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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3007106 No.3007106 [Reply] [Original]

Ive been doing multiple 10 hour sessions for a week and honestly sick of drawing, especially the same subject matter (anime girls), and keep making sloppy mistakes left and right cause i just want to see the end result because i have a dead line.

How the fuck do professionals do this without blowing their brains out? I guess its interesting that you learn something new with every new line you put down, but now i just want to rest.

>> No.3007133

> Getting tired of drawing anime girls
Get out. Just organize your time better, I could tell you something draw related but you should learn your sleep cycle, eat healthier, excercise enough and learn to distribute your time in time periods where you can reach efficiency of attention

>> No.3007156

If you can't make deadlines you need to find a new job.

>> No.3007160

>How the fuck do professionals
protip. Many pros spend weeks on single illustrations. Even shitty pic related manga drawings.

>> No.3007182 [DELETED] 

I don't understand why so many people cant make a deadline. If you, the artist and them the client agree to a deadline. It's your complete responsibility to make that deadline. It's not fucking rocket science here. You made a deal, don't make deadline you can't keep. If this is too hard for you to make deadline, find a part time draw because your work ethic fucking sucks.

>> No.3007197

I don't. I spent 4-12 hrs per piece.

I listen to cool music & set a timer to work in periods of 30mins.

OP just has a mini-burnout. This is more of a personal issue, imo. Time to take some breaks, be self-compassionate, force a smile and just let life flow.

>> No.3007206
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Unless you're under strict supervision (like you enrolled in FZD) forcing yourself to do 10 hour sessions seems like a good way to make you burn out fast.

You might want to do long drawing sessions but the brain is a stubborn cunt that will only allow you to concentrate and absorb so much information until it gets tired and convinces you to do something else. Try cutting it down to 4 hour sessions for awhile so you can mentally re-cooperate.

>> No.3007207
File: 83 KB, 640x480, om_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're sick of drawing anime girls try drawing mechs. Juxtaposition!

>> No.3007211

>How the fuck do professionals do this without blowing their brains out?
Because they enjoy the process, not just the results.

>> No.3007244

Post work.

>> No.3007301

>I don't. I spent 4-12 hrs per piece.
We never spend $100k yearly on artist to work 4 hours a day or per piece. People here work get feedback and produce single artworks over longer periods of time.

OP should learn to endure the shit and produce shit. Not sketch some 4 hour speedshitters.

>> No.3007329
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I know those feels OP. Here are some thoughts.

Not all art takes the same time. Some concept art paintings must look finished in an hour. Others require a week of daily painting to be presentable. That depends on the client and on how much you're getting paid.

For anime art, some artists like born-to-die complete their colored pieces in like 2 hours, but it looks kind of generic. Other artists take 6 hours just doing the lineart. This guy here completes a figure in 10 minutes. He doesn't even bothers sketching or constructing. He jumps to the conclusion.

One important part of production is to have all the variables scripted. Let me explain. If you want to pump out art you don't have the freedom to figure out the color palette or the perspective, or what type of pen to use or what colors to choose, what resolution to use, finding the textures. Everything is already chosen beforehand and you cannot change it when you're in production.

Think of it like McDonalds. Everything is built to follow a pipeline so that even retarded teenagers can complete the task.


>> No.3007332

Yeah, I only earn ~20k a year. Still a professional though.

>> No.3007337
File: 685 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled_Perspective_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, mangakas have an absurd amount of shortcuts. Most take photographs of places or 3D models instead of thinking the composition and then trace them. It's way faster. Books are sold in japan that have thousands of poses for actions. Hundreds of reference books just for uniforms. If you don't know the pose, just act it and take a photo of yourself.

There are two steps to art. Deciding what you want to do and then complete the art. You have to automate both.

Pros have perspective grids like this one so that they don't have the luxury to think on where to put the horizon line and stuff. Color palettes are preset by color palette generators. Everything is already laid down and decided before the real work.

Once you know what the drawing is, rendering and polishing are next.


>> No.3007353
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On to surviving the grind, we talk about ultradian cycles.

>"The basic understanding is that our human minds can focus on any given task for 90-120 minutes. Afterwards, a 20-30 minute break is required for us to get the renewal to achieve high performance for our next task again."
Read that again. We can only focus for 90 minutes. If you exceed yourself the working becomes exponentially more difficult.
Like sleep, if you skip 1 night you think you're fine, but skip 2 and you're in hell. Lack of rest accumulates.

When you don't have the energy to focus but you're still trying to focus, you burn your energy 3 times as fast. Art is a question of energy, not time. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon. If you burn all of your creative energy in 1 hour, the next 8 are going to be hell. You have to hold your powerlevel back so that you don't run out of fuel.

Art doesn't benefits from extraordinary effort, but from more time. More time always makes it better. Adding more time changes things, it's not a linear function.

So resting and managing your energy is very important. Take some rests every 90 minutes. And resting doesn't means internet, videogames or fapping. It means resting. Resting is god. The artist of GOLGO 13 has been making manga since 1968, and he has a giant couch dedicated exclusively for napping besides his desk. I suspect that its one of his most important tools.

Also as Feng says, working on multiple projects at the same time matters a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPzEKlT7EKI Since you're managing energy, sometimes jumping to something completely different refills your tanks.

Another thing is cutting all the energy drains. Demotivating information is extremely damaging. And social media of videogames might feel very good, but they also drain your energy like crazy.
Makes me wonder what the heck am I doing in this board again.

>> No.3007440
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thanks for the info /ic/

Also, its for a comic. And im not hired. Its my own promise to finish shit on time.

thats actually how i do it. its not that that artist or me is skipping construction, its more that all the bridgman and loomis knowledge is all my head and the construction is all mental for line economy and speed.

Im no where near good enough to post on ic though, lol.

>> No.3007485

Do you mind providing a source to that video. Also, great advice.

>> No.3008024


>> No.3008285

anyone tried amphetamine? dont wanna get addicted so havent tried, but i can be productive af the days after a trip

>> No.3008571
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>Its my own promise to finish shit on time.