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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 152 KB, 1243x643, showstyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2993312 No.2993312 [Reply] [Original]

lets do this

>> No.2993321

Let's do nothing. You won't get your free art...
Work your "style" if you want an improved version of your art!

>> No.2993324

it's not even a big deal, your so cold at heart.

Why can't you let people express themselves and actually motivate them to make art?

>> No.2993327

You must be fun at parties.

>> No.2993367

to be fair i don't think anyone wants this board to get filled with these threads.
They are against the rules anyways? aren't they?

>> No.2993376

it rides the line between "asking for free work" and "an interactive thread for fellow artists"

>> No.2993380

The thing I feel like is if they really get outta control we need to put some filter in it, maybe if the OC has something interesting in it like some shadowplay, some proportion or pespective/foreshortening in it or if the design is something unique and non-cancerous

I want say create a general. But generals are cancer which kill the motivation and eventually people just keep shitting around each other on their own little space

Maybe we should just don't feed the bad ones, as long as someone doesn't draw their shitty OC the thread will eventually die

I really have mixed feelings, for a side those threads are productive and thats good I love them, but if people just come here to post their OCs 24/7 then we have a problem

>> No.2993381

Isnt this usually just bait/shitposting. Since when are people using this for free art.

>> No.2993386

are you calling the oc in this tread cancerous?

>> No.2993392
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 1478059621585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literally stop, you either are underage or retard.

This OC is trash in every possible way, not only the proportions and perspective are grossly bad, but the design hurts my eyes there is nothing pleasurable to look at, I have seem a lot of beginner work in my life and this doesn't even look like beginner tier it literally looks like someone just drew outta their asses their oc from their rpg-fanfic and what boggles me most is how you did this on a fucking tablet, there is people outta there with so many skill using just paper, you have a tablet but you can't get yourself the minimum self-discipline to make a decent looking oc? did you at least tried to make guidelines or construction? did you even sketched this shit?

I am all for productive threads, but this is where we cross the fucking line.

>> No.2993395
File: 38 KB, 400x500, attemp3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this also.

Maybe your just exaggerating a tad don't you think?

>> No.2993402

Yea, I agree with >>2993392 even tho he was more harsh than necessary

See I also believe a lot in how important is the presentation/how you word yourself, just like giving critique, you can ask for /ic/ to draw with you as long as you are not painfully obvious and in-your-face

After that tho >>2993395 I'm almost sure this guy is baiting us, he probably hates these kind of threads so this is making this cancer thread to trigger us to report all threads

next level shitposting

>> No.2993405

After those two jabs at my art, I'm now convinced I must be mentally deficient in some way.

Thanks for that, now I have less reason to live.

>> No.2993424

First off, don't bring your pity part into this, your mental health has nothing to do with what we're discussing. Everyone knows there's passionately aggressive ppl on 4chan.

Obviously being bad at art doesn't make you retarded, it means you're untrained. Have you looked up human proportions? or poses? Try looking up what you're interested in, then practice it. It takes a long time to train your arm muscles and brain muscles to be good at art. You need the time and discipline, and probably some inspiration.

>> No.2993425

Ok I'm gonna bite

If you honestly are that bad, just apply basic fundamentals like construction, I swear to you it will look a lot better, also draw every single day, as much as you don't want its all about practice you can't get mechanical skill by theorycrafting, talent is a meme talented people just learn faster but this doesn't mean they never sucked hardcore before

If anything separate some pieces you think look good and inspire yourself from them, try to mimic their style at a certain level and eventually you add things of your own into it

watch this video if you can I guarantee you it will help in many aspects in your life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACYHERGmais

I'm honestly believing you aren't baiting me anon and when you eventually come back to post on /ic/ people will talk shit again, but don't take it so hard everybody takes shit on /ic/ the final decision to take a critique as important or not is up to you

>> No.2993427

Off yourself already

>> No.2993432

Don't be so dense just like the autists who scream ''wahhh you can't just draw other people's drawing'' you can't be sad when people refuse to draw your garbage shitty oc everybody here draws whatever the fuck they feel like it

>> No.2993454
File: 256 KB, 1243x643, 1495681779108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2993470

Don't sweat it lad, /ic/ is like the Marine corps of art forums except without the impressive results but once you get with the program you'll be all the better for it. If you want actual decent critiques i suggest the /beg/ thread.

>> No.2993471
File: 561 KB, 2486x1286, 1495671775358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2993481

dammit this reminds me of a sculptor whose name i never remember when i am reminded of him and i hate that, fuck you.

>> No.2993485

It's not that, It's just I've dealt with this before. I'm always getting said that I'm bating, that I'm a troll, that I'm not even trying.

Believe me, I am trying as hard as I can.

Why would I waste my time trolling people online, what exact fruition I would get from doing this? It literally doesn't make sense.

I'm just having a hard time.

>> No.2993493
File: 164 KB, 1243x643, 1495681779108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2993494


>> No.2993543

Is it okay to draw this one...or am I going to be told off like in the last thread with the red clothing girl?

>> No.2993547

Do whatever you want man

>> No.2993587

Ego depletion studies got fucked a while ago, it's not a thing. Still a decent video.

>> No.2993667

I get not wanting the board full of these threads but what is wrong with it, we are here to practice and these are a good way to get people drawing.

>> No.2993673

These threads only work if OP has no ego, is humble, and an absolute beginner.

>> No.2993686
File: 65 KB, 565x751, 1494369072119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be 18+ to post in this site.

>> No.2993702

It only just occured to me that this is a joke image and not a real book about drawing anime.

This tells a lot about existing books about drawing anime.

>> No.2993711

Just post in /i/. /i/ is made for casual/fun threads, and no one is (usually) going to trash your art unless you specifically ask for critique.

That being said, don't totally dismiss critique, and don't take it personally.

>> No.2993723
File: 128 KB, 1243x643, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was getting an 80s vibe from OPs hair so I just went with it. I also couldn't get the shrug to feel idgaf enough.

>> No.2993733
File: 52 KB, 388x500, 51166TNTG2L[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a real book they (one of the largest book publishers in the world) sold to actual children

>> No.2993747
File: 33 KB, 143x144, tmp_8928-1494547956635369189317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright if you don't want to draw for free. But let others practice, you no fun allowed faggot. It's not like anything drawn here is masterpiece that you would pay for.

>> No.2993748

That's fucking rad, reminds me of Ghoul School a little

>> No.2993750

Looks interesting, got a blog?

>> No.2993757

Jesus fucking christi

>> No.2993760
File: 31 KB, 246x320, 5106KRE5X9L._AC_UL320_SR246,320_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the follow up, after you've mastered the first one's step by step instructions on drawing triangles.

>> No.2993773

>I'm still a beginner but someone who is infinitely worse than me made it
Time to pick up blacksmithing

>> No.2993777

I had the first one like 15 years ago and I've literally never heard of her doing anything other than those two books. I wouldn't feel too bad about it.

>> No.2993807

Actually, she made two more books, one being another drawing book titled "How to Make Manga Characters" which is published by Collins Big Cat. It's not as memeably atrocious as her first two, but it's still on the level of those shitty "How 2 Drew Manger Gud For The Absolute Beginner X3" you'll find at art stores (I'm looking at you, Christopher Hart, you talentless fucking hack). The other is an actual comic, published again by Collins Big Cat, called "In The Game", which is more of the same mediocre shit.

She has a website, ktcoope.com, where she apparently does illustration and design work on commission. Though nothing outstanding, her current artwork is reasonably decent and mostly competent.
There are no mentions of her previous work on the site, and she seems to keep on the down low everywhere else.

>> No.2993821

I agree with the other anons. These threads should be moved to >>>/i/ so people won't get butthurt over it.

>> No.2993929
File: 377 KB, 1243x642, warrior girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know that everyone is all angry and stuff...but had fun anyways, so here we go.

>> No.2993933

Totally Radical Dude.

>> No.2994049
File: 360 KB, 1243x643, 1495681779108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2994209

Looking fantastic. Thick. Solid. Tight. Keep it up.

>> No.2994224
File: 864 KB, 1972x1020, medusa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I uhh got carried away. Pretty surprised with the result.

>> No.2994285
File: 234 KB, 1243x643, vdfvgrdgvrdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried to put in as much effort drawing this as you did

>> No.2994299


>> No.2994379

I don't have a name on /ic/

>> No.2994401

>/ic/'s so shit people don't even want to advertise themselves here

>> No.2994408
File: 74 KB, 400x400, 1463396841400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you draw the pen

>> No.2994447
File: 141 KB, 1243x658, yufl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2994449

i assume because it's cute that the little sword chick is fighting the artist, oui?

>> No.2994452

Okay, that's the second time I got that comment...is it a meme or something?

>> No.2994607

Joan Miró?

>> No.2994619
File: 213 KB, 442x697, lil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I still have these. I will never get rid of them. I ordered them in the early 2000s, when I was a child, and I thought they were comic books instead of how to draw books.They're not good guides, looking back on them with adult objectivity, but they gave me an actual passion to draw at, like, 8 years of age.

Pic related, it's my work from early 2015. Since age seems to matter on this board, I was 19. I'm animating now, so I don't do this style often. Trying to get an actual series off the ground within a couple of years, wish me luck.

>> No.2994629

no, good guess though

>> No.2994666

looks pretty good

>> No.2994672
File: 299 KB, 1243x643, hate this meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres like 5 artists in /ic/

>> No.2994790
File: 96 KB, 1366x685, ppppp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lowkey like these threads because i havent drawn with my tablet in forever and theyre helping me get back into it

>> No.2994795

I like this

>> No.2995601

Keep us updated with new pics for motivation, wanna see how freakin' huge and thick you can get

>> No.2995657

Going to be honest, I don't mean to be rude, but might come across as it...still new here (well, kind of) so still learning how interactions usually work.

I don't know if you're just a super happy person with an expressive vocabulary who actually likes my thing, or sarcastically mocking how badly I draw. My work is far from good anyways. 8C

>> No.2995664

Lol I'm the same guy from the last thread, I'm just being very funny and randumz lOL

I like it, not bad at all. Keep it up

>> No.2995832

Got any examples of animation/art? I'm a lover of the moving image, especially if it's hand drawn.

>> No.2995870

this book fucked up my start to drawing

>> No.2996218
File: 416 KB, 942x900, 6151515641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing atm, but I am working on things. A few years back when I was a teenager and stupid, I thought I could do it all and wanted to make a full out series. Like 20 min long episodes. Because I was dumb. Some serious voice talent applied for the series when I put up the ad, I think about 150 people sent in auditions. Shit went down, though, and my health got pretty bad. Physical, and consequentially mental. I pulled a full retard and just disappeared without contacting anyone or telling anyone what was up. Some voice actors bailed on me, and the people who were supposed to do the music (a local band) never contacted me when they were supposed to, so the whole thing fell apart immediately after casting.

Would like to get something a little more manageable set up. Maybe a few 5-10 minute long shorts that set things up before gathering up a team to go full ham. People seemed to really be interested in the premise (criminals doing criminal things) and I've tweaked a couple of things so who knows.

Right now I'm setting up a few mock-stock shots for purposes of showing talent and trying to get people interested. I desperately need exposure, so once I get everything the way I like it I'm going to shill the fuck out of it (in appropriate threads...?). In the meantime, have a section of a picture I did last year that never made it past the final cuts. I draw more or less the same way now for animations.

>> No.2996235
File: 27 KB, 600x488, d6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah a lot of those how to draw books aimed at kids teach you really bad fundamentals. I see people shocked that little kids can draw well but it's always if they have a good teacher.

>> No.2996861

nah, i like /ic/ i just don't post often since i don't really look for feedback, i know what to work on. i think it's great for aimless artists starting out and those who're on a level where they can finish full illustrations and have a hard time critiquing themselves. /ic/ is good for what it is, just don't forget to have fun drawing

i don't have a blog, i draw for myself

i dunno, i felt like it

>> No.2997893


>> No.2998096
File: 668 KB, 1243x643, 1495681779108l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am humble sketchman, pls no flamerino ><'

yeah right I would like to hear any criticism, good or bad- I know I messed up on some stuff but I am tired and wanted to finish it since I've recently been interested in these types of threads...

>> No.2998171

I like her thiccness. Don't be lazy with the head, the pose didn't really call for a 3/4 view.

>> No.2998412

Mang you put way too much effort for this shitpost of an OP

>> No.2998424

>make your style my style thread
>Gets deleted after three posts telling me to kill myself
>This one is still up
What the...
I didn't even know ic had jannies

>> No.2998429


>> No.2998434

Just thinking the same thing. I had a pretty good basis doing >>2993454 for that thread

>> No.2998441

LIfe is funny

>> No.2998443

I like this picture, what is the story?

>> No.2999074
File: 931 KB, 900x1045, Bear Arms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never post

>> No.2999271

Yo that's actually really good. And i rarely say that about anything on /ic/

Do you have a place where you post your art?

>> No.2999539
File: 1.08 MB, 1600x900, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In which a crazy blonde crime lord, her older brother, and a group of roadless degenerates do illegal things. Artwork's not perfect (how does shading even), but it's what I can do with the experience/materials I have. All about getting better, I suppose.