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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3002584 No.3002584 [Reply] [Original]

Mods when?

>> No.3002594

>Mods when
probably never, excuse me while I make 5 more shaman threads

>> No.3002600

the vast majority of comments are both
also offensive is subjective, in theory anything can offend anyone, especially relevant with criticism.

>> No.3002611

We need these rules to expand into blogposting as well. Comments like "cute!" or "blog?" should not be allowed, we're not here for nice little asspats or to shill ourselves. Offer some kind of critique, at least let the artist know what you think they did well and what you liked about their illustration instead of just giving out a one word response.

>> No.3002615

Are you mad that nobody has said either of things to you when you post work?

>> No.3002625

Fuck off back to your tumblr safe space


>> No.3002633

Yes and no. I don't like the way they clutter up the threads, and I find it obnoxious when I post for critique and all I get in response is people asking for a blog or leaving some inane comment. Tell me something about my work! Talk to me! The normalization of these kinds of posts makes this place, especially the anime thread, feel more like a place to share your drawings rather than receive critique.

And like, I get it. Being told that someone likes your work is all nice and junk, but it gets a little pedantic after a while, man.

>> No.3002637

if you don't understand the point of his post you must be new

takes a while to get with the culture of /ic/ but it's a pretty okay place to improve your drawings and such

>> No.3002644


>> No.3002647

I feel you my dude. Maybe work on your art some more and get out of that /beg/ grind. One day your work will be appealing enough and you, too, will get such comments. It's tough but we've all been there my dude.

>> No.3002648


>> No.3002664

I wish mods would stop threads for derailing here. Almost half the threads on /ic/ have been derailed from people choosing to insult the op/posters, or just ignoring the topic altogether. You can see the huge contrast between /3/ and /ic/ in this regard.

>> No.3002671
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x720, mods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods are like the royal guards from Log Horizon

>> No.3002701

cry me a river.

>> No.3002766

very funny thread anon !

>> No.3002934

I did not watch log horizon, how at the royal guards in it?

>> No.3003765

We need mods in this very thread.
I agree. Most of the conversation on this website consist of replies that are just one or two words or some lame meme. It would be nice if this place was a little different, especially since it is associated with building a skill.

>> No.3003771
File: 122 KB, 307x354, 1486088297858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inane comments like cute! or blog? or how are you so good?
>ironic comments like cute! or blog? or how are you so good?
excuse me am I getting showered in compliments by the brown-nose brigade or getting told to fuck off by a crowd of snide cunts because it's the same fucking dilemma every time

>> No.3003774

Fuck off

>> No.3003783
File: 68 KB, 640x640, 1475339915408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 hiroshimoot merges ic and i

>> No.3003933


It would be hilarious for us but a disaster for /i/.

>> No.3004947

>Autists sperglords thinking roleplaying as an asshole for no reason is the "board culture"
You niggers nonironically think acting all edgy is right because a hugbox is wrong but a toxic waste dump is any better


>> No.3004990

>You niggers
you're trying so hard to fit in it's not even funny

>> No.3005437

This is the art shitposting board. /i/ is the art posting board. What the fuck are you doing on 4chan if you genuinely want to improve your art?

>> No.3005469

you are the equivalent of a furfag that won't shut up about being a furfag

>> No.3005714


>> No.3006262

>Lemme focus on his way of phrasing but ignore the post point completely
Eat a fat dick

>> No.3006279

"His" post (yours) was literally
>"Hello there fellow 4channers, let us all ignore board culture and become more politically correct™ like that other website, that I totally don't go to, Reddit™"

>Eat a fat dick
oh boi you sure showed me, mistah!

>> No.3006706
File: 33 KB, 334x750, book of faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not about being politically correct, its about not being a obnoxious cunt for no reason

I don't have a ego browing a chinese imageboard, you can say whatever you want, the problem is when people act like cuntlords for no reason than ''muh internet culture''

You can give a good critique while being aggressive, but when 90% of the replies are
>X artist is shit, I'm so much better than him
>Work on those proportions/perspective/anatomy/another thing that can be applied to every artist
>This objectively good piece of art is shit because I am nitpicking at this

Then we have a problem, do you understand now or are pretending to be retarded for the (you)s?

>> No.3006756

>board culture

Spot the faggot. Whenever anyone cites 'board culture' it boils down to "my excuse to shitpost". /ic/'s 'board culture' is literally 'flinging shit without providing any insightful critique'.

>> No.3006758
File: 62 KB, 600x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Work on those proportions/perspective/anatomy/another thing that can be applied to every artist
That's a good criticism to receive because at least someone has analyzed what they're looking at. It would be good if critics could also extrapolate by saying what the piece reminded them of, how to get more drama in the composition, etc.

>> No.3006771 [DELETED] 

did the season 3 come out yet?

>> No.3007372

But this can be applied to anyone, there isn't perfection and proportions/anatomy/perspective can always be improved

>> No.3007869
File: 114 KB, 360x360, 1469324774143.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box!

>> No.3009575

Does anyone know when they send us the email?

>> No.3009579
File: 42 KB, 718x630, 1489069878789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were picked (low chance) it's on to phase 2. They'll send it soon.

>> No.3010076
File: 2 KB, 210x199, jolly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take the state of this board anymore
Please, God, if you're out there, let someone with more than half a brain cell become a janitor and save /ic/ even if all they can do is delete shitty threads

>> No.3010115
File: 12 KB, 554x58, be suer to check your spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3011862
File: 39 KB, 512x447, 1475052786294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no email
All I wanted as to delete shitty bait unproductive threads from /ic/ but it seems like I was asking for too much

>> No.3011877
File: 605 KB, 400x400, (ME).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deliver more chinese cartoons plz

>> No.3011906



>> No.3011957
File: 27 KB, 511x428, ChillinAndFeelin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we even get any mods?

>> No.3011960

Just Draw

>> No.3012009


>> No.3012152

When I report something, it actually gets removed. I suspect that you guys are too lazy to report and expect the mods to magically now when someone breaks the rules.

>> No.3013873


>> No.3015844

So nobody here got modded? feels fucking bad

>> No.3015952

>Shows up instantly whenever there's trouble
You mean the opposite?

>> No.3016008

>let someone with more than half a brain cell become a janitor
anyone with more than half a brain wouldn't work for free

>> No.3016407

Ehh, you raise a very good point there anon.

>> No.3016470


1. This board is slow so it's barely considered work.
2. Hardly any of you report posts so by the end of the day when the que is checked it's only a few clicks to submit a bans and delete.
3. If you browse 4chan everyday anyway it's just an extra incentive.
4. All* Janitors are promoted Mods. I'll let you think about that one.

>> No.3016629

>2. Hardly any of you report posts so by the end of the day when the que is checked it's only a few clicks to submit a bans and delete.

confirms my suspicions - lots of whining but everyone too lazy to click the report button

>> No.3016753

you're not allowed to announce you participation iirc
also emails arent done being sent

>4. All* Janitors are promoted Mods. I'll let you think about that one.
after 3 years or so though I think