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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.02 MB, 1440x1440, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2995969 No.2995969 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the drawthread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.


>screenshot the image and post that instead (I recommend ShareX)

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

OLD THREAD: >>2992848

>> No.2995970
File: 92 KB, 490x734, 8cd06b503a8ad82e503e3519ec531066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2995972
File: 151 KB, 1200x797, fde9672eba1780d7db3e9f85c3aea129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2995973
File: 288 KB, 461x600, b4c524ab259cddb897e4427e0479257f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2995974
File: 105 KB, 400x600, 91d6110049ff581108706a94f9a20236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2995975
File: 35 KB, 600x335, ccd5bfc76f22eb26bd800d7be200a1fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2995976
File: 40 KB, 373x700, 135f15a99bf8d207213020613265e1b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2996018

>when you crack open a cold bone hurting juice with the boys

>> No.2996031

Not on /ic/ please

>> No.2996035
File: 2.20 MB, 402x293, 11260046_829270917163853_1222444091_n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay based

>> No.2996045
File: 11 KB, 250x253, head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew a head.

Any words?

>> No.2996048

Flat as fuck. Compare the side of your own head with a mirror and look at how the features of the face are positioned on a normal person's head.

>> No.2996054

he brow too big for he got damn head

>> No.2996074 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1365x768, 20170527_002552 (Medium).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried redrawing >>2992850 based on advice for my old one >>2995806. It looks a little better but the proportions still seem off, especially with the lips vs the chin, and maybe the nose?

I used my 2H pencil which is why it's much lighter.

>> No.2996080
File: 321 KB, 750x1333, 20170527_002552 (Medium).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried redrawing >>2992850 based on advice for my old one >>2995806. It looks a little better but the proportions still seem off, especially with the lips vs the chin, and maybe the nose?

I used my 2H pencil which is why it's much lighter.

>> No.2996109


>> No.2996117

How do I go about shading traditionally? Are there any tutorials? Tips? Tricks?

>> No.2996119
File: 157 KB, 945x1293, 20170526_185113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2996121

>flat as fuck

So the problem with the drawing, is not enough detail?

>> No.2996145

Not necessarily. I find that your abstraction just lacks a general form. There are some places that convey form, sure, but the main mass of the head feels flat to me. You could fill that up fine with detail, but you could also be just as line efficient, while conveying more information by finding other ways to abstract the head.

>> No.2996151

example of such a thing?

>> No.2996155

I'm a traditional artist that doesn't scan their shit, so I only have merc_wip to post. You can find sources in the sticky in the form of books written by other artists on how they approach drawing heads. Michael Hampton's figure drawing book has a section of head, which is quite nice. Personally I mostly look at sketches I find in museums to get inspiration on how to abstract all sorts of things, including heads.

>> No.2996158

That is too general.

I need more specifics examples.

>> No.2996175

holy shit how fucking much do you need to be spoonfed

read the sticky lmao

>> No.2996177
File: 87 KB, 792x1008, shiite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2996179
File: 418 KB, 720x1280, 20170527_013551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried redrawing with some of this guy's techniques; seems alright but a little too iterative and I don't think it helped me with my construction at all. Although, using the angles could be a good way to check with normal loomis construction, I guess.

I'm not really worried about the rendering, I could spend another hour making it photorealistic but the feature placement would still be slightly off.

>> No.2996183
File: 601 KB, 1884x3099, IMG_1432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2996194

I could still tell it was vietmanese fucking shits, though - so you got the likeness down at least

>> No.2996209

Rendered well enough to look very grotesque due to all the anatomical errors

>> No.2996216
File: 3.25 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20170526_214815430_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fellas, rate me so far

>> No.2996238
File: 318 KB, 1914x867, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get into surrealism art but I can't draw or paint yet.

So I'm going to start with ms paint and do modern art.

>> No.2996242
File: 270 KB, 638x1100, 072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to estimate vps
also my vp placements isin't the best orz

>> No.2996243

Love your stuff, you make it look so grounded in reality.

>> No.2996244
File: 18 KB, 1350x590, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attempt number 2

>> No.2996245
File: 124 KB, 698x740, issa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for advice/critique on my brush strokes. I used only a hard brush by the way. Im new to digital painting and am not sure if i am going about blending the right way or not

>> No.2996246
File: 10 KB, 1350x590, 2reversed1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attempt 2 on attempt 2

>> No.2996248

Why are you doing this?
Please stop.
I know its probably bait but idc.

>> No.2996252
File: 17 KB, 700x592, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean?

How does one become good at art? I'm just going the the creativity in my mind

>> No.2996253

you gave him a (You), now he'll never stop

good job

>> No.2996254

you could maybe read the sticky if you actually want to learn

>> No.2996256
File: 14 KB, 476x607, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying what I'm doing isn't art?

>> No.2996263
File: 21 KB, 761x607, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I improving yet?

>> No.2996264

I hate this board

>> No.2996267

kinda like this one

>> No.2996269
File: 21 KB, 761x607, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why anon?

Do you feel like art is for the "intellectual" ?

Do you truly think 4chan is for the intellectual?

Why do you think you're here anon.

You hate your self.

And this board is the closest thing to your self.

You're actually asleep right now, and this is part of your dream. You're creating the art as you see it, as you control your dreams, you're control of your own destiny anon.

>> No.2996270

haha im bored too

>> No.2996278

Why do my drawings still look like kindergarten drawings even when I'm drawing from reference, this is so frustrating. I tried doing this beer bottle lesson in Keys to Drawing. My shadows just look way off and they don't explain to you how to do shadows in that exercice, so god damn frustratated, my brain hurts just from drawing a bottle, how the fuck am I going to draw a human body?

>> No.2996279

pretty good yo

>> No.2996280
File: 25 KB, 761x582, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newest one, this one is on ego.

>> No.2996287 [DELETED] 

This one is a bit deeper and plays on religion.

It's on how people who sin during their life go to hell, and now never sin and they get no free will.

People who don't sin go to a place called Heaven, where the is are laws so people can now sin without punishment.

>> No.2996288

Welcome to week 1, it'll only get better from here.

>> No.2996289
File: 12 KB, 761x582, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is a bit deeper and plays on religion.

It's on how people who sin during their life go to hell, and now never sin and they get no free will because they are in hell.

People who don't sin go to a place called Heaven, where there are no laws so people can now sin without punishment.

>> No.2996295
File: 508 KB, 729x985, 1495857389318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attempted realism with just line shading.
can I leave /beg/ yet

>> No.2996298
File: 589 KB, 919x1262, Study 5 26 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King George V

>> No.2996300
File: 41 KB, 400x600, bc4b8c1ae3bf158ff92c483ea0055ec3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me understand where to see the "flow" in an image like pic related? Usually while watching Figure Drawing professors they work with what seems great poses to find the flow with, but as soon as a I try it I can't seem to see it or "feel" it. When I look at pic related and trying to gesture it I see a rectangle with a head and lines that are supposed to represent the legs and arms, I don't see a motion to follow.

What am I doing wrong? Or maybe should I just move to a less shitty site for pose-practice? I'm currently using quickposes.com

>> No.2996303

Idk man you must have autism or something, i feel really bad if for you. you prob shouldnt study art when you can't comprehend other peoples thoughts.

>> No.2996306
File: 226 KB, 638x628, twintelle2WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I do in terms of the anatomy?

Critique appreciated.

>> No.2996311

Are you the same autist shitposting about the abstract art?

>> No.2996312

her forarm is shorter than than her upper arm.

Her hamstrings seem small compared to her glutes and quads

>> No.2996314

yeah >>2996312
was me to

>> No.2996315

It's kind the same for me, but I've tried so hard to understand that shit I kind of can see some flow going from her head to her right leg. Maybe this is all a meme and everyone is fucking making stuff up, because it doesn't make sense and sometimes you kind of draw a line and it seems okay.

I don't know maybe we should all die. Let's die. Please.

>> No.2996318
File: 314 KB, 2560x1440, start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is day four of learning how to draw! I'm starting from zero here

I've started practicing perspective, and so far it's come a lot easier than I expected it to! This is from someone who still can't manage a consistent ellipse. Of course this is all basic stuff, but it served a nice bit of motivation

I do have a few questions. One, it takes me sometimes over a dozen attempts to draw a line I like. Like, sometimes it's way, way of course. It takes me awhile to start getting close and eventually get one I like. Is this normal, or a sign of bad form? I assume I'll get better at it, but I'm worried I'm starting off with bad habits

Second, I started off with paper and today was my first time using a tablet. I figured it would be easier to adapt early since I don't have much muscle memory to rework, but it's still been pretty awkward. One big issue I'm having is that, with paper, I'll rotate it whichever way I need it and draw with my shoulder. but on the tablet I can't really rotate it, and there's a lot of angles where I can't really use my shoulder and revert to my elbow or wrist, and this is made my lines even less consistent. Is this a common tablet thing? Any advice?

>> No.2996319

Dunning–Kruger at its finest.

>> No.2996323

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance

>> No.2996326

absolutely not, that is quite awful.

nice straight lines tho.

>> No.2996327

mines better than the abstract art guy tho?

>> No.2996329

I'd appreciate it if you didn't reply for me.
Thanks for the compliment.

>> No.2996331

Excuse me? What lol I'm lost.
Dude was just telling me how my art was, I was just wondering if it wasn't that bad.

Sorry I didn't know you "abstract art" was so touchy.

>> No.2996340
File: 117 KB, 1000x1000, KL22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2996345

impostor monster hippopotamus posture, like awkward cock turns in a rhombus lobster.

I think you just need to use those nice lines and practice more anatomy. the face isnt too horrible, but definitely needs more practice before you try cross hatching like a beast.

>> No.2996347

Your torso should be composed of a ribcage, abs/oblique muscles, and a pelvis. You got space for a ribcage and pelvis but nothing inbetween.

Remember your head units go as follow - Head > Nipples > Navel > Crotch, and then 4 more heads to reach the heels.

I'm honestly fucking amazed you managed to outline your hip bones while making this glaring of a mistake.

>> No.2996353
File: 916 KB, 673x902, asd2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2996355

anon who posted here. thanks for that. so you're saying the forearm needs to be shorter?

>> No.2996357

Yeah, Look at where your wrist starts to thin out, maybe a bit to early, if you shorten the arm the fore arm it would be a bet better.

>> No.2996361

If the gentleman is pointing out the lady's forearm is shorter than her upper arm, in what way does this mean the lady's forearm needs to be shortened further?

Not that it matters, the gentleman is retarded, forearm being shorter than upper arm is correct.

>> No.2996365


is this you?

stop posting

>> No.2996368


>> No.2996373

moogun fauwx

>> No.2996375

Does anyone know how to delete a brush in GIMP?

>> No.2996379

thanks for the help, writing this stuff down. I'm trying to work on things like proportions, size, etc. i appreciate the feedback and don't want to bother you about this any more but this goes for both of her forearms, right?

>> No.2996382

why the fuck does it matter?

>> No.2996389
File: 114 KB, 400x600, 1495857036073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the flow as I see it.

It's normal. I've seen quite skilled artists constantly doing it live. If you don't like that, you can use the "carving" approach, i. e. draw a fat line and then erase it / add to it as necessary. After "inventing" this approach, I found out that it saves quite some time at lineart stage, at the price of a bit wobbly lines.

I got somewhat used to my tablet in three days and got completely familiar with it after a couple of months.

To fix the last problem, you have to have a program that allows you to turn the canvas easily, however you wish. CSP has this feature.

Really reminds me of that witch that got multiple redlines. But god, it is even more fucked up than that one was. The shoulder (upper arm) of your far arm is too long, you have a very poor grasp of forms, the neck is positioned on his left shoulder, etc. etc.

>> No.2996390

back arm is fine desu

>> No.2996391

I added my own brush but I don't really like it.

>> No.2996393

and, its not like you have to use it. are you that autistic that you cant stand one brush being there when the default brushes are mostly shit anyways. its just a fucking brush. dont use it.

>> No.2996396

same person

please fuck off

>> No.2996413

no. google it if youre that butthurt, but seriously it doesn't really matter. you might actually want to use it latter.

>> No.2996415

and no thats not my art, i dont use ms paint and i dont like abstract art. youre a complete dumbass with emotional problems. go suck a fatty, fatty.

>> No.2996420
File: 456 KB, 672x936, hed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 min head layins sorry for the lines not being clear in some areas. Any reoccurring issues?

>> No.2996421
File: 340 KB, 1000x1000, 1495865266852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at blending. Thoughts?

>> No.2996437

you can leave beg

>> No.2996440

I like it.

>> No.2996459

I find it comical how you insisted on having a semi-realistic arm

why not just make a noodle? itll help the design

>> No.2996478
File: 86 KB, 763x1048, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doodling people on the subway and trying to Loomis and failing both.

>> No.2996479
File: 2.37 MB, 1024x1628, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2996480
File: 70 KB, 763x1048, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2996481
File: 69 KB, 754x1060, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2996483
File: 396 KB, 2560x3232, IMAG0051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2996484
File: 404 KB, 2560x3168, IMAG0052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2996496
File: 368 KB, 772x466, grant us eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the composition?

>> No.2996498

You will never make this photosrealistic, you havent captured the form accurately.

The nostrils are not seen face on like that, they're at an angle. Nobody has straight lines in their face like on the chin, or cheeks. The ears are poorly drawn. You didn't even attempt to capture the shape of the hair, or the hairline.

That's just to start. Pay more attention to what is actually there, and don't just draw what you THINK is there. Eyebrows are not just scribbles, they're hair, they grow in a specific direction, and have an overall shape. The eyes are two different sizes, and the wrong shape.

STUDY what you're looking at, and try to translate that into lines. Study good examples of drawings to see how others solved that problem. That's where the art comes in, translating reality into lines and shapes and shades.

Study the form, make measurements to get the proportions and positions right, and don't be lazy and scribble in the complex parts, like hair.

>> No.2996499

Not bad - keep going.

>> No.2996500

What you're doing is one way to do it. It's called crosshatching. One tip - vary your colors and overlap colors more. If you're in photoshop, the option key will turn the cursor into the eyedropper, and you can choose neighboring colors, to crosshatch the transitions in color. I'll also vary the opacity when overlapping, to make it smoother and softer. It's a very time consuming way to paint, but the better you get with it, the more impressive it can get.

Keep experimenting. Try painting with all of the brushes, and see how they work - and use softness and opacity to control the amount of change you make.

>> No.2996505
File: 220 KB, 400x600, Flow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really hard to see. Look for "s" curves.

>> No.2996506

what are you trying to show? what's your thinking in ignoring the spine (which is debatably the most important aspect of a gesture)

this honestly doesnt make any sense lmao

>> No.2996510

The butt + right arm (upper too) are fine. Rest of upper body is not: the angle of torso is weird and I can't place where her left shoulder is attached.
Her smile is charming though.

>> No.2996511

I can relate to your struggle. I find that when I draw people on the subway and stuff, that Loomis and stuff is quickly thrown out the window. What helped me is to not just draw what I see, but try to construct what I see. Your Loomis drawings use more straight lines and abstract shapes. Like the ribcages on your figures are always the same shape. In your drawings from the subway, everything is more loose and the forms are not abstracted enough for yourself to make sense of the complex shape of the human. I had the same. So I started using the same lines and shapes as I used on my Loomis figures and construct the figure more, get more form in there. I then also started using ink as a second stage after the first pencil drawing, to get more detail in and show more of the personality on the person I was drawing.

Your drawings are nice

>> No.2996519

that's not how it works

>> No.2996522
File: 1.50 MB, 3120x4160, 20170527_122757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't drawn a line in months. Should i continue?

>> No.2996529

...sorry for that filesize, i'll edit it right away.

>> No.2996533
File: 220 KB, 923x1200, 01-Périne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shit resolution

>> No.2996534
File: 603 KB, 784x923, vhuklcfj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

edited to watchble

>> No.2996536

sure buddy

>> No.2996543




>> No.2996599
File: 2.61 MB, 3480x4640, IMG_20170527_145549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2996641
File: 116 KB, 1000x450, IMG_20170527_104907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a smaller surface than usual (3.5x5). I'm not really satisfied with how these are coming out.

>> No.2996657
File: 783 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day one of drawing everyday. I'm gonna do it this time!

>> No.2996658
File: 815 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some flowers

>> No.2996661

Im a beg but that looks pretty cool. I like the knuckles

>> No.2996664

I feel like the buildings look a bit stretched out

>> No.2996673
File: 2.63 MB, 4640x3480, IMG_20170527_162945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2996676
File: 86 KB, 960x720, 18741619_547331028988625_205767185_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adapting a new style, more original style

>> No.2996680
File: 83 KB, 960x720, 18741472_547332502321811_732114354_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I've been doing some packages

>> No.2996681
File: 60 KB, 720x960, 18762690_547332535655141_924617174_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one

>> No.2996682
File: 68 KB, 960x720, 18741754_547332492321812_313841237_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another one

>> No.2996684

shit just released this was a beginner thread, my bad

>> No.2996694

Can anyone explain and show one point perspective?

>> No.2996698

i find it easy to line my pencil with the lines you see in irl. (Close one eye)

>> No.2996708

Okay, I found out that I should use squares in one point perspective and then line it back to the vp, but thanks for the tip tho

>> No.2996711
File: 300 KB, 2000x1355, 1492143859210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tips? crit?

>> No.2996712

no prob bob. it really helps

>> No.2996718

The limbs are the wrong size. Cause something seem off about it

>> No.2996745

thanks guys, I'll gambatte

>> No.2996746

Think about gravity. How is weight distributed and what does that mean for the interaction of body parts? The spine ist essentiall but since it isin front view it wont give you much of an s-curve. Use assymetrical lines and draw through the forms. Read Hamptons books

>> No.2996755

Drop digital for now, if you want to make it, this is below average beg-tier scribbling.

>> No.2996767


>> No.2996770

Yes, it's gesture scribbling. Why drop digital?

>> No.2996773
File: 47 KB, 462x462, 14244423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i have a chance or shoud i give up

>> No.2996774

digital will make your arm control lazy. it happens fast too. there are so many crutches when using a tablet and stylus, that you will not be able to draw traditionally if you don't practice traditionally. also, traditional drawing will make your digital are 10x better.

>> No.2996778

Always give me up, anon

>> No.2996843

>take a day off
>lose all progress, back to chicken scratching
am i insane or should i kill myself?

>> No.2996857

why not both

>> No.2996864
File: 1 KB, 219x186, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any one like this one?

>> No.2996865
File: 1.15 MB, 3264x1840, 20170527_134050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting to get to the point where my forms are half decent but my scale/proportions are still all kinds of fucked up. Any specific excercises or techniques or just more grinding?

>> No.2996866

>hey anon, draw some fingers

>> No.2996882
File: 1.28 MB, 949x1319, zetta3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You got the likeness for a quick sketch, If you wanted to push it I would recommend measuring the relationship between the features a bit more and paying a bit more attention to the outside contour of the face. Good work anon.

A Frazetta study I finished last night.

>> No.2996890

hereby i crown you the master of gestures. vilppu can fuck off. this is real art

>> No.2996893
File: 121 KB, 1000x648, mattdamon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man it doesn't feel like I'm learning anything by drawing references. All it feels like is like I'm drawing a thousand different lines at different angles. Also, my drawing looks like Matt Damon with a stroke or something.

>> No.2996897

If you're working with pencils and pens, I'd say: vary your pressure, cross-hatch, and layer tones and colors. Painting is another story.

>> No.2996899
File: 1.27 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20170226_120242692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2996922
File: 209 KB, 1507x711, grpyhon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to recreate other people paintings/drawings but i dont understand the process. Should i just jump into tones and colours or would i have to refine this into clear line art?

>> No.2996924

Thanks, man. I'll keep that in mind. Might give the picture a third try on a bigger surface.

>> No.2996928

Keep going man. The brain is a muscle. Draw shitty drawings, but just keep drawing. I've been just as frustrated as you, but put an hour or so every day and you will get better.
Don't give yourself time limits with improvement. You will improve if you look at your art and can see what was done well and what was done wrong. I'm a quitter at heart and I still pick up the sketch book at the end of the day and bang something out. I can refer back to old sketches and see clear improvement.
Have fun with this anon.
Don't make this a chore.

>> No.2996933
File: 229 KB, 1000x1333, wildcard kat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I make this WIP look more like a toon from the forties?

>> No.2996945
File: 1.65 MB, 3825x2475, Gestures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing gestures

30/60 sec

if anyone wants to rip them apart or something

>> No.2996947

have it not be shit
look there is no point in trying to hone in on a style if you dont have the fundamentals. it will be just as shit as before. go grind boxes.

>> No.2996952

you can do either but you should be copying 1:1 so you can accurately reproduce it. I'd suggest with cleaning up your lines, yours look messy and like they were done in a few minutes

>> No.2996958
File: 199 KB, 1473x741, grpyhon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this was too ambitious

>> No.2996962


you won't get better unless you challenge yourself.

it will not look good but you grow from challenge. it also creates perseverance so that when you have even more trouble later on you won't just give up.

i think you're doing fine thusfar. 1:1 reproduction is impossible, just do it.

>> No.2996965


As some pointers: the bottom of the griffin and its wing isn't high enough btw. Pay attention to the line of action and how everything curves in this piece

>> No.2996979
File: 98 KB, 580x904, 27-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rotten pepe bones

>> No.2996981
File: 1003 KB, 2560x1440, 1495917119659-802308160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practising facial expressuons from imagination. My work ethic has been slacking... too much seth rich reading

>> No.2996982
File: 97 KB, 700x507, asianlady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I'm so bad at values

>> No.2996983

They seem okay for the level you're at, I would practice drawing the forms of the face more (from different angles) to increase your mastery of facial anatomy, and it'll give you a base on which to draw better facial expressions.

>> No.2996991

I think you might be putting too much emphasis on values (shadows) and forgetting to work on the underlying forms. These should be able to stand on their own with just line placement and weight, without the need for any shading. This is why construction is important.
Try dropping your shading and focusing solely on linework for now.

Also if you do shade, remember to do it perpendicular to the form, not in random directions.

>> No.2996994

Drop the hatching, it's actually a fairly difficult technique for values and is making your life a lot harder than it needs to be.

Why not just try to get values using flat colors and smooth blending instead?

>> No.2997002

I dunno if this will help, but you could always try drawing in pencil and reevaluating/correcting your proportions as you go. I find I had to do a lot of correcting for proportions and I just got better at eyeballing them through analyzing my mistakes. (Some fixing will always be necessary but it's way less nowadays).

Also, the human eye is a lot better at estimating angles than distances, so rather than guessing the distance between two points, try to picture the angle a line between these points would have (it's not super useful for something like a weapon side view, but really helpful for everything else).

>> No.2997005

I just did the lineart and had the idea that I should practice values. I suppose I would have done it differently if I started with the intention of doing the shading.

>> No.2997013

Minor thing, but instead of drawing ball joints for the shoulders, link them to the pit of the neck by drawing the collarbones. It's a great way to position them and reflects the way our shoulders actually move.
I don't think this is the main thing you have to worry about. You can stagnate equally on pen and paper, if you have arm control issues just make a conscious effort to improve them.

>> No.2997022
File: 44 KB, 589x600, hampton_hands_hatching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you should clean the scribbles before laying down values, or lay them on top rather than underneath.
And as I was telling the other anon, if you absolutely must do hatching, do it perpendicular to the form, not parallel, and absolutely not in random directions.

>> No.2997033

Thanks for the advice, that other anon is me as well.

>> No.2997044

your arms are a little funky, the right one is smaller than the left, but super duper good! Gunna make it!

>> No.2997052

Huh I guess you're right, thanks!

>> No.2997054

not that anon but shit i needed to hear this too. what's the best practice for construction? breaking down human forms into 3d shapes like rectangle, ball etc?

>> No.2997060
File: 986 KB, 2560x1440, 14959189161471874862513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do thanks.

>> No.2997068

right direction, but mind perspective amd proportions more

>> No.2997078 [DELETED] 
File: 485 KB, 900x675, small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started drawing after a looooong time. My tablet is pretty unusable too.
How fucked am I?

What should I fix?
I didn't wanna make it look animu but I guess my hand slipped...

>> No.2997088

Yo, I'm trying to follow https://track4.mixtape.moe/dyiars.pdf guide, but studying only perspective for a month or two is fucking me up. I really like it desu, but it's massive and tires me and I don't know what to do as "recreation" because everything I do I only see things I need to study.

Exemple: I try to do a smug anime girl and find I need more gesture and more anatomy, so I can't really have fun doing it. Any tips?

>> No.2997111


Holy fuck real gestures for once and not the bullshit everyone else posts. It's a bit on the rough side but

Try to reduce the amount of lines you use. but it's excellent that your lines don't just stop immediately.

A gesture in the 30-60 second range is meant to capture one thing: life through motion.

Details will kill life. Details mean you're committed and unchanging. Block out the direction and motion, not the form.

>> No.2997122

that's not very helpful

>> No.2997124

what's the point in replying if you're not giving any weight to your feedback

might as well tell him to remember to wipe his ass after he shits

>> No.2997126



kek trips

I wanted to clarify. Block out as in draw, not block as in ignore or avoid.

You want chunks and to put curves beside straights instead of pure curves.

>> No.2997142
File: 74 KB, 691x526, elbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how true is this

>> No.2997144

I mean you could just put your left hand to your right forearm and check it yourself. It seems somewhat accurate to me.

>> No.2997148

i did and it seems pretty damn inaccurate
maybe im the exception

>> No.2997151
File: 219 KB, 1273x1024, 1473986088447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I started doodling doodling again and it feels great. I want to become a at drawing and will be using the books in sticky

I have a few questions
>Is drawing with a pencil or pen very different than painting? Should I choose one over the other when starting? Also digital?
>Do you know what the style the scott free production animation is done in? Is it watercolor?
>Does anyone know what painting style was used for pic related?

Also can I post other paintings to find out what style was used for them? I can barely draw stick figures right now but I'm just curious

>> No.2997158

I think the actual length is about one and half hands but in that picture the arm is at a right angle so wrist to bicep at that position is one hand length

>> No.2997167

that makes sense

>> No.2997174

pencil and pen are different from each other, painting is a whole beast to tackle (colors). digital is cool, but my recommendation is to hold of on digital until you get some basics down (basic forms, line control, shading techniques). scott free production logo looks more like oil pastels to me, but i could be totally wrong. that painting you posted is realism made with oils. if you post more questions about styles, try the questions that don't deserve their own thread, thread.

>> No.2997176

I don't remember Big Boss being so wide-faced...


Yeah, it works. Just keep in mind that it only works with an arm bent 90 degrees. Fully outstretched forearm is about 1.5 hand.

>> No.2997207

for me its about 1 and a quarter with a right-angled elbow.

>> No.2997209

me too.

>> No.2997243 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 224x172, gorup mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I create a chained group mask like this? All the layers in this folder will have the clipping mask applied to them.

>> No.2997254

Me three!

I use the foot to measure the forearm and vice versa as they are the same length.

>> No.2997278

Yeah, what helped me was to learn some basic perspective and 3d stuff (think drawabox) so I had at least a general idea of how to deal with front/side planes, horizon lines, vanishing points, ellipses, cross-sections, etc. Then you just pick your favorite anatomy book and read up on how to construct dem shapes.

>> No.2997279

Drawing on the right side of the brain or Keys to Drawing?

>> No.2997283

Why not both?

>> No.2997286

I thought i could follow only one at a time as to not stall on the other. Would both of them just be better?

>> No.2997289

It just doesn't really matter in the end

>> No.2997290

Absolute beginner here. Where do I start

Keys to drawing


Right side of the brain

>> No.2997291

I advise starting with the former if you're an absolute beginner. Otherwise start with the latter.

>> No.2997293

Man I really should've applied for janitor

>> No.2997294

flip a coin

>> No.2997295
File: 107 KB, 341x334, 1495080968415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I Iearn how to draw with continuous lines, instead of a couple different lines? An artist I like recommends drawing the outline of the face with one line, but the idea is difficult for me. Do I draw it quick or slow? How do I practice drawing like that?

>> No.2997304

The key lies in the shoulder not the wrist. Think of a line as a shoulder, wrist and elbow movement. If you're serious about drawing go pick up Scott Robertsons "How To Draw"

>> No.2997308

How did you get the anatomy perfect?

>> No.2997313

You can draw a continuous line by keeping your drawing utensils constantly pressed against the surface while moving it around or keeping it still. The trick is to not lift it. The speed at which you move is depend on how well you know where the pencil has to go. If you have no clue, you go slow and it will show. If you go fast and you don't know where it needs to go, it will just be nonsense. How fast you go, you will have to find out for yourself as I don't know how much you know.

Blind contour drawings are fun exercise where you train hand-eye coordination and use long continuous lines.

You can draw the outline of a face with one line. I like to use multiple straight lines to get the first form going, usually the outlines of a box-shaped thing. I guess it depends on what just works for you.

>> No.2997315

ahh thanks so much

yeah I think I need to make the vanishing points farther apart, I'm hoping to learn how to measure rotated things though. Going through Erik Olsons videos and haven't learnt anything about rotated objects yet

>> No.2997321

sorry but your anatomy game doesn't line up with an understanding of basic perspecive, i won't pamper you as you seem like you can learn on your own

>> No.2997322

Why post? Just to be vague?

>> No.2997349

hahaha disregard that, I suck cocks

>> No.2997358
File: 225 KB, 1000x1333, Wildcard Kat4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt ever at shading something, and I haven't drawn in years. How did I do?

>> No.2997362


>> No.2997393

Tell me what I can fix then.

>> No.2997394

Drawing skill aside, how do you train your ability to design aesthetic and interesting characters/creatures/vehicles/clothing/etc...?

>> No.2997399

I feel like the shading on the face is a harsh contrast.

>> No.2997404

Drawing from life/reference would be a good start, if you want to learn shading; cartooning simply isn't a good place to start from on that subject. Consulting the sticky and starting from basics would also be a good idea, as you also need work on basic line confidence, perspective, form, and construction.

>> No.2997409

Thank you both.

>> No.2997428
File: 1.29 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started drawing dicks due to recent travel. How does it look friends. Is it /lewd/ enough for you?

>> No.2997430
File: 264 KB, 1613x519, 1493435167742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consume a lot of media, rip certain things from media, alter them slightly, and then combine them.
Or you can rip from real life and alter that, but that's already been done to death by humanity so altering the alteration is a safer bet.

>> No.2997439

Just make things into girls. Like turn Zelda into a girl. Or turn Metroid into a girl. Or turn Hitler into a girl.

>> No.2997443

what did you mean by this

>> No.2997444
File: 25 KB, 480x854, received_10213282921854518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know my shading is bad, but over all rate it, please
I don't really draw much, decided tonight to doodle
Good things:
Things i need to improve:

>> No.2997451


>> No.2997454

that pencil is 10/10, now did you render it so well? it looks like its just laying on the paper near a really shitty sketch

>> No.2997455

I just want someone to jack off to my dick drawings. This is probably why no bf or friend

>> No.2997458

your dicks are too hairy, your dicks need more confidence.

stop chicken scratching them, it looks like you are afraid / ashamed to draw dicks on paper.

>> No.2997466

Jesus I forgot this is 4chan
I better go before LONDON memes come running

>> No.2997487 [DELETED] 
File: 454 KB, 1280x1110, 222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it really obvious that I'm referencing loomis potato men

>> No.2997502

LONDON? www Nice dubs and triples, btw.

What you need to improve the most is your understanding of 3D shapes and perspective. The nose is pointing to the left side of his face, and it looks like he has a tumor on his forehead. These two things are what ruins the sketch. The ear seems to be too low for this angle, as well as the jaw.

>> No.2997522
File: 41 KB, 838x667, ca t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my cat

>> No.2997523

I'm not shooting myself in the foot by learning heads later right?
Is there any real reason to learn heads/faces first?

>> No.2997526

It's hsowing flow, know-it-all. Not all flow in a drawing or photo is based on the spine. Take your head out of your ass, admit you don't know it all, and drop the attitude, kid.

>> No.2997527

According to the memes here, maybe. I've been drawing and painting longer than you've been alive.

I get it, a bunch of autists here have decided how art works - well, they're wrong, so get over it.

>> No.2997534

Post your work, then. Preferably something dynamic with human characters in it.

(Yeah, I know this is bait, but I'm a simple fish.)

>> No.2997537

depends. as long as you learn them eventually I think you're good. I personally am horrified about studying gestures, but I know I have to get around to doing it. I've seen artists with amazing rendering talent, composition, lighting, etc that have horrible facial proportions and it throws off a whole piece. it's probably best to learn things in tandem but it all depends on what your goals are. for what it's worth I'm from the perspective that finds faces enjoyable to study. if you're avoiding doing it because you think they're "too complex" then yeah I think that could bite you later.

>> No.2997539

I'd love to, but I don't need an ego boost to "win" against the more autistic people here, and I will never post anything personal to 4chan.

I'm not even angry, I laugh when some kid who ground through a Loomis book thinks he knows more than I do, when I have an art degree, have worked as an artist and designer for longer than they've been alive, and was published before they were born.

The "rules" that have been invented here are amusing, I just try to help those who are serious about art to avoid the traps and bad habits the "rules" here will instill.

There are too many people here who have reduced the sheer joy of art and creating to a mindless, zombie like grind with ancient drawing textbooks and wierd ideas of how things work.

>> No.2997540

There's too much emphasis put on gesture here. It's important to learn, but so is everything else.

>> No.2997541

Drop digital and bring it back to the basic, perspective exercises. (pen or pencil)

>> No.2997543

My Huion Q11K was delivered a couple hours ago. The thing's huge and seems to work perfectly with Clip Studio which is all I've tried so far. Build quality is okay, could be better.

Big issue seems to be that it only works properly over wifi. When it's plugged in through USB, Windows just recognizes it as a generic USB composite device and you loose all pressure sensitivity and hotkeys. Hopefully that's just a driver issue that'll be fixed eventually... Supposedly it has a 40 hour battery life, but it's not like I can just stop working because I forgot to charge the thing. Also cheap chinese batteries tend to have really limited lifespans, not sure if you can replace it.

Also the nib squeaks sometimes when sliding against the surface. Hopefully that'll stop after it gets some wear on it.

>> No.2997546

I just want to see your work more now but thanks for the perspective

>> No.2997547

>buying anything besides an Intous Pro

>> No.2997550

>$350 USD

M-maybe when I'm good enough to start doing commission furry porn...

>> No.2997554

Literal LOL, looking at the $2500 24HD Cintiq next to me.

I remember being poor and broke.

>> No.2997560
File: 34 KB, 433x480, 1494747607388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at the $2500 24HD Cintiq next to me
>on /beg/

Looks like you're putting that high end professional equipment to good use

>> No.2997564
File: 539 KB, 528x784, 14957927781050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as expected, kek.

>> No.2997574
File: 88 KB, 900x1200, ^BB2B16BBE87279AAE287AB103732117AB33AF6C08D45759125^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mark Hammond can die

>> No.2997590 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, so if I offend anyone, I apologize and will delete my post.

Noob artist looking for a place/gallery to post some work. Was looking at deviantart but a lot of users seem to have left DA. Does anyone know why that is?

>> No.2997593

You just offended me.

>> No.2997597

Not bad. careful with that top left cube though. The farthest side of the bottom plane is bigger than the side that's closer to the viewer. In otherwords you have it backwards

>> No.2997661
File: 372 KB, 1600x1200, 3Dforms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look 3d to you?

>> No.2997669
File: 645 KB, 1110x1110, WK Draft 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2997670

you've been working on this for months haven't you?

>> No.2997673

Dear god what is going on with its spine

>> No.2997679
File: 983 KB, 764x640, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i posted it a while ago but had nothing to draw to i messed with it

some chestplates have some weird angle to them that makes it look like that

>> No.2997693

If I want to eventually start drawing stuff like Mechs and Vehicles, what kinds of books should I study? Just Car Magazines and the like? Also Scott Robertson's book seems to be teaching alot of the stuff I want

>> No.2997707


hope you enjoy drawing boxes there buddy.

>> No.2997730
File: 103 KB, 600x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to draw
>tfw don't enjoy drawing

I'll never find a hobby

>> No.2997746
File: 314 KB, 1000x1000, free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy who did the witch with lot of redlines

>> No.2997760
File: 503 KB, 480x653, burr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self portrait, i tried to keep loomis in mind and focused on linework. i think i'm going to stop doing self portraits for awhile though

>> No.2997824
File: 574 KB, 1360x768, st basils progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it look somewhat 'realistic' yet?

>> No.2997840

new york rick?

>> No.2997859

Achieving 3D look is hard without rendering.

Uh, no. The rendered tower looks kind of flat, it looks too blurry for a building (it would look ok if there is rain though!), and unrendered things kill the immersion completely.

>> No.2997872
File: 276 KB, 420x534, reduced blur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reduced the blurriness on front tower a bit.
How about now?

>> No.2997878

Better in the blur aspect, although not perfect.
The plastic/flat look is still there though, but now I see how unfinished the render is. It's better to finish at least this tower and only then ask if it looks realistic.

>> No.2997882

I think I'm having trouble with rendering objects under even lighting

>> No.2997895

check out ambient occlusion

>> No.2997896

It is barely "even" with such highly decorated buildings, man.
Look at the shadows in these pics:

Use the eyedropper to guide yourself through tones if you're having trouble with it.

>> No.2997902


>> No.2997903

I'm using these as reference btw

>> No.2997909

If you're drawing large things, you'd want to find as high-res of a reference as possible. Using artifacted 640x360 images is unlikely to bring you any good unless you have a vast visual library and use it heavily.

>> No.2997921
File: 63 KB, 868x584, close up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cathedral I'm drawing is probably less than 640x360 pixels in size

>> No.2997928

I hope you're not implying this is a good thing.
After all, most people like to draw human beings that are 1.5 meters tall... on canvases that are some times less. It doesn't mean you don't need to discern the smallest details to make your picture convincing.

Besides, it's always better to draw in bigger resolution and resize only the finished image.

>> No.2997949

>I hope you're not implying this is a good thing.
Not at all, the object I'm drawing was oroginally twice as big and I was planning to do all the details before scaling it down but then I figured that it would take less time to just scale it down and then do the details which is admittedly quite lazy of me

>> No.2997961

How do you exaggerate human forms? I really like seeing art of people with very stylized forms, for example Bayonetta is super long but sill kind looks human. There has to be some rules to it or something, because when I try to do something similar, it looks more weird than interesting.

>> No.2997988

I'm no expert, but Bayonetta doesn't look extremely exaggerated to me. She has longer legs, but it could well happen with normal human bean, models and that.

Maybe you're exaggerating too much. And maybe you're exaggerating wrong features, like what's his name, Sycra. Depends on what you're going for, if you're going for cute, you'll obviously exaggerate features that humans find cute, things we see in babies. Hot - long legs and that, yeah? Big boobages, yeah?

>> No.2997991

well look at bayo's proportions and compare them to e.g. loomis' standard female proportions. see what rules it follows. what changes and how, what has to stay the same etc.

>> No.2997997

>tfw no 32'' 4K OLED Cintiq you can cuddle with in bed while you draw cute naked girls on

>> No.2998003

Still cheaper than a real gf

>> No.2998030

I do actually, perspective studies are really enjoyable for me, for some reason,

>> No.2998063
File: 545 KB, 779x999, 32452345234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this thing for a gay weekly thing in discord and I ended up not liking it at all. Any advice? Did I fuck up the anatomy?

>> No.2998073

I'll try to explain what "feel it" means

the flow is something you interpret for yourself. so take ques, no matter how small and run with it and see what happens.

for example:
>but as soon as a I try it I can't seem to see it or "feel" it. When I look at pic related and trying to gesture it I see a rectangle
yes, but that rectangle has a slight tilt to it, doesn't it? i'd say it's even skewed. try to show that in your drawing and you'll be surprised how much these small things matter.

nothing is just a "rectangle". you can read all kinds of things in these supposedly simple rectangles, like direction, alignment, curvature. even more abstract things like weight if you choose to.

again, what you want to focus on is something you decide on your own, because it's up to your interpretation.

>> No.2998076
File: 138 KB, 779x999, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the torso

>> No.2998078

imagine her without the dress (heh) and what her skeleton would look like

you might find that she has two ribcages on top of each other

>> No.2998082

Don't be a faggot, don't copy and paste your hands. Show the ends of the fingers if you don't want it to look like somebody cut them off. The image looks really flat due to lack of render, and the legs... have you even tried to stand like that? I suppose no, otherwise you'd never draw this dumb pose. Her torso anatomy doesn't read particularly well, as some anons have mentioned already. In any case, the body is really long, it's about 8 heads tall which is a very rare trait in animoo girls. Finally, is it a scarf or a handkerchief? Is it so much lighter than her hair, so the hair doesn't move at all while her neck-covering-thingy does?

>> No.2998100
File: 253 KB, 695x885, 6542345234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, I did try to follow the basics and measure with heads before drawing but it still looks kinda weird. I guess maybe her long clothes make her look disproportionate?

>> No.2998110
File: 78 KB, 386x500, file_2039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't draw anything right without a reference. My memory is non-existent. I honestly couldn't even describe what I look like besides mentioning my brown hair.

>> No.2998113

How about using a ruler and the actual head height (without taking the hair into account) instead? It doesn't help that your attempt at describing the anatomy of her legs is very different from what is shown and is even more incorrect below her knees.

Well, you can go abstract or postmodern then.

>> No.2998116

elbow goes below just below ribcage when the arm is straight down; forearm's too short
likewise shins are longer than thighs, and those are some pretty broken ankles
try to make the dress look like it's conforming round something 3D rather than just slapping lines on it so the anatomy reads better

>> No.2998121

Don't fucking listen to him, your forearm is supposed to be shorter. Touch your left shoulder with your left arm, you'll realize that without your hand, your forearm is shorter than your upper arm.

>> No.2998123

I would put the monster higher. When using rule of thirds it's a good idea to put most eye-attracting things on diagonal for more dynamic look.

>> No.2998127
File: 1.78 MB, 270x188, 1495679379228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's not how you do it! Do it like me!
>all the artists that I totally work with do it this way, fuck all the old artists that have made incredibly popular guidebooks!
>I totally do art I just won't show you because I know I'm right!

>> No.2998130


If you don't practice imagination drawing it won't get better. Spend some time and try to brute force it. It will be bad, I guarantee you, but the more you do it the easier it'll get. You develop a sort of intuition after a little while. If you don't practice, your mind doesn't get used to drawing in that way, it gets used to seeing the thing and reproducing the thing.

What I did and what I suggest to you is always start your drawing without reference (unless the subject is 100% unfamiliar, if so do a few studies first). You can consult reference after your sketch if you need to, but the initial idea should be from imagination, even if it looks shit. Tailor your references to your drawing, not vice-versa. You can keep it loose and impressionistic, but don't be lazy about it and give it a good effort.

Now I'm not saying never do photostudies/master studies, there's a time and a place, but don't get yourself locked into the cage of "my studies look better than my imagination drawings so I'll do more studies", studies usually will, but that doesn't mean you're getting the same sort of mileage.

>> No.2998137

I didn't copy paste them, actually. I tried to show the ends but I couldn't find a way in which they wouldn't look broken. I haven't really thought about the scarf moving while her hair doesn't, so thanks for pointing that out!

Now I see what's wrong. Thanks guys

>> No.2998138
File: 666 KB, 1029x618, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think it's too noisy and the values a little too samey. If you look at the thumbnail and can't tell what the fuck is going on, it's probably not a strong composition.

Is the guy pointing the flashlight at the monster? If so, I say darken the stuff behind it and lighten the monster itself. Make the monster really stand out with contrast. It'd make sense for it to be a mostly dark scene with the monster brightly illuminated due to the flashlight, maybe a dull orange from the moon as a secondary light source. I did a super quick edit to show you what I mean for lighting.

>> No.2998140

Actual measurement depends on the arm position.
In reality, the forearm and the upper arm have about the same length when straight (if we count from the elbow and to the corresponding opposing joint), the forearm may be even longer visibly because the upper arm is in fact the shoulder, and the shoulder is partially hidden inside the torso.

>> No.2998143
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, eeeeeeganjaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys, i'm working on a little animation and spent some time designing this guy. I feel like something is wrong with him, especially on the arm that's holding the joint. He's supposed to rest that arm on his right knee but can't get it right.
Care to help me? Critique of any kind (especially errors in anatomy i'm missing) is appreciated

>> No.2998163

you need to bend over more to get your elbow onto your knee/leg because the upper arm is only about as long as the ribcage
unless that's a stylistic choice, in which case just bend the pose over more and it'll work

>> No.2998175
File: 63 KB, 182x254, le-hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upon a closer look, you actually didn't. But it looks really, really close.

Anyway, here's a couple of suggestions about showing the form better. Make your thumbs longer in any case, and thicken the arms (or make the hands smaller).

>> No.2998180

>set canvas to printer paper dimensions
>set monitor DPI
>set zoom to print size
>that can't be right
>hold up paper to monitor
>it's right


>> No.2998196
File: 797 KB, 1200x1000, 1483539628452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you ought to extend the image, it's too cramped honestly. I did a shitty doodle to show what I mean.
Also, expanding on the whole blood moon thing, maybe you could bathe the monster in red and the girl in white from the flashlight? Symbolism.

>> No.2998219

Oh my god a short while ago I decided to take a break from drawing for a day. And then the next day I did the same thing. It's been two weeks now and I I still don't have any motivation to draw anymore.
I think I burnt myself out. I'm worried it's for good.

thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.2998220
File: 2 KB, 69x66, 1469017045673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on it you fuck

>> No.2998226


>> No.2998229

But "being burnt out" is a great excuse to produce abhorrent redlines; get to work already.

>> No.2998247

How do you know when you're ready to start a web comic?

>> No.2998248

Gave me a hearty laugh, 'cause that's exactly what I did in the same situation.

It is easier to overcome than you think. Just think up idea and start drawing. Inspiring music really helps to get into it.

>> No.2998284

When you stop asking questions in /beg/.

>> No.2998289

But it's the only thread on /ic/ that isn't about dickgirls

>> No.2998294

Well, if you can draw a girl with a dick then you can draw a comic

>> No.2998311
File: 326 KB, 1000x756, 1486997039051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good way to learn? It feels like a good way to learn.

>> No.2998320

Explain this.

>> No.2998326

trace>study>draw a different pose in the same style without a reference

>> No.2998336

You've totally missed the point of what the original drawing was trying to teach you.

>> No.2998345

I'll remember to try a *similar* pose for the next then

>> No.2998348
File: 366 KB, 1000x1333, IMG_20170528_114700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2998354

Not the point but whatever.

>> No.2998357

The point is to show how musculature conforms to different poses at different angles, which a similar pose will also show. But whatever.

>> No.2998360

what do you mean by too noisy?

>> No.2998371

Too many lines going everywhere for no reason.

>> No.2998389

oh. I was using the lines for shading, sketchtoy doesn't have many colors to choose from

>> No.2998391

if you want to use lines for shading then on most objects try to keep every line in a shadow going the same direction, or else it just looks like scribbles.

>> No.2998400

I couldn't make shading with parallel lines work(they end up combining into thicker, darker lines), I think criss crossing lines would work better, but yeah the scribbles do look kind of ugly

>> No.2998418
File: 24 KB, 800x600, thisniggeristalkingstraightoutofhisass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2998421

Go ahead and hit me with your point then instead of wasting the image limit you mouthbreather.

>> No.2998426

What's the best book on head construction and drawing faces?

>> No.2998447

What sort of faces? Also, real life, generally.

>> No.2998458

Just normal human faces, don't really care what race or ethnicity or anything like that. Also I've been meaning to do a couple portrait studies everyday so I'll get on that too thanks

>> No.2998477

is it so bad that replying is a waste of time

>> No.2998535

Question: What program should i use to draw on my computer? do people normally draw with the mouse alone?

>> No.2998551

ayy lmao

>> No.2998619
File: 30 KB, 389x272, sketchii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick head i did while working

>> No.2998709
File: 106 KB, 1037x747, 20170528_153227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2998732
File: 2.03 MB, 3480x4640, IMG_20170528_214012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made eyes too high I think. Reference from William Maughan.

>> No.2998882

What species is this? Anthropomorphic giraffe? Could work then.

>> No.2999049
File: 19 KB, 515x525, I9Kz3uv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figuring out hatching and line textures with a tree. Went a bit too hard on the shading so it looks like something out out the babadook book.

>> No.2999077

like I said, all i care about was the placement of the features in the face. it was just a quick 10-15min sketch

and i'm 90% certain that i could fiddle with it for 3 hours and make it photorealistic

>> No.2999311

I like it, it's really good anon