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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 241 KB, 1920x1080, 1495285920035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2994403 No.2994403 [Reply] [Original]

Choose one:
Clip studio 5 or Photoshop CC and why ?

>> No.2994417

Clip Studio
ideal for my workflow, I can actualy afford it, after buying it I own it

>> No.2994418

I like CSP because it's cheap and does what I want it to do without being too prone to crashing.

>> No.2994423

If you're going to get Photoshop, don't get the scam that is the Cloud.

Get PS CS4 or CSP

>> No.2994430

why not CS6 which is the last one without the cloud?

Also to OP...I like both.

>> No.2994433

Get Clip Paint Studio
It's on a sale by the way, somehow it's not on the website but their twitter has a link for it

>> No.2994440

I'm assuming OP is going to buy it, considering they don't just pirate both programs and see what they like most.

CS4 being the oldest version recommended (CS3 is too outdated)

>> No.2994456

you probably want to have photoshop regardless of what you actually draw in so photoshop but not photoshop CC, certainly.

>> No.2994461

Superior japanese studio folded over 1000 times.

>> No.2994489 [DELETED] 

I used photoshop cloud and switched to CSP. At first because i was sick of their subscription model but I have grown fond of it now. I do miss some features from PS like the superior selection tool tough and I'm not as familiar with CSP yet since I haven't gone over all the feature like I did with PS.

I would recommend you CSP. PS is still an industry standard many places though for now.

>> No.2994492

I used photoshop cloud and switched to CSP. At first because i was sick of their subscription model but I have grown fond of it now. I do miss some features from PS like the superior selection tool though and I'm not as familiar with CSP yet since I haven't gone over all the feature like I did with PS.

I would recommend you CSP. PS is still an industry standard many places though for now.

>> No.2994503

Photoshop is the standard and you are pretty much required to master it or you'll find yourself in disadvantage against everybody else.

Besides photoshop, is okay to choose another tool, ClipStudio seems to be a really fine choice.

>> No.2994509

Oh nice, I should prob get it then.

I currently use Sai, would you say there's any major differences, advantages, disadvantages?

(Although I guess technically the program shouldn't matter too much, just like whatever pencil you use shouldn't matter...but you know...different tools, diff results)

>> No.2994524
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1491057055898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSP, don't be a fag

>> No.2994528

>technically the program shouldn't matter too much, just like whatever pencil you use shouldn't matter...
in reality both fucking matters

>> No.2994534

Clip Studio Paint is the new Manga Studio, right?

CSP then, by a long shot. It's superior for pretty much everything art related, painting, drawing, inking, you name it.

The only thing PS is better for is all the filters and photo-manipulation tools which you can use to give your stuff some neat finishing touches, but there's no reason you can't use both.

Still, 90% of my work is done on Manga Studio, it's just got much more fluid snd intuitive workflow. Flipping and rotating the canvas is super easy, the brushes and pens FEEL and WORK like their real life counter parts, there's so much. Since I started with Manga Studio I haven't really gone back to Photoshop, and I wish I'd started with Manga Studio, as coming from traditional, 90% of my problems with Photoshop was translating my traditional knowledge/experience onto digital, and failing to do so properly. With MS, I can simulate the traditional feel to digital work almost identically, with the added benefit of ctrl+z and the lasso and transform tools.

It's no contest. I don't understand the Photoshop meme most digital artists cling to. It's a TERRIBLE program for drawing/painting.

I also don't recommend Corel Painter to anyone. It's a nice program, and I wanted to love it, but I had a lot of issues, and frequent crashes with it. And I'm working with an i5 Companion 2 with upgraded RAM.

CSP/MS can pretty much do anything you need, especially as you customize it. Any traditional experience translates seamlessly into it. My experience at least.

>> No.2994550

I need some help/advice/opinions.

So... I'm relatively new to animating. I've been dicking around in it for years, but essentially all I do is wireframe humans frame by frame and smash it all together in movie maker. It's nice to see how things flow, like a little test run, but I'm about to get serious with a series and I have no fucking idea where to begin with software. If anyone can give me a recommendation, I'd gladly appreciate it. Series has a lot of environmental movement and action, like the background needs to be moving while the foreground is its own separate layer. I have no issue drawing frame by frame for the foreground, I've been doing it for years and I'm actually pretty good at it.

I'm not destitute, but I'm not rich. What's out there that's affordable and good for something like that? I keep getting lost in a sea of shitty software and false downloads...

>> No.2994551


CS4 doesn't allow you to apply clipping masks to folders (We use CS4 at work) and it drives me CRAZY. My vote is for CS6 if you can afford it.

>> No.2994556

CSP. Btw, it's on sale for over 50% on Amazon. Make sure you get the digital download copy because the physical copy will bring up the price with shipping and tax.

>> No.2994558
File: 138 KB, 538x442, 1493689756462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's gay where's the crack

>> No.2994558,1 [INTERNAL] 

Clip studio doesn't crash as often as PS. EX if you want to use it to make animations longer than 1 second, if not get PRO.

>> No.2994721

Have you tried Clip Studio 5? If not they have a free trial for both versions.

>> No.2994906

not into animation myself, but isn't OpenToonz supposed to be a professional tool used by the best 2d animation companies there are, which also happens to be open source?

>> No.2995041

Funny you ask that. I was wondering tge same thing. I asked the animation thread, and they said it was a terrible program though.

>> No.2995237

clip studio
Because it's better for lineart which is my biggest strength.

>> No.2995262


new fag

>> No.2995290

Every decent lineartist ive ever met all agree that photoshop is the true compass of your ability to do lineart

everything else is babypussy tier

>> No.2995303

Learn both

>> No.2995307

clip studio for blending and shading and animating. photoshop for everything else

>> No.2995352

I'm pretty sure that pens are the true compass of your ability to do lineart

>> No.2995358
File: 555 KB, 3300x3140, 1493814621936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>photoshop is the true compass of your ability to do lineart

>> No.2995446

I changed to CSP like 2 months ago.
I used to use Sai until it died on me.
Overall, pretty good.
Some advantages compared to Sai.
1. Line tool.
2. More shortcuts.
3. Free resources to save time.
4. 3D posing.
5. Some filters, not as many as photoshop. No artistic ones either.
6. Much more stable than Sai.
7. More settings and customisation for brushes.
1. Slightly laggy, I need to use High performance on laptop to make it lag-free.

It's good investment to upgrade from Sai to CSP

>> No.2995469

The only thing PS has right now is
>Noise brush option
That's all. I hope CSP will get noise in future

>> No.2995482


What do you mean by "noise brush option"?

>> No.2995514
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, perspective ruler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clip Studio Paint hands down,
not to say it's objectively a better program, just the better program for my needs.

Spent years with Paint Tool Sai, which was incredibly simple - both it's strength and weakness (limited functions, but fuss-free painting, pure and simple)

Because of this, my first endeavors with Photoshop were very intimidating. I appreciate that Photoshop just has THAT many different controls/features that it has to be rather complicated and often fiddly.

I did get frustrated with Sai at times though; not being able to draw perspective grids, or play with curves, color balance, blur, have many different layer modes.

I've only recently begun to use it (grabbed for $15 on sale), but Clip Studio Paint is the perfect middle ground between Photoshop (which I have to add, took forever for my computer to start and save) and Sai. The perspective ruler tool is fucking great, and the 3d customisable models - from people, to objects to scenes - and the community resources cloud are all great. It has all I need - layer modes, blur, adjustment layers, so it's all I need. And feels more intuitive than Photoshop somehow.

That said, I do still have Photoshop CC; there's actually an easy fix to get around paying which is why I still have it.

>> No.2995517


Anime weeb fags that likes to copy the same anime style over and over through centuries:
then choose Clip studio

Pretty much everything from photography, to painting, scanning, concept art, idea creation, etc
then choose photoshop

>> No.2995521

I've seen a lot of reviews with people saying Huion tablets don't work well with Clip Studio. Is that true, or are they just typical tech illiterate retards?

>> No.2995527
File: 43 KB, 640x375, 3cute5u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the tool determines the content the user produces

>> No.2995549

Yes retard that's why there are different tools.

>> No.2995559
File: 34 KB, 433x480, 1494747607388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a magic pencil that can only draw anime

>> No.2995588

I know this is a famous meme copy pasta and I'm pretty sure that first reply to the copy pasta is supposed to be the generic follow up to the copy pasta, maybe even the reaction image but I'm not sure. I wasn't here for a year though, anyone can confirm?

>> No.2995592

I know that this is yet another famous meme copy pasta pasted in reply to the former famous meme copy pasta and I'm pretty sure that this reply is supposed to be the generic follow up to the copy pasta. I'm here all the time, but can anyone confirm?

>> No.2995637
File: 47 KB, 736x538, 37643f4d11a7d3481311f011ed9f63a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but I have a few questions:

1.) How much is CSP?
2.) Is it a pay by the month thing?
3.) Can drawing tablets be used to draw with it?

>> No.2995643

just google it you fucking retard
1. 200 bucks a month
2. yes
3. no. kill yourself

>> No.2995645
File: 185 KB, 500x644, 1494976460894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can people like this exist on 4chan? Don't even deny that you are underage.

>> No.2995651

1. CSP EX Goes on sale for $80 quite regularly

2. It is not pay by the month which is a definite plus

3. I was told all my life that there's no such thing as a stupid question. I was told wrong. Of course you can you silly ass nigga

CSP is great. Chalk brush a best, flat marker a second best.

>> No.2995653

either that or an old fart who is completely and utterly technologically illiterate, which would actually be cute desu

kill yourself you spoonfeeding scum

>> No.2995661
File: 1.38 MB, 320x256, le disapproving dad face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my balls you babydicked teenage twinktard.

>> No.2995670
File: 53 KB, 385x309, 1490143604024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want me to suck your balls? sorry but I am not a faggot like you are.

Really though, don't encourage people who ask questions that take literally 5 seconds to find the answer to on google kek

>> No.2995681

CSP is really good and has the advantages of an interface designed with drawing in mind as opposed to photoshop where it's just sort of something that happened on the side. the vector layers make inking far less of a headache. it lacks some of the versatility of PS which is to be expected

biggest complaints are:
>color picker is inconsistent
>animation timeline is locked to 24 frames unless you pay an extra 100 bucks to upgrade

also on a more subjective level, the brush customization is cool but i can't find simple brushes that do what i want consistently like my PS brushes did.

>> No.2995690

>I don't understand the Photoshop meme most digital artists cling to. It's a TERRIBLE program for drawing/painting.
Legit question, why is it terrible? i mean i know it doesn't have a proper color wheel, or line stabiliser (which is fine by me tb h)

>> No.2995701

1.) I'm 18 years old going to be 19 in July
2.) I'm on my laptop all the time, I'm not technologically illiterate cause I'm new to Adobe CC and CSP. Jesus, Christ, you people are elitists, no wonder people hate this board.

Dear >>2995670:
>>2995661 Isn't me.

Everyone on this board is mentally retarded and falls for bait easily, lol.

>> No.2995715

1.) Don't call other people mentally retarded when you got confused and accidentally typed those questions into 4chan instead of google. Not to mention realizing that I am fully aware that >>2995661 is not you. Literally nothing implies that the post could even be you. Dumb lol
2.) You might need to take a couple steps back and hang yourself if you consider us elitists for gaffing at your definitely technologically illiterate questions
3.) I really like telling people to kill themselves because nobody loves me
4.) This weird list thing you do is cute

>> No.2995936

check PS brush settings

>> No.2995980

I've noticed on Clip Studio that a lot of the built-in brushes seem to have aliasing effects even with anti-aliasing maxed out for that brush. Is there some option that I'm overlooking to correct this?

>> No.2995996
File: 1.56 MB, 1428x2000, Poster 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the color wheel for photoshop from someone else, I can't remember where. That's not my issue.

Inking and penciling was the most glaring thing that stood out to me on PS. Pic related was inked on Photoshop. It's really bad for that, and the program is also prone to glitching up, and detecting opacity when it shouldn't etc...

Other minor things, like Undo is only one undo, you gotta go back in the history to move back various steps. On Manga Studio, I just press the button I mapped to undo, and it goes back as much as I want.

The inking tools and penciling tools in MS are also MUCH better. They actually FEEL like their traditional counterparts, and you also have a bunch of presents for various different types of pens and markers, all of which you can customize to your preference. Penciling also, FEELS like an actual pencil on paper, just on how the program interprets how you apply pressure, on PS, it always feels off, like a cheap imitation. On Manga Studio, I'm able to imitate the traditional look and feel of stuff almost 1:1, and it's very intuitive. On PS, everything always looks digital, it's too perfect.

The Ruler, Holy fuck the ruler. Try doing urban environments on PS, it's a fucking hassle. The shortcut rule there is incredibly clumsy, the one in MS is super intuitive, you can switch from freehand to straight perfect lines by holding shift, and they all come out perfectly, and it's super easy to work it.

It's just a bunch of little nuanced stuff that ultimate adds up in the long run. MS does a much better job imo, at imitating what it's like to work in traditional, so you're able to do a lot more, very intuitively, PS on the other hand, always feels like you're wrestling with the program to get it to do what you want.

And that's not even getting into nifty stuff like perspective rulers or other stuff you can use (cause I don't use it).

>> No.2996006
File: 2.07 MB, 1785x2500, Pompadour Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison, pic related was inked in Manga Studio like, 4 months later.

Ignore the changes in style, and etc.. and just pay attention to the lines themselves, notice the drastic difference between them, and how much more crisp the lines are?

This kind of crispness is much harder to do in PS, and it takes a lot of extra work to get the same feeling. On MS, it's as natural as doing it on paper.

Some guy here said that PS is the ultimate measuring tool of your pen abilities, I fully disagree. Idk how using a tool that limits your capacity to work properly is in any way beneficial. On the contrary, Photoshop will in fact make you WORSE at inking as you'll always be wrestling with it to get it to do what you want, and it'll never offer the same degree of flexibility that MS offers. My experience at least.

Also the brushes. You got watercolor brushes in MS that simulate the look and feel really well, and oils, and acrylics, and FUCKING Copic Markers too. Plus, you can also customize the watercolor brushes to simulate the authentic look for watercolors PERFECTLY.


Like, that degree of authenticity is in my experience, impossible to simulate in PS, at least to my knowledge.

It's just a really flexible program in comparison. PS is CLEARLY not made for drawing/painting.

>> No.2996007

Download trial version. Look at brush settings and all those curves. For texture, for everything.

>> No.2996008

Actually, looking at the top one, that's not the one I wanted to share, as that's not the properly inked one. What happened was that I wound up deleting the old inking after redoing it on Manga Studio, but I don't have it.

Also, trip came off cause I had to come over to my comp to dig up these images, derp.

>> No.2996010

Go to your pen presets, click on the button with three dots in a triangle formation. Dick around with randomness.

>> No.2996021
File: 2 KB, 227x222, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people hate CC?

>> No.2996024

You'd have to be a retard or a casual to choose Photoshop

>> No.2996028

it's the windows 10 of photoshop,also for some reason people think the subscription model is worse then paying $1200 like you used to.

>> No.2996037

I am happy, as I got CC free with my Uni course. How on earth is it worse than, say, CS3?

>> No.2996043
File: 8 KB, 250x247, 1484757497575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that CSP has 3D models that you can position then trace over to pretend like you know proportions and anatomy

>> No.2996053

Yeah, but they're presets. It's not very flexible. You're much better off buying an art doll, taking photos, and using that as ref instead.

Like, using those for your stuff is the art equivalent of what that Yandere Dev dude did for his main protagonist in his game.

>> No.2996057

They're not presets. They're orthographic 3D models. You can bend all the joints however you want.

>> No.2996067
File: 57 KB, 276x256, 1483844830985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not like your incompetence as an artist isn't going to show if you do do that

>> No.2996069

Yeah, dude. Try it. Good luck

>> No.2996073

I'm not endorsing the "feature", it's just that a lot of the garbage you see out there suddenly makes more sense

>> No.2996079
File: 33 KB, 389x431, 1484788390283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, you're right

>> No.2996084

Alright thanks for answering
Up to this point i would usually just ignore people who talked trash about because (other than the fact that it was always related to the lack of line stabilizer) it seemed like it was speech out of hate
I guess i'll download a trial version of cps and try it out. but if i was to be honest, i don't think Photoshop lines are even near as bad as people on this board say.
Then again i won't loose anything for trying, so thanks

>> No.2996085

Clip studio.

I have both, photoshop is a slow, obtrusive piece of shit I only ever use for post processing.

>> No.2996089

Do you have a blog that you would be willing to share? I'm really digging the picture.

>> No.2996094
File: 219 KB, 470x932, csp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guise I'm a pro artist now

>> No.2996095


that's not how wrists work

>> No.2996096

wow you really got the 3d model look down. i'm not sure why you would draw a 3d model instead of just taking a picture of one, but hey, pretty neat still.

>> No.2996106
File: 136 KB, 645x1242, 1447391533854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, if it actually had basic primitives like cubes and spheres, and positional light sources, that actually could be a useful learning tool.

>> No.2996111

You could do a quick render in something like Blender and copy-paste it in your drawing program of choice, if you would really want that.

>> No.2996112

Oh, never tried that.

Still, I find digital dolls too clumsy to work with.

>> No.2996120

Yeah, but since the bloat functionality is already in there it'd be easy enough for them to just add primitives.

>> No.2996123

I'd say look at the work of Yoshikadu if you wanna see what exemplary linework on MS is like. I'm nowhere near as good as he is, so I'm not properly showing off what I mean.

But yeah, just trying it out, you'll instantly FEEL what I mean, especially coming from traditional.

>> No.2996127


You can find me mostly on Insta and Tumblr. I'll be posting the colored version of it next week once I finish some commision work.

>> No.2996130

>i don't think Photoshop lines are even near as bad as people on this board say

Most people here don't make their own custom brushes or even download/pirate/buy other people's custom brushes, so they're basing that either on PS's default pencil or just repeating what they heard other people say

Use a good brush and install the Lazy Nezumi plugin and PS is a AAA linework tool used by major studios

>> No.2996142

Also, people here are probably obsessing too much over digital painting programs for the wrong reasons. PS isn't necessarily the industry standard because of its capabilities, it's the industry standard because of its guaranteed long term support.

If you're a company like Blizzard and you're incorporating a 3rd party application into your development toolchain, probably developing a lot of in-house plugins and brushes and shit, training employees in it, writing standardization protocols, etc... you want to make sure it's an application that's going to be around for as long as you are.

A home user doesn't need to worry about anything like that. They can change a tool whenever and lose nothing. Pretty much everyone here should focus on whatever meets their particular needs and makes financial sense to use.

>> No.2996150
File: 148 KB, 640x480, ggry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is wrong with Painter, you fag. Works fine on my machine. Saying you don't recommend it at all is ludicrous.

>> No.2996156

corel painter also barely works on my machine, i like it though, i would probably use it if it worked

>> No.2996181

>the upgrade option doesn't work

Shouldn't it be $60 instead of $87 if you're upgrading from pro to EX? It's been these prices on celsys' website everytime. Should I just wait until they decide to do a sale again?

>> No.2996186

>PS isn't necessarily the industry standard because of its capabilities, it's the industry standard because of its guaranteed long term support.
It's both.

Photoshop is a very capable tool, especially if you know how to take advantage of its photo-editing components.

>> No.2996193

People in Japan have freedom to choose programs. Well in Cygames at leats

>> No.2996456
File: 10 KB, 215x41, 9c928225aa9a75db3281f2b3da6d44e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I mean. s'been workin fine for me

>> No.2996530
File: 32 KB, 572x303, 1447379211629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of digital painting, is there anything like a wireless controller you can hold in your offhand with hotkeys and stuff for controlling the app? It'd be a million times more comfortable than a keyboard and you'd save a lot of desk space.

I've looked at gaming peripherals but the one handed stuff doesn't usually have many buttons.

>> No.2996532
File: 32 KB, 600x358, IMG_2005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wacom makes one actually.

>> No.2996538

I was thinking more like something you actually hold in your hand with an ergonomic design. The Wacom remote is more for clipping on to your Cintiq or your desk or something, you can't really just grip it in your hand and access all the buttons.

>> No.2996553
File: 373 KB, 600x600, IMG_2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't clip one on to a cintiq. A cintiq already has one built in. This is aimed at surface pro and non direct screen users.
It looks fine to grip from pictures. You can't access all the buttons on a cintiq either, you have to slide your hand. I don't know why you'd be doing more than using the rocker ring most of the time anyway.
Either way this is the closest thing you'll find on the market.

>> No.2996558
File: 38 KB, 758x530, ShowImage.ashx?id=322589&h=530&w=758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something you hold in your hand with the same amount of shortcuts as your keyboard?

I don't think they make that but maybe you could try out a 3d mouse or gaming mouse? They sometimes got a ton of buttons and you could have one in your lap.

>> No.2996561

It's literally advertised as a Cintiq accessory that's also compatible with other devices.

>> No.2996573
File: 21 KB, 250x350, IMG_2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not, it's advertised as compatible with cintiq and intuos because that's their main products. Just because it's compatible with a cintiq doesn't mean it's designed with cintiq users in mind.
Cintiq users already have this, they are not going to Frankenstein another useless device to their tablet when it already has the same capabilities built in.

>> No.2996631

What about Photoshop CS6. Also shit ?

>> No.2996854

Last time it was $87 too if I remember correctly, no idea really.

>> No.2997183

>my work is done on Manga Studio

Blog ?

>> No.2997216

One of the things I miss the most in Clip Studio is the lack of color dynamics as in PS. You can have a foreground/background color jitter, but no hue /saturation jitter

>> No.2997232

Corel Painter.

>> No.2997268

Fuck you, losers. Photoshop CC is best. Sakimichan work on CC.

>> No.2997268,1 [INTERNAL] 

veronica saori wohlin