty often, but not often enough. This forum is like the rest of 4chan - a couple of serious students, a couple serious pros, and the rest are shitposting memelords farming (you)s and just trolling, posting the same comments and questions in every thread.
I tried, but I'm giving up. Sorry for all you serious students, but this is the wrong place to learn art. Find a better forum, or go to school.

If you want to answer what the deal is with moleskins every day, you're in the right place. Learn art? Good luck with that.

>> No.3019446

Sigh. "Smooth paper" is like saying "wet" to someone who's asking what the best water is.

What you want to look into for that kind of work is bristol. You can get it hot press (smooth), or cold press (rough), it's thicker, so it will hold more ink and not bleed through or make the paper come apart from too much ink.

It's not super expensive. Get a pad and try it. If you want a super smooth finish, just get hot press.

>> No.3019450

Wrong. The images from that game are all obviously digitally created - and they used a paper texture, not a watercolor texture.

They applied a texture layer over those areas in Photoshop or whatever app they were using.

>> No.3019455

Alright will do, thanks a lot!

>> No.3019508

does anybody have that study schedule image, the one with the different books and what to practice? been looking around but i can't find it to save my life

>> No.3019594
File: 190 KB, 800x1224, 46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ I'm going to be doing a half an hour of fundamentals for a day and going to see my results, whats the best way to practice 30 minutes of


Basic shapes
Anatomy and construction
Light and value

pls help

>> No.3019597
File: 738 KB, 646x437, 1458540984906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the link to that website full of nothing but candid pictures of people's faces in public? I think someone posted it a while back but can't find it for the life of me. Want to do some face studies

>> No.3019663

Hi, d/ic/ks I just wanna know how the old ones study human anatomy I mean, before Loomis and all that basic shapes thing.

>> No.3019671


They went grave-robbing and cut up the dead bodies in their cellars.

>> No.3019688

why the fuck does my brush lag after every fucking time i press ctrl z on photoshop? fucking piece of shit program

>> No.3019692

The Greeks and Romans looked at athletes and drew at stadiums. Renaissance was probably getting models and looking at life too. Still applies to now, only difference is they've made it easier to consume and so it doesn't take twenty years to learn human anatomy. People can understand that within a few months. Power of education.

>> No.3019695

Just draw and as long as you remember to take these into account, your understanding of them will improve.

>> No.3019697

Does anybody have any real advice regarding

Also more specifically, can someone point me to any helpful resources regarding edge control?

>> No.3019699

Search up kyle's rendering tutorial and he teaches you how to render like that. Line work is about line weight and how forms respond to line. Lines are thicker in areas of shadow and thinner in areas of line, sometimes to the point of having no line. Edge control is just about how to render things like the basic forms, cube, cylinder, ball, cone, etc. The different sides of a cube have a hard edge so you can tell them apart. While a circle has no hard edges and only has soft edges that create a gradient.

>> No.3019704

>look up kyle's rendering tutorial
>all the images are dead
god damn it

>> No.3019705

I'm still just trying to figure out basic beginner shit and get comfortable drawing basic forms from multiple perspectives. The big thing thats fucking me over right now is uh

So when you can only see one face of a cube the silhouette is smaller than when you can see multiple angles. How the hell do you determine how large the size difference is? I want to be able to draw boxes of a static size at different angles

>> No.3019706
File: 23 KB, 469x500, 1488411094351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gouache or watercolors, which is better to learn first for a beginner

>> No.3019709

now, see, your overthinking this mate. its not a matter of mathmatically determinig exactly where the shadow is bassed on the angle of visualization given the angle and dynamics of the plane by which the shadow is visible. you just need to get good at visualizing boxes and shadows and shit. like, go out into the world and look at lots of boxes, and look at how they cast shadows. or in your case look at boxes where you can only see one face. after you see enough boxes you should start developing a visual library and instinctively know where the shadow will be based on your experience

tl;dr get gud son

>> No.3019857

Because you probably don't have enough ram, or scratch disk space. In rare cases, it's the video card overheating. I won't go into why, because you probably wouldn't understand it.

Give it as much ram as you can, and set teh scratch disk to a different volume than the OS is on, and make sure it's set to 3x's the biggest file you work on.

If that doesn't cure it, it's drivers.

>> No.3019861

Guache, because you can work opaquely (solid paint over solid paint). Watercolor works from light to dark, and is a different headspace than other mediums.

>> No.3019871

where the fuck do you noobs get the idea you should be painting in gouache from, it's like the worst option in basically every situation.

the answer is acrylic paint, i know it's not romantic but if you want to learn to paint it's what you should use.

>> No.3019874

Why don't people like acrylic? It looks nice.

>> No.3019888

i assume because it's newish so you can't conjure images of 19th century noblemen painting en plein air sketches on the banks of the river seine in acrylic paint. or something like that

>> No.3019902

It dries pretty quick (even with the use of retardants) and when it gets a little dry it feels kinda like you're moving plastic-y gum around on the canvas. I got used to it but when I first tried it I hated the feeling of painting with it compared to gouache or oils (and I was shit at all 3 of them at the time).

>> No.3019903

Watercolor is one of the most difficult mediums to handle well imo. I think goauche is good since you can't blend easily with it and it forces beginners somewhat to not rely too much on blending everything to hell

>> No.3019906
File: 63 KB, 736x1271, 2461f27f70ce2511bb3d05fd54fce808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing figure sketches like -

> 10 x 30 seconds
> 5 x 1 minute
> 2 x 5 minutes
> 1 x 10 minutes

- one thing that's messing with me is, up to which point should you just do an expressive, loose sketch and where do you start actually constructing the figure, aiming for some accuracy? I get lost inbetween the two, trying to be too precise with the 30 second ones and too loose, too sketchy with the 10 minute ones.

I mean the obvious answer is 'figure it out', and i'm trying, but hey maybe someone has a word of advice or something.

pic not mine, obviously

>> No.3019938

Any tips on writing short comics?
Do they always have to be funny if they are less than 10 longs?
Can you make a serious comic in that time and are there any exampls?

>> No.3019956

30s does more harm than good for me

>> No.3019959

how do i stop from smudging all my drawings with my hand by accident?
am i just supposed to learn to tilt my hand up so it doesnt touch the paper? because that gets exhausting after a while

>> No.3019961

stops you from overthinking it. helpful, for me at least

there's gloves for that; or if you wanna be cheap you can just rest your hand on a sheet of paper. ofc you have to make sure you dont move the damn paper around, then, or you'll smudge your drawing all the same

>> No.3019965

your hand shouldn't be resting on the page, so it shouldn't be a problem, although given how /ic/ is these days i'm sure someone will tell you you should buy a special glove, because doing things correctly is a meme.

>> No.3019966

>your hand shouldn't be resting on the page

You're just making up memes arbitrarly now, it's not even funny dude. Stop.

>> No.3019971

please don't sabotage the younglings, they won't know you're joking and they'll smear their dirty hands all over the page, then next week in this thread we'll have

'hey how do i paint without getting paint all over my hand, i know lifting your hand off the canvas is a meme but it really messes up my painting? what are the most youtuber anti-paint-smearing gloves?'

>> No.3019973

i agree if you're doing sketches or stuff where your hand+arm is and should be moving around a lot, but for rendering/shading?

>> No.3019976

kek'd at the thought of some poor soul crouching over a tiny canvas toiling away holding his large brush like a pencil, paint fucking everywhere

>> No.3019983

How do I get discouraged less easily?

>> No.3019985

Believe in yourself

>> No.3019989


Take insults and critcisms as a challenge. Build up a fire that needs to prove everyone wrong. It's a pretty universal thing among succesful people - at some point they were told that they will never make it and that they are too shit at what they are doing and should just give up.

I bet your art is shit though.

>> No.3020022

There are smudgeguards that only cover you palm and pinky and ring finger. Or take any old glove and cut holes for the first three fingers.

Alternately, consider drawing with a easel. Drawing while standing is really where all those suggestion about drawing with your shoulder is most applicable.

>> No.3020537

When should an artist set up a patreon? I want to set one up but I don't want to look like I'm desperate for money (even though I am).

>> No.3020540

What are good specs for an art computer?

>> No.3020541

When you have big enough of a following

>> No.3020547

When I play video-games like CS:GO or LoL and people call me shit, I get better in that same game. I get fueled by rage, every cell on my body is burning with passion to prove a stranger on the internet wrong. Just apply the same to drawing. When you post something on /beg/ and people tell you to KYS get MAD.

Don't start flaming like a moron, but use that anger to practice more and smarter and prove everyone wrong. You really have to long for that satisfaction of one day drawing something amazing and showing it to everyone that told you you couldn't do it and laugh at their dumb fucking doodles. Give a big fuck you to the world, to your parents, to God, fuck everyone and prove the universe wrong, laugh at the notion of "talent".

>> No.3020549

People always say good pen strokes are supposed to be long, but they never say WHY?

>> No.3020593
File: 43 KB, 960x540, Digital-Portrait-Painting-of-a-Woman-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing, painting and doing art for my whole life. In the recent years I've really been interested in digital painting/drawing, but I just haven't gotten around to actually do it.
Which tablet should I get as a beginner, and should I start with photoshop (I think it was 12.99€/month with a one year contract) or is there some good alternative to get started that wouldn't be so expensive.
I applied for a school to become an industrial designer, so the tablet+photoshop would probably be beneficial for that too.

>> No.3020742

I don't like how acrylics mix, and you can't blend and layer acrylics like you can with oils. Acrylics are too bright, too. It's very hard to be subtle with acrylics, they're more suited to modern art than traditional painting techniques. Acrylic paint was developed as house paint, and thats what it always felt like to me, using.

>> No.3020743

Put a piece of paper under your hand, or a ruler.

>> No.3020753
File: 148 KB, 327x338, 1492838854361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for photoshop

pirate it

>> No.3020763

how do i git this gud at figure drawing

>> No.3020796

Krita is like a free photoshop, Clip Paint Studio is like a 50$ bucks photoshop, both are supposed to be very good, and if you download plugins and brushes and shit they can do all photoshop can.

You're thinking about paying 136 euros to own nothing, dunno man, leasing software sounds pretty dumb to me. If you wanna invest in photoshop and not pirate it, then at least just buy the damn thing and have it forever.

>> No.3020946

Why does that cintiq have so much fucking wasted space

>> No.3021042

Who was the "Loomis" before Loomis?

>> No.3021050

>just buy the damn thing and have it
I would, but I'm pretty sure they don't have it as an option anymore. Everywhere I looked I just saw 12 month subscriptions. It seems like all Adobe stuff comes through the creative cloud thingy now and you have to pay monthly.
It feels dumb as shit to pay that much for something and in the end not even own it

Thanks for the advice though, I'll look into Krita and Clip Paint studio

>> No.3021061
File: 163 KB, 600x600, 36549679b09934327b51430bc8c4ee97-da7hedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone recommend a video course or something for studying colour? Something that covers everything related to colour and how it works, how it interacts with environment\composition, how to pick colours for dummies etc.

My folder with study material is a complete mess, hoping maybe there is some decent all-in-one something out there.

>> No.3021081

I downloaded CS2 off of Adobe's site for free a long while ago.

Granted, it's CS2 so it's fuck old, but it was free

>> No.3021137

I think the free cs2 download has ended. The links all directed me to the catalog.

I think I'll buy photoshop elements 14. Seems to be enoough for a beginner and the lisence is only 50€

Haven't pirated anything in a few years. I have a job and money, so I don't really need to, nor do I wan't to.

>> No.3021147

Really? I can still download the exe fine

>> No.3021156

Thanks Anon!

>> No.3021164

>Edge control is just about how to render things like the basic forms, cube, cylinder, ball, cone, etc. The different sides of a cube have a hard edge so you can tell them apart. While a circle has no hard edges and only has soft edges that create a gradient.

How does that apply to drawing more complex things like humans, though? I understand how light affects cubes, cylinders, pyramids, cones, spheres, etc, but I have no idea how to apply that to organic stuff like humans and animals

>> No.3021231

How many layers do you usually end up with at the end of finished lineart?
Should you aim for as few as possible?

>> No.3021249
File: 24 KB, 404x350, 1455909499663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck is my pencil arm so weak and imprecise what the fuck it wasn't like this last time I drew a few months ago

>> No.3021308

>muscles are round, so they can be rendered like spheres
>bones are hard, so anywhere where bones are more prominent can be rendered like cubes

>> No.3021634

Don't buy anything until you get accepted at a school - you're eligible for student discounts on hardware/software, especially Photoshop.

If it's going to be a while before you know, get a cheaper Chinese brand tablet, and a free drawing app like Krita or Sketchpad Pro, to get started with.

>> No.3021834

I found a wacom intuos draw small for 50€ and it comes with clip paint studio. I figured that would be a good place to start. 60€ for the photoshop elements doesn't sound that bad to me if I feel like I need it.
Also the photoshop subscritpion for students is the same as for everyone. You get the discount only on bigger software bundles.

I'll know about the school on the 30th this month, but honestly I've been wanting a drawing tablet for ages and for some reason I've been procrastinating on it, so I think now is the time to do it.

>> No.3022400
File: 808 KB, 793x1000, waves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know that Chinese (impressionist??) water colour painter who just paints waves, beaches, sea shore and shit with really nice sea foam.
Something like attached pic but heaps better.

>tfw Chinese but can't for the life of me remember Chinese names